The Insane Lore of Tekken

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growing up as a kid i played a wide variety of video games platformers rpgs whatever the hell c-man supposed to be but the type of game i played the most with my friends would have to be the fighting variety street fighter mortal kombat dead or alive soul calibur just me and my buddies going one on one to beat the living piss out of each other and as much as i'd love to say that i'm a fighting game god that couldn't be further from the truth i am terrible at these games like i understand what i'm supposed to do blocking zoning super meters write down rights for your shore yukins you know but i just can't react to any of it fast enough i never use my assists effectively i can't counter anything in doa i couldn't pull off a 10 string to save my life you'd more than likely kick my ass but i'm still gonna have fun regardless whether i'm button mashing or using muscle memory that i can't possibly articulate it's still satisfying to knock some virtual heads there is an energy with this genre that is rarely matched the speed the music the animations and vo heaven or hell character goes a long way if your game has lots of personality and feel satisfying to play then you're gonna win me over i mean who didn't want to be ryu or chung lee when they first played street fighter [Music] who didn't love the ninjas of mortal kombat i remember booting up soul calibur 2 and being instantly drawn to nightmare the azure demon who wields the demonic blade soul edge unto me on a surface level nightmare is just an edgy dark knight but these characters have lore behind them and digging deeper helps you discover that this scary looking fighter is actually a tragic figure a man named siegfried one who sought the evil blade to gain the power that could avenge his father when in reality he was running away from the truth that he himself was the murderer and this delusion only fuels his descent to the dark side as he falls deeper and deeper into insanity ultimately becoming a shallow husk of the person he used to be [Music] except there is because when we get to soul calibur 3 siegfried rejects the darkness inside him and regains his humanity his story continuing on redemption it's a fantastic soap opera that just expands with each new entry but you had to find out this information yourself see nowadays every fighting game has a story mode of some sort but back in the 90s and early 2000s that wasn't the case you picked your fighter you took on a list of opponents and if you were lucky you got an ending with still images and text hell mortal kombat is the only game i remember that had biographies in the attract mode every other time you had to consult the instruction booklet and virtua fighter never had endings to their games so those manuals are essential to know anything about the lore did you know that pi is a hollywood actress neither did i figuring out fighting game lore is like going to ikea they give you the pieces but you have to assemble it yourself and that takes us to the topic of today's video i'd like to talk about tekken tekken is one of bandai namco's best-selling franchises each game always ending up with a greatest hits re-release everyone's heard of it it's incredibly popular but being a fighting game its lore is still very hidden very obscure when nintendo's smash brothers ultimate was rolling out dlc the second last fighter revealed was kazuya mishima one of the major characters of tekken and it was interesting seeing all of this obliviousness from friends and strangers alike they knew where he was from but why does he turn into a purple demon man i mean you'll watch all the big fighting game tournaments combo breaker evo and tekken seems relatively normal at first just a bunch of martial artists fighting each other right and then in one match someone will pick jack the gigantic metal robot with the pink mohawk and then in another someone will pick panda a panda bear that knows mishama style karate and while they fight the music that plays in the background might be a little strange [Music] it's a franchise that looks really intense on the outside but behind the curtain is some really goofy [ __ ] lots of fighting games are silly and weird but none of them compare to tekken from the very first console release they actually made special fmv endings for every character some were badass some were wholesome but a lot of them were just crazy and it made you want to beat the game with every fighter just to see what would happen next that's what got me hooked onto the lore and why it's been living in my head all these years and it always led to amusing conversations because people couldn't believe that tekken was so cuckoo for coco puffs if you're trying to get into the series today you'll start with tekken 7 and while all of the past endings are unlockable you still won't get any of the character backstories jumping in late means you'll have to do research if you want to learn about elisa voskanovic or why there's a boxing kangaroo without access to the rest of the series you don't have the full scope of what the hell's going on and that's what this video is for i've been a fan since tekken 3 i own every game in the series and these last few months i have watched every prologue studied every ending i have plunged deep into the mythology so that i can cover it properly because i want everyone to know just how crazy this series really is so without further ado let's talk about the insane lore of tekken so one thing i should address right off the bat the name tekken is japanese for iron fist the title of the tournament that is featured in every single game and i think we're all saying it ron i've been saying tekken because that's what all the commercials said there are games and then there's tekken 3. oh yeah tekken 4 is here i will defeat the tekken fighters second tag tournament but in the game itself they say it very [Music] attacked differently yeah it's tech can seven tekken tag tournament tech can blood vengeance we all made fun of michelle rodriguez but she knew what was up like literally spent all night playing like the ken fighter games or street fighter so you know i just thought it was worth mentioning anywho on to tekken 1. so this game came out in 1994 where the saga begins with a father and his son who are training atop a giant mountain in japan this is the mishima family heihachi and his five-year-old son kazia and unfortunately for the little squirt his dad is a colossal [ __ ] furheihachi has brought his son to this mountain with the intent of throwing him into a ravine the logic being that if the boy was worthy of carrying his legacy he would survive the fall obviously being five years old there wasn't much kaz could do to stop this but throwing him off the cliff was the worst mistake hihachi could have made because not only does kazia survive but he also vows revenge their familial bond forever broken we cut to 21 years later where heihachi is doing pretty good for himself and this is where i start gushing about the guy not only is he my main when i'm playing the game but the dude might be one of the most fascinating video game characters of all time he is the ceo of the mishima zaibatsu a gigantic conglomerate that not only runs sporting events but also funds military projects a corporation that is so big and so rich that it has branches in europe and america originally it was on the up and up until heihachi's father jinpachi mishima passed away look at that goddamn beard one has to wonder if jinpachi's death was legit because as soon as heihachi gains control he starts using the company for organized crime he's basically the head of the yakuza if it extended to the whole goddamn world oh and no one dares cross heihachi because try as they might the man is unkillable [Music] oh no he is the strongest fighter in the world a man so badass that he can catch a tomahawk with his [ __ ] teeth the dude is so intense that he once went into the wilderness and found a little baby grizzly cub he brought the bear home and raised it to be his pet but over the years he taught it some new tricks such as how to understand japanese and how to fight i repeat he raised a bear and taught it mishama style karate heihachi has a grizzly bear for a sparring partner this is a playable character by the way you can fight as the bear kuma whose character model was ugly as hell in the original game well maybe a cg render is better i oh my god oh and it should be mentioned that it wasn't enough for hihachi to throw his son off a cliff he also adopted another child purely to be a rival to the boy an orphan who was good at fighting off street punks lee chaolon was officially made a mishima where he enjoyed the zaibatsu's grand wealth if you think that lee loves his adopted father no like i said heihachi is a shitty father anyway hihachi is on top of the world he's rich he's powerful but he feels so dissatisfied say what you will about his criminal ties the man only wants a fair fight to meet that challenger who can finally push him to his limits and best him in combat and so he comes up with a brilliant idea the king of iron fist tournament a call to every fighter in the world to see who can dethrone the zaibatsu's head honcho and win the gigantic cash prize and thus the stage for tekken is set a dozen weirdo fighters all coming together including kazia our would-be main character of course you're not forced to play as kazuya but he is up front and center as the star he gets the most screen time he takes up all the space hell the poster's tagline is all about him but what i find interesting about this is that kazuya is not a hero at all typically in fighting games the main character is a baby face ryu from street fighter luke heng from mortal kombat these guys don't have any dark intentions they just want to do the right thing and make the world a better place but not kazia like yeah hihachi is a criminal prick but the goal isn't exactly noble he wants to murder his father so that he can inherit the zaibatsu and attain world domination he doesn't want to restore honor to the company he wants to be the new big bad and this isn't a retcon even as early as the first instruction manuals he is described as a cold-blooded man who wants his coup d'etat the main character is morally gray and you're not supposed to root for him i find that fascinating it really sets the tone for the mishima storyline going forward but let's talk about the other characters like jack the robot a mechanical humanoid built by the russian military they enter jack into the tournament because they caught wind of khazia's plans and want to stop him from winning the rules for entering the tournament seem pretty laxed because apparently it's okay for martial artists to fight giant robot men made of titanium although to be fair jack can't be that tough because its model was mass produced for jobbing yeah it's not a unique machine there are hundreds and i mean hundreds of jack robots that all operate exactly the same and throughout the series the fighters will dispatch these tin cans like they're nothing because honestly they are although these moocs have been programmed to dab on top of their beaten opponents so i'll say that's kind of amazing who designed the jack robots why russian scientist dr boskanovic he's not a playable character but he would become one in tekken 3. this guy's basically the dr light of tekken he's an incredibly talented scientist who will be responsible for a lot of the crazier fighters coming up