Table For 1 play of Alien: Fate Of The Nostromo - "Cat troubles!"

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in board games no one can hear you scream except they definitely can because you're probably just sitting across the table from them unless you're playing solo which is what we're doing today with alien fate of the nostromo on today's episode of table for one oh i can hear you scream [Music] hi everyone my name is paula and today of course we're playing alien fate of the nostromo designed by scott rogers and published by robinsburger who helped sponsor this episode rodney has made a rules video for the game the rules are the same whether you're playing with just one all the way up to five players so if you want to know the nitty gritty on how the game works go click on the link in the description below check out rodney's video then head back over here i'll of course be explaining what's going on as i play though and rodney did say he would leave you to discover the ash variant on your own but the ashvarian i'll leave for you to discover on your own on your own on your own but i've got you covered we'll be playing with astroday for a little extra challenge and i'll be explaining the rules for that as we play the situation is critical commanding officer dallas of the uscss nostromo has issued a report stating that an alien is stalking the crew on board executive officer kane is dead the rest of the crew are trying to survive but the alien is big fast and deadly and could be lurking just beyond the next hatch so let's see if we can keep up our morale complete our missions and escape the alien wish me luck all right so let's uh open this box up get the game set up okay so i've got the game all set up for us here i've chosen to play with ripley now all the crew members do have a special ability ripley's special ability is spend in action move another crew member one space so is this the best strategy for a solo game where i can't use her special ability because i'm the only crew member maybe not but how could i not play ripley i also have four actions on my turn and i can hold three items and one coolant canister all crew always starts in the galley so i'm there ash when you play with ash starts in the med bay along with some scrap tokens other scrap tokens are in various places on the board along with some coolant canisters and concealed tokens where the alien might be hiding the alien is currently in their nest and our morale tracker is right here 15 is the level you start with when you're playing with one to three and if we run out of morale we lose if the ship auto-destructs before we can escape we also lose now that is a condition that might happen depending on what our final mission is so we'll know if that's something we even need to worry about once we flip this over but before we can reveal our final mission we need to get done two other missions first we have drive them into the airlock bring an incinerator to the airlock so i need to craft an incinerator and then i will need to bring it to the airlock which is here that's one task my other task i have to accomplish is what's the damage all crew members in the workshop now luckily because we're playing solo i'm the only one who has to get there but it's pretty far away from where i am and we have ash and the alien probably going to get in the way as i make my way over to the workshop once both of those are completed we'll flip over our final mission and we'll know what we need to do to actually win the game so with ash when ash moves he will move toward whatever's closest scrap tokens or crew member if he's closest to scrap tokens he'll pick them up and discard them i won't be able to take them and i need those scrap tokens to be able to craft items and we know one of the things i have to do is craft an incinerator so that's something to look out for ash will only move though if encounter cards tell me to move him so hopefully he'll just stay still for a lot of the game i think we just get started we start with my turn i have my four actions and then i do an encounter phase so first my action phase we need to pick up scrap so that we can make an incinerator i think that's the first thing to focus on and let's see how much scrap do i need to make an incinerator i need four scrap to make an incinerator that's a lot but when i have it if the alien is within three spaces i'll send it back to its nest because it doesn't like fire so that's pretty awesome ooh and then i'll be able to skip an encounter card i can only use it twice though so that's a thing so of my actions i can move i can pick up or drop items i can use an item or i can craft an item or i can trade i'm the only one left on this ship though there won't be any trading going on the rest of the crew has perished already each movement i make through a room is one action so this would be one two three i could just use all my actions and get into into mother and pick up next turn scrap and coolant i feel like that's probably the way to start so i'm just going to spend all four of my actions to move okay so i'm gonna go action one two three four okay now we have the encounter face i'm gonna flip over an encounter card and we're going to resolve it from top to bottom so let's see what we get okay so here's what happens with this it's quiet but the alien moves one space they move toward the closest crew member that's always going to be me so it's always just going to be coming toward me then if i were to encounter the alien this is how much morale i would lose