Paleo - GameNight! Se8 Ep50 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] so [Music] tonight on game night nikki lincoln and myself dave are going to play paleo a game for two to four players published by hanzim glick and z-man games and designed by peter rustemeier so let's eat salads oh no wait that's south beach right not paleo what no no what's atkins then i think they're all the same right there no keto diet it's not that kind of game yeah well we'll find out hey dave lincoln i remember you it's amazing isn't it will you teach us paleo i will teach you paleo very exciting paleo is a cooperative game at the dawn of man's civilization where we're gonna it's a dawn of a new era we're gonna try to build uh we're gonna make create ideas and get tools and fight off death and our goal in this game is to try to make this cave painting right here all right the cave painting comes in five pieces these are the pieces and when we put all five there we can win the game we're gonna lose the game however if bum bum bum we have five skull tokens flipped over here you can keep the tokens actually off to the side we are conserving table space and we're just putting them here for now uh the game has a bunch of different modules that you can mix and match to make the game easier harder different or whatever we are playing the very base set game which includes modules a and modules b and what we did is we took the base set deck and modules a and b deck and we shuffled all of those cards together and then we dubbed them out in three piles as evenly as possible it didn't matter if it was uneven and we all have these piles in front of us okay this represents our day for each of us okay it's a co-op but we all control a group of people within our little subset okay and the way the game works is we're going to go through the day and then at the end of the day when we all go to sleep this is our base camp we will um we will go through the day here in the wilderness and then at night this is night we will sleep and when we do sleep we'll do some little cleanupy phases here and we'll feed our people and do some other things and this is this is one of the main ways that we can probably die fast and obviously there's stuff within the cards we're going to start the deck so over here at base camp this is where we keep our supplies we start the game with five food all ready which is good because i'm jumping ahead we're going to need one piece of food for every person we have in our thing and so they're giving us a five food head start we're obviously going to make more food there are um there are three basic commodities that we make in tokens we make stone we make food we make wood okay those will go here when we make them there are also things we can essentially build with those tools wood can get us torches and stone can get us this sort of like stone axe and a wood and a stone can get us these spears okay we are component dependent for the whole game so if we gonna make food or stone or wood and there aren't any here then we're not making them oh okay and same thing for these tokens okay we're component tokens obviously when you use these things they go back to the supply they don't go out of the game but we are component dependent okay yep now i mentioned that we're going to have people now that we've shuffled this deck and dealt it out roughly evenly we're also all going to take two people from the top of the deck so go ahead lincoln just take two that's the people this is true go these are dreams i think and these are ideas okay um ideas are what like this tent up here which i haven't explained that's an idea and does it have an a or a b on it a b right so that came with the b module which started us with one more thing we can build it takes a lot to build it though right what does it say at the top up there it takes uh two wood and two pelts two wood two pellets hang on i have to i think it's lucy and line is van filled and we need to have two like strength your people go face up so okay and and your people come with oh wow nice so that guy comes with a torch yeah nice she comes with a torch and this little symbol right here is awareness so you also have two awareness for things that we need awareness for okay so here's a good example my guy has no tools but he comes with two strengths okay which means yeah we're already set which means i'm got two strength towards that tent yep all right if i also have two wood and two pelts then i can get that tint and when i get it i keep it now these tokens in addition will have uses on cards right but the modules themselves come with extra things you have to do every night and in this new world module at the end of every day at night when we're sleeping this isn't either or we either have to give up a tent token or take a skull okay so at some point during our day we'll need to pick up a tent token does that make sense right yep okay so every every day every day we'll be needing to do that correct oh wow okay pick up two people nick p oh man yours are pretty strong too they got two health all you guys have two health you've got a strong guy too i know but health and awareness so yes you did notice um we're going to potentially be taking wounds during the game when you take a wound it goes here and when you take your wound that covers the skull token in addition to flipping over a skull your person dies and goes into the cemetery over here this is let me show it to you here on the camera this is kind of like a cool 3d cemetery thing in fact i i didn't show this earlier but there is this idea thing is actually sort of a big giant 3d rack right it looks like okay so it really would be like this right slot them in at the top and whatever but for purposes of the camera we're just laying things flat right now right it also saves us some table space um so that guy would go in the cemetery cards that go in the cemetery are out of the game okay and there are other cards that will be killed as we go so that's so far the basic stuff so let's talk about what a turn consists of at the beginning of every turn we're gonna all play our turn simultaneously essentially and what we're going to do is we're going to look at the top three cards of our deck but just the backs of them okay we're going to pick one that we want to activate and then technically you can pull them off if you want because you can place the other two back on the top of your deck in any order that you want okay okay the backs of the deck are going to be primarily these three areas this is the mountains okay that's the river that's the forest and there's a little guide right here on the board the forests mostly consist of cards that give you wooden food the river are cards that give you food and pelts and the mountains are cards that give you stone and pelts so you can see that stone is only available in the mountains and that wood is potentially only available in the forest i say potentially because we haven't looked at these cards we're spoiling to a certain extent some of this game because the decks all have cards on them that say don't look at these cards right okay even when you sort them like they put little numbers in the corner so you can just look at the numbers and not see the cards so i don't necessarily know additionally there are card backs this is a bad thing yeah you got the fire and the but this is base camp this is base camp right here right okay a base camp card is where you can make it where you can essentially build an idea all right or perhaps get another person or put another idea available or get a dream i have no idea what dreams are i think there are things that that help you i think you have to follow them when you i'm i'm really jumping around but when you get a dream card if you if this base camp card allows you to get a dream card it goes immediately on the top of your deck face down okay okay um sometimes here's a mountain card let me do it over here here's a mountain card here's a mountain car that has a tent on it what that means is that this card probably has something else on it that will help me get a tent okay it might be too expensive for me right now i don't know in other words it won't it won't give me an advantage to getting a tent it will just give me a way to get there as opposed to having to go to base camp to do it oh does that make sense yep yep um same thing like uh like this river card has a woolly mammoth card on it right i don't know why because i don't know what willie mammoths mean maybe that's another idea or maybe that's a fighting thing i don't know um pelt okay oh yeah maybe all right so we're gonna spoil the top cards of our decks because i need to explain to you how the cards work but let's just assume we all picked this card for our first top there and then we okay so then we'll all flip them over simultaneous yes okay now as a group we'll decide which of the three of us wants to go first okay a card works as follows each card has options of what you can do with it and you're only going to do one thing essentially with the card so for my scree pile here right i can either try to do this thing this thing this see or this or this which is helping somebody or i can choose to ignore the card completely and then it's done meaning i don't do anything right my guess is you probably don't want to do that because it's essentially a waste of a card and a turn so if i have two strengths which i've actually been saying wrong this entire time okay it turns out it's actually skill yeah um i think spear is strength does anyone no one has spiritual spear right there but not all my people correct okay so if i have two skill and i discard the top two cards of my pile then i can pick up two stone when you discard cards from your pile they go face down in the wilderness here in the discard pile oh okay yeah that's time going by or if i just discard the top two cards in my deck you get one i get one or i can choose to help someone else all right or i can choose to do nothing right okay okay um let's reverse these cards for a second let's say i had the wild boar if i had three strength that's the strength and