for now though he simply built jack and he made an artificial arm for another contestant the samurai yoshimitsu which again swords are allowed in the iron fist tournament whatever yoshi here is a bit of a robin hood he belongs to the manji clan a notorious bandit group that steals from the rich and gives to the poor this clan has been around for hundreds of years which leads to another fun factoid tekken is not the only series this character is in because yoshimitsu's ancestor who has the exact same name and fighting style is also present in namco's soul calibur franchise and and heihachi mashima was actually a guest character for the playstation 2 version of soul calibur 2. even kuma is stronger than you but you don't care about that because everyone vastly prefers the gamecube version it has link for god's sake the most interesting thing about yoshi here is that his sword which is also called yoshimitsu is a demon blade that eats people's blood and if the weapon is not sufficiently fed it will gain the power to control its wielder's mind and unleash all kinds of evil luckily this is never a problem because yoshimitsu always punishes the wicked but still that's kind of insane next up is king a mexican wrestler who always wears a jaguar mask we only ever see his face once in the very first opening ever he wrestles so that he can earn money to keep his orphanage afloat his mexican orphanage that's filled with japanese children i love this cheesy live-action ending the strangest thing about king is that he's not a mutant he's not a science experiment he's just a normal man but rather than speak in normal language he only speaks in jaguar [Music] don't lie to me tekken is like the only franchise i can think of where every character speaks their own native language usually it's all english or all japanese but not this game paul fenix the american only speaks english hihachi only speaks japanese lily speaks french leo speaks german claudio speaks italian it's so strange to have a scene where three different characters are saying three different languages yet they can all understand each other just fine they can also understand kuma and all he does is roar tekken is so goddamn weird it should also be mentioned that there is armor king another wrestler who wears a jaguar mask his eye was crushed by king which caused his wrestling career to suffer he's entered the tournament for revenge and then there is anna and nina williams the williams sisters their parents taught the two how to fight to the point that they're both deadly assassins but family or no these two can't stand each other anna always jealous of the attention her father gave nina and the latter always being cold and dismissive except when she's watching tom and jerry because nina's a big fan of tom i didn't make that up that's what the manual says these two fight a lot like one time nina deliberately stole anna's shoe got called out on it and so she slaps the [ __ ] out of anna who cries at the abuse and she laughs it off because haha i did have this shoe in tekken 2 she just barges into the bathroom while anna's showering and snaps a nudie pic without her consent but it's okay because anna got revenge when these three bodybuilder guys came up to flirt with them and anna took all three of them home no gangbang for you nina it should also be mentioned that namco apparently thought nina was so popular that she deserved her own spin-off game death by degrees for the ps2 it sucks don't play it i'm not covering it because it's wildly inconsistent with nina's backstory in the main games but maybe i'll give it a deeper look some other time i gotta speed this up there's michelle the native american whose family was ruined by the zaibatsu there's gon ryu a japanese sumo wrestler whose shameful behavior lost him respect there's martial law yes that's his name a chef working in san francisco he looks in fights like bruce lee because every fighting game ever needed a bruce lee type put more anger into it marshall is best friends with another contestant named paul phoenix and you don't want to sleep on this guy he may be a brash blowhard american his hair would make a racerhead blush but this guy is legit he once fought qazi yamishima before the tournament and the battle ended in a draw he didn't win but he didn't lose either he is on par with the protagonist remember that for later and finally i'll mention wang jinrei a merchant and longtime friend of the mishima family in particular jinpachi he's on good terms with heihachi but he doesn't really approve of all the criminal activity okay that's the roster tekken 2 will go by a lot quicker because there's a lot of setup here going by character bios and story details from future games i put together bullet points for what matches happened and who canonically won this tournament's pretty straightforward in the game itself not every fighter is playable from the get-go you have to unlock them through a specific character's campaign and those unlock fights are all canon paul phoenix defeated kuma kazuya defeated lee yoshimitsu defeated gonryu and even worse he took all of his money money that he will not be getting back because it was given to people in much more need king defeated armor king but this one had a happy ending because armor king realizes that he had truly been bested by a far superior wrestler and rather than hold a grudge forever he decided it would be better to be in his corner to be an ally instead of an enemy well that's nice and then we come to the semi-finals the winner going on to face heihachi kazia vs paul phoenix their last fight ended in a draw but this time kazia pulls it out he advances to the grand finals where daddy dearest awaits him and for the first time ever hihachi knows the sting of defeat as his son bests him in the tournament in what could only be called poetic justice kazia decides to do the same thing that his father had done to him [Music] that [ __ ] smile the dude just murdered his father and it's like what a happy wholesome moment yay that animation will never get old but yeah folks with heihachi supposedly dead the mishima zaibatsu is now kazia's to control little does he know however it's gonna take more than that to kill his old man [Music] so two years have passed since the original tekken and kazia is now on top of the world but like i said before this man is not a good guy his goal is world domination and he uses the zaibatsu in all kinds of nefarious ways to achieve that assassinations drug dealing kidnappings the guy acquires all kinds of assets to build his empire he even abducts russian scientist dr boskanovic and forces him to work on some pretty weird [ __ ] i don't know how or why kazuya comes up with this i only know that it was him and not his father so he tells the zaibatsu i want you to poach as many animals as you can cheetahs wolves kangaroos i don't want just an army of people i want an army of beasts and so through some mad science dr boskotovic creates the first transgenic military animal roger a boxing kangaroo that's meant to impose fear in the enemies of the mishima zaibatsu i'd like to imagine that because boscanovic was a hostage that maybe this was his way of messing with them but even still you don't get this far without supervision it's pretty hard to take khazia seriously when his big plan to conquer the world is to sick boxing kangaroos against his enemies but it gets even better because the second military animal would come from an extinct species using dna pulled from fossilized insects vascanovich then applies his experiment to a full-grown velociraptor the man literally brought back the dinosaurs just so he could slap one with boxing gloves i mean [ __ ] man you'd think resurrecting dinos would earn you a pretty sizable chunk of change but hey what do i know now these two characters are very jokey inclusions but believe it or not their existence is critical just absolutely crucial to paving the way for the future for kazia's animal poaching has caught the attention of the wwc a wildlife protection agency of which a certain woman is a member that woman being june kazama if you have any passing knowledge of tekken lore you know what that means if kazuya hadn't tried to create military kangaroos jin kazama would never have been born but i'm getting ahead of myself in order to establish his dominance to the world as well as eliminate his enemies khazia decides to sponsor the king of iron fist tournament 2. it attracts the attention of the exact same cast from the original as well as a few new faces like the hong kong detective lei wulon a taekwondo fighter named beck and a muay thai fighter named bruce the latter a bodyguard for kazia alongside ganryu and anna williams but hark be careful to anyone who dares enter this tournament for it is rumored that kazuya has made a deal with the devil himself what i find interesting when you look at the promotional material of this game is how the roles are reversed whereas before the entire cast was surrounding kazia now they find themselves surrounding heihachi the hero is now the villain the villain is now the hero how many sequels managed to pull that off it once again solidifies how fluid tekken's morality is hihachi's not a good guy but he might be better than kazia either way a lot of the stakes seem much more personal this time around yoshimitsu wants to save dr boskanovic kuma wants revenge on paul phoenix king has become a drunk because his orphanage is going under and only with the support of armor king can he pick himself up one of the jack units wants to feel emotion and identity and actually saves a little girl named jane from a war torn battle it vows to protect the little girl no matter what michelle's mother has been kidnapped by the zaibatsu because of a certain medallion she has a medallion that will serve a much bigger purpose in tekken 3. and while she's dealing with that she also has to be careful of gon ryu because the sumo wrestler has been madly in love with michelle since meeting her in the last tournament apparently he begged kazia to rig the game so that they would fight each other lee chaolan decides to side with his stepbrother kazia although it's not because of brotherly love ultimately he wants to sabotage his plans with the help of wang jinrei and heihachi well the man has a lot of pride he has spent the last two years training like a beast knowing that his son has finally lived up to the mishima name he will not take him lightly this time the stage is set the king of iron fist tournament 2 begins so right off the bat paul defeats kuma again hihachi faces off with lee chowlan and puts him in his place he tells his adopted son that when i get the zaibatsu back your ass is out michelle defeats ganryu telling the guy sorry buddy i'm not interested she also gets her mother back as well as the medallion lei wulon faces off with bruce and emerges victorious lay found information connecting bruce to the death of his old partner but when he tries to pursue him after the tournament bruce's getaway plane crashes and he supposedly dies nina williams enters the tournament to assassinate khazia and whether she got defeated by him or by anna it's not very clear the point is that she suffers defeat and kazia being the absolute [ __ ] that he is forces her into a cryosleep chamber he renders her unconscious to forever be a human test subject it's at this point that anna realizes that she doesn't want to live in a world without nina and so she asks to be put in cryo-sleep as well and kazzy is just like uh all right