The Initiative - GameNight! Se9 Ep13 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] so [Music] game night tonight on game night lincoln aaron deborah and nikki have a tale for you a tale of four teenage friends who went to a garage sale and purchased a mysterious game there they brought it home they played it and they unlocked the mysteries of the initiative a cooperative game of story strategy and code breaking for one to four players designed by corey koneska and published by unexpected games there are layers within layers there are games within games there's teenage drama there's mystery there's scary government men following them around what could it be come and find out it's a great story it's a great mystery let's find out what's happening hey prothna will you teach us the key jenny i will teach you the key the blank initiative it's like there's a word that's been covered up in that title i think there has been i will tell you what i know about the something initiative and we'll see what we can uncover we the four of us are playing these teenage characters in 1994 who are playing a game that we discovered at a garage sale so i am profnecini nikki is phil johnson lincoln is brock sanders and deborah is jenny bradley and before we even get into the game let's read the story of how we found the other game the rule book of this game is a comic book for the most part and many of the pages you're not allowed to read until instructed so we're only going to read the intro pages that we're told to read for those of you who want to avoid spoilers obviously we'll put up a time code here where you can stop watching the video after we do the rules explanation and avoid any spoilers for the first couple of missions so the initiative starts with this scene at a garage sale in 1994. find anything brock that's me profner at the garage sale table nah just a lot of junk everyone ready to go yup just finished that was deborah's character jenny she's ready to go with her garage sale purchases then we see on the table amazing something mysterious the key and nikki's character phil says wait up he's got something new in his hand the key a board game and just to make things creepy and interesting there's a guy in a car watching us already leave the garage sale with our new game all right so why didn't he just go get the game problems so we have our character cards we have this central board uh these four action cards i will explain as we get to the game and the discard pile here these four these are our character colors that will move around on the board we have the mission console which will change for every mission that we undertake and we'll explain how that works we have secret cards which we of course are not allowed to look at until instructed and mission cards which will tell us how to set up the board for each mission and have uh secret information on the back that we're trying to solve the back of the rulebook is our campaign log and it will tell us what to do once we've uh succeeded or failed at each mission for instance read a certain page in the comic book or take a certain secret card record that you've found it and it may have a code for you to crack a new rule for you to implement or something a new asset for you to play with if we have found secret we'll write it down uh if or this may tell us what mission to do next this basically tracks all of our accomplishments each of our characters also has an achievement which we may or may not unlock during the campaign giving us a special extra power or ability at some point and that will also be recorded on this campaign log once we go over the that very basic overview of the components we are instructed to read chapter one in the comic book we have taken the game back to our home and we're gonna play we're gonna check it out this game the key did you finish reading the rules yet it's your game shouldn't you be doing this i feel very into my character [Laughter] this is your this is nikki's life okay right this is brock's line no i'm sorry no phil phil says nah i'm no good at teaching [Laughter] uh brock is uh hey jenny pass the cheese curls careful with the cheese fingers this this could be a collector's item wow wow do i have to brock says do i have to play real good attitude yeah i should have worn my cheetos shirts it's probably not worth much look how beat up it is just try it brock maybe you'll like it peer pressure yeah all right and then profner that's me says all right so it sounds like we're spies cracking codes or something on your turn you can that's why i chose this character because she's the one explaining the game it does say stop play mission one now after each mission check the campaign log so that is all you read from the comic book instructions before continuing on with the story cool so now i profana ceni will explain to my teenage friends how to play the key all right so we have our four character colors each of us has a spy character here in this mysterious facility we are going to after i explain what these things do have clue tokens in each of these rooms which we will search and reveal and use them to solve the puzzle to win the game neat the puzzle is on the back of the mission card of course we are doing mission one and we can't look at any of the other missions yet mission one tells us how to set up the board where we enter and how many clues are on each space these other colored clues we don't even know what they do yet but they will enter later in the campaign for mission one we just use these standard manila folder clues the mission console which is the cool uh wheel of fortune board device uh for you non-american viewers that's a game show where they reveal letters on a board to solve a puzzle or phrase one letter at a time uh and it's quite a bit like this this would normally this stands up here and so you can all look at it we are going to display it so that you can see it from the overhead camera the mission card slips into the back of this once you have set up the board and then okay we'll reveal a mystery phrase mystery phrase and what is the mystery phrase we have this deck of resource cards we're going to get four cards each to start the game after i explain what they do we have four action piles where we will use our resource cards and then this is the discard pile we each have a special ability which we will explain just as we start the game all right debra i mean jenny bradley is going to be our start player and she is going to take one or two actions at a certain point later in the game actions are going to be optional but right now she must take at least one and there's no reason that she wouldn't so she's going to have a hand of usually four cards they can be numbered between 1 and 12 and for now the suits colors don't matter she's going to play them on one of these four action piles or use her special action which we'll cover in a moment now