Cubitos - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is moani and i'm naveen from before you play and today we have another playthrough for you this time it is for the newest aed release called cubitos this one is designed by john declare he did spacebase if you're familiar with that amongst other games this one is a racing cube game and we'll explain it soon yes it's kind of like a dice trucker dice builder yes bag builder without the bag this is a game that is going to be releasing soon if it hasn't already and we're really excited to showcase it because we've been playing a lot of heavier games on our channel recently and so this is going to be a nice uh change of pace it is yes and so as per usual we are going to start with a mini teach and then get into the playthrough and review and so if you'd like to jump around we're going to include timestamps down below but before we get started we would like to kindly please ask that you turn on your click on subtitles just in case you make any of those mistakes and if you enjoy content like this and would like to see more please consider subscribing and with that we are going to get started so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up here for our two player game of cupitos welcome to the world of cubitoes by the way where are you their citizens have a yearly uh race and they also all happen to be cube shaped for some reason and so this is the board that we are going to be playing on today it's called nothing goes right it is the board that they recommend in the rulebook for a starting setup and now just for reference the game does come with two different boards and they are each double-sided so you have four different types of map to play on and our specific board that we're playing on starts and ends in the same space they're not always like that but for us it is and so as we're mentioning this is a race we are going to be taking turns rolling our dice trying to acquire more dice from the different dice boxes that you see kind of gathered around the board and trying to progress along the track until somebody reaches the finish line as soon as somebody reaches that finish line they win and so game play is fairly simple each round consists of two different phases the first phase is the roll phase and so each player has the exact same as starting dice we have nine dice seven of them are this light gray that only has one dye face and it is this one coin the other is a dark gray and this has two faces one is that same one coin and the other one is a foot symbol now those are the two main types of symbols that you're going to be seeing throughout the game the coins are for purchasing more of these dice and the feet are for actually progressing along the track and so at the start of the roll phase we are going to move dice into our roll section of our player mat depending on how many were allowed so at the start of the game that's nine they're going to be ways throughout the game for you to increase that limit which we'll show you during gameplay and so at the start of the game i'm going to move all nine of my dice into that section whoever the first player is also rolls this first player die that has a one credit face on it which is also used as currency and so what the way that it works is all players are going to roll their dice and this can be done simultaneously but we're going to roll our dice and look for any hits and uh dice that have an actual symbol shown on the dye face is considered a hit and so all of those dice get moved to the active zone at this point we have to decide if we're going to push or if we're going to stay essentially then you do the exact same thing you would roll the rest of your dice and move any hits to the active zone however if you have at least three dice in your active zone already when you decide to push and you roll all misses the way that it looks right here then you'd bust and you'd have to do a series of things and you'd essentially sit out the rest of the round not being able to move your dive forward but for the rest of us who didn't bust the way that it works is any dice that you did not choose to continue rolling stay in your roll zone to be rolled next round and then you move on to the second phase which is the run phase this is where we are going to be buying dice as well as running around this track so the first thing that you do during the run phase is some of these dice that you'll be able to accumulate over the course of the game have certain abilities on them namely the red dye and so you would activate them at that point but we'll more on that during the gameplay and then you'll do the main purpose of the game which is running and so for each foot symbol that you have on any of your dice or any of your abilities you're going to move one space on this track and opponents can share spaces some of the spaces on the track give you benefits for ending your turn on that space so for example this spot here will get me a one credit which is a form of currency that can be saved from around to round some spots will allow me to lose a die which helps me call essentially the bad dice that i have in my hand some spots will allow me to gain a die for free so it all just depends on the map that you're playing with so for me with my one foot symbol i might just move one space forward just like that then afterwards players have the chance to purchase more dice and that is with these circular money symbols so any of the coin symbols cannot be carried on from round to round you must spend it in that one round and you can spend them on up to two dice of different colors and so each game you always play with one card from each color type and there are several of these different cards per color each special die card has the same type of anatomy at the top right hand corner here is the amount of money you have to spend in order to purchase one of these dice and so if i spent two of my monies i can take one orange die and place it into my discard to use from the next round onwards and so for that specific die what the pinch eater lets me do is if i were to roll one of these symbols it would let me immediately move one die from my roll zone to my active zone and set it to any face so this is potentially a very useful die and so all of these different dies do something different we'll explain what they all do right before we start playing once all players have completed the run phase then all of your active lights get discarded and you start the next round rotating the first player die clockwise and as soon as somebody hits the finish line they win so that is pretty much the general overview of the rules a lot of the gameplay is going to be dependent on which type of special abilities we have in play right and so we are going to do our best to talk about the little tiny rules that we didn't go over during gameplay so we're just gonna do a tiny bit of cleanup and then we're going to get started okay we are all set up we're ready to play we just got to figure out who gets that first dice the first player first player yes okay odds and evens yes what do you want i'll take uh evens okay ready one two three go oh three okay that's you okay so naveen gets the first player die uh we are going to go over which uh die abilities we're going to be using this game but we'll probably save it for when we get to the purchasing phase first things first uh we are now in the roll phase so the first thing we do is we're going to move over dice into our roll zone now for me it's an easy it's an easy choice because i can only move over nine and i have exactly nine so i'm going over all of them but naveen has to include that first player die yeah which is good it's the best diet out of all of them that we have here so this one has two coins on it it has a foot and it has a uh credit and so i have that one and so i'm gonna bring over these two dark gray ones and then i'm going to leave behind one of the light gray because the light gray is the worst dye in the game yes yes it is all right so then starting with naveen you can do this simultaneously we are going to take turns so that you can see what we're doing okay so starting with you all right so now we're no longer there let's see a bunch of coins and a foot okay so i have two hits so i have a one credit and a foot now there's no problem with busting here because if i have three or more die in the active section then i have potential to bust so i can roll this with no so this is a good scenario that naveen has there's no risk right now exactly okay now it gets a little bit tricky so i have now three coins and bust material yeah yeah yeah two regular coins one credit and a foot and so if you were to to roll all misses you're going to bust would you like to i'm gonna i'm gonna let it go i'm not gonna do it all right i am done really i am done okay so then all those go into back into your roll zone for you to roll next round yep all right so here we go