Cubitos - Tutorial & Full Playthrough

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welcome to the junkets games tutorial for kubitos in this video i'll be teaching you the rules to the game as we are playing it and we are going to go through one full game today now i would like to mention that the only reason this video is being made is because it won the monthly poll that is voted on by the patreon supporters of the channel now you can learn more about that by going to patreon.comgames and i do hope that you would consider directly supporting the channel through that campaign if you enjoy videos just like this one i'd also like to ask that if you end up enjoying this video that you please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel alright let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for our three different players now before i start i would like to ask that you please turn on the klingon subtitles i might make mistakes as i'm showing you the game and those will let me put corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game now at its heart this is a racing game and out here in the middle of the table we have the track now this is called nothing goes right and on the back of this there is another map in fact the game comes with a couple other of these tracks that you can see over here that have a wide variety of different icons and abilities on them today we are using this one over here and the game will end as soon as any one player has completed one full lap around the track now the game itself is split up into a number of rounds and within each round much of what we are going to be doing will happen simultaneously with our opponents now what we will all do is roll our dice and we are going to keep rolling our dice until we either decide to stop or until we bust when we bust that means we don't actually get to use any of the faces on the dice that we rolled and i'll explain how we bust later on but you can certainly risk things trying to get more and more die faces after that happens we are going to use the effects on the die faces that we rolled in order to move around the track as well as gain buying power and that buying power will let us purchase new dice that will go into our discard pile and whenever we run out of dice in our draw area we pull all the dice from our discard pile into our draw area where we can then roll those dice as well so as the game goes on we are going to build a more complicated and varied set of dice in our pool by purchasing these out here and as you can see each of these dice have a variety of effects associated with them in fact the game comes with seven different effects for each of these different colored dice types and you only use one out of the seven each time you play so that will certainly vary how one game plays compared to the next the next thing i'd like to point out is the fact that this track has a variety of different icons on it and when you land on one of those you then get the ability that is listed and it is worth noting that this is the simplest track some of the other tracks have even more effects and abilities that might let you teleport around or activate jetpacks to go even faster than normal the final thing i'd like to mention in the overview is the fan track up here every time you land on a flag out here on the board you will go up once on that track and every time you bust which means you don't get to use the dice that you rolled in that round you will still go up once on the fan track and there are a variety of benefits on this track like gaining credits which you can use to buy more dice as well as gaining these draw tokens which permanently increase the number of dice that you can roll each round for the rest of the game now there is obviously quite a bit going on in the game overall and i'll talk about all of these things in detail as we bump into them and at this point i do think it's time to start playing the game now for today's tutorial we are going to be playing as the white player over here and we can now start the first round by rolling dice as you can see each player has one of these tokens that explain the details of the two phases of the round the first phase is the roll phase and the second phase is the run phase now this phase is going to happen simultaneously we are all going to draw our dice then we will roll them and we will potentially re-roll them until we bust or stop and once we have all busted or stopped we can move on to the next phase so let's talk about the roll phase in more detail by focusing down over here as you can see our board is split up into four different areas and at the start we have these nine dice in the draw area now during the draw phase we are going to take dice from the draw area equal to our draw value and at the start of the game that is nine so as you can see that means we can take all nine of our dice and we are going to put them into our rolling area and this arrow shows you that the rolling area is actually on top of your player board now this means we're going to roll all nine of these dice and if we had more dice left over over here we would then use them later on in the future round or potentially in this round using some various abilities now in this case we're just going to roll these nine but we also have this die here now this is the starting player die and it does not count as a die for the purpose of the draw amount that you can take each round this is going to pass clockwise to the next player so that means as the starting player we effectively roll this one as a bonus well speaking of rolling it's now time for us to roll all of the dice that we have in our area so let's see how we do now as you can see most of the dice that we rolled have a blank and that is not too surprising these light gray dice only have a single face on them there's a one coin there and the rest are blank and the dark gray ones have two faces on them with a foot and that coin over there but then there are four blank sides this larger first player die has stuff on three out of the six faces so in this case we rolled just two faces with icons on them and now we can take all of the dice that show something and place them into our active area once this happens we now have the decision whether we want to push or pass now when you push that means you simply re-roll all of the dice that were blank in the previous roll and if we roll all these dice and all of them are blank then we will bust as long as we have at least three dice in our active area as you can see we just have two dice in our active area so that means we are not at a risk of busting just yet so there is no reason not to re-roll all of these dice in this case we only rolled one new face so we can place that into our active area and now we can once again decide if we want to push or not since we do have three dice in our active area that means if we push and then all of these dice are blank that means we will bust and we cannot roll anymore now if we decide to push and bust then we will lose access to that for buying power which is certainly not something that i'd like to have happen now that being said this is a bunch of dice and even though most of these just have a hit on one of their faces two of these have a hit on two of their faces so there is an argument to be made for pushing our luck a little bit you know what let's try our luck one more time and it looks like we got one more face this one flew off the camera but it was a blank so we can add this over here and i think that was a little bit risky let's now pass now when you pass you simply flip this board over to show that you are ready for the run phase and once all of the players have flipped over their player aid to the run phase we can then start that phase so that means we have to wait until all of our opponents are ready all right it looks like we are all done and nobody busted in this first round of the game this means we can now move into the run phase and technically this can happen in player order we are the starting player because we have this starting player die right here but realistically this can usually be done simultaneously when playing with other players but for this tutorial i will be showing it in player order well we get to start and as you can see the first part of the run phase is step four for the overall round the first three steps were part of the roll phase now in step four we are going to use any abilities that show up on the dice that are in our active area those abilities can come into play when you see special faces like that one there but obviously at this point we don't have any of those abilities on these dice now the next thing that we do is we resolve our swords now swords only show up on the red dice and i will talk about the details of how swords work once at least one player has purchased a red die now that means we can move on to the last part of step four which says we determine our total number of buying power as well as feet in this case we don't have any feet showing up and we do have five buying power and we can now move into the step five where we can move now in this step we are going to spend our feet to move our racer out on the track but as you can see we don't have any feet but that being said we can also spend for buying power to gain a foot as many times as we want so with this five buying power we could technically move forward once but i think we want to save our buying power for purchasing dice so we are not going to move it all in this first round that means we can move it into the sixth step where we can buy new dice and the way this works is we can purchase up to two different dice and they do have to be different colors if we purchase two dice in order to do this we have to glance over here where you can see there are eight different colored dice that we can purchase now on each of the cards which detail their effects there is also a price in the top corner and i have organized these from lowest price all the way up to highest price that dancing dyno costs 12 buying power whereas the bench warmer down here just costs two now again we can purchase up to two dice so with our five buying power we could buy a bench warmer and a muggles because that would be three plus two or five but i think what we actually want to do is purchase this up to 11 green die here as you can see that does cost five buying power so we can spend all five of our buying power to purchase this die now there is an effect on here as you can see there are actually two different areas the top one says active and that means while you have this shield side showing up on this die in your active area of your board you can use this ability now this says if you push you may first take this die from the active area and then roll it with the rest of the dice now what that means is as you can see this die has three faces and three blanks so by adding this back into the dice that are rolled you have a 50 50 chance of rolling a face which means you are not going to bust so that means having this die will make us a little bit more resilient against busting now