why do the numbers matter she can play any number on any pile to trigger an action but playing a 12 would be a really bad idea to start the game because let's say she plays a 2 on the run pile and she's going to take the run action when my turn comes around if i want to take the run action i have to play a higher numbered card of course and so on and so forth then uh i can i could take the or she could take the run action twice she could play a two and then her three or her three and then her nine whatever you must play a higher number than the number showing on that action pile to take that action if you can't play a higher number that action is not available to you right now until you take the regroup action which is the action that essentially clears a pile it wipes the entire pile of action cards and discards all those cards resetting that uh action pile so there is some strategy to what numbers you play generally you want to start low and build up a pile of numbers on an action pile is that the same for regroup as well there's no way to empty the regroup action pile it you choose any other action card to clear off the cards regroup just just stays so once that gets up to 10 11. so which must save like a low card between us to be able to regroup well or we are only going to regroup a set number of times before the end of this mission and hopefully win by then okay all right so the run action is quite simple you move up to three rooms this uh mission area is divided into rooms each doorway is a new room to an adjacent space you can't move through solid walls you don't have to move the full three spaces you can move one two or three is this a door right here that is a door thank you separating those two central rooms at some point probably not in this first mission but we might be asked to cover a passageway with a solid wall or vice versa create a doorway where there was only a wall but we right now can only move through doorways and not walls of course you can you can take the same action twice if you like uh there's no limit on that as long as you play the cards correctly that's the run action very simple the intel action is how we reveal clues on the board from anywhere on the board you play a card a higher number if there was one already on the intel stack uh and you pick a room anywhere on the map and you reveal up to two clue tokens in it later missions there might be more than two clue tokens but for this one we only have two in each room so we're gonna fully flip each each room one at a time if it's a glyph like this that is how we solve our puzzle phrase on our mission console and we look to see if this symbol appears on our phrase if it does not we just toss that clue away if the clue does appear i'm sorry if the glyph does appear on our mission console we save that clue token in that room and we'll want to get there and gather that clue to reveal the letters on the mission console do uh these little symbols mean anything they don't mean anything yet they will probably mean something at some point okay um the other things that might appear from an intel action or the gather action which i'll explain next are traps on these clue tokens there are three types of traps the intel action which is pretty powerful because we can do it from anywhere on the board might also reveal counter intel counter intel will block the run action or the intel action or the gather action and make that pile unavailable to us until we regroup and wipe that entire uh pile of cards and tokens if there are any so doing intel is powerful because it reaches all the way across the board but it can also be blocked by whoever this mysterious organization is that we're investigating the other two types of traps are cameras and gas security cameras will stay in the room that they're revealed in they are not dangerous until you are in that room if you're in a room with a security camera you must discard a card from the resource deck for each camera in the room before you end your turn and draw back up to four cards that's bad because this is essentially a timer towards the end of the game if you are in a room when gas is in is revealed and that's actually part of the gather action which i'll explain in a second because otherwise you wouldn't be in the room when you reveal it with intel each person in the room must discard a card at random from their hand so that could be very bad it could discard the perfect card you plan to play on the next action pile or you know you're only two when everything else was a 10. uh yeah so that's uh that's why being in the room when the gas goes off is bad so the gather action as i've implied here lets you do things to clue tokens that are in your room that you're actually in it lets you collect up to two clue tokens as we said a clue token that's revealed and we know is on the mission console will reveal the letters on the mission console all of the ones that match that symbol and that clue token is done if the room has not been scouted with intel and there are face down clue tokens you may still do the gather action but it's more dangerous because as we just discovered it could be a glyph that applies to our current mission or doesn't apply to our current mission and it could be a trap the good news about that is counter intel only triggers on the intel action if you are physically in the room gathering these counter intel tokens do not apply so if you happen to discover these by brute forcing and flipping over the face down tokens these counter intel tokens do not apply they just go out of the game when you flip them over all right now that we've seen all the clue tokens deborah's gonna shuffle them up and place two in each room so i mentioned that we want to solve this key phrase that's the goal of mission one what is the key phrase that's how we win the game we all decide together at any time that we are ready to solve this phrase now all the letters could be revealed it could be that easy or it could be almost all of them and it's close enough that we're really sure about what the phrase is if any one of us is not ready to solve it we cannot do it if any one of us objects we can't do it it's it's yes or no if we if we guess wrong we have lost if we guess correctly we have one that is it once we make our guess the game is over win or lose now the fifth type of action you can do on your turn and you can do it twice in a row if you'd like is your special action on your character card uh this and it shows on your character card you must discard two cards to trigger but it doesn't matter what cards they are and they don't go anywhere they're just immediately discarded so we will all read our special actions right before we start the game but that is your fifth type of action and it's fairly powerful but it burns through the cards pretty quick so why are the cards important and why is burning through the deck a little bad