Creating a seriously scary vampire in Code Vein | Monster Factory

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- [Griffin] So we would need that, yes - [Justin] Yeah we'll take, we'll take one. - [Griffin] The problem with that snowman is he's far two small. (Justin laughing) (techno music) - [Griffin] Hey everybody, welcome. - [Justin] To, Monster Factory presents David Sunflower seed's, Game Zone! Where we profile the games that you love, that we crave. - [Griffin] Right - [Justin] And today we are talking about Code Vein. One of my favs! - [Griffin] Yeah this one is - [Justin] You know this you always see me in the office with my feet kicked up and my shoes in the trash can, watching me play Code Vein. - [Griffin] Yeah - [Justin] And I'm so excited to tear into this. I could list off some of my different favorite features, or perspectives the game is from, or mechanics. - [Griffin] Yeah - [Justin] Or characters, or companies that made it, or what it looks like, or what it came out, or what consols it's for. I could list all those things all day long but I wanna kick it over to my guest for today's episode of monster factory. Today with Sunflower Seed's presents The Game Zone. And Griffin, am I saying this right, McElroy? - [Griffin] Yeah that's right, so lets see - [Justin] Tell me about Code Vein G man - [Griffin] It's cool, it lets you pick your name or your appearance, and it lets you choose which one you want to do first? So this is Code Vein, we know nothing about it. He's, he is looking great though. Lets not make it like, silly this time. Right, lets make him kind of a cool sort of anime boy. - [Justin] We never get to do cool characters here on the show. - [Griffin] Jusif I've brought you a bit of Sharcuteary. Shar-cutea, cute anime boys - [Justin] Shar-cuties - [Griffin] like this one. Lot of just, hey! Well okay, that was easy. - [Justin] Wow - [Griffin] Okay lets begin the game huh? (Justin laughing) - [Justin] Wow, look at this. - [Griffin] This is quite, this is quite powerful. Can we zoom out? Can you show us more of the boy please? Thank you. Lets see the whole boy please? Show me the whole boy. Damn. This dude - [Justin] Fuck! - [Griffin] Thoughts about like - [Justin] Oh look at that, he's confident enough to cough into his collar so it doesn't get his germs all over you. - [Griffin] All right, lets change him a bit. (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] That's not, hey guys? That sliders not very, it's not really igniting me necessarily. (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] Does he, do we want him to be one boy, or 1.04 boys? (Justin laughing) (Justin making O noises) - [Griffin] Is this - [Justin] Oh my gosh - [Griffin] Is this the Dougie Justin? I never learned, nobody ever taught me how to Dougie, but is this it? - [Justin] I just want to share my weight loss journey it's been an incredible road. I've gone from very thin to incredibly svelte. - [Griffin] All right, I like a dense vampire. Head size. - [Justin] What, vampires in this? - [Griffin] Yes I'm pretty sure Justin look at his fucking collar - [Justin] Griffin did you say v-v-v-vampires? (Griffin laughing) - [Justin] Y-y-y-you know how skittish I get. Oh boy you didn't tell me nothing about v-v-vampires. - [Griffin] Look I'm gonna make his head really small okay? And that way you don't really have to worry about it okay? Is that better? - [Justin] So his mouth can't get me? - [Griffin] So his mouth can't get you, that's right. - [Justin] Least scary vampire that's a dictate. I wanna see how unthreatening you can make a vampire. - [Griffin] Well okay, so we'll make him kinda - [Justin] Yes Griffin now that I've said that choose the least threatening skin color, oh wait. (Griffin laughing) - [Justin] This is the kind of character creator that makes me very frustrated to be me. Like they never have like, boring white idiot. - [Griffin] Justin boy, stupid. - [Justin] Just stupid, goes to Sunny who use to be at Mastercuts at the mall and then the Mastercuts at the mall closed and now he's at Walmart. I feel like you're kind of playing with the frosting before you've even made a cake a little bit right now. - [Griffin] Lets do, you're right. Lets turn off hair. Lets set hair to No. - [Justin] That one's good, that one's a little whoa, whoa whoa, go back one. That one's kinda, out there. - [Griffin] You like that? - [Justin] I like how small the eyebrows are. - [Griffin] Well let's see if we can't goof them up even more. Lot, oh my, what the fuck? - [Justin] What? - [Griffin] There's like 70 pupil choices. I mean do we go