MicroMacro: Crime City - GameNight! Se9 Ep7 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] so [Music] day night tonight on game night deborah nikki and me and lincoln are going to teach and share to play micro macro crime city a game for one to four players designed by johannes sick and published by edition spiel vice let's go dig in there and see if we can figure out who committed these crimes hi lincoln hey nikki p can you teach us micro macro crime city that is the name of this we are detectives in crime city a city that has a lot of crime i can't believe they name their city crime city but it's a giant map where there's many cases and it's basically like scott says it's time travel you're going back and seeing throughout the day what has happened although i don't know about that one that was we were debra found right away found a crime scene and went all the way backwards that one had to been over a couple of days but yeah um but yeah you're going back in time and because you're starting with the crime scene we actually have one here mapped out and we'll zoom in on it in a moment but this is just one that they give you where they give you just the the crime scene and then you do the rest it's online ones they actually have online ones and so you're following to figure out what happened that led to this point and it's that way with all of these they have i mean this is a lot of stuff happening here but what we're going to do is we have a deck of cards there's 16 cases this will be spoilery um we're going to do the introductory case which is very quick and um first and then we're going to do one of these big long ones because the it's amazing how much of the board they they take up when you start to really get into the crimes deborah will be our master investigator she's going to read us she's going to read the cards and tell us you know it tells you what you do on each card it says this is start a case and you're going to do the first element that it has in there so that this indirect directory case will give us some information we'll go over that in a moment the other ones will be a little bit more where it just directly tells you to find the crime scene specifically then it asks you specific investigation questions in the timeline and then so you go back and see if you can find them out and then it might ask you like things that they did so there could be a card with a bunch of things that they've done and if you want to make sure you're thorough and you want to check them all off but if you just see the types of things that they were doing which helps lead to what's what's happening in the case so this one here was one that we saw online and it tells you to find the guy shoving the person into the to into the lake or the sea so let's zoom in on that okay so nikki p go ahead and a couple other things is we're using these oh yeah these two wings tiddly winks to highlight for the camera very helpful very very helpful and the game also comes with this little magnifier thing and then i've added my heavy duty ones that's not quite sherlock holmes but that's still pretty pretty heavy-duty but there you go okay so let's zoom in on so we can show that initial crime i don't want to mess this up since we've tracked everything down that's we won't be doing it like this will actually grow from that i imagine on the other ones yeah so here there's a person shoving a person into the water and you want to find out why this happened so you follow them back deborah's done she found all of these you see the guy on the bicyclist is the guy that's shoving the person in the water this guy's just walking along i think this is his car because we see him here in his car here don't worry we'll move move the map being followed by the guy on the bike yep if you keep going here they are again he's still being followed and if you keep going you can see he gave him the bird yeah they got into road rage here road cut him off and yeah and you can't even continue you can follow their separate paths so this one here the guy on the bicycle you can see him traveling along so he came from off the map yep over this way yep to there so yeah and the same thing with the car so you can you see them before what triggered it and then yeah exactly so one of the ones cases we did deborah actually ran out of tiddly winks for the case so i think i imagine the long ones might end up using two colors we're not going to pretend that we can do these all with just the um uh with the one because it's going to be gigantic so all right let's do the introductory case go ahead and read to us what we're supposed to do the top hat and you can even all right put it over here yeah you can even see the little guy i assume that we're supposed to be following little abe lincoln fellow this is the start card for the case the lead investigator now turns over the start card and reads the text on the back aloud introductory case fernando branca was on the way to his local pub upon arrival he noticed that his top hat had disappeared uh-oh the pub is located in the east of the city between neptune park and the hardware store here's the hard work this is neptune park now put this card aside the next card on the stack describes your first task on a black background find the pub and this is fernando wondering how he lost his top hat you start with these pink ones i guess so here's the park finding the pub this is the hardest the hardware store in the park let's say so we need the pub with fernando who has a i'll show you has a very pointy nose he's very pinocchio