Raiders of the North Sea - GameNight! Se5 Ep8 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] you it's right on game night Nicky Aaron Lincoln and myself Dave are going to play Raiders of the North Sea a game for two to four players designed by Shem Phillips and published by Garfield games and renegade game studios so grab your helmet with the horns on it and join us hey Dave Lincoln we should teach his Raiders of the North Sea I'm not sure I'm doing this but yes this is a Western game I know not from the least in Raiders of the North Sea we are Viking warriors are all is to impress the chieftain by having the most victory points oh well very historically accurate it actually says that in the real page a place art yeah everybody know victory beep I think we're all about visas and all right we are going to first off we did a little spring game set up by randomly putting all these plunder in a bag and drawing them out and seating the board we haven't done this yet because I haven't explained the cards but we will all start with three of these town-folks cards we're going to deal five and take three but the gist of a turn once we determine the first player is that that player will take their complete turn and then it will just go clockwise and we'll just keep doing that until the game end is triggered and we will add up our score and whoever has the most points wins a turn is going to be the same for the whole game your turn we are going to you start with a worker you will always have a worker in front of you and on your turn you can do one of two things with that worker you can work which is the lower part of the board here that's the little island that we all live on in one of these various buildings or you can raid raiding consists of everything above up here and that's how we're going to get this stuff I will come back to raiding let's talk about this for now it's a worker placement game but I like to take a bit more of as a worker trigger game and the reason that I use that phrase is that you are going to on your turn if you choose to work you take your Viking meeple your people let's say and you're going to place it in one of these buildings either here in the barracks or the silversmith or the mill note that you can't currently place in the gatehouse the Treasury or the Town Hall those already have workers on those spaces so you're going to choose one of these three spaces and the reason that I say that I'm sort of jumping ahead is that the armory and the longhouse you cannot use a veto black people to go here only a gray or a white one this does not mean you need both this is just one or the other these are the only Lee poles they can go here so you're going to place it say here in the silversmiths you will then take that action in this case you will get three pieces of silver if you had a gray or white people you would only get two pieces of silver so you're going to place that and you're going to take three pieces of silver we all start with two and then for your second action down here because you will do two you will remove of eople and doing that will trigger that action of that building all right as you might suspect you cannot pick up the worker that you just placed nor can you take the action of the same building more than once on your turn I know that that sounds like that's the same room twice that there is a situation in which that can be and don't worry about it so I let's say I play here in the silversmiths and that gives me three silver and I'm going to pick up this guy from the gatehouse and thus triggering the gatehouse the gatehouse is this little blue rectangle with plus ten in discards the gatehouse is draw two cards so I draw two cards that ends my turn you'll note that I end my turn with a veto in my hand and it's now Nikki's turning all right and we're going to just keep doing that till the game's over so let's talk about all of these places I've already told you about to the silversmiths gets you silver the gatehouse gets you cards let's look at some of these cards these are town-folks cards they're all people town folks and the town folk on them have a cost if you want to add them as crew to your ship you will need crew in your ship in order to raid right but before I get to that they also have this little square over here on the right with this little icon that icon matches the Town Hall this is an action that these cards can do for you instead of hiring them as crew for your ship so you have cards and they're in your hand if I were to trigger the Town Hall action I could one time play this guide meaning putting in a disk read pile my gatekeeper and this Town Hall action is draw three new cards to your hand so I would pull this guy discard them draw three cards this is now gone I've used him all right he'll go on a discard pile he'll get reshuffled if we need them later this this Town Hall action is lose a livestock to gain a gold which is we haven't gotten this yet but that's a livestock little cap and you basically spend that and you would gain a gold the other thing you can do as I said is you can hire these guys as your crew that is what the barracks is in this case I would have to place people in order to activate if that was empty but when you hire a guy to your boat you will be rehydrated boat you're going to pay this cost in silver and the left side over here which again matches that the other things in the handle these guys give you stuff powers the water in your boat if this Marauder is in my boat I gain an extra VP when I raid an outpost right there's outpost here and it is one over there this guy allows me to draw an additional card when I use the gatehouse action all right so they all have little pluses Andrew Bendery things on them I'm not gonna explain them all they also have thank you this this is extra strength for raiding and again I haven't gotten into reading what I do some grass cuss that all right the Treasury if you trigger the Treasury you can do one of two things you can discard a card from your hands that's what that symbol means to get to silver or you can discard two cards from your hand to pick up a gold when you are picking up this gold or using that guy as I did to trade a cow for a gold you are taking that from over here on the side of the board these are the extra pieces that didn't go on the board you we are component dependent so if there were no gold let's say Nicky had already picked up these to load you could not throw away two cards to gain a gold there's no gold to be gained yeah okay just throw away two cards now you could figure would probably you could in fact that's not a bad question in the sense that none of these actions are mandatory you don't have to do any of them so if there were strategic reasons for example that you wanted to place something in the long house just to block it then and again blocking it is I've seen this game because I can still do this action by limping this up but it's a question of timing I couldn't do it first right okay if you didn't have well let's talk about the long house so the long house only a gray or white people can be used here long house is one of two things you can basically bend a cow for two provisions these tokens are provisions I'm explain those univer or you can make an offer to the chieftain this is the chieftain he's got three offers on display and it's just a straight-up spend these things in this case two livestock's a gold and a silver and we'll get you this little five point victory chieftain token at the end of the game when you collect this you keep it facedown in front of you you're not supposed to added immediately to your score I don't know what and then a new one is filled in immediately you can only do these things once when you take the sections so for example if I were to go here and make an offer to the chieftain if I had everything to take that on all three of these I still can only do one yeah right so that's what the longhouse does the mill if you go to the middle if you play a black people you get a provision you can you play a gray one you get two provisions and if you play a white one you get two provisions or a gold and I keep saying play but the truth matter is again it's just trigger so if this were here from a previous turn when I lift this up I'm getting the white people sure it's whatever activates it whether graduating or picking it up yep last but not least is the armory if you go to the armory and again you can only go with the gray or white here you can trade an iron for to armor to basically move up here on this armored track