Sam Healey - Top 10 Board Games of All time - (Top 20)

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I added the timestamp to the interesting part ;-)

What else is new and interesting on YouTube/other platform and is about TI?

Oh yeah, Shelfside's recent top 10

Batteries Not Included is continuing to pump out TI content. He seems to be the rechargeable sort, or else he'd be discharged by now :]

Twilight Wars (the web "app") too continue their production of videos.

The Board Game Kaptain has ~15 videos, each dedicated to a TI faction.

Talkin TI with Mo & Chris (Twilight Imperium) is a month old Youtube channel with only TI content... and only 52 subscribers! :)

Rulebreaker Boardgames is still going on.

Craiken Games hasn't produced a battle report in the two last months!

Beyond the Board released their Creuss faction guide one month ago.

Board of it isn't a TI channel, but they released a "playthrough highlights" two months ago.

Various play throughs:

...while Core 4 Games has had a 4 month hiatus! Time to start the next Game Round, guys! :)

Phew, that's a lot of videos! Have I missed something that should have been included?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Turevaryar 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was a pretty fun watch. I wouldn't have tried TI if Sam hadn't talked about it so much on Dice Tower.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ruavin 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have a list of the 10?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mineyoursmine 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Settlers of Catan? Terraforming Mars? Gloomhaven? Caverna? Gaia Project?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GadyLaga122 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello welcome everyone to this guy's channel crackle the quackalope and uh we're here in my studio up in washington state uh cranking out some content for you guys and gals so today this guy made me um i won't say a gun point but well anyway um yeah so and we're he he made me put to put together this list this is something i haven't done in a couple of years actually almost three years yeah going on three years since the last top ten over at ice yes i did my top 100 back in 2018 that's the last time i did it with the dice tower didn't do it in 2019 because i was i was leaving the company at that point and when at the end of the year which is when they usually do that time yeah so that's why i didn't do it in 2019 and then the world decided to hit the big pause button exactly so uh this is something that um he told me that i could not look at yeah 2018's list and he wanted me to put together a top 10 list personal top 10 list right now without looking at my 2009 2018 list and i wanted that for a few reasons first off it has been quite a few years since you got a chance to dig back into those and some of those titles probably have shifted and changed based off of memory and also based off of game experience your game group's changed a little your experience in this hobby space and kind of the role that you play has changed a little certainly speaking of which one of the reasons i'm down here in washington is we're helping you set up a studio that can facilitate gameplay content correct over on the mythic games channel so for any of you that are big time sam healy fans which i am and yes i did a fanboy the first time we met uh he really didn't we were sitting at a table at dinner yes you weren't fanboying in my mind i was like dinner i was under my what in my mind i freaked out because it was no come on so for those of you that share that you know i came into this hobby space with you all sitting in front of the camera talking to you about the games that i fell in love with right yeah so for those of you that share that if you want to follow along with what you do what you're currently working on and get some conversational videos get some news updates and check out the products that you all are releasing over at mythic swing over the mythic games youtube channel yeah hit the subscribe button there you'll get a lot more of this guy and you'll be able to directly interact with him yes and his job is to respond to you absolutely which for me i find entertaining yeah well it is it is fun and i i really do enjoy my job it has its times where it's a little bit of a drudge but i i love it and i can't keep going specifically when like 20 or 30 quacks show up and just start quacking on your content then the question is how do you respond to that nobody does that yeah yet so that's a threat i heard uh so i had two reasons for keeping you from looking at your old list i understand that it might make this list a little a little bit more flexible because you don't have your past experience yes fully informing what you have here right however i wanted that i wanted to see how your list might have changed i i have your list your original pulled up right here from the dice style or top ten yeah to reference against what you do here okay to see if you will see messing things up i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure that at at the very least two of the ones that are on my top ten are not going to be on that list okay very least i'm curious to see how this changes so at least you did write down 20 games though i did so we're going to rattle off by 20 to 11. right now and then we're gonna dig into then we'll dig into the top top ten okay all right so number 20 is a game that i just got to play because when it came into the dice tower tom and z took it and uh ran with it and i never got to i never even got to touch it before it it made it into the library and it was out of the studio and and i didn't get to use it well i i could have gotten it out i'm not trying to vilify that no you're right how dare you but this is a game called horrified horrified is by prospero hall and i really enjoy this game in the top 20 in the top 20. this is the newest gaming this is my newest game in my collection and it rocketed up there because now again you have to understand that i do have a game group here in in washington state we do have i do have buddies that i go play games with and but most of the gaming that i do is with is is with my my new family yeah and uh uh my my new wife and her two kids and uh aiden and myself there's five of us and we can that's a lot of the gaming that we do yeah and all five of us really enjoy horrifying so cool so it automatically shot right up there um it's going to stay there probably because my family really enjoys it and i feel like it's going to be a game that my family continues to enjoy because it's it's not a baby kiddush game but it's also not a heavy hitter either it's right there in that sweet spot for families and so it's really cool so that's 20. okay so my number 19 is [Music] tan hoiser now tan hoiser is tan hauser you've never heard of this game never heard of this game see this is what i'm talking about you stupid content creator i'm just kidding you guys