we have i'm not encountering it this turn because i'm all the way across the ship so we don't have to worry about that then in the airlock we are supposed to add two bits of scrap so the airlock is here so we put two scrap and then we're also meant to place a concealed token we don't know what's under that so whenever we enter a room with a concealed token we flip it over and an alien might pop out or we might get scared by our cat jonesy or maybe nothing will happen we don't know until we go in there and flip over the token so that is our encounter phase not horrible to start off with okay now i'm gonna go again so now i spend action so i'm gonna spend one action to pick up the scrap so this is mine now and i'm going to just put it next to me right here then i'm going to spin an action to pick up this coolant canister you can only carry one coolant canister per crew member and it goes right there in that slot okay so that's two actions and now i need to i need more scrap to make an incinerator and i also need to make it to the workshop the workshop is so far away i guess i'm just going to use my other two actions to start to make my way back down there's a ladder here they connect there's a ladder here they connect i'm thinking coming down here and using that ladder to come into here might be the thing to try even though obviously the alien oh no it's right nearby okay so third action fourth action all right so those are my actions so now i have my encounter face quiet again okay the alien moves one again so they'll move here again i would lose to morale if i encountered the alien but i'm not i'm very far away and then mother gets two pieces of scrap oh oh that's where i just was okay i might be going back to mother for more scrap and then oh but it gets a concealed token that's a risk oh boy do we go in there for the nearby scrap and make an incinerator and risk the concealed i mean we're gonna have to everywhere else that has scrap has a concealed token anyway [Music] what about a flashlight i only need two for a flashlight okay so if i craft a flashlight whenever i lose morale i can reduce the amount lost by one because i have a flashlight so it's less scary and it's unlimited i think the very first thing i should do on this turn is spin an action to craft a flashlight to craft a flashlight i'm going to spin these two scrap tokens so i'll discard them over here and then i will get a flashlight now this has unlimited uses and it comes right here into my inventory i'll put it in my number one item slot so now i have a flashlight will make me a little more brave and then i'm gonna spend two three actions and now i need to deal with this concealed token so hopefully this isn't an alien because if it is i have to run away three spaces and i won't even get to pick up the scrap that i came into this room for so crossed okay let's see what it is oh we're safe so that is clear there's no alien there there's no cat there we're okay we can remove this from the board and shuffle it back into our stack oh geez okay we'll just make that there it's just a mess now it's just a mess now so now i can spend my fourth action picking up these two scrap tokens and really i'm realizing i'm no better off than i was at the start of this turn because i still only have two scrap tokens instead of the four but i did get a flashlight so actually i am better off so those will just come here now we have our encounter here i'm gonna actually i'll keep my scrap down here so that you can see it's all quiet again okay so we move one again and then we're gonna do stuff with the docking bay so i'm pretty far away but i think the alien might go this way one two then we go over to the ladder three four five six seven eight nine spaces away that way if they were to go this way one two three four five six seven eight nine it's equal so i'm gonna send them this way because it gets them out of my way a little more okay now the document gets two scrap tokens right here and a concealed token and now i go again so i think again i'm going to spend all of my actions to move and come around this way so far ash is just hanging out in the men bay which is pretty good for us okay so i'm going to go one two three four and the plan is to come around this way and down into there um okay so that's all four of my actions and we get another encounter okay the alien moves one again they're actually pretty close to me now because i've moved toward them so luckily they're only moving one they're only three spaces away from me now which isn't great it's all quiet but the suit storage gets too scraps crap just the ship is falling apart just bits of it falling all over the place where is suit storage and a concealed token so now we go again so i'm gonna go one two and there's a concealed token oh no oh no three morale that's not good okay so the alien comes into this room pops in i have to take three moral damage and run away three spaces so the morale goes down by three which you can see there one two three and then ah my action phase ends immediately i don't get to pick up any scrap i have to move away three spaces i wish i could go into the airlock there's only two spaces away so i can't do that so i guess i'm just gonna change my plan try to come over maybe to these stairs so that i can get down to the workshop at some point i'm just gonna go one two three away so that puts me very close to ash so i hope ash doesn't start moving oh wait i have a flashlight i don't need to lose all three i lose one less i only lose two now this token goes