Fantasy Realms - GameNight! - Se9 Ep10 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] so [Music] game night tonight on game night nikki naveen monique and me lincoln are going to teach and try to play fantasy realms a game for three to six players but can be played with two designed by bruce glasgow and published by whiz kids let's get in there and do a lot of addition hey monique hi lincoln will you teach us fantasy realms i would love to awesome i'm super happy you're here to do it are you ready yes okay so in this game this is a card game and the object of the game is we're going to be curating a hand up cards that are going to potentially be comboing with each other and so at the end of the game whoever has the highest score in their hand is going to be the winner and so let's just take a look at some of these cards there are 10 different suits and all of the suits are color coded on the left hand side of the card here they each also have a base strength which is at the top left hand corner and you can consider that as like the base amount of points that cards can be worth at the end of the game however at the bottom of each card are potentially a bonus or some of them say a penalty and so that is the heart of the game if for example you have this card in your hand it says penalty minus two for each other army so if in my hand i have those two of these guards that's gonna be minus two to that base strength okay and so that is pretty much how these is it to each oh just for that card because just for this card specifically some cards will say like for example this one clears the penalty okay on uh all beasts so if you have any beast which is a specific kind of suit then you don't have to worry about the penalty at all you still get the bonuses so get the base uh strength just the penalty is gone um and so all of the kind of keywords are gonna be in all caps so just in case you need to see some cards will it'll say like a clears a card yeah and if anything gets cleared just like this then if a whole or this one specifically says clears the word army from all penalties and so that's a specific example but some cards will also say a card might be blank and if we have that um that example then a card it's kind of like it's not in your hand at all okay if you ever have a card that becomes blank so just kind of look out for that and so you're gonna see a lot of different combinations of these things within the deck and so the way that the actual um game is structured is everybody's gonna start with a hand of seven on your turn you draw a card from the deck and then you you end by discarding the card face up at the on the front here and then starting with the second player onward you now have the opportunity to instead of drawing from the deck you can drop the discard but you must always end by discarding a card okay as soon as there are 10 cards discarded that ends the game okay wow you just add up all your scores cool seems quick very very quick so you have any questions no i think so i think we got it a lot of it will be just reading the cards yeah so if you see any uh keywords of things that maybe you don't understand in the bonuses then we can just clarify them from that moment and the rule book also has um all of the keywords listed so if you have any questions about that ready yeah okay here we go all right so seven cards and just so you know the base strengths go up to 40. oh wow so you're trying to get like a sense of what is good right it says that it goes up to 40 00 to 40. okay yeah how many cards is two three four five six i think this is six and then now you should have seven okay yeah i know like what doesn't work right now and there are some cards that are looking for specific other cards and those cards are typically one in the entire deck so that kind of gives you a sense of that oh wow yeah yeah just be very cautious of the blank because remember blank means it says if the card doesn't exist in your hand right correct yeah i'm already seeing stuff wow you got a plan no no no it's in the opposite direction oh you have things that are competing with each other and some cards might look for specific cards yes yeah the downer is then you end up holding something in your i remember this game now yeah and you end up holding something you do not really want to get to get rid of when you can possibly get rid of the last minute so yeah hooray hooray i could tell you already who's the first yeah in the charge uh why do you start nick me yeah i just want to monique delta i'm going to get rid of something oh you have to draw it yeah just draw some more options i already know what i want to get rid of well you can get rid of that but you most likely are going to keep the one you just got unless you want to get rid of that one because it's so bad well well yeah i think it is it's it's a blank thing okay getting rid of the great flood how many points is there it's 82 32 32. and there's a lot of penalties but they're look at all the penalties flame mountains it blanks all armies all lands except the mountain and all flames except lightning so that is a very specific card so it does not blink mountain in flame okay but i guess if you weren't doing flames then you maybe would want to keep it because it's not going to hurt you wow oh he's like wait wait wait hold on i need to know that it's not the right color i'm going to draw here okay okay so drawing from the deck is one way that the timer also the game goes out speeds up the game again 10 cards into the discard yes if you're in a panic and you want to delay the game a little bit longer than you want to draw from the discard yeah okay and i don't believe you can just draw from the discard and toss the same card back this is terrible well and you know getting rid of 10 cards right if