okay abraham lincoln he has a crossover snowman head snowman head yes they all can oh there he is so that's the pub i'd say he's noticing his missing hat yes although what is that showing isn't that no i think it's it's here it's the same building though sure but it's different store oh okay you know like that's looks like pills like a drugstore or something maybe yeah it's on that side too maybe that's something else but i think this is the pub with the oh yeah there you go there's the icons okay so that's some two turn it over to see whether you're correct yes we are correct as you can see here the pub very good that's the pub fernando stands in front of it and is surprised that his top hat has disappeared he still had it on his head when he was at the sausage stand north east of neptune park he's sure of that so there's the park is this northeast there's the sausage stand and there he is with his hat there he goes okay all right we found the sausage stand this is the sausage stand fernando can be seen making his way to the pub from here at that point he still had his top hat on his head um well here we go what happened i think we've already found it yes because he's he's here with his hat as well and he must go into the park because where is he where does she tell well we may have to follow the kid with the fischer paul here he is he's up in the tree so yes up in the tree he took his hat and we see fernando walking a little bit beyond that anywhere well i mean he then he's at the pub he's real close so what happened on the way how was the top hat nicked yep he the person very british british he thinks i love um yes there was a kid in a tree with a fishing pole the crime scene it happened on the way to the pub the first the two rascals fished the top hat off his head um so now we want to know who are the where are the culprits sitting with the loot there they are the two rascals are sitting on a park bench with their prize well done you've now learned how to play the game and can now attempt to solve more complicated cases okay well that one's a quick one hey what happened okay here we go go ahead and zoom back out nikki i'd be curious even though it's not part of the case would we see the further adventures of any of those three characters i know that'd be really cool they just go about their lives on the board so let's try do you want to do a middle sized case since we're doing a tiny one we could do three because that was pretty quick that was good let's get a middle sized one or three or something yeah dead cat no oh nicki will be sad i'm sad already well it's a cat person it's probably a bad guy it's not you know it's like it's not like uh an actual cute got a tie on yeah or a button sure could be these are all these are all animal people oh yeah they are it's just another dead humanoid in crime city it's such a terrible town dead cat i do i do need to be using like a noire yeah hello detectives your task is to solve a murder case mr cat was found dead in neptune park hey we're back i think bad things happen is this him right here i think that is him that looks like a dude let's zoom in on that mr cat zooming in on the neptune to find the dead victim is our first task correct we completed it the corpse mr cat lies dead in neptune park in the middle of a crowd he has been stabbed oh poor mr cat where did the killer lurk someone with a knife in a bush or something it was a stabbing yes it was a stack is this him again cat guy right here no that guy's got like little cheeks [Music] now there's the knife there's a knife okay that is a knife so maybe that's how we he lurked in the bushes i'm looking for like a hand sticking out or yeah but the killer look is a real cat oh there's a twist i'm looking for like a dude with a knife in his hand or anything he maybe has a disguise that he ditched coming up or something there's a hat too on the ground but i do i think that's it i mean i think it's in the bushes where did the killer alert because they don't say find the killer okay so let me see okay oh no we're wrong we're so wrong let's find it there is a lurking and he does these are the these are his glasses and that thing so we aren't off track we just didn't find the actual lurker he's in the bushes oh we have to find where mr cat is fine here there you go there they are the culprit appears to have warsaw the victim entered the park from the northern entrance here the murderer was spotted sneaking after the victim the culprit appears to have worn a mask where is the murder weapon that we did and we are correct yay the knife is near the crime scene behind a bush in the park the culprit obviously fled in this direction that's right where did the victim live well should we assume he's coming from home yeah sure briefcase cat with briefcase oh he came out of the subway yeah okay so we're gonna find another subway stop i know there's one down here yeah they're all there's one then there's one right here that's him oh we got him down here all the way got his coffee he's got ice cream ice cream oh yeah yeah might as well so we can see where a bit of how that's working we linked it well that was pretty fast that you found it yeah so well oh sorry i was looking for the other subway there's other stops here there's one he went here so then where did he come from before that i don't know if you want to zoom yeah we should zoom in on that well he had an ice cream in his hand so an ice cream shop right yes there's a hamburger stand the knife gun and arrow store yeah here's the crime store because crime city needs you