so you would spend a thing and go up to or you can spend two silver to go up one on this armored track alright this track in addition to scoring you victory points at the end based on where you are on it so it's not like this two points happens when you reach here yeah it's just at the end of the game wherever you are if you're even this high you will either get two or four or six victory points this is going to help you up here when you do race so now let me talk about rating actually before we go to the top part of the board the bottom part of the board is also involves all the things that have limits to them so you cannot ever have more than eight silver you can never have more than eight cards in your hand you only assess that at the end of your turn so for example I could I could if this were my turn place here and draw two cards in the gatehouse over I now have say nine cards and then I could then lift from the barracks and hire one of them right which now takes me down to eight cards and might even well I can't take me down from eight silver because I would already only have eight so it being in my turn but same thing you can spend silver down by state hiring someone or by going here to the armory to take you down if getting three or two takes you above eight at the end of your turn if you have more than eight of those two things you have to discard them to eight you can never have more than five guys in your crew when you hire your crew if your boat is full with five crew guys you can still go to the barracks and hire one you just take one from your boat and throw it out first and then put in the new fifth one but you have to do that you have to throw the guy out first which is to say if that guy has an ability on him it's going to say maybe gets you a discount when you hire cream you will not be able to write use that first and then get rid of him right all right so that's here in the South rating rating is how we're going to pick up all this plunder all right when you raid a space like the harbor you'll see this harbor has three placement spaces where you can raid again this is either so a black or a gravy pole will allow you to raid one of these three squares of plunder all right whichever one you want is your choice and when you raid you're going to place your vehicle in one of these spaces and just choose one of these squares of plunder that you're going to take for yourself this one for example has three cows and an iron it also comes with this gray V Boulder and that is the end of your turn you don't do two actions up here you'll see that you have ended your turning with once again one of these in your hand this is now in your hands from the beginning of your next turn all right a raid is always successful as long as you meet the requirements of where you're going in this harbour for example you need to have three provisions that these and you will be spending them so these will be thrown away and you need to have at least two guys in your crew all right you don't spend those you have hired them and they stay in your boat and for raiding the harbor you will also get one victory point and plunder of your choice the livestock the iron the gold here's two iron these are Valkyrie tokens they're little skulls and we're escorts to the Land of the Dead Dave that sounds bad no that's good for a Viking right all want to go to Valhalla sweet when you raid a space that has Valkyrie tokens each of those tokens is going to kill one of your through members all right so any crew members that are in your boat you choose which ones they we'll go to the discard pile railing or we sacrifice its glorious battle it's a definite battle it's what we all want these about how its oaken is once they do that just go at it again they never have another use but they bub you up here on this Valhalla track for every time you do that so this square for example will move you up to on that track okay and you'll see as far as endgame victory points that that track can be quite lucrative if you can reach the top of that that's where it's 15 points at the end of the game you will have thrown away seven crew guys but now there are some crew guys in here that when killed return your hand there are some crew guys that when killed get you a plunder and again if they do get you a plunder it has to be in the supply for you to get it so there are some potential advantages to actually to have some of your crew guys kill sure not the least of which is moving up on this track for points note that when you place this here and you clear out one of these spaces this is just here permanently for the rest of the game so make sense there's only three spaces here and there's three squares you can take when we move further up you'll see this sort of situation so now we're getting into your military strength all right when you go to the outpost you will spend for plunder you must have three crew guys and then you check for your military strength if your military strength is eight or more well eight between 8 and 14 you will get two victory points and if it's 14 or more you get four victory points your military strength is the strengths of everybody in your boat all your crew in your boat these I believe go from zero to four I don't think I ever saw five whatever wherever you are here this is sort of part your armor is sort of apparently added to your thing and this little symbol means and roll one of these dice all right even though this is a d6 it's actually numbered two three three four four five so a minimum role in this is two and up here you'll see your roll two dice so you're adding it a guaranteed four to anything that you do here but you still need 14 even yet for Richard carotid alright you can take that if you have not all that strength you can still plunder and take the plunder correct as long as you have four provisions and three guys going to get you're going to get one of those squares okay alright then today my question correct this is why I said earlier a rate is always successful this is not a requirement right this is a bonus in a weird way I almost wish this we're on the bottom mm-hmm like so you can sort of go top down yeah but but I sort of understand why it's there so yeah you can absolutely go in this monastery with a crew of three and the military strangle negative a crew for I'm sorry yes with a crew of four thank you I met a strength of the ya-ya military strength of three and it doesn't matter what you roll okay you're not going to get to 14 all you're doing is saying I'm not getting is four points and note that this is two provisions in a gold right and the fortress is the top which give out the big points have a lot of crew guys and in some cases to gold we're going to keep doing this until the game end is triggered the game end is triggered in one of three ways the first way is if the last of these chieftain tiles is put onto the board so when this deck runs out this will still have three there all right that's one way we trigger the end of the game if all of the Valkyrie tokens from the board have come off so the last when you plunder in your rate of space and you plunder the last Dockery token that triggers the end of the game or the six the three fortresses the six plunder space to the top if five of those are gone when the fifth one of those fortress plunder spaces is taken away so that's that there's only one left that also triggers the end of the game when the end of the game is triggered it's similar to Ticket to Ride the player who trigger the end of the game will then get the last turn in this now final round so if Nikki triggered the end of the game link and Aaron and I would get one more turn Nikki would then get the last turn and then we figure out our score your score is going to be the value of these chieftain tiles tiles if you have any where you are on these Bax over here as far as points and some of your crew guys give you special points for certain things tell them to straight up points and then finally you are going to get points for any plunder that you still have in front of you all right the gold and the iron are worth one point each and you need two cows for a point to livestock for a point so three livestock is just worth one point there's no half points good coins are nothing so are coins are nothing tiebreaker is highest on the valkyrie track uh-huh and that's pretty much the game you look like you have a question though have you mentioned well looked like the harbor's are the easiest to raid and the fortresses are pretty tough well the fortresses require even for the