exploded, oh we can give him bug, fly bug eyes. - [Justin] That's so cool - [Griffin] Oh shit. - [Justin] Make them green Grif. - [Griffin] Oh you want him to have green nasty fucking bug eyes. - [Justin] Fucking bug eyes. - [Griffin] Oh that's cool dude. He can be like, the mosquito. And everybody else is like what's your aesthetic? And it's like goth ass vampire what's yours? And it's like, I'm the nasty blood bug that you all hate. - [Justin] What could that be, what could that be? - [Griffin] Pupil two, oh oh oh - [Justin] Whoa yeah - [Griffin] Yikes, yowsa - [Justin] Highlights - [Griffin] Highlights, how custom? What? Does this factor into the gameplay? My eyeballs are Dragon Balls. Collect my eyeballs to make a wish. (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] This one's kinda like if you really wanna get imaginative about it. Kinda like a butt hole that he does have - [Justin] An eye butt hole - [Griffin] Like an eye butt hole, so lets - [Justin] His one weakness - [Griffin] Let's play with that. Yeah it's funny because you look at one of his eyes that has stars, and gold, and glitter all over it, and you're like. That's the weak point. And it's just because, that's actually a defense mechanism so that you don't pay attention to the butt hole that he has, kinda up there. - [Justin] The problem with these eyebrows is they're so prominent. - [Griffin] Ah ah ah ah. Hey Juice, look at the slider on the right. This is all there are 50 thousand - [Justin] I don't understand Code Vein. I couldn't even estimate how many eyebrows there are. - [Griffin] Did I do something to the eyes to make them huge? (Justin Laughing) (Griffin humming a tune) - [Griffin] I like the middle one. Because like nobody has - [Justin] Yeah - [Griffin] That's, these have ceased to be eyebrows, this is it, that's it. - [Justin] That pops. - [Griffin] That pops for me. My lashes. - [Justin] Very, oh my - [Griffin] How do you close your eyes even with eyelashes like this? Can I make the mouth just kinda disappear? - [Justin] Yeah that's nonthreatening - [Griffin] I want movie magic to make this vampire just not have a mouth. Where's the flesh tone, well - [Justin] Whoa wait - [Griffin] That's it. - [Justin] I think that's it. - [Griffin] I think that's it. - [Justin] That's it, nonthreatening. - [Griffin] No more mouth. Oh wait (Griffin laughing) just a little smooch, from my ma. Yep there we go Juice, hey Juice we found the fun - [Justin] Oh wow - [Griffin] As they say. This is actually kind of like who did that to you? Imagine what that exchange was like. They put their whole mouth over my boys like entire left side. Like entirely encompassed his left side of his face with their, with their huge monster mouth. - [Justin] Their huge robot mouth - [Griffin] Oh is it a robot mouth? - [Justin] Well it just seemed metallic so I thought maybe, but it doesn't make sense it doesn't track when you - [Griffin] Well we can - [Justin] Think about it - [Griffin] Change, oh my god the pattern? - [Justin] There's a incredible imbalance between what they did and did not allow you to mess up. - [Griffin] You're right, they said don't - [Justin] Like you can ruin it for sure - [Griffin] Oh he got clown smooched didn't he? - [Justin] That's good, a clown's his mom. - [Griffin] His mom's is a big clown [Justin] His mom's is a big clown that insists on kissing him every day before he goes out to burn her. - [Griffin] Yeah. And her mouth is huge, but wait what's that on the other cheek? Well Justin I'm glad you asked. That's gonna be a kiss from his very little dad. - [Justin] Who is a? - [Griffin] Who is a a lot of people are talking about this. - [Justin] Finally season five reveal - [Griffin] Is a cheetah man - [Justin] He's a cheetah man and his momma clown. He tells everyone his name is Dewglass but it's actually Douglas. - [Griffin] He's have cheetah man, half clown boy, full vampire. I'ma crank up cheetah man just a little bit cause I do want it to pop. Can I? - [Justin] So few vampires go out - [Griffin] Hold on - [Justin] Into the world oh cause he's hanging from a branch. - [Griffin] Yeah his daddy's upside down. His daddy is an upside down cheetah cheetah man. And we do need I guess a third now who's this kiss from? - [Justin] How many kisses Dewglass need? - [Griffin] How many kisses does Dewglass get? What about this one he got kissed on his eyeball and he was like ow fuck, fuck (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] Ow sis - [Justin] You found it, you know thats my weak point - [Griffin] That's my- oh wait we did kinda set up that that's a butt