know of course knife gun and poison store a lot of alcohol in clouds oh there he is it is ice cream it's a long walk with his ice oh here's ice cream over here is he there let's see there he is there he is okay oh he's got a girl with him we need to slide okey-dokey where did his girl go oh they're saying goodbye to each other here bye so then he's here with the ice ice cream ice cream wait does she look figure where we live does she look like she can be disgusted the person in disguise and that's hard to sell he's down there in disguise so we're following well there must be a disguise shop that we see her at oh here he is giving her flowers so far we don't know why again why he would be murdered we still haven't figured out where he lived that way oh yeah i think that's this one yeah mm-hmm flower shot okay is he around there right here thinking about it right here i'm seeing is that him no that's not that's not he's got buttons he's very catty like here he is this is where he lives he's coming out of his house we got to come down now cool let's see come on the victim's home mr cat lived next to the fish shop appropriate from here he went on a long walk during which he had quite a number of experiences what is the motive for the murder i'm gonna zoom out just so they can big questions you can see all the dots for cat well maybe it's not her maybe it's her husband oh yeah we need to track her down so we need to track her so we need to go back to where he presented her with the flowers and then go backwards here or where she went afterwards sorry sorry so between here and here my head is they walk together and then she's leaving here and she's been so we either want to see where she came from or where she went okay well lincoln's closer to where she came from i'm going to look for where she went i want to do that with you parted ways oh here she is she dropped her flowers wow what kind of that's her right there no why would you do that because you're with another man right here who's in a coat with buttons and the mustache yes all right well hold on where is he in funny ears oh he's like a wolf he's getting out of a tower he's getting in a taxi uh-oh oh oh and there's a taxi over here let me see yep there's a taxi so he took the taxi oh my goodness but how does he know she's setting up the murder here zoom in over here right she's like i want you to get this guy no it's not a jealous lover oh here he's talking to a jewelry guy oh to buy her a ring maybe maybe which one the nice cat he gave her the nice cat gave her flowers and wants to buy her a ring why would she knock him off she's not nice because it's you keep forgetting we're in murder city new york city crime city crime city murder yeah i don't think it's just murder but oh here she is right is that her coming out of her house it must be man we need to slide again well but i'm some with you why is she we still know what the motive is we just know that either she's setting him up to be killed or this other guy oh my goodness do we follow the wolf yeah so he got in a taxi and the taxi went but before would have like before he met with her did we follow him previous to because we know he got in the taxi and then took the taxi to go murder him what was the next question well this is what is the motive for the murder okay yeah we can't really we don't quite have yeah we shouldn't be looking at a card yet a motive we have like there's a burglar we have the means yeah i don't see i'm not finding this wolf guy we need to find what she's doing i mean we have her coming out of her house and then meeting him so we don't have a lot of information about her i assume she starts at home i don't know how we would track her previous to that this isn't anybody we know yet right it's no not that i know of i just want to know why she's talking to her i agree it looks like she's because she's like i don't care about him and his flowers i'm gonna tell this guy well that's why i'm wondering if we should maybe he's got money okay because he brought he's gonna get jewelry he bought her all these nice things she's gonna kill him for the money well well like is she here and stealing his well it wasn't she had the guy killed oh here we go here's the wolf man leaving the crime he's coming around the corner he took his briefcase because his briefcase has jewels in it oh cause maybe he is the jeweler well the guy at the jewelry gave him the briefcase the jewelry store gave him yeah the motive is they're stealing the jewels the jewels we cool the turn yeah let's find out yep the diamond case mr cat received a suitcase filled with diamonds the suitcase was obviously the target for the killer because it can no longer be found at the crime scene oh boy where did the killer find out about the diamonds from the girlfriend oh okay right yep mr cat had a girlfriend who was there when he received the diamonds she informed mr fox yeah i'm sorry i misidentified him as a wolf that's okay where did the killer get the disguise oh so we need to follow the taxi because he gets in a taxi here's a taxi so is he fox guy there yeah he's still normal and then mr fox gets in the taxi then here's the taxi here's the taxi what if they use this since they don't show people in a taxi i wonder if they use it here's taxi over here too i mean it might not be the same but here he is getting out of from the costumes okay there we go do we see him inside the store anywhere costume store uh no but he's outside holding a hat in them yeah let's put it on the clown face there we might need that token okay the murderer