are nice you need to focus on something that's not new tan hauser 10 hoyzer probably has one of the best line-of-sight mechanisms that's ever been employed in the game this is a world war ii um kind of like a hellboy-ish universe okay where where the germans are are delving into the the uh the the occult and they're bringing up all of these eldritch horrors and the americans are trying to fight them it's a it's basically a first person shooter game on a board okay um uh if you've ever played unmatched have you ever played unmatched the same same line of sight mechanism interesting but they got it from 10 hoiser the region region specific yeah the colors yeah um where you can follow the track of colors and that tells you you have a lighter side or not that's where it came from it came from tan hoiser interesting so there you go anyway that's number 19 tan hoiser i still don't have this i i don't have this game anymore because it didn't hit the table as much um and it was a big a bigger game a bigger box okay so it took up more room so i got rid of it found a guy omar fatale that bought it from me at one of the uh dice tower uh retreats um and he has it now so i know where it is um so my baby you know anyway uh number 18 is rising five runes of asteros that's right up here on one of my shelves i can't remember exactly where i put it i saw just a second ago but uh it's really cool deduction games cooperative where uh you're trying to deduce a certain code or a locking mechanism that will save your the the moon from crashing into the planet of astros so um that's a really fun game as well um vincent de trade did the artwork for you okay beautiful game uh number 17 shadows over camelot uh talked about this one a lot over the years yeah so it's it's just one of those things it's it's it's an evergreen for me i i every time it hits the table we go off on the money python quest for holy grail jokes um and quips and lines and all that kind of stuff so shadows over camelot always a fun time for me number 16 small world small world is a game that just continues to shine uh i had some some old dice tower fans that were visiting family up in leavenworth and they contacted me said hey we're going to be in the area do you mind if we stop by and play some games sure what do you want to play well we haven't tried small worlds yet so we'd like to do that we haven't tried stoneage yet we'd like to try that great both games high up on my list so just recently played this one four player game really enjoyed it still sung really enjoyed it still some uh next one is my number 15 star wars rebellion uh this i continue to postulate that this is star wars in a box with expansion without expansion uh width expansion works very well okay with expansion works very well because they went with the rogue one expansion so it tied very closely into episode four it's great um i really enjoy it like this one a lot it is definitely um i it's it's for me it's better than armada it's better than x-wing it's better than outer rim um those are all great star wars games but if you want star wars if you want to play the movies rebellion is where you want to go okay um 14 stone age just talked about this a couple days ago yep a few minutes ago uh one of the games that we played with the guy that came in from leavenworth same thing sure yeah um so it's a it's a great family game that really kind of teaches how to well feed your tribesmen stone right no no i think you're the wrong guy you have to you do have to feed your tribesmen yes but it's not agricola feed your people where it's is it heavy isn't it isn't this the game i think i've played it once isn't this the game where if you don't have the resources you end up spending stone yes so you don't have the food production so strategically you have to spend either you made me feel like my joke wasn't accurate it is accurate it is you can strategically feed your tribesmen stone yes if you're that poor of a planner yes that's correct number 13 jamaica great pirate themed racing game beautiful artwork uh we and really enjoy ourselves every single time this one hits the table no matter how often or uh how not how often but no matter what level the other players are at it's done great as a gateway game it's done great with people who have uh always enjoyed games so uh jamaica is one of my favorites evergreen definitely for sure number 12 onitama tama is a great two-player game um and it's one of those games that is definitely a gateway game for me especially if you're dealing with like chess players yeah or people who like those kinds of i need to think ahead type of things yeah it's that perfect bridge and that's exactly what it is yeah uh but it also works well with people who haven't enjoyed chess who haven't because it's so simple and how it plays yeah um you're only dealing with five moves your those five moves are going to be circulating you're not having to bog yourself down with all of this you know you know insert all of the different mathematical equations that are going through my head right now you don't have to do that you have five moves that's it exactly so oni thoma number 12. number 11 fire and axe of viking saga um i actually got this tom gave it to me when he was done with it and he was done with it very early he did not like this game very much at all i really did the thing that he didn't like about it is that you can swoop in and really mess people up at the very last minute um you simply have to plan on that and normally i get it um because i don't like games where you can just kind of randomly swoop in and do something that somebody else is about to do i usually don't like games like that where you can really just kind of screw people over for the sake of screwing them over you can do that in that but if you do it just for the sake of doing that you're not gonna win you need to have your own plan you need to go in and have your own strategy and your own tactics um messing people over won't win you the game more often than not so that's number 11 fire and acts of viking saga so that's the uh that's the honorable mention list that's the only now we're digging and we're digging into your top ten we are gonna dig into the top ten how do you i think the top two the the ten and nine spot are not gonna be on your list i think eight through one will be there in some order for you how do you go about approaching a top ten these are games that i enjoy um period that's it uh i don't think about how often i've got the game to the table okay i don't think about uh necessarily how other people have liked it although that might play into it especially with number 10. um uh but even number 10 probably wouldn't have made my list a year ago um but i've had so much success with it generally okay it's starting to start fluctuating yeah do you have do do you have games that are perfect five out of fives that other games bumped not just from two to three but two off the list for instance like uh easy comparison would be uh blood rage i think he's gonna be on there somewhere