raid light a white video you can't even go there until you have one of those in your hand but otherwise do you have to go in a certain order or like nope go to the harbor's first to get on the land that is a good question the entire board is always available to you at all time on your turn you have the whole board to choose from what you do other than of course your first initial choice is are you going to work or are you going to raid what and we also lose this this is here you know start begin with how do we determine start playing hey we roll those two days we know one more thing in this deck are three zeros alright a hero you can you can hire crew members from your boat that are the same ones you can double up on a crew guy so if you find a gatekeeper and you find a second one you can hire a second gatekeeper and his ability will stack so if I had two gatekeepers in my boat then when I went to the gatehouse I would draw an additional card and then another additional card so that would get any two extra cards in addition to the table sweep but you can never have more than one hero in your boat there are three heroes I think in this deck and they are unique so it's not a question of doubling it up and you'll be reminded because the heroes have no townhall ability on this side of the card where the townhall abilities she says cannot have more than one hearing about their to remind you they got big egos gee there's no room has any he goes in your boat roll it up Lincoln nine that's gonna be probably good six six I'll probably the sticks hey Kevin all right Nicky nine or ten so you can do that one alright so Lincoln high card player all right we shuffle the deck we dealt out five cards to each of us we each kept three as per the rules the two we didn't keep going the bottom of the deck Lincoln start us off gonna go to the barracks going to add the forger and I'm going to take that from the gatehouse and take two cards you don't want to give me additional provision it but it looks pretty cool valuable now probably both beginning oh wow that's great I'll go to the gatehouse and also draw two cards - cards - cards like that and I like that and I'm going to then I'll go to the town hall where I will play the recruiter hire one crew member immediately for two silver so I'll pay two silver for this guy who normally cost for nice yeah warlord all right I will go to the silversmith and take three of these and then the gatehouse about take two of those into turn q you all gonna gatehouse take two they're small yeah they're saying yeah and then I'll go to the silversmiths and get free coins from the fountain okay when they're real okay well jabo because France and I will go to the silversmith take three mm-hmm and then go to the barracks and or activate the barracks and get my warlord going for four cool your one or two didn't Kevin was even lucky but it means electrical is our VP at the end of the game MVP but he's a three strength guy which is also cool things I'm saying with final drink guy there's strength III kind of guy I do like the activation I'm going to go to the town hall again and I will use any buildings action as if my worker was there to draw two cards nice nice yes a little it's a little cheat around like oh you know I can't go to where I will go and then I will pick this off on the silversmith and take three silver all right let me go to the Becks I'm gonna hide this gravedigger for one and then I will go to the town home or rather pick up from the town hall and I will yeah ditch this guy Huntsman engaged me a provision in a silver hmm done okay always taking my yeah always yeah all right uh get some more moola three more thank you sir how much you have there too much a lot gave exactly eight you're okay and man you know she didn't the captain magic she's going to the barracks I am going Effie I am I am what is that oh yeah won't be beat yeah I won't be PS baby uh and then I will be playing me three four three four three sorry what is it which guy is a penny per okay on that note that the dressed regards to a car tire you guy care just keep it down here well then we gotta put it yeah it's far from her yeah Alma middle do this alright closer today yeah then it's going to have a discard space vinegar where she might need those Rockingham cuz I've got enough done you could hand her money to I could cook it so far away you go to the middle I get two provisions because of my forger nice yeah that's cool she's bravely for you and then I will go to the gatehouse and get two cards I'll go to the barracks and hire the huntsmen for one and I'll pick up mil and take one perdition provision provisionally all right hanjo two cards put them on my boat Aaron like you were saying earlier I like I think they all go on the boat lies his pulse and then I get this in the oh I guess I'm sure it is a long boat I will hire this song here with the wacky hair you got the gray hair what that bag is is what it probably in action I don't know if I may take the stage gets me an additional action in the long house so if this guy is in my crew it's one of the few times you can use the same building twice and I might use it I mean when I place there or pull there and trigger it I can do this top action and then this one again or the bottom one and buy them again or one of each about it does seem a little early to have that guy in play unless you're just going to send into Valhalla no I don't know it could be okay barracks and we are going to play there is he a marauder a simple Marauder he gains one victory point win rating an outpost and he cost me to eat and then I will take the my best choice you know State held for three cars three cars are cake named nice yeah and I am still under the limits I will go to the mill take two provisions because they're small mm-hmm and then I will go to the silversmith and take me silversmiths these okeydoke you little bowl over here for this stuff we'll go to the silversmith and take three and I can I'll put them right back by going to the barracks and hiring an archer Archer alright with our town hall and play this guy he gains me an armor and then I'll take this guy know and get a provision done all right provision and then I'm going to do the Town Hall I'm going to hire one crew member immediately for only two silver so I'm going to do my buzzer curse what are you the elder recruiter yes sir he told me where to and what he does is if he's killed in a raid place the card back into your hand we nice that's a good Town Hall look on that guy he's good for laughing yeah what is he doing in this case count of one for everybody no yeah okay go to the barracks hire the gravedigger cost one and I will go to the silversmith an additional three coins from the fountains I'm stealing them from a fountain Dave I'm not putting them in a fountain hmm fair enough I will raid a harbor so this is one VP that I get on erratically yep it cost you come in if you ask me my all my provisions and I have three crew in my boat you know I just get to pick one of these and I'll take this one until you tell anybody and I get a gray meatball you send up some of my thinking there yeah I took that one off the paper now you have two cards and then I looked at the military done get rid of a dude I don't like those where oh yeah Valkyrie well you either kind of gonna go I like you go with it or you don't yeah well actually I'm like I do I have whole purpose let's do it God it's for a dad are you on here okay and we will take this one together the key point for blue we spend a provision and my one provision and I get the gray label yeah and the gold and I and that's your hands yeah back to my hands all night and that was you have on this one on the how track I will go to the silversmith okay take three that put me an eight it does and then I will go to the barracks so it didn't matter you could have gone to nine right it's good of you sure which one I'm going to do if you do that one cost me one as well then we need the Huntsman the Huntsman he puts with dates and got the one in a one where he knew he's the one that when you when you go to the Treasury or no to the town hall occasion one provision and one silver no but one of the you in your boat oh he's just pay one less provision when rating an outpost nice I will go I'm going to go to the mill take two Jen's question also whoever picks that up from the mill will get to put this out it was gonna be me and no but now I don't know I'm gonna go too now I need the cards I'll take two cards from the gatehouse done digging Erin you change my move oh sorry no that's