yeah wow that's pretty nice that's pretty nice i rolled four coins and a foot i am not going to push because if i bust that's going to be sad sad sad sad that's it we are we're done with the roll phase moving on to the run phase so the first thing that happens typically is if you have any of these special dice you can use their abilities if they have any that are pertinent then we actually move so you're going to count up all of your feet starting with you you like to go do your uh yeah so i have one foot um so we're going to move i'm just going to go i'm going to go right over here and sit right on top of this all right so you are naveen is a red red player actually and i'm blue so because i sat on top of that i get two credits yeah that is the symbol that is showing right there so here are you actually get one more credit for this die over here that's right and so if it wasn't clear or if you missed the teach there are two different types of currency in the game there are these circular ones that are on the dice and these are temporary you must spend them in the round that you earn them and then there are credits which are any of the squares you'll see them on the board you'll see them on the first player die and that is a currency that you can just hold on to and save for later and also during this run phase you can spend four monies to move one space forward so that is also a little rule that we should remember because that can save you in a pinch just in case yeah okay so for me i also have one movement and i'm gonna do the same i'm gonna go this way because two credits sounds like a good idea sure so there's my money let's put it right i'm gonna put over here all right so that's this i'm going to turn it to its blank side and then now we can spend money to purchase dice so you have a total of so this is done also that's done technically yeah so you have two uh potentially five so i can buy two dice but not of the same color up to of course my money limit yeah so this is optional let's talk about some of these yes so starting with the top left over here we have the red dye which is always going to show these uh sword swords on its face and so the one that we're using is mr soldier and so with this die during the run phase whoever rolled the most number of them gets three credits to movement but you must lose your red dye and so this is kind of like a powerful blitz type the orange die is the pinch eater this is our beaver and so this is the one that we were talking about in the example where as soon as you move it to your active zone it'll allow you to move another die from your roll zone into your active zone and you get to set the face so that's a nice one too and that costs two coins the yellow die is the cheese boy and so during the run phase if you also have an active brown dye in your active zone you gain two movement and if you have an active orange dye you lose any one dye in your roll zones that can be kind of a nice one to to use to cull the green dye is pina cubellata and so this die has shield symbols and you can use it when you're rolling to protect your next roll exactly so if you roll the shield symbol instead of the foot by the way i can say i'm using this die to push and so if i were to get all misses then i wouldn't actually bust for that one roll yeah that is a protector the blue dye this is bob bob is one of my favorites the three faces one symbol gives you two money and the other one gives you its power which lets you gain one reward space that is one or two spaces away from you after you finish your movement so that is also kind of a nice one to use the white die is the dope cat and so the dope cat has two movement faces as well as its symbol and the symbol lets you gain two additional monies if you also have an active brown dye and if you also have an active green dye you gain three money so this is a money making die uh the second to last one is the brown dye and so we also should have mentioned that in the rule book there are suggested uh pairings for all the different types of cards and so we are using the combination that is for combo tastic we want it to be a very combination kind of gameplay with the exception of this card so i just switched out this brown card instead of the one that was recommended we are using dr livingstone and so his symbol lets you gain two movement uh but you must lose the die and last but not least we have probably the most powerful die of them all but it's also the most the most expensive coming in at 12 bucks this is you bet jurassican there's only one face that's showing a symbol here it'll allow you to gain two movement if you also have an active brown dye you gain two additional movement and if you have an active yellow dye you gain one additional movement so that is a total of five potential movements that you can you can take all right that is that's all eight that we're playing with today naveen would you like to purchase yeah i think i will uh i am gonna buy i'm gonna buy the pina colada over there okay so this is two bucks yep these two so that's gonna be nothing nothing that's gonna go into my discard and then i do have these three right here and i will buy the pinch eater for two of these nice okay there you go now i have some dye to work with all right so back to me i have a four with potential six i think i like that combination that you just did okay that's not bad uh if i had one more it would have been nicer but i don't so i'm gonna buy the exact same two pina cubellata and the pinch eater for a total of four so i didn't actually spend my two credits here very good and that is it for the first round we're going to now move all of our active dice into our discard and we're gonna pass the first player token thank you this goes to me it's gonna get added to my my role and so we are going to begin again with our roll phase now if you ever run out of dice in your draw face like i have here because i need one two three four five four more dice then you move all of the dice from your discard into your draw and continue moving over into your roll zone yes so i need four more dice i'm gonna move these two and the two dark dyes sure so now in my case i have one dice hanging back from when i had the first player dice this one has to slide in first then all these dice in the discard can come into the draw and then now i want to take the most lucrative one so i have three four five six seven eight and nine we're going to say that ready to roll yes you first okay all right so we have four hits okay so now you have the potential to bust i do have the potential i rolled my shield but it did not give me a shield symbol it gave me a movement symbol okay so i have five dice in here do i think i'm really gonna bust of all these my orange dye has two two active faces let's just try go for it i might regret this so bad please i busted gosh well that's a good time to teach them about bus i know it doesn't feel good to bust okay so i busted so what i must do is all of my dice that are in my active zone get moved to my discard these are gonna go back to my roll zone because i must roll them again for the next round i can optionally move one die from my roll zone that maybe is not that great into my discard so i will do that because these are terrible it goes away and then now i get to move my mover here in the on the fan track so i'm gonna move it up one space all the spaces past the first one give you a benefit so if i were to move it up again then i get one credit if i were to move it up again it's a credit and an additional permanent capacity for your roll zone dice yeah we start with nine so this would be the time where you'd get your tenth dice here it would be 11 12 and so on exactly and so for me right now i get no further benefit and i must now sit out the rest of the round well you can cheer me on all right ready yes [Music] okay one shield wow so i don't have to worry about busting right now because there's only one die that's right plus i have to shield for the future that's right okay that would have been a bust i rolled complete blanks yeah but he's going to continue to push because he still only has one oh my gosh wow this is this makes for good tv uh i mean you gotta roll a face actually uh one face okay oh is this setting the tone this is naveen die rolling 101 right here there we go okay so now we have these two so now i am going to use this die which is the uh the shield to protect myself from a bust on this particular roll right here come on roll everything faces faces nothing okay so ah naveen pushed wow he missed again but his pina cube a lotta uh power protected him so now you are going to be at risk if you stay you only get three money i don't like it i'm going for it all right there we go here we go so now i have a coin now this is that uh face of that pinch eater right here so what this allows me to do is take one of these three die and then turn it into whatever die face i want so i'll turn it