whatever i don't care the williams sisters together forever but whatever cryo research is gonna happen it'll happen without dr boskanovic because yoshimitsu accomplishes his mission when he boards a helicopter that the good doctor is on he takes out the guards and makes off with the scientist slowly disembarking with his artificial propeller arm humber meanwhile jack one of boscanovich's creations is playing with the little girl jane while something sinister happens overhead a giant space cannon designed by a scientist named dr abel aims specifically for the one jack unit that's competing in the tournament it fires off a giant laser that pierces jack's neck and shuts the machine down jane traumatized over losing her friend dedicates the rest of her life to studying robotics now i don't know how well jun kazama did in the tournament all i know is that she met with kazia and she's not just a wildlife protector she's not just a martial artist there is something about the kazama bloodline that allows them to feel the spirits and energy all around them and when she meets kazia she senses a sinister force an evil aura that seems to be controlling his destiny almost like he's a good man but there's some element that makes him do the evil that he does and khasia for whatever reason is drawn to jun he finds her mysterious her interest in him very intriguing the two get close very close and at some point during the tournament the two have sex yeah these two should absolutely hate each other but you know what they say opposites attract this is a ps1 fighting game there are no scenes to elaborate on unless tekken 8 or the netflix anime series want to explain how this happened you just have to take my word that june and kazia hit it off jyn doesn't make much of an impact in the tournament hell she doesn't even make it to the semi-finals no that honor belongs to heihachi and goddamn paul phoenix again yeah for the second year in a row he got that close to winning but this time around a gigantic traffic accident clogged up the expressway and paul was unable to reach his match in time lost by disqualification paul dude this is why you show up early man come on and so it ends like it did before with heihachi and kazia and during the fight heihachi discovers the evil force that jun had sensed because this is where players first get introduced to devil kazia he sheds his clothes to become a purple devil man who can fly around and shoot lasers out of his forehead and this isn't the result of one of boscanovich's experiments this is a natural part of kaz's being that's been there since the very beginning the devil gene a strange mutation that allows him to transform into a completely different being but he doesn't keep his consciousness as the devil is its own person devil kazia has a will of its own and completely different ambitions compared to its host the devil only exists to kill to destroy to cause all kinds of pain and suffering it should also be mentioned that there's an angel in this game as well some kind of good side to kazuya that acts as the final boss when you play as the devil she only appears in tekken 2 and aside from the tag spin-offs she never comes back or gets referred to ever but in case you were curious kazia's good side is depicted as a blonde white woman so hey but none of this matters devil or no laser beams or no heihachi mashima is the strongest man in the world and he will air juggle your ass even with the scary demonic power kazuya loses to his father hihachi regains the mishima zaibatsu and once again proves his dominance and thus he aims to rectify a mistake he made over 23 years ago he shouldn't have thrown kazuya into a ravine instead he should have thrown him into a volcano yes he picks up kaz's unconscious body and chucks it into molten lava then he flies away by helicopter while the damn thing erupts in the background kazuya mishima is dead heihachi does not [ __ ] around with the devil taken care of and things returning to normal the only trace of kazia left is his child one that will be raised by jun kazama [Music] tekken 3 is a turning point for the series in many ways on the gameplay side this is when it started getting really good faster combat more fluidity it all feels drastically better than the two games that came before it and everyone took notice which is why tekken 3 is often considered one of the greatest playstation games ever made but in terms of lore this game changed the tone the visual style and even the time frame tekken 3 takes place 18 years after tekken 2 where once heihachi had black hair he now has gray hair where once we followed kazia we now follow his son a new generation of fighters a new era to unfold a new energy had entered the franchise and it has been intoxicating ever since so the story kicks off in south america where an ancient evil awakens from some ruins this evil is the god of fighting known as ogre its origins are shrouded in mystery with some theorizing that it was dropped on this planet by extraterrestrials it speaks a weird language it's a big muscular green man and the only thing it lives for is absorbing qi of other fighters i don't know how martial artist energies differ from ours but ogre does and with the ability to sense this power he travels all over the globe to battle and this actually leads to casualties as ogre finds king the mexican wrestler and actually kills him oh yeah did you think king in tekken 7 was the same king in tekken 1 no way jose ogre beats the taekwondo fighter beck so badly that the dude ends up in a coma until tekken 5. martial artists from all over the world start disappearing leading to detective lei wulon to open up a case for it but by far the biggest target of ogres is jun kazama ever since tekken 2 jun has been raising her son jin in yakushima and she's trained him in martial arts she's taught him good values the importance of morality but now something's coming because june can sense evil energies she warns jyn that if anything ever happens to her he needs to seek out his grandfather heihachi and sure enough ogre shows up trashes the place and knocks jin unconscious when he comes to both ogre and his mother are gone aside from the non-canon tag games jun never comes back hihachi is intrigued by this ogre he's always heard of it but now the beast has finally woken up if he could capture ogre study his body study his blood perhaps heihachi could unlock that strength for himself and jin his grandson a chip off the old block he takes the mishima style karate very well convincing heihachi that he would make for the perfect bait to draw ogre out and naturally jin is fueled with hate fueled with revenge desperate to fight ogre once more this would eventually lead to heihachi starting the king of iron fist tournament 3. but let's not get ahead of ourselves he still takes care of jen and puts him in high school the mishima polytechnic high school to be exact a facility that not only has framed pictures of heihachi everywhere but also a giant golden statue so that the students can worship him like a god again i find heihachi so damn fascinating because the guy is just so in love with himself anyone who can win the king of iron fist is given a trophy that is modeled after his own head the dude literally has a bowling alley in the zaibatsu headquarters with these trophies as the bowling pins i tell you i would love to have heihachi as my grandpa and i'm not the only one as jin goes to school with ling xiaoyu a chinese girl who's distantly related to wang jin rae one day she stows aboard a yacht belonging to the mishima zaibatsu and despite being a teenager she single-handedly kicks all of the guard's asses hihachi finds this so impressive and so amusing that he agrees to take her as a ward enrolling her into his school and as a gesture of good faith he also gives her a bodyguard panda specifically a panda bear that knows mishama style karate i i i why a panda bear there's gotta be better and easier ways to give xiaoyu protection you know this is the second time heihachi's raised a bear actually no sorry i have to scratch that with the time jump the original kuma passed away of natural causes i know that's sad right but don't worry because kuma had a baby cub and that bear is also named kuma yeah heihachi isn't a very creative person especially when you realize that kuma is the japanese word for bear kuma may as well be exactly the same as his dad down to the rivalry with paul phoenix although there is one difference he's in love [Music] [Music] yes kuma is in love with panda who always rejects his advances but i believe in him one day he'll win her over besides being xiaoyu's best friend panda is also her method of transportation and this bear must have a rocket jet upper ass because holy [ __ ] panda runs about as fast as sonic the hedgehog i just can't with this series sometimes jin kazama has done his fair share of fighting though and this earns him the rivalry of warang warang is a taekwondo fighter who served under beck from tekken 2 but with his master hospitalized because of ogre the kids gotta let out his frustration somehow he and jin once battled each other to a draw much like kazia and paul before them and you can bet that these two will be seeing more of each other as the series goes on eddie gordo oh one of the coolest characters ever tekken 3 was my introduction to capoeira i had never seen anyone fight with dancing flair before it was just so damn unique eddie was sent to prison years ago for the murder of his father a crime he didn't commit while behind bars he met a capoeira master who agreed to teach eddie everything he knew once he gets out of prison he seeks out the mishima zaibatsu to help him find his father's killers brian fury oh man this guy's a nut job originally a corrupt police officer in hong kong brian was killed when he got involved in a shootout dead finito deceased that is until his body was recovered by dr abel the creepy scientist that took out jack if boscanovic is the doctor light then able is the dr wylie always feeling underappreciated by comparison he vows to create the ultimate bad science that nobody can deny and so he resurrects brian with a cyborg body all in the hopes of perfecting an army of super soldiers as a cyborg brian fury is damn near invincible bullets bounce off the guy he can shrug off artillery from a tank the dude is now so strong he can lift incredibly heavy objects and swing them around like it's super mario 64. becoming a cyborg was the greatest thing that ever happened to the guy because what brian enjoys most is fighting the thrill of battle the satisfaction of killing when he wins a match in tekken he actually pummels the [ __ ] out of his downed opponent this guy has no chill and if you see him in a dark alleyway you'd be wise to get the hell out of there the universe of tekken works in mysterious ways ever since ogre awakened and went on a rampage another being came to life as well mokujin mokujin is a 2000 year old training dummy whose entire motivation is to eliminate ogre this is a unique fighter in that it mimics every other fighting style in the game switching out how it plays every single round i want to say that mokujin is just a comic relief character because all of its endings are very strange like apparently mokujin has a giant big breasted wife who mistreats him badly forcing him on errands in a live-action forest also he loves playing tekken 3 which is an arcade in this forest in one ending he literally visits the bandai namco headquarters for a tour flirting with all of the