RC Boats VS My Kids!!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Crealone 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Laughter] hi baby what's up how are ya how has everybody gone hey Kane what's up Noah hey nice to see ya I'm using my inside voice this is my inside voice chorus sleeping nitro what up tux is hiding back here toss toss sleeping you get to take out the trash you got headphone marks from your games can't get it get it Kane oh that's a diaper one full of diapers hey you guys want to try the boat thing you really want to let's do it okay it's charged I have the little boats are fully charged but I think we need the big boat taxi boy you guys we got this idea that I could pull the kids in the pond within our SIBO totally will work and don't work maybe it might want to pop up I don't know it's hard to tell that's right you can just wrap your quarter in the pond go goose all right sergeant it's charging let's go I'll follow you Go Go Go what up dude what's up baby how are you man here I'll tie it up get these boats running they forgot the little ones don't flip it drove it nice oh gosh Oh oh yeah see ya the race is on plug these two look at these two get a map get a vamp you got him you yes [Music] got it had to rescue a boat or a boat down bring it back man Anna Anna Anna these things are so fun [Music] [Laughter] hope you guys are having an awesome day we are hanging out here at the house Brittany's inside with Cora she is sleeping like most of the time the girl sleeps like crazy that's what they do we do get some look at the flower beds some look good around here got all the new like whatever this is called the border some stone and these these were already here but the new lattice from the dogs tearing it all up we we started all the stone around the pond it comes all the way around this side just the back side of it I love it I think it looks so nice this place has really come to life and we've already I'm so glad we got lucky using it this summer because it wasn't supposed to be filled until next year and now now this is where the kids spin and burn most of their energy now it's amazing [Laughter] get them cane get him yeah guys hang it out as a family today we're not really doing much I'm gonna go check this RC boat so I'm gonna try to pull the kids on that hot dog and then we great and this stone the stone hasn't been washed yet so it just it looks like mud it's just like dirty rocks once you wash it's really pretty and colorful and yeah pull see I got a 40 right now just they're gonna be quiet its core still sleeping she's an out still kids are out here oh my god both computers are gone guys we are taking an official game break that goes for everybody in the house we're taking a break from games - me I'm still playing games 100% yeah but I've got a secret spot for mine it's gonna be secret secret daddy game time ha ha no but this has have been a major major decision and we just need a break from games like its its ruling the house okay I cannot explain canes like every thought is like when he's playing his next video game am I too weak out of like no like we gotta stop it an addiction it's a serious area they make the game so good I want to play it right now on there they're so good so we're taking know maybe a week off from video games not solid like no games ever but like we're gonna take a break from it I know it sounds horrible right it's like mean what is this a prison what are you guys doing what are you doing in the garage huh what are you guys doing what is Becca that you always want just rope what is back here flash get it get it I said he is always digging back here I don't know what it is probably maybe a mouse or something what's back here okay okay batteries aren't dumb but they're really close I think I'm just gonna pull them and get what we get don't throw a fit yeah this guy right here is a nasty boat I mean this thing is a beast we watch this channel for a while you already know it is it's so fun okay this is by the bus why I need both hands to drive I might be able to get it from here if you guys hold on I got a vlog and drive the boat I want you guys to hold on to the boat I'll see if I can pull you in the hot dog this thing's gnarly [Applause] oh yeah you lay like that and then you'll hold on to the boat I have to paddle to the boat actually I have reverse you guys I can't turn this I'm vlogging I'm like really bad here okay no way well I won't you're gonna actually put weight on it and push it down okay but don't push it underwater you keep it above water Eddy keep hold it on its sides on its sides I can't steer anyway so you guys have to just ready [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you got this you got this i'ma take I'm gonna take you boys to victory you just don't let it go underwater I'll start real slow ready [Music] hold on the back of the boat try the back of the boat like with your hands around the boat yeah what's just gonna pop a wheelie you just got to keep it from drowning like you got to keep it above water you got it on tight hey yeah I'm going nice and slow there you go there you go hey watch this watch this ready ready ready ready see ya hey you guys you got to go rescue this wreck there it's over there against that pole epic epic splash cam you guys ready splash cam [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] do it again everyone said no one's this yet don't worry I'm a professional like being surrounded by a shark [Laughter] [Music] you guys can hide all you want I'm a crazy boat driver what is this what is this Cora what's up girl she just eat some laughs out of her she gonna start giggling I never like with know I'd even think about it with Kane I didn't think of it but every day I'm like she's almost laughing she's gonna be giggling and I can't wait she's gonna be one of the girls play with their hair she thinks she's falling she's like I don't know about this position what's going on huh hi baby get that out there hey oh hey hi baby there's so much concentration to sit there like that Cora but seriously like I'm Kat like I can't wait for the day like I love entertaining her my only goal is to make her smile and laugh and I can't wait till the day she cracks a lot like giggle you know anything like that baby giggle or they're just so happy and jolly and goofy but for now it's just concentration how do I stay up how do I stay up on this pillow Cora do you see yourself do you see yourself pinky queen you to Queen of the binky's Queen Anne to Mickey's [Laughter] OOP get er Korra get her car out yeah you're gonna good I love your smile baby what's it flush to your flashy I start calling you squeakers you got a laugh guess what guess what there's gonna be three months all this month three months old that's crazy girl it's time for the Battle of the beanbags student intern oh dude watch this but you ate my finger okay four-wheel Oh 360 this is like the wear out the kids for the rest of the night but core is a sleep type mode where it's like you got to be quiet but you want to be loud type mode and we're up here trying to land on the most soft quiet thing on the entire house beanbag website it's almost silent listen right sound test sound test ready here good even here nothing ready you have to be totally completely sign no so [Music] [Laughter] all right I build a lot of leg ten out of ten I built a lot of Legos in my days I'm really proud of this guy I don't know why I can't focus on him but it's velocerator donated what is it I think it's a boss or a poker it's a blossom reason yes let's see it that's your house I mean I don't want to live there but I like it I don't know give you a tour so use the microwave I love it okay scene cook my kid perfect is he a magician I feel like you could build a garage right here for velocerator hmm crashes if there's a mouse all the way open his mouth you just yank it open all the way there you go that's full crash face let's see it cane what you guys see your couch that's right where's this kitchen table yeah little offset kind of like we had a couch huh table what is this Oh a bed over at Cana and as his character was head first I thought that was the bed all right guys we are sorry we're working into the night attic what no she said guys thanks for hanging out with us today we'd love you had a great time with the kids we we just played and it was awesome no games rocked today I didn't think it was gonna go smooth but it was awesome they had a great time thank you guys for watching thanks for being a part of our daily vlogs and we will see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,559,817
Rating: 4.9001865 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, pond, lake, building, legos, house, home, yard, backyard, raft, trampoline, water, blob
Id: H9me50hTUwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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