of course to a coin and that will make me want to say stop yeah so this gets used this is the only die that we are using that has a now benefit so that those happen as soon as you move it into your active zone exactly okay so you are the only one that's uh in this round so uh you don't have any movement no movement uh no abilities everything was the abilities were in the previous part so only purchasing yep so purchasing hmm so you have five technically six to spend okay i'm going to spend three on dr livingstone over there so these three the cuties i get a brown doggy just so i don't make a boo boo let's put these all into face down now i have two coins to spend here use it or lose it you know i'll buy another pinch eater let's see oh okay interesting i'll take that that's gonna go over there and these two now go face down and then that is all my purchasing so discard your your dice they all come over here i'm gonna rotate this to you we are starting a new round and i'm back in the game yeah so this comes here these two must come up so now i have four to choose from so i think i will choose these four those four i think it makes sense okay so i have one two three four five six seven and then these move in and of course i'm going to do these two eight nine perfect all right roll them up all right i am first player so here we go you know what we're just going to keep your let's just keep yours on the roll phase and mine on the run from left to right yeah there you go all right let's roll it up okay so we have hmm i don't like this at all three oh we have the dog face we have a green and we have a dollar it's interesting because now you're at risk for for busting and you don't have a shield so the good thing about the first player is it's 50 50 to roll something and then these are two out of six chances i'm going to go for it i'm going to keep going good luck oh yes oh at first i thought it was a mess which is good so this is good because uh i have this is an immediate action so i'm going to go ahead and flip it over this says i can turn one of these dies into whatever face i want uh let's see what we have here we have foot two coins i'm gonna take two coins two coins really yeah i think so we're like only one step off the block here you know what you're right i'm gonna take a flip let's get moving that's because like this is a race yeah and then this is gonna go over here oh you're gonna stop that's it i'm done okay time to roll [Music] wow one shield just one hit i'm not going to use it yet clearly still still in it still in it okay now you can use your shield i'm going to use my shield but before i move forward this is actually also an immediate benefit i can set this to any face i'm going to set this to a run face because it is time so now that i have uh this fence i get to protect myself for the next roll ready oh he's still in it still in it uh i'm going to stay oh okay too scary too scary setting the roll i wanted to see you go for it all right so start with you okay so we have abilities to use so i have the dog face showing so you gain two movements i gain two movements and then lose this die though so it's a one time yeah so let's just if you don't choose to use the two movement you still lose the die so you might as well i'm gonna go one two and then lose the die i lose the die see a brown die that was dr livingstone thank you so you have two more movement i have two more movement so this spot right here if i stop short allows me to actually ditch or call a die so i can get one of these little gray ones out of my life um you know what i should probably do that so unfortunately i this i should have taken this for coins but we're going to say you live in neylar so we're going to go right over there i'm going to stop and i'm going to uh this one out of circulation so it's no longer in my deck uh and that's my movement all right so i have one movement so i'm just gonna move forward one space the water spaces you cannot uh you cannot go through them and also these fenced-in areas you also can't go through these these yellow areas here are a fair game though okay so there's my one movement are you going to purchase all right i have two coins left and i'm going to buy another one of these pina coladas over here so let's give you a cube a lot of cube lettuce there we go one two okay so i have two monies to spend here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to spend an additional credit to make it three and i'm gonna buy a red dye soldier so this is i'm the only one who has a sword in the game so let's see how that goes sure and that's it so moving all those over slide over here you go thank you we begin again so i have five in my roll zone i've moved these two in for seven move these over and now i can move in two more let's do the orange die and the red dye uh i moved all these in like this okay so i'm gonna go ahead and roll all right we've got three hits one two three this is that immediate benefit so i'm going to flip over a die from my roll zone make it my sword nice uh i have four dice in here though if i continue to push i might bust and i'm gonna stay because i don't want the possibility of me busting here so this is going to go into the roll zone and now your turn okay let's just roll a bunch of coins and a bunch of feet good luck all in one roll okay we have a foot and shield that's nice okay so no no chance of busting yet not yet okay we have a foot now we have a chance of busting so we are going to use that shield to prevent bustage to protect yourself there one time protection come on orange roll you're back thank you okay the orange did roll so that's that one which allows me to pull up the rear so i will turn it in and i'll take uh you know i'm gonna take this one over here and i'm gonna turn it into a single coin really i am being very serious oh okay i can see that you want the coin and not the movement so you can leave this in your roll zone all right and that's that so this is gonna come over here okay so starting with this ability here uh this is the first time we're seeing the sword so because i'm the one who has the most number of these sword symbols i get the benefit on the card which says i get three credits oh that's nice one two three uh two movement and then i lose this die so let's take the movement now i'm going to move let's do the same thing you did one two okay and i'm going to forego the other movement so that i can take that benefit which is losing a die i'm gonna call one of these guys as well and you okay so i have two movement so i'm gonna go ahead and move one two right over here and so if you can see here naveen has now passed this red line here and so what that means is for every red line that the person in the lead is in front of you you get one additional die in your roll zone so i'm gonna get 10 dice to roll instead of the standard nine for just just for next round as soon as we're in the same zone then that benefit goes away right exactly okay so uh back to me i'm gonna purchase i only have one coin but i do have these four credits and this might be a fantastic time to buy the dope cat so let's do it i'm gonna spend this one and i'm gonna spend all four of my credits to purchase the dope cat because it has two movement faces on it and it's it'll be a nice thing to combo with green and brown i don't have any brown yet but maybe in the future so that's my purchase well i have one and then one credit uh i can get another pinch eater or a colada i'll get a pinch eater let's do it okay so this is going to go here and then i'll spend this so now i have a lot of orange and a lot of green i need to get some cash well that's it we are we're building we're slowly moving but we're moving nonetheless that is your die and moving those over so i've moved all my dice over i have eight die here so now of all these left over i gotta decide which one i want i think i'm gonna bring it up with a with an orange okay that's me and i've moved ten over into here so i have all of my combo dice all right let's get this going or my ability dice i guess okay two faces and a credit wow that's nice you get to move two yeah so these are all these will flip down and then i'll take gosh oh boy okay i will take a foot and i'll take a coin and do i want to push this this is gonna push with these four beautiful dice no that's gonna be it yeah all right now let's go ahead and put this back in the roll zone and now it's your turn all right here we go we've got four hits here one being the uh the pinch eater that pinch eater is the mvp i'm going to use it to flip this uh oh this is an active green so it'll give me three money you know what i kind of like this ability i'm gonna keep it and i'm gonna switch it to its uh cat face so that i can get a bunch of money sure and i'm gonna stay i'm not gonna roll these anymore so that's it cool uh we resolve our abilities this ability is going to get me three money on my turn when i purchase but go ahead and move