ladies who work there all of this is canon god damn it and rounding off the roster there's a few returning characters but also a lot of new generation types instead of having martial law we now have his son forest law although you know what's weird about that from tekken 4 onwards marshall returns to enter the tournaments and forest doesn't they establish that the sun fights exactly like the dad and then they go hey you know what we like the dad better king's still in the game but it's obviously a different person it's a boy who grew up in the original king's orphanage mentored by armor king to be his replacement michelle has retired from fighting but she taught everything she knows to her adopted daughter julia julia's goal is to reforest her land when all of a sudden the mishima zaibatsu kidnapped michelle and the medallion she recovered in tekken 2. it turns out that this object that got michelle's father killed apparently has the power to control ogre i'm not sure if heihachi ever figured out how to use it remember jane the little girl that jack saved well after 18 years of learning robotics she manages to install jack's consciousness into a new experimental body thus creating gunjack the williams sisters finally wake up from their cryosleep apparently they sensed ogre's presence and it jolted them awake very peculiar anna came out fine but nina emerges with amnesia other than her fighting and assassination skills she doesn't remember anything about the person she used to be what was the cryo machine's purpose anyway the reason it was created in the first place was so that dr boscanovic could find the solution to eternal life something he was desperate to acquire after losing his daughter elissa to an unexpected illness keep that in mind for the future yoshimitsu is looking to collect ogre's blood to help with boscanovich's deteriorating health a plot point that is all but forgotten in tekken 4 onwards and last but not least paul phoenix is back at the ripe old age of 46 and he's looking to get the glory he could never attain so yeah folks that's the roster the stage is set heihachi announces the king of iron fist tournament three and i guess ogre's just gonna show up see i've always wondered how exactly this whole thing works the assumption is that the gathering of fighters will attract ogre to them but the final match also takes place in the temple that he came from is it empty is ogre sleeping in there is the green monster man honoring the results of the tournament or does he coincidentally show up at the finals i'd like to imagine that hihachi used michelle's medallion to control him but it also asked the question of why have a fighting tournament at all maybe that netflix tekken series will help explain this a lot better all you need to know is that it's a video game ass video game and ogre's the final boss so first up paul phoenix defeats kuma again seriously this is getting to be a broken record but this is constantly established in kuma's backstories these bears just can't catch a break jin kazama defeats his rival warang to be honest this isn't outright confirmed but going by the wording of warang's tekken 4 prologue and his attitude in his non-canon ending it just seems like they definitely battled each other but of course i could be wrong at some point julia manages to rescue her mother michelle and eddie gordo discovers that the man who killed his father was none other than the late kazuya mishima oh and at some point dr abel activates his space cannon again in the hopes of trying to kill gun jack like he did jack 2. and this ending is kind of interesting if you watch it as is in the tekken 7 menus today you're getting the bad ending the ending where able nukes the area so badly that it kills both gun jack and jane for whatever reason tekken 3 gave gunjack two endings because if you beat the story mode a second time the same ending will play out except this time around gun jack spawns a force field that protects the two of them just fine i don't know what the logic was there but someone behind tekken 7 obviously didn't know this as only the bad ending is viewable and that's about it there's not much to go off of reading material from future games the details of the tournament seem pretty ambiguous but we definitely know how it ends the final battle takes place in the south american ruins it's ogre versus paul phoenix yeah paul manages to hang in there until he comes face to face with the monster itself it's a fierce fight between the two competitors but there can only be one winner and that winner was paul phoenix i'm not kidding that's actually the lore paul went undefeated through the entire king of iron fist tournament three and even triumphed over ogre the monster that killed king that killed june that put back in the hospital the big bad of tekken 3 taken out by the ultimate underdog incredible nowadays paul phoenix finds himself as a bit of a comic relief character always being put into silly situations but in the 90s this dude consistently made it to the finals of every single tournament being on equal terms with both kazuya and ogre i love this aspect because sometimes it gets kind of boring seeing the same main characters take the crown and paul getting so damn close when he has nothing to do with them that's the chaos i live for but i have to burst the bubble and explain why he didn't win the tournament you see ogre actually has two forms and while paul celebrated over beating the first he didn't stick around to actually see the beast transform and thus ogre becomes true ogre a gigantic winged snake armed fire breathing abomination that jin kazama takes on now tekken 4 says that paul was undefeated so i have to wonder if he actually battled heihachi and jin or if ogre interfered before paul could take jin on either way jin gets the ultimate victory ogre disintegrates into goop and jin kazama has avenged his mother he has won the king of iron fist tournament three too bad he won't be allowed to enjoy the victory jesus christ not only is he hachi a shitty father he's a shitty grandpa too with ogre defeated jin is no longer any use to him just another blood relative getting ready to knock him off his perch plus this is kazia's son which means there's a very good chance that this kid has some devilish tricks up his sleeve and well [Music] oh you gotta love how heihachi was thrown headfirst through a thick stone wall was spiked into the ground from a massive fall and the dude just gets up like it's nothing but yeah jin kazama definitely has the devil gene and now he's on the run not just from heihachi but also his dad i personally love tekken 4 i know it's the black sheep on a competitive level but in terms of atmosphere and music and overall presentation i always thought this game was amazing it was the first entry to start having prologues before a character's story and that saves me a world of research everything i told you about tekkens one through three required me reading instruction manuals strategy guides and the wiki lots of research to do whereas now we've got definitive storytelling thank god so two years have passed since the defeat of ogre jin kazama has been hiding in brisbane australia where he's been unlearning heihachi's teachings because jin now loads the mishima bloodline and everything associated with it heihachi has been searching for him this whole entire time you see even though the zaibatsu recovered ogre's body he can't actually use its power without one key ingredient the devil gene without his grandson there's just nothing he can do but one day the zaibatsu brings him brand new information about g-corporation a biotech firm that deals in genetic research it turns out that after the king of iron fist tournament 2 they recovered qazia's body from the volcano how did they know to find him in there was heihachi just bragging to everyone he knew like yeah i threw my bitch-ass son in there it was awesome but if the company has khazia's body that means heihachi can steal it and get the devil gene so he sends in the tekken force the zaibatsu's military squad to ransack the g-corporation building they bust in dispose of the scientists steal all kinds of data like it's nothing until they don't because all of a sudden one man single-handedly kicks their ass [Music] oh yeah mad science rears its ugly head again because the g corporation actually brought this [ __ ] back from the dead not only that but they also performed various experiments on kazuya over the years helping him discover a way to unify the devil gene to eliminate the other persona and gain complete control [Music] bad day for heihachi but this presents an opportunity hihachi announces the king of iron fist tournament 4 and instead of just getting a trophy the winner will gain control of the mishima zaibatsu itself hot damn kazuya definitely recognizes this for the trap that it is but gladly participates anyway and jin upon hearing of both the tournament and his father's survival also rushes in to eliminate his family for good certainly no love loss for his evil father but yeah tekken 4's got a lot going on in the story with only three of the characters being new instead of having eddie gordo we have christy montero she is the granddaughter of the capoeira master who taught eddie how to fight after iron fist 3 eddie passed this knowledge onto her making her gameplay damn near identical when eddie leaves to confront his father's killer she chases after by entering the tournament and then there's craig marduk a vale tudo cage fighter this guy was on top of the mixed martial arts world but then one day he got caught in some kind of scandal and with public shame comes bitterness and resentment marduk is an angry [ __ ] he takes what he wants and no one will deny him oh yeah baby that's what i'm talking about you need to get with me girl oh i am not into neanderthals i always get what i want [Music] i'm sure he'll wait for anna to wake up and politely ask again for consent his attitude boils over one day at the bar when he picks a fight with someone and murders them this gets him sent to prison he'd be serving a much longer sentence if not for some mysterious benefactor one who manages to pay off the judiciaries and invites marduk to iron fist four who is this benefactor it's king for you see the man that marduk murdered was actually armor king yes armor king is dead and his apprentice wants revenge he enters the tournament hell bent on destroying his master's killer steve fox is a young british boxer with a weird scar on his arm he was adopted as a kid and doesn't remember his childhood one day he refused to throw a fight for a mafia group known as the syndicate he flees to america but eventually grows frustrated from all the subterfuge rather than live his life in fear he chooses to join iron fist 4. naturally that puts him in the spotlight and so the syndicate hires an assassin to murder the man at the tournament that assassin being nina williams who still hasn't regained her memory but she'll have to watch out for lei wulan whose new case involves bringing down the syndicate lee chaolan's evolution has always been fascinating to me see this guy was kicked out of the zaibatsu for siding with kazia a guy he really doesn't like and at first he was kinda bitter about that but then lee decides to turn his life around he adopts a new persona becoming violet the ceo of violet systems this company creates robots from housekeepers to fighting machines lee believes them to be the future and this move pays off because the guy ends up as a playboy