has been found guilty witnesses saw mr fox get the disguise in the costume shop when he got back in the same taxi he went to the store in and headed to the scene of the oh when he got back on the same taxi he went to the store and headed to the scene of the crime okay how did the killer flee well on foot so far did he flee oh no he got on the bus to the concert but he's got the costume still on right isn't it no he left the costume off he's not wearing it i see right here he is a fox guy but he has another costume well where is he at over here then well he's not he he was peeking out of the bush's hair right killed him and then left the knife in the costume there and then he's walking here to the bus stop yeah to go to the concert now is he at the concert is the question did he get lost in the crowd at the concert or is the answer to how did he flee the best by the bus i would think yeah okay so i think bus bus mr fox fled by bus from the bus stop at the hardware store the bus was heading towards the graveyard which is the name of the nightclub or the real graveyard that's up there maybe that too there is where does the killer live is our last question he went up to the graveyard we want to know where he lives now was he going home we don't know maybe he lives well like maybe we want to find him previous to i don't know do we ever see the the bus like unloading people no we just see it over here okay as far as i can tell well yeah you guys look at that i'll review i'm blinking i'm gonna see if i can find him previous to his here he is over here okay and he's got the case and that's the bus oh the bus is there okay soon to figure out where oh there he lives okay all right let's see go down last card yes excellent you caught him mr fox lives in the north of the city next to the gourmet restaurant good job detectives that's miss betty i think or something so there you go there's the entirety of this one on this i love it though i love that it's all over the place cool there you go okay too much that's good so there's that one that's pretty that was a medium-sized case a lot of pink dots everywhere and we only had two left so wait till we do the big one it's going to be all over the place we're doing a five right yes so what do we want to do the sunday stroll or the carnival carnival sounds fun that sounds fun so we'll do the carnival okay reset reset i've been joking that i want i want to color you're not joking i know you're telling us the truth i'll send you a picture after i buy this and color it in and following each crime through it i love it it's so clever carnival where is the carnival we'll find out another puzzling murder has occurred a body has been found on the riverbank in the east of the city it's a cowboy who was shot that's what it says it's a cowboy who was shot dead with an arrow there is no trace of the culprit so riverside somewhere over here i assume is he gonna have a cowboy hat he it's next to him you know he's dead on the ground with a cowboy hat oh here he is he's dead all right he's dead okay let's zoom in on that all right where was the victim before his death so there's where we're starting dead cowboy dead cowboy dead um cowboy um what was that i'm sorry what was the question next uh it was where was the victim before his death is that him no it's no it's a pirate oh yeah i see a hook looking at hats yep okay um there's a whole bunch of people with there's a person yeah there's a native american we got a knight oh archery an archer oh god like a wonder woman wonder woman next to him okay and then there's another there was the same guy there's the name does he have the arrows he does he does he's still here but isn't this the guy there's the guy talking to the wiz or the witch which lady okay so this is this costume so where was the victim before his death is like a costume or a renaissance bear okay well let's see what it says i guess it could be the carnival right yeah that's what it is it's the carnival the costume party oh the cowboy was further up the street at a costume party before his death okay are there any suspects well we've got a bunch of three people the native american the amazon warrior there you go amazon robin hood oh i guess that's robin hood that must be wrong robin hood okay what job does robin hood have in real life oh no this card next to the deck so the question below can also be seen aha so basically what job do these three suspects have in real life let me zoom out oh just put them in here well i think our world is going to expand a little yeah well who do we want to follow first i mean this is a five or five star so yeah it'll be in fact we can use different colors we're gonna have to as a matter of fact that's a great idea we'll do that as well clearly robinhood needs to be the greens okay let's start with robinhood let me put the pink back so pink is the victim green i mean obviously you only have three colors but yeah we'll go from there all right so we're starting with the hood we'll leave that there and pull this to the side okay is that him there no that's the amazon warrior here he is okay they're all coming from the same direction oh that's native american that is the native american there's robin hood okay okay so they're all coming they are from the same place here's her native american where's the where is it but here we don't know where i don't see her but there she is amazon well we're looking for well yeah but we're gonna yeah we're focused but we're gonna also start with amazon we'll be yelling okay so she's here and there if you want to