you're like i'm just going to get rid of you know boom but you're taking a card every time i i remember very clearly this game right but it is challenging you wouldn't draw the discard and then discard the end there's no point in that because you're not actually further yeah you're not furthering anything yeah but if you're just trying to buy time to see if somebody else will toss something yes i think that would be that's the thing a viable uh-huh okey-dokey cool so i must discard uh that wild card is sounding nice to discard [Laughter] that one's a good one actually the fountain of life at the base strength of any one weapon flood flame land or weather oh base strength of anything but it's only innately worth one it is only yeah worth one so i don't know if i want that all right let's let's get just more cards in play okay so okay we'll keep this and we're going to get rid of the sword of cat plus 10 with any one liter or plus 40 with both the leader and the shield the shield of calf yes oh that's a sword it needs to be you need a leader which is just a suit but then a specific card in addition to that interesting so this max can be worth 47 total gotcha okay oh yeah it's orange there's a seven plus the 40 um i'm gonna drop in the top let's see okay let's just see it's progressing yeah this is right it could be over quick everybody just loves my hand okay i'm gonna get rid of my forge it's a flame type plus nine for each weapon and artifact your weapon artifact heavy okay okay [Music] that's the example oh yeah minus two for each other army okay it's not very happy not helpful when you happen we'll take this one okay now we're now we're getting into something here princess plus eight for each army wizard and other leader okay it's only worth two plus a for each army wizard another leader okay so it can it can stack up um i'll take from the top five cards there's gonna be five cards now no this one requires a lot of reading give me one second he's like i gotta go kick back for a few like a yeah of text on there anything there is well it's it's very specific interesting oh wow okay i don't think i can pull this off so i'm going to give it back it's the gem of order oh oh i see what you mean plus 10 points for a three card run 30 for a four card run 60 for a five card run and 100 for a six card run wow and i think that refers to the base strength numbers card that's base where it's six one that's worth seven one with eight right three card run wow okay yeah that that one seems like something works difficult yes because like if you if you can't have certain cards in your hand you're like uh i really need to get a five yeah wow imagine if you could imagine if you could do a seven card right you could do a seven card run wow nick's thinking about it what numbers do i have here okay well not quite yet let's go we're halfway through we are morning that's what i was saying i knew when he picked that one we're like there'd be five make some room easier for you i'm starting to get cards that are looking for specific cards yeah so you just got to let go of those ones what i have one that's not bad though okay i'm just gonna toss this the elven archers okay ten points but plus five if you do not have any weather in your hand okay okay i'm gonna do something weird yeah oh that one yeah the one we all scoffed at what it was looking for yeah and then well okay maybe this will be nice for somebody a hydra plus 28 points with the swamp yeah but oh i was not yet finding the swamp yeah i'm just noticing like what's not coming i guess i'm going to draw another card because these things aren't coming out well that goes out look at that seven cards empress what is the empress want say bonus plus ten for each army penalty for each other leader yeah minus five for each other leaders oh the empress wants to be lonely a leader heavy hand yes does that mean i have to give up on my dreams here believe me i'm already i mean i've got an okay hand i don't think it's that great a score but i'm gonna give up the doppelganger oh not worth anything but it can modify some stuff this is one of three wild cards in the deck and it can duplicate the name base strength suit and penalty but not the bonus of any one other card not the bonus not the bonus if you have like a really high scoring card okay well i am not going to continue the end of the game i'm going to draw one of these let's go to the hydra does that mean you have a swamp i'm gonna give you a fun one what is it this is the world tree okay worth two points but it's 50 points if every non-blank card is eight different suits you can just have a rainbow if you have a rainbow oh okay rainbow all right here i go there we go wow something happened with my hand i don't know what to say what do we got there nice one plus 10 points if three different cards in the same suit plus 40 if four four different cards are in the same suit and 100 if five of them oh so you just want to be the oh collector make sense well i'm taking that one doppelganger works out i'm double checking it here and then i will dump this land card it's a good one but i couldn't oh that's 15 points for each other it's the only one i have i mean it's worth four and it would be awesome if i was trying to go for that straight card you do say okay i have to draw from the deck i'm probably not gonna get another card well you better drop something good yeah if you want to continue the game i do i want to find more stuff oh man okay this will not work for me so i'm going to give up the cavern it's a land plus 25 with the dwarvish infantry or dragon but oh and it clears a penalty it's something unfortunately that card's not going to work for me either well the other one the gem i just i'm just trying to buy time i don't think i could make a run here so yeah a short run