uh and so if that's on there did that potentially bump out a drafting or a or a tactic like a area control game off the list because it just doesn't compete not necessarily okay not necessarily uh i don't have any problems with having repeats and stuff like that sure cool especially as far as mechanisms are concerned because if i really enjoy a mechanism of course it's gonna the games that employ that mexican mechanism are gonna show up on my list more often well let's dive in yeah okay my number 10 is a party game okay okay i and it's this guy right here just one just this is your party game of pick party game of pick and you know uh a couple of reasons why it's very simple if people have played games like apples to apples before which a lot of people have um you can say i've got a game that's better than that so in this game you're going to be setting up with a table full of people what do you what do you prefer to play this at if you had a range more than merrier more than merrier i like to max out on party games everyone everywhere on the table is going to be writing down a word that's a clue to what the just one word has just one word so you have one person who's going to be the person who's picking the choice i have your word an apple just signed in front of me no you're actually not gonna see the word that everybody else is trying to give you a clue for so you have five words on a card and you've put that card facing everybody else you can't see what it is and then you pick a number one to five yeah so i pick four and let's say that the four is crocodile all right now everybody else has to give you just one word clues based on green that's trying to point you towards the word crocodile teeth sure and so you have to close your eyes while they do that because they're going to compare their answers after everybody's chosen they're going to compare their answers or their clues to everybody else if two people or more have the same clue written down they stay face down you can't the the person who's guessing doesn't actually get to even see that clue and so once you've done that you open your eyes everybody shows you your clue and you have to guess what the word might be and then you're working together to try to get as many as you can it creates this interesting gameplay experience where the first three things you think of when you think of crocodile you kind of want to write down because someone else is surely going to put p t on the table exactly and then if they don't you run into the situation all the unobvious ones are there and you're like none of the easy answers yeah exactly but this one has uh i mean every single time without fail this hits the the table it sings highly and greatly of itself so that was that's just one 100 not your historic top 10 not on the list i don't even think it was on my top 100 we'll go through one i hadn't played it back then okay we will go through i'm gonna reference it whenever you match i'm gonna reference and then at the very end of the video we'll go through what shifted off this list this came out in 2018 so it might be on my top 100 but i don't i just okay okay all right my number nine is another game that i don't actually have in my collection because after i reviewed it at the dice tower it went right into the dice towers library sure uh and i didn't get to keep it but that is a game called obscurio now obscurio is a oh what's that one that has the strange artwork um i can't remember um it's it it's it's kind of like mysterium okay it's kind of like mysterium light with a couple of mechanisms changed to where it works better in my opinion than mysterium um this is not going to be on i was checking it obscurio is is just i like the idea of mysterium okay i really enjoyed it i didn't like the seance vibe that mysterium gave you but obscurio kind of handles the same idea in a magical way instead of an an occultish way as a game that that isn't in your collection that went into the dice tower kind of vault of games why did this one stand out so much that it's still standing here in your top ten what was it that that you couldn't find somewhere else well again i liked mysterium yeah but i i had problems with the occult vibe that it gives um on a personal level yeah so obscurio gave me mysterium in a paddle in a palatable way cool so that's why that's why it's stuck around i i wish i had this game in my collection but i don't um because i had to leave it with a dice tower but it's it's a super fun game i love uh taking the taking the dials that have the pictures on them that are the clues basically in this one a book is trying to find a book that's been stuck in a library a magical library is trying to find its way out and you're trying to help it and it's trying to give you clues to find out where it is so that you can release it i that that that's generally the idea of what's going on so as the book is giving you clues to where uh of how to get out of the library the people are working together to try to figure out which one of them is working against them okay so it also has that hidden trader element interesting i really enjoy this game so much and it's really kind of flown under the radar because i think mysterium took most of the space interesting for this genre but it's really really fun and i i really enjoy it a lot i like the components a lot as well um there's just a lot of really cool things that the game does so if you haven't checked it out you probably should that's my number nine obscurio cool all right my number eight is one that i've talked about um a lot in the past and that is zombicide black plague okay um specifically specifically black plague um i've played zombicide invader i've not played the western one that's that's still i think it was just on gts i like western themed games so i want to play that one cool but i've played zombicide invader um and it's almost too easy zombicide black plague sometimes is simply too hard but it's still a lot of fun um so i'd rather have a have a game like this be too hard but still fun because you're blasting if you get to suffer together sure yeah it's hilarious when your face gets ripped off by a giant uh zombicide the original one had some rules that i was not savvy on like the friendly fire rule which they fixed in black plague um so that i like a lot uh i like the uh the the medieval setting that it is in better than the modern or the futuristic one that invader is so that's another reason why um i've kind of come back to this i really enjoyed the green horde expansion and the wolfsburg expansion as well so it's this this is where zombie side lives for me now for anyone that doesn't quite know what zombicide is this is dungeon crawl-esque you know sort of sure dudes on a map ameritrash dice rolling yes upgrade your heroes venture into a bunch of rooms unveil hordes and hordes of zombies and control an ai system working against your squadron of heroes if you've ever seen hot shots part do where charlie sheen is just sitting there going most you know bloodiest movie ever