billionaire living in a mansion in the bahamas i gotta imagine the thing that attracts all the ladies is his gigantic [ __ ] holy moly even john holmes would be jealous of this guy i swear to god i didn't edit that image that is real but i love the changing of expectations here see you'd expect him to be a rich fuckboy the [ __ ] rival heihachi always wanted him to be but instead lee is really chill he's always siding with the good guys he's always being courteous and lovely the guy has a catchphrase now excellent [Music] excellent anyway he enters the tournament to help demonstrate the capabilities of combat a machine he designed that can copy any fighting style this thing is a playable character and operates exactly like mokujin did paul fenix did defeat ogre but since he left before its final form he was not recognized as the winner of the last tournament paul becomes bitter despondent and even hated as his fans get tired of his whining the dude's dojo goes under and he's basically living in the streets he enters the tournament to once again prove the critics wrong and his buddy martial law isn't doing much better as the guy's restaurant goes bankrupt competing with another restaurant chain and this basically becomes the guy's constant struggle every single tournament from this point onwards law is always desperately competing for cash and that's all i have to say kuma was not happy about losing to paul phoenix so we figured to get his animal instinct back he needed to leave the cushy comfort of the zaibatsu and return to the wilderness and out there he gets that edge a bear like him is supposed to have brian fury loves being a cyborg but unfortunately he has a very tiny lifespan his body is deteriorating and only dr abel who's now working for the mishima zaibatsu can possibly save him he enters the tournament to get closer to his creator julia invested money into g corporation because they were the only company willing to help reforest her land but after the zaibatsu raided their labs the reforestation data disappeared with them she enters to get it back and with that the stage is set it's a lot of setup but this game has a lot of story so first up i have to assume that paul phoenix defeated steve fox in tekken 5 we get artwork depicting this and there's no way that paul could have lost steve might have faced off with nina beforehand but there's no real evidence to say that but now it's time for another crazy reveal lei wulan comes to steve with information that he found in the zaibatsu's mainframe and this is bombshell stuff basically heihachi was trying to absorb ogre's power but he had to do a lot of experimenting to get results and what makes better test subjects than children but heihachi doesn't abduct children oh no no instead he takes advantage of the cryo chambers he's come back to and impregnates nina williams through in vitro fertilization oh yeah steve is nina's lab baby and the kid was experimented on by creepo doctors like it's some kind of horror show and you know when you remember that anna was also in cryosleep it really makes you wonder if she's got a kid out there too good lord when the syndicate briefs nina on her target she finds the surprising and decides to give up on the mission but she's not exactly broken up over this she doesn't try to talk to steve hell she willingly works with heihachi later reinforcing her cold detached nature to her it's just business nothing personal afterwards lei wulan would take down the syndicate for good king faces off with marduk and absolutely destroys him but it's still not enough king follows marduk into the hospital where he plans to end his life for good but as he's about to deliver the killing blow he notices the cage fighter's belongings on the table and seeing that photo of marduk's family made king realize that if he were to go through with this he would be no better it's a pretty good scene as long as you can take the jaguar part seriously now brian fury ends up meeting with dr abel but unfortunately for the bad doctor his ass gets punched so hard that his body makes a giant crack in the wall considering brian's entire motivation for entering this tournament was to extend his lifespan i'm not really sure why he did this brian loves being a cyborg the guy would be dead otherwise so what gives brian falls unconscious after this punch but yoshimitsu oh yeah yoshi's in this game ends up finding him he takes brian to the manji clan's headquarters where the good dr boscanovic tells him that he will absolutely help well ain't that nice of him i wonder how brian will repay the favor but it should be mentioned that dr abel never comes back he's not in tekken 5 not in tekken 6 and when he does get a mention in tekken 7 it's in the past tense referring to the late doctor's legacy he's absolutely dead so i have to make assumptions aside from winning the tournament brian's ending is absolutely canon so there's no reason to assume that he didn't destroy abel kinda surprising i figured they would have kept that character around for the fourth time in a row paul phoenix faces off with kuma well technically the second but you know what i mean but wallowing in misery can't compare to training in the wilderness kuma does what his father couldn't and defeats paul phoenix at long last right i guess he's not that much of a joke character if he can beat the man who beat ogre lee ends up facing off with kazia but the playboy is still no match for his stepbrother he and combat both suffer defeat with victory over lee cass is all set to face off with his son jin kazama but unfortunately the kid doesn't show up and ends up disqualified from the tournament and that's because heihachi sticked the tekken force onto him where they proceed to drug and capture the lad thus the final battle is a three-peat as it's once again between kazuya and heihachi interesting thing about this encounter when you play as any of the non-mishimas heihachi is typically the final boss now when he's facing off with kazuya he wears his traditional black ghee but with anyone else he always enters the arena in a fundoshi after all heihachi is a warrior's warrior he doesn't want any tricks he doesn't need assistance he wants to fight completely naked the only problem is that it's incredibly revealing heihachi's bare ass is staring the player right in the face look at that thing the string is riding right up his ass crack i can practically see his taints i don't mean to be disrespectful to japanese culture but good lord am i a gamer or a proctologist [Music] so after a tough bout believe it or not heihachi once again defeats kazuya i know right after that amazing opening after all those years of wanting revenge and the old man still pulls it off heihachi is the official winner of the king of iron fist tournament four but the old man's not done and he tells cass that he can lead him to gin so the two travel deep into the zaibatsu compound to a temple in the forest known as han maru there kazya finds jinn tied up in chains which couldn't be more perfect the devil takes over kazia once again and explains that when jun and kaz got together a part of himself went away into the body of jinn hence why he has the devil gene but now's the time to take that power back or so the devil thinks because the 20 years of research that kazia has done has helped teach him how to unify this power fighting from within kazuya eliminates the devil persona completely incorporating it into his own being there is no devil anymore only kazuya that's sweet he's a good guy now right oh don't be silly caz may be in control but he still wants the same thing the power to conquer the world so jin and kazia battle each other for the first time ever a double gene clash between father and son and in the end jin kazama proves his strength by beating his old man but that's when he hachi takes advantage and picks a fight too but this kid is so damn talented he disposes both of the mishimas at the exact same time the chance to rid the world of this menace is finally here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] leaving his vengeance behind his father his grandfather they get to live for another day well at least one of them does [Music] immediately after jyn leaves the temple gets bombarded by jack robots belonging to the g-corporation the company has betrayed kazuya and is now looking to dispose of him as well as heihachi temporary team up let's [ __ ] go the opening to tekken 5 is one of the greatest that's ever existed just kaz and heihachi kicking all kinds of robot ass as the most badass tag team ever for a while anyway dick move kazia dude makes his getaway as the jacks pile on [Music] is dead [Music] oh that's so badass but yeah folks hihachi mashima is dead super dead never coming back unless you immediately start playing as either kazuya or raven in this game because you'll be watching the cutscenes and oh never mind there he is heihachi is playable in tekken 5 so the whole getting killed thing is kinda meaningless so like the jacks blow up han maru and heihachi gets blasted from the site just launched across the entire forest eventually landing in a grave in a nearby cemetery he penetrates the dirt and just lies there and lies there and lies there and two months later heihachi finally wakes up completely fine ready to bust some heads the man is unkillable the guy was literally buried under dirt for months and he didn't need to eat food or anything i think he might secretly be a kryptonian but yeah uh interesting thing about tekken 5 according to tekken 6 heihachi only woke up after tekken 5. his entire existence is non-canon because he was never there which is a shame because he missed out on a family reunion for you see the han maru temple's explosion didn't just send heihachi and kazia away it also woke someone up the dead man that was chained up in the basement jinpachi mishima heihachi's dad is here back from the dead i alluded to this earlier but yes hihachi killed his father and stole the mishima zaibatsu from him but it wasn't a quick thing he didn't just shoot him or throw him into a volcano instead he chained him up in hanmaru and made him lift a giant boulder until he eventually starved to death seems like an especially horrible way to die bad father bad grandpa terrible child good lord so jinpachi was dead until some thing took over his body and resurrected him it's not the devil gene it's just some evil force that's never really elaborated on seriously beyond leilu lawn's ending no one talks about what's happened to him even the tekken wiki is just like it's a demonic force of unknown origins so yeah the idea is that this demon force is slowly taking over his body and when it gains full control it's going to destroy the world so using his last ounce of humanity jinpachi takes control of the mishima zaibatsu and two months later he announces the king of ironfist tournament five because why call the military why kill yourself just get a bunch of martial artists to take you out dumb dumb dumb plot but hey that's the setup for tekken 5. once again the prize is the zaibatsu itself which intrigues jin kazama who is now suffering nightmares that trigger his devil gene his alter ego is too dangerous and jyn can't hold it off forever he enters the tournament to find a solution we got another batch of newbies to talk about one of which you've already seen raven there's not much to say about him he's a special operatives agent working for a shadowy organization he's entered the tournament to collect information non-descript non-specific