Zoo Tycoon Complete™

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on october 17 2001 microsoft released zoo tycoon developed by bluefang games a classic pc game where you manage your very own zoo i played the complete edition which featured exotic fish and dinosaurs among other species a happy simulation game for kids about building up a prosperous thriving attraction but it also had this bizarre dystopian undercurrent like its contemporary roller coaster tycoon which featured accidentally killing your guests zoo tycoon subtly encourages you at the end of the tutorial to release the lions usually when i was a kid i never really completed the scenarios so to revisit it i decided to genuinely attempt the most difficult scenario the ultimate zoo starred at the boston harbor zoo with only sixty thousand dollars there's a bunch of goals animal diversity guest happiness but most difficult of all a zoo rating of 90. so i set out on the challenge i laid my plans and struck the earth with the first path to carve the zoo into three branching routes for land sea and dino exhibits since we had very little money i made an investment into the cheapest of dirt paths about a thousand dollars of it to direct my guests along the way to a map of the main plaza of all the animals i've always considered lions to be the bravest entry into zoo keeping majestic dangerous an evocative of disney extended the exhibit to the main fence placed the lions male and female and opened a list of tasks needed to make them happy there's quite a lot more lions because they were lonely a zoo keeper to feed them savannah grass acacia trees otherwise known as foliage this is where i learned what the word foliage meant sand water stones and basking rocks then a couple shelters to house them and possible future offspring after all the plan was just to make them super happy so that they would made and reproduce and then sell the cubs for profit to buy new animals and after all setting up exhibits isn't cheap it already burned through thirty thousand dollars half the starting money to set up only one basic exhibit that's so boring moment but it was done and right off the bat i earned the silver ribbon for excellence in exhibit design but where are we gonna get money here's how you make money in zoo tycoon first you need to get people into the zoo they won't come in if you don't have any animals so check they're in and they paid 22 each to enter second you need to take care of those guests otherwise they'll go home and tell everyone to never come in again make bathrooms food stalls drink machines benches picnic tables schmooze them but make sure you're breaking even or else financial upkeep will vacuum out your wallet like my first zoo but third and most important take care of your animals i've had it up to here with the number of dissatisfied grizzly bears telling me they don't like their exhibit but the picky guests will take notice if the animals are unhappy which will lead to a spiraling embarrassing downfall if you don't keep them glad that's the basics but there are exploits the first of which i built was the prairie dog cafe a suspicious looking mexican restaurant it satisfies both hunger and thirst and it doesn't leave guests walking around with garbage in their hands like the other stalls my animals were happy my guests were happy and my wallet was happy the perfect trifecta for zoo growth but where from here most people would want something majestic and expensive like killer whales that perform at shows unfortunately that would bankrupt us instead and hear me out on this one african warthogs maybe it doesn't sound like the most exciting animal to you ah contraire in one of my zoos the bluefin tuna a deceptively boring organism proved far more popular exhibit than the stegosaurus go figure in fact warthogs are among the most fertile herd species the mother produces eight piglets which can be sold to finance future zoo operation and expansion thus i bred the warthogs hundreds of them i received the blue ribbon for outstanding animal care despite the fact that warthogs are ugly and horrible this all brought in more people to dine at the prairie dog cafe the lions hung out by their poop and reproduced it gave me enough funds to adopt thompson's gazelle i don't know who thompson is but these gazelles are doo-doo they never produce any offspring and die out every time i adopted whole herds of them they just have this funny animation as year one ended i expanded the lion exhibit and made way for zebras nearby who turned out to be equally as useless as their neighbors the gazelles zoo ratings and attendance temporarily dipped due to the stupid zebras and gazelles being unhappy and passing it on like a contagion to the guests but the fertility rate among the lions and warthogs proved more than enough for zoo expansion and by the middle of year two attendance ratings and donations were again on the rise sure you could say it was boring to choose animals