yeah two card run um do i end the game no how sad will you all be i don't know i don't know i don't know scores so i don't do much i still yeah let's see oh that's an interesting one the mountain okay there we go so now we figured this stuff out so let's use the app everybody had an even turn too okay i think he started this i i went um i have a wizard that says take from the discard pile so you have an eighth card okay so i do it now yeah yeah i don't know anything good anything if you could make this straight yeah do you have any do you have sequence of numbers i think the five itself in the card also counts okay i don't know i kind of had that earlier on and i was like can i build back up to that not enough yeah it has to go i can do three four but i have a wonderful card that would have been great for that artifact three four five three four five yeah three four five two four five but this is also if you have the same suit cards mm-hmm no this was the only one why don't you just show us your hand figure it out okay so i had the sword so i'm getting oh you just call this bonus and then i did the flood thing so this is um i don't have anything for penalties and i have two other fled cards so that's 30 additional and stuff like that i don't know if that's like a fabulous winning does it count itself on that card i don't know 15 for each other no it's each other yep let's just pull those up so you can see we're going to look at each hand anyway okay so here's my thing and i need to pick an eighth card an eighth card so definitely this will be worth uh 15 points five this would be worth 17. because these three different cards are the same suits that's right ah okay 10 plus a seven yeah that's right i was hoping someone would discard another flood and i would pick it up just like that i think i did i did that one yeah you did okay i think this is seventeen yeah so then i got eight cards to score instead of seven i guess that is a one way to do that yeah there's definitely a way to get more than seven i took the collector from the discard okay so let me make sure we got yep wow 119 points tkp that's pretty great already and then we've got an artifact this app is amazing yeah and then the warlord yes the leader the warlord and a weapon the sword of death you found both i know i just tossed it out i had those two at the start also when i tossed it yeah i was like wait what this alone is i know we're just missing one card here i and then the sword of cath okay 214 i think nikki's won sweet beautiful score so then let's go to player two you were saying earlier while playing so mine is definitely not as exciting but it was kind of i started with the one that you were that's the exp the valuable card i'm like oh man do i want to hold on to that it blanks everything except except keeps five so i have wizards weapons i don't have any artifacts and i have all three wilds oh what yes i mean it was crazy i started with two and then had got the other one i tossed that one in there the duplicator um and i'm like i gotta do it it duplicates the card but not the bonus right and i'm gonna obviously do it for wildfire you should lay it out okay okay oh yeah let's do it the same way i don't have eight cards on nicotine yeah get that eight card bonus thing this is impressive okay so wildfire is my first card then let's go to i got all three of these select a card from your hand to doppelganger well obviously the wildfire and then we'll do the mirage select the cardio duplicate name in suit of wildfire and then shape shifter and i'm going to duplicate there's one that's a bonus for flames um [Music] okay so the enchantress okay and wildfire the weapon which is just the elephant yeah that i didn't get rid of so it's worth three hmm forged there we go okay hey look at that big 126 126 okay okay okay add another player all right i think i i think you've crushed me anyway i don't think you're gonna crush it is that a high score they're good the two hundreds are pretty good yeah okay we'll do the queen and then let's keep these three all together b3 yes exciting three the exciting three okay then we got green is the dragon and the war horse and the war horse okay and then wizards master beastmaster beastmaster okay uh land is the bell tower okey-dokey uh there's an artifact which is the book of changes okay what are we gonna change uh we are gonna change it to a beast we're gonna change um we're gonna change this land to a beast oh yeah uh what is that landing and then the candle yeah it's a flame an attacking bell tower 220 oh my gosh i think he'd be like it's because this one right here requires um to be with a wizard it needs in these two items right here and two points yeah okay nice okay yeah that's sweet i was gunning it definitely when just combo okay pretty great okay cool oh no my hand is not good as you ended it you ended it i know i know i feel like i don't want it to get any worse like i was scared that your hands were gonna get better yeah so um i don't think there's anything oh let's start with this one because it clears the penalty on all cards that was a one at the beginning of the game that i was like hold on those are blanked by something else or does something change them uh this just clears the the penalty so that nothing will get playing so she doesn't have to worry about any penalty okay sweet artifact of protection because you have so many penalty cards i do so i just got it in the beginning and i was like i'm going to hold it yeah so that's the best thing because then everything's good so wizard is the jester and the swamp is the land okay 153 yeah so let's see here i've got i've got a big 126. monique's got 153. nikki's got 214 and naveen's got 220. it's fantastic well this is pretty cool yeah do you guys want to play one more round sure okay