information he is but one of many ravens that all serve under one leader the aptly named master raven all you need to know about raven is that he's so cool he can stand on top of a fighter jet while it's flying at full speed hell he can stand underneath one those are some magnetic boots man next up is feng wei a chinese kenpo fighter who wants to be the strongest man in the world after getting into fights outside of his training he gets scolded by his master naturally feng took that as an insult and murdered the man he then spends his time seeking out a scroll known as the secrets of god fist something he believes will give him ultimate power he attacks every dojo he comes across looking for the thing until it becomes clear that it's in the clutches of the mishima zaibatsu he enters the tournament to retrieve it but his dojo attacks spur another competitor and her name is oscar kazama i want to repeat that oscar kazama this girl is a distant relative of jun kazama and the cousin of jin kazama i have no idea how big the kazama family is but it's clearly far from gone after fenway attacks her family's dojo the girl rushes into the tournament to get revenge she apparently doesn't know that jyn is related to her so i guess jun didn't talk with the rest of her family next up is lily deroshfort the daughter of a wealthy oil tycoon one day she got abducted by criminals who wanted to ransom her for money but lily didn't go without a fight and she managed to beat the crap out of her captor the thrill of combat was intoxicating so from that point onwards she spent her time learning martial arts in secret so as not to upset her troubled father one day she gets into a fight and defeats forest law and that's when he hands her the invitation to the king of iron fist tournament five she figures what could be better for her daddy than to obtain the mishima zaibatsu you remember roger the boxing kangaroo well it turns out that he found a wife and the two had a baby roger jr and everything was going hunky-dory until strangers came and kidnapped the guy so roger jr inside the pouch of his mother enters the tournament to save his father but let's be honest his mom is doing all the leg work i guess she was genetically altered by dr boscanovich ii and also isn't it kinda dangerous to keep your child on your person when you get into fist fights with some of the deadliest warriors known to man your child could get [ __ ] killed out there bad kangaroo bad xiaoyu managed to find out the mishima history after iron fist 4 and she feels really sad that heihachi died if only he hadn't thrown his son into a ravine and then all of a sudden she meets a scientist who knows how to build a time machine what who is this guy how did xiaoyu find him where the [ __ ] do you learn to build something like that don't worry tekken doesn't get so crazy that characters travel back in time at least not yet king may have been satisfied with defeating marduk but the guy was undefeated and he doesn't take his loss very well the dude literally steals the late armor king's jaguar mask and demands a rematch king can't let this disrespect stand so he accepts the challenge remember how dr boscanovic was going to save brian fury well he does he gives the guy a perpetual generator and now he can live a long life again brian thanks the doctor by going ape [ __ ] and destroying the manji clan's laboratory he kills tons of people in the process forcing yoshimitsu to chase him into the tournament for retribution after lei wulon disbanded the syndicate nina found herself out of a job lost she decides to confide in the woman who claims to be her sister she calls up anna for a meeting but as soon as she sees her again the memories come flooding back nina remembers everything including how the zaibatsu defeated her instantly nina starts trying to kill anna and the two battle for literal days that's a lot of stamina eventually the two get exhausted and agree to settle things at the tournament that [ __ ] after christy's grandfather finally gets out from prison she and eddie find that he's incredibly sick it's after talking to a doctor that is discovered he's terminally ill lacking the money needed to save his life the only hope these two have is to win the tournament after kazia was defeated during iron fist two gunryu retired from sumo wrestling but he still liked to keep track of zaibatsu events and that's how he comes across julia chang reminder this guy was madly in love with michelle and now he's become infatuated with her daughter at the ripe old age of 55. since julia's still seeking g corporation's reforestation data ganryu figures retrieving it himself would be the key to winning her heart but he's not the oldest competitor returning because jinpachi sent his best friend wang jinrei a letter inviting him to compete as well and let's see at this point in the story wang would be 105 years old the dude was 82 back in tekken 1. his bones must be as stable as graham crackers at this point but hey maybe he'll surprise me and on that note let's talk about the tournament so first up jin kazama defeats wang jinrei okay never mind this is arguably disappointing because the thing we know most about wang's backstory is that he was best friends with jinpachi mishima the two have an incredibly close bond if anyone deserved to take him down it was jin ray but according to tekken 6 he didn't even get to see the guy cannon can often be anticlimactic king and marduk battle for the second time in a row and once again king emerges victorious although this outcome changes things forever like an echo of the past marduk realizes that king is the real deal and rather than hold a grudge he chooses to be his ally king and marduk become best friends and also a formidable tag team all that bad blood gone forever nina faces off with anna and gains the victory that didn't satisfy me at all i refuse to kill you paul phoenix enters the tournament with new determination after losing tokuma and of course because someone [ __ ] hates paul he finds himself battling kuma yet again this time paul squeaks out a victory but he is so exhausted from the encounter that he bows out of the tournament yoshimitsu clashes with brian fury and scores the win afterwards the cyborg makes his escape living to fight another day oscar meets with lily for the first time and defeats her but this would be the worst mistake of her life because she's made a lifetime rival for doing so lily forever obsessed with wanting to one-up the young kazama and that's all i got to say about oscar because the girl never ends up crossing paths with feng wei the guy she wanted to fight she also never interacts with her cousin jin thus wasting a lot of potential the character could have had since feng doesn't win the tournament eventually he just breaks into the mishima zaibatsu's vault and steals the scroll he was looking for and instead of gaining ultimate power he instead finds words of wisdom he who destroys all other fighting styles and makes them his own shall become a warrior superior to all men well golly thanks for that enlightenment that's the equivalent of saying if you want to master something you should practice at it until you get good riveting fang takes this advice and his story hasn't budged since jyn faces off with his rival warang who was recently reunited with his master beck after he finally woke up from his coma and taking the new advice that beck put on to him warang gives it his all in the fight and he actually wins yes he defeats the badass hero of the last two games putting him down and knocking him out holy [ __ ] this is what i like to see the mishimas aren't so invincible but while he lies unconscious something else wakes up devil jin the devil form rises up catching warang off guard and just brutalizes the guy [ __ ] him up good to the point that he has to be sent to the hospital in critical condition the judges have no reason to deny it so jin ultimately wins the fight and thus advances to the finals devil jinn is an actual character in the games he is a separate fighter from jin who uses the mishima combat style that was in tekken 3 and tekken tag because a lot of people didn't like that jin fought so differently in tekken 4. also it fills the quota that every fighting game ever has to meet where the hero of the story has some dark alter ego that is actually playable revenant liu kang evil ryu it's just a thing i don't know what to tell you gunryu doesn't win the tournament but he does sneak into the mishima zaibatsu labs and actually finds julius reforestation data he meets with her to deliver the goods [Music] dude you just had to put the data disk on your sweaty smelly dick didn't you good god i can't thank you enough [Music] he did a great thing for the wrong reason don't think she'll be interested anytime soon however this is a great day for julia because getting that research back allows her to actually grow a little seedling thus making it possible to reforest her land the things she's always wanted now back on track in another laboratory one abandoned by dr boscanovic roger jr goes looking for any kind of trace of his dad and well [Music] yeah roger is a terrible father and husband he wasn't abducted at all just enjoying a life of luxury and cheating on his wife he's been smooching all kinds of lady kangaroos while his family was struggling financially what a dick what i find amusing about all this is that roger jr ends up running into alex rogers dinosaur rival after kicking his ass in a very comical way he brings the guy into his home where alex hits it off with roger's wife the dinosaur is now a beloved father figure within the kangaroo family all while roger realizes what a terrible mistake he's made duh the fact that this goofy [ __ ] is canon warms my cold dead heart ah what else happens well kazia does participate in the tournament but he doesn't seem to stick around for long eventually he runs into one of his old bodyguards the returning bruce irvin who's alive and well and then the two just leave kazia may have lost to jin but they never say that's what's happened and even in jin's story mode there's never a mandatory battle between the two the only thing tekken 6 and 7 likes to say is that kazuya eventually gets revenge on the corporate bigwigs there is more to it than that but first i gotta cover the finale jyn kazama is once again unstoppable and he comes face to face with the great grandfather he's never met before and the old man isn't just a master martial artist he's also grown a goddamn demon mouth on his stomach that shoots unblockable fireballs [Music] in the middle of a whirlwind tornado jinn battles his great granddad with everything he's got and once again the young kazama ekes out a victory destroying jinpachi for good but this presents an interesting ending to tekken 5. instead of running off as devil gin he stays put and inherits the mishima zaibatsu all those yakuza the tekken force the entire conglomerate it all belongs to the most noble and heroic member of the mishima family and it makes you wonder now that jyn has all of this power what's he gonna do with it [Music] so the story begins with jin kazama starting world war three oh yes i'm serious the first thing that jyn does when he gains control is start claiming oil refineries space stations anything that can give the zaibatsu power he expands the military and sends the tekken force to every corner of the planet just to tear [ __ ] up and conquer everything and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it he just attacks civilians because