great right all right that is one of editing hmm all right honor yes and then I will take two provisions there's no force me into it and you're welcome all right so be it so be some provisions I should let different Nikki and I'm actually going to do the Treasury and ditch a card for to call sure done okay I will rating okay so it's one victory point yep obviously I killed two peoples one producer yep and I got a gray dude or so I'm going to send your provision oh no I did not and then I'm gonna see to my kid good I'm not if I kill him I'm gonna kill the gravedigger he will give me one Oh gold yeah I might have a cold nurse yeah not a silver and I will kill the Huntsman okay yeah and we will - yep you're two steps closer to Valhalla yeah please go out look at that just sitting there for you nothing all kinds of stuff kind of stuff I don't I don't know what you mean but I don't care that a great turn set up all right I'm going to go to the bear yeah hire a forager for one coin and then pick up three divisions that's what that's mid to hands well you didn't know that I had this one already ready to go - I'm going to read this harbour put the gray people I have three provisions to three I get a victory point please for yellow let me take this Oh same thing I did I kill my whole boat yeah ouch gravedigger gets me hitting a gold we're going to get better there why did that David you lose on the boat for the rest of the games no more races hahaha gonna get a bad rep that way you're not a great leader here yellow actually leaves on the Valhalla track end of turn Wow fantastic spin to normal I spent it all didn't I get this yeah you also took a gravy out of circulation yet no no I don't know if I like that or not you don't have to like it hmm you'll get nothing like it then you'll get we get something but I don't know about liking it one one and it won't work hard surgery I want to put a dude in my boat let's put I do it in the boat do it in the boat dude in the boat a scout so he is one last provision when raiding a monastery so here's two for that I was going to pull that up side and then checkpoints then I'm going to go to raid my costing three provision will give you your one point you are green and I will hmm yes I'll take that one you want some cows or lots of cows yep I am going to raid an outpost yeah here it cost me two provisions because the hunting is one less when raiding an outpost and I have enough people and my strength is three four seven so if I roll anything but I chew I get two points from it I get two points from it okay for red thank you and I'm going to take two gold and this iron and I like people people be poles I'm sorry I also get to VP when writing an outpost from the archer so that's two more okeydoke done I am going to go here and spin that iron to do that and then I am going to pick up the silversmith and take three coins done okay yeah coin three coins that I get three cards because I'm my gatekeeper one that's the reason I'm going to go to the bearings put my Berserker in Berserker he cussed three and then go the armory yeah I know a setting you up onto the sub n - 1 I was hoping when you took 3 coins you were going to spend 2 here ah but you had stuff you had to do there are stuff - yeah there's all these stuff today I am going to yep you just saw it know what go ahead do it no I'm just going to war I go I'm just leaving a pause go no tell me what take your turn I'm gonna raid another outpost okay uh here illegal Oh what there's only one colored one allowed on this bull now are you the other thing I think I'll go down here to the longhouse I will gonna buy something or turn in a cab I'm gonna turn in some things do I want the provisions I guess I think I like this I'm gonna take this for a livestock and iron okay and then I wait I can't go I can't I can't afford nobody at the barracks no no problem I got a problem and it's called the barracks I'll take me silver from the silver sink okay all right to the one two three four five six all right mm yes sir I will go to Paris France yeah and we love that joke we love that joke I love that joke for very very very very long time okay that's a good trade mark man I will go to the town hall and I will get rid of this mercenary all players must give you either a silver or provision Hey hmm here's a choke on it joke huh what I think is over over provision there are some Asian hate those things hmm more than eight coins oh that's a good question it would take me to nine silver she's gonna I'm going to barrack next my mind I'm also going to give you a provision anyway but I don't want to your choice guys beer remember and I will buy I again barbarian for three his name Conan don't know it's not when he's named Conan Conan a done I wish I had that I yeah yeah yeah ah it's open for me so many things I want to do and I want to choose do those things do those things I do that then do that so close silliness I need to do that first okay we are going to go for harbor harbor regulation to provision you have to pee give glue glue the Victor 20 point taken cows granny open creamy people be people there we go all right I am gonna go to silversmith since tainted money for me take two they're small and I will take the long I almost took this on my turn even though I couldn't take the action just just didn't I well no I also could have used that white people but yeah can you give me the one which one was silver and this one yes so we go silver and things but he had a gray meatball so it didn't make me do this right it wasn't it wasn't to stop you because you could go there on your own turn anyway right it was that I almost wanted that it was interesting I will take two cards from the gatehouse and two silver from silks with death all right I'm gonna hear the ring I get to this island for two here and then I will take these I taking them no for a provision as it's done all right thank you possibly you bought my stuff I'm sorry it's alright well are two provisions like our staff one two three four five six seven eight okay but you actually get married man huh I have to get rid of one serve okay yeah interesting all right done wow I know that my card yeah well she has a card draw Union right yeah yeah I'm going to go to the longhouse and give up a long four - yeah divisions and livestock and I will take the mill for three provisions yep nice yeah that provision of the guy is really nice he's pretty good I'm gonna go to the barracks it is a laser princess provision lady Ellie yeah a lady I've been three guard shieldmaiden and then I'm going to do the armory and spend an iron for two armor please read - - on the armor track Duke my boats whole go here to the gatehouse and then I'm going of the barracks but let's see if I pick something up exciting from the gatehouse I guess we did so meaning I'm a barracks a little higher the armor for three who gains me to strength when hitting a monastery do you know yes all right Eric three coins I'm putting the shieldmaiden she is going to give me wedding picture 21 raiding a monastery and turn in a cap I'm gonna turn it again hey good way to get bags of stuff oh I'll do the Town Hall turn in this card for two provisions very nice wow that's a good card that's that's it for the record oh we all got it oh that's the one this yeah yeah everyone got a food review so I'm gonna raid nice it's gonna cost me three provisions you I obviously I'm taking that what's your go-to strength oh yeah yeah I have nine I believe total and you are you have how many on your cards - 7 over 7 plus 2 is 9 and you throw one of those days I yep you need to so you you got it for sure right you for sure gets this one yup can't get that so to give a key points cuz you have between 10 and 16 right okay and now go ahead and take your tired stuff and you're going island like goodies and kill appendage yeah so no kill kill kill kill you all so it's going to be my beserker I'm gonna also rate an outpost down here I for provisions 3 because I have a huntsman that's one fewer to victory points from the archer right away and what's your military thing i its minimum is 14 I have 10 on the boat and two there so my minimum role is 14 diving at 16 so that's 4 more nice and I get this stuff and I'm going to kill the Huntsman he's been so useful but he done now whew don't forget that I thank you he gives you he was the Huntsman he repeatedly savory to provision anything goes outside I try to keep um but he got he also needed to go to Valhalla and we we served his purpose apparently descendants we have a melon don't pretend like you guys aren't