okay yeah sometimes you just need that that feel that warm up right warm up get the juices i think it's you've peaked though it's like nowhere to go well i couldn't believe all the while that third the other one like will just take it it was i was hoping to like yeah go and shuffle that knee that's funny yeah that was really impressive i mean three cards in the entire deck and you got them all see i had those two that would those three that would be 120 i was hoping to take that one bonus to do something else right so that it could duplicate and it ended up not being anything really gotcha i might have been able the problem is look i'm not looking upside down with these cards that you don't understand is weird right so that's why i started just going through the suits when i was scoring i should let you score since you know the game a little bit better than i do but um no this is fun because it's just a it's just a um rummy game kind of a thing that you with powers really awesome powers it's quick and you just kind of try to make something right no hard feelings yeah no hard feelings and there's like that aha moment when the card that you kind of corrected okay yeah like when nikki found the sword yeah yeah that was really good i was like oh no yeah you helped me yeah it was like you just have to survive around or one turn oh boy i don't know what i'm going to do oh yeah this is different yeah this is very different okay do you want to go first link yeah yeah i'll go first well i will obviously just develop as we go yeah what am i doing i'm showing it off here okay i have no clear direction you do i find that i lock in on like one card i'm like this card is gonna be the one that's gonna work for me well i'm gonna have to get rid of the bell tower which was exciting previously one last time yeah but i don't think it's i mean i want a wizard i'll tell you that right now but with any wizard yeah plus 15 with any one wizard that's worth okay so it's worth uh 23. yeah it's not like it still it's still cool though 23 i would have loved that in the last yeah all right well we'll take from the top let's just get some more cards in circulation ooh okay i'm gonna get rid of my dwarvish infantry this is that one that gives penalties for having uh armies armies okay well so steer clear that one is not maybe maybe not i think monique had something in the last game didn't you that could have worked out no it would have gotten rid of all the oh the hell yeah that's right there's a card out there yeah it is it's in there it's a one pointer though be warned okay oh i don't know if i can make this work um well i'm going to toss it back to you all so maybe one of you can make your work it's a gem of order okay now i'm looking okay let's see here see if you can break it right now it's not going to work [Music] it's earlier you can try and it's a five okay if you were to have four in a row how many points is that worth four cards uh six am i thirty yeah thirty okay not that bad yeah yeah i know i'm like trying to make it work too well i could take that well interesting now what i have to get rid of something let's see how this goes that is penalty of minus eight unless you have a leader okay then it's the 20 i suppose oh oh really really maybe maybe he didn't read it earlier yeah he did uh okay now the problem is is um what do i get rid of oh oh you took the job yeah oh yeah i'm trying to make a run he's gone for it i like it yeah i like that too sadly i'm gonna have to get rid of this card it's a bonus 30 with the princess and it's a nine as you guys know i'm looking for a run with the princess okay or plus 15 with the empress queen or enchantress it's good all the way around but you know i had none of that i think but it was a nine yeah yeah i was a nine so you're trying to make your run okay i'm gonna take this one so this is that uh the knight right this is um minus eight unless with uh any other leader so i need to have it with a leader okay so yeah keep that and i'm gonna get rid of the cavern okay i don't see that happening in that future plus 25 with the dwarvish infantry yeah so that means you have to pick it and then pick it and pick it yeah i'm surprised you didn't just take the door between country um there was something else that was a little bit more valuable he's gonna have another great hand i know okay well i'm just gonna draw from the top of the deck let's introduce more cards try to take that in two turns ah maybe i can take some returns um well i am not my brain is not quick enough with this to actually make these work for me so we're going to ditch a wild oh my gosh that is a shape-shifter lincoln loves wilds it can duplicate the name and suit of any one artifact leader wizard weapon or beast but it doesn't take like the bonuses or his base strength or anything so and it's only worth zero points innately so it wasn't gonna work out it wasn't gonna work out unfortunately not today oh it's still pretty delicious on my end see that's that zero is fantastic because it means i could get rid of this other zero in my hand for so long yes i'm like should i hold on to it or not anyway go ahead move along is it me now yes yes oh no well you know that lincoln's looking at the shape looking at zero just you if that's still there that's your fault i don't know it could be paying off already okay oh that's true and then it's just a little sweet it's a little sweet bonus yes that's right literally two options um i have made my decision i'm going a weird direction so look at that coming out what is this oh it's back the great flood it blanks all armies all she had that the last the last round yeah well i'm going to take that one yeah and i'll probably swap out the other one you see now wait do i want to do that yes yes that one goes okay oh you you swatch