uh yeah i have no abilities uh but i do have one movement so let's just go ahead and i'll move up one spot okay i'm gonna move one spot up as well i'm gonna move this way get myself closer over there but still behind that line so that it gets flipped would you like to purchase anything so i have uh one permanent credit can i get that yep uh and then i have a coin but i don't want to keep getting these oranges in green so i'm just going to forgo the coin okay and then for me i have one two coins here plus my cat which because i have an active green here gets me three additional coins so i'm going to spend all five on another dope cat yeah because the dope cat is nice the dope cat gives me movement and uh that's it so we are moving along next round i'm in trouble so i get the first player to die you do but i have all these terrible dice here i have one two three four five six seven and then i moved two of them over let's just move over the let's do these two okay i already have nine in here so i can't move anything else oh i get ten actually one two three four five six seven eight nine oh let's do the orange die ten okay all right let's go let's go let's go we've got one two three this is bad oh this is so bad one movement and two i'm going to push i'm going to push first no my gosh yes wow that was terrible so i bust so these are going to go into my roll zone these go bye-bye i always bust when i'm the first player to move up to here though and you get a permanent credit and i'm going to discard this yes i move up to the fan track and i get a credit and that's me i'm out for the round all right i needed that what get ahead of me yeah okay so i have a coin i have a face and i have a shield and i'm gonna bring up i'm gonna bring up another shield that's what i'm gonna do here so uh i'm gonna use that one shield to roll these up and hopefully we can get a bunch of money i need money money is kind of there okay and then now let's go ahead and spend this other shield come on roll four coins good luck at least three coins i need three coins one coin no no you bust oh no you don't bust yeah because you use your second shield right okay so now you can choose push and risk busting or just staying i'm gonna stay with it yeah really well i have this this credit right here all right well you're going straight to purchasing then yep so i'm gonna buy uh i think i'll buy dr livingstone right here so it's gonna be one two and credit so hopefully i can get my dog to get me that three coins all right that is nice and all these dies should actually have come back into my roll zone so i don't forget all right that was a fast round here you go we begin again one two three four five six seven eight nine six seven eight and nine these all should go here and they will go here okay ready yep do you have nine i have nine okay that's starting die good luck okay one dog face uh that is a nice oh it's not a dog it's a bieber beaver face yeah which i will go like this and then i'm gonna turn this this diet into two coins i want coins so here we go money money is necessary no chance of busting here so let's just roll a bunch of coins oh here we go this is what we're looking for three coins and a foot and then there's no way i'm gonna roll anymore so these are gonna go here and now it's your turn okay let's go wow okay okay so this is still fine i have one foot in one coin and i have no chance of busting so that's not bad not bad another foot and now we have a challenge ah we're gonna go yeah we're going to go please please help us bus but the good thing here when you bust is you get another credit and now you have a permanent extra die oh it doesn't feel as good as that sounds well it's not bad take it all right so these yeah that's terrible these get discarded yeah bad roll these go into my roll zone i get one of these to symbolize that i actually have one additional added to my base and i get another credit here so that means you have a total of nine because i'm still that one red line ahead of you i have a total of eleven i'm sorry nine plus two plus one yeah plus that i'm gonna roll eleven dice that's right all right well um we have one movement and five monies i'm gonna move that one movement right onto here which is getting on to this fan track right here so i have one flag okay just in case i blast i can get something okay okay and then now i have five coins so i am gonna get a dope cat with those five coins so here's two three four five very good okay and they're all gonna go here that's that's it that was another fast round so that goes to me thank you and now i'm gonna have 11 dice to roll with that one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then let's do one of these eleven okay i have my nine all set we're going i really need to get like off the starting block here one shield one one shield and a cheese so now by having not cheese it's a beaver so because of that now you are eligible to bust uh that's right i am eligible to bust i'm going to get a movement we need to get we need to get move in here and i'm going to spend this shield to prevent uh let's go there you go oh here we go this is nice we're going to stay we're definitely going to stay here all right go ahead all right time to roll i want this brown dye to show up with that three coins i really want good dye okay uh okay well beaver and shield beaver and shield that beaver is gonna give me that three that i was asking for uh i'm gonna use the shield to now protect myself on this roll and hopefully i roll a bunch of good things okay one coin and unfortunately that's where i will stop because i do not want to well green has a 50 50. come on darn it let's go for it all right one face just one face bust shield shield is good because then i can put that there and now keep going keep going so this is another protective one now we're getting grady oh well that's it okay so that's that's nothing no bust are you going to try again no that's it you're staying i'm sticking yeah okay i'm fine was my protector and that was the end of it all right i have two movement and three coins plus these two credits so i'm going to move my two movement and you know we are just going to go one two let's try to to take the lead here so now you've gone into the into the same red zone as me so now your die limit is ten that's right yeah so that is my movement would you like to do your movement i have no movement yeah well you could spend four coins move up one no no no way all right i have three coins here plus these two i'm gonna buy a brown dye and a green one sure so pina cuba lotta is two and dr livingstone is three for a total of five so it's gonna be these three plus my two credits all right very good okay so i have four coins uh there's nothing that costs exactly four coins and i definitely don't want to buy the two and two again so i'm gonna buy dr livingstone another brown which is gonna cost us three just because it's a discard sorry and then this is just a wasted coin so all that's just going to move over all right and that's it me too okay okay here is the first player die and so now i am back down to ten ten dice in my rolls so i have five here so now i have to get i have to cheat so i'm gonna take one two three and my weight died four two three four five six seven eight nine nine ten all right i've got my ten i need to call some of these died because they are not very good ready good luck thank you okay so we have foot and these should all come over here oh yeah sorry these do not move over only when you empty the draw will they move over yes yes okay so i have foot and then the beaver which will be used to bring up i'll take i'll take two coins why not i'm gonna take a chance i'm gonna roll you're pushing yeah all right i need something but we need to move it along we need you to bust no wow coin you are rolling bringing up uh another die so i'm going to turn that down and then i will take a foot let's get moving moving in a push again no no so this is going to come over here the roll section okay here we go one shield okay i guess that's nice at least we have that now i'm hoping that i i roll my dope cat okay so i did but it's not the face that i wanted feet and money yeah lots of feet uh let's spend the shield and roll again sure because why not right it's why it's there oh look at that that's good this is fantastic so my beaver is going to get me this do i want to move let's see if i have two i can oh so you can get to the column yes i'm gonna do you can get to the call i'm gonna do movement we are done rolling yep and do we have any abilities i don't my white guy roll a foot so no ability all right neither do i so we're gonna go straight into running go for it okay so i have two movement one two so let's turn these down one and two and well i might as well go one two and get the two credits yep there you go thank you i have three movement and so i'm actually going to go one two three and so this is going to allow me to lose