hole up there so a mouth on that is a little (both talk over each other) - [Justin] Jimmy Banks would not love that - [Griffin] Jimmy Bankoff would not approve of that I think. Loving kisses from my family today. Should we do one regular one? I like his sister kinda kissed him into his scalp which is cool. - [Justin] Yeah she was in a hurry she was like rushing out the door - [Griffin] Yeah - [Justin] To go do a bank robbery - [Griffin] She did a big back flip. Hey Juice? - [Justin] Yeah - [Griffin] Look at the accessories look at the slots. - [Justin] Oh you can do a lot of different ones huh? - [Griffin] Will you look at the slots for me? If you loot at the bottom there is a cost. Do you, how much money do you have on you? - [Justin] There's other prices to, I listen if it's if we're talking about, oh my god you shouldn't have. (Griffin clapping) - [Griffin] Big hat! Oh oh! - [Justin] Oh my god! (Griffin clapping) Print it! - [Griffin] Little hat! Advanced editing, placement (both laughing) - [Justin] Eight faces, infinite hat placement - [Griffin] Oh yes, ah yes Clayton delete the entire video up to this point. (Justin laughing) it's all been building to this. - [Justin] You're just gonna let him put it anywhere! - [Griffin] It seems that way I think the makers of Code Vein obviously did not watch our Soul Caliber video. - [Justin] Yeah and that will definitely sort of animate with the hand as it moves for sure. Don't mess up the pattern, the pattern is dope. - [Griffin] Are you sure you don't want it to be a giraffe hat? - [Justin] No that sucks. You've, lost the original pattern. - [Griffin] Okay can I sprinkle it with blood? - [Justin] Yeah of course - [Griffin] Oh wait that's just the bow. That's kinda cute though, okay whatever next accessory. It is mostly hat based yes? Oh wait, there's tabs. (griffin making noises) Wait huh? We already did this? - [Justin] It looks like that character from Life is Strange now. - [Griffin] It's like I'm doing hair cooking, I'm like mixing different hair ingredients Oh a little fascinator, oh my god! Oh one fucking ponytail, how strong holy shit the side ponytail is extremely good. - [Justin] That's so cool and powerful. Do you leave the color like it is because I feel like that color actually looks rad. It's like a statement, that's like yeah I know. Oh that's cool! (Griffin laughing and squeaking) - [Justin] Oh come on give him back his old trivial (Griffin laughing and squeaking) - [Griffin] Hey that tickles bud (Griffin squeaking) (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] I love you daddy (Griffin squeaking) - [Justin] I love the side ponytail though I love it, please don't ruin it. - [Griffin] Okay, well lets do this then. All right, side ponytail good, scale it. - [Justin] Unnecessary - [Griffin] Oh my, oh my goodness - [Justin] Uncalled for - [Griffin] Oh Juice - [Justin] Would like to see it in action though - [Griffin] Oh my goodness huh? That's quite good for me, it's very big huh? Is it too big maybe? Oh now it's not on him anymore. Whoop, holy shit wait. (Griffin laughing) (both laughing) (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] Oh my god (both of them laughing) - [Justin] That is the wildest thing I've ever seen in a video game. - [Griffin] Now well that cost us two points - [Justin] Oh bargain - [Griffin] This is all hair we could spend all our points just making the best hair. - [Justin] Is that a coffin? Sorry what's up with the coffin? Where can you put a tiny coffin? - [Griffin] You can put it on his butt - [Justin] No - [Griffin] That's not funny though that's intentional. Chain, wallet chain, wallet chain Justin we have a wallet chain, Justin I regret to inform you - [Justin] Lock it up. I don't think you can see it - [Griffin] Take the clothes off. We are gonna remove the clothes from the man. - [Justin] Remove all clothing? - [Griffin] Huh? The game got a touch horny (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] All right we do, we gotta go with this sort of like I am a cowboy, I am a genie, I am going to a Skaw concert here in a bit, I am playing flag football also, - [Justin] The gloves are - [Griffin] Quite little huh? (Justin laughing) - [Justin] Kinda the same little gloves - [Griffin] Was he in the process of taking them off when we took this video game picture of him? Oh wait, these wanna go on the arm. I need it to go somewhere else. Well this is uh - [Justin] Yep yep yep - [Griffin] Wait hold on. These pants come with a wallet chain! What are- - [Justin] Damn! - [Griffin] What are we doing? - [Justin] This is a waist of