that oh yeah that's right yeah again okay you can duplicate the name and suit of anyone and those specific cards like army land weather flutter flame but you don't take the bonus penalty or base strength so if you have a car that's like you get plus this many points for having several of these right yeah okay you know i'll go for this uh unicorn over here okay then let's get rid of the rangers yeah that army i did yeah plus 10 for each land well sorry everybody i'm just going to continue progressively okay let's see if you're not i'm going to discard this if you can make that work for anybody it's looking for this for smoke and wildfire wow that'll be 59 points if you can do that and it clears the penalty on all floods so you have a lot of floods wow smoke and wildflowers oh well i have to do this because it oh yeah it stinks oh what did you do well you let it happen too believe me if she shifted that order i would have taken that six too now i have to get rid of something well it's not gonna do anything right now because i don't have one of those so here we go oh what does that say a shield of cat oh the shield of cat so plus 15 with any one liter or the 40 points with both and this is she was like getting all those things she had in the previous game yeah well boo to this i'm gonna have to draw which i don't want to do bit of this man well i will dump it the king oh naveen plus five for each army have you had all those army still i was looking for him in the last game i had the queen he never showed up okay how many does this handle six i wonder what it'd be like with that many more cards in play i bet it's quicker oh yeah i don't know yeah you have less turns yeah because it's still the same in game condition well i think i'm gonna draw because they don't have those armies that we talked about oh no the game is progressing yeah i'm probably not gonna get a turn i think i'm trying to make like too many things happen yeah so my score is going to be really low okay i will get rid of this warship it's worth 23 but it blanks a lot of things unless with at least one flood yeah so you have to have a flood in order to take that but it does clear some penalties there if you have penalties on your floods and armies i'm gonna ah goodness i'm just gonna pick up the mirage i don't want the game to end yet yeah i understand and this is gonna be very bad if somebody has one of the cards in their hand but i'm dropping the candle yeah the thing i use the book of changes anyone wizard and the bell tower is here over there i know i know but this is a multi-step that process yeah that's right that's a big run i felt comfortable dropping that one off yeah um oh no i got it oops i was thinking about that one too turn order yeah that was my choice the forge okay well i'm taking that one then oh well my uh oh it runs we gotta remember that oh no i'm excited to see this yeah so what does the fortune do that when that came out plus nine for each weapon and artifact for each weapon and perfect so we know he's taken a zero and a two i'm getting rid of the forest it's 12 for each beast and elven archers okay that's 12. okay i am going to take that forge and i will give up some lightning lightning plus 30 with the rainstorm that's a very specific kind of a very specific card well i will take the warship no oh sorry i worship thee it's not bad base um base score and let me get back let me toss back the warlock lord okay 25 base minus 10 for each leader and other wizard oh okay it just wants to rule on its own it's a warlock lord after all take that wow she's killing us i'm sure now i gotta get rid of something and it's oh man i guess it's this one because that's not gonna happen unfortunately what is it this is a gesture it wants you to have odd base strength value in your hand it's plus three points for each of them it's only worth three thousand is definitely not going for that yeah but it's 50 if you end up with all odds in your hand that's pretty cool i can't do that unfortunately yeah it's a little too late so it's an odd number zero is not i don't think i don't know so well i'm not gonna have as wonderful as i'd hoped i mean this is a great card but i need something else um did somebody take that big flood card you mean the giant flood the giant flood uh-oh it is the revenge [Laughter] shoot i have to give that up somebody's going to probably like that one plus 10 with any one liter yeah i would have liked it a while ago yeah yeah because this would have worked all right yeah [Music] well this is i mean i know what my score is exactly i think but i don't even know if i'll hit 100. oh i'm gonna have to toss this back because it's bonus is not useful for me okay plus 25 with any time does anybody have any cards that would need to drop in the discard i don't have it yes oh you did it again here's the sad thing i so wanted to get either a land or a weapon but this card is not um it's only army leader wizard or beast so a land would have been amazing you have a leader army yeah oh you have some options though i'll do the rangers and then there's my eighth card for that should we clear this yeah yeah go ahead starting with let's just start with these two then sure because it's going to select that right necromancer oops yep and then i took the rangers the rangers okay select okay then uh flood was the great flood okey-doke and then weather yep is the rainstorm yep okay then army dwarvish infantry wrong tab they all the colors are not quite we already have dwarvish infantry okay then um land yep is mountain yep land is earth elemental and land is cavern okay and what's left that's all of it the ranger came with the necromancer right yeah okay yeah there we go so i guess it just let you just add that one okay so you got 177 that's fantastic not so much oh what are you talking