comes up on the screen you know and it's like an arcade game that's pretty much what what this is you're you're four or five heroes that are going through a town trying to achieve certain objectives find certain things meanwhile battling off the horde of zombies that are chasing you down and it's it's not i use dungeon crawl loosely in this sense because you are unveiling rooms you're and that to me is a bit of that element right it's not your journeying through sort of a campaign style that's correct yeah all right so that's my number eight zombie side black play it does it is on there it does not match with number eight okay where was it uh it was number seven number seven only one off yeah only one only one okay there we go all right all right all right all right my number seven i don't think this was on the top man there might have been three my number seven eight seven eight vikings eight seventy eight vikings and that is oh i forgot to show i forgot you you made me take these off oh sorry yeah they're right here here you go black blank see everyone knows this one though there we go very close to a drink that's positioned so here we go 878 vikings the invasion of england it's from academy games i don't think it's on the list it is not i'm loving this more and more pretty sure it's on my top 100 it just this is really kind of raised for me because i love the historical nature of the game and it's vikings this is this is from like back cover it's not a glamorous show off our beautiful artwork style game no academy games isn't isn't really known for that um this academy games is known mainly for their historically uh accurate cool games not really not really simulations but more recreation okay um so with this one you have the viking hordes who are invading england and then you also on one side and then on the other side you have the english forces who are trying to protect their own uh properties as much as possible waiting for uh i believe it's uh richard to show up and and uh save the day so to speak so no not richard is it richard king richard no it's not kate that's randall uh i i can't remember rudolph we'll get there with his red nose such a striking young man so so at what player count and what does this one do that okay well this is another cool thing about it you can play it two or four players okay uh you can actually play two through four players because one player uh can control all of the english forces while two other players control half each of the of the vikings do you think it stands up in any of those player ranges it does cool it does i think it does really well um uh you can also play it with four player where two players play the english and two players play the vikings okay or you can just play it straight up one player takes the english one player takes the vikings um and it it works well in all all of those cases usually like for example with rebellion i i'm like no you need to have one one empire one rebellion yep done yeah this one it works who because i'm not familiar with this one so i'm picking some questions to figure out and i don't know i think a lot of people are gonna go zombicide yes i think a lot of people are going to have played just one where does this bridge from because this isn't a game that i feel like i go to my local store and i pick up unless i'm doing it off the word of you or unless i'm already familiar with the genre of historically accurate you know replication game so what do you mean what is it if i like a b and c where might this one fit or talk about the mechanics that this one's really shining in it's it's somewhat of a card driven game because you do have cards in your hand that you're going to be playing to bolster a certain time but uh what game does it you know it's part of their um birth of series they also have a 1774 i think birth of series in america which is um uh i can't remember the name of it but i think it's just the year 1774 or something to that effect where it's the american revolution okay um and they all use the same mechanism so it's hand management and you're moving and you're moving troops around you're moving around fight you're you're positioning you're attacking your uh um supporting troops yeah all that kind of stuff cool so it has a command and colors vibe to it okay um uh so but i would say commander colors is more it's on the same level yeah but i think you know the the block command and colors games that gmt puts out um they're a little bit more technical than this game is this is probably more on the level of like a memoir 44 interesting type recreation interesting history it's a fascinating genre to me and one that i haven't delved into yet and so this along with i'm sure a few people watching would you recommend a good place to start exploring this area i would yes yeah i don't uh that's one of the things that with this one sometimes academy games their rule books are a little bit too much like technical manuals and this one is a little bit like that but not so much that i thought it was different no i don't think so at all um another reason why i think that the two to four player thing works with this one is because of it fits the theme thematically you have different tribes you had different uh uh you know viking tribes that were coming down with different leaders you had different english rulers that had their own uh machinations yes so it works yeah uh but it's a really fun game and it's it's just a lot of fun i really enjoyed it so that's my number seven 878 vikings the invasions of england okay all right number six i'm just going to use one box here this is warhammer underworld's shade spire now shadespire has um night vault it also has beast something or other beast worlds or beast i can't remember what that one says because i haven't bought that one yet i'm sorry gw don't hurt me um but it has a whole bunch of different things but it uses the same system it's just that when you buy a new standalone when you buy shade spiral when you buy night vault it comes with uh two factions and everything you need to play for those two factions now i'm familiar with warhammer where is what is this doing in that line okay well as you can see from as you can see from the back it is a very much a squad level uh uh skirmish game where you have uh it's in the same vibe as super fantasy brawl as a matter of fact interesting you have your team uh and they all have their special abilities you uh i have my team i have all my special abilities we're trying to uh score the most points over the course of three rounds and we have point cards that are in our hand we also have special ability cards that only our guys can do and so forth and so on and whoever has the most points after three rounds is the winner even if and this is kind of the cool twist about it even if all of your guys are taken out if you still have more points than your than your opponent you still sacrifice yourself for that victory okay so that's the cool thing about this one um it has kind of the same vibe as a super fantasy brawl yeah