there is one more box on the card and as you can see it shows a face with the dots around the outside now on some of the dice they have a regular face and then they have a special face with these dots and if you roll that specific face then both of these are going to come into effect now that means we have a one in six chance of performing this and that says that during the run phase of the round this doubles all of your swords once again swords show up on the red dice in this game that is the el bandito so by having this we have a one in six chance of making any swords that we roll even better so we are now quite incentivized to try and get six buying power together in order to buy at least one of these red dice in the future so let's come back over here and all of the new dice that we purchased go directly into our discard pile and now that we are done purchasing the final thing that we do is the discard step of our turn now the way this works is we take all of the dice from our active area and we push those into our discard but we do not touch any of these dice over in the roll area these are going to stay out there and we are going to roll them again on our next turn so that means unless something else affects these from a dice ability or something like that these will stay out here until you roll a face on each of those dice now at this point we are done with our run phase so we can flip back over to the roll phase and it's now time for blue to go now as you can see they have three buying power and one foot and currently no abilities so they can go to the move phase and they are going to use their one foot to move with that in mind we can focus out on the track and as you can see this is a start and a finish line now all of these racers are effectively on the same large spot and you have to follow these arrows so that means that the blue player can move on to any of these spots but they cannot move onto the water you are only allowed to move onto water spaces if you have a dice that gives you that ability and in this game the blue dice are undercover fish and they have an ability that says you gain two feet and these feet may be used to enter water spaces now this is an expensive die it does cost nine power but it's good to know that there is the ability to move through water later on in the game if you are able to get some blue dice so blue has four options and they are going to move over here now after you move you then gain any benefits from any icons on the final spot that you move on to but you do not get any benefits for anything that you move through on your turn so they're going to go over here and that is going to give them two credits as you can see we have a value five and one credit tokens so blue is going to take two of these and they can place these in front of them now in general a good way to track whether or not you have used a die is by flipping it in your active zone to a blank side so they can do that to show that they have used that foot now they have no more feet to use so they can move on to the buy phase and they currently have three purchasing power over here but then they also have these two credits now as i said before whenever you have a purchasing power with a circle you either have to use it this round or you will lose it but these credits which are a square can be saved from one round to the next that means blue could just spend these three over here and wait until a future round to spend of these in order to save up so that they can purchase an even more expensive and more powerful die so realistically they could buy a muggles or they could buy a muggles and a bench warmer by spending their two credits and they've decided to hold on to their credits so they're just going to buy one die which is a muggles now as you can see this die has four blanks on it it also has one active face and then this face shows a three buying power now over here on the card it says now this benefit happens now that only happens when they specifically roll the dog face and that means as soon as this is rolled they activate that ability this ability says they can take up to two dice from their draw area and roll those into the rest of the dice that they have and you cannot bust with those dice so this is effectively a way to roll more dice within a given round and it also lets you go through your overall set of dice quicker giving you access to your more powerful dice more often now there is a second ability on the card and that says run so that means it happens during the run phase of the round and that says that they gain two circular buying power which means they have to use it this round or lose it after that they have to lose this die and that is not optional so that means whenever they roll the dog face they get to roll two extra dice they gain it to buying power but then this die goes back to the supply however there is this three purchase power side and whenever that is rolled they do not lose the die so this would stick around so muggles is a pretty good way to better utilize their dice that they already have as well as to try and increase their overall purchase power blue is done purchasing so they can slide all of this over and now we can see that yellow has four purchase power and no feet so they are going to go right to the buying phase now once again you cannot buy two of the same value die so they would not be able to pick up a couple of bench warmers and they've decided to buy just one die and that is going to be a catastrophe this has a purchase power of four so they are allowed to buy it and as you can see it has three blanks two feet and then one cat face now when you roll a foot that just lets you move forward on the race track once and when they roll a cat face with the catastrophe card that says they can gain one die a value equal to or lower than their current fan value now that is tracked up here and every time you bust you move forward once on this track but obviously no one has busted just yet and there are other ways to go up this track as well so that means when this cat face is rolled they actually get to take extra dice and the power of those dice will go up as they go up this fan track so that means if they bust it's probably less painful for them considering that will make their white die even more powerful now they only have a one in six chance of rolling that cat side and a one in three chance of rolling a foot and you do win the game by completing the race first so getting feed is always a good thing alright they are done purchasing and now they are done with their run phase now that our tokens are all back to the roll phase that means the round is over and the final thing that happens is the starting player die is going to be moved into the roll zone of the next player in clockwise order so that will go over there and now we can start the next roll phase of the game now for this video i'll just be showing our roll phase and then we'll see the results of everyone else's roll phase once we are done now as you can see we have no dice in our draw pile and we currently have seven dice in our roll area and we have to roll up to nine now over here it says if you have no more dice you then take all of the dice from your discard pile and move those into your draw area and now we can continue to draw up now we can take two more dice so i think we should certainly take this green dye there because that makes us more resilient to busting and then let's take another one of these gray dice all right those are all of the dice that we have to roll this round so let's see what we get well right off the bat this is a pretty good roll we got a foot on the green die which is certainly a good thing although i was slightly preferring to get one of these shield faces to make us more confident to continue to push but either way we have a foot and then we have three buying power showing up since we have at least three dice over here that does mean if we roll these and get all blanks we will bust so i think let's just stop right here i think this is going to be good enough for us that means we can flip this over and at this point it looks like we are all done rolling and once again nobody busted so that means the blue player can now do the run phase first and once again i would like to say that the run phase can usually be done simultaneously with all of the players so this looks a little bit slower on video than it would when playing with other people now they are going to start by checking to see if they have any abilities and they don't so now they are going to add up their coins and their feet they have four buying power as well as two more credits if they want to spend those and one foot so now they can move and when they move they can go forward or backwards so if they want to they could go back to the start finish area and then plan to go over there later on or they could just keep working down over here now if they land on this spot they can lose one of their dice from their roll area permanently so they could use that to get rid of one of their less powerful light grade ice and they think that is a fine thing to work towards so they're just gonna move over there after that they can purchase and they have four buying power from their dice and they also have two credits from the previous round now they've decided to spend all of this to get themselves to six buying power because that will let them take an el bandito red dye as you can see there are two faces on it and then four blanks and when you roll the side with the swords and the dots then that says that that actually counts as two swords so that means this counts as two swords whereas this side without the dots counts as one now at the start of each run phase each player is going to compare the number of swords that they have rolled once again swords only show up on the red dice and after that comparison happens each player will gain one credit token for each other player that has less swords rolled than they do now at the moment this is the only red die out there so that means as long as blue rolls one sword with this die they will have more swords than both of their opponents which means that would give them two credits which of course they can save from one round to the next that is quite powerful so i think the rest of us should probably try to get these sooner rather than later but of course getting up to six buying power is not the easiest thing to do in the world alright they are done purchasing so that has finished their run phase and now the yellow player can go it appears they stopped with just two buying power but they do have two feet they did not roll the cat face on that die if they had then now would be a time to use abilities but again they rolled a foot so they can now move up to two times and instead of going a longer round they've decided to go a shorter one and they'll move two spaces over here now you may have noticed that there is this line showing up on the track and this is there to show the quickest way to actually go around the track and of course win the game by being the first person to cross this finish