points! - [Griffin] We can't have two wallet chains. Or actually yeah, now that I said that he does need two wallet chains. - [Justin] It's fine, it's good, it's saucy. Oh yeah, - [Griffin] Yeah that's pretty cool it's cutting into the flesh like a Hellraiser but hey I got my bus pass in there. These are just for funzos I think. - [Justin] Yeah, some, what the f- is that a little snowman? - [Griffin] So we would need that, yes - [Justin] Yeah we'll take, we'll take one. Why are there holiday themed? What the fuck is this? - [Griffin] Well this is, well this snowman why this be here? Like it's like he has - [Justin] Oh the default - [Griffin] A little familiar - [Justin] Yeah it's just a little conscience for you, and it's a little snowman - [Griffin] The problem with that snowman is he's far two small. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] And where can you place the snowman? (Justin laughing) - [Justin] Frozen three is out in theaters and the parents are not happy. Do you wanna birth a snowman? Birth him right from a vampires chest. - [Griffin] Oh shit we can even sorta - [Justin] Oh there we go! The guys like fucking Quado (Justin laughing) Quadsnow. (Justin laughing) Why did you guys let us do this? (Justin laughing) I can't believe this! - [Griffin] Oh shit - [Justin] They're charging no points for that - [Griffin] Wait that's no points you're right - [Justin] Like that one is labeled as a head pumpkin. Can you put the pumpkin on the snowman? - [Griffin] Oh interesting - [Justin] Is that possible to put the pumpkin on the snowman's head? - [Griffin] Can I put another snowman coming out of thew first snowman? Can I give the snowman a fascinator? Now this is my life's mission. - [Justin] Can you use your remaining points to as much as possible, dress the snowman like you are dressed? (Griffin laughing) - [Griffin] All right hold on. This is really gonna take me a bit, hold on. - [Justin] There we go, oh my god (Griffin laughing) oh my fucking god! - [Griffin] Don't you talk to me or my son ever again. We gotta give him a little wallet chain Justin! The proportions will be perfect Justin or we will not continue. - [Justin] Holy fucking shit. - [Griffin] Dude. - [Justin] This is the greatest (Griffin laughing) This is the fucking best. It's the best. - [Griffin] Oh my god Justin - [Justin] Now okay I don't want to get greedy - [Griffin] But what else can we put on our son? I am breathless right now Justin. I am, I want this, I never wanted anything so bad I guess - [Justin] Can you imagine there was a time where we always thought Code Vein would be a disappointment? - [Griffin] Yeah. - [Justin] Oh okay yeah okay. - [Griffin] Size it - [Justin] Everybody calm down - [Griffin] Everyone needs to be a little bit quiet. I think if we can, oh god, I need to effect the yaw of it. (Justin laughing) How do we feel? - [Justin] It's fucking, Griffin it's I've never loved before. (Griffin laughing) I though I loved my children. - [Griffin] Yeah it's weird, it's like a new thing - [Justin] It's weird at this point, and we never, almost never edit on Monster Factory. - [Griffin] Right - [Justin] Almost never do we return to our first powerful instincts. - [Griffin] You think wrist hat is played? - [Justin] No I don't, I love wrist hat. What I was about to say is, at this point I feel like the lipstick is - [Griffin] Needs to go wild now? - [Justin] I feel like - [Griffin] Oh you mean the kisses on the face? - [Justin] I feel like the kisses on the face aren't the story anymore, and that was gonna be the story for a bit. - [Griffin] Yeah - [Justin] But I'm starting to feel like okay he's got a clown mom and a jaguar dad - [Griffin] That was a streach - [Justin] Yes excellent cool, but if he has a snowman coming out from his chest that he's dressed like himself. I almost feel like that's definitely what people are gonna be talking about with Dewgloss. - [Griffin] Then how do we top this off? We'll take, we'll workshop the kisses here in a second - [Justin] I would almost say kill the wrist hat. Give yourself matching monocles. - [Griffin] Oh yeah - [Justin] Now will it let you put glasses, not on your face. - [Griffin] Please please - [Justin] Dad - [Griffin] Please dad Code Vein's like, don't worry about this boys you've got content to generate. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] Fuck. Me. Running. That is, that's art - [Griffin] That's in- Justin I'm in love, like - [Justin] I can't believe this. If you wanna leave the kisses we can - [Griffin] No - [Justin] The kisses were very good when we found them but I feel like - [Griffin] We're on, Justin we've grown so much since the kisses. I'm kinda rethinking the aesthetic where I want, I kinda want him to look extremely threatening and scary (Laughing) - [Justin] Okay - [Griffin] Except for - [Justin] Okay You know what I mean? Like we've got this part, this part of the creation Justin, we got it. (Justin laughing) like for instance, eyebrows? Let's just, let's make them, like really spooky like he's gonna attack you and hurt you. - [Justin] Okay, yeah that's good, oh yeah. There's gotta be a more threatening color too - [Griffin] Ash black - [Justin] Like rust, rusty black - [Griffin] Scary - [Justin] Oh yeah - [Griffin] Scary oh oh - [Justin] Whoa oh yeah - [Griffin] I'm gonna get you and bite and start biting, and never stop - [Justin] Perfect. - [Griffin] What are you working with over there you got some goobers? (Justin laughing) - [Griffin] What are you working over there you got some goober, what do ya got, what do ya got? - [Justin] Just uh, straightening out my desk I wouldn't eat goobers during Monster Factory - [Griffin] Got some Raisnets? What's up? - [Justin] No Griffin you know what I got it's David Sunflower Seeds, I'm wild about these little salty boys and I'm so appreciative of them sponsoring Monster Factory's, David Sunflower Seed's presents the Game Zone. We can make the eye makeup more like blood. - [Griffin] Oh yeah. And all right thickness, lipstick color. I mean maybe he just finished a blood snack. - [Justin] And he loves the blood - [Griffin] He loves having blood Oh Juice I gotta can we? - [Justin] Oh yeah - [Griffin] Yeah bud, yeah bud little drippy dropper - [Justin] Oh wait okay yes that's, got it. (Justin laughing) that certainly gets it across in a very spooky way. I don't know why you're turning this into a black velvet painting of a hobo clown but I'm sure you have your reasons. - [Griffin] No they just finished an incredible blood snack Justin. (Justin laughing) in fact Justin, it was a big blood snack. That's too scary actually, there is actually a point where it stops. He's just got a fucking spider on his face. - [Justin] Aw now that's, that's angry - [Griffin] He's chilling on my eyebrow. The monocle protects me from him. That's way better Juice, I'm glad we did all this - [Justin] Yeah this is so worth it - [Griffin] We're, wait advanced clothing. Oh oh oh oh. I vote we turn off the flag that he's holding onto his butt. - [Justin] Yes that's distracting - [Griffin] That's distracting Everything else I think I'm into - [Justin] Do you still like the pink hair? - [Griffin] Hm, what are you thinking? - [Justin] No I don't know, it just seems to be incongruus, like I almost feel like jet black or something more threatening? - [Griffin] Yeah that's fair. - [Justin] I don't know though, this looks cool as hell! - [Griffin] Yeah yeah, but you know what that means. - [Justin] That looks fucking great! If you'd just change the pants pattern I'll, I I think I'm in love with this. Holy shit. - [Griffin] So you're thinking more of uh - [Justin] Sexual. Like a cheetah print moo cow scary, giraffe pants. Boy they really give us a lot. Wowww ohhh - [Justin] So many - [Griffin] Aww there is that's good - [Justin] That's pretty good, is it scary though? - [Griffin] Aww yeahh! - [Justin] Oh don't mind me I got blood on my pants - [Griffin] That's perfect! I love that! You know what now the brown is looking weird [Laughs] uh just like you changing the color, I was like there he is! There you are Peter! [Laughing] I see you now. Yes! Yes! Yes! And that's the scarf I turned off cool. Purifier? - [Justin] Oh my g--- - [Griffin] I don't want that, wait - [Justin] You have to wear it when you're exploring it looks like - [Griffin] Well okay then let's try and okay lets pick the least obtrusive. This I don't like this this censorship. This is what this is - c[Justin] Griffin what is it about the world of Code Vein. Why why is it so important? If you could take us into galore a little bit - [Griffin] Well vampires make a bad smell. Just by being around. - [Justin] So they have to wear a mask to protect themselves from their own bad smell? - [Griffin] Well there's lots of other vampires in their juice. - [Justin] Your son can't wear one so what is the point of trying to preserve themselves? - [Griffin] Yeah, I don't wanna live in a world where my snowman also dies. I think that's it. What are we uh in in this is um dewglass? - [Justin] Dewglass? [Griffin] I love dewglass Justin. [Justin] Yeah its really good, its a very good creation. He's a fine gentlemen he's got a uh snowman coming out of his chest that