this one hit my uh this is kind of i i would say i like them equally super fantasy brawl and and shadespire i put this one on the list because i'm i'm not just trying to you know commercialize my company sure or the company i work for it's not my company i keep saying that confirm this one major bio no not even close um shakespeare i played uh i played the finished version before i play super fantasy brawl okay um so uh this one has is a little bit more near and dear to my heart um i've been a gw fan for a long time also and this is where they kind of hit their um their sweet spot with me um i i'm not anymore in a 2000 point you know army on a big table i'm not there anymore and that's where most people i gotta be honest i flinch at warhammer largely because the threat of that i i'm not saying i won't like the systems and won't like the game it's the danger of a two thousand point army yeah custom paint job that scares me well one of the one of the things that soured me on 40k yeah and it has nothing to do with the game in in particular but i had a really nice dark angels uh 2000 2500 point army that i spent a lot of time painting and making really nice i had a nice land raider and it got stolen i i left it in my containers yeah underneath the table in the back of the shop told the guy hey i'm gonna go get lunch i'll be right back can you watch this for me came back it was gone that's gut wrenching yeah it is you don't want to start from zero i do not i still have a lot of sisters of battle i still have some of my my unpainted uh dark angels but i just don't have it this is a scratch is the same itch for me gives you that warhammer world that feel that you can even sit down and customize and paint if you want because i'm assuming they're using the same kind of miniature system that they use in the main game and you're saying that this is a head-to-head two-player skirmish well it can be again it can be uh anywhere from two to four players and i would highly recommend not playing this with three or four players that's what i was gonna ask because it really elongates the game and it takes you away from how the game was doing slowly reframes two-player skirmish two players yes that is correct um uh yeah having having more than one faction on the board it it makes the playing surface larger so you're further away from each other but at the same time the way the way the game plays it plays much much quicker as a two-player game than it does as a three or four player game you did have this on your list this was on your list at number four number four all right so it's off that's not bad it's not terrible that's not bad not terrible that's interesting i wonder where these other two games are i'm curious too anyway all right my number five is a game that i have probably talked about add not at ad nauseam i i guess if that's not this case but that is bang the dice game yes i uh this is a worn out box this box won't even stand straight well again this has the whole expansion this has a couple of expansions in it and so forth and so on so yeah this has seen its full wear so uh bang the dice game is just really just so you're aware spot on not on your list no no are you serious i mean i'll look closer just to double check but not in my top ten not on your original top ten interesting so go ahead and talk about what you're loving about this game well no i just i've always loved this game it's surprising to it's very surprising to me that it wasn't on my top ten actually um because this is definitely one of those games that i would just live with you yes always and i will i will not get rid of what is bang the dice game bang the dice game is it has a kind of not kind of it has a uh yahtzee rolling style dice rolling style to it where you roll roll reset roll reset roll reset um and you only get two b rolls so you one roll and then two re-rolls and and you have to stick with what you have what you're trying to do on top of that though is it's a hidden role game where the sheriff is known to everybody but in in the largest player account the sheriff has two deputies and then there are also three outlaws and there is also a renegade now the sheriff wins actually the sheriff and his deputies win if they can kill all of the outlaws okay the renegade wins if he kills the sheriff one on one so the renegade and the sheriff have to be the last two people in the game and then he has to kill the sheriff that's how the renegade very hard to do that but very satisfying if you do i can imagine um the the outlaws win if they can kill the sheriff okay um so the problem is is that the sheriff is known everybody else is hidden yeah so you're rolling dice and you can shoot people from certain distances away uh for example if you're if we're sitting like this you're one distance away from me so if i roll a one shot then i can shoot at you but if i roll a two and that's how i roll one two i have to shoot one two or one two i can't shoot you but i want to shoot you because i know who you are and i know i need to kill you that's the tension that's in the game so sometimes you're going to shoot people that you don't really want to shoot because you kind of have to um if that's what you're stuck with um but then the social aspect comes in no no no no no no no i'm not shooting you because i have to want to i don't have any choice but then on top of that the dice have a dynamite side and if you're ever stuck with three dynamites on one turn your turn is over and you have to take some some hit points of damage so there's a lot of really cool fun it's a really neat light theme and uh it's just a lot of fun what do you like to play it out do you treat this like party games absolutely as many as possible always always always uh the expansions have added a lot to it as well any expansions that you swear by like don't unshuffle them and any expansions that really didn't hit it out of the park for you um take a glance at them here i am because i mean at this point they're all so mixed in that it's hard to uh uh old saloon is one that i think you should you should use uh beyond the shadow of a doubt there is also um undead or alive yeah this there are things that you could use if you want to or not um there's different factions in here i'm actually in this one are you sam the healer yeah so that's pretty cool that's fun that's awesome but i i would say the old saloon is probably one that i would i would always actually with some aspect pick up with the base game shuffle it into the main box yes i think so i always love finding especially with games like this that i know have iterated on themselves with a bunch of different expansions yeah it's always interesting to hear what lives in the box and what you pull out for those special occasions right yeah when you have a group of friends who played it 20 30 times yes cool but that's not uh none of that original list that you did though that's on that's that's unreal it's unfortunate it's unreal it's unfortunate unreal okay anyway that was my number five bang the dice game my