line so the farther away you are from this line the more spaces you're going to have to move but of course there are a lot more bonuses around the outside which you can use to get more powerful dice to then make up for the fact that you are maybe going a little bit slower so yellow has decided to follow the fast track for the moment and now they have two buying power and they've decided they are going to use it to purchase a bench warmer that means they can take one of these dice and they have four blanks and then two active sides now one of these active sides does have the dots but as you can see this card does not show any special abilities for those dots so this side is effectively the same as that one there in this play there are obviously other orange cards that do give extra benefits for the dots but we're not seeing those today now this effect says during the run phase if they have a face showing up they lose this die back to the supply and they also lose another die from their roll area so the bench warmers can be used to knock out the weaker dice from your pool so that bench warmer will go into the discard pile and yellow is done and that means we can now run we do have one foot so let's move once and i think let's go with the slower route because going on to this spot to get two credits seems quite powerful now it is worth noting that if the blue player was still there and we went there as well that is something that we would be allowed to do and we would still get the benefit that is printed underneath there is no penalty or bonus for being first or last going on to the same specific spot obviously blue is actually over there and we can take two credits and now we can purchase one or two dice we have three buying power and we could add these two to get up to five buying power that would let us purchase another one of these up to 11 green dice but i think it's probably going to be more important for us to save up for one of those el bandito red dice to start rolling swords of our own to counteract the power that the blue player has with that one die so let's hold on to these but then we should spend these three over here to purchase a muggles if we were able to roll a three buying power that could certainly help us when trying to purchase something expensive like the red l bandito dice and of course if we roll the dog face then that is a couple of coins and it would let us roll some more dice so this just seems like a good one to have in our pool all right that'll go to the discard pile and that has finished our turn and we can now flip this over we can now start the next round and pass the starting player die to the next player in clockwise order and now we all get to roll so we have to draw and just like the previous two rounds we have a value of nine now it is worth noting that we can pick up these plus one draw tokens by going up on the fan track and that would permanently increase our draw amount if we had one of these we would roll 10 and we can also roll more dice depending on how far behind we are from the person who is currently winning the race the way we figure this out is by using these red lines that you might have noticed that are over here on the track now for every one of these red lines that are between you and the leader you roll one more die that means if the yellow player was right over there there would be a red line between us and them and we'd roll an extra die and if the yellow player was all the way up there we would roll one two three extra dice so we would roll more dice than them but obviously we would be behind them so this is a little bit of a catch-up mechanic but in my experience being in the lead is always better than rolling more dice now at this moment there are no red lines between us and the leader who is yellow so we don't roll any extra dice so we can gather nine up and we have five in our pool already so these two will go there and we need two more so we can shift these over and i figure we may as well take our strongest dice to place over there bringing us up to nine all right it's time to roll so this is our first roll and we got a single foot we obviously can push because we don't have three or more dice over here and it's important to note that we might still bust if we have a die over here that's on the blank side because we used its ability as long as at any point we had three dice in our active area we are then at risk to bust obviously we have just one die over here though so we are fine wow and that was a pretty good roll we got a three on the muggles we got a couple of feet and another one there and considering each of these dice have a one in six chance of rolling a face i do not think that we should roll again uh once again if we had rolled a shield on this we would be more tempted to push our luck but we got a foot for the second time on that die and getting feed is definitely not a bad thing so i think we are going to stop right here well all of these are flipped over but before we move on to the run phase the blue player did bust when they had these three over here they rolled all of these dice and they got blanks on every single one of them and since at any point during that round they had at least three dice over here that does mean that they bust now when you bust you have to take all of the dice from your active area and put it into your discard pile but then as a consolation prize you can also take any dice that you want from the roll area and also put those into the discard pile in this case they figure they may as well grab these four light gray ice and put them into the discard pile as well now the next thing that happens when you bust is you're going to gain one fan point and that is tracked up here now this is the blue player's first fan point so they go from zero up to one and there is no benefit for going onto the one space once they go to the second fan spot that will immediately give you one of these credit tokens that you can hold and once you are on the third spot that will give you one of these plus one draw tokens that you will keep for the rest of the game so as you can see as you bust you will get more and more benefits and you can also go up on this van track based off of certain dice abilities and by landing on the red flag spots out on the board so for the moment blue is over here and if they bust again well at least in that case they will get a credit all right let's perform the run phase and yellow gets to go first now the first thing that they do is use abilities and they do have two abilities showing up the first one they will activate will be the catastrophe and as you can see they can gain one die of value equal to or lower than their current fan amount at the moment yellow has zero fans so that means they can take a die of up to zero cost now there are actually dice with a zero cost and they are up here and those are the same dice that we started with at the beginning of the game we all have seven of the light gray and two of the dark gray dice and all of these have a cost of zero now you are not allowed to purchase these during the buy phase but through other abilities you can acquire these that means the yellow player with their fan value of zero could pick up one of these and whenever you gain dice through abilities those don't count towards the two that you can buy in the buy phase of the turn now they're certainly not going to take a light gray die but these dark gray dice do have two faces on them which is not the worst thing in the world they don't want to glut their pool up too much but rolling feet and coins is not a bad thing and they've decided they're going to go for it they'll take one of these dark gray dice it is worth noting that all of these abilities are optional so they could have decided to not take anything from this catastrophe face now they're going to go for it so this will go into the discard pile and they can flip this over to show that they have used that ability and now they can use their bench warmer that says that they're going to lose that die and any one other die from any of their zones so this one will be lost and they've decided to lose one of their light gray dice from their roll zone that one can go back here with the rest of the starting dice and then the bench warmer will go back to the orange die supply next up yellow can move and they have a one foot showing which works out pretty well for them considering they are one spot away from gaining a credit so they will go there and they will take this credit token and now they can purchase at the moment they have one two three four five and potentially six buying power and they've decided to get into the el bandito game as well so they're going to spend this along with the other five in order to buy a red dye so they also have the ability to roll swords all right that has finished up their turn which means it's time for us to go and we don't have any special abilities we do have three feet and four buying power on these dice so it's now time to move and we could spend this for buying power to move again but i think we should save this so we can now move up to three times three move is pretty great for us because we can go one two three and stop on this spot we are allowed to move less than the number of feet that we rolled if we wanted to but going here is great now that lets us lose one die from any of our zones and i think let's get rid of one of these light gray dice that's finished our move and now we can buy and we do have four plus a potential two or six buying power so i think just like the yellow player let's spend these in order to buy our own el bandito that costs six and we can put it over there and at this point all of us have at least one of these dice so there is no guarantee that you'll get the benefit from it but gaining those extra credits is still definitely a possibility based off of how these roll all right that has finished up our run phase which means blue can go now they busted which means all of their active dice were put into their discard pile but they are still allowed to perform the run phase although realistically the only thing that they could do is buy dice with credits that they have saved at the moment they don't have any credits to spend so that means they'll skip right to the end of the run phase that means this can flip over and in fact all of our tokens are flipped to the green side so we can move on to the next round of the game and this will be passed clockwise back over to us we can start by drawing dice and we get to take nine of them because there are no red lines between us and the leader so there are three out here we can add those three so we have six then these will come over there and we now have a decision to make i think we should definitely add this red which brings us to seven but then for the eighth and ninth we could potentially use these dark gray ones which have a couple of faces on them but i think it probably does make sense to put both of these out i guess there was a decision there but this felt like it was a pretty solid one this could help us potentially with not busting and this