catch her but uh actually the trail i'm losing is robin hood yeah it's he's here and he's gone i'm having trouble finding where he came from i'm gonna oh there you go what does his face look like he's got a big round nose so do you think that he and he's definitely traveling was this cowboy hat guy right here yes i was gonna say i saw him he's also here what is he with there like is he doing something to that stepped on her skirt oh princess yeah it wasn't very nice i mean this is a whole other track but here they are again maybe she's friends with robin hood or something right maybe she's like robin hood yeah oh here she goes we're i mean we're following the wrong thing but yeah you know we were gonna start with robin hood and everybody get caught up on i don't know where robin hood went well let's let's go we'll go down there and look at it specifically just for him for a little bit yes this is where he the last we see of him um batman there's the oh yeah he doesn't have a bow at that point where does he get his bow so there's you need to slide there's and slide or zoom out i wonder if they're traveling together i mean they seem to be in this kind of they're well they're just coming from the same place to the same place well they're all coming from the costumes right here he has no bow and arrow and here he has a bow and arrow so where does that happen in his path that he gets a bow and arrow maybe he's going in here to get it i don't know they would have he's walking this way now well he's right here but i mean is there about there could be something that happens before that point right well that's what i was thinking okay go this way or that way then he's here so somewhere between here and here i know well the reality is is but he could have got well you're right it's he's left there and he doesn't have the friendly neighborhood bow and arrow sells well it is a market there is there a weapons plan no i'm seeing like frites and cheese sausages wait here he is here no bow and arrow he's yeah all over the place do we see him i'm going to be in this crowd somewhere we're trying to figure out what his job is in real life so while the bow and arrow is a super mystery here he is again so that's how he cuts through the market he came through that way okay okay makes me wonder if the we need to slide that way [Applause] yeah he's definitely you're right he's definitely cutting through like that here he is okay i was getting hung up on that guy right here like is that him without his costume oh pizza delivery or fruit or something this is the money store if you need to go buy this i'm saying there's a one of them that shows somebody this him with now a bow and arrow from the back from the back so he came but again so there's maybe this is actually somewhere yep you're right it's a loop this is him returning to go catch up over here he is sans sans arrows mm-hmm so that's this is still the trip down weapons there you go and there he is okay that answers that question we still don't know what job he has in real life no we don't so we want to keep going this way i guess so we need to go back up there yeah because we gotta go we did the loop we now know how he got his he detoured to go buy bow and arrow yeah which is suspicious frankly a real one nonetheless i know so here's we need to go backward from here to figure out what his job is job or apartment yeah maybe he's getting this cowboy guy here too yup i think what color cowboy is that cowboy guy no it's a clown a cow clown he's a flibbety gibbet um is his job in real life does he dress his robin hood all the time maybe maybe she's coming here this is him before he went into the costume shop okay his clothes awesome you are correct that is really close like difficult but yes that's the nose and the hair the nose and ears so now we're following this guy yes to find out what he does in real life we found him i think so yeah that's him okay do we need to move over he's here now so he's gonna be there too right yes um is that him sitting there yes he put his jacket on okay that's still not a sculpture oh is he sculpting there yeah he's an artist okay all right should we try let's see yeah sculptor in real life robin hood is called robert huber and is a sculptor his workshop is next to the beer garden in the city center sweet okay so that's the first one now we've got to find the other two people follow wonder woman and the native american i already feel robin hood's probably the guy just because he's out specifically getting arrows i've been putting the wrong color on this guy which color uh for that guy oh for the cowboy yeah the cowboy i'll just cover what we already do pink is for blood yes um well we so we go back to the three so yes so here we go so we want to follow the native american or sure sure all right so here's orange i mean he's got a really basic face your base yeah sick face it's like a bunny rabbit face without ears yeah he's got like a heart-shaped head maybe this is him again looks like a heart-shaped head running to the costume store yeah i would say okay here he is again he's still running he's a jogger okay we need to move there is again that's so another orange then sorry well here's the guy buying the robin hood stuff and i knew they'd be inside the store yeah yeah so i'll put a green one on that just for just for fun funsies kicks and giggles and he really ran all the way there he is there he is also oh there he is in there getting the feathers so we're orange guy kind of lost him is well or he um scratching his head oh maybe did he oh his