because that's the other way we lose the game besides guessing our key phrase wrong at the end of all of our turns when we have spent cards on these basic four actions or triggering our special actions we will draw back up to four cards when we have run through this deck of cards once and it's empty we will reshuffle what's in the discard pile not taking anything off of these piles if there are some here they'll stay and we will add these four timer cards our calculator watches these will shuffle into this deck oh okay we are now considered to be in peril time is of the essence and things are now bad so now at the end of your turn when it's time for you to draw up to four cards that is now optional okay every card draw is optional you may draw one card and then stop you may draw the next card and then stop because if you draw a time card it is immediately discarded and put on the discard pile and now it is your option to draw another card or not they're they're randomly mixed in they're randomly mixed in face down in this deck if there are ever three time clock symbols in the discard pile we lose the game is immediately over and one of these has two clocks in this oh come on so it's safe until we see the first card right right but the moment the first part of these is drawn and immediately hits the discard pile there's a death card in here right there's a double clock which could immediately end the game so that's why drawing cards is immediately optional once we hit in peril whoops i don't need one i don't want to shuffle these and that's why we're down to the wire and we want to solve that phrase as quickly as possible the other thing that becomes optional like i said is performing actions you might have no cards or very few cards or very bad cards left in your hand once we're in peril and these cards have been shuffled in you can take no actions and just pass your turn and wait till like the numbers are higher or just or now the last rule is the communication rule like a lot of co-op games you're not allowed to discuss the exact contents of your hand you're not allowed to say hey i've got a 12 and an eleven and a four so uh debra play a three and i'll play my four on this right you are allowed to say i've got some low cards i've got generally medium cards and uh you know maybe later in the game when suits matter say i want to do the purple action uh if you can do the yellow action first i have no idea how these suits work i'm just saying you're allowed to imply generalities about your hand without sharing specifics about the numbers well luckily we've played a lot of them yes yeah but we're very good at this you you should not say specific numbers all right so uh jenny you're going to be the start player why don't you tell us what your special ability to discard two cards is um a deduction so i can collect one clue take token from my room or one from an adjacent room face up or face down resolving traps is normal and i assume that means that's a gather action so if i were to collect a counter intel it wouldn't trigger it it is not technically a gather action because it doesn't go on the pile but you are correct because anything besides an intel action does not trigger can't counter intel so yes you're correct about that so i could i could use this to it is safe from time it is safe and and because i i can be in an adjacent room i'm safe from cameras and gas when i reveal them did it say you could be in the room though yes i can for so one from my room or from an adjacent room okay if you did if you were risking it in your room the cameras or gas could catch you but that's a nice skill to be able to do it from farther away and not yes i profana have the leadership skill i can move myself or another player up to five rooms wow ignoring effects that restrict the run action meaning if the uh there was counter intel on the run action or something blocking the run action that we don't know about yet so i could move some myself or somebody up to five rooms that's pretty far phil johnson bill johnson uh is tech savvy choose up to three nearby rooms reveal one clue token in each yes discarding any traps you reveal ignore their effects i like it the nice thing though is you could potentially discard cards that aren't they're too high or they're now too low right to be able to do these yeah absolutely you know like if it's so far high you're like i really don't you know but i think you're right although i do think this is a 36 card deck right we do need to be careful sure sure but i mean exactly i i mean this is like let's go right away and start spending two cards but i mean i feel that there are some instances where that becomes obvious like oh i could do that now uh well mine is brute force use the ability on any action card even if the token is on it then discard the top part of that pile and all tokens on it oh so you it's like it wipes it out yeah basically oh nice excellent but we must spend two cards oh just the top card okay and the tokens yeah that's pretty good that is that could definitely clear the way for something to play exactly exactly if someone had to put a 10 on a five or something you could sort of first yeah the horribleness and the awfulness of it all right oh well this is tough that's just a terrible start spoiler reverse viewers shut off your close your eyes cameras and close your eyes and ears uh the game has become the key the key has turned okay jenny will begin oh boy one or two actions i'm a terrible person to begin well i have to begin right i have wow zero uh well no i mean i volunteered right because of your cruddy hand yeah i have to play yeah go ahead whatever okay so we'll get around it well based on what her hand is sounds like in my hand is like i think we're probably we've already lost game over yeah okay well we're done i don't think that the well we don't even know if losing is bad yet that's true that's true we don't know what losing means yet um we're just kids playing a game man there's no stakes yeah jeez louise well i mean when you're a kid you don't really like steaks all right so i'm discarding two i'm gonna do my special ability don't burn it but i i think your hand does that everything all right go for it wow wow yeah um to collect from an adjacent room oh um let's just do this guy all right is it in the that symbol does not appear on our mission so well and that's it you just get one i just get the one and then do you have a second action oh i have a second i'm going to do intel uh yeah whatever uh i will play my lowest card on that and what am i i'm green um he's passing some information let's do let's do this room here we go one at a time does that weird little happy face thing appear it does not happy face how about this no no no no intel nothing so far uh uh let's see i can do another action wow i guess i'll do uh you know what well i already put a card on intel so i don't want to put this card