i get rid of the top two cards in my deck and the wild boar card itself goes out of the game permanently meaning if you ever take this action this card is not in the game anymore right um i'm getting like ahead of myself but all of these cards are going to come back okay we get three food and a pelt or i can choose to help someone or i can choose to ignore this card so clearly i don't have three strengths so we couldn't do this anyway but let's say this was my card instead of nicki's and and we would look at all three of cards we could decide cooperatively okay i'm gonna go first and i'm gonna help nikki now it's nikki's turn she doesn't have to skill but i'm helping her so she's gonna use my skill okay all right she's still gonna discard two cards from her neck right it can't be like one from her is one from mine i can't help her that way but i can give her stuff that's mine if she needed a spear lincoln and you had this card you could help her by giving her essentially letting her use your spiritual token i think that's a a torture torch thank you man so that's what help means okay okay get help okay or or as i said you could just completely ignore it now um the red cards of course aren't great although in this case this is pretty great if we had two strength and a torch which we do we don't have any strength though and you had two cards to get rid of from the top of your deck the wolf would go out of the game and you'd get a pelt otherwise this is not an ignorable ore okay okay these are ignorable because they're not in red but anything that's in red means you have to do one of them you think you said these are ignorable because those aren't gray not red they're not red correct they're in gray like same thing here this or this but it has to be one of them it's not like so in this case we would lose a thing now i'm sorry we would we would take a wound so you think well okay so why would i ever flip this over right a lot of these cards are going to involve discarding and i think well why would i ever flip it over well the answer course is when you discard a red card to the wilderness you also take a wound okay so you will have to deal with this card one way or the other now in this particular case discarding this card for taking a wound is good because we didn't know but we we've seen it now we couldn't do the top part anyway right right so better but we will at some point want to deal with these cards because it will give us stuff right and also i don't know but the game basically says the bad cards are mostly bad but every once in a while there's a good one and similarly the good cards are mostly good but every once in a while there's a bad one all right right so it's a percentage thing because life's hard because life's hard okay so when you discard cards um like let's say i did use this card let's say i did the two skill and i threw two cards away then when i'm done with this i would get two rock they would go in base camp and this car would go face up here in the wilderness okay so we're going to keep doing this until we don't have our deck anymore when we don't have our deck we go to sleep it's very possible that we will go to sleep at different times depending on how fast our decks run out depending on whether you're discarding cards or not so the other people who are still awake continue their thing but without your help right all right once we're all asleep we then go over to here we feed all of our people right now we only we have uh six people right we might have more by the end then we have to deal with these two cards this was from the a module and the b module all right so this is three food and the pelt so right now we already need nine food a pelt in a tent yeah that's a lot well that seems bad maybe it's easier to do we don't know okay then we take all the face up cards here and we essentially put them on top of the face down cards and we shuffle this entire thing and then we deal out piles for the next round okay so we're going to go through these cards again and again and again the deck will get slowly reduced because some of these cards will go to the cemetery but for example that wolf we know now that there's a wolf in there and that he can give us a pelt for a blah blah but you don't know which of the red cards is the wolf right right so part of the game i think is getting a sense i think the wolf was with this guy was uh i think that was the one what is his emaciated wolf he's weakened because he's emaciated now two things you're allowed to do you are allowed to at any time if you'd like look through the backs of all your cards you can always look you can't change the order but you can see what's coming up okay you are also allowed to at any time look through the face up discard pile if you want to okay you can never of course look through the face down dick squad button all right is there a card that lets you take a card from the face up pile i do not why would you want to there are definitely cards that have other actions on them i will explain them when they come up all right because that's just the easier way to go these are secrets they come with modules one and two i don't know how they work yet but i get some point they'll find out there'll be a thing that will direct us to do that and i think for now that's everything all right there are ways to remove wounds uh on cards and also some of these tools like for example this like for example here this little feather thing allows you to uh negate a wound when discarding a red card i think i can't remember the iconography but we'll look them up when we get them i mean this this idea may never come up in right so we might never get this time all right is that the only time we get these tokens or four ideas yes and the tokens are all one time use so when you use a token it goes back to the pile okay whereas this is permanent i have these two skill as long as my crafters don't die on me right well i got the same guy twice i didn't even realize that but lincoln got the tool of the torch isn't okay correct his guy starts with a torch he's got one less health but we've got perhaps a valuable tool for something okay all right well let's just try it here we go are we sticking with these people yes all right yes i know it's not balanced but what the heck so hey i'll tell you what i'm gonna just take the card i already saw yeah right well it's good for me yours wasn't good for you but well i don't have i mean it's a river river or a forest forest could possibly get us some food and wood that's not bad i'll do a forest obviously i can't imagine you want to choose the red one yeah i'll wait on that uh you do mountain i'm gonna i'll try this one here i have no idea really that gets us to base camp and potentially puts more ideas on the board is that a good thing i don't know maybe it's yes because it's one way to get more people okay and ideally we want someone with with strength okay here we go flip okay so let's look at the cards okay so uh we know what this is over here nikki one skill and you get rid of two cards and this card goes away and you get three wood or you can just get rid of your top card and get a wood or you can help someone i already explained mine lincoln okay so that little icon at the top here let me have that let me just put over here that little icon at the top of your card is craft okay craft is the only way is the only action we have where you can spend a wood or a stone or a stone and a wood to get stuff or whatever we need for that tent okay are we in canada or is it a craft dinner so that's crafting so that will allow you to craft or for one uh skill you can put a new idea up onto the board or you can share with someone so that's what that card does so that sadly did not get us more people but that's okay okay all right so now let's figure out what we want to do all right so we can result kind of resolve and have any order yes okay so for example lincoln's card for kraft says one craft so he can only do that once but for the sake of argument let's say it said three craft okay we might have you go first do the top thing and get three wood here so that lincoln could then get three torches right well we might have migo first so that lincoln can craft the the stone spear stone axe i'm sorry okay looking at these cards lincoln can't do the second one without help from one of us sure and we can do stuff meaning let's say you had a card or i had a card that we couldn't do then i would say let's help lincoln i don't know that we need to add necessarily a new idea to the board right now so lincoln should definitely craft something and he already has a torch so maybe we need the axe just for variety's sake does that make sense yeah so then i should go first or i should go before lincoln to get the because like i can put stone on the board okay and i don't see any reason i shouldn't do the top one i'm getting rid of two cards anymore but this is a good example i never thought about it of how fast you want to go through your deck well no also let's say you look at the top three cards and you think oh i'm gonna i'm gonna keep this for next yeah and you're like oh wait a minute i'm about to get rid of these right like i just i'm getting rid of the card with the tent on it as opposed to the whatever and my next three cards are this yeah so i'm campfiring next turn for sure all right let's do that so i will go first i have to scale i get rid of these top two cards and go ahead and lincoln take two stone and put them here on the thing at home for the collective yep okay all right what do you guys want to do next i don't i'm not sure it matters in turn order so not right now but i do want to do some wood at least one because that can help us towards um getting the tent how many do we need for that well then you might be making a spear you might as well do the three next oh three you guys are cool with that okay i i think we're gonna have to burn through these cards i mean look if we lose we lose right we're gonna have to learn somehow okay so that's one yeah and then i get rid of two cards yeah and then this card goes to the cemetery so this card