car broke down oh okay we lost he lost a wheel on his car we need to move sorry quite the uh there we go there's my finger so there's him with his broken down car so now we're looking for his car him and his car it doesn't have this right no because it doesn't have the front triangle oh [Music] the two trapezoids here we go up here see that's not the car oh it's not you're right it has to go all the way back i think his car is the single one without the truck this one on the right yeah yeah where's his broken down car again oh right there yeah right here so just the single trapezoid on top yeah so then here and here yeah he bought it just bought it and we bought a lemon okay we need to come down where did you buy it from the cowboy guy oh is that the motive he might have yes that's very close right here that's too funny is that cowboy guy it sure looks like him just doesn't have a hat yet that's here he's putting on his hat we're getting too far ahead what is his real job what is what is heart heart-headed real real job that's what we're trying to answer see if we can zoom up in that oh look at these weird humans yeah the oh they've got masks those are ah they're human you can see them in the window of the costumes that's terrifying they're like they're like the vs for vendetta masks yeah that's so scary all right heart head where'd you come from i don't know i'm looking anywhere in this area right maybe he's like the lighting guy at the concert or something okay here he is walking down there oh here he is he's a dentist oh wow a dentist or a tooth hygienist we need oh no on the camera cool let's pull these things out all right okay who needs after effects sneaky pee who needs after effects when you can do the magnifying glass here we go okay okay so here we go so the job the native american has is a dentist yay in real life the native american is the dentist dr dentovich denta how could he not be a dentist his practice is in the north of the city sweet amazon warrior what does she do i don't know so we go back to here right and yellow yellow for lincoln [Music] yellow okay so what does she look like after coming out of the place or coming before coming in she's got also kind of a heart shape okay so she's inside here this is this her right here yes you're right she's got that hair a bob hair okay oh this is the lady whose dress he stepped on oh boy more than one motive yes um oh so because she's back here she was a princess and she's going to go get her amazon costume because here he is stepping on her who stepped on there now what's going on here what's up geez she's she's like dude you messed up my costume can we ruin my costume see us here she's going dude you stepped on my costume you ruined it because this is where he did it and then she goes off to buy one okay so what's her job in real life so she came well but she might be over here too right well no but is this right is this her from here maybe so here she is as a princess okay there she is right there coming out of she's a lawyer she's a lawyer wow guys she doesn't need to you got a mark that she was a princess right there somewhere she got changed oh i hear she's coming out of there yeah this is she's a lawyer she's a lawyer so she's just gonna sue him she's not gonna you right let's see lawyer the amazon warrior previously dressed as a princess lives in a villa on the northeast side of the city she is the ace lawyer connie comfort okay have you been involved in an accident yeah call connie comfort all right what job does the cowboy have in real life who's a car sale car sales car salesman used car dealer he is the used car dealer chris corvette he lives on his business premises located in the northwest of the city does the amazon warrior have a motive yes we're on a dress yeah the lawyer was in a fancy dress as a princess when she left for the costume party on the way however the cowboy stepped on her dress and she stumbled her dress tore and she and she most certainly was not amused furious she made a detour to the costume shop to get a new outfit tada does the native american have a motive uh which one was he yeah he was always buying the car yes he's the car guy it was the car buyer he brought a lemon yeah yep junk car the dentist had bought a car from the used car dealer he didn't get far into the car lost a wheel he ran as fast as he could because he had a date at the costume party but he arrived too late he still met with the pretty pirate lady but she had waited too long for him and went home annoyed so it's a double double motive does robin hood have a motive yeah he oh wait was he the car he was in the car no robin hood we stopped at where he found his job and he's walking i mean he is obsessed with what must be a woman who left him or something like that we don't have any information the cowboy well let's just look around here oh here's the cowboy cool he's pink right mm-hmm it's probably just more but still we might see an international there's an interaction with that guy he lives above the his used car dealership right mm-hmm what's that oops that's her yep he's in love with the cowboys girlfriend okay okay okay obsessed the rival the sculptor was still in love with his ex-girlfriend gisella a picture of the two still hangs over his bed and even made a sculpture of her she left him some time ago and now lives with the used car dealer chris corvette wow oh boy after all this who is the killer and how can we convict them i have no clue where we would go from here no well the only guy that bought that we saw by a real bow and arrow