a die so i'm losing i'm losing this die grade it doesn't matter where die doesn't matter well actually let's let's put that one back here sure i'm gonna lose this eye sure because i don't want the automatic required of two light gray right so that's my movement all right so for you purchasing okay purchasing so i have uh one two three i can technically go four or five and get another dope cat you know what i'm gonna do i'm actually going to split it up i'm going to keep these actually i'm not going to split up i'm just going to buy one die i'm going to buy one red die right over here how much was that that's three total so one two three so that's all spent and that's all done nice all slides over here i have a big pool i need to get rid of them okay i have five total so i knowing that naveen purchased a red dye stay away i could i should probably do the same i'm gonna buy two dice and i'm going to purchase the red dye for three and the pinch eater for two so that is five total all right done yep that gets discarded this is yours thank you these two come in and so i still have ten to work with one two three four five six uh let's go seven eight nine ten just like that one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eight nine okay ready yes all right let's get this going may you not roll the shield we are we're now moving we're now moving oh you got your sword i got my sword i got uh these two let's see i got my beaver so i'm going to automatically let's make it into a shield and spend it now so that i won't bust and i can safely roll these four okay we got a foot and a credit i'll i'll stay yeah i'll take that and you okay so now i need to roll my sword because i don't want monique to get the benefit one in a puppy face well if you roll your sword i would still get the benefit we both get the benefit right well it says here on the card uh start player breaks ties oh never mind okay so so maybe don't try to roll your sword all right we got no chance of busting here uh right ooh we got some coinage wow and some foots okay so you're dr livingstone you're gonna lose this brown dye because you rolled it's a symbol yeah so i'm gonna get two movement yeah you're looking at three movement right now i'll hold i'll just stop right there so these are going to go and because i want to keep this red into my section here so i'm going to stay there okay so first thing is the sword the sword ability because i was the one who rolled the most then i get uh three credits two movement and then i lose my red die you actually get a fourth credit because of the first player uh coin as well oh yeah because of that so one two three four thank you let's just do this now and then this is gonna give me two two movement two so two movement plus this one movement here so three movement total pulling spot right there i'm right here hmm that is a really nice calling spot we're gonna do it yeah one two so i'm going to lose a gray die sure and then that's me for movement so you also lose your red dye oh yes and now i lose my red dye that's part of what the card says after you use it you lose it yep okay so i have uh i have this ability right here which is gain two movement okay so the doggy is gain two movement and then i'm gonna lose it so i'm gonna go one two i'm just gonna stay there i want that flag but now that's gonna go there that's out i get another movement here this foot so it's gonna be one movement and i'm gonna go on top right there and so you also get to lose a die yeah so let's get rid of one of these grays uh and then now i have five coins to spend okay and now it's returning by all right so i have uh five monies total plus technically plus these uh four credits so i get something a little bit better than what we've been getting there's cheese boy here that lets you do things if you have other dice with it let's do it i'm gonna buy a cheese boy so three four five six seven just one die today just oh i i do have two more credits here i could buy a second one i'm gonna stay i'm gonna hold on to my credits cool all right so you have five to spend so i'm gonna spend all five on another dope cat okay i better get in on these dope cats soon okay i get you money for greens i have two greens i i gotta try to get those going yeah dub cap is nice yeah so okay so you'll slide it over i get the first player there you go so now oh yeah i still i'm still at ten six seven and you're at nine eight uh-huh okay so one two three four five six seven two eight nine there we go seven eight oh let's do nine cool oh oh sorry not this one let's do let's do this one nine got all the colors there all right here we go eight nine ten ten yes yes okay all right we have a shield we have a foot another foot and your beaver and my beaver which i will turn in for the red here then i'm gonna go ahead and flip the shield over so i can reroll this hopefully i can get another shield maybe oh i don't know okay i want to hold the green back all right so i have this one and this is a viewer so now i have one two two feet movements let's see how far am i from one of these you go all the way to the end there two well this lets you call two die right there sure one two three i can go here that's a long way around though huh that is gonna be a long way around so if you'd like to go there you know i'm just gonna turn this in and get a foot let's just try to get some feet okay these two will hold back and that is gonna be me okay so here we go roll yes look at all these symbols okay we have one two three four five so i have my dope cat symbol here which lets me do things if i have an active brown and an act of green so i think it would be nice to spend this beaver on my green dye and so oh a movement or a shield do i want to get greedy let's get greedy i'm going to use it for the shield and i'm going to spend it now so that i can push one more time because i have this yellow dye in here that i just acquired it would be nice to include it nope foot so i will keep the yellow dye for later all right that's me so okay my ability i am the one with the most sword so where this is going to happen so i get three credits and two movement so here's your three credit out yep thank you and two foot movements so i'm just gonna let's just push forward one two okay there we go uh and then you wanna all of my abilities have to do with movement and money as well so if you wanna so now she's on to movement so i have three feet one two three so let's go one two and three if you want to land on this space you could spend one more um movement by spending four bucks yeah i don't think so i could go one two three over there and then cull two gray die out of my out of my spot yeah i'll do it let's just push buttons here so i'm gonna go one two three all the way out to the corner i know we have to end up here but this will be a good way to get rid of a couple of these gray dye that are cramping my style so i have one two movement i have my dr livingstone who gets me two more movement and my dope cat who's gonna give me a bunch of money so let's do the movement first one two three four so i'm just gonna push forward one two three four so don't cross the line just yet so you don't get that benefit unfortunately yeah i didn't want to go straight and cross the line get you in the dice okay so that was one two this is three four i lose this die but uh it was also considered an active brown dye so i still get the benefit yes with dope cat let's put that back and so we'll do that when it comes time to bite you have any money i have nothing to buy and i have these five and i'm gonna spend them for bob bob i forgot about bob so bob allows you to get the benefit if you roll it bob's face which is kind of like this peace sign woodstock sign um you can get the benefit of whatever's on the board if you're one to two spaces away so like in this case right here when i'm here i can get this benefit or this benefit because it's two away from where i am right after movement after movement yeah so i will take bob bob bob is a very peaceful uh llama i see myself here going down this path and hopefully bob will come in handy so i get uh i have one coin here and i had an active brown and green here so it's going to give me an additional five so five six potentially seven eight that's bob um i'm gonna buy uh i'm gonna buy a doctor livingstone and another dope cat so basically i am i'm going i'm going dope cat she's gonna cash out the dope cats yep all right that's me all right let's slide these over you get the first player thank you and so i get ten one two three four five six seven eight and two more of these let's put in a dr livingstone oh one two three four five six seven eight nine one more let's do a dope cat we want to run five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight hm let's bring in another orange so i can just potentially just bring up whatever i want okay okay yes unfortunately the orange doesn't have any other benefit but that so i know thanks