never comes back right that's the other reason maybe to make one wood is that it would come back come back yeah whatever we're going to blaze this gives lincoln options to build whatever he wants actually okay all right link okay so if i do we want a spear or do we want another uh or hand what do we need for the tent two wood and two wood and two pelts okay well as long as you leave two wood i don't know what do you think the spear or the axe i don't know what they're good for i mean i guess the spear maybe because we don't have strength i don't know what is it good i don't know the game enough yeah it's a weapon right totally to get an animal i don't know i think go for the go for the more expensive thing you're there now right bird in the hand or spear in the hand yeah hey dave what are the difference here between these oh so this has ha i totally forgot that's fantastic yes this means it goes back and this means it doesn't so yes you want this because that's the same thing as having this symbol right or always for always okay it's a permanent it's a permanent strength well then we definitely need strength oh yes okay should we put it here on this fella you don't put it on anybody it's just in your gut okay so it doesn't die with anything and by the way i got it this is there's all kinds of things i'm just trying to figure out here that's a that is not only a strength but we could use it immediately so for example if this were a subsequent turn and you did that first you would now have a strength you could use right but i mean like to help if he was helping yeah or something well let's say let's say he had the ability to craft three things and one of those things needed strength you could craft this first all right well there you go all right top three cards does that go there yeah yeah it's discarded yep thank you mine goes there i should have done that one man i spent all right hey i wonder which of these three cards i'm going to do yeah what one do you want the fire ones i'm going to put the bad card on top in case i have to discard that i'm trying to look at the back side again here we go uh this game's cool yeah so far first turn i will do this and i'll put i'll do i'll use a little dave uh strategy in case it's a one card discarded our red card song well we can't we can't avoid them forever right okay here we go all right all right let's start with you oh what was that on the back of that oh it's not gonna work there you go there's an example of a bad card on a good card so hey but two awareness or in one card and you get two stone that's fantastic so you're you're good okay let's do yours three strings dude we don't have enough strength nope is it it's just so again and dump one which is this which will give us a wound right was yeah was there a goat in the back of this or no there was no so i think i'm gonna do the ore action okay but let me see what mine is okay this is crazy okay at home i can craft or if i have one to two people i get a people i can get a people or if i have three people and discard a food i get a people let me explain this if you have people action by the way which is that's the one thing someone cannot help you with okay so you could help me and give me well in this case you would nothing right but you couldn't give me three people if we if i only had two okay okay and so is there anything on your card you need help from nikki for no i have the perception or whatever it is yes i think you're just gonna ignore your card so i'll dump i'll dump this oh you can do yours first might as well because it shows no difference yeah okay that goes out yeah we take a wound and i have to put it on probably my stronger fellow yep i would i thought that was the ore no no the ore is take a wound if you can't do the top part regardless you yeah because i have to discard a key he discarded a red card that means he takes the wound got it so and now we get two stone yeah we're back at home and then this card goes into this pile correct not hurting us again until later all right um here's the question we probably need more people but it also means we'll need more food yes should i craft a spear instead for a strength or should i go to the people that can see we can get i should also add um there's a variant you can play to make the game easier that we were going to use i just didn't want to explain it yet which is normally in the game you would just take the top card from the people deck the way we're playing it is we're gonna draw the top two cards from the people deck and pick one okay but even if i get one that has a spear on it i could get a spear now a permanent spear that i don't have to worry about right so but it costs us a stone in a wood so what do you guys think and food at the end well the person would cost us the food again that's the thing i i don't know this is the only thing that we've come up with so far and i we can't even well we could eventually get there but i just don't know i think you should get a person yeah okay it's early enough on in the deck that we have all right i have enough let me have the top two and let's hope one of them has a spears on it boom spear well we probably want the spear but this guy comes with rope what does rope do can i see rope rope oh three different abilities is it one of each you have to discard it though you know what that's sexy but i think we need strength now does this go in the bottom or back to the top i'm sorry that goes back to the bottom of the deck okay yeah because otherwise that would really be easy yeah all right this goes here and this just goes up and i did nothing all right here we go moving on one two three it's too bad because we could have gotten some food we got two spears now yeah yeah strength well i'm taking that one brittany and jamie lynn should hopefully come up again ooh there's a dream i know well let's just see what a dream is i agree it is a dream we'll find out within a dream i'm going to take oh forest i guess we'll both be doing for us hopefully it's not red again that's okay i don't mind both doing forest wheat forest has potential food what if it's a nightmare yeah we'll find out hurry up no oh it's that card isn't it if we pay this if we pay a food and get rid of the card we get the first seat we get the first secret i mean how can we not do that okay let's just see what do you have let's remember a little root yup so i have to dump two cards but we then ha then we can maybe heal me or something like that i don't know do you have a skill yeah you need help from someone right you do not have a skill oh i don't that's right it was uh oh yeah yeah you have strength temporary thing yep the skill is in trouble and he has skill however if i get rid of three cards we get two food in a wood and i would take a wound or get rid of one card and we get a food i mean we need we need food right we need for everybody but i'm willing to but i'm also willing to help you with my skill if you want to do this thing why don't we find out what the secret is first maybe that will change our i was just going to say do you even want to do it the secret right now i mean it cost us a food but come on man how can we not the secrets have to be good right we could save the food by now the secret could be like this is how you hunt better yeah i'm sure don't make so much noise what do you think that's not a secret it is if you're just learning how to hunt i i mean i'm all for the secret yeah let's go for it all right we're ditching the food and this goes away away yep a way away all right nikki here you go turn it over and read it it is hungry hunters add this card to your group okay and then there's an optional thing once per turn plus two two strings strength if you would uh receive food two fewer if you okay if you want to receive food too so we get two strength at the cost of two fewer food but only if we would receive it right that's not bad cool well that didn't change our thing so i feel we need the food more than we need uh your thing well because i mean i'd love to do this i don't know what it exactly does for what is it and what does it say it says yeah you toss it away and you get rid of three wounds oh wait three wounds how rough is this game three wounds that sounds good well we have one wound right now right yes and in theory those will come up again there's only two of them in the i would take one wound i don't have a problem with that i mean we have to do it at some point right i don't take it around here at least this turn all right let's do that you don't mind right it means you're doing nothing this time essentially fine okay so one two three i'm not gonna wound my new warrior and that's two foods two food in a wood they're all over you bad food and a wood each one tasty has the rest doesn't that one go way away oh yes thank you we're still short though right yeah yeah yeah we can get you are these considered no people to feed okay oh uh it's it's it's a secret you know i know how to work together it's not a people oh we know how to work together okay i'm going with what lincoln just said it's not a place it's a people one two three four five six seven eight i get eight cards left i got a big old stack so maybe i should start helping you guys should i take a bad thing well this is the thing i might i might take i get my badness coming up so if i do this we shouldn't turn out that medicinal root we're definitely gonna if i throw out you know okay well i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna take a help you card i'm gonna try to help you right because i i don't wanna go through my deck as fast as i'm doing it right now i would say you go for the bad thing you should see what's on top of your uh i like it your mammoth your woolly mammoth you want this one just saying the problem is if it's good i don't want to waste it well we may it may be so good that we don't want to waste it okay so here we go let me think though uh i guess i'll try that again this is cool all right flip okay good i can't i can't do this anyway so i don't have four strength it's a solitary mouth three-string solitary wolf i don't know this is paradise so