DIVING UNDER THE ICE!! Worst Challenge Ever!

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He needs to go back to vlogging and stop trying to impress us with these dumb challenges.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RawwRs 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Laughter] oh my god dude what's up but you look exactly how I feel yeah you know you look great but you just you got that comfortable look and look I don't want to do anything welcome to the welcome welcome welcome what are we doing up here boys huh going on what is this it was so clean up here moments ago what happened card boy okay so this is what you're aching triple-layer quad lair you got the handguns oh my gosh you guys are making all kind of stuff up here Caine oh wait I gotta wait to eat ready so today I've been you know sometimes before I pick up this camera I start thinking about like what we're not only what are we gonna vlog today but what's that one thing that's you know gonna be the entertaining part of the magnet entertaining part of the vlog and then you know obviously we do all the family stuff but what's that one thing and usually I have like some ideas sometimes they're a little off sometimes they're funny sometimes they're just ridiculous and instead of like trying to come up with it all day like I'm walking around like what do we get out like what's that one thing today we're gonna do this that you guys are like entertained with and I got nothing all right that's the honest truth I don't have anything today I mean I have some ideas but I was like I don't know if I can pursue them today ha ha ha so I decided let's just grab the camera and film she's you made a sword to get out of control is that bacon tape so that is where I'm just going to bring this camera along for today ting ting ting ting ting by the way you want what did he do today by himself no squatters or something no but I mean you weren't helping him yeah he won in fortnight I've never won around and fortnight no I don't I don't play it but I did play it I never once a good job you took it you got you got two kills in that game two or three that's so yeah if if you lost the game a fortnight yesterday there's a good chance maybe King was it what took you out gonna walk out and check Wow it is absolutely beautiful unfortunately weren't you coming out let's do it unfortunately our snow is almost completely almost completely gone it's melting it's wet the pond looks like a half pond half frozen pond right now oh it's actually kind of depressing I love the snow so much so what you doing getting on trampoline this is mud all right how's it going how's the how's the hat craze it's going crazy or sold out yeah right yesterday actually for us today so weird we literally just launched $10 camo and pink smile more hats I have no I can't I can't imagine us selling out of them today so I'm gonna go ahead and say it today again we have ten dollar camo and pink smile more hats which is super cool super awesome and we are just selling them until they're gone and then they're back yeah well they're a little different they're not our usual if you bought in a camo hat before and they were like twenty bucks it's not that hat they are a little different they're kind of second some of them have flaws some they're like a little bent and the font is actually see you can tell this one's like bent a little it's nothing like some of these are flawless you all came out out girl so yeah those are still available at the time I'm filming this if you want to hat ten bucks right now hey I don't have anything like quota foam today like it's just me in this camera should we do today like like man I'm just being real like we're gonna do the family like we always do but what's the one thing we could do like something just like you know captivates the audience brings them into this journey this excitement what are you looking at pranks the big cockroach on our way out yeah trying to think it's up we do to the guys the guys are downstairs work and she's like creepy crawly bugs yes yeah never prank them with that stuff though there's got to be like a cannon that goes off and shoots dinosaur parts okay whatever it is I'm gonna keep rolling I'm gonna go downstairs are you coming in or you stay down here you're coming downstairs that's perfect all right I'm a wreck now you know why I started with tux just laying now so I don't want to lay we've done a lot today a lot off-camera we've been to the gym we we went to lunch we just I didn't start the blog at all so here we are oh yeah it's coming along down here boys woo so I look like country's prison gym though man so what we doing today I would ask everybody what do we do today what maybe that's the vlog today is that we just we'll do anything we just set the camera down and and just let it roll from 25 30 minutes anywhere I can drywall and drywall that's the blog today guys welcome to the vlog we are hanging drywall with Brian and country down here you know what's funny is chase chase was like I know I'm gonna do your drywall and then he just disappears it seems like he's going we can't do a drywall blog come on guys we got step it up step it up there's a lot of bloggers in the game we got it we got it what do we got you have something so yeah here comes the girls but are you serious like you're working dude off camera no they come with me everywhere these guys yeah what we're just warming we're a team so whatever you got to say to me you can say to them [Laughter] bro my workmen's comp fawful yo what all can we do today I need some help you know as a daily vlog you start running out ideas nothing Oh see there be excited you guys welcome to the vlog we are mocking this floor today so I hope you're ready for something exciting all right what is it what is it yes I swear don't you knock it I really thought about this all right I'm not gonna you haven't given my birthday wish yeah because the pandu they wish uh-huh I think you feel it better uh-huh I think you have a chainsaw here I I think we need to change so and it's time to go get the dip in I'll do it today cut on the eyes if you cut the eyes I will dip into it it's warm out dude I'd like the water still ice it's like but at least yeah take that you take it everybody chainsaw let's go get some real love if if we go get a chainsaw and cut this ice are you gonna dip him what yeah and that's the other thing the