using your crew they're not your friends well I mean I didn't want to kid I can't afford your scout for troop then was there a limit on provision yes eight well there is eight provisions eight cards eight silver if you are limit on plunder there is no look at under you know I don't think I said the Linnet provision when we do the beginning but basically anything that you can get from down here there's a limit of $1 anything you get from up there is it's written on my ship I won't forget nikki has it all covered up by provisions that's why she doesn't know yep I guess so there you go all right I'll just get some coins one two three I am pulling the mill guy for two position do you have the extra provision the guy no she's meant to not on provisions thank you yeah is a boil Aaron full of reasons you got their Viking lady I'm getting ready for a big a big old vacation going to be gone for a while I'm going to go to the armory spend one of these or whatever it is four to four green yep and then I will go to the gatehouse and get two cards go to the mill for three provisions using the forager nice and then do I want that where we got down there old gold dull come laugh to the longhouse and do this one with one of each a cow and I really gold okay duck what changes might earn significant way I cannot help the note all right I have sounder in gatehouse go to cards in the number of silversmithing get three points that from the fountain now really is from outside the board alright I'm raining a monastery me which one does matter yeah so I need for stranger position here for six spend to provision can you play Mike no Chris you got four guys in your boat and the gold goodbye what do you got a two four six eight nine anything down here here are nine plus those two dice so you're getting my not great big numbers yeah minimum not actually achieve everything with team thank you for point or points for blue nice and then of course you probably want this one to make more stuff in the idea your that cuz it anything but to to is in you guys are for VP it really kept it close to the edge I'm going to go to the barracks spend three to berserk it up get it out or get and then I will go to the armory and get an additional two green we have it yeah well I'm really honoring that up I think I'm gonna raid a monastery oh yes so do you like the reason why I went for yeah yeah I had two cards that gave me an extra a pace I'm sorry okay paying one less provision for the Scout when raining a monastery so instead of yeah yep taking better I take one back and then I have it the shieldmaiden gain one victory point when trading among various festival weeks I mean it yeah um okay so I spend a gold and three provisions don't go over the one with two yeah yeah I have I also have the lady who goes in one VP when raiding a monastery and my strength in the boat is nine ten eleven from the armor so I I can't fail to get the twelve but I need I need nine or ten to get to the big score no four I get four and and then I get this and I kill the archer for another Valkyrie click alright and I take the Lightning Bowl light duty gold and silver Smith took three coins barracks but a do it in the boat gonna hire this gonna make the protein my brawler which allows me to re-roll a die once per treatment by one no one's gotten here out yet I don't even know why you're here oh I knows only three in the day oh I just wanted to or are there pointed out if someone has something special we are going to the longhouse and we're going to get this fiber and that's a coin two plus the livestock and the what is this good higher so there was that yeah and then okay I'm taking the coins believe it or not I believe now there's three done well it was pretty sweet for Lincoln if he wants provision yeah he is a Grammy full didn't matter anyway I'll go to the barracks to put a jeweler on the boat of jeweler she gains an additional silver the silversmiths when you do that and I will go to the mill and get an additional three provisions he hit yeah I'm going to go to the armory where you move read up to I'm going to spend an iron of you armor and just so you all are aware I'm gonna go to the longhouse my plan was to spend these two gold for that tile down there but I realize now I'm like 99% sure that I did not spend this gold to raid my monastery last turn okay so I I just I just missed that and I spent the two provisions like you're gonna go here though I'm still gonna go there and want the label no I thought I could spend a cow I'm still not I'm not gonna go there okay I wanted I wanted the cow but I can't do that either I'm gonna take Wow crap two cards yeah I guess I don't really care about that maple I guess I will take two cards alright you know why I just went there I placed it there well alright Crudup that turn a little bit I got hero for it hero right here invade you don't need another clear oh no I do well no I know I have one really Ternes take three coins and then I will go to the armory and I will spin two coins to go up one here done all right you know that I will get rid of ya I'll just get rid of a card for two coins - now I'm going to do the barracks move put out my beserker that is drawing additional cards okay so make sure you're paying me and I don't have some discount somewhere all right there's threefold AIA zurka cool you're gonna raid this monitor gonna cost - for the job and a goal that hurt you like it no now that really has it and I really aren't I have four dudes I have 13 points and strength I've been in the boat and six over there and so I get to roll two dice so you need a nine or ten for the big prize yeah and you'd want like one for the poor box a big prize yeah nice so I get 6 point yeah yep you have any thing on your card oh yeah you got a bonus any boat migrating months these are all good stuff you guys do attract and then you got that all right what am i doing I'm going I'm going to the mail and I get two provisions because of the for drug only because I was booing enough pay attention and because Aaron already did it look no did you pay your to prison gold okay thank you I just know I was paying attention cuz some tools already done that I think I've ever I didn't wants to it's it's tricking see like I kind of think it is um and I think I'll take three silver from here dumb guess I'm reading that other monastery no no you can blame Lincoln that one her to be my monastery oh oh there's the gold gold my heart is bleeding right now informations I pay one fewer provision with the monster all right even though it says um left what's your strength my strength is three six seven eight nine ten sixteen plus I gain T strength and ready monastery so indeed 18 yep so I roll two dice tomatoes now yeah but 20 bucks all right no salaries sakes yellow I finally score some point you have one it's just it and move me one up on the Falcon I'll attract as I kill the rear old guy oh wait no kill no pay one less provision reading money XP exactly I think use any no good whatsoever yeah yeah I think that's why Nikki's mad you you used up all the monasteries now she's got two useless people I'm sorry again your dork I think it was a good move I prefer to still like to the blanket on this one okay this is the timing of it right I couldn't do it enough enough and paying for you then I can't do any of that I don't want to waste that so oh my votes all we cannot put any dude yeah and you can throw a guy out and hire a new guy if you want you can throw out one of your monastery guys for yeah I wanted to or you're better off in a weird we're maybe going here no I don't want any killing one of your money guys okay we don't want to waste us okay oh great guy I saw the plan and then it disappeared because I always started seeing was red three captain what's going the worker mmm up on that what a minute yes okay whoo - a two-for-one yep and then I'm going to pull this off well you get one here yeah yeah hook the one one then I'm going to pull this up and I am going to okay they're all four so let's go with the cheapest or you know the one that doesn't hurt quite so much Yeah right oh yeah I'll do that - too old now we continue at recovery house sold and that is my turn time I can do can do you can do can can do Luke says there's not a tiny kids do mommy miss plenty I can do um I'll go to the silversmith take three because I have the jeweler around yeah yeah there's one for those that helps a minute I will go to the armory in take two four nine four now from there two four nine two four I'm going I'm going to read this Harbor it's one point I have