one is obviously potentially great at getting us some extra buying power so let's roll all of these dice and our first roll is going to give us a few things actually we got swords we have a foot and we have the dog face and that is muggles now that lets us immediately right now take two dice from our draw area and roll those into the pile so let's go ahead and do that now we cannot bust with this extra roll so we can add those in and we did get a foot and of course this is also in that area so that's pretty good overall for our first roll now in addition to that muggles is going to give us two buying power so right now we have three buying power one sword and two feet now we have to decide if we want to push we have only rolled one of these light great ice which means if we stop right here we're gonna have to roll all of these in the next round but then again this is a pretty decent amount of stuff already three buying power is good a couple of feet is also good and the sword could potentially turn into one or two credits for us so i think it's probably going to be best to hold with this here so we can flip this over and now when we look at the other areas we can see that yellow actually busted now they can pull any of these dice into their discard if they want and they will discard all three of these light gray dice and then they will go up once on the fan track which brings them to the first spot which does not have any specific benefit now they do have this white dye which can occasionally give them extra dice based off of their fan level so for them that fan track bump is slightly better than the rest of us at least until we potentially get our own catastrophe dice all right it's time for the run phase and the first thing that we do is resolve abilities this muggles is going to give us two credits that we have to use this turn and then we are going to lose the die i'll put it down there to remind myself that we have those two credits for the moment and that we will lose this at the end of our turn after that we have to resolve swords and we can now check to see how many swords each player has we have one blue has two because they rolled the face with the dots and once again when you roll the dots that is worth two swords instead of the normal one up here the yellow player has zero swords because they busted and now each of us is going to gain one credit for each player who has fewer swords than we do now there is just one player who has fewer than us so we are going to gain one credit from our sword and then the blue player has more swords than both of their opponents so they are going to gain two credits because of that sword advantage well it's now time to move and we do have two feet we also have three buying power which means we don't have enough to buy another foot even if we wanted to with these two feet we could go one two to get us closer to the optimum racing line but i think instead let's go wide bringing us onto this spot because that will give us two more credits from this point on we could also continue to move around the outside if we want to this spot would increase our position on the fan track and there are many locations out here which let us lose our dice so we can add two credits over there which means we have three of them in the tokens and then we do have three buying power now that means right now we could spend all of this to buy another l bandito but we could also save these for the future to try and purchase an even more expensive die i think let's go for that right now we have one of these dice which is i think good enough for this point in the game now we can buy something and we have three buying power that we will lose at the end of this turn so let's go ahead and use that with this we can pick up a bench warmer or a muggles and i think i like the idea of picking up a muggles this will go into our discard pile and then of course we had this one here which is going to be lost because we did roll that face and use the ability so the one that we had will go back into the supply all right that's finished our run phase which means it's time for blue to go they have already resolved their swords by getting these two credits and they have one foot and three buying power this round so they can use this foot to move right now and with that they could go over here but they could also go backwards to that spot to pick up two more credits if they wanted after considering it they are going to go backwards so that will give them two credits and then after that they can buy they have four credits up here and three buying power and they've decided to spend all of this so that is seven buying power total in order to buy a cheese boy this is the yellow dye for this game and it does cost seven and as you can see it has two cheese faces and then four blanks this one does have the dots around it but the card that we have for this game does not actually utilize those so this face as well as that one are functionally identical now during the run phase if you have a cheese face showing and if you have an active brown dye you gain two feet and in addition to that if you have an active orange dye you can lose one dye in your roll zone so that means the cheese boy does best when brown and orange dice have also rolled an activating face and are in the active zone this means blue is likely going to continue to invest in brown and orange to best utilize this synergy that will go over there and that's finished their turn finally the yellow player will not do anything in their run phase because they busted and they don't have enough credits to buy anything if they wanted to all right it's time for the next round and we can start by drawing we already have seven dice over here so that will be our eighth and then we can pull one of these over for our ninth and i think it's probably going to be best to utilize the el bandito die getting that out there as often as we can even though this muggles die is also pretty great for potentially getting that three buying power now this is what we are going to go with and it looks like we've rolled our first shield and this does have the dots around it now this is pretty great considering those dots in the run phase double our sword value and we rolled this sword which has the dots around it so this actually counts as a double sword so this is a two sword and then that is going to double our swords bring us to four so these two alone get us four swords and i think that is going to guarantee that we are going to have more swords than both of our opponents in which case we can count on getting two extra credits now that being said there is another benefit for this green shield and that is that if we wanted to push we could opt to put this over there and then roll all of this and since half of the sides on this die show faces that would make us much less likely to bust with that roll of course if we did that this could end up being a foot or something like that and then we would not get the sword doubling but even so having two swords is very likely to be the most swords out of anybody in this round this is a fun combo but i think we just don't have enough stuff yet so let's push our luck that means we will utilize this to put it back into our roll area and then roll all of these and it looks like it rolled a shield again and we got another one of these the fact that we have another shield means we could roll this with those if we want to push our luck again right now we have one two buying power plus three up there which gets us to five and this could potentially get us up to two more which means we could buy up to a cheese boy that we've seen and honestly i think it's gonna be risking it too much to place this back over there i would hate to lose out on this stuff so let's just leave this over there and now we are done with our run phase all right we are ready for the run phase and it is worth noting that there is a red line on the map between us and both of our opponents which means we are farther along than they are so both of them rolled an extra die and over here the blue player rolled a mr muggles which let them roll two more dice from their draw pile which is how they're able to have so many dice in their active area on this turn well they get to start things off and they can use the mr muggle's ability which is going to give them to buying power this turn now after that they also have a cheeseboy ability and remember that says if they have an active brown then they will get two feet and there is a brown dye in their active area so this is worth two feet to them if they also had an active orange in the active area they would be able to lose a die but they don't currently have any of those dice either way when they go to count up their feet they have one two three four for the cheese boy because they do have that active brown next up is time to resolve the swords blue has one yellow has none they still haven't rolled one on this die and we have two because we rolled the dots around the outside of this it's once again worth remembering that this is only two swords when you're using el bandito with other cards the dots might be worth something else or they might be functionally identical to this side over here but with el bandito this is worth two swords so that means we have more than both of our opponents so we are going to get two credits and the blue player has more than one opponent so they will get one credit after that it's time for them to move as i said before they have one two three four feet and they could also spend credits for another one but they're happy with moving four times now if they want they could move just three times and that would lose one of their dice which means they could get rid of one of those weak light great ice or they could go their full move going to that location there at the moment they think going a little bit slower is going to be worth it so they are going to lose a die from any of their zones and they've decided to lose this light gray die here all right next up they can buy and they have two buying power from muggles and they have four more from this so that brings them to six plus that is seven and this over here gets them all the way to eight when we look at the more expensive dice we can see that the next one above cheese boy is undercover fish which costs nine so blue can't quite afford that this turn they could buy another cheese boy if they wanted but considering they already have one cheese boy and that is going to help them out when they have active brown and orange dice they've decided to hold off on that and instead they're going to buy a brown dye which is muggles which costs them three buying power and then they will use five more buying power to purchase an up to 11. they could of course instead buy a bench warmer instead of the up to 11 but they think having that green die will be good so they can take this and they do have to spend eight buying power for it which means they will have to spend this credit up here all right that has finished out their turn which means yellow can go they have two feet and four buying power so