about i think that's good okay monique let's check you now you'll feel a lot better i think i was focusing on way too many things at once okay so you'll see i gotta say the run thing is really hard that i was doing i that was crazy okay i think we should start with the okay collector yeah because of the three different so it's the their wizards collector yep we have the beast master okay uh then we have a wild it's the mirage yep and i'm just gonna duplicate it's not going to work it's not going to work oh no that's just funny okay army land weather flutter flame let's just duplicate the smoke let's just do yeah sure the smoke okay um and then we have the smoke and we have a weapon which is a warship oops not that one there we go okay uh you're at the warship yep then there's the flood island okay and the beast warhorse or horse smoke was blanked why was smoke blanked because they didn't have a flame okay this is a really we should duplicate that right because it's worth zero yeah you should have duplicated that one of all things i don't think uh i had any cards that would give me oh actually oh yeah no i there was no cards okay let me do that again then i messed up i'm taking the mirage you took it so late too this is an example of how you don't play that's all it was good i was demonstrating to demonstrate yeah okay okay well you got a score of 82 i think okay wait hold on we'll do that it's there one two three what's missing here it's not correct got the two beastmasters the mirage the war horse the warship the island and smoke yeah and the smoke is just not in there i guess couldn't well it doesn't matter because it's blanked yeah yeah so it's not going anything oh i see the no it still should be in here the mirage couldn't it have been the island it is weather oh there it is the okay it's there okay good it can it just doesn't take the bonuses so the only purpose of this is to make it another suit i don't have any cards that you can do that's like have more for having that seat yeah oh i see let's go ahead and do mine okay my scary straight yeah did you get it i did do pretty good i would have loved to have had all seven but um nikki took that six which was a real real crusher because i would have had i would have gotten rid of that well it doesn't matter this is actually more points because this duplicates that okay so that's 70 points but and i have a six card straight which is pretty great um but it's still not as wonderful as i'd hope so okay what is it what does the thing say for six cards for 100 100 points let's move with 105. yeah nice okay so i have the shape shifter so i guess i messed up because this is not correct it's not going to take that 35 points it doesn't take the base value so that didn't work out so let me add the shape shifter well first let's do these others it doesn't really matter so the protection room we want to do that so that anything that might yeah penalize after yeah okay then i'll add the basilisk okay yeah i got all these weird suits because they're all in the same kind of thing that change and do things yeah so that's a gem maybe okay the gem that is an orange card gem of order it's probably gonna say hey man you don't have all the stuff together yet not yet yeah and then did you add this uh fire elemental um flyer nope okay while you're in the flames local candle yeah candle select the card you would like to change the suit up so what do i want to do here make something uh um a flame yeah you definitely want to make something else a flame okay cause that'll give you yeah okay there we go did you put now put the shape shifter in uh oh okay as your last okay 180. that's kind of exciting nice okay now we got naveen all right okay i don't even know okay so let's just lay out all the cards is there a specific order that you know no not this time okay forge okay so we got a rainbow ah world tree [Music] ward original yeah the weapon okay army the knights a beast the unicorn unique orn and the flood the water elemental okay that's this color there we go 187. again over over me okay i was thinking it's ten points over uh nikki we were really close what happened i know i tried to do too much well i will tell you now trying to do that straight was way more work than you wanted to right because it basically it's not necessarily enough points and i got focused on what that one duplicated but i didn't pay attention that it doesn't give you the points that would have been 170 points right there between those cards if i had that correctly maybe the other uh wild card might have done that yeah the thing about those straights is you're so focused on that number in the top left corner that all those bonuses along the way may not just be centered exactly anything else yeah well and they ended up because like nikki took that six that actually would have been really good for me um that was a good play that because i would have gotten rid of the bass list right because that's 150 points now there might have been some bonuses on top of that because at least that was a different type of a card that was one of my issues i was hoping that other low numbers would come in and they did but they didn't really help me as much as i'd like synergize with everything yeah what did you think nikki p i like it i i find it very fun i like trying to work out um what to take what to get rid of um the first round we played ended up being pretty direct what i needed to do this one i had like two branches and at one point i had to i had to prune yeah i had to decide which one to like let go and i was it was a straight kind of card like lincoln's um where it was a leader the gesture guy okay and um i was trying to do like you but all a hand of all odd numbers like this is it's not happening i was looking at this and i was giving up points to