that's a good point is the um no robin was robin hood that's the artist oh uh yes you're right it's green come on we know green okay green we've coated it hurry and color code it everyone else he's also uh at the party alone like he's not he's just there he's not interacting so there's going to be some more down there with robin the other thing is she comes out of the uh co or that guy comes out of the costume store with a bow and arrow she comes out of the costume store with a bow and arrow here you're absolutely right all right so we're going robin hood artist he bought a real bow and arrow yeah the arrows the sculptor robert huber aka robin hood was the only one who did not buy his bow and arrows in the costume shop he made a detour to the gun shop where he picked up some very real and very deadly arrows very impressive detectives that was a tricky case wow that is amazing look at how much this covers and if there was ever a advertisement for these little clear yeah yeah widgets yeah so the green goes all the way yeah because here's the real the gun store goes all the way down and around and then i killed the cowboy guy no the cowboy the uh cowboy as it was yeah it was a used car dealership who stole his lady well he also bought a car from him right so he no that was the other guy oh yeah that was the other guy okay that was orange he's not he's not angry enough to kill a guy you see him yeah he's not he's headed i'm just i'm yeah since we knew what he was doing yeah we didn't follow him yeah that's more it's more of robin hood the back of him going back up to basically the the weapons store right there well he really went over the place too you know is there any do we see him anywhere down here near the crime scene and i don't see him now i mean your your clue is this him buying an actual weapon yeah yes i'm trying to look for like him without his costume on because maybe he you know tore it off but i i don't see it in the river yeah oh that would be fun if you saw floating that might give it away too fast yeah well just the bow and arrow floating in the river would be good enough [Music] since they all had bow and arrows right yeah that's smart that's smart oh that's a five one yeah what do you think nick that was really fun i liked that it yeah the branching went from here and then out that was that was pretty cool well we didn't really follow the cowboy guy but we didn't really need to we just need to know where he worked right there he is over here too so they're all you know they they're all over the place there he is over there looks like mr poopy butthole there i know but they all they're they're doing their things and then they all come together to to the party thing that is really cool yeah what do you think deborah i mean i mean i know you're already buying it she's already like okay let me pull it up on my iphone and see if i can buy this one i like that i mean i obviously the cards is one element of it but i kind of like you can be play without the cards absolutely just pick a person or pick a crime yeah follow it um i'm super excited about the coloring opportunities um it's so tiny though you're gonna have to keep those pencils or pens yeah i guess you can use this later you use those uh markers that you have with the super micro micron yeah you can do it with those highlighters do you have multiple colors on those you can get them i usually only use black for the microns but um but i have a bunch of fine liners with colors that would do just fine for this because it's so weak it feels like a well i did get into the coloring thing and there was a sharpie actually makes a kit of fine a bunch of colors because this is a and of course mars stenciler has gorgeous colors but also very fine points yeah i love like rolling back their day or whatever or the amount of time whatever the the one that deborah found inadvertently was a love story one that just clearly went over yeah and it went over several several days um but i really love that like like look there's just scissors on top of a building and i'm like somebody threw the weapon out at the time i just wanted to follow the scissors we've got the piano crushing a guy here yeah so someone cut the rope oh right yeah and the keys i tracked him over here with his racket so he's a famous like tennis player or something but even though like i i have a whole story now right who they are it's just so interesting and well then there's these two people racing running the horses down the street yes what's that i don't know what that's about they disappear here i love that you can follow the cars that they're you know just unique enough i guess there must be just one taxi i don't know i think i think so i mean unless the time but i wonder if they like i was saying earlier if they use a taxi here but it's different than that taxi where the sign is yeah yeah i do like the guy running go you know i'm late i gotta make i gotta meet my pirate lady so but then that was something so there must be something more here where she's like no i don't want to date you you know well didn't he then they say that oh he did talk meet with her but she was she she's mad that he's late so here she is oh come on i know come on lady um so here she is like i i wonder if you you know if you follow them maybe he maybe he kills her oh that would be terrible it would be terrible just because she spurned her advances well it's really cool this is very innovative robin hood without the costume no he has uh lines on his shirt i have joked about it where's waldo but where's waldo you're