they can start by moving and they're going to stick to the fastest line after that with their four buying power they're going to invest in another catastrophe remember when you roll the cat face that lets you gain a die of a value up to your fan track level but it's also worth noting that these white dice have two feet on them so one third of the time they roll a foot and this is a race game and getting consistent feet is a very good idea so this will go into their discard pile and that has finished out their run phase that means it's time for us to go and we don't have any feet but we do have five six seven buying power now honestly in this moment i think let's save all of these and to try to hold on to those for an even more expensive die and let's just spend two buying power right now to pick up a bench warmer which will hopefully sooner rather than later get rid of one of our light gray dice all right that has finished our run phase and we can now move into the next round now as you can see there is a single red line between the blue player and the leading player so they are going to roll one more die but there is not one between these two so that means we will roll the standard amount and so will yellow so that means we are rolling five dice and we can add these three to it that means we have to roll one more and i think it's probably going to be best to keep trying to utilize our red el bandito die to get more of these credits and certainly try to deny those credits from our opponents as often as possible all right let's see how we do now that doesn't look great however i actually like the look of this role we got something on two of these light gray dice which is kind of a hard thing to do and since we only have two dice over here we are protected from busting so we should certainly keep pushing well it's a good thing that we're protected from busting because we rolled blanks on all of these dice if at any point in this round we had three dice in the active area then we would have busted but we are still protected so let's go ahead and push again ah that went quite differently let's put all of these over here and that is a ton of buying power we did not roll any swords but i think there is no reason for us to roll again i would hate to lose out on all of this buying power so our roll phase is done and we can look out here and see that no one has busted this means the run phase can start with the yellow player and i think the very first thing that we should all do is compare swords yellow has one we have none and the blue player has two from this and then they also rolled the dots side of the shield so that means they have two times two or four swords so they definitely have the most that means blue is going to get two credits and the yellow player is going to get one because they have more swords than we do and now they're going to move they have two feet and they've decided to use those to walk two spaces over here onto that flag which is going to increase their position on the fan track by one that will bring them to the two spot and there is an immediate bonus of gaining one credit when they do that and this is pretty great considering they have two of these catastrophes and now when they roll this face that will let them take a die up to value two which would let them pick up a bench warmer which would let them get rid of some of the dice that they don't like so that cat face is significantly more powerful for them now and that is a good thing considering they have two of those also gaining one credit token is definitely a nice thing to have as well after this they will buy dice they have three buying power here and two credits and they've decided to simply spend the three buying power in order to buy one muggles now after that they can finish their run out by discarding their active dice and that means it's time for us to go in our active pool we have eight buying power and then we have five buying power up here so we could potentially spend up to 13 buying power this round if we wanted to with this in mind we could purchase a dancing dyno or an undercover fish so let's certainly give these some consideration now we've already talked about the undercover fish that gives you two feet when you roll one of these peace signs over there and those feet may be used to enter water spaces which is great but even without the water space benefit gaining two feet for one of those symbols is certainly excellent also these dice have blanks on only half of their faces so they are consistent at getting rewards and getting to buying power is definitely not a bad thing either now up here the dancing dyno costs 12 and it only has a single non-blank face now in the run area you can see that if you roll that that is going to give you two feet and then if you have an active red dye which is the one with the swords on it that gives two more feet and if you have an active orange die that will give you another foot that means if you roll this with the active red and the orange that will turn into five feet overall now at the moment we do have one red die and we might potentially want to buy more as the game goes on which would strengthen the effect of the dancing dyno but i think let's buy an undercover fish instead of going all the way up to 12 for that dancing dyno so that is going to cost us nine buying power and considering we have eight over here that does mean we have to spend one of our credits now we could buy another die if we wanted to but we would be digging entirely into these credits and considering these are a great way at reaching out to buy very powerful dice i think let's hold on to these and just purchase one die this round obviously we skipped right past the move because we don't have any feet and at this point we are done with our turn next up red can go and they do have a cheese boy rolled again and there is an active brown dye so that means the cheese boy is going to be worth two feet and those are the only feet that they have with those feet they're gonna move two spaces onto this spot where we are and that is going to give them two credits after that they can buy dice it appears they have three four five six buying power here and up to four more from these credits which means they could purchase their own undercover fish this round but instead they've decided to spend a three and two to buy a muggles as well as a bench warmer the reason for this is because those will make it much more likely that they get extra benefits out of their cheese boy die that they already have and these are also just good dice to have around both of them will be lost whenever they are rolled their face so buying them at this point when they don't have to spend credits feels like a pretty good turn for them that does mean they're wasting one credit but they're still fine with this so that's finished their run phase the round is over so the starting player die will pass over to us and now it's time to draw dice currently there are no red lines between us and the leader so we need nine dice we have three over here already so we can add four which brings us to seven and then we can add two more and we should definitely add our undercover fish and muggles i think will be better than the rest of these alright let's roll the dice and see how we do i think one of these was actually supposed to be out there from that roll i kind of splashed this one more than i meant to there and now we can see that we got a few faces these will go there we got to the undercover fish so that is two feet and we could use those to go through water and then we also got the reliever beaver which will let us get rid of a die so far this is looking great but i am tempted to push this green die has a 50 50 chance of showing a symbol so does the black die and the red die has a one in three chance so i think if we rolled these odds would be good that we wouldn't bust and i think we we're gonna try it well i suppose i did have that coming we rolled all blanks which means this is a bust i i did think that was safe and i probably shouldn't have risked it with all this good stuff over here but i did and that is going to bust us so this will go into the discard pile we can discard anything else that we want and we'll discard these and then we'll go up once on the fan track it was probably not worth pushing there but we're just gonna have to deal with it well at this point our opponents are done rolling and neither of them busted so going into the run phase we do get to go first even though we busted we do have four credits that we could spend but i think let's hold on to these for the future now uh the next thing that will happen is we can just jump over here to the blue player and we do have to check the swords blue rolled this sword with the dots so that is two but then up here so did the yellow player so they each have two swords which means each of them have more swords than one player that being us so each of these players will gain one credit next up we have the blue player although i just realized they did roll a muggles which means immediately when they did that during the roll phase they should have rolled two of these dice i just missed that so let's fix it by saying they would have rolled these two over here and those would have been in their pool and it doesn't look like that actually would have changed anything that blank would have actually been out there in the roll area now when it comes to resolving these abilities muggles is going to give them to buying power and cheese boy is going to give them two feet because there is an active brown dye they have a orange dye over here but it did not roll onto an active spot to use that part of the cheese boy ability so they have two feet total and they're going to use that to go out to this spot where there is a flag that means they go up once on the fan track and that will get them one more credit next up they can purchase and they have two credits from this as well as four more so that is six and then they have six more over here so they could spend up to 12. after some consideration they've decided to spend nine which means three of these are going to go away and they're gonna buy their own undercover fish they could spend three more credits to pick up a muggles or a bench warmer but they've decided to hold on to these so they are done with their run phase this means yellow can go and they do have a catastrophe that will get them one die of value up to the value of where they're at on the fan track which is two so they're going to use that to pick up a bench warmer which does cost two next up they have one foot so they will move once and they've decided they'll keep going the long way instead of going onto that spot lastly they have two buying power here plus a potential three and they've decided to hold on to these they're just going to buy a bench warmer now it's true they pick up two bench warmers as part of this run phase but you only can't take two of the same when you buy them remember one of these came from the catastrophe effect so at this point they are done with the run phase that means we can move on