he is he could have been you know what a lot of people would have been undone by something like that and dewglass said let me own this [Griffin] Now when I do press confirm and we see him ambulate and watch all of these different components sort of shift around and as if he's caught in a whirlwind of snowmen and hair uh I think the illusion may be bust able a bit so lets just [Justin] Yeah if we could just like a few more shots just appreciating before physics and reality [Griffin] Yeah so lets get like a in remembrance when dewglass looked good [Laughing] when dewglass was one sort of uh cohesive creature, before reduced to his like accessory components that's very exciting watch him just sort of like like there's heaven in front of him and he's just gonna walk off [Laughing] [Justin] Oh and they let you do a co-name too perfect. That that that should be the co-name or you think dewglass is the name and Douglas is the co-name? [Griffin] Oh I mean ugh we do need a name for the snowman. [Justin] Cloud snow is pretty good, but it doesn't roll off the tongue I understand. [Griffin] Right? [Justin] Richard? [Laughing] [Griffin] Richard? [Justin] Richard? [Griffin] We don't wanna put any kind of [Justin] Yeah [Griffin] Well you know what I like that because its like whose who? And now its testing your own prejudices. [Laughing] [Justin] Oh come on! [Griffin] They don't want you to have Richard [Justin] Let him play! [Griffin] Let him play ref! [Laughing] [Justin] Can you do Douglas lowercase t space Richard? [Laughing] [Griffin] Doesn't look quite good [Laughing] maybe wait maybe they don't like the ampersand but they will allow [Justin] Maybe [Griffin] No you fuckin fascists his is essentially the monster factory equivalent of we auto baby its a boy [Laughing] Okay so they'll allow that - [Justin] That's fine - [Griffin] Douglas n' but we don't have a lot of yeah we only have five characters then if we wanna go with all of Douglas - [Justin] Rick! - [Griffin] Maybe we remove some of the letters in Douglas [Laughing] - [Justin] Yeah give him the Tumblr treatment [Laughing] that's Dugls [Laughing] - [Griffin] Dugl - [Justin] R-i-c-h-r-d [Laughing] a fucking Elvin name - [Griffin] Dugls n' Richrd [Laughing] like my father before me Well this is like our gamer tag - [Justin] Yeah - [Griffin] We need something scary. We need something intimidating cause I don't want people to like I don't know what cub the multiplayer looks like in this world but I don't want vampires to come and take the blood that I have. So lets just call him Dracula, Big Dracula - [Justin] Big Dracula that's good! - [Griffin] Dracula's DAD [Laughing] - [Justin] That's fine. - [Griffin] Stopppp - [Justin] What character? What - [Griffin] It doesn't like, It doesn't like a space in there. Daddy Dracula - [Justin] That should attract the right crowd [Laughing] - [Griffin] Lets just use this for short. [Laughing] - [Justin] Its Daddy, Daddy Dracula - [Griffin] Remember that name? [Laughing] what was it? - [Justin] The one, the one with the snowman? - [Griffin] The one with the? What was his name? Um what was his name? I remember the code name. God those kicks were good. Alright lets go. [Computer] Yeah - [Griffin] Yeah, that's what you look like. Hey over remind me how did we meet, who are you and where is this, what's happening? [Laughing] a lot of people compare this to Dark Souls and Dark Souls I'm pretty sure is like 'hey you're a skinny noodle jerky man, you have a broken ass sword and that we're not gonna tell you anything else fuck you" I'm embarrassed I don't actually like this okay - [Justin] You're gonna be like what are you what did you need [Laughing] What part of this did you need assistance with? Little fuck. [Laughing] [Justin] Hey everybody quick programming note in the near future we're gonna be publishing new episodes of Monster Factory just in the McElroy family YouTube Chanel so if you aren't already subscribed to that you'll wanna go ahead and do that. [Griffin] SMASH IT BABY! [Justin] Griffin, I asked you not to I begged you not to. [Griffin] Mmm smash that.
Channel: Polygon
Views: 294,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videogames, video games, polygon, code vein, vampire, me and my son ever again, dugls, dugls n richard, monster factory, monster factory code vein, anime, anime dark souls, dark souls like, souls like, funny character creator, video game character creator, justin mcelroy, griffin mcelroy, funny video game video
Id: soAEaXiQDpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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