two provisions and I'll take this and I will Valhalla the archer who doesn't need to write anymore monasteries let's turn there and then gateways the grain equal right now I'm done all right which was the most doing yeah I love that is there anything is going to kill me when I read gain a gold okay that was so long and then the mill for provision provisionally as crazy as it sounds yeah yeah yeah I'm going kind of fortress up there okay so that's gonna be four provisions yeah yeah can I go in the gold for prisons and ain't gone and you have five climbers five crew member what's your military strength I've got one here I'm acknowledging two four six nine and four Berserker dude 13 14 wait what well you have one here I thought you can in that first no I did oh just maybe you can add it here since the 14 14 plus two dice yeah you can get to 20 you can't get this one today come on big roll hey nice 22 she's got to a new expense to cows instead of Valerie are you blue oh yeah I'm a Valkyrie and six points and six points and then you get this are you killing I'm killing my worker signs act your hands yeah and I need you up there and then move up on that done you nice I'm raiding Rio you are just averse to provision a great point I had a white I had a white Viking I couldn't do it last turn oh yeah I'm gonna kill the numerator Harbor yeah no that's exactly what I wanted to do I'm just one turn behind look at that school game go over here yeah yeah it's really just been it's been horrible horrible it's not an unfortunate I will now I'll go to the longhouse and get that thing I wanted to turn to them for two goals I actually have two gold yeah and I will go to the barracks and hire a champion for for a champion I hear us no no you just buff good all right well I'm gonna raid this climber I get a point I spend three provision in your fighting on that one I did I think so yeah and I think I know I did because it was like the first thing I did all right there and I'll tweet this no end of turn no Valkyrie on that what just be quiet okay oh I turn things but I didn't didn't take that here Dave this day was yelling how much I did he was screaming you do it you forgot I mean you won't send me on the ramp at Harbor that's everything like you almost could move them into the box yes you play sir you certainly could but yeah they're Illustrated on the corner there here's that stupid order problem yeah yeah I need the money first she needs the money first to do the net but second back you only get money second don't have anything in there that would be interesting sure one I'm going to go to the town hall I'm going to get rid of this lady I was too silver to gain a gold and then I'm going to pull up the white guy and gain two back there you go nice I'm gonna go to the armory are you love Armour can't do it anymore you could do some more I'm gonna go to bed you're on oh yeah burn then we go to town hole and I am going to two three silver I'm going to make an offering this is the card I'm going to do and I pay one less good correct so I'm going to pay one left cow livestock for this per gallon yeah so just you're doing it correctly just understand you couldn't pay once a fewer silver that is not considered plunder plunder or when I read it okay I'm saying over it does say plunder or silver on the card and that one does it no no those are the last ones I have a few there's a credit just has one fewer plunge on West quarter-mile uh but uh but if it didn't say that you would've been right I will go to the mill get three divisions from the forager lady and I will Forge your lady sell a card for two silver at means Treasury it's going to be this day sir ma'am sir your coffee I need to square you to the door [Laughter] I'm going to go to the barracks and hired staff or two and then I'm going to pick up from the longhouse and drag in a livestock for to plunder to plunder our two provisions my plunder hmm now I mixed up that's hilarious I will I'm gonna put them here and get rid of two cards I can get rid of not only from your hand do this from your hand sure sure so get rid of a card game too and then I'm going to pick up the barracks guy and put my laser come back down for three or three nice I'm going to go to the barracks II spend the two to put my sage in and then I'm gonna get your sage on mill it up picks they don't move and get three provisions and as what you am I going to do I'm going to go to the silversmith three and I will pick up the armory personnel here's my iron for two more armor please for red correct that's correct ah boy am i two knees all backwards this is not there's not a thing all right four that's four two and two I guess I could do that I will go to the longhouse and trade that livestock in for two things and I will pick up the Treasury and definitely okay pick up the Treasury and dunno I guess I should throw away a card for two right why not probably mmm either you wanted a way to keep now useful yeah he's gonna go don't want to keep that so I guess I don't discard that first over done all right yep nothing to provisions and then I'm gonna pull up again with this hmm no that's the phone a bit away at the minutes intro three I'm gonna raid I have two gold that I must spend in two provisions and I have four people on the boat and they have 17 points and strength i gets roll two dice come on seven fire six okay so I get a five points and I will take this one and I kill the sage for an additional Valhalla great that's em oh you guys should get out there victories on them and I did the wrong thing on my trip just put this down with a Silverson F which gets me what - yep and I'll take the barracks person no higher Wow here this one because this before I totally did my last turn completely backwards like now here we go yeah I'm doing it anyway not even a raid of fortress I could only do this one [Applause] alright for provisions one two three four and the gold alright three six seven eight nine ten I gained two strength and rating forest fortress 11 12 12 and six and 18 or uh yep yeah yeah yeah 18 and once I build that now I can reroll it out of the points on no no I meant to build this guy and this guy because this guy's also the rear old I this guy is gain a VP when reading an outpost it didn't make any sense I already forgot what I was at that would be 18 18 thank you all right you got exactly to this one then I will not be rolling let's count them again make sure all right two four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve eighteen yep eight points alright you want to be rolling on this side oh go away I wish and I won't go too glorious about how us for this grave digger who gives me a gold one kill and moves me up one there please for you alright enter turn I don't know how that worked out so badly for doing everything wrong I know right yeah I'm going to put Chris right hand no I just missed there's two things I can try to set up for my next turn but right don't know which one is the best one gold counts four points at the end of the game one one point right well it might make the difference my golden iron is one each can I be cardless is that legal of course yeah just hope it has happened to you cut out your gold take a gold and then I'm going to dry up I think I'm just important so to for that done okay I will go here for gold and silver Smith for two I will go here to hire a trader for three new trainer and I will take an old just like leaving I am going to go to the manual for two provisions and then I will pull from the barracks to hire this guy here the hero he's fault give me number for Foulke and what is folk lore for you gave me a strength for all my other crew members strong Thank You hero okay then John okay I'm reading right now here's the outpost and I do have a game one victory point when reading a post parts adult sweet nice fair point hmm I need to pay for provision one two three four I need to have how many dudes in my boat I do yep and I've got two four six nine thirteen fourteen fourteen now plus a die roll but the max is fourteen you've already maxed it sweet I'm gonna roll anyway I like you too all right here you go four points well and above and you get all of this are you killing I am going to kill lay out those guy that make sense move Nikki up on the bow how attract blue also because I don't want to get rid of my serger cuz he's four yeah I know right so and why pay for him again if you don't want a phone again alright okay go silversmith now so get two for the silversmith and gold for the mill did you kill your jeweler yeah yeah well we go I'm going