away and it'll shuffle back in with everything else so now the alien that was across the ship from me is right nearby i'm very near ash and i'm surrounded by concealed tokens and i'm kind of scared the alien's gonna jump out at me again i get to skip my encounter phase though because i've already encountered the alien so that's good but it's my turn now so i get my four actions man it would have been so nice to pick up those scrap tokens so i can make the incinerator i'm gonna move into the suit storage and hope that concealed token isn't the alien again and if it isn't i'm going to use this scrap token to spin for and make the incinerator so okay fingers crossed for me so one action to move now i have to reveal the concealed token okay good that is a safe space it's all clear there's no alien in there so good so for my second action i will pick up these two scrap tokens for my third action i will spin these to make the incinerator which is part of one of my tasks here bring an incinerator to the airlock which is back over kind of near where i was now this incinerator i can use it has two uses i don't have to leave it in the airlock when i get there i just have to bring it there but i can still carry it around with me so i'm gonna spin these four and make the incinerator that will go right here in slot number two you can see because it has a two right there that it has two uses so that's good i'm all i need to do now is take that to the airlock and i have one two three one action left so i'm gonna i'm gonna come down these stairs i can't pick up this coolant canister because i already have one then i'm gonna come down the stairs four that's my last one because this is doesn't have a concealed token this is a safe path and it's far away from them so far okay so now we do my encounter phase order 937. so each crew loses one scrap joke's on you i don't have any now if ash is in the ship move him two spaces guess what ash certainly is now he's going to move toward either the closest crew member which is always going to be me because we're playing solo or he's going to move toward the closest scrap and he's going to immediately pick it up now i don't know for sure but since he starts in the med bay where there is scrap i think he probably picks that up so he gets rid of this scrap now he's going to move two spaces there's scrap very close to him where the alien is and he's not scared of the alien so he's one two three four spaces away from me but only one two three spaces away from the scrap so i think he's going to go toward the scrap so he's going to go one two oh he only goes two though two okay and it's back to me in my actions i can't pick up this coolant canister again because i already have my coolant canister slot filled if i take it to the workshop though i can convert it to two scrap but the coolant canisters once you've converted them they're gone and also scrap is limited once there's no more scrap in the game it's gone so that's the thing we need to be aware of so i'm gonna spin i'm just gonna do a lot of moving actions i think again for the moment because i need more scrap i can't craft anything else neat until i have more scrap so we're gonna go one two we're gonna have to go where there's another concealed token three what is it i actually i'm very nervous about these concealed tokens okay that one's clear so that's good so we'll discard it so that was three and then four we will pick up this scrap okay so we have two scrap again so that's good what can we make a motion detector reveal a concealed token in a room up to two spaces away if it's the alien place the alien figure in the room and you gain an action that would be an awesome thing to have okay well that's all my action so maybe next turn if i don't run into ash maybe i will make the motion detector because that seems really handy and then i'll be that's it i can't make any more items until i drop off this coolant canister okay but that's enough planning ahead let's deal with our encounter phase okay the alien's going to move one and the garage is going to get scrapped and a concealed token so the aliens coming toward me i'm on a ladder guess where the alien is on the matching ladder so the one space the alien moves is coming into my space so the alien comes down the ladder oh hey ripley says the alien and ripley goes so i would lose two morale but i have the flashlight so i only lose one and then i run away three spaces i'm so close to the workshop but i can't i have to run away three spaces and the workshop's only two away so i can't run there oh i have the incinerator i can send it to its nest i don't think i can do that as a reaction though i should have done that maybe on my turn so within three spaces i can use the incinerator to send it to its nest well that was a mistake mistakes were made and we will not forget again so i run away i'm running back the way i came one two three now the garage gets three scrap tokens and it already has a concealed token so we don't need to put a new one in there not the best not the best it's my turn again and i think i'm going to use the incinerator because one thing about the incinerator is i won't draw an encounter card this turn i'm only going to get as far as i was before but it's going to let me get another back-to-back turn to get into the workshop so i'm going to use my incinerator so i'm going to flip it over one of its two uses i only have one left and i need it in the airlock so i can't use it all unless i'm prepared to make another one until i've gotten it to