Courteney Cox Becomes Friends With Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Between Dave Grohl telling a drunk Sean that this was on his bucket list and Courtney Cox knowing where he grew up, we’re getting more and more Caught-Off-Guard-Sean and frankly I think we’re all the better for it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 137 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UhOhAngelo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

She, uh, fucking dominated those wings... I dunno if Sean was playing up the spice because he thought she'd crumble, or what, but as she said, "I'd do it again".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What I love about hotones is that you watch a Courtney Cox episode expecting Friends questions, and you leave knowing Ed Sheeran buys her gimp masks off of Amazon

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/magicians_assistant_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

One question in and she’s already impressed with his interview. We’re off to a good start.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/friendandfriends2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

She straight-up admits she's bad at spicy stuff but she absolutely demolished the wings. Even Sean got overwhelmed by the spice before she did, and she didn't get a kick until the last maybe third of the sauces. Like she was downing those wings and casually answering those questions.

I just love how refreshing and low-key this interview was. Nice change of pace.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joesen_one πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man she came off as immensely likeable during that and pretty down to earth. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kvothe_bloodless πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sean looked so genuinely please with himself when Courtney complimented his first question haha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CaughtTwenty2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was great. She had a real good episode of Running Wild with Bear Grylls too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crunch816 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm loving this character arc this season where Sean struggles with the wings himself. I wonder if that will come into play in the big season finale.

Courtney started out low key and chill but it was great when she stopped giving a fuck. That was hilarious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mtm4440 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
wow yeah that's hot [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by courtney cox she's an actress and director you know from gargantuan hits including friends scream cougar town and many more she recently launched her very own home beauty brand called home court so be on lookout for that and she also stars alongside greg kinnear in the new comedy horror series shining veil which is set to premiere on stars march 6th courtney cox welcome to the show thank you i've been following along as you've been sharing your kitchen adventures over the last couple years how are you around spicy food um i don't do spicy food until right now i really don't i don't first i'm really savory i mean i'm really savory no i love salt but i don't do spice what are we gonna eat it right now yep that's how it goes what's some good not much that's right [Music] it's really good okay so in your latest project shining bill you played the role of patricia phelps a mother who moves her dysfunctional family away from the chaos of city living in brooklyn and towards this creepy haunted mansion in the country and showrunner jeff astroff recently said in an interview that you called him to tell him this script is the only thing that's ever been written for me what was it about the character that gave you such a strong gravitational pull towards the project okay first of all is there something behind me that you're reading because who can do that i couldn't tell you that much information about the show ever that was incredible oh well as an actress i i take that as such a compliment thank you so much there's got to be something behind me okay um she's so layered she's going through a midlife crisis she just had an affair with the handyman and her marriage is not doing great she is at that age where you know things change um she's got a teenage daughter which that's never easy and uh she's dealing with some mental issues at least her family thinks she is but she's actually really depressed so i just it's it's a it's a 30-minute show that i can go from being really sarcastic depressed to emotional and crying so i've never done something that had that many things to play [Music] oh this one's definitely how many is this on the scale i mean am i why am i going in for more maybe you'll like it you know you're selling yourself short on hot sauce maybe you're just into it that's too much skin i don't need any more i mean well if you need if you're making me i would but god i haven't had a wing in a long time the wings are good there we go hitting forgot what you were missing all right that's good so recently you launched a home product line home court which is a line of soaps candles and signature fragrances what would you say is the biggest mistake that hopeless bro dude bachelors like myself make when they go candle shopping i would say just the sense so that you guys buy i mean it's not okay um and the vessel you it really matters if you're gonna put something on your table it has to smell good but it