to the next round which means we can focus down here and roll again now we have nine dice that we can roll and there are two out here so we can add five bringing us to seven and now from these i think let's certainly add this and then i'm tempted to add the reliever beaver instead of muggles because the sooner we activate this the sooner we can get rid of one of these dice and less dice we have the more quickly we can cycle into our powerful dice so yeah let's leave this one over here that brings us up actually only to eight so i don't know what i was talking about we can roll this one as well so let's see how this goes right off the bat we got our reliever beaver we also got an undercover fish and this shield and i think let's go ahead and toss this back in now because at any point during this round we had three in the active area that doesn't mean that we are at a risk of busting even if this goes over there and there are just two over here so if all of these are blank we will bust but i feel very confident that's not going to happen with this roll all right we got another shield and a foot so we could once again toss this back in over here to roll again if we want to that would make us less likely to bust again and you know what i think i'm going to risk it even though this did not work out for us well last round uh it looks like wow it's a good thing we tossed that shield in because that was the only thing that did not roll a blank so we could once again push and yeah i am going to push my luck all right that was much better we can add this over here we now got two swords and we could add this back in and push again but i think i am happy with what we have here all right it's time to run and nobody busted now we can start off by just checking over here to see how many swords people have the yellow player has none the blue player has none and we have two so we have more than everybody else and we will get one credit for each of those players so we can take two credits from the supply now the blue player can go and they are going to start by resolving their abilities now they have a cheese boy and they also have an active brown and an active orange that means that this cheese boy right here is going to gain two feet from the active brown and it is also going to remove one dye from any of their zones because there is an active orange so they can remove this die here and they know that this is worth two feet uh next up they can use their reliever beaver to lose it in order to lose something from any of their zones and they will lose this die there of course the reliever bearer will also go away after that this undercover fish is going to give them two feet and they can use those specific feet to go through water spaces now at this point they can just count up their feet they have one two three four five six and again two of these could go through water six moves is a bunch though unfortunately they don't have a way to effectively use those to go even faster through water this map has some water on it so that undercover fish is nice while other maps have a lot of areas where being able to go through water could make you significantly faster with these six movements they could go around the outside more to try and hit some of these bonuses but instead they've decided to go one two three four five six to try and put some distance between them and their opponents next up they have one two three four buying power plus potentially three more that they could spend and they've decided to spend their four to pick up a catastrophe right now they're at the second spot on the fan track so that means if they roll this face they could pick up a bench warmer and remember their cheese boy is better when there is an active orange dye in their zone so being able to use this to pick up more orange is good and of course blue might gain more flags and also might bust which would make this face even more strong as the game went on alright they are done with the run phase which means yellow can go now i have once again forgotten to use the muggles ability during the roll phase sorry i've missed that twice in a row because of that let's just say that they would have rolled these two they probably would have rolled the red but we are already so deep into this round that we can fix it by just rolling these so let's say that was over there and we'll just stick with that i'll try to be a little bit more careful about making sure to roll those extra dice when the muggles are rolled now muggles at this point is going to give them two buying power and they are going to lose the die at the end of the round and they do have one foot with that foot they will go here which will give them two more credits that brings them up to five and now they have five buying power here plus two which is seven plus five more means they could spend up to twelve you know what they can afford a dancing dino and they've decided to go for it they have one red dye and two orange dice at the moment to potentially make this effect even better for them that does mean they have to spend all five of their credits and they also of course lose muggles when they activate them at this point they are done with their run phase which means it's time for us to go we have a couple of abilities here we can use the reliever beaver to get rid of a die from any zone and let's just get rid of this one and then of course the reliever beaver will be returned to the supply and then this undercover fish is going to be worth two feet to us so that is two plus one or three feet there and i think let's just use two of them to go onto this spot to gain a flag that will tie us at the two spot with everybody else and that will get us one credit next up we can purchase and we don't have any buying power here but we do have seven credits up here that we can spend and i think let's just spend four of them and save three more for the future and with these four let's pick up our own catastrophe alright we are done with our run phase which means the round is over so we can move on to the next round of the game and currently there is a red line between us and the blue player and the same goes for the yellow player so that means both us and yellow will roll one extra die this round that means we get to roll ten dice we have three here and then there are five more coming in so that is eight that means we have to add two more from these and i think we should always use the undercover fish because getting two feet is very powerful and now between these two i feel like maybe we should actually prioritize the catastrophe instead of the el bandito getting those credits is good but getting feet is also good and getting free dice is also a great result all right let's roll all of these and it looks like we got a muggles as well as an undercover fish and we got a foot on that catastrophe now i am not going to forget to use the muggles now once again this lets us take two more dice and roll them so we will take these two here and we got blanks on both of them but that's fine now this actually should be in there as well and at this point we could push if we wanted to now i do want to push but i feel like this is already a pretty good turn for us so let's just play it safe this round and be done with our roll phase all right everyone is done rolling and nobody busted the blue player did roll many times they got close to busting but it didn't quite happen the blue player did roll a muggles and they did roll two extra dice which is part of the reason why they have so many over here well let's start things off by checking swords we have none the blue player has two because they rolled the side with the dots and the yellow player has one that means blue has more than two players so they are going to gain two credits and the yellow player has more than we do so they are going to gain one credit next up yellow can do their run phase and when they check their abilities they're going to start with the dancing dyno now remember that is always going to give them two feet but then if they have an active red they gain two more and they do have an active red so that is up to four feet and then if they have an active orange they gain one more foot they actually have two active orange so that means this dancing dinosaur is worth five feet to them now in addition to that they do have these two reliever beavers and each of them will let them remove one dye from any of their zones and then the reliever beaver is also removed now they're going to use each of these to get rid of a light gray dye so that means all four of these dice are removed from their area next up they can count their feet and their buying power they have three buying power here and again this dancing dino is worth five feet to them well they can use those to move and they've decided to try and get back onto the racing line by moving one two three four five and they are now tied with the blue player next up they have three plus one or four buying power total and they've decided just to spend two in order to pick up a bench warmer they like having at least one of these around to try and activate that bonus from the dancing dyno and they do still have some lower level dice that they would like to remove from their pool all right they are done with their run phase which means we can go now we have an undercover fish here and we do have a muggles muggles is going to give us two buying power and this will give us two feet that means we have three feet total and four buying power this round of course we will have to lose muggles from this ability well with three feet i think let's go one two three onto that location which lets us lose a die from any of our areas in this case let's get rid of a light great eye and now we can buy remembering that we have four buying power plus a potential three more which could bring us up to seven you know what i think let's spend five to pick up another up to 11. that does mean we have to spend one of our credits so this will go here muggles is gone and that has finished out our run phase so we can move on to the next round and we are going to get the starting player die so let's now draw our dice now there is one red line between us and the leading player so that means we will roll nine plus one or ten dice currently we have six out here so that brings us to seven then we can go eight nine ten all right let's roll all of these right off the bat we did get a shield we also got an undercover fish and a catastrophe so that was a pretty good role i think let's toss this shield back in and roll all of these and this time we got a foot another buying power and another shield now we did not get anything on this red die which is unfortunate but at the moment we do have three movement which is significant and i'm not sure if the benefits of tossing this in over there to reroll is going to be worth it let's just keep this now and go with the stuff that we have all right we are all done rolling and there was once again no busting i can tell you that the yellow player rolled probably like five times but they stopped right over there now we can check swords