number four is uh this game right here uh deception murder in hong kong now this is the uh undercover allies box that they made with their second kickstarter deception murder in hong kong was it there it's your number six originally good good well i've had some more success with this game as a matter of fact people have loved this game kind of pulled it out to them um coming from gray fox yes great fox games this is a super cool uh social deduction game where you're going to have and and this is another game where you can play i think up to 12. okay you can play up to 12 and if you could do that 12 might be a little bit too many but the height generally speaking the higher player account the better uh actually says and go up to 14 sorry so the reason i say the more the merrier is because the more people you have in the game the more of the special roles that you could put into the game um but generally speaking you have a murderer and an accomplice and they're trying to get away with murder the forensic scientist however is trying to track them down they know what happened and how it happened uh you basically have if you look at this side you have a couple of different kinds of cards you have uh an evidence card that's left at the scene and then you also have the mode uh the murder weapon that's left at the scene as well those are the two cards that the murderer has to pick and show the forensic scientist at the beginning of the game he also shows the accomplice at the beginning of the game as well then the forensic scientist has to give clues that hopefully will point all of the other uh police officers investigators to the uh murder weapon and the evidence that's left at the scene but he can't say anything he can only go off of the clues that are on the table and moving the different uh bullets uh in one version of the game you have bullets that you move around to to point to different uh uh uh clues and then on their uh microscopes in the upgraded version of the game but this is and so you got a crowd of people squabbling over what he meant by where he moved his clothes yes and uh in between uh in between each there it basically goes in three rounds okay so in between each round you can remove one clue card if it's not really working for you and replace it with something else but that's a little bit dangerous as well because the one that you reveal might be worse than the one that you just have yeah yeah and it might just throw everybody off so you really have to be careful in the undercover allies expansion they also entered into it a uh a corrupt forensic scientist which could happen halfway through the game so he might be giving you good clues at the beginning of the game but they corrupt him by they buy him off or whatever in the middle of the game and so now he's giving you bad clues so there's a lot of really fun things and this is the more the merrier this is the more the merrier definitely has that seal of excellence there from the dice tower so that's my number four deception murder in hong kong and three yeah number three i can okay number three is going to be a bit of a heft let's see if i can do this oh that is that's a backpack that's not a is this a board game this is a board game yes this is everything well this is about half of what i own for memoir 44. and that is gonna be right on the dot and you're number three yeah i i'm pretty sure yeah i'm pretty sure but uh member 44 will forever um it is i'm a huge world war ii buff um now i say buff i don't mean that i know dates and names and and uh regiment outfit numbers and all of that kind of stuff i'm just a fan of of world war ii um i i i love history um but i i suck at remembering dates okay so i'm not a buff i'm a fan and this is right where it wants to go this again is not i'll be nice it's not a war game but is a war themed game um you've you've said that to me once yes already and i don't quite know how to interpret that because the backpack the aesthetic the art on the game as someone that doesn't have experience with war games yeah this to me looks like a war game and is a bit intimidating well the only uh and again i'm i'm being nice because i understand why war gamers okay people who are denoted as being and who denote themselves as being war gamers are talking more about those kinds of games like uh advanced squad leader um uh uh combat commander is probably one of the newer ones those kinds of games that have uh units on little chits yep cardboard chits and uh you know some of them are using tweezers to move their their units around that kind of stuff their rule books read like technical manuals and so forth and so on those are war games to them and they want to make sure that there's a difference between this game and those games so what is this game doing and why does it do it enough to be in your top this takes what those games do and say in my opinion now let's have fun with it i i get it that war gamers have fun with that it's fun for them i got it but generally speaking this makes what they're trying to do more palatable for a larger group of people a larger group of people so this is not really again what a lot of those games do those those heavier war games they're simulating the actual battles they're simulating everything that you had to go through this is too kind of ish but it's just a little bit more abstracted and there's ways for you to play this game where how one scenario will weigh upon what the next scenario does they do have uh scenario books where you can actually play one scenario and who won lost okay well now this side's going to get some reinforcements and this side is going to actually lose some people because they got taken off to the the med bay that's a futuristic sorry but you get the ideas but this is a little bit more if you just play the bass game it's it's okay you set up the board you set up your forces i set up my forces whoever gets the most weddles medals wins you get a medal by knocking out a squad from the other side or putting your people on an objective that was supposed to be reached and so forth and so on but the cool thing that i like about this is that it's it deals with all that history in an abstracted way but it still provides focus on the history it every scenario says you know okay has this set up where okay this is how you set up the board this is all the units that you have but then it also has historical background for every scenario on this date on this year interesting this unit went up against uh this unit that was led by this guy and it just brings the focus back into the fact that this is not just a game this is based upon what happened in real life and i i like that i also like the fact that it's it's very it's it's more family-friendly than some of those other war games are you're just not going to be able to get johnny who's who's you know 10 11 12 to play those those uh war games sure if you do it's not because he wanted to it's because daddy or mommy wanted him to and so he's going okay i'll do it because i want to be i want to spend