has to look good and sometimes i'll get candles from people and although i can't even leave it on the table in order i don't care what it smells like so i did make a candle that is coming out soon and it's really it's the vessel is beautiful you can reuse it if you want as a pencil holder or tea cup or something to wash down your hot spices [Music] all right i'm good i don't want to act like i'm so got this down because i don't but i couldn't handle it could have fooled me my lips are getting a little swollen but that's okay is it true that the party scene at the end of scream took 21 days to shoot and was such an arduous experience that the crew had shirts made that said i survived scene 118. oh god that was the ending in the whole thing that was intense yeah um oh yeah and it's hard you do all those stunts and you have blood and it's sticky and anyway yes it's it's really hard to do the finales of these it's so intense and i remember being younger doing that and i i was doing all my stunts it was no big deal and i thought i could do it again and i did but i was paying for it yeah well that last scene is 42 minutes just by itself like that last location once you're in the the last place you're gonna die or not die in yeah is it true that you lobbied for the role of gayle weathers because you wanted like a nasty character to counter your nice friend's image yeah because i'm so used to playing i mean i was on family ties and i was sweet lauren miller and i was on friends but i had to prove that i could be really yeah did like wes craven think oh this is nice friends is she gonna have the edge for gail exactly the edge is a good word all right courtney are you ready to move on here to the next wing this is the angry phoenix here in the four spot and you are doing great you're doing great i'm okay how is am i gonna make it through this one oh yeah okay you're good all right oh god [Music] it's a tough wing it is i want to know what's the point i mean i mean seriously i mean there is some flavor but do people just enjoy them the the masochism of it all or well it's funny like i've gone to hot sauce expos before in the past and they do look like the parking lot of a slayer concert kind of you know like the people watching it there is just uh it's amazing a part of the hot sauce subculture i do think is just sort of chasing that like extreme nature of it all right yeah because it just sticks with you stop seeing you cooking everything from jamie oliver's chicken and milk to then serving laura dern your recipe for the world's greatest turkey burgers what is an alabama sushi roll and can you talk me through how to make one so alabama sushi is um turkey you can get it at ralph's it's just like honey maple jerky and you put french's mustard mayonnaise then you put a little bit of bavarian cheese on it sometimes i put avocado if i want to go really healthy i have to have a crunch so i put fritos and then you roll it up really nicely and that's how you would love it i'm already down if you're eating this kind of stuff i mean you should see what we have in post i'm gonna give camera guy bill the whole thing he's gonna hands and pans this thing bring it to life and then you know what i'm gonna take that recipe back to my kitchen and try it out myself i think you should all right courtney are you ready to move on here to the halfway point okay my my lips are burning i'm just saying okay [Music] hello scalientes that means hot i liked it better than the last one yep no no i haven't seen the kickback yet but i liked it oh yeah but on first impression oh it's really good two of my favorites wow and not to lead the witness but those are the two we make really um it kinda has a little bit of a sweetness to it oh it's starting to burn yeah oh it's like i'd like to take that compliment and pull it back a little bit i'm still going to go with it that doesn't help oh yeah yeah okay oh i can't wait to get to pucker butt all right all right courtney well in the meantime we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that graham where we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more contact so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story your instagram sidenote rocks by the way thank you okay my nose is running that's for sure all right let's see what do you want to know about the ground so how big a thrill was it for you to play tony danza alongside ed sheeran brandi carlisle and elton john i can't tell you what a thrill that was i i love elton john so much and ed was staying at my house and he said is it okay if elton comes over for dinner and i was like duh and i directed brandy's video um right on time so i knew her she's i'm really comfortable in her i love her and i've known ed for years but when he came and he said would you mind doing this thing for instagram for you know playing hold me closer tony danza but it's actually only closer young tony danza which lisa codrow it very clear after look at my like we're hugging i mean you can't get better than that but he was sitting next to me and i was so nervous i just learned the song about 20 minutes before he came over my piano teacher i was like come over now and then he left and saw elton on the way out we're not practicing anything um anyway so i was playing and he was holding my arm and i was going to get to that part where you go and i thought i'll never be able to do this i can't even move my arm and i just want to stay like this and i'm so scared who's the nicest person so nice and this is like why this segment exists you have a lasting memory from dinner with michael jordan it's like a royalty over here right he