first the blue player has one we have none and the yellow player has none that means blue has more than two of their opponents with that single sword so they are going to gain two credits and they have a bunch of these credits over here to spend all right we can start with the run phase and we can begin by using abilities this catastrophe lets us take a die of up to our fan level and our fan level is currently at two so let's use that in order to take a reliever beaver we can put that into our discard pile then this undercover fish lets us move up to twice and those can go through water and we have another foot so that is three feet total and then four buying power plus potentially two more with these feet we could go onto one of these spots to get a bonus or we could just go one two three and try to catch up with our opponents i think in this moment doing that is probably okay if we were able to land on a more powerful spot then maybe i would have gone over here like something like that we could of course work our way towards that but i think for the moment this is fine if we get a bunch of feet together it might make sense to jump out to some of these bonuses or maybe we are going to stick to the racing line at this point next up we can purchase and we have four buying power plus two credits which means we could spend up to six buying power and i think in this moment let's just take another catastrophe considering they have a one in three chance to roll a foot and i do like that consistency all right that has finished up our run phase that means blue can go when it comes to their abilities they did have a muggles which they did use they also have a cheese boy and the cheese boy will activate when there are brown and orange dice over here there's a brown and the brown dye means cheese boy will get them two feet this undercover fish will also give them two feet those actually let them move underwater and they have a couple other feet over here so that is two three four five six feet total they also have a couple of buying power plus a bunch of credits at the top i suppose this muggles is also worth two credits so they can buy some pretty expensive stuff but first of all they are going to move blue can move up to six times they will go one two three four and then remember they did roll an undercover fish which means those two feet can go through water with that in mind they will go one two bringing them onto that spot making this a little bit faster of a way to get around the track next up they have one two three four buying power plus seven credits which brings them up to 11 buying power total and they've decided to use all of that to buy another undercover fish which costs them nine as well as a bench warmer which costs them two bringing them up to a total cost of 11. so these will go here they can spend all of these credits and they are now done with their run phase up here yellow is next and when it comes to abilities they don't actually have any showing they just have three feet and three buying power with the three feet they are simply going to follow the line going as quickly as they can and then with their three buying power they will add one credit bringing them to four letting them purchase their third catastrophe die all right that has finished their run phase which means the round is over that means blue can take the starting player die and it's time for us to draw some dice as you can see there are one two red lines between us and the leader so we will roll two extra die and yellow will roll one extra die for that one red line between them this means we can roll 11 dice total we have four here plus these two brings us to six so that means we can take five of these now i think we should certainly take the undercover fish as well as both of the catastrophes we can take two more things and let's go for a reliever beaver and one of these up to 11 green dice all right let's roll all of these and that was not too exciting of a roll we got a foot and a buying power we just have two dice over here so we are still protected so we can roll these without worrying about busting and this time we got another foot and another buying power so now that there is at least three over here at least once in the round we are at a risk of busting and i do think we should roll again there's some really powerful dice in here that have not rolled us any of their good faces all right that is two swords which is good we also got a reliever beaver and we got results on two great ice so i think we should probably stop it's a bummer we didn't get anything from our undercover fish but i think this is still a good time to stop so let's flip this over well when we look out here both of our opponents actually busted so that means these are all over there and the blue player will discard those as well that is going to bring them up to the third spot on this fan track and the same thing happened up here for the yellow player it seems both of the players were trying to get just a little bit more and missed now yellow is going to discard those two grays as well and after that blue and yellow will both advance once on the fan track so that means each of them will gain a single credit and both of them will also get one of these draw tokens which means for the rest of the game they will roll one more die than they did before well it's time for the run phase and both of our opponents busted and they're not buying things with their credits so we can just go right over to us now we have the most swords because we're the only ones with swords so that means we will gain a credit for each player who has less than us so that is two now after that this reliever beaver will let us get rid of a die from any zone and let's get rid of this one and of course the reliever beaver will also be lost and now it looks like we have two feet and four buying power here plus four more credits well i don't think it's worth going two spaces backwards just to lose another die so let's move two more spaces forward that means we don't cross that line which means we're rolling another die next round which is certainly a good thing next up we have four buying power and four credits and let's spend four buying power taking a catastrophe and let's go ahead and spend three of our credits right now to pick up a muggles i think having that around is going to be better than hoarding our credits at this point all right that has finished up our run phase this means we can move into the next round of the game and we are once again going to roll 9 10 11 dice and we know that both of our opponents will roll one more than they did last round because they have that plus one draw token well we have two dice over here so we have to add nine more these three mean we have to add six more from all of those i think we should certainly add these two catastrophes and then let's toss that one this one and this one in and that brings us to 10 so for our 11th die let's take this dark gray one all right let's see how we go well that was a pretty good start we got faces on all three catastrophes although only one will get us a new die and this is two swords which i do like seeing now i do think we should roll again all three of these dice have a 50 50 chance of showing a face and i think it's worth it to roll them alright hopefully we don't regret this and it looks like we won't that is three more feet which is great now this is the second round in a row where we cannot seem to get a face from our undercover fish and i think it does not make sense to push our luck again we've got five feet over here so yeah i think let's just stop now all right we are all done rolling and there were no busts this round so now let's check the swords yellow rolled one blue rolled two because of those dots and we also rolled two so that means white and blue will both gain one more credit and place these over here and it is interesting that at this point none of us have invested in another red die so far it might happen but gaining credits at this point in the game is maybe less important than gaining dice that have feet on it so we'll just have to see how that goes it is worth noting that with different red cards there are oftentimes big reasons to hoard these red dice many of them force you to lose your red dice every time you score for a majority alright it's time for the run phase and yellow gets to go first as you can see they did roll their dancing dyno again and that is going to give them two feet and they get two more feet if they have an active red which they do so that is four feet over there plus one two three four five so they actually have nine feet this round in addition to having two plus one or three buying power total with their nine feet yellow has decided they're going to stick to the fastest path so they will go one two three four five six seven eight nine they are kind of wishing they had an undercover fish to be more efficient through this bend but they're still happy with the distance they just got after that they are going to buy a single reliever beaver for their two buying power and that's finished their run phase well we are next and we do have a catastrophe face that means we can take a die of up to our fan level which is currently two so let's use that to take a reliever beaver that is the only die that costs two at this point now after that we have no buying power here but we do have two credits and we do have five feet to use so let's go ahead and move up to five times at this point i don't see a reason to veer off track let's stick with the fastest line over here so that will be one two three four five next up we could spend these credits to pick up another reliever beaver but i think we should save those for the moment so that has finished our run phase after that blue can go as you can see they have a cheese boy and they do have an active orange they don't have an active brown now the cheese boy will let them remove one dye from the roll area if they have at least one active orange so they will use that ability to get rid of this light gray dye after that they can use this reliever beaver to remove a dye from any of their zones so they'll get rid of that light gray dye and then they will lose the reliever beaver next up we can see they have two of these undercover fish so each of those will give them two feet and that means they could go through up to four spots with water and then they have another foot there so they have five feet total they also have just one buying power here plus two credits so they have up to three buying power total now they can start by moving and they'll stick to the fastest line they can and move one two three four five times just barely putting themselves in the lead after that they're going to spend one credit along with this buying power to get them to two which lets them take another bench warmer all right that has finished their run phase this means we can move on to the next round and we get the starting player die and there are also two red lines between us and the leader so we are going to roll two extra dice and there is no line between yellow and blue