make the gesture things when somebody gets too points yeah that straight isn't that great right because seven is 150 i think right so everything that leads like that builds up to the 150 you need to have at least something else that's synergizing yeah yeah yeah so what do you think monique i know i know so this is exciting for me because you both have slightly alt altered opinions except yes he has now won twice so this may changes view of the game right now yeah i mean it may not seem this way because of the way i played today but i really like this game i really like the decision space in such a small amount of time and it really makes you that like do i do this or do you do that or is the game going to end and so for me my issue is i like to put all of my i like to keep my my options open okay and then the timer runs up but i really like it yeah it's fun yeah for me uh i always look at one card and i'm like i'm gonna make this card work somehow i'm gonna make it work in lower player accounts it's much harder to do i feel because you don't see as many cards exactly there's less cards coming out uh so this particular game i or this particular round that we played i really wanted to make this work which basically said just get something that's all of different colors and then at that point as i started to acquire things then i was like well she will work with that one army who needs just one liter okay we'll just stop there yeah because they just need to be kind of you know just a little bit of cinnamon it doesn't have to be completely through the hole exactly and then once this beast came out and it's like well it's nine plus the 15 and i already have her so yeah sure i'll take that yeah and then the one thing that i was just like well you know what in the end i'll just take four points for this flood because i'm not trying to get a second flood but if i get a second flood that kills this whole thing so it doesn't kill it right it just does it have to have every card has to be different yeah and nothing can be blanked also so that's why this had to be important that this synergized with something else so that it wouldn't be blank so um for me i don't know the the decision space of that branching for some reason is not the most uh exciting thing for me but uh as i've played it more and more i've kind of come back to the center as to like liking it or just like right so kind of like right in the middle there yeah yeah yeah i think for for me that the time the amount of time it takes to play the game is really where it is like if this were like a an hour and a half experience i might think my enjoyment of it would drink but yeah it is weird this is we're playing this because it's nominated for a kenner spiel yeah which is strange right it doesn't i guess it's because of all the math probably that puts it in the next level um i know we played this before and we we would have had we so we do all of the kenner spiel nominated games each year this would have been the first year we did all of the games prior to them being announced if we had just re used the episode so we filmed this with mike and dave dave killed us yeah he had a pretty good score it wasn't crazy it wasn't over 200 but it was like 180 something okay and we only played one round yeah and you absolutely have to play more rounds yes this game it benefits from knowledge of the game and um i think it's actually much much better than i uh my original view of it it was just you know you're it's like what this is too much to pay attention to right and the reality is it's not if you follow naveen's plan which is make one card one card pretty powerful card make it work then the game is cool like i i had that this round right i was like i'm gonna try to do this and it wasn't ideal but it was close i was only seven points away right um and i think it's really really strong it's a really cool game it's funny that it didn't get more um hype when it came out in the states it takes it getting a nomination for it to get a bunch of attention um yeah because i think it was originally released in 2017 yeah and they have an expansion this year which you guys have played right so yeah yeah so that's that's exciting to me i think i think it's got a lot to offer and i'm absolutely happy we have it in our collection because it's something nikki and i can play that would be really fun right you know it's a neat little system and we have been playing lots of two-player games this last year but um and i also i'm i'm actually eager to play this with six i think it'd be fun um but yeah it's really strong i think i'm really surprised it's so much better than i remember before but i already knew when i started to think about i'm like i don't think i had it in the right mindset but what happened was we played it we were disappointed and scott said you should play more rounds i'm like i wish you would have told us because that would have made sense right we basically scott watches us record these videos almost every time but not today um and he was really disappointed we didn't like it because he saw what it has in it right yeah and i totally get it now it's it's funny he would have been we would have we would have filmed it already if we just played it one more time um but thanks for teaching us monique oh yeah and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bill you get notified we put up new videos see you next time [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 24,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game, how to play, show me how to play, How to play Fantasy Realms, Show me how to play Fantasy Realms, boardgamegeek, board games, Bruce Glassco, Fantasy Realms
Id: utYtHsLIyaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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