just let me know all right so we've got foot coin shield and beaver and so the beaver will be four let's do the dope cat for the dope cat symbol i'm going to spend this shield hopefully i get a i really want that brown to roll i know come on brown one crazy one credit gosh okay i'm gonna have to stay all right all right okay we have that woodstock symbol we have foot we have a coin and we have two of these which is kind of nice so the white one wants an active brown huh so you could move a brown and one white right let's have an active green well okay so i'll do that so i'm gonna move this into the face of the dope cat by using this and the other one will be into this as coins i don't think i want to use the the dog as that so i'm going to use that as coins yeah so because if you use it as coins you don't lose the die exactly that's nice yeah so these two will go back into reserve over here in the roll section and that is it for me okay so starting with me i have my dope cat who's gonna give me a lot of money when it comes time to buy it but i only have one movement so ah unfortunately i'm gonna give naveen that extra die i'm moving up one cool do i wanna spend four money to move in additional space do i even have four money you know what i am going to spend all of the money that i would have acquired from my dope cat let's flip that over which is three coins plus this one coin to instead of purchasing die i'm just gonna move one more spot okay so i'm moving one spot right there so that i can land on that yeah that calling uh space i'm going to lose this gray die right there and this is just going to take it for the credit because i'm not going to spend it so i know i did all of my movement at once yeah but now i'm done for the round okay so i have some uh things that activate so we have the white dye activates so i have an active brown and an active green so that's gonna get me five coins so it says remember i have five coins in the bank you'll remember that right yes okay perfect and then i have uh so we'll flip this down but i'll keep it in the cloud so i remember actually let's keep this face up that way i really don't forget we'll keep the cat up there uh and so this one activates after movement yeah so you have one movement i have one movement uh so let's go ahead and move forward right there okay and now this activates right after movement so i'm gonna flip it down so would you like the benefit up here or this benefit i'm gonna take the benefit that i just left from which is the double call so i'm going to take these two gray out oh so good see you later no more gray no more gray so i have five because the cat six seven eight nine to spend yup use it or lose it uh cheese boy sounds good that's seven so i'll take that so i spent let's say this is uh okay you have two more i have two more okay uh so the only other two are pinch eater or pina cubeletta pina cubellata has protection and projection and move so i'm going to take that one let's go ahead and take that and i can't bank it so there we go that's me these all slide on down perfect and i'll take that for you guys and so now i get an extra die because monique is past a red line so i get ten total we both have ten one two three three five six seven eight nine so of these i could just bring it in which one ten i have my ten let's go nine and uh let's go shield 10. okay that's me that was a very calculated choice something wow wow okay can you just roll my dice for me that's impressive no no no no this is nice though wow that's a lot okay i have all these things i'm going to use the shield now to protect myself from something bad i can't believe you haven't busted this entire game there we go nice okay so i have foot wow that's like almost okay this which is going to bring up this cheese into an active cheese actually you don't want to i will not push with that one with that one that's it okay okay you could have had all your dice i know all right let's go this is actually wow now we're rolling okay okay so we've got a pulling mechanism you know yeah well i don't know the calling doesn't affect the actual dye roll yeah you rolled a bunch of grays yeah okay so i have my my beaver that i'm going to spend on definitely my green because i have my dope cat in play yep so let's use it for a shield so that i could spend the shield to roll these three because i'm getting greedy getting grady that's what happens when you get greedy so i'm going to leave those okay perfect so so you get to move first yeah so i have what do your cheese do do you have an active brown i don't have an active brown do you have an active orange i do have an active orange okay so you get to lose any one die in your roll zone yeah that's it in my roll zone so i can lose this one this is optional this is not a mandatory thing so i probably will i'm gonna surprisingly i'm gonna keep this oh okay so that's yellow gets flipped over and it does nothing for you useless yes i don't know why i used it okay so so now you can move now i can move so i have one two three feetsies so we're gonna go one two three i get two credits please two credits and because i have activated this blue one which is after the run bob bob is gonna go ahead and allow me to take something up to two spaces away so i can i can call i can call this last one and just really like my hand i will so uh i'm gonna take this benefit which is coal i'm gonna call this gray one out wow bob is done and then now we have the cat right here so these all these feet all let's flip them down so cat is gonna give you money yeah the cat's gonna give me five coins i believe i have an i don't have a brown actually it's gonna give me three coins so i have four coins to spend i think uh i think my cheese oh my cheese gives me an ability it lets me lose a die in my in your rolls-royce and my roll zone i know i want them there so i'm not gonna use my cheeseboy so then it goes back to you because i don't have any movement this time so the cat gets me three because i have an active green yep uh n plus one so i have four coins to spend i'm gonna spend one on getting the soldier right here and then discard or waste my last one okay that's it i have an active green with my dope cat so that's three four five six i can spend one more for seven do we have one that costs seven yeah the cheese boy i don't want cheese boy yeah cheese boy i don't want you so now that i've crossed into the red section i'm only gonna have nine to roll this next time you know what i'm gonna spend all seven of my money's including the credit to purchase pina cuba lotta we're not going for the benefits anymore i'm too far removed from the benefits uh this might be a mistake but i'm standing by it so that's it perfect so first player dive please i don't want that die anymore we're almost halfway to the end here okay so these all go one two three four five six seven eight so i only have nine to to do here you have what ten yeah uh-huh let's move in one of these shields um okay let's do that shield nice okay okay all right ready yep here we go let's go go okay okay two feet dog face two feet in a beaver the beaver i'm going to spend on a shield so i can spend the shield and roll these or push them without any risk yeah you're all about that run all about that run we're going to stay nice go ahead all right time to get lots of pizzis i need my sword to pay off right here one coin from my oh wow that was a surprisingly opposite of last roll oh one overboard okay okay so you got four hits yeah so we got the shield coming in we got the two coins we have the foot this is gonna flip over and then i'm gonna turn that into this right here your sword yeah and then this was nothing when i rolled it so this is gonna shield and let's say we get everything to score or something okay you got everything yeah this is gonna turn down this already was turned up and then now i will take dog faces feet or three coins hmm i'll take three coins wow you got every single die i did uh from nothing to everything you know yeah from zero from zero to zero okay kelly so i'm going to go and do my movement first so i have one two three four actually you have a sword so you get to do that first i do uh so because i'm the only one with the sword i get three permanent uh credits credits and i get two feet movement okay so i think the movement just gets added to the rest of your movement yeah your movement phase yeah yeah okay so i have one two three four movement so i'm gonna go let's just go one two three four we're going that way uh and that's all my movement so back to you okay so now my movement with that soldier is i get one two three four let's see if i go one two three four i could be neck and neck with you oh i don't like it let's do it with all those good dice yes one two three four so we are tied all right that was this that was that foot and that foot and you ditched the red dye i did ditch the red dye so now i have uh three four five six no no you you ditch that