looking for one guy yeah in a in a picture this is digging deeper and looking and seeing if you can find out i i can see why they didn't color it scissors well you're following a story you're following uh but yeah it's sort of like where's waddle with the black stories kind of thing where you're trying to figure out the crime not really black stories because you're deducing things with black stories this you're just rolling back yeah trying to find where they interacted what might have led them to you know be ad you know an adversary or whatever yeah i mean you're introducing a tad like motive and things like that but it's also clear well it's funny because we the lawyer was just upset that he'd stepped on her right she just it doesn't seem like she you know wasn't that big of a deal yeah well she did that she didn't end up being the killer you don't know there's you know road rage and all kinds of stuff so it might have been enough what's fun though is like them being in different orientations so you have to sometimes look for them with their back to you i love this though i love the costume store where you see the changes yes and everybody's inside the store you see them buying each thing it's so clever to have them look different because we were stuck for a minute going i don't see that hat before we realized he didn't look the same right you're such a great little piece of it well the designer of the game is also one of the artists i believe okay and i just i think that they have a great idea here i already i know there's already a another game in this series coming i know this is a little bit hard to get but i'm sure it's coming soon sure and um this is really great and you don't have to destroy it to play it deborah's deborah's just going to just now she's not destroying it though i mean i don't think that you as long as you that's why you got to probably do with colored pencils yeah because then you can do layering and it would be yeah different colors and but part of it is i do think once you solve there is a one-time usage sort of piece sure sure so but i mean you can give it to others to play i mean you could er this was eric eric martin's copy and he sent it along to us so we could actually cover it yeah and you know it's perfectly playable nothing the only other issue is like i think brian he got scott and brian got an italian copy of this so that okay although i don't know yeah i don't know why you couldn't use the google translate to actually get them to work let's figure it out but yeah this is really fun really neat game really neat idea super i mean i wonder how they even came up with this idea it's so great really really fun well i'm using the these plastics oh yeah to make stuff stand out and all that and it doesn't harm it but we've heard that people have put them up on you know done with pins and standing at it and stuff like that that makes sense yeah this is chad chad christian's idea to do the tiddlywinks i think it's great too particularly with these branching store we got this branching story where they all converge over here you can get into it with the pins and the string and you can have the hole well this works right you see it all but i think even the colored pins if you just use different pinheads right right three color thread and yeah but yeah there's so many stories i want to know what this is yeah i can get to it like a corporation maybe or something yeah corporation information there's sort of an eye inside the house yeah it can be webb uh-huh look at the pluses on the ground oh those are chairs yeah these are chairs with the wheels just really it's just really interesting look at there's a hatchet in the back of the truck with trash bags it's got a sport you're going to want to spoil more yeah the whole time we've been talking barely the hardest thing is to stop looking it's really hard well it's that it's that well done there's really great stuff here there's a skate park in here somewhere too i haven't come across it yet it's up at the top okay there right in front see i'm always here on this side of the table so that whole top half of the map is a little is a mystery well you know the thing we discovered with the top down like you do want to lean over it and walk around the table and you know see so you get space well i actually did okay upside down i know when i initially did this i was having a heart i think just getting looking at it for a while and getting your bearings from that perspective works really well because i mean i found the cowboy a bunch of course he's right in front of me right um but uh really cool i love i love that the guy's a dentist too you know like the guys that are have the real jobs what does robin hood do he's a sculptor he doesn't have the real job he's not he's got some issues there hey i'm just an artist what are you trying to say he's just a torn artist and he's frustrated that his love his obsessive love has been with another person well cool thanks for playing thank you for teaching lincoln absolutely and thank you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell you'll get notified when we put up new videos see you next time [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 30,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game, how to play, show me how to play, How to play MicroMacro, Show me how to play MicroMacro, boardgamegeek, board games, Johannes Sich, Pegasus Spiele, Edition Spielwiese
Id: dAd6S1MI5es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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