to raid a fortress I have two gold and three provisions I have five people on the vote you know my strength is 11 in the boat 17 so I need to roll 5 or higher to get the seventh one and have no reroll anything but double - sorry I think yeah I know I'm trying to do that so I got 7 for that I've got no bonus for fortresses I will in the game it triggers the end of the game last about the only so much forger has served her purpose and dives in glorious battle and thank you for moving that up and so everyone take your last turn okay and you get the final Trent that is I believe that is correct well I'm going to do that same thing but I'll do the other one now Eagles three provisions 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 6 is 25 25 and every role well what do I need you need very matter or you need a legend to get this and you need three to get what the minimum so all that yeah well it it didn't make a difference you got nine I'm here one two three good for you yeah nine no health right no you literally could not get Ashlyn yeah when I'm four yellow all right end of turn generally I believe we'll see depends on if he does and they're going to be last anyways yeah okay mostly I think what I am going to I don't know if this is the best way to maximize scoring okay but I'm going to do this pay the gray oh sure we'll do that one too on this Vic to one-point game then I'm going to pull from here and I because I gave up that one I cannot buy the four but I could buy one of that that's where I'm not sure this is your best one right well well I actually know the cow doesn't make a difference no because I'm also giving up a call up the other three cattle so doesn't matter so it doesn't matter nope yeah I do one of these right because I'm giving up a plateau no so there we go good yeah you're always giving up some points here to upgrade essentially that was good for you because I stopped me from doing Alan that's okay it's what you needed in from I wasn't sure I was going to do one of the one she just did I could afford to do that one that's all like oh I see alright I think that that's good you took the one that okay I know but somebody else could do like a knight is your max on armor so can't write I don't think there's anything I can really do other than get a gold yeah the mill and - no just a gold no visit place and then you have two cards on one card just one ah I would do it if I yeah and that hope you follow you don't have to only do not summer last turn yep do I have the thing for the longest no why did I think I did oh I can get the gold first but then I can't go there this stupid game dumb the timing thing is I mean is pretty brilliant it's pretty good I can't place anywhere and get anything right way you can get gold no they're all people you can't hate them out here placing weight anywhere that is correct I can get a gold from picking up one of those but I this placement does nothing that is correct so just do something I'm just seeing if these no no nope no you have the money to hire anyway I'd say that but I could town hall if there was like if it not if I could gain a goal you know um I guess I will I'll take two silver its total useless and then I'll take the gold from this guy okay okay all right so that's the end of the game legend now we just add this course so let's do me first I have no victory points end game here okay I have none of these teaching tiles okay so I get four points for being here and what I can't be Nezha for as well it is also and four more points Matt three four all right Nikki do you have any an end game scoring I wake you up you got one point in cattle oh I'm sorry I never point I have a thank you I forgot I have three livestock this is one all right you have one two three points and stuff for blue you get seven and five is twelve twelve more points 33 she gets to over here to her armor and two for their into from Valhalla where are you I Lincoln I get two points at the games and yep for my warlord that I'll move Lincoln about me four points for these goodies here yep dude nine points for those nice there's one six for this six four armor and seven more seven yeah that's a big jump yeah nice all right Aaron I have to and stuff okay until I get four for armor yeah two three four four four here one two three four so the question is do any and between points here yes - I have eight from these guys eight yep are you kidding me where they gain three at the games in Game three of the games end game - wow wow their champion champion and warlord that's 42 and I have teeth Wow yeah I only need one of those because I thought well here but it's 15 because the traitor makes them worth each one more you turn x-ray so hard yep so where's it go - oh yeah you're eight or nine or ten eleven - I'll to go to floor goes to the white board is 64 okay so these these all got me in Wow so yeah that's why I'm Toby even this one got me four more points because of the trader that I'd open for a final term so even if you could even if Nikki bought the other one it didn't didn't ya know just changed stuff in places score yeah well you think Nick opee I I like this game it's it's fun I like going through the different areas it's not a linear track the interesting thing that happened to me during this game is I had the provisions to one of these fortresses up at the top yeah but not get another white I have a time the whole game and I was looking at how these got spent and that there was one sitting there at one point I probably should have grabbed but I went for another move thinking oh it's it'll it'll be there but that was a powerless stupid mistake so I realized that I was never going to get up there because there's never going to get one of those white people so that's why I went back down here this outpost note I kind of started triggering the end of the game but Emily I'm never going to get one of these white guys so well and it didn't it ended up not going around I'm away in their islands right I think that was one of the last things you did I really like this game I think it's really neat my the only issue I have for me was just the card drafting I had a head of terrible choices all low value stuff I did get you have a lot of good hinge of building stuff now yeah but I would have killed for that jeweler and the forger yeah how do how would Excel into those yeah I basically put it in got like one extra silver and then killed it or something like that yeah but it's neat definitely some fun stuff it's great to see all the different cards and what goes on with them and this stuff is really fun here too the more that you learn about using the town hall action is kind of neat oh yeah yeah I I like it quite a bit as well I would say that like I'm not the biggest fan of worker placement games and and sometimes I'm bored with pickup resources and use them to do things games but kind of this fresh on both of those elements yeah the the place a guy and pick up a guy element of almost every turn is brilliant well you're never blocked right but you're never blocked but you're not I mean yes can be thrown off by any player before you at a time it's great what actually blocked me in a way and was the color choice that's the other way that you can get at one point I had a white Viking and I didn't need it I actually needed the black one I had to raise yeah yeah yeah yeah up but even we are short on them nobody yeah we move to limit frustration I think you never can you're W and never totally blocked there's you can never I not do something live ready blocking quotes I don't think they're ever blocked at all tightening but I think that's a good element of the game you can always like okay well I'll get gold and silver instead to wait for Tiger my next guy or I'll get something there's always pretty good pass open to you it just may not be what you had been planning on the perfect sequence of well I had played the game before and I was trying a pass at this time of doing minimal amount of raids to see if I could just build to the fortresses and and I was just like scoop up yeah I was at the end and I and had I was one turn behind the whole game because of that and I think if I had been one turn ahead I still don't know that I have a chance to beat you but well him drawing all those cards with giving bonuses for being crude is hard to beat I had some of those last time and I played them and I and I did not win with them I mean the I mean his game is right there basically well there's for example it didn't come up there's a card in the game that gives you one point for every livestock