on run or anything man i know none of us got low cards don't don't criticize oh counter injury oh no no one can do it anyways so there we go well we get we get to see how the regroup starts oh gasps somebody farted i have to go in there okay so this was bad because our intel space is now blocked this was good gas is only an effect when it's revealed in the room with you and then it's immediately discarded the gas dissipates so that room is we have two empty rooms that we don't need to go to all right however we do have a badly blocked pile uh well it doesn't matter but we need it to be visible to our shoes so i like it there too it reminds you you can't play yes it does i do think that's smart all right uh who's got that action clearing uh lincoln brock i mean has that uh special thing that that clears the token he's as bad a deck as i had right no it's it's just it's 11 and 12. yeah i'm thankfully not in that range okay good if i would say if you have a super low card you could regroup otherwise wait for brock to clear that tonight is that save that for maybe when we need to do it yeah that's not too much information that's the kind of thing we could communicate super low lower speed all right so lower height i'm going to do my special super super super little or just super low want to take it to dinner [Laughter] oh boy all right what does nearby mean on my special ability uh i didn't think we had a nearby in the uh rules yet nearby means adjacent rooms plus the one that you're in right now okay so right now it's just the entry plus these two ah okay that's no good that's no good okay i will run run run run film so move up to three okay where's my guy oh this is my guy i like the characters look a little bit like us which is kind of cool a little bit one two three that would make all three nearby right you got yeah that would be four that's pretty good so we'll move to there and then we will do my special action tech savvy tech savvy which is choose up to three nearby rooms reveal one clue token in each discarding any traps you reveal ignore their effects that's cool so i'll do the room i'm in for one okay so revealing one does that match no we are having bad glyph luck here well i guess to be fair it's a pretty short phrase getting them out of the way yeah i'll do this room here it exists it just stays next to that part okay all right and then i'll just keep going this way round okay upside down it also exists those are the first two letters the flux capacitor and it's a pyramid with the sun those are the very first two letters of the phrase the page and it looks like they will both only appear one time okay that's my turn my two actions so i draw i guess you draw back up to four thank you that's already getting a little thin really not that many that's [Music] all right uh brock okay i gotta go the long way around so there's no running well i'll move to this next room [Music] and uh play a run yup play the four nice and the walk as you can just stagger yeah yeah we don't need to see underneath i guess yeah yeah okay and uh then i will i guess i'll gather whoa all right he's done one at a time he's still he's tough hey nope nah well we don't have to do anything with it and nope wow i know well there's you know a lot of letters in the ultimate sorry it's true okay thank you sir all right okay now that i've got some better cards here how do we feel about intel do we want to regroup that yet she said there's a lot of letters in the alphabet but it's a lot of letters in the glyphobit in the glyph of the language uh well i mean i tell you what yeah i don't have a card to do it with so i would say if you have that card that you kind of love i would probably do it okay uh well then i'm going to go ahead and just oh do that to start with because why not just clear our space up a bit then i will do this and now you did draw good cards i'd like to do the far stuff so that we don't go there unless we have to [Music] wow well we know there's only i was going one two three four five active symbols on the card because several of them are doubled up right right okay that's me then all right i have pretty bad cards and the space that i wanted to play on is blocked yeah i'm going to use my special action since i have very high cards that i want to get rid of move myself up to five spaces one two three four into this room unfortunately i can't gather right now are you going to reveal that i can't oh we can't collect but you can but there's no points yeah i think i'm going to pass my second action because my cards would be bad enough at this point that they're not good use so uh phil's turn yeah i'm not sure what to do now because i was gonna gather also go here oh then you could regroup if you have if you happen to have a nice low car i do have a nice but i'm worrying about how often we well look at the card i mean we're only going to regroup like two or three more times max we don't need to play 12 cards on this all right let's regroup that's a two yep that's great perfect so this space yes yes okay and then i will um i'm not technically in the room nope but you could gather this one if you want or you can intel some other space face uh sure i will gather all right flip it wow i know all right that was my two actions i need two cards yes you do thank you five cards left in this deck before apparel that's terrible i know goodness i had no idea it was going to be so quick really quick well i guess i'm going to run even though i'm not running come over here run one space yeah and then do this unfortunately just going to gather it yeah all right you might as well right what do you got please oh no wow wow hey that's all right no because you're gathering that's good well that's good in fact together it seems like what we need right now just brute forces yes just get some letters yeah we need some letters yeah okay yikes um well i might have to do this then i'm gonna intel okay uh down here magnifying glass yes yes yeah just leave it there yep and guess that's good because intel was the right move for that all right and then it's getting high okay up to three one two three okay ta-da well let's see oh luckily i have a nine for gathering my room so hey we found a letter it's the very first letter oh that's on the thing no it's not i i was gonna say you guys i think this first word the it's not it's not so why a why all right so we have we have some guests we have some guesses so is there any other can we figure out any other stuff is though if or oh you are there other letters on the first three letters are all okay however take a look like you will the second and third words you will die you will win you will win or something well now that is will actually will work because this is a double here yeah i i i and they both start with the uh the same two letters maybe we guessed it we'll win you will win oh man you should go on real fortunate yeah with glyphs