you actually get rid of the red yeah so i just auto pilot whatever money turned it's the red dye you say okay so i have my one credit and i have one to spend am i gonna spend two coins probably not so let's just let's just be done wow so i have 11 in credits this jurassic and is 12. aha you know i'm gonna buy another soldier for three okay and i'm gonna take the dock for another three really that's everything so that all slides out that's all six of mine all right so all mine get discarded as well you get this yeah i don't want i don't like that either anymore when you roll the foot it's okay it's just okay yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine plus one more the thing about that is the other dice are just so much better yeah i feel you um let's do another dope cat i have my nine here rolling somebody could die [Music] everything oh wow okay your windshield i got my three coins i get my shield and two feet but yeah we're using the shield of course i really want my orange i'm sorry my yellow to roll okay go on yellow oh are you going to push please please these are great dice they are great to us monique you're right you should push should i everything has a has two pips that do something all right i will push everything has a one and three chance so let's do it come on something yeah look at you aren't you glad you did three feet we've got my cheese and my beaver that i'm going to flip over to get a shield and flip over the shield now so i can push again come on come on come on why well you did you rolled already it's okay but you were probably rolling to get the brown so you could have just used your thing on brown and then held back no i wanted the brown and the white okay i want to transfer both oh yeah i see so now i didn't get that but um but at least i have the brown yeah so these are going to stay in there cool all right all right so uh the first thing is i have a sword uh done so i gained three permanent please oh you're gonna get your you bet your ass again aren't you i want it i round it and plus uh two additional movement so um i'm supposed to lose this die after i move so i have my cheese but i have an active orange so that lets me remove a die from my roll zone so i'm gonna ditch this cool okay other stuff is for moving and and buying so go ahead and do movement okay so one two with this and then because of this three four and five total five six actually six total movement so i can go one two three four five six i will so i'm just gonna hug it super tight one two three four five six wow okay that's the finish line right there oh my god this is okay not looking so i'm supposed to get a permanent credit if you don't mind okay and you lose your red dye i do lose my red dye not on autopilot this time this is not looking good for me uh and so now i have three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so i will be able to to do it uh do your movement first okay so uh dr livingstone is gonna get me two movements so two three four five plus my cheese boy gives me two more movement because i have an active brown six seven so two three four five six seven so you can be one space ahead oh my gosh one two three four five six seven i'm gonna i'm gonna try we're going for it i'm going for it yeah the good thing is you get this day i do lose dr livingstone i do yeah unfortunately and my cheese is done these are all done i just get one credit oh my gosh oh i get the first player yeah it's not looking good you would like to purchase stuff yes uh so i have three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve i just jurassic but i have these oranges that could maybe bring it up my favorite die so you bet jurassican as a reminder has only one dye face that will give you a hit and what it does is it gives you two movement if you have an active brown it's an additional two movement if you have an active yellow it's an additional one movement for a maximum of five movements in one on one yep so that's a really nice one that's all my cash i have one one coin and one credit i feel like this next round is going to be potentially the last round it could be yeah so maybe i will use it i'm going to buy a shield a peanut cube a lot yeah because that at least has a foot on it yep so okay slide down this is yours now oh i hate that i have this and you you stinker you actually get one temporary uh one extra yeah and done one behind so i have one two three four five six seven eight nine six seven eight and i'll bring up this pink our purple one that's my 10. let's see these two nine ten i don't know here goes nothing yep i think that's ten right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay come on i need three i need four or five movements and the mean needs to have six three movement shields okay we've got some shields we have one foot we have two coins okay uh i'm going to spend a shield to roll again come on come on dope cats i have so many dope cats in here there's a foot one flower oh shield again another shield this is not looking how much five feet i need all hits oh wow wow so close wow you're going to be one short of it wow if i'm going to be one short of it and i'm like certain that you're going to hit the finish line i might as well push you might as well push i might as well push yeah okay you need so if you push you need this to then turn to that that beaver face so that you can then turn that into foot or you just roll the foot okay i can either roll a foot or roll a beaver let's go oh my god oh and that one coin is just it's locked you cannot turn it now into a foot i rolled one i'm gonna push again okay no there's no point in pushing again because there's no foot on that die it's the not in my hands today i'm sorry go ahead i get to roll now okay i just want my purple to roll i kind of want your purple to roll too i just wanted to roll with no other things happening that would be exciting okay uh well you got your beaver so you can set it oh that's not too much that's not much going on though you would just be yeah that's right i'm gonna set it though i i definitely have to set it are you gonna push i'm pushing look at this knowing that i'm not even gonna make it anyway yeah i'm gonna push i have to all right so i get to roll here we go all right here we go to the end i have the shield here which i don't really need no it doesn't matter yeah because you have two so i'm going to turn this into dog face and i'm going to turn this into foot okay so i have four movement and i'm not gonna make to the end here so we're just kind of going through the motions because naveen is definitely gonna make it so i'm gonna go one two three four nice i can smell the finish line people are standing right in front of me trying to grab my hand they want to help you but and i'm tell them i can't i don't have enough feet no feet they're like reach out your foot all right it's me bring us home so i have a couple um that we're going to do here so this dog face is active so that's going to be two yeah and then i would normally give it back but i also have this purple right here which is gain two plus two for active brown so that's gonna be another four one two three four dr livestone then goes out um and then i have more feet uh two more feet so we're gonna go one two and ready for our next lap this is it's actually over here this is all one big space yeah oh i see you that's it that's it no more purchasing of stuff because naveen has won the race i went i q you won annual race race-a-thon don't know what the reward is so victory victory you're the best cube in in cube cube zilla yeah nice gubatos yes that's it good job you know i thought that like that is so silly and it means to go all the way over to the right here when you went to the far end to get those benefits they got me the money that i needed and it got me to call a little bit more plus bob bob is big bob is big bob is one of my favorite of all of the colors and i totally forgot maybe because you placed them over here yeah because if not you have to then land perfectly on a square yeah it's like i don't want to waste certain movements sometimes you have feet that you'll overpass you know you don't do that so i had my eye on the prize and uh so i was like you know i'm just gonna hug this center area and just try to go as fast as i can and it didn't work out so do not ignore the benefits that are on the board and do not ignore bob get bob like real early like turn two whenever you have the first time you have five coins get bob yeah so anyway that is it that is shall we talk about it sure let's do it so this is the newest aed release and aeg is known for those games that have some fun factor right there they're pretty uh rich they're like rich experience in art and everything and this one is no exception what do you think yeah it's fun um it it can sometimes go a little bit long that is yes like this particular playthrough felt longer than past playthroughs for us uh but i do like pusher luck