is such a great guy i just remember this was so many years ago this is early on my gram experience um i just uh i met him i forgot where we were and he was wearing that beautiful blue suit and he just was great he was really personable and i i i think you could see those eyes i was looking at him kind of just in awe i mean i'd love his as a big bulls fan well you know what i'm from chicago so big uh big jordan fan on this side you know yeah and uh yeah you're from evanston i whoa and your last name was evan so crazy is it your talent you're on the wikipedia a car over here or something yeah listen i'm not the only one researching today yeah that's right all right courtney are you ready to move on here to the back half you're doing great by the way this is the queen majesty coco ghost i will say i think it was um dawson is the one who got my lips burning and keeping them feeling this way well in the back half here there'll be a whole new cast of characters bringing their own okay their own games to the party you ready uh-huh okay [Music] oh yeah that catches up okay yep i feel that one for sure i'm kind of excited that i can actually go to a restaurant and if they say you want hot sauce i'm gonna say yeah an eye-opening and awakening experience here today so in the past we've talked to guests about juggling being an actor and director simultaneously but then you've also done things like finance films like just before i go and i'm just curious what do you learn about making a movie when you're also the one cutting the check to bring it to life when you do pay for a movie which is really dumb um it's nice because no one can tell you what to do so you're only making your own mistakes and that's feels better to me than making i mean people making mistakes for me but i love directing i love when i directed cougar town i did about 10 episodes i just love it i'm very visual what's the best lesson you learned about scoring from gus van zandt oh right god that was cool that i got to how did you know wow um yeah i sent him the film and he was really nice and he gave me advice i think he even said something like trying to tie in the tone of the movie because a lot of times you want to play against the tone of the film and uh and by doing a different kind of score i'm just watching you you might be uh is it hotter for you than it is for me whoa you know what um it might be you know i think people think cause i've done this so much that i'm just like some sort of like uh i'm impervious to hot sauce right like i can't be stopped with hot sauce but my lips burn are they burning right now yeah okay good i put put my legs on one put my legs on put my pants on one leg at a time you can't talk either okay [Music] okay i like the one oh yeah oh i like that i was gonna say i like the way it starts off a little sweet yeah has that barbecue sort of vibe to it like a good barbecue sauce and then afterwards right it kicks into a whole nother gear it really does but it's kind of good and yet i hate it let's see going in salute yeah mom's got some kick do you feel like misfits of science and then your role as a telekinetic teenager do you feel like that's maybe been overlooked by the superhero enthusiasm that's swept over hollywood over the last 15 years oh my god you just do my i really thought this was gonna be a big post for the gram i did this thing with this picture we're all in our costume misfits of science and i always tell the kinetic and there was the guy who was really tall and then there's uh dean paul martin was oh he was just trying to help us he was like this professor or whatever but then there was the guy who had electric thing yeah and he ran faster than the speed of light or anyway i did a little thing where i was like i'm surprised marvel didn't pick this one no one thought it was funny but me but um did you have to raise my mic because i feel like i'm yelling oh you know what i do do we touch these probably not these just kind of stay in a in a nice position yeah like if the equilibrium is off and if the world's moving it's probably more because of the hot sauces yeah [Music] and speaking of are you ready to move on to the next one this is the bomb beyond insanity okay the mom all right [Music] did you make this one so you can say whatever you want horrible i'm sorry no no it's not horrible it's just just hot yeah there's no flavoring after no there's no redeeming quality there's no culinary quality just pure heat yeah that's just heat and then it just doesn't stop this is gross oh my god that's the war sorry to bomb i mean maybe it's great for some wow that's hot oh [Β __Β ] i can't wait to get to pucker but did you have a favorite or most memorable cameo from the monica love interest between tom selleck george clooney john favreau and jean-claude van damme it's quite a roster oh okay the tear is just a reflection okay um well tom selleck was the nicest only the tallest [Music] john favreau is the best director he wasn't directing that how would you quantify the impact of shooting in front of a lot from me crying i know i know i know and i'm right here with you i'm right here with you courtney all right how would you quantify the impact of shooting in front of a live studio audience you know i read i saw an interview with executive producer kevin bright where he talked about how writers like if a joke didn't hit in the live studio audience writers would workshop and rewrite the rewrite the rewrite the jokes in real time me too i'm right here with you i'm ready um yeah these these writers were so incredible that when we were taping the show the reason why friday nights would take so