it's getting more exciting that was my first action oh wait i'm still gathering there's another token here hey a little oh it's there this is this is uh yes if this is a w yes we might be there we might be there then we can just stop and just guess we can if you guys want to go that's w it is so we have a y a w and a w for uh all three starting letters all right i have a second action can we buy a vowel we can end the game and try right now but let me at least take my second we may as well take one more turn yeah i mean it might be fun to decide let's see where where's where's intel oh i've got a six for intel that'll work just fine so i'll flip here camera doesn't do anything until we're in the room and that symbol is not on the card and i draw the one and then re-shuffle the clocks we can play till we get one look there are four clocks and only ten other cards yeah yeah it's not it's not good no definitely not but at least we finally got some letters i did not know if we were going to get close to this here we can go for one clock just to confirm that this car look at that carol even terrible should i draw my fourth card i don't think i'm going to draw my fourth card i'm probably not going to get another turn yesterday you don't need to now right nope as soon as you're in peril you're done okay uh phil phil what you got phil phil is in trouble no yeah phil cannot run uh because it has to be higher number not the same right you could discard and do your action though if you need to uh but all that does is reveal clues i'm here i can collect them i can look here and he no well if there's any kind of i can if we see it and we think we just want to make sure it's an l but she'll she's at the point where she only gets two and not three three yeah i was gonna move watch that but i can't i can't move you know you can't move you literally can't i cannot my numbers will not allow me then the then do your special yeah okay and then we'll know what uh if brock needs to go to those rooms so my special special and then uh so i will reveal yeah here phil johnson's special the phil jones especially no that weird oh it is yeah that's the double letter all right that's the new zealand well to be able to come here and collect both of those then or gather both that would be a big win a big move and then although of course it's four spaces away from where uh brock is yeah um and this room is a jason or ice gas that's but you ignore traps on your special yeah but that doesn't matter anyway well the room is clear supposedly as long as this one does do you have a card that can do intel um yes you could not do it i mean yeah you don't actually have that way we don't worry about a counter intel blocking our gather action yeah yeah that's true yeah i would skip it probably it's probably more difficult and then maybe not draw although i think you are going to get a turn well i think on my turn as long i think i can get to here and then use my special ability to collect one of these so that again we can confirm and then we should be good i think we'll probably be good to go um i think i also think phil should probably not draw yeah right oh okay or do we want to have him draw one and see for the drawing i know right hey i told you it's like 4 out of 14 cards wow hilarious do you want to draw another card and risk losing the game no okay i don't want to be that guy okay well i don't think there's much really for brock to do to be honest with you if i run which i can i'm still going to not get close enough i don't have any space because one two three right and if you can leave the run for me correct i mean i i'm not gonna monkey with that i think that's probably smart then um to just do nothing yeah yeah what about what does your special do can you just specialize i can brute force which i can reset something it says i can i can use the ability of any action card even the token is on and then discard the top part of that pile and all tokens on it that way it lets you know if we had to just put like always remember if you have a really high number that you have to play i can maybe go reverse that uh right um but yeah i think i'm gonna pass yeah i think that's right all right then i'm gonna start by moving yeah one two three yeah i would have messed you up so i'm glad yeah then i didn't walk i think you're not going here no i'm going to use my special ability to shoot collection go that far yeah i can't get that far yeah she could have actually gone one two three oh yeah i guess that's true it doesn't matter anyways were you here i thought you were she was in the corner yeah yeah one two three i could have yeah it doesn't matter i'm going around you go will you go that way and you can collect i can still right oh i guess that's true all right so one two i was here yeah one two three and then you can collect both with them and then i could collect both with you but i do um so i will gather both please reveal secret all right okay such a comforting message are we are we all ready to solve i feel we are the key phrase i think i'm ready and we think it is you will win i don't know how it could be anything else and you want a refrigerator frosting is the key frame we have won the game let's see what the campaign log tells us to do okay after mission one read page 17. wow how did the game know we'd win it's like magic well 50 50 chance right that's what uh jenny says then there's a there's actually a you won and you lost separate handles from the start someone knocks at the front door did your parents lock themselves out they won't be back till 9. i'll check it out i guess we're at jenny's house hello hello no one there uh-oh what's this end of chapter gain secret one at the end of each chapter check the campaign log to see what to do next oh my goodness secretly get a secret we get to write it on the back we write it on the back secret one don't die i know you hello i know your secrets nothing remains hidden forever mr tues 18 halpon street and i know what you did last summer no no stay inside not see anyone yeah i know right it was pretty much everybody knows what they did last summer everyone knows what we did last summer watched a live tv read a lot of books yeah dug out my sewing machine all right and then the campaign log to play chapter two instructs us to read page two jenny it looks like she's thinking having dark thoughts someone knows your friends will soon find out that you're a lying snake uh oh jenny jenny you didn't see this creep out there did you no there was no one there who's mister tuesday anyway mr twos oh twos he said what does he want it's pronounced it's pronounced tuesday and it's probably just tommy jones messing with us let's forget it this kid actually knows ours it's so scary that jerk well we can't let him ruin our fun let's play another game and then pro prothena says i can do one more but then i should study for my history test all right