it's an awareness an awareness and a food yep two cards and this one goes away and we gain but you gain the wolf the wolf which is another awareness a permanent awareness for the rest of the game well that's not bad what that allows you to do is take wounds on your awareness guy right without having to worry about losing the awareness um right i think that's part of what the permanent tokens do is figure out how to fight your group which to triage your guys like which to kill off right or i do nothing and just take one wound correct well technically or technically lincoln could lend you his spear and we could throw it away but um you mean the torch i don't think that's a good enough gain what are you talking about it is the permanent wolf i don't know it might be great later we just don't know i mean what was your card i'd love to have a little friend but we get more lumber which we don't need i don't know you never know who knows what we'll need well we want to try to build a tent right well we need pelts look at this that's secret two there by the way three food appellate and secret number two i should not have probably turned this card over but let's remember this card when we reshuffle because i don't think we're going to be able to pull this off right we don't have enough strength well technically we do i have one and you have one she has two yeah but i don't because part of the gain is food correct we would lose the two food well we'd get one food which is good oh nikki it doesn't matter because look yeah yeah you don't have the shaky hand on your card i am not i'm off doing something i'm dealing with a wolf right now don't bother me hungry she's hungry like a wolf i think we're gonna do nothing with all these cards except lose a torch because i need to do that so that she can deal with the wolves well yes i absolutely cannot do my part i can i can help somebody can i help you lincoln no i mean unless we need wood yeah can i help you nikki we can do it i mean i have this do we want to just get the wolf and lose the food we lose the food and i take out two cards unfortunately yeah neither are the bad ones but neither the bad ones you want to just lose the torch but i don't mind taking two hits i don't think that's a good i don't think getting rid of the torch is a good thing well we'll get it again we can always buy it again i have camp coming up well provide yeah we have crafting we'll have uh it's true there might not be let's do that i agree with lincoln so lincoln's i'm gonna do nothing lincoln's gonna share his torch with you this still goes then in here correct we don't get rid of it well that's the other reason to do the wolf but i agree yeah whatever next game next day or next part of our day you had a new thing though that i didn't see what was that footprints card did you have a footprints oh okay footprints i want to see what that is i'm excited i don't know what that is all right and flip hey a bad one again hey torch well hang on i can no i can't no this one i can't do anything about it i'm nothing that's not it's a wound well hang on there's nothing you can do there's no that is correct because no one can get a torch and then share it with you okay oh sorry yes okay there you go uh i'll probably guess i'll put it on the gatherer which sucks i mean at this point it doesn't matter right you've already used your torch for the gatherer i mean all depth is going to be bad for us of course all right nikki what do you got to help you or i can get a awareness in the card gets us around man that's not good i definitely don't want another person right i mean we're already in trouble i want a craft we want a torch i can craft something do we want a torch or do we want a spear what do you guys think oh wait i can get a tent right can you do that oh we don't have pelts oh my god have those come on uh i think there was one operation oh you know what maybe we need to put more ideas up there guys yeah maybe well no there's no pelts over there right oh there's tons of them yeah there's a lot of belts so maybe that's here i don't know i don't know we haven't gotten any of those cards this game's cool it's brutal and cool at the same time and we're playing the easy game i can just not do my turn and put this in here um i mean it's really a question of do you want to get rid of your card or not because no okay well i mean dave's going to be waiting us out here at camp it's okay i'll craft then let me let me let me get another what do you think torch okay done that's a wood torch torch me baby eight to the bar that goes here okay all right okay um i have six cards left okay i have i'm almost thinking of taking the red card i feel like i've got room for wounds right right yeah room for one well if you take a rat i mean is this part of the game yes are we allowed to decide 100 yes if you i think i think when someone does a red card if at all possible the other players should not take a red card i would agree so if you are going to do a red card then i will take this but i do have a camp card that could get us another idea to the thing lincoln's got a camp card i have a camp card coming up in my next right which one do you think you're going for um i don't know yet i mean because if you take a camp card maybe i will too so that one of us can help the other if necessary right because i i don't know how else we're going to get pelts is the problem i mean gotta hunt yeah man this is hard i'm not even sure what we're doing wrong necessarily except maybe we're just not drawing the right cards right now regardless i'm not taking anything this woman mammoth card probably is going to have a pelvic floor yeah i would throw that away i'm hoping we need it no it's three down so i can't get to it anyway all right i'm gonna take the camp card lincoln and hope that it's not crafting as much as it's putting stuff up there do you think i should do that or should i how badly do you want to get an idea to the board well i would like to get food we do not have enough food for all the people we have yeah i know well i've already given this up we're not going to get three foods and a pellet by the end for bountiful prey so we're going to get this skull for sure i mean clearly we're going to get some skulls oh of course okay let's go for it here we go oh well i can put an idea to the board i can craft twice i can get us pelt and three food okay you need three strength and the problem is if you use that then you only get us one food okay wild boar for next time let's not forget it what is that did that have a bore in the back no no all right but that was a river the rivers yeah i guess the rivers and the did you get food over there oh under it's just one but i can't toss a car better another wound though it's going to kill it won't kill somebody i'll be close i might as well just do it i agree at this point make a wound that would have gotten rid of two of my bad ones but then i need a wound as well oh i'm sorry yeah thank you i forgot those are near me well i want to put an idea on the board and not craft twice although i can craft twice until we have uh the goods i'd say no i would agree i mean you could make an axe but we haven't no let's find out it sucks that we although what am i going to do get another spear another thing okay you're just doing nothing right i can help you i do have the help i don't need it okay all right here we go all right well that's planting e that's the what is that burial here that goes up there well i think what this actually is is that you have three skill one wood two uh stone and you get rid of this card and you get rid of one of the skulls on that yes yes that's totally that's right at home that makes sense because that's why there's no token it's only when you get one shot yeah it's a one use card yeah so it buys us time so that's not bad yeah i mean it didn't get us pelts but at least it got us nope okay that was me using this i actually did this too already okay moving on here we go moving right along diggity dig all right i'm gonna take this woolly mammoth if the day is is running short i want the willie man should i do that do i want to just try it it just occurred to me you know next round we don't start with five food right no that's what i'm trying to how do you possibly get more food in this game this is ridiculous what the footprints it could be dangerous let's find out let's find out well yeah definitely don't put the tent on top just in case no i want to save that one okay and willie mammoth hopefully save that one do the camp don't do the fire okay but i mean it just not the fire that's fine looks like the deadly forest or something hungry recluse oh my god well this mammoth was bad sick strength but look you could get a painting five food and a painting piece yeah well not there there's no sick strength okay right no even if you both help me we don't have six strengths so i am definitely taking a wound so i might as well do it now okay so i'm just gonna throw this away and take a wound now also it occurred to me that i'm gonna put it here if if i end up killing this guy next turn at least we don't have to feed him true but of course it's still a skull i mean right this is horrible all right what do you got oh the at-home card okay yeah so i can craft or get more people or help somebody so i blinking can heal correct oh if we toss one food and get rid of this card we can heal two wounds if we toss one food get rid of this card we can get a new idea oh ding i think you need to heal i think the idea to be honest with you yeah id is pretty good i think there's something to be said for i'm not gonna do this one i think unless i can help lincoln i don't think i'm even going to bother doing this there's no need to help me we just need food i mean is it necessary to craft right now well we don't have the sure sure let lincoln do his thing first maybe there will be something you want to craft all right okay would that be that too is that crafting as well when you got it that's crafting okay you're not gonna heal okay well come on heal schmeal oh my god seriously he or she meal at this point okay okay well there