Salma Hayek Adopts Sean Evans While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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no no no no no no no no [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by salma hayek pineau she's an academy award nominated actress and film producer who for decades has been a hollywood icon and leading box office draw from desperado to freda the hitman's wife's bodyguard and many more her latest though is the highly anticipated marvel studios release eternals which is set to theaters on november 5th salma hayek welcome to the show thank you very excited to be here and then i know that you're a fan of valentina hot sauce but how are you around spicy food in general i'm okay with hot food i'm mexican a mexican i i've been on a break from alcohol and hot food for about three months so let's see if my tongue has forgotten you know what it's like and you know how to endure the hotness it will do the test [Music] hmm oh it's good [Music] it's very good [Music] i'm a little bit nervous because i was under the impression like the first one it's not hot at all yeah but a little bit of a kick a little bit it's hot it's hot i i i'm terrified how it's gonna get but it's really good yeah and you're going back in you're going back in since we've touched on you play ajak and eternals the spiritual leader of an immortal team of superheroes and recently director chloe zhao told a story about you waiting out a production delay lost in your headphones listening to the atmospheric nils fromm song says and it made me curious what role if any does music play in helping you to get into a character like ajax like every character it's so important in my life and it's it makes my job really fun because i do my own score for the character and it keeps me staying the vibe and it really puts you in your own little micro universe where anything can happen and everything it's enhanced like the trees the lights everything is so much more interesting with music so i always use it [Music] it's not bad it's not too sweet so there's an iconic instagram photo that you have you're holding a stack of tacos and it's captioned the passion that never left me as someone who's lived and traveled the world is there a place outside of mexico that you think does tacos best you know i live in london now there is a place i go with my daughter valentina who loves it and it's just called taqueria i mean not very original the name but uh we love it they make good tacos and and and i have a place called mestizo in london they sell the tacos too but you can buy all the mexican ingredients everything that you need you can buy there to make the food at home so the best tacos [Music] outside of mexico any one of my houses [Music] i like it but maybe a little bit too salty well if sama says it then it's the truth so what do you remember about the mechanics of shooting that trolley car crash scene in frida for my money one of the best movie scenes oh that's a good one it was very complicated it's actually one of the few times that there was a lot of dialogue about it and should we try this should we try that because julie taymor is amazing she knows exactly what she wants she's very technical she's very visual she's very good i love it because she said she painted her reality but her reality was so poetic in so many ways because that's the way she chose to see it and i think this is the perfect scene that says a lot about her spirit and the way she saw things where it's one of the most tragic moments of her life and yet it was so beautiful you know and it did happen that there was a painter in the trolley that had a gold powder and so there was the blood there was there was a blob there was the blood but there was the golden it's just uh there was something magical about this really painful moment in her life that marked her forever and then in 2014 you produced an animated film the prophet based on cleo gabron's classic book yes yes what's special about that project that makes it one of the few movies that you've done that you'd like to re-watch oh my god i had a sentimental attachment to the book because of my grandfather who was lebanese and who kept the book by his bed as i grew older i read that book many different times and i keep seeing it in a different way and in a way every time i find something new to learn from it i feel it's like my grandfather that even though he's not here with me he's still teaching me about life through this amazing poet [Music] we lost calientes the hot ones very appropriate for the show [Music] is that a good is that a good oh yeah we'll take that so in addition to your more than 80 acting credits you've also left your mark behind the camera founding your production company ventanarosa in 1999 and i've heard you say some incisive things about the discouraging and heartbreaking process of shopping scripts when you hear about a script that's locked away in a drawer in a production studio somewhere how did it get there and what's keeping that movie from getting made a lot of times is money you have a great concept that everybody likes but you have to have writers writing it and sometimes it's the writers are not doing exactly what the director or the studio what's hoping for but you have to pay them so here comes another writer and