wait mission two now am i evil i don't know you must be lying to us about something snake yeah our thoughts i'm a lying snake everything goes right because we're new all of these yeah mission two well we need to get the clocks back on the discard pile okay we have set up mission two we have a different entry point let's put all our characters on that spot uh we have a couple new walls so it's a little harder to get around this facility uh and the only other new thing that is probably just another floor in the building and that's a whole new headquarters we busted into it looks like it's the same planning different it's just the same constraints of course there's no elevator or anything like that so maybe not mm-hmm [Music] who shovel these i know don't blame me don't blame my shuffling the other thing that is different is we have not just a key phrase for our mission console this time we have eight individual letters which we will then unscramble to find the name of an object so we may have to guess what the name of the object is even if we don't find all eight of the letters right right okay so interesting the game plays the same the puzzle at the end is a little bit different um let's have a meeting with the single letter that we give hopefully yeah i'm not with one unlikely yeah uh let's have uh jenny the expert cryptographer coder go first oh start every time sure why not better cards not much but me too at least i started with pretty bad cards last time too all right well let's just go ahead and get these going here up to two [Music] i think again in the harder to get so that we don't go places we don't need to so um i intel so intel is this one that's that's something we do them one of them just in case that something comes up this one that one is helpful glyph unfortunately apologies and that has now blocked the intellect but i thought it was a i intel to get it so it's a counter all right second action there isn't going to be intel no that's a i've got a pretty bad number now too terrible um all right i'm going to go ahead and use my thing 11 and 12. oh wow that's okay um and i guess i'm just going to collect this one yeah i think collecting a single is good nope sorry no joy on that symbol no joy three cards i will run with a one and let's see i may as well get as far as i can get let's see we got a three there i'm gonna go one two three run up to this corner and then i'm gonna gather what's there oh yeah no more running well it's a gather oh it's a gather so we're okay that is good and i have to discard a random card from my two left in my hand wait you'll draw back up there but well and it actually is good to get rid of a 12 probably oh and then do we do one from here too no that's for the cameras that's for cameras okay guess is from your hand camera [Laughter] i can feel oh i can still run okay you can run and gather like i did do you want me to gather or use my special actions i would say use that when you need to do like i did run and gather a two room and then like then you'll be adjacent to three different rooms for when we need to uh use your thing two to either one of those thinking yeah three that's a two room i could go one two three then you're in a dead end yeah but yeah why not otherwise we'll never get there i will run run run run [Laughter] and uh gather what number are we at three three okay i hope that doesn't hurt anybody one at a time flip it did i'm sorry nope strike three on glyphs give me a i know hey it's a katan house i'm so did any of these exist they do look i'm showing you there's two of them right here and no repeats right no repeats what do those red ones mean we don't know yet probably something okay maybe we'll find out in at some point in this version but i don't know why they would be on the first and second mission cards if they haven't told us what they mean we could probably because they're gonna tell us to do something with them later like gather up all the red symbols yeah you saw the difference they're letting you know like go back to the missions you've already played and then all right look at all the gloves wow hey there's so many layers of layers it's another game we're going to keep playing this is going to be the 14-hour episode of game night i think i'm gonna i'm going to uh brute force this to get intel out of the way i think that sounds good because i can't and it's i have a lot of higher well i think i'll do this one in this one okay so five and 11. brute force brute force so um we're going to do intel that wipes out the top card plus that okay which means i can do the action so it only cost me one card to do that extra card yeah was i supposed to move first though uh wait i can't do i do intel yeah let's do until um and until the range is anywhere anywhere on the board well let's do these two right it's two of the three yeah yeah i know hey camera camera yeah so that just stays there hey hey we got one all right that is the first letter although it's a scramble so it doesn't really matter what's first but it's not the same letter right from the the previously i was going to say that that would be weird i would be surprised they did that okay maybe they keep it for like a few missions in a row before they re-scramble it well then we should be writing that down really yeah you did do a second are you doing a second action oh you're right first yeah that was my first one that was brute force his first is brute force oh yeah yeah oh okay um well i think i'm gonna pass just because i want to save these numbers for let other people do some stuff before i destroy things okay if i rethought that i could have used the 5 on something like moving well this is interesting i i guess i'm the only one who can collect that without taking the camera thing um oh yeah so although yeah the rest of you would have to be you might want to reveal that too before yeah yeah but what i might do oh i could have been telled again i should have done that okay no i couldn't one two and then i will intel in my room i think yeah um anything or i'm sorry i was gonna [Music] on the miss okay i keep double checking these just to make sure i'm not missing any right that's nice to keep them revealed then there yeah so that you know you're gonna miss all right so you're gonna collect that one i can eventually yeah all right i have okay actually this is good oh this is great because i have numbers that play perfectly on those numbers okay so i will move again i guess way over to this corner and gather from that room no wow that is seven different symbols that we have not gotten i'm i'm still double checking them all seven out of 26 glyphs glyphobat by the glyphobit all right and the second one hey you oh keep that one right there okay we won all right that was both of my cards well that definitely means it's not the same as last time because i don't think that was the o of you no i'm pretty sure it was not the old