goes the food yep it's okay we're going to lose the guy we have to figure out this card yep skeletary and idea number three the hatchet okay let's bury the hatchet it's one food i mean excuse me one wood one uh stone or axe head and you get a hatchet and it gives you strength and skill oh beautiful well then maybe i want to craft see that's what i'm saying you should correct i'm not using up the food i like it get it all right so it is a one again no no no you can't do it yet because you need this you need the ax see it's a token that you toss we don't have that oh that's like a wood and an ax can you craft twice no if you could though she could buy the axe and then do the other one but get the x i see so i can't okay get the x so you can do it next time i do what you you just do this you uh toss a stone and get an axe yeah okay it gives you two of these two nails gives you another skill to pay the bills okay all right did we do that right yeah it was yeah i didn't have to toss a card no no it was just food right yeah no it was tossed no that's not mine we put it over here okay i put in the center all right i'm gonna do a bad thing and if we can pass it no or go to the cab look none of my guys are hurt so even if i just throw away the card i can just take a hurt all my rivers my first rivers are at the bottom okay was that the footprint card by the way that's the footprint oh that was nice wait mountain is what mountainous stone and pelts ah yes stone and pelts all right come on pelts that's where we get pellets why do we not get pelts i just haven't had the stuff for it all right we go pelt two cards for a pelt bear cave nikki's got a cold you guys i'm cold burr all right take your wound take your wound that's what you're planning on doing so just i say just do it all right do you need help from me well if we can get four strength which nikki just already we won't get it now so this one's going to have to help she couldn't share anyway i could give you one can you get to four you have i have two between you and i when we have two dang it well you don't have to help me i'm gonna get rid of two cards and take a pill yeah that sounds good but look what we would get to food part of the painting okay and turn the card over again did it have something special okay it has a tent remember that car with a 10 on it when we reshuffle i mean all right so one card two oh we're doing this oh no no no are we here i'm doing this i'm taking a wound oh boy dave's going to sleep soon alright here's a question do i kill that guy or not right now we need one two three four five six seven food we have six so it's and any leftovers would be good for them no there's no leftovers we'll need three here we're taking minimum three skulls this turn okay unless we get a tent right oh my gosh and we need one more pellet to get a tent i got one card left but maybe i can help you with the pill right oh my god this is going out doing nothing this is so horrible get a pelt i'm killing this guy what i'm killing this guy no i'm not i'm not just in case backwards just in case i need the strength to share how's that uh pelt please it's not strength it's skill so that's what i meant you've got the pelt and the stone you get a stone no no no no just the power just a pellet stone if i do the two choose one of those got it all right now i have one card left um oh hey hang on here's a rule i didn't remember until just now you can at any point just end your day and get rid of your entire deck when you do that if you go to sleep early you take no wounds for the red card you discard so there's a reason nikki to keep avoiding your red cards because you can just you can now it shortens your day yeah um and additionally i don't think i said this either or if i did i said it wrong when you help somebody you can also take wounds for them oh okay so the wounds can be spread out amongst those players okay as well as the rewards like if obviously these rewards just go here but like if i helped lincoln or lincoln helped me for a thing that got say three tools link we i could give two of those to lincoln or vice versa we could we could split the victories as well as the the damages okay so defeat i don't see any reason not to flip my last card because worst case i can just ignore it okay okay so here's a great card yeah i got the arrow and i got the thing i don't have two cards to discard boo and no one can help me with that you cannot help me by discarding from your deck oh so there you go i can help someone else i can help too well we only have well you can craft twice what do you got is i need four strength which we don't have but that would give us four food and a pelt wait we have four strength if you help i can give you one nicki can give you two this is what we need to do then you have one and then i could craft next turn well again it won't we'll only get two food wait there's no way i'm gonna craft can i help with this one yeah i think that's i think that's some help yeah okay nikki can craft twice but i think you're right right i think that's clear we want to get now look in your deck and see if you have any home cards i won't because i'll have to discard this nope she's got a tent though i do have a tent yeah will that let's make a tent maybe no but here's the thing i got two i still think the pelt doesn't go away if you can make a pelt now we should just make it even if we don't get to use it right yeah i think so too it's just unfortunate that this was the case the bottom of the deck and you know like these are all low it sucks okay food i thought i vote for food i agree with food and a pelt so i'm helping you yeah so you get this from me right nikki needs help too nikki is also helping yes you get two from her right and i have one correct and you don't have the discarded even well yeah i do have to discard three cards correct but you don't have to just cut your spear as my point one two three yeah boot of that yeah c'est la vie and then lavi and then uh this is out okay we would normally get four food and a pelt but because we use this we get two we get two food places we get two food but more importantly take a pelt they're small yep all right we got two pills they took two pelts i would think that would be two pelts worth okay so um that's out because we helped each other yeah you can give me that pelt and that way i have both of them yeah i don't think it makes i guess it doesn't for buying the tail yeah no it does make a difference as far as crafting well no but here's the difference you're out now you're asleep oh yeah you needed to give it to me we can't do that i can't because of the way the shares here keep it then yeah keep it just in case because we're not going to get it this round anyway yeah i agree spread the wealth hey yeah yeah so i helped so that's it for that all right and now it's just the two of us you can make it if you try it's still going i'm gonna do the mountains and hope that something great happens all right she's gonna go for river river a river scree pile well you can't i can't do it it's five five strength well that's got cave painting on it too yeah all right just again yeah commit that to memory mammoth in the river just oh yeah you have oh no dave has the skills i have skills i have two skills okay well then we you can help and we could um get more stone skills is it worth it i don't have two cards to throw out so no i i'm gonna i can only help you if anything and we can't okay so no no and then i am going to sleep sleep early i like it and i'm going so this goes here it doesn't affect me dave no when i do that okay sweet you're all by yourself so here's the question try that one yes i think this one i like it okay that was the three all yep i can't wait okay next should i keep going yes do the camp one one two three oh we got one with the two do the tent one yeah ready she won't be able to okay oh you're so close you got two and i do actually have the three oh so close i just needed one more hey wake up almost our most skilled guys sleeping crazy dudes wake up oh that was fantastically funny all right i'm thinking i should just go to sleep yep maybe i can sure try that one why not what was the other card oh mammoth oh yeah get rid of it now you got me scared i want a peak okay what should i do well what do we get from the forest we could get food from the forest potentially or well no pills or bread death what's the other card what's the mammoth one is that the mammoth one it's a the problem is even if it's a good it'll be big yeah yeah i think it's without by herself that seems dangerous something not dangerous but wasteful right okay likely do it okay hey food food you didn't you put the red card on top no no she hasn't she just yes you didn't pretend you weren't even like yes you were thinking pretend like i didn't even know you could rearrange it yes you always keep that you can always rearrange then there it is yes and sweet uh it's just a discard so it's there and this goes here and i'm sleeping sleeping what about this yeah and i don't get the hit four that's right okay so here's what happens now we're all asleep hey let's go over here now we have one two three four five six seven people we need to get rid of seven food all right hey we at least have two left over yay okay a lot more than that oh we need three food in a belt oh my gosh or take a skull so here comes the skull a skull we could have like harry you know puts her to sleep hey this actually worked out not bad because we need a tent which we don't have we take a skull i think two skulls in our first time through is actually not bad okay so close your big glass oh my goodness hey it's nice having dave i think he's good at shopping she is well you know what's nice is the this the deck almost self shuffles in a way right well we need to make uh more spears and get better at hunting yeah we need more strength we need to spread the strength around okay all right here you go you guys each have an extra card on me yeah that bad one right at the top okay i'll take it doesn't matter take a bad one they're free all right i got a mammoth right on top i'm going to go for