sometimes you have to buy the bio the rights of the book and then you don't have them after a certain time so you have to pay again and a lot of the times you just get like a big bill and the movie has not started and just becomes really hard to make it and it's sad because things are changing now but in the past if you had a script that was a great script about a minority it wouldn't get made because there was not enough minorities that could open a film according to the studios you know not not big enough the name and if the script is expensive you have to have one of the ali's which is a very limited number of actors and usually they're not minorities so things are beginning to change but there were a lot of great stories that because they were not easy to cast just because the big stars were not of that type of diversity died hopefully they'll come back now it's spicy yeah a little bit of a step up like four steps up yeah it's good but you know what i'm impressed i'll take that i'll take the eyes are watering a little bit right that's your tail oh i like this but you're not you're not pink on the face yet not yet not yet it'll get there i think i'm i'm hoping because you know what i had a theory i was wondering if you give me this and then you just have a little bit of barbecue sauce right right you know in all of you so i was gonna say well let's let's um exchange the wing maybe we do that for the next one all right fine i'm down with that i'm i am a-okay with that i'm gonna switch suspicious sure sure i am i'm totally fine i am a chicken wing talk show host of dignity you are you actually are yeah all right sama we have recurring segment on our show called explain that gram where do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll put the picture up on the monitor and given your love of animals it's an all wildlife theme for salma hayek do you have any uh truffle hunting 101 tips that you picked up on this afternoon that you spent with zara and mala i'll tell you a funny story about it so we went to look for the truffles and the guide was a fan and he said to me look i love you too much i cannot lie to you okay the truth is it's we don't know if we're going to find truffles or not and we don't want to just disappoint the tourists so we hide them sometimes but you i was in love with the dogs but what we're gonna do now is gonna do we're gonna do it differently one of you goes and hides them and we're gonna wait here and then i'm gonna show you how the dogs find it but my girls were naughty i mean they hit those things on the trees under the water i mean they really were so mean to the dogs and we couldn't find them for it but the dogs found them they finally found them i love truffles i have to admit they're the best all right one more for you you're the first person i've ever interviewed with an owl as a pet can you give me a pro and a con of having an owl as a pet if it's a hot night you can sleep with it and they're like flying all night you know and you can feel the air as they fly by she's just lovely funny temperamental you know she can be moody and i love that about her too her eyes are hypnotic and they really calm me down what i don't like they have to eat the rats that's what i feed them and a couple of times she's landed on my head with the rat and that just it's not a good sensation that's just not cool lechuga that's lettuce mr lettuce [Music] oh i like this one it has a little bit of cinnamon in it oh yeah can you taste it mm-hmm yeah this is different it's very nice it's sauce it's hot but it's very nice i'm i'm into it so there's a quote of yours that that was really interesting where you said producing is hell writing is frustrating acting is really satisfying directing is heaven and in journalism writers will oftentimes become editors because it's a clearer career path to more stability and money but that's not necessarily the case for a-list actors becoming directors how do you explain the draw i think for me like what my draw would be is that sometimes you have a story to tell and i don't want the limitation of my body and who i am to just tell one character of someone else's story but to tell the perspective of a story that you have a special perspective on it on something like if your brain is wired in a way that the way you can tell it is not so much with words but with moods and the little moments the details you want to feel it you know you want to feel the light you want to be able to put the music into it and work with the actors and you know like for maybe you are wiring that way or have that desire to direct because i can see you pay a lot of attention to detail and but you would have wanted to do it even if you had done a different career i think it's a way of being wiring having that perspective and an interesting visual way to do it like for example i'm very highly dyslexic so my brain instead of reading words to seize images and that's like a good thing if you wanted to be a director of fire okay whatever that means bigger kick though but you're doing good i like this one wow this one would taste good do you mind if i put some lemon in it go ahead go for it that's why that's why it's a little salty too there we go mmm i like this one a lot i like this you have to remember that in mexico [Music] you grow up with candy like