last time yeah that's good you would have to yeah yeah we figure it all out yeah all right although you only found out so many letters in that last one anyway yes but we did find the once you flipped it you would know them yes yes yeah then you could just solve the next two or three yeah uh right away if you wrote stuff down all right are you gonna feel phil's gonna intel intel phil that's what i call them and what do we got is there any three rooms left no yeah just a bunch of tours yes we have so i'll just do this right next to me yeah why not we can go get it hey strike eight okay well we had one hit oh i believe that is a hit so we [Music] uh eight so i will play a ten right and just go here and gather it on the next turn nicely done look at these numbers i made a mistake um well we haven't regrouped yet that is correct especially on move uh i think i'm gonna have to regroup one until first in case we end up with a counter intelligence yeah that seven and i will there's still quite a bit of them in there yeah i have to pick one room i can't pick multiple rooms to pick one of each one okay let's do this one since we're nobody's here hey that's good gasket hey it's a y nope no luck for that okay well there you go all right and then my second action will be to regroup and which pile would you clear uh probably wow they're all terrible yeah i know we may be more important i was going to say gathered but we can't gather without moving yeah so let's get going i have a movability gather could be more important although we can't and you have your ability to pick this up so but i still need to be able to move to get adjacent to things she's going to get i think that they're all are you going to be able to gather on your tournament she is yes no so she can't gather on her turn and we need her too we're going to have multiple regroups yeah so it almost doesn't matter okay well move is important because we're not getting anywhere yeah without moving with movement memory murmuring ethel merman how many cards two cards in the deck let me tell you i mean i could why don't i collect this using my thing first i do think that's good i do not have a great card for this so maybe do another regroup after she does the first she can do media regroup okay that's fine then i mean i can do this it's just not no that's fine then let me um these two to gather this so you know collected you have a b a b a b and an o body odor let's body o there's only seven letters i said eight several times because there are seven this but i think everything has eight anyways okay i think eight yeah it's a good number then i will regroup i really clearly gather okay cool all right and i have to draw two you have to draw two would you like to draw another i guess it's a better mix there though this time it is a better mix we did because we got two big piles back here i guess we probably should draw until we see the first clock card it will be the top card though i know you see me randomizing these cards it'll be the top card it was last time can i can i you can shuffle the camera just to feel it it's just like it's barely enough deck to riffle all right give me one done um i guess so yeah well no no no is that what happens the card goes out and immediately is discarded yeah okay no i i'm looking do you want a new fourth card it's only like a one out of 20 something chance to kill us oh my gosh well actually i can't look at your hand yes could you take a good turn with those cards or do you need another fourth card i can take a good turn with these cards all right assuming that we need to do we all need to do something good and get a few more letters all right we're gonna get this one what else can we do we need to reveal them well i'm gonna actually able to okay i can do something do i need to regroup intel hey that's the question i mean i i have a few i guess i please at this point i have the opportunity i guess i think i mean i think you should do intel i mean you could do intel and then regroup it or i could do mentality it just moves people i can move someone to a good spot but you're in a good spot i can move brock if he wants to just straight gather something that's true i mean i have a wonderful card for gathering if i were in the right room but it cost me two years i don't think you need to spend well i mean either way i have a low i tell you i'm in the low range for for run as well potentially on both those but we have two people having actions before me so i also feel like moving you here so you can just gather and then run someplace because this is such a yeah it's a weird spot you know okay i think my most efficient turn since i'm gonna play as if assuming it may be my last turn is burn two really high cards to move four spaces and then gather gather it all right because this could give us two letters if we're super lucky we're not no wow why would you think we're lucky well one what about the previous no no that's okay in the room wow i tried you guys i really tried you did i cleared an entire room that no one else could really get to you did great all right instead of just picking up one thing watch this be the one that was like i know i know there's a whole bunch of one over there i know that's the problem gather yeah all right b and an o and then l oh okay obelisk obelisk is mysterious no that's six i'm sorry that's that's that's seven wow okay okay it is and it's an object sort of and it doesn't repeat any doesn't it oh it is an object yeah it is an object all right that's a good good good starting guess yeah it's a it's like a secret it's like a code name you spy kind of it is all right definitely all right i'm gonna do my special ability i think it's only going to be this area i can't get to three rooms where i'm at but at least it helps if it's a good letter it tells lincoln to do something yeah if it's a letter lincoln can get it i mean you could go here and do your special advice she's already taken that's right so yes i agree yes so i'm going to use it too i mean it's fine and yeah yeah that's fine at least we try should i take some cards or not no okay because we could die on one card all right i'm gonna run all right i'm gonna what are we out of gathering six gathered yeah doesn't matter we try we're doing it again hey an s hey that's there oh wait it's there all right m okay and and and and new zealand what is that it's the one at the end right oh it's the one at the end yes oh wow okay two that was the best thing okay okay b-l-o-m-i with two letters missing oh man mobile mobile or they need to write it down my head does not work there's two letters missing booby boom yes thank you simple well i'm just trying to like fill in with some lessons we get some yeah some feeling in here wow that was a real lucky flip it didn't answer it for us but we've been waiting the whole time for a two-letter flip like that i mean is there value to thinking of it as like