that keep looking at the cards i'm just going to do the mail oh well i have the tent here's the deal if the mammoth card is one in which you guys are going to need to help me yep don't pick a card that might be good for you like in your in your case this is like a red one no no i'm saying don't pick the tent because you might not use it does that make sense or do i i really don't know is the problem and then next round i'm picking like a bland card i think that's part of the game is maybe figuring out okay yeah i think so okay boom yes here we go i under brush again okay well mine's bad it's a rock fall well here's why it's really bad you can't help me exactly yeah yeah okay do we have four of this no right one nicki was the one who could yep okay so we have two okay so then maybe i'm helping you link what do you need i can just dump a card and get food goodbye baby mammoth please no that was there was a good plan we just this just happened to be i know the random wrong bad one i'm gonna do it because i think you've got the second card yep second secret and a pelt and three food well no and one we already gotten one food yeah you're right we need more strength okay i'm gonna get hurt but i'm just gonna do it anyway right it's get rid of oh wait no tough car no you're not no i'm not no dave has perception no you don't yes i do i do i have to throw away the torch to do it i have perception what do you think is it worth giving is it worth ditching the torch to give her the food is better no you think she should take the hit yes okay and then i'll dump a card which unfortunately i put this on here so somebody's dying but that's okay we need to get less people here i'm doing nothing i will help you this turn give me your wound okay right yeah i guess so give me a wound by the way thank you i mean there's no reason not to right yep put it on the other person that has no wounds no i don't want to lose this true that makes total sense okay i feel like the gatherer should get another torch every day it's just a stick and a fire okay i'm gonna chew we didn't get the food i did the did it but we didn't get the food yeah okay well yes okay you're taking the tent one right is that what i mean we both i i have like three good cards two good cards well i'm taking in a bland generic card i'll take a bland generic card too and then leave the two wonderful cards up above yep i like in hopes that it could be bad though because we have to discard to do that there we go solitary mammoth ooh okay nikki i got two i can help you and lincoln can help you what's well hang on don't i don't have anything to help her okay i don't have any skills i'm skilled okay well in that case k painting in a tent is what we want for sure right yeah that's better than food two food and a pelt okay i'm helping nikki so you get all my skills sure so you have to get rid of three cards one two three this goes away but we get a tenth give nikki that exciting tent and we get a k painting yay our first painting here you go pick whichever one you want don't we have to go in the order maybe by the picture just do that one right there no i don't think it's by the picture this one you said yeah because i think it's this right here it's of course it's perfect for you it's mammoth but it's amazing all right we're one fifth of the way this game's easy or however two-fifths of the way however this card's out of the game forever uh well let's sit down because look at how great this one was for food and upheld but we just don't have this except every time we use this card we don't get for food we understand that that's something you are correct and then we need to get strength can i get rid of this hold on did you take the wounds you needed to take no right what you discarded i discarded two reds yeah they're three two ones yay i'm not doing well i would kill a guy i don't think so okay oh wait i can take a wound yeah don't worry about it okay no i think he needs to take some of those i do okay one two three okay so i have two good cards i have home and then mammoth time and uh i'll take a generic that's these are both why not my others my other ones i should be crap i should go to the camp as well then because these two are uh well they're gonna make me discard something we don't need a second tent though right we have one for that card that we have to discard we'll be safe with one less skull right we need more pelts though um i'm gonna just do this i'll craft because we need we need some more spears yes you're going to camp you're saying yeah i'm going at home yeah okay i will do this one then okay here we go oh my god food can i do this on my own that's pretty easy no i only had a spear if i only i can help or i can dump a card and get one food well i can help you d because i have a sphere okay i mean i'd like to make more spears but right now that's something that's pretty good that gives us two food and two foods and a pelt yeah i'll help you and of course i have to lose both these campfire cars well we're using a path yeah that's true oh do you have an awareness yes you've got a tent great i can use all your stuff right we have a tent okay let's do that okay okay so you're helping me yep you're giving me a strength and an awareness to go with my strength that gets us two foods um i'm losing both of these so you take the pelt okay so that if you can go to the basket yeah i can't go to base camp next turn to make another tent just in case yeah yeah right my pelican you guys could all be my pal can be the one we discard right like all right do we want winter food oh wait i did this wrong first off i didn't discard two cards even though i talked about losing both of these right twice and then forgot to do it and i put this yes it goes to the graveyard or cemetery there you go all right now i've never fixed everything i did wrong okay so dump a card and get some food yes we need food which is easy enough one card for a food see we're already more skilled we're getting that well here's the thing right we're probably also seeing some cards we dumped right without knowing it all right uh i can go to base camp or i can oh lincoln's got good stuff yeah but again yeah but here's the deal node go for the mammoth right isn't that the food that's isn't that potentially food for us well it is it could be food and pelts because it's the water uh the river but the thing is i i only have one strength i think you'd have to participate you'd have to participate okay but we can try so which do you want to do i'll do that then i guess okay then i'm going to just take a generic event generic then i'll do except i'm going to bury this down one in case i have to discard one then i guess i'll do a camp yeah wait i don't want wood i want yeah i want wood i want river yes okay camp i like it oh the medicinal root look at this though sick strength okay one no we don't have it two three four i mean nikki could make another spear right now that would give us five it's well the it wouldn't give us five because by making a spear she can't help you i understand but regardless it's i'm gonna be taking it i'm just gonna dump this for health i'm gonna lose somebody right now um you don't have to you can throw away a pelt one of your pelts to stop a wound if you want to i'm not saying you should but you can i mean i would love to do this because this is food and painting and pelts but i'm going to just take the hit and we're going to lose the gatherer okay goodbye awareness gatherer you heard us gather well cemetery yeah in the skull okay well i can do this i think you should it means losing this but maybe it can heal my guy too okay how that all works but uh because it takes three wounds off when you uh when we get rid of it so that three wounds can be distributed amongst your people you can help other people you can do that on other people but only if they are helping them or you are if you're helping them participate correct but i agree that seems like something that should be doing so this i lose this yep and i lose these two cards but i get the herb of schmancy or whatever it is the traditional root thank you medicinal root looks like red ginger okay and nicky p craft a spear yes okay clearly this beer is what we need you certainly don't need more people okay there you go your magic helmet now you got more strength now i got more strength this goes here right and mine also goes there all right next round we need wood again lincoln you need a campfire one because that might get you another person and i think you should get another person if you can i think so too okay and we need wood again you're saying okay okay i'll put the forest for the trees i would go with the mountain nikki p yeah that's what i'm thinking let's not get ahead of ourselves no and lincoln needs to here we go hey and it's bad oh good hey mine's bad too how are you lincoln uh i'm fine how are you [Laughter] well okay two of these and two cards gets us a wood i'm taking a wound anyway so i might as well take it this way right yeah all right so gosh i'm gonna get two wounds and die two of these hold on two cards two of these this goes away a wood lincoln if you would add a wood i take a wound i guess i'll put it here or do i want to kill my i guess i don't want to kill my guy well it's another skull i mean this the game's over because nikki is probably going to get a skull i'm going to get two no you take one wound you just take one wound i don't even have a torch to give up anyways oh if only you had a what does that do it gets another skill which we don't need no does that doesn't mean we remove one of these when we do that no okay okay uh who should i kill perception or perception skill i have two skills right now because the of my rock but i would kill the skill you think the perception i'm thinking the perception too okay well we don't have a lot we only have one now i used to have two i guess that's true i guess that's true so my scout is going away but the nikki dave's point is nikki also if you do take get rid of the guy with the skill you still have a skill because of the axe head the axe head is a skill all right right but you know