dice chucking games when it's like uh no hards feelings kind of stuff and this is exactly one of those so it's fun um i like the fact that there is a lot of different options in this game but i guess we could talk about that when we go into replayability variability so let's start with theme sure uh this is a it's a cube world this is a made up world yeah but it's it's very cute let's talk about theme and uh components i feel like they all kind of go hand in hand what are your thoughts uh theme is silly uh i appreciate the silliness of it um it doesn't do anything special for me but it's cute yeah especially in contrast with john declares other uh designs like spacebase it's very different it's it has a such a good table presence and if you look at it and it's like wow what is that and the way that they design the components make it look like it's a stadium with all of these colored uh i don't know towers bordering it to me it reminds me of like a soccer field like a soccer stadium yeah right um so in terms of that i think it's it's very uh endearing but components wise the the uh the dice are all very cute you know they have a ton of different types of each colored card yeah that's cool yeah that is a good part of it i really do like that about it but i will say that these little tuck boxes are were so difficult for us to just set up these come all broken down as like flat like foldable things you kind of have to build them but like each one has this like in like indents inward and you have to you have to fold it that way i don't know it's hard to explain but we struggled with it it's just because you're so used to boxes just in regular society and the way we live and like to fold things back on itself to make these i felt like i was going to break it at any moment yeah but and also there's like this like white insert inside the box and we couldn't get all the components back inside the box as soon as we had we built yeah that was a little strange so maybe we're doing something wrong if you figure out a way to do this let us know but we just ended up removing the insert so what about player count and replayability yeah this uh how many can this play this can play four i think i think four yeah um it could be long four just because you have more people rolling so if you have more than two you should probably do everything simultaneously yeah you know trusting that you trust your opponents yes you can definitely cheat if you're not gonna play simultaneously yeah uh because of the way especially the way that the cycle of dice go from your discard into your draw pile only once you've exhausted your draw right that's really important yeah sometimes i forget that part yeah it's easy to forget and it's really really important to remember or else you're you might be cheating and and taking the more powerful dice you shouldn't be that's exactly why it's designed that way that it like pulls the other dice in yeah you're forced to have to deal with the light great ice yeah exactly yeah yeah that's that's why the rule is there yes um but yeah you got i think simultaneous play will get the game moving along a lot faster uh in terms of higher player counts there's not a whole ton of player player interaction you're not attacking each other and you guys can end up on the same spot so there's you know pretty much you're just rooting for them to be less optimal and real bad the the one type of die that is uh that does happen interaction is a red die because especially in with the card that we played you you're competing to see who has the most amount of that red die so the other cards probably do some other stuff but especially in the game play that we did we kind of tailored this play to more of comboing right so this guy with that die if they're both successful then you get more benefits yeah so not all games are like that which speaks on its replayability because you can go and and have your setup be one of the ones that are suggested in the rulebook so the rulebook will say like for first time players use these exact eight cards right if you want a game that relies more on the fan track there's another setup right and so there's even like a campaign style where you can do like all eight if you want to do like the entire race i guess and there's one uh setup that has you do two laps for an even longer game there's a lot of things that you can do with this game in terms of the variable setup you can even craft your own which is kind of what we did because we followed the combo tastic setup and we just switched out one dr livingston just so we had a little bit more uh more feet potential feet just so we can kind of go along yeah but but i really do like that about the game you can craft your experience depending on on who you have at the table and going back to player count it still plays well at two if you only play two i don't think you're going to lose out on much of the experience so just keep that in mind and now what about in terms of weight yeah this is a family game uh this anybody can play this uh this is something that uh new gamers can play experienced people will have fun with it you play with kids kids yes yeah it's very very simple very versatile in that sense they're only a few like yes you have to refer to the cards when you roll the actual abilities but it's just feet which is movement and money and there's only really one thing that you're buying here it's dice yeah yeah dicer movement so it's very simple very accessible game yeah and in terms of uh mechanics so this is a pusher luck dice trucker race it's a dice building game it's a yes yes it's a nice building big dice building component yeah and so that is probably my favorite part about the game the dice building because i like deck builders yeah and so if you're if you like deck builders this is the same concept it's just you're using dice and so there's a lot more luck right in terms of rolling the dice because you can get the dice that you want but still never roll the faces when you need them so that is probably my favorite part about the game how about you yeah same um you know the more and more i'm playing these different versions of deck building the more and more i'm coming around to the to the mechanism because you're learning how to call because i'm learning how to call yeah exactly like that was something for me when i first got into gaming it's exactly why i hated deck building but now that i'm kind of into it and playing way more of them um i enjoy it this is a this is an interesting mechanic it's a deck building but then nothing really has anything no dye has any probability that's better than 50 50. so then there's this kind of fluctuations as to what you're going to really get right so i do like kind of that gambling pusher luck yeah for this type of game yeah i think that this game is very very well designed um it does start off pretty slow like the first half of the board the first like half hour that we played or something is just us like kind of oh i moved two spaces oh i moved one space two coins okay i'm gonna get this one tiny little card yeah so it does get exciting but not until later that is my only that's my one concern the fact that it's kind of long and kind of slow in the beginning yeah that's why we say go back to play the simultaneous then it it really gets the game moving yeah uh so this isn't a style of game that typically uh gets a lot of play time in our household just because we're more into like heavier strategy games but i think that this is going to be a pretty big hit uh especially with families families yeah and people who just like this kind of push your luck strategy game so if that sounds like you then this is probably one that you might want to check out final thoughts yeah i like this designer uh he has come out with a bunch of games that um are very accessible fun uh pusher luckiish and um this is no exception yeah yeah yourself yeah same it's a really neat design i think that people are gonna really love it so anyway that is cubatos by john declare published by aeg thank you all so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it if you like to see more videos like this please consider subscribing thank you [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 26,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cubitos, Cubitos board game, cubitos board game review, how to play cubitos, cubitos tutorial, cubitos board game overview, cubitos playthrough, cubitos thoughts, cubitos rules, cubitos game, AEG board games, John D Clair, Cubitos runthrough, cubitos how to play, cubitos dice tower, cubitos played, cubitos review, cubitos board game, board game review, board game reviews, best board games, Alderac Entertainment Group, review, cubitos gameplay, cubitos final thoughts
Id: _3qH0Z0DP_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 8sec (4268 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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