he can the mishima zaibatsu is so strong and has so much power that they somehow managed to conquer the united nations i'm no geopolitical expert but that sounds [ __ ] impossible the governments of the world all just sit there impotent to combat this threat but one giant organization is leading the charge forming the biggest resistance to the zaifatsu's evil and that organization is g-corporation see after killing all of the executives that betrayed him khasia became the new ceo of the company and i thought it was just a small biotech firm but apparently it's expanded quite a bit now g corp has its own private military with thousands of soldiers and tanks it's the face of multimedia entertainment sponsoring such j-pop idols as lucky chloe who of course is a martial artist and playable character the g corporation is using its mad science to create super soldiers in the form of roided out hulk men who scream like [ __ ] monsters and even if they didn't have those they still have the jack units because jane is developing them for the company and why not they're the only ones taking the fight to that evil dictator jin kazama seriously as far as the public is concerned kazia is nothing but a saint a hero who's trying to save the world if they only knew kazi has offered a substantial bounty to anyone who can bring him jin kazama's head and as a response to this the zaibatsu leader decides to announce the king of iron fist tournament six which i'm not really sure if now is the time for martial artists to be competing in tests of strength but i gotta take a second to acknowledge how the narrative changed from this point onwards it's the first high definition tekken game the first one to have online play and it's also the first one to have a proper story mode previously these games have only been experienced one character at a time fighting eight or nine matches and taking any cutscene you can get but tekken 6 has a full-blown scenario campaign that focuses on two new characters lars alexanderson and alyssa voskanovic the story follows him the entire way through as you battle in over 38 stages each filled with dozens of goons and special bosses it's completely canon it's events referenced in tekken 7. which is fine but the king of iron fist tournament 6 goes completely ignored the characters don't talk like they're preparing for it they don't talk like it just happened lars and alyssa never enter any competition they just headed to skirmishes against the zaibatsu and g-corp the side character is only seeming to be there so that you have a boss to fight and when we get to tekken 7 instead of having prologues that advance each fighter's story the player is only briefed on one particular fight that the character finds themself in unless you're a dlc character in which case you don't even get that tekkens 6 and 7 are far more interested in what's going on with the war and the mishamas i don't have any tournament details anymore because there aren't any so yeah lars alex anderson used to be the head of the tekken force apparently the dude's always been there behind the scenes we just never got acquainted with him but when jin kazama starts using the zaibatsu to destroy the world lars takes a step back and asks himself wait a minute are we the baddies and so he breaks off managing to take over 50 percent of the tekken force with him god damn these turncoat tekkens would wear new flags and call themselves igdrassil it's at this point that eddie gordo approaches jyn for help regarding his capoeira master see he didn't win the last tournament which means he still doesn't have the money to pay for his medical bills jyn agrees to help but only if eddie fills the vacant spot left behind by lars and so eddie gordo becomes the leader of the tekken force participating in a war he wanted nothing to do with he shares an advisory role with nina williams who acts as jin kazama's second in command in fact nina joining the zaibatsu encourages her sister anna to join g corporation along with bruce irvin quite the stables we got here anyway the plot really kicks off when igracial goes on a mission to take over one of the zaibatsu's laboratories lars leads his squad inside kicking all kinds of ass when eventually they come across a control room with some kind of prio chamber sirius yeah do you remember that plot point from tekken 3 of course you don't during this invasion you drastic will get surprised when g corporation also shows up flooding the place with jack robots there's a scuffle and an explosion which knocks lars out and conveniently gives him amnesia it's at this point that he accidentally opens the cryo chamber unleashing alyssa voskanovic who is equipped with jet boosters chainsaw arms and also has the ability to take off her own head and use it as an explosive she has an infinite supply of heads thanks to nano machines this character is so anime and over the top that even for some tekken fans it was too much oh i can handle the devil gene i can handle bears who know kung fu but kawaii anime robot girls who tear [ __ ] up with chainsaws you've gone too far tekken i'm more shocked about what kind of guy dr boskanovic is the old man lost his daughter to disease and then completely recreated her as a fighting robot that's really weird man also strange dr boscanovich never appears in either tekken 6 or tekken 7. his robo-daughter plays such a significant role in the story and he just goes bye-bye where is he i don't think he's dead he shows up for the tag games trying to analyze male pattern baldness on the mishimas no really which apparently is negated by the devil gene no really but he himself is just gone now the way that stories are told in tekken is just so bizarre sometimes anyway lars and alissa escaped the base and since they both don't know what's going on they decide to go on a journey for answers one which has them fighting street thugs the tekken force robots bear cubs kangaroos marching parades sumo wrestlers and even goddamn demons there's so little narrative structure to the campaign that i have no idea why they're in the places that they are what good is finding armor king gonna do oh yeah armor king's alive kind of see after king and marduk made up and became friends someone ambushed the valley tudo fighter in the locker room and he looks exactly like armor king but later king is reminiscing about his old master when he makes a shocking discovery [Music] i'm sorry but that jaguar mask makes everything funny turns out this new armor king is the brother of the old one why the hell did he hide that armor king didn't think it was worth mentioning that he was in a tag team with his brother whatever armor king 2 wants revenge on marduk and king is caught in the middle anyway eventually lars ends up running into togu one of his comrades in igracio hearing that the guy has amnesia he tells him that beforehand he was looking forward to meeting hihachi mishima and perhaps seeking him out will jog his memory worth mentioning that lars is a pretty chill guy he values his squad he knows how to joke around the guy isn't an edgelord nor a colossal douchebag just keep that in mind as we get to the twist lars and alyssa do indeed seek out heihachi who this whole entire time has been chilling in his estate after a failed assassination attempt by the tekken force he's just been plotting and scheming over how to get the zaibatsu back upon seeing heihachi something triggers in lars's head his memory comes back completely reminding him of his true heritage court [Music] is actually a mishima a bastard child from one of heihachi's youthful indiscretions because he can't have the hero of the story be anything but with his memory returned lars aims to kill the man who abandoned his mother [Music] [Applause] once again unkillable lars basically goes all right [ __ ] it i got more important things to do his new goal for the game is to take down jin kazama and end the war this involves breaking into the zaibatsu headquarters taking down the tekken force eddie gordo nina williams even a giant demon robot named nancy yes nancy and of all the times i've gone through tekken 6's arcade mode i have never beaten this damn thing it kicks you to the next match as soon as you lose so it takes forever just to retry screw you nancy but eventually lars ends up riding the elevator into jin's throne room for the guy has commissioned a comically evil statue of his devil gauntlet clutching the world just a tad on the nose before lars can take this guy out though jyn activates his secret weapon horizon gentlemen [Music] finding her in a mishima laboratory was no coincidence dr boscanovich created her to serve as jyn's bodyguard and because he's the head honcho she has to obey anything he commands no alyssa please this isn't you think of all the good times we had anyway jyn makes his escape and heads to egypt to a special ruin that was hidden away by magic until the zaibatsu started destroying the world this place houses a very nasty creature known as azazel the rectifier and apparently it's waking up creating volcanoes and [ __ ] in the middle east lars is joined by raven and proceeds deep inside where he encounters the g-corporation as well he and kazia have a scuffle oh yeah apparently all the electricity that flies off of heihachi and kazia that's a mishama bloodline thing i guess they descended from the thunder god raiden lars reaches the center of the ruins and comes face to face with azazel a giant anubis monster and by far the cheapest [ __ ] boss in any tekken game ever i swear even on easy mode this [ __ ] is ridiculously cheap i hate him with the fury of a thousand sons luckily in scenario campaign you have buffed stats and you can sneak behind him while he's distracted by raven double teaming this prick is so damn satisfying lars defeats the creature but he still has one target left jin kazama but not before being forced to battle his former friend [Music] [Applause] oh you [ __ ] the final battle lars gin and a squadron of tekken force goons who love to snipe me from far away yay but eventually lars pulls off the victory and it's now at the end where we finally get an explanation as to why jyn did all this so remember the nightmares he was having in tekken 5 he was being communicated to by azazel the rectifier and the beast tells jyn that the devil gene is his creation that is zazel is the source and when human misery gets so strong all over the world it's going to return and destroy everyone only someone with the devil gene can stop him but what if his hazel returns long after jyn and kazia are dead who will save the world then so using the power of the zaibatsu jin single-handedly attacks everything and every one just so azazel would wake up earlier and sure enough lars did not actually defeat the beast it comes out of the temple to bring about armageddon but jyn rushes towards it punches a hole through its chest and falls with it into a ravine the creature killed for good it's not for me to judge if he was right or wrong maybe you're such a saint you think you can oh [ __ ] off lady yes jin technically saved the world but he killed so many innocent people to get us there the world will never be the same i remember a lot of people were put off by the decision to turn jin heel and it's completely changed the character now he's an edgy sad boy who just wants to die to get his comeuppance for all the evil that he's done tekken and its morality they just didn't want everything to be so cut and dry lars leaves alyssa with lee chaolon to be restored to normal and raven ends