only from the savannah but i saved money and i was about to spice things up with stegosaurus the peaceful spiky dinosaur with this animation okay enough playing around i kicked it into high gear adopting the blue fin tuna the most popular of animals people loved it raiding sword i reaped what i sowed selling the warthogs to pay for more popular tuna and next to an ambitious polar bear exhibit consisting of water and dirt then terraformed and encased in glass for the viewing pleasure of our guests awards profit donations all momentum driving up our ratings toward the lofty scenario objectives to create the ultimate zoo we filled the entire boston harbor with dirt we adopted bigfoot and a yeti and terraformed the land to placate them all financed by more warthog sails and after we adopted two giant squids we added the silver plaque for diverse species to our trophy case silver certificate most popular zoo you might say things were going swimmingly you get it our last major objective create a grand show a spectacle to excite our guests with bottlenose dolphins people were amazed as they tail walked flipped jumped and played with a ball all the way towards 17 happiness i added flowers and hedges to the paths making another grand spectacle of our entry plaza by now we had accomplished almost all the remaining scenario objectives animal happiness 90 guest happiness 90 and 200 smackeroos from dolphin shows only one stubborn objective left an overall zoo rating of 90. for some reason it kept going up to 88 or 89 then yielding back down after time much to my chagrin there had to be a way to make my guests happier my animals happier my zoo more exciting and adventurous so i adopted a family of loch ness monsters to amaze my guests with the outlandish and the bizarre but that was only shortly before i was foiled again by a spiraling positive feedback loop for my warthogs overproduced and now felt crowded and angry vastly skewing the park score and imploding our ratings attendance disappeared overnight so i had to sell the angry warthogs and fed the guests who didn't like the park to the lions that would teach them to leave us a bad review fortunately by selling the highly fertile productive polar bears and stegosauruses we broke even we saved the park from dire financial straits so guests slowly trickled back in but still i was a little more wisened now skeptical of my park attendees picky arbitrary slobs thinking contradictory thoughts like i don't like the zoo at all i'm going to an amusement park but also african warthog 175 looks overjoyed you know i was insulted they could at least leave some constructive criticism everything looked good on paper i had placed trash bins bathrooms shows and seating every convenience you can imagine that did it so i hatched my final plan after all what fun is zoo tycoon without some drama there's no catharsis or release so i deceived my guests i created the best possible zoo gathering my armies of the strangest and most violent animals like the t-rex or the penguin they may not look it but these guys can fight i even created a fighting cage to stage a secret battle royale among the creatures of the savannah where i discovered which of them were the strongest and most fit for thrashing my ungrateful guest slim from limb to teach them a lesson about being grateful for hospitality the siberian tiger was aggressive but not as powerful as the african elephant the elephant's seal was surprisingly evasive from the polar bear for its massive trunk i expected the woolly mammoth to win but the sabertooth lion pulled an upset and proved strongest among the land animals still willing to fight i repeated jurassic park and witnessed the allosaurus and the t-rex surprisingly catch up to a velociraptor then even devour a spiky ankylosaurus and it was no contest in the marine battle whales prevailed led by the orca or killer whale the stage was set and i locked the gates and then the floodgates opened [Music] take back your planet mother nature give them something authentic something primal the spectacle they deserve the one they crave to see maybe then they'll learn to appreciate a good thing when they see it like the noble african warthog anyway now i'm validated thanks to my patrons for donating to the zoo i hope you enjoyed i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 982,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoo tycoon, zoo tycoon complete collection, zoo, zoo tycoon game, rollercoaster tycoon, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian zoo tycoon, zoo tycoon ambiguousamphibian, zoo tycoon gameplay, zoo tycoon 2001, zoo tycoon complete, zoo tycoon pc, zoo tycoon old, old zoo tycoon, let's play zoo tycoon, zoo tycoon ep 1, zoo tycoon episode 1, zoo tycoon part 1, zoo tycoon ultimate animal collection, zoo tycoon ultimate zoo, zoo tycoon best zoo
Id: wpbl-01VMyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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