time with you but i'd rather be playing halo or whatever sure this one i think it's on the edge there yes i think this one is one where the kid will say yeah let's play that one because it's got those cool little miniatures and the board looks cool and nice artwork that type of stuff so that's that's this this will forever replace um most war games for me interesting yeah very cool it's one i'm gonna have to try out yeah all right i wanna see if i can lift it up and set it down right a ridiculous package all right my number two number two and this is no twilight imperium fourth edition yeah right on the money there yeah also you're number two yep i didn't expect i didn't expect much shift in your uh and your your top one two no three um there's just this game is so much fun it's so big it is so hard to get to the table it is again i haven't played i don't think i've played i think i've maybe played this copy i i remember saying that i think i've played it once yeah i think i played it one side it was a three-player game it was that cool stuff it was with vernon piper and uh another guy that just was at the store and joined us so if this game is so hard to table so massive and i don't think anyone's gonna argue against that the nature of it right it is an eight-hour esque maybe six hour campaign of a game we played a three-player game in four hours but it's probably best with more players four at least okay so if it's such a big game one where you've only played your copy once yeah why is it up here in your number two what does this do that is so outstanding that nothing else is competing for this spot um i think it's it's the game for me that handles this level of complexity the best um there's a lot going on there's a lot of moving parts but the way that it was designed clicks for me it really does it really clicks and it makes the game more enjoyable it was shocking to me when i first sat down to play it was so so surprising how easy and functional the mechanics are yeah for a game that i'm gonna be spending the next six hours playing yeah uh relatively relatively simple to play yeah the complexity comes in when with how your faction starts interacting with all of these other factors strategic and negotiation depth yes yeah i mean there's so many choices to make throughout the game that's where the complexity is how the game actually works is not that difficult provided that they've done very well in providing player aids to help you along that path it's one of those that i i would say spend very detailed play rates not just your do this do this and do that it's one of those that i would say spend a year scheduling and planning and preparing to have the experience of playing i mean i think we took four months to get my first ever experience on the table with someone getting the game opening it up organizing it learning the rule book us all scheduling the date that we didn't break and still two people you know ended up falling out yeah still we made it happen this is definitely what it was worth it was worth being purposeful about this it's definitely one of the games where you don't just show up and and say okay we're going to play this let me teach you how to play does not work well that way a couple of things first of all your first game needs to be no more than four players yep period end of discussion if you're trying to do more than that you're setting yourself up for failure in some way shape or form um whether it's you not liking the game or one of the other players not liking the game you're setting yourself up for that if you decide to do your first game with more than four players second of all you read the if you're going to be the one hosting the game you read the rules inside and out make sure you have it right and you watch the videos because you probably won't be able to understand completely how to play the game just from reading the rule book which is one of the things i think content creators expect too much of from companies rarely have i ever when i was a content creator or even now do i know how to play a game reading the problem i have to watch something else i'm a visual learner i'm an experiential learner i cannot just read words and know how to play the game yeah and i think a lot of people are like that so back up off me anyway the hard part is when you're the content creator creating content for a game that doesn't have any other videos out on it yet that's when you have to reach out to the company and ask the developers and the designers for help and we will usually do that oh maybe maybe debatable my company will hopefully after i ask them to anyway no i'm just kidding all right so uh you watch the videos you read the rule book then have all of your other players the other three players have them watch the videos as well yeah so that they come to the table with an understanding of how the game flows and now all you have to do is ask or or answer the the um random questions that were going to pop up what does this guy do again oh that he does this okay cool number two number one number two that's my number two my number one no change consistent no change on the dime whatsoever blood rage blood rage um by cool mini or not cool mini or not or come on a box that has seen a little bit of love uh yes this one has taken a lot of wear and tear and uh it does have the uh um broken token on the inside you said not glued together it's not glued together uh i i am going to fix that problem i just haven't got around to it so what is it that has this one because like you said this one's been your top one for years yeah why is blood rage i'm a huge viking fan first of all um now again let me provide the caveat there when i say that i'm a viking fan it's not that i enjoyed the fact that they you know pillaged and uh destroyed you know you're speaking to that one person that's like whoa sam's clearly saying that he's a fan of them pillaging and destroying civilians i'm not i'm not a fan of what they did it's a culture i would say the lore and era of vikings and and long boats and ships sailing across the sea going on adventures have been has been mythologized in in our culture yes in a way that i think most people understand what you're saying when you say i'm a vikings fan sure yeah on top of that i really enjoy drafting i really enjoy drafting such a good drafting um i really enjoy miniatures and this has got some really great signatures um i i enjoy area control-ish type games okay which is what this is um i it it just clicks off a whole bunch of tick marks for me um people think that this is just an area control game and i would disagree with them this is a drafting game that has area control in it i'd agree you can win or lose the game in the draft um you could also give somebody else the game in the draft yeah um you what you draft as far as those cards are concerned what you allow other people to draft in those with the cards that will determine how good or how bad you do the weight of that escalating card draft too feels so beautiful as you're playing