up finding jyn after everything's all said and done and with that we only have one more game to talk about so as of august 2022 this is the newest game in the series it has a two hour long story mode that aims to explain a pressing question that many fans have had for years who was heihachi's wife who was kazia's mother believe it or not the identity of this character was hinted at ages ago in tekken 2 because in the dojo stage you can find an engraved marking pairing up the names of heihachi and kazumi this is something that's actually existed since 1996 but tekken is a very secretive and mysterious franchise so it was left alone until now not much has changed since the end of tekken 6. azazel may be dead but the war between the mishima zaibatsu and g-corporation is still raging strong with jin missing in the middle east the zaibatsu is running aimless this forces heihachi to return from the shadows storming in to take his company back and nina sends the entire tekken force after the guy dudes armed with machine guns and grenades and rocket launchers and heihachi still swats all of them away like the flies they are are you starting to understand why this man is one of my favorite video game characters ever heihachi beats nina's ass declaring the company his once again and nina with nothing better to do decides to serve under him with the zaibatsu back in his control heihachi announces the king of iron fist tournament 7. the purpose of this competition is to draw out kazia and expose him for who he really is you see the king of iron fist tournament 2 wasn't televised so no one but heihachi really saw his devil form and the only time he ever transformed again is when he fled han maru back in tekken 5. no one knows what this guy is capable of only that he's the hero who fought jin kazama this tournament will be the perfect venue to show everyone that he is in fact the devil and that's why the zaibatsu can't possibly stop fighting this war because they're the good guys actually it's quite the plan quite the plan indeed but while meditating inside of his dojo heihachi is visited by a special guest what the hell that's akuma akuma if you're unfamiliar is from capcom's street fighter franchise ever since super street fighter 2 this guy has been a special boss fight one of the deadliest villains in the lore he's a man who sacrificed his humanity to gain the ultimate power the satsui no hado his motivation is to find a truly worthy opponent constantly egging ryu the series hero into joining the dark side that's all well and good but what the hell's he doing here i'm no stranger to the concept of guest characters but they're not typically driving the plot like when you're playing mortal kombat 11 it's not like robocop shows up out of nowhere to save the day but akuma is integral because he is here to deliver vengeance on behalf of kazumi mishima no negotiating foreign [Music] what for context kazumi died on the exact same day that kazia was thrown off the cliff that was like 40 years ago akuma was given a task to prevent two men from destroying the world and he waited until after a [ __ ] world war to start killing them nothing about tekken makes any goddamn sense so the two battle each other and because capcom has really tight protection on their character akuma of course defeats heihachi but to be fair tekken's very protective too because right after delivering the raging demon akuma buries heihachi's body plants him in the ground leaving to go after kazia next but heihachi isn't dead rise from your grave this is getting comical now the raging demon is supposed to be pretty strong it is canon in the street fighter games that m bison was killed by this very move his soul needing to transfer to another body that he had prepared oh yeah street fighter is pretty weird too but still heihachi survived all of that unkill uh ball but for some reason heihachi wants the world to think he's dead so the zaibatsu does just that they cancel the king of ironfist tournament 7. why instead the new plan is to wait for kazuya and akuma to battle and when they do kaz will have no choice but to turn devil form in order to survive and the zaibatsu will be there with drones to take pictures exposing him to the world and that's basically what happens but also heihachi decides to kill them both by utilizing dr abel's space cannon you remember the thing that took out jack 2 is still up there and it's in the possession of heihachi he fires the thing off destroying the g-corporation's millennium tower why did no one think to do that before [Music] and of course kazuya is still alive the world turns on him hihachi sends the devil pictures to the media and everyone is so shocked and horrified to learn that the world savior is actually satan so kazuya gets revenge by firing his big fuck-off devil laser into outer space destroying dr abel's space cannon and this causes satellite debris to crash into a major city which turns the public back against the zaibatsu i'm not kidding apparently the public is under the impression that the zaibatsu did it on purpose why would they do that the atrociousness of the fighting was inconceivable to the average person and they soon forgot about kazuya transforming into a devil because apparently that's something you forget anyway one thing tekken 7 does different from the other games is tell it's story through the eyes of a journalist one who's covering the mishima family looking for information on how this whole war started he approaches heihachi asking for an interview and surprisingly he accepts see this is heihachi's last stand with the reputation of the mishima zaibatsu all but ruined he challenges his son to one last fight winner take off there can be only one so in case he doesn't come back heihachi decides to get his story out there revealing the truth of his wife's death he was married to kazumi hachicho a fellow martial artist that heihachi loved very much that is until she started to show symptoms of a split personality and this alter ego reveals that she married into the mishima family purely to kill heihachi before he eventually becomes a threat to the world the hachicho family has been forever cursed with the devil gene exacting vengeance on whomever they please they have a fierce fight but again hihachi is just too damn powerful [Music] [Music] just brutal snaps his wife's neck despite how devastated it leaves him and so we have a bit of a retcon here hihachi did not throw his son off the cliff to see if he was worthy of the mishama name he did it because he wanted to see if his son had the devil gene which is a little confusing if he does survive then why would you raise him knowing full well there's a split personality just waiting to kill ya but if he dies well good one dude you just murdered your innocent son for no reason oh the twisted morality of tekken trying to make us sympathize with the man who laughs maniacally and bombs buildings with laser cannons kazumi knew he was a monster so i'm not sure she's actually a villain but hey kazzy and heihachi meet inside a volcano for their final showdown and my recap can't possibly do it justice it's got multiple phases flashbacks to the past 20 years of tekken games khaz fights in his devil form heihachi turns super saiyan these guys just beat the living [ __ ] out of each other kaz even nuking his old man with lasers that he somehow survives strikes kazia so hard that the guy reverts back to his human form keep in mind that kaz still hasn't beaten his father since tekken 1. he lost in tekken 2 he lost in tekken 4 his dad will not go down he still feels like the helpless five-year-old boy this is his last chance it's now or never [Applause] [Music] and he does it kazuya defeats heihachi mishima and as these tekken games tend to go it ends on a cliff peering over the volcanic landscape [Music] [Music] after all of that heihachi mashima is finally dead god damn so where does this leave the story of tekken well one thing i glossed over is that lars ends up finding jyn in the middle east and brings him to lee chaolon for protection he spends the entire game unconscious until the very end david and that ladies and gentlemen is the insane lore of tekken so i'm not in the habit of doing series recap videos my next project sure as hell won't be two hours long nor will i avoid talking about the gameplay but i can't talk strategy with tekken because i have no grounds to do so i'm no expert hell my footage is probably the most basic combat you've ever seen but that's kind of what i've been trying to say i'm not good at playing it but i've still gotten 20 years of entertainment value the incredible music the badass character designs the ridiculousness that occurs is so damn fun it doesn't matter that i'm playing by myself most of the time because tekken is an experience tekken is a way of life and there's so much that i cut out of this video for brevity i didn't mention the new character eliza a vampire lady who woke up from a deep sleep quicker than she was supposed to so now she's a narcoleptic lily derosefort seems to think that eliza is her sister why do you have a vampire sister you know why nina and anna are dressed as a bride and widow in the character select screen because nina went on an assassination mission to kill a g-corporation guy on his wedding day thing is this guy was getting married to anna who actually found love after tekken 6. nina killed her sister's fiance i am forever on team anna because nina is just an awful person my god there's a lot of non-canon material for you guys to discover and it has pretty good character stuff too in warang's tekken 6 ending he grabs an orb from azel's body which has the power to grant people the devil gene it actually does so in gonryu's ending which would be scary if not for the fact that he's too fat to fly because of course he is but in warang's ending he actually rejects the orb and smashes it to pieces see warang is a proud man he knows that he beat jin fair and square in tekken 5 so the guy refuses to cheat to stoop to jin's level he doesn't need that power he's going to beat devil gin the old fashioned way which may very well be canon we'll just have to wait and see i love kazia's ending in tekken 5 because it shows just how far the man has fallen he loved jinpachi when he was a kid he has nothing but warm feelings for the guy and yet the prospect of power is just far more intoxicating so he gladly kills his grandpa smiling like the devil he is there's a lot of great [ __ ] here so i apologize if i missed out on talking about your favorite character i'm also sorry if i got any details wrong it's kinda hard to keep track of all this please be kind please be kind if there's any wacky [ __ ] in the story that you think i glossed over feel free to mention it in the comments section tekken8 seems to be on the horizon and i look forward to seeing just how crazy that it's going to be so until then let's get ready for the next battle don't forget to subscribe [Music] you
Channel: ClementJ64
Views: 3,586,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ClementJ64, The Great Clement, Clement, Tekken, Tekken 1, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken 4, Tekken 5, Tekken 6, Tekken 7, Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, Bandai Namco, Namco, Tekken Lore, Jin Kazama, King of Iron Fist, The King of Iron Fist Tournament
Id: bA49WgGOKp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 28sec (6568 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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