ice dip it's all rocks right now I'm not getting in that crunch dog in right now you're making bad deals today that I have nothing to do with me once we got a storm coming look at this no well this is all things against us right now that's just dark clouds you know don't look at me like that it's nice and warm out the chemicals just disappeared it's like we don't use it for a week we come on it's just gone it just disappears all right yes you don't take care of it they just go away and start growing the green stuff no let's just drain it drain it all out put new water and it looks it looks like the pond looks better what'd you say Brit you ready go dipping Veronica you got a dip in the pond you got a dip in the pond really Jase you going with me you go go okay oh god yeah you gotta hurt each other sisters so it's gonna be a night dive it will be a night dive my tongue we go get a chainsaw all right I'm gonna get it let's do it okay you got a chainsaw yeah I got one okay so about 30 it'll be dark when you get back so we're doing that night dive it's all right he might go get it it takes 30 minutes I'll see you and you back seeing 2504 bread everything's still frozen it's just got a top layer of water no flashes flash is so helpful look at he knows you're not actually in danger Cora aah hi baby daddy's going in the ice Brian's gonna go get a chainsaw we're gonna basically be drilling through the ice at night we're gonna need light and we're gonna be doing night diving so it's gonna be oh we are actually just below freezing 31.5 34 31 point four degrees Fahrenheit what would that be Celsius negative 3 negative 7 negative 3 so other than this up melted snow on top of this ice we are just sitting on thick frozen pond and die it's actually really thick still you know I'm so happy you don't have nothing to think of today I come up with the idea so that I get to do what I want this is your idea I'm just first time this is cold day right now it's getting colder and it's getting colder and Brian just send me a text he goes should I take my time I said yes thank you so this is beginning to freeze already it's getting the temperatures dropping it's turning more into ice and water so Brian's gotta go get a chainsaw we're kind of just wait and and she put me put my converse yes I love you remember the story behind me before I knew if I was having a boy or a girl I tweeted out if I have a girl and I was holding these shoes and we had a girl you can rock them now they fit perfect like I guess I got a rock whatever you put on me you got it you got to put yours on I know I have the same one let's do it baby let's do it baby I cannot wait till she's cruising around on a little toes to doom-doom doom-doom to do dude all right chainsaw has arrived are you going in bro so I just cut a big cube around no no we got to do it off the ladder you can climb down the ladder now you can stand on the ladder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah [Applause] oh my did it stick really deep it's a big-block dude here get that out it looks so cold [Music] that is so cold looking looks terrible how thick is that ice how oh my it dude it's thick ice what it's so deep I don't realize how thick the ice 100 sorry look how thick that ice is so this is the depth this is how thick the ice is dude that's what dude that looks amazing holy crap look at the chunks look you're deep that's how the depth of the ice right there that is how deep the ice is hard to tell here's a flashlight crazy it's already freezing dude that is unreal so clear yo we need to mount this flashlight right there well we don't have a hot tub but we do have a tub pice back ready are you ready look that that's how deep the ice is isn't that crazy Brian those big muscles see besides you don't go in so swim trunks are on strip down basically get there why am i I'm ten times more nervous right now to get in that I indicate climb all the way up that mega ramp and attempt to back up a Nitro Circus oh there's just no like I have anxiety right now my heart is like beating over this stupid birthday wish he knew those only birthday wish Plus this is redemption this is my yeah during the Ice Plus this is redemption from Finland when I was the only one that couldn't get in the ice water I go quickly yes you can do it dude it stops me from breathing is that normal you win today I hold your breath hold your breath and go alright dude you do it do it now do it then deepen if we got the deep your head this could be my chance maybe I could fail right now or I can do it plus you're gonna go with me I don't wanna go so just tell you how how loyal my viewers are how much faith they have in me let me read you some comments I posted a picture of the hole from the pawn right now Roman we all know you won't do this let's throw him come from my girl club Chloe she's always got my back she's saying I won't do it do it you won't all right you'll be out like at the last moment as you always do when it comes to facing water oh hey so what's this finally make sure country goes in first he's got to test the water all right good day they got no faith to me is this Finland all over again are you it are you finally gonna do it how many likes for country to do it there we go how many likes per country to do it if he doesn't do it it's chasing Brian are in I'll do it I'll do it you pick the lights and be be real about it but what I would say is this I have faith in you yo Irving there's no way you were doing it at that 20 bucks hang they don't even believe in me I'm gonna go you guys tell them I put the ice up here than just yeah hope you actually go under this time man [Music] well I think it's time thinking time for you to really redeem myself this is redemption meliorn this is you need them to get this done you need to prove to the viewers yeah yeah you got this this is for them this is for me this is for you let's do it Ryan you said you want to go first let's go okay so this is it this is it guys we are about to go in this ice let me brightness okay so it's a little better you can see dude the pond is freezing as we speak this is turning into ice so is wicked cold the hole is cut and ready Brian wants to go first now here's the real challenge like you can get in and experience it or your entire head can dip underwater and that's how you actually do the challenge dunker your head has to go under so you can go headfirst if you want make