as you're passing around the table every time you get a new hand there's cards in there that you desperately want to keep and understand that i can't let this card get two spaces down and susan's not gonna draft this one because she's been going for the loki strategy the whole time exactly it's i'd 100 agree with you on there um it is a it is a game where the drafting is the crux and you're watching what happens based on that absolutely um i like also the fact that by the time that your game is over you all have widely asymmetric fashions um i love that idea it gives you a personality within the game you're not just some vanilla viking group um you are the bear clan you are the snake clan at the end of the day and i just love it when when uh when games can give your group personality without really messing too much with the game's mechanisms it's such a good one it's it's a no-brainer for people to go out and try at least 60 to 90 minutes on the box that is a lie so not believe it um you will play more more time than this but you will have a great time playing it let's take a look at what oh dear i'm curious let's take a look yeah let's take a look at it and then we'll call it a video so at the top of your list two years ago number 10 was blitzball i've still got that yeah i've still got that all my on my uh where is it's not over here with the rest of my gw [Music] yeah it's right here yeah it's full it's still there i i like it it's just that it doesn't like if i'm gonna play two players i'm probably going to pull and i want to be a gw game it's probably going to be shade spire or night vault it's not going to be blitzball yep let's pull is going to be you know i really i really love blood bowl it was the blue okay let's play blitz bowl because it gives you the blood bowl feel in like 30 to 40 minutes yeah uh number nine back in the day was star wars rebellion okay that's not too far off yeah no not too far not too much oh that was yeah that was 15. well yeah star wars rebellion um again it slipped probably because um i don't know it just it is what it is yeah i don't dislike the game any anywhere it's still there in your top 20. yeah it just moves back a little bit things like uh things like just one had to get their day in the sunlight yeah i wouldn't say just one i'm picking on you i'm picking on you uh number eight was rum and bones second tied i haven't i where'd that go it's right here i know it's right it's taking off two-thirds of one of my shelves i have all of it i have everything um i don't i don't know i mean i haven't played we have a table with the table i haven't played it um but i'm not getting rid of it yeah so that says something to to i do still like the game um but it is a little bit a little bit harder to get to the table not of course as much as ti4 but yeah yeah i mean it was higher up on that list and if you haven't played it some other things are gonna you know like you said your gaming your gaming group has changed like the last two years yeah you have some things you're positioning you know uh number seven was black plague which you did have in there not quite on there but number six was murder in hong kong okay staying consistent yeah number five champion's a mid guard oh where'd that one go it's right there i know it's on your shelf there uh i don't know i don't hmm i guess i just i psyched myself out yeah i didn't think it was on my top ten oh cause so you'd considered it i considered it and you were like you were like i don't yeah i was trying to remember i just i just couldn't remember but it's i i knew it was in my top one you'd referenced your top ten do you think it would have been it would have made it back in um probably because i like that better than obscurity i'm interested but it's just because i like that kind of game better than yeah obscure is kind of sure it's not so much that i would be comparing the two of them yeah but obscure probably would have been out and that would have probably if you had their own that's kind of cheating i like it because i like the fat i like the fact that it was on your mind and obscurity won over just yeah just that little twist okay uh number four shadespire yes up there a little bit farther back right now uh number three was memoir and then we're right in number two twilight number one blood rage so pretty pretty consistent but i like i like the things that changed in this uh i like it too top ten you know i'm a little bit of a different place i'm not most of my gaming now is done with um either uh my family or with with people who are also gamers and they're bringing their own so i don't necessarily pick what games are played sure so i get introduced to other uh types of games that are out there like we're we're in the middle of pandemic season zero with jt and mill um and both me and and jess like playing that game um zoo york okay is one that that uh jt introduced me to uh let's see what was another one that uh i do most of my game with jt and and his family and then our family as well oh here we go here's max we got max coming to show up yeah but um so there's there's just i don't know my gaming now is a little bit different than how it used to be trying to get the kitty on us hi come here hi come on this would be a good way to end the video can i max is like no i i don't feel it can i say oh you're making him can i steal you here we go so with that hello max this is going to be the end of uh your 2021 top 10 live 2021 top 10 oh you're just making yourself comfortable look at you oh he's good yeah he's just gonna own the stage thank you for being here thanks for watching uh like we said i am out here in washington for a variety of reasons first and foremost to help set up your studio and collaborate on a few projects because you're gonna be bringing a whole slew of content over to the mythic games youtube channel and so if you enjoyed this video if you're following along i'm assuming at this stage you're just a big fan of whatever quack's doing and whatever sam healey's doing honestly it's gonna be him swing over there uh hit that subscribe button hang out for a bit you're gonna be doing a lot of gameplays and some conversational videos over there so you know a great way for your fan base to connect with absolutely please do and with that whatever the case whatever you do hey max remember to do the important thing spend some time petting a cat if it passes you on the street we'll see you next time i said be careful with those that you see on the street it might be a little feral see on the flip side
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 89,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, games, tabletop, tabletopgames, player, play, gamer, quack, quackalope, kickstarter, ian, ttg, flgs, howtoplay, unboxing, gameplay, game, middara, jrpg, rpg, overview, boardgamegeek, bgg, manvsmeeple, meeplegamers, review, preview, Quackalope, right / wrong, instructional
Id: aJdWsODg6_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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