okay and you can hang on and you can double that guy up me so if you have both of those and I had say this in my livestock right let's say I had these then at the end of the game I would score one two three for the livestock right four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 so these livestock I could score 15 and and you could play to just try to keep all the livestock and not spend them in any right so that's one way you can do that but although they convert pretty well-known there correct it means it means giving that up mean what Aaron was technically giving up though it didn't in this case heard of it all was those cards have no power on them right they don't give him any ending him to do that though that was what he was doing it was wise to Nikki was as well going to the town hall and dumping the cards right which is just as great ultimately right they give you stuff in the game that's really really powerful I think that I think that even though we saw this win by what looks like a lot no that's ten points or something like that right right I think I think you could absolutely play that same strategy again the next time and come in third or fourth depending on how things shake out if for example I had been that one turn ahead who knows what I do screws up Aaron because if what I do because what I do would probably mess you up you basically did everything I wanted to do attribute I could do it if I was able to do one of those things man now you have to dig and maybe you're Zig with my combo kills Aaron's game maybe he doesn't even build those cards at that point maybe he has a card in his hand that gets him a different power that he thinks oh I need this now I don't disagree though obviously in any card drafty and he drawing in getting a good okay that is going to work and I've got lucky into a combo for example right Dave you hit on what I think is a pretty important strategy concern in this game is like you do want to be the first person to get out there and get the good spots and maybe swoop your opponent by the turn or by a turn it I think rating is important maybe not almost so much from what you bring back from it although of course that gets you points as well but like smoking and getting those bonuses before anybody can get them you know getting getting the spots with lots of gold if you're going to go on to the fortresses and monasteries or 90 spots without valve trades if you're trying to preserve your crew or just you know getting you got your monastery people bonuses you only got to use them once right but if you've got to use them two or three times like that kind of stuff snowballs gas and I sort of think you know I mean obviously Raiders is in the name of the game but I think rating in the right like sequence and getting the timing right is really important right well one of the remember when I was talking about that one term one of the things that I misread was one of the times where you did the thing that I was going to do I looked over and I thought oh my can doesn't have enough stuff to do that yet and I was wrong you had a thing that I just didn't see partly because I'm wearing reading glasses but partly because we were keeping everything on the boat card and I just couldn't see it now that's not that my I'd like like a provision under here or something it was it was when he spent it and I looked over it's like oh it was clearly there it was my error wasn't I just misread a situation and but again I still don't think that would have been in a difference in this case what the interesting about this was as I said I played the game before and when I played it the last time there was really this sort of three steps forward two steps back situation and I didn't feel like this game was that much this time did you feel like did you feel like no and I spent everything and then you had to build it all that I played it before and I had used the Berserker a lot where it was you know it's expensive to use it to kill him but he was like one of the only dudes they had and he gave me strength right yeah that's why I kept doing at night I was on this track you know working for that 23 one two three four five yeah that's if you can get two more up there two more one if you thought was a kill yeah or show another eight but it's still not enough to catch Aaron Welsh it's enough to it's enough to come closer to Aaron if you get it and means Aaron didn't write so she would go back we would go up three in this case that's not enough but that gets you certainly closer to him right I kind of think I mean I have only played this twice also and I haven't used the Berserker but I feel like he might actually be too expensive burrs own good I think you're spending so much time earning silver and spending silver at the barracks to redeploy him but I only kill them once okay you know another thing but every day like every time you kill someone on your Christine is great but he's only okay they've reversed one or two anyways three every time you kill someone your crew you lose that guy yeah the idea of the berserker coming right back to your hand and he's got three strengths right force or strength there and that's a that's a great card to not lose again a lot of it depends on the randomness of how this stuff comes out and for me i have i every time i applied this game i have completely forgotten that one of the Indian conditions in the lab Alfred yeah it's I'm like yeah you did that I wasn't booing because the game was over I was thinking well that was what I wanted to do and then when you said and we hit one more turn I'm like oh I didn't see that it's a trigger that can sneak up on you or oh and well it only would have lasted one more round many because Lincoln then got the fifth fortress soon after you would have gotten oh I got more than I did up I got it okay so right it was either you ending the game or me you will know I figured I was going to go there and not that's the other irony if you don't go there and I do I will be accidentally ending the game yeah because I wouldn't have remembered that was good haha was the end game condition no it's neat it's a good-looking game - I like Rolly your look great Mon trust in the art I like the character art a lot on yeah that's available this is this is a gorgeous board as soon as you open it up like just the colors jump out at you and then really like a bagel game and it actually quite small pox when I when it got nominated yeah this board fall kind of just enter stuff yeah when I lent it yeah it was not only food kennerspiel I was like looking for a big box my dad was a big box game and it's a medium sized box pretty great it feels like a big box game there I know it does and we talked about this before though it's not that hard but it just would be it would be economically I think nicer if the stuff you paint the requirements that you had were on top here yeah and we other way and we're going to wait that order could just be like what 30 points could be under even underneath the die roll right because you roll the die and then compare it it's just yeah it should be a cost at the top prerequisite of crew members and you roll the dice and maybe and get some victory points yeah yeah but it's a minor thing in memory it is weird though because I liked where you were saying about the gold and overlooking it it's totally it is easy to oversee it you just some hair better you worthy is called on you right I got out I believe your sign I think that's just my problem but yes it is why I added the right habit every time very carefully checked because I knew that those were there and they're always like surprising like to me oh hey wait a second there's that there you know anything about you know them it's all these that need it but it is cool I really I think they did they did a very nice show in this game really gorgeous yeah that's nice I agree the characters are so great and even though scoring tokens right they're not they're like cubes or banners yeah over the side of your ship yeah it's neat they did a lot of nice little touches in this game cool well thanks for teaches there bring it back the gun okay I don't even know I knew awesome it's not even breaking oh I know it's so appropriate to some objects [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 71,624
Rating: 4.9460268 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: GLjSvqfGUFg
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Length: 93min 47sec (5627 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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