you often need two skill for stuff so i don't know i don't know either i just do okay all right so he's out of here skull we're gonna probably need to uh discard a wood in a i mean a three skill yep well you can do it now right well you don't have three skill right no i don't have any i've got this perception i've lost i only had perception before anyway how do i give people it with this card it didn't have people on it so there's some of these that do yes half of them do have i don't think i've seen one on my mickey's gotten them all okay so far i got one once okay well craft something if you can right well another uh an axe another spear well do you want to leave the we don't need the tent we do not have an axe oh and we don't need the tent so yes a spear yeah okay he's going in with two spears is that what the deal is well why not why not i mean you're right at this point it almost doesn't matter well it looked like you throw them at the mammoth so i'm down to three cards again wow dave what are you doing i've been i had to discard three cards for that food that we got all right i got a mammoth one and a bad thing and a mountain don't choose the bad thing are you sure yeah in fact put it at the i'm going for the oh do i want to go for the campfire no i'm going for the basic one so i can share with you guys i'm trying to show you yeah maybe i'm gonna go to the forest okay i'll do the plane the vanilla mountain okay here we go yep hey wood if i want to i don't have the skills nice previous round hang on well that's the previous one thank you okay would lincoln said we needed wood okay like well here's the deal you have to help me to do that though food and pelt i don't know that it matters anymore right we have only five i can't do this then it doesn't make any difference we don't want to lose anybody we only have five people and i think we need to get stone and wood to be able to even do that that is a disturbance and three skill right oh but we can share i guess we're gonna have to to save our bacon when that happens okay i'm nikki can do her thing on her own i'm gonna get another wound though no you're not oh you are i will by discarding which means this guy will be out and that'll be the end of the game okay then you're just not gonna do it is that the end of the game yes when the fifth goal shows up all right well then you're not gonna do your card or or i could share with you and spend this yeah i don't know lincoln's what if we all i know i was going to share with lincoln and spend this why don't you guys just help me do the wood and then that then you can spend the health to at least heal each one of us yes brilliant so you're going to share with lincoln i'm sharing and i'm also going to share with lincoln right and i'm going to use this and because we're all connected to me i'll take a wound off you should you take off you one of you should take off i don't want to take one off one of you should take one off okay i have room for two more wounds right uh no one one one two oh yes i guess we'll all take one off okay at least it gives us a little bit of wiggle room goodbye medicinal herb so then that means i dump the two cards on top which is kind of a drag because i kept uh holding it on too yeah and then we get three wood which is what we need and we need stone next time for sure i wish that we could have done on nikki's turn there agreed try and take four wood here not not fake man this is the easy version i have two cards okay one of them is bad so i'm flipping this one that's good all right we got a are these you're not going to be able to do that so camp uh you want the what gets a stone mountains river no you don't have mountains right mountains got forest it's coming well i have to flip camp regardless so i don't know you pick one okay well i can this is this could be stone okay do it no it wouldn't no stone is only in the mountains oh i'm sorry yeah that's not mountains uh well not only the mountains but primarily i mean i guess there could be some weird whatever i'll do this here and then i'm going to do i'm sorry and then i'll put that there here we go hey i can make more wood see it looks like this see there's a people one if you have people get people people are people all right i think you should get people yeah although again we'll need to know i mean we're dead anyway so we're dead or we're trying to get the best we're going to try to do this we're going to try to do the burial thing okay well i'm there i have three what do you need because i can we need two stone we don't have it right right that's what i'm saying we need stone now there's no way to get stone there this turn because we didn't have mountains it will the next turn yeah well that don't make the change we now have three natural strengths without nikki's card too which is getting good do we need more wood well we could take a header on something if you if one of you well you specifically because you don't have awareness anymore if you share with me and help me i can take a dream and maybe that'll be something sexy all right so i'm taking a dream it goes on top of my deck i don't know about that it's a dream within a dream hey look it gives me one more card to draw i know excuse me on the game one more time so this card's done that's six food it doesn't matter i don't think i should get i should get people to stay alive i shouldn't get people because we're not going to have enough take people whatever that you need stuff take people keep one the other one goes to the bottom of the deck oh my goodness oh my god show link in that card look at that okay no no no no that would be great at this this comes with a torch and a skill second let's what's the deal with that guy he's just a warrior he's got a guardian man he soaks damage big but he gives you no skills he's just soaking up damage this would have been great at the beginning again now okay we're dying anyway so let's at least go out fighting all right so let's do that that gets her to three that gets her to three of these if she has to go there by herself right are you talking about the hatchet i'm talking about the burial no ariel is three skill great now she has three skills okay she doesn't need our help is what i'm saying maybe well we need stone well dream you can dream live the dream okay i already know what i'm doing so it's just going like this here we go yep i'm not doing that hold on i didn't choose what do you want me to do i think just the forest okay i don't think we're going to be able to hunt anything do it forest we got straight we're going for the big turn at the end we got four total strength hey look at that two-card stone okay i'm clearly this this dream did not help me so i'm clearly helping one of you guys or two cards pill but i think we need this oh it's a single stone boo we need two stones well that was it this stream was not a good drink what is the dream it gets us this crazy funky mess except the talisman except we don't have three awareness and i can't discard the thread gets rid of red cards is that what that is yes it gets rid of uh any hazard cards for the entire turn but it's moot because i can't get it even if you guys shared with me i couldn't get it because we don't have three perception we got rid of the perception that was what i said nikki wanted to get rid of it doesn't matter i have a perception yep and lincoln's got one too so we at least see in stereo but it's not helping us all right if lincoln wants to help i don't know if i'm helping anyone that needs it because i can't do anything i can get through food but stone is what's more important right now is that what you guys the problem is it's one stone well i have i will have a mountain card but i have to dump two cards and take a wound regardless to make that happen and you're doing without me this is my last turn this day okay so these two are going away they take a wound wait i'm gonna help you okay lincoln would you like my help sure done i'll take a wound okay there's no reason for me not to help you because i'm now going to bed okay so these go away i still have to oh i didn't realize the dreams stay in the game and then we get a stone yep and this card goes away yep so then i can't do i can do this for one food nope you need your cards right you don't uh you don't have to perception no she can just get one food but no you're gonna flip your last card and we're gonna cross our fingers okay so nikki is having to flip the mammoth yeah and lincoln's going for the tent and you guys are doing without me good luck wow look at that oh eight string well look at this this isn't happening either one two three this game's hard man and i can't and i don't have three cards to discard anyways okay so you're only helping lincoln well the grip see this is perfect if i could just get another processor i know because i have one card i know i have a perception all right okay well hidden cave with the mammoth discard discards excuse me nikki's going to sleep come on lincoln last card come on miracle wild boars wild boars all right we have one two three four five six people that's all one two three four five six oh hey six all right no yeah okay now we just need three food and a pelt yeah at least we have the tent yeah well we're dead so what do you think nikki pizza get three food but we went for the start what do you think i love it it's hard i love it because of the story i think it's yes i think i think that it's definitely i mean again like you said a lot of the cards are just coming with second day but it feels like we have evolved a little bit you know we've gotten a little bit more skilled but oh it's terrible though i really wish we could i mean we had the thing to do it there's an additional easier rule we didn't play which is instead of taking two people card at the beginning you do the same thing you draw four and keep two right so in that regard we could have started with more strength okay we didn't know that strength would be like the thing we needed for food yeah well and i can see that they're like yeah you might want to just play the first game with one of those uh every game is the base