there was no high voice it was good or there was no it's okay it had to be the best and that was what made the show so good our writers were so incredible oh okay i'm sorry no it's uh it's good put an asmr effect on it oh yeah okay i'm gonna put this back but it's mine yeah don't take a sip of this sure whatever happens over there this day's over here okay ah i just don't know how my lips gonna get hotter we'll find out oh poker butt let's do this are you doing it yeah extra mean green okay [Music] who can feel anything after the boss right i think like if there's anything that's nice about the bomb does it just leave scorched earth throughout your mouth and then all of a sudden oh god this one gets you back in the throat yeah that one has some tricks yeah i'm just like i'm in such pain it doesn't matter what's happening right and you know what i mean there we go there we go i mean why not [Β __Β ] it i feel like i'm gonna live in the woods now just like so i was i was really tickled to hear that you and ed sheeran your close friends that you even let him crash at your malibu pad while he was doing his album multiply how would you rate him as a houseguest like you didn't let him bring benny blanco over did you i know i do know benny blanco but i know i don't know if benny ever came to the house um ed is that it's a good houseguest [Music] there's some after effect i'll poke her butt okay um ed does like to talk to alexa at the house um and he uh likes to order get mess just randomly amazon and i'll get a gift mask i must have eight but um ed is really funny and he's a great guy i hate this milk so much but you know what any port in a storm you know i mean for my coffee i use uh this is like half and half although they did say because i did some research what should you do of course you did i'm not even a nerd like that but um you eat butter or salt or a like a lot of saturated fat well if you say courtney cox then it's the truth what are you doing [Music] i saw as he didn't just do a dab he dunked it oh he did okay the last remember to really take that word dab seriously there you go yeah that was good that's good right i'm not gonna dunk it i'm just gonna dab it just dab it that's all that's you know okay all right cheers cheers courtney [Music] what is that on this goal scale 2 million i was out to dinner and i um preparing myself for this i just tried this hot sausage on the table and i said oh i got this and i said to my friend what is this he goes let me check the scoville scale it was 2 000. [Music] i was so excited yeah you probably had some crystal or like some frank's red hot or something like this and it wasn't even that spicy but look at you today yeah taking down the gauntlet and you know what the good news here no more wings to go i do want to close things out with a somewhat prosaic question but i am really interested in how you think about the continued and historic success of the friends franchise like dom our producer for example she has an almost sacred relationship with the show she can quote every single episode she goes to trivia nights she had the best birthday of her life at the friends experience and even one time after somebody in our crew got married she changed the last name to everybody on our closing credits which was like a tip to that one after vegas friends episode why do you think the show has continued to bank so much cultural currency even as it approaches two decades of being off air the reason why i think it's gone on and on and on is because humor is humor and when you're in your 30s and you're going through life and the characters are so distinct from each other i think that everyone can experience that part of their life i just think the writing was so incredible and the chemistry is incredible and every now and then there's like a little pepper that gets swallowed it reminds you it just i think they're all the characters are relatable in some way you're either you know a flighty person or you're a sarcastic person or a neat freak no matter who you are you find someone you can relate to and look at you courtney cox taking on the wings of death didn't have much confidence in yourself going in but absolutely crushed the gauntlet and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um okay so i just had a show come out called shining veil it's on stars it's really good and it's scary and funny i have a product line called home court which is essentially beauty products for the home they smell incredible and they really work okay that's it guys [Music] [Applause] great job thank you are you happy you did it now that you're on the other side i would do it again i for sure i loved it i loved it because you're fun too and you can actually like just cry if you have to for the first time ever hot sauce for kids that's right hot sauce for kids i'd like to introduce you to hot ones junior the green this sauce is a super tasty flavor clash of green apples sweet banana warm jalapeno lets kids sort of experience the hot ones tradition but at the foothills of mount scoville to get your hands on the green hot ones junior before anyone else it's super tasty and it's a hot sauce for kids
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 2,662,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, courtney cox, hot ones, courtney cox hot ones, courtney cox interview, courtney cox bruce springsteen dance, courtney cox graham norton, courtney cox doesnt remember being on friends, courtney cox friends, courtney cox haunted house, courtney cox interview 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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