it easy no I will go pee first foot first this is get this done hey I like it country don't you finally get to sit back and just watch okay number one I'm gonna do it because you know you're doing good he's out you know that freaking polar bear I'm out you're gonna like literally well there's the hot tub up that's gonna feel so hot yo I'm out here struggling so hard to get in this water and he just did it is it that wasn't even cold you see that I did see that this makes me upset but when he got out that's all the reaction you need like he literally had to run immediately because this brain is smart and saying take cover mayday mayday something's wrong do it me or you how was it did your heart like did your breath go away no I felt like I was in the shower like it was warm oh just looking at it gives me a little bit of heart rush like yeah it's traumatic Oh once you get God you got it come on papa bear are you you'll do it again what's wrong with you I'm cold just with no shirt on oh you're wearing socks do right now but my heart's racin I do certain things no problem but this is terrifying I'm pretty terrified as well I'm with you good there you go just go in just get it over where it disappears oh my god nice try what's wrong with you you got like polar fur underneath that dude it's it's the gut that's what it is he's got a gut you just got it going [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] there's a flashlight bro I'm so happy you did it Finland Finland trained me oh that's the trick you cannot think Jason have to fall under yeah look at you Steven bro [Laughter] [Music] do that don't dad then two down one to go two to go actually two more what do you mean oh I'm good all right my man Gilly Gill is about to dive into the Arctic tomb that's probably a bad name for it I should probably change the name Jo not like a like Showtime you will complete this challenge Gill in your Arctic bubble bath that's a good name for it or big bubble bath here he goes here he goes well you can't think about it you can't think about it whoa there it is the poncho it's complete and everybody that doubted me I want to thank you because if you didn't doubt me I may not have done it I wanted to prove you wrong so I'm not gonna lie so much of me was like I got to prove some of my viewers wrong because I know a lot of you were like he won't do it and it's something actually so simple like I just something I'm not good at that's all you won't do the ice challenge put your shoes on look at this it's the Arctic Arctic tub the cult in that crazy it is cool I can assure you very cool we all did I already did it yeah it is pretty cold yeah nothing bad I don't know country there's still time if you're thinking about it if you don't want to be you know the only one that didn't do it I'm just bringing in this birthday wish I've been waiting so long it was a birthday wish wasn't it but I'm telling you this day is all about you and you did it Wow it's a whole different world inside here spaghetti noodles chicken salad nice nails are you proud of me are you proud of yet I climb over this wire barely that's what I look like your t-shirt when I climbed up I didn't see your back but in mine okay it's watching the footage and I like something looks ridiculously wrong with my back like crazy like I'm a dinosaur it's not back fat they said do you want to see my back don't touch me don't touch me everybody get away Brett you got filled my back so they know I'm normal I'm a normal not a strike Sarah Sarah Soros all right tell me if I look like I have like bumps and lumps its back you know what it was your swimming trunks were too tight and you were bent like a certain way though I was up here you had like a yeah I'm telling you wait you see the footage okay whoops going down my back I almost almost did it again because I didn't like it I got my trophy look what I got I got a trophy trophy girl she's not she doesn't seem too convinced that's food whose accident you know what okay put shirt on the family show what you got what you got and my camera's really bright let me let me adjust this a little bit there we go don't eat them I know the girls are over here doing their no no wait what is in here acetone 100% here at the time know what this whole thing changes its has - dude this that's alien stuff it's all gonna disappear where's it go yeah but where does the Peugeot Haven pop all right y'all shower it up he just did it's 16 push-ups and I missed it because right now we have to do 16 push-ups that's our daily number and we're adding one a day you did 30 today not on camera doesn't count so if you follow the channel once a day we add one push-ups a day so we're at 16 right now and it's adding up quick we started it just 10 an hour sixteen pretty sits get along like it's gonna take a while to film these what do we do when we're at like 500 the videos would be 60 minutes long so you gonna fill them again you've been to cameraman for all these two guys this kids killing push-ups he does them all and then he says so that I can film so alright you don't have to this little birdie can film yeah here we go mommy you joining know that's what a lot of these guys are saying no I don't want to do it come on get up let's do it alright here we go just sixteen we can knock this out go at your own pace go at your own pace Mazz will do sixteen now because of tomorrow insanity well she's cheap right man yo Aidan alright ready nice and straight here we go three four five six seven eight 13 14 you little faker oh that was your doing are you she's like this is how I get you guys to come over to me not this you want it great job flash great job buddy we love you guys so much thanks for joining us today I'm super pumped that I did the ice challenge because you guys know I was not so good at that years ago we love you pretty cool day consider we had no plans and uh oh now you happy we will see you too ma 64 vlogs in a row my god 60 consider you challenged me to just go to Christmas know going baby love you guys we'll see you tomorrow your beautiful one-of-a-kind smile more you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,508,962
Rating: 4.9568429 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, ice, challenge, swimming, diving, swim, cold, coldest, frozen, freeze
Id: aFlwQKh5Gcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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