set plus two modules okay in theory every game has two modules i guess without the modules then i mean you get you could play it any way you want but the rules let me see it doesn't it doesn't suggest as the variance thing to not play with the modules and imagine i don't want i want to look at the cards but i don't want to imagine the later modules guys are harder than this i want to see what how the people after seeing that one guy with just all the hearts on it but you're not supposed to look no looking no no touching looking well for example there are four warrior cards that would like didn't come out those go here these little slots are for the later modules oh and the warrior cards are sort of like um a shield for your your groups and they just take hits essentially okay huh but that means they're also not in the game right my guess is that the warrior cards in addition i think they have four hearts on them but they probably also have like strength or two strength or something like that that you don't get because now they're here so that's what these slots are for but i mean imagine if you had four slots here like every day you had to feed your people and do the thing well i guess maybe if you don't like it okay it remains a secret yes we'll play it again at some point here now so what do you think i interrupted there when i was yeah what do you think i like it it's way more difficult than i thought it was gonna be reading the rules even though the rules say stuff like if it's your first game even if there's four of you uh you should only play with three tribes well that kind of stuff reading the rules i was still like [Music] but wow that's it's rough right if you had four players each playing their own group of people yeah then that's eight food you needed to have every day albeit one extra person to help and do turns but my guess is the game knows that the more people you have sort of the harder it is the only thing i was disappointed in i mean obviously there's names but i was disappointed there were actually words i wanted the whole thing since we're you know in paleo times i have zero text except for the name of the card so nikki turned over one i guess it was the first one of these and i was like oh darn it that's what these guys that was he had words uh cave painting exactly i want it to be all just in icons sure i hadn't looked at them but i just because everything else was that way it's all yeah basically and the iconography is not too hard to sort of get once you once you play that a little bit and get into it but uh i like that it's actually actually there's words here though too yeah words but i didn't get any of those i never got a people card in any of my crafting well put it this way you never revealed one you might have discarded a million of them without knowing i don't think so though i didn't i don't think i had many i did definitely dump a few but i didn't i didn't have that many uh camp cards i like that there's actually it actually had sort of a an intuitive theme to it in a way that made sense as far as what you were cooperating for you know what i mean oh yeah like i know that um like we all like lord of the rings and i know a lot of people one of the people's knocks that people have on lord of the rings is just it's like do you have a heart do you have a foot i mean like yes tokens sort of represent a thing but these really felt i really i mean you know me i'm not a theme gamer guy but this felt good this felt like i understood what these tokens how they worked together and got me the thing i needed i loved i love the choosing the backs thing i know me too it is great is neat what there's i can't remember there's some game like that where the cards are numbered on the backs they're like number one through four and you have like four of them and you can you can see what's coming up i like games where the backs of the cards give you like a hint of what might be coming up or what order something might be happening in yeah of what game this is neat yeah i can't it's it's from a long time ago do you have the box bottom on your side over there so the later i mean module c the very next module in the game like actually adds two dice to the game okay like who knows if that's good or bad i mean their stuff right strength skill strength but the problem is i don't know what this means i don't know if this means add this to your thing or additionally you must supply this right i mean that could be this could be horrible that's gonna be hard it's a random right so it's it's i think it's adding part of the fun to me is that it's um you know you don't i i don't want to know you know i don't want to i want to i want to discover it as we go along in the game what are you doing it's looking at stuff i want to just see if they're if they're other people yeah so like okay they do have other sort of people that can come up like there's the fisher that has extra skills i just assumed there was later people you also add if there was warriors but oh my god i mean without reading these cards look how many these are red i know and no reds on the backs one oh there's a raft oh crafting yeah this is a raft idea yeah there's a raft i didn't put the wrath token out actually because i knew for a fact it didn't it wasn't working yeah it wasn't in this module so um they give you a little individual bag for each of the modules right so you can keep them all separate and uh it seems like even the modules themselves can be replayable because you you don't know how the cards are going to come up people yeah i know you're saying so it's not like you play it once again it's just fun having some of the things revealed to you yeah yeah right like i really don't know one or the other cards correct right i mean theoretically theoretically we haven't even seen all of the base set cards because who knows what we discarded absolutely exactly plus this is gorgeous this is a traditional hanzo production it does not look like a traditional hanzo book just because it's although i don't know if if you look at the art it's just as wonderful as they always are um but i really like this design i mean we've been playing a couple of great we played sleeping gods from ryan lockett and that's uh one of those storybook games that you open up to a page and do stuff but i i just think they've done some really great kind of narrative things and this is a fun like basic narrative yeah um that could have some really cool thematic uh linking going on based on just how your card play works where'd the other seat oh this is the secret yes yeah i'm like where did the secret go this secret was really helpful to give us the strength but it really i mean it kind of wasn't yeah well when we got that four that was great because it still gave us two and we we didn't have a lot of food yeah yeah agreed i mean that's actually a very great card it's just you don't get as much food if you can use it to apply like we really needed more of these a few rounds earlier yep oh yeah well now we know right i mean part of it also is just playing it for the first time absolutely you almost if we could have just generated wood and stone should have just gone through and just gotten one of us gotten a spear every time yes if if possible right um obviously your best laid plans are screwed up when you think oh this mountain card and then it turns out to be an avalanche rock fall in your rockfall yeah well that gives you rocks but also it went against our nature to do it but there might be some value to killing one of your pleasures killing people off sooner you lose that skill that was the thing for sure i don't know this seems like so tight so tight well because of this that doing that well and me just going i i have to let that go right and losing my that was too i think that was maybe too abrupt you know i mean i shouldn't have done that because um what was the next person for the next two people because you would have chosen from the next two a gal another gatherer that had a free pelt yeah and then another hunter with a free rope oh hunter with a ropes yes strength in a rope would have been good ropes yeah if we could have gotten there yeah yeah well we we just had just enough food right we didn't even have or no we had a little bit left but we would have needed enough to take care of that yeah card which it wasn't gonna happen i love that these decks are big because we saw two dreams the whole game yeah and we probably could have only maybe seen two more right or three more macs depending right we could have gotten a lot more people but then we would have been so food deprived right it's neat it's really it's really neat and you're right it's it's gorgeous i don't know what the value is maybe i guess when you get really familiar with the car deck like the rules say you can go through this discard pile i don't know what the value to that is unless you really know hey did we spend that something some card like yeah maybe the fourth time through the deck if you get that far yeah you're looking for that one mammoth and somebody didn't show up absolutely i'm thinking maybe in the later modules there is a card that lets you go ah that makes sense claim something from the face up smart maybe no that makes total sense nikki p that's very smart well thanks for teaching us that oh you are welcome you guys and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell you get notified when we put up new videos see you next time [Music] hey it just occurred to me i could have done that same thing in post i could have just done this with my face and we just added it in fact we can make any edits we want that's right [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 19,239
Rating: 4.7294688 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game, how to play, show me how to play, How to play Paleo, Show me how to play Paleo, Z-Man Games, boardgamegeek, board games, Hans im Glück, Paleo, Peter Rustemeyer
Id: qRdImiGuVcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 53sec (5453 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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