it's the 90s but it's an old game so like mobile probably yeah like might not work you know like is it an older object cipher type or you know mobile mobile is missing six letters no i know but if it was like with an s or something like that you know then i know they have like baby mobiles but oh no i was thinking like mobile mobile yeah that's what i was thinking too so maybe that's too enough cell phone yeah yeah oh yeah no i think that is two and a half two yeah there's probably like use that it's the 90s narrowing this game yeah game is from the 70s or so okay so yeah so i think it's more like a it's just a yeah a spy code name me kind of thing if anything oh that was you brock right okay that was brock i guess i'm not drawing up drawn up i have two cards i might be able to do something anyway if it gets back to me i can intel and i can run i cannot gather but i can collect one uh from somewhere near me so i could collect this and then intel somewhere else um does that feel like the best use because then we'll see three like i could collect this one and reveal these two can you only collect one with your ass yeah i mean yeah it does because the collect could get us a letter on a wild guess and well meaning at least that way i would i think that's a great way to see three yeah instead of two exactly okay i mean that's something i'm gonna start by in telling these two nope no we're looking for an upside down y and a square thing well we can't show it yet but it's here that is good should i collect this yes yes of course all right cause this is the shot in the dark at least that's one of the things all right we have six of the seven layers it's gonna work now i've been running through the alphabet trying to figure out what these letters are our sixth letter is an x what i was nowhere near that x mix [Music] blocks marks box okay um milk milk box that doesn't that's not really a thing lim [Music] no not lim limp box hey i'm trying i know mild box i don't know what rolls off the tongue well i mean is it actually something we would know i mean it's got to be it's got to be a simple word i think well we could yeah never mind and then uh why wouldn't milk box be it why because have you ever said that phrase milk carton yeah gallon of milk yeah no milk man milk crate milk box is just a really weird way to put something there's got to be something better if i mean it could be mix and it could be boxing box i mean no but i'm just running i'm doing all right i'm just running through it mailbox mailbox it's a mailbox oh my god all right wow milk box box [Laughter] totally milk boxes all right shall we end the game and solve the puzzle yes mailbox i think it's gonna be mailbox are you sure it's the only word that actually makes sense mild boxes all right all right we're going with mail yes yeah i'm saying mailbox okay i'm picking up the answer for mailbox m a i the a says secret well maybe there was no a oh maybe this glyph doesn't exist huh is it red it says secret what do you mean it says letter maybe you maybe maybe that glyph the red doesn't exist on here you're gonna reveal it and see all right i don't know why it says secret well it's tricking us all right it says look it says secrets on the a i don't know why it says that can we reveal this now to see if that's the a or we're not allowed to do that oh you're going to take it out and we're going to see it after mission 2 read page 19. i just think that means it's part of the secret like we write it on the back yeah right like secret's found so we write a oh yeah whoa it looks like the previous owner left us a code to crack that's so neat what do you think it means reminder win or lose don't forget to gain any secret cards listed on the mission okay in this case secret a all the way through the numbers to secret a are you finished here it's not being cool i don't know read it now let's let's see it might be part of the comic okay basics of encryption substitution cipher in a substitution cipher each letter represents a different letter in the alphabet the simplest substitution code is called the pattern in this code is extremely easy to crack because it is simply the so decipher this debra will probably do that in a moment i can do this while we're reading the rest of the comments okay happy too i wonder hmm jenny's still having her dark thoughts jenny this distraction won't make them forget your secrets oh my gosh i don't know i told you everyone's got this like secret struggle you definitely are hiding something yes this is cool and all but i keep thinking about that note from the door i told you don't get too comfortable jenny wow is she crazy i don't know she's definitely something oh yeah and why did that creepazoid leave an address creepazoid is right let's go there and kick the door in wow can't wait wait until tomorrow it's getting late yeah okay we can check it out after school end of chapter all right let us solve this cipher if we can a piece of paper so this is it's going backwards so z y x w v so we'll just continue so it's a pretty simple it's a principle yeah all right it does say the game instructions do say if a secret gives you something to crack like this you may not have all the information to do it right away okay this one seems pretty easy yes but it does say that sometimes you'll just have to hold on to these write down what secrets you have access to and come back to them later well it seems like they're trying to teach you there this is yeah yeah your first uh code cracking i was really lucky that this was here oh my god oh yeah i mean come on i don't think we would have won i don't know if we would have we were i mean it's hilariously the next room to where we started but yes because yes right out to the corner right i don't blame us to not go in there but boy i'm glad i decided x i v g all right i think something out like that in the wilson also there i'm sure v x uh it's gonna be secret secret v e r t probably eight or something like that t s eight secret where's g secret 18 secret 18. 18. so we get it right i think we do all right wow wow unless we couldn't figure that out and couldn't get to the secret 18 18 halpon street that means we went to his house encryption tip number one sometimes the best way to hide a code is to bury it in plain sight if the text is not obviously a code most observers will not even think of decrypting it he's looking for the trio well that is interesting trio so we're thinking this is a he's clearly a cypher is buried in plain sight but it may just trio what does trio spill out you know like on this thing older than the right i know yeah i know i mean it would be a g i i'm just a teenager [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 14,088
Rating: 4.9714284 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: u24OziAQPQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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