the airlock so i use the incinerator i'm three spaces away so this will send the alien to its nest which is still very close to me but the big thing for me is i don't have to draw the encounter card this turn so that's one action and then i'm gonna go two three four no encounter card because the incinerator so i get four actions again one please don't pop into here please please please don't pop into here two this this is so gonna be an alien right oh it's jonesy i don't have to run away from jonesy because i go ugh cat i would use the real one again but he's noisy on camera so i would lose one more but i have a flashlight so i spot him just in time that reduces all morale i ever have to lose by one which means i lose zero morale i do wish i had a cat carrier because now jonesy runs away and goes back into the pool of possible concealed tokens we have to place so we might encounter jonesy again but it's actually actually not that bad because jonesy barely scares me with the flashlight so we're safe there i am going to in the workshop complete this task what's the damage so this is all crew members in the workshop i'm the only one left it's a real table for one it's a spaceship for one uh so that is this task so i'm gonna flip that over that objective is completed so i'm on my third action of the turn i'm gonna spin an action to convert this coolant canister into more scrap so this goes away i'm gonna put it just over here uh to show that we've converted it to scrap so i now get two scrap for this i have four scrap oh now now i could make that motion detector i think we should do it okay i'm gonna spend my last action in the workshop i'm gonna spin the two scrap i just got from the coolant canister and i'm going to make a motion detector okay so this is going to let me track the motion of the alien so now i can reveal a concealed token in a room up to two spaces away which is really awesome so i have that now okay so i'm feeling pretty good so now we just need to get this incinerator to the airlock and that was all my actions and now we do have an encounter phase oh no use caution when navigating an m-class star freighter dark passages can hide obstacles and hazards okay so the alien is stalking me it's gonna move three spaces and if i encounter it i'll lose three morale luckily i'm just out of range for it to get to me but i'm not gonna be able to get past it on my next turn i'm gonna have to use my incinerator to get past it and then i'm gonna have to make another incinerator so the alien goes one two three so it's my turn i have to use my incinerator i can't get past him oh you know what i could do though first okay wait hold on let me count my actions if i use the incinerator that's one two three four i need so here's what i'm trying to decide if i should do should i pick up this coolant canister and then immediately convert it into scrap while i'm in the workshop and have for scrap which is enough for a new incinerator but then i won't have enough actions to move past the alien so i kind of think i don't do that i think i use my actions to move to get up to the docking bay where on my next turn hopefully i can pick that scrap up and still end up with four scrap right or do i no no we need the scrap we don't know what's gonna happen okay so i'm gonna use one action to pick up the coolant canister and then i'm gonna immediately use a second action to convert that coolant canister i need to be careful about all these coolant canisters going away to two scrap now i have four so i can make a new incinerator i'm gonna use my incinerator now because again i'm within three spaces from the alien so now i this is gone i discard this and the alien has to go back to its nest okay that was two action so now i go three four that was stupid the alien's just gonna come and get me again on the encounter why did i do that oh okay okay no no no no okay this is okay order 937 meet me in the infirmary oh dallas you did you're all dead the active crew member moves to the med bay that's me okay if ash is in the ship and no crew member is with him move him two spaces now he's gonna move to whichever is closer scrap or crew member he is closer to scrap thank goodness because otherwise he'd come in here and he'd either i'd either have to lose a morale or lose a scrap though actually this is worse because i'm gonna lose two scrap now so he moves here for one i need to get by him this is awful and then a two scrap he takes and he throws them away so it's my turn first i am going to spend again my force graph to make a new incinerator and i have to hold on to this one that's that's it that's one action for my turn i have three more and i think i just go one two three i think i go into the space with ash now i can't lose a scrap because i don't have any which means i have to lose a morale but it can't be avoided i have to get in there now it's an encounter face oh gosh okay the alien moves one now equipment's george gets too scrap and a concealed token now it's my turn again and i'm gonna move into the airlock and really hope the alien doesn't pop out at me so i'm gonna go one two i deal with this concealed token it's gonna be an alien isn't it it's not it's a clear space there's no alien haha then guess what i meet this task i brought an incinerator to the airlock completed objective so now i can use this incinerator twice and not be worried about it so that was my two actions for my third action i will pick up two scrap and then oh i need to reveal my final mission so before i take my last action let's reveal