so they will get no bonuses from that but again both of our opponents roll one extra die from these tokens this means we get to roll 11 dice we have four here plus three brings us to seven and now we can take four of these now i think it's probably important to take all three of the catastrophes to try and get to those somewhat consistent feet and then i think after that let's just take and up to 11 to give us some resilience for being able to push longer all right let's roll all of these and we got a catastrophe as well as an undercover fish and a couple of buying power now we can roll again and i do think we should all three of these dice have a 50 50 chance of showing a face and this one is a one in three chance so hopefully we don't regret this and it looks like i lost control of my dice and i do actually regret it i scattered the dice all over the place and unfortunately rolled all blanks i am pretty surprised by that outcome but unfortunately that is what happened that means we're gonna lose these we can also discard these gray dice when we bust we can flip this over and then we can move forward that will get us one credit as well as a plus one draw token although at this point in the game i feel like it was probably much better to keep that roll than be able to roll more in the future considering how far our opponents are ahead that being said we did not have that many feet when we busted realistically we just had two so pushing was the right call it just did not work out well for us well we are all done rolling and when we check the swords it looks like blue did not roll any and yellow did roll one so they have more than both of their opponents which means they are going to gain two credits after that we would go but we busted we could technically spend our three credits to buy a die but i think let's just hold on to these this means it's time for the blue player to go and they can start with their abilities this undercover fish will give them two feet that can go through water they also have a cheese boy and an active orange that means the cheese boy will let them lose a die from their roll zone although right now they don't really feel like they want to these are all pretty solid dice to have so they are going to forego that ability and they will use this reliever beaver though that lets them remove a dye from any of their zones and they figure they'll get rid of one of these dark black dice considering their light gray dice currently are doing something for them on this turn next up they can count their feet they have three and two of them can go through water and then we can see they have four plus one or five buying power this turn well with their feet they can move three spaces closer towards the finish line that would put them four spaces away which is very close overall but another thing they could do is move one two three across that water onto this spot here that lets them gain any one die so they can take one of the more powerful dice by landing on that spot of course from here there would be one two three four five six away or maybe one two three four five away if they're able to get another undercover fish activation whereas if they were to go to this spot here they would be just four away so the question is is that extra foot away from the finish line worth gaining a die of their choice after considering it they are going to stay over here and they will use that ability to take another undercover fish these cost nine which is a lot and they have a one in three chance of rolling a double foot and again they could use that to go through this water which means they would just be one two three four five spots away from getting to the finish line so this will go here and they do have four buying power there plus potentially one more and in this case they've decided not to buy anything they could of course have spent this for movement to get even closer to the end but they would not have gained this die and they think that the extra chance of getting more feet on that is going to be worth it to them perhaps this is a risk they shouldn't be taking but it is what they're going to be going for so that has finished out their run phase and now it's time for yellow to go they have a bench warmer which lets them remove one of their dice from any of their zones and they'll get rid of this one they also have this dancing dino which is worth two feet plus one if they have an active orange which they do and plus two if they have an active red that means this dancing dino is going to give them five feet and they will use their bench warmer to get rid of that gray die next up when they count up their feet they have five plus one or six and then they have one plus three or four buying power if they want to use it well they've decided to go as fast as possible so that will let them go one two three four five six and right now they could spend their for buying power to move one space closer which does put them one space away from winning the game and considering they don't really want to buy anything right now they figure they may as well purchase that next step putting them right on the edge of the finish line they do have to spend all three of these credits to make that happen and that has finished out their run phase this means we can move on to the next round which is probably going to be the last round and when we look out at the board unfortunately we are really lagging behind there are one two three four red lines between us and the leader so that does mean we will roll four extra dice and we can see there is one red line between blue and yellow so blue will roll one extra die this means we get to roll 14 dice and we have four in our roll zone already we can add four more to that bringing us to eight which means we can still add six more dice so let's put these three in plus those three and we are rolling all but one of our dice in this round all right i am not confident we'll be able to get to the end of the line but we're going to make as big of a push as we can in this case we got quite a few faces although unfortunately we currently just have two feet i think we did not build our die pool up to make as many feet as we needed and i suppose that's somewhat obvious considering we are lagging very far behind well at this point i think let's roll again and we did get another foot and a shield we could toss that shield in there to re-roll these and let's just see how far we can go well we did get the undercover fish that's great to see we got another shield and another buying power and we should probably stop there alright we've all finished rolling and unfortunately neither of our opponents busted i was hoping to see that i'm sure in particular the blue player was hoping that yellow would bust over here now it is worth noting that i've seen in the past a lot more movement on this fan track than we saw in this game uh i guess certain people i've played with bust more often than others and also there are maps with more flags that you can land on to go up the track in addition to some of these cards let you also go up the track as well but either way this is where we are at right now we can check swords we have two compared to the zero of both of our opponents that means we have more than both of them so we will gain two credits and now it's time for the blue player to do their run phase in this case they have three feet and one undercover fish which gives them two feet that can go through water and they also have two four six buying power total they'll start by moving five times and they are going to use four of their buying power to purchase another foot so that means they will move six times total up to two of those can go through water so they can go one two three four five and then you actually can go past the finish line if you have more movement so they will go all the way over to this spot there and that does give them two credits unfortunately for them they cannot use these to actually gain any more feet because you only gain the benefit once you have stopped moving now they don't have enough buying power to purchase any dice and considering at least one player has crossed the finish line that means this is probably going to be the final round of the game now i say probably because if multiple players have reached the finish line or go past and there is a tie for whoever is first then we actually play through another round of the game and we keep going until there is just one player who is farthest around the track that means the yellow player has to move at least three times in order to not tie with the blue player and as we can see they do indeed have three feet they also have this catastrophe which lets them take a die of up to three cost because they're on the third spot on the fan track that means they could take a muggles even though that doesn't really help them they could also use this bench warmer to knock out one of their light great eye but again that doesn't really matter when you consider they now get to move three times which has them crossing the finish line and then they get to move two more spaces which puts them into a clear winning spot that's finished their run and we may as well do hours even though we have no hope of winning as you can see we have a catastrophe which we can use to take a muggles because we have a three on that fan track we can also bench warmer this away in addition to that we have one two three four five feet and two of them can go through water and we also have one two three four five six seven buying power so one off being able to purchase two more move but i figure there's no reason not to purchase one more movement so that's one two three four five six movement total with that we will go one two three four five six and that is where we are going to end our run phase well at the end of this round we can see that at least one player has crossed the finish line and again if there was currently a tie with multiple players crossing that line we would play through another round until one player was in a clear lead but yellow is in a clear lead being one spot farther ahead than the blue player so that means the game is over and yellow has won well that is going to bring this tutorial to a close i hope that you've enjoyed learning how to play kubitos as always i'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel in the creation of future videos like this one then please go to support also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel thanks for watching
Channel: JonGetsGames
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Keywords: jongetsgames, jon gets games, johngetsgames, jongetsgames playthrough, jongetsgames play through, jongetsgames playthru, jongetsgames runthrough, jongetsgames tutorial, jongetsgames runthru, jongetsgames Cubitos, Cubitos playthrough, Cubitos play through, Cubitos play thru, Cubitos runthrough, Cubitos tutorial, Cubitos runthru, Cubitos review
Id: orDEgxfnK1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 32sec (4772 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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