the final mission so we know what we need to do before i decide how to spend my fourth and final action for this turn we're gonna blow up the ship place all discarded coolant canisters into equipment storage okay so that's just these two okay so we have three canisters coolant canisters and equipment storage now the active crew member takes the self-destruct tracker oh my gosh that self the auto destruct is coming into play here the active crew member takes the self-destruct tracker and places four countdown tokens on it we have that now with our tokens on it now what at the start of that crew member's turn take one token from the self-destruct tracker defeat if the crew member with the self-destruct tracker starts their turn with four tokens the nostromo and her crew are destroyed victory all crew members must assemble in the airlock with one coolant canister and one a scrap each okay so i have four turns to get back to the airlock with one coolant canister and a scrap ash is going to be a problem for that i have no coolant canister right now i have four turns to do it because in four turns these canisters are gonna come off and the ship self-destructs so we are on a a ticking clock right now so then shoot i guess i'm gonna spend my last action just coming out of this room and seeing depending on what ash does if i can get to hyper sleep and pick up that coolant canister then we'll be great but if not i'm gonna have to go somewhere else for it okay so i'm just gonna go one for my last action so that's that now let's get our encounter phase so i'm going to start to show the encounter cards over here now okay order order 937 collating data this is really bad each crew loses one scrap if ash is in the ship move him two spaces well he's gonna move to me because i'm on space away i'm gonna lose my last scrap oh no i have to go down i have to go down to the sub deck to get scrap and a coolant canister how am i gonna do this okay so ash will move in with me and i instead of losing him unless do i lose the morale and hold on to the scrap i think i have to we have to hold on to the scrap and lose the morale that's the right choice here i think because if we lose the scrap i'm gonna have to get all the way down it's gonna be a nightmare so we're holding on to the scrap and just losing them around that's that okay we'll discard that and now i go so i'm gonna spend three actions to get to hypersleep and then the last action to pick up the coolant canister one two three four pick up the coolant canister oh and i need to take one of these tokens [Music] okay now we have an encounter face oh my gosh okay we have an alien stalk so they're gonna move three spaces they're gonna come up this red ladder oh no one two they come up the red ladder three we don't encounter them but they are in my way i'm gonna have to use my incinerator on my turn so at the start of my turn i have to take another token so that's two that's halfway and then i have to use my incinerator to get that alien out of my way there i just and it's okay because i've already completed the objective of taking the incinerator to the airlock so i don't have to worry about using it up now so we just do it so i'm within three spaces of the alien so i will use my incinerator the alien goes back to its nest so that's one action then i'm gonna have to move into ash and lose a morale i can't get rid of my scrap token because i need it to win i need a scrap token and a coolant canister to get off the ship with the airlock okay okay okay so two three four sup ash what's going on okay now i will lose a morale instead of the scrap token but i i'm doing okay on morale so it's kind of okay then i will have my encounter phase because that's all my actions it's another stalk but i think we're gonna just avoid encountering the alien oh yeah because it's only going to make it to the stairs because it's going to go three so one two three okay and that's it okay so it stays there on the stairs okay now it's my turn i take so i take my third canister so i get one more where i start my turn and i take it then at the start of the next turn i'd have all four and we'd self-destruct so i have two more turns i think i can i think i can make this happen in two turns for sure oh yeah because i'm about to do it so i will go one action move into the airlock i have a coolant canister and a scrap so i'm able to get off this ship before it self-destructs and we win we defeated the alien and you and i got off the ship [Music] thank you so much for watching this episode of table for one i really hope that you enjoyed alien fate of the nostromo if you did give the video a thumbs up and maybe leave me a comment to let me know your thoughts and if you aren't already subscribed to the channel now now's the perfect time to do that and hit the notification bell so you know when i have a new episode available for you if you need more playthrough videos in your life make sure you check out the gameplay series hosted by monique and naveen right here on this channel and of course don't forget to watch rodney's rules video for alien fate of the nostromo linked in the description below and until next time thanks for watching which one is the real cat [Music]
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 27,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, Solo, Play Solo, Table For 1, Paula Deming, Ravensburger, Alien, Fate Of The Nostromo, Session
Id: 2DZSzszj7fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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