when you're a kid must be like as hot as number three it's sweet but it's full of chili there's a lot of spicy candy the children do eat so you get used to it there we go i like it learned all sorts of things today one of your passions that i know that you pursue in your down time is diving which you've been doing since you were 10 years old besides that time that you had to be transported to a decompression chamber for eight hours after everything deep voyage have you ever had a harrowing encounter with a sea creature or anything i've had so many encounters with sea creatures and they come i have a good vibe i have a good good vibe yeah i had an octopus one time explore me was very interesting i stay very still but it goes dark but at the beginning there was some light going in there and just to see the their tentacles attached to the thing you have to hold on to the respirator because they can pull it out and he was moving the mask and going around i still very calm very still and he explored me and left i was strange just because their texture and everything about them is so interesting here's me breaking down the fourth wall here and just being your friend you're crushing it you're doing great but this is gonna kill me right right [Laughter] as long as it doesn't give me diarrhea no problem i have a movie to promote if it does i'm going to send you the mexican mafia okay all right all right well i'm keeping my fingers this is very hot i'm not good oh my god i am playing an eternal but my tongue is still human what do you remember about i mean it's a it's a tricky bastard because like even at the beginning it's not as hot and as time goes by it grows and it grows and it grows yeah it doesn't seem to stop or slow down what do you remember about eating the heart of a sea dragon in your film tale of tales was it that more or less disgusting than the wing we just ate [Music] you didn't hurt that one it was disgusting oh my tongue is on it's hurting too much pain for very little pleasure oh my god that should be the tagline [Music] i'm going back to the to the ones at the beginning yeah it's like cleanse now taking my my doritos with [Music] [Music] it's terrible i'm not answering any more questions to you my tongue hurts we'll slow it down we'll slow it down my question was [Music] it's a disgusting question sure but it's an open you're really really like hot with something have you ever had somebody who their nose started to run in the middle of the show yeah yeah i've seen runny noses and i was afraid of it but i think i'm doing okay you're doing great you're doing great i've seen it all over here i've seen it all from the side of the table oh god no me gustas what makes the the small japanese restaurant oh yeah in boston uh one of the most inspiring places that you've ever eaten creativity there we go they are so original the taste is just so good and the fish is so good but they have some really special dishes that i love oh my god it's still burning do you want to slow down do you want to move on to the next one i want this taste to get out of my mouth right right right i'm about to start crying let's take this is gonna be even harder i guess there's only one way to find out there's only one way to find out [Music] it's hot very very hot at least it tastes good the other one is just like an attack to the tongue you know and and you don't even get to feel any flavor just paint no no no no no like a bad lover it's the first time i've heard the sauce i've heard this sauce described so many ways first time i've ever heard it described that way [Laughter] i'm not good but i like the other one the other one is hot but it's a different kind of heart it's it's not like i'm gonna make a sauce that people want to make some jokes to their friends right you know prank sauce prank sauce or to attack or just to say oh i am macho macho i can eat these sauce no this one it's like and what the one i just tried it's called what the bomb this one is like your dog is about to melt right yeah that's not a good thing oh okay earlier this year you starred in bliss which is a sci-fi movie that wrestles with the idea of artificially simulated worlds and then one of frida kahlo's most famous paintings the two fridas has some like parallel universe qualities to it do you think frido would have embraced a connection between art and string theory she would have loved it it's part of what you can see it in her art it's it's very interesting it's a very interesting question she was able to paint in one painting many aspects of her reality that maybe for nobody else saw the reality like that but she felt it very real so i think i i think she would have been fascinated with string theory and different dimensions different possibilities of existing at the same time and that's the worst one [Music] it's an insult to the tongue the way you do it is you don't want to dab it on the wing right rub it next to it yeah you know you'd think at this point i figured that out but uh you know a million times dump the sauce all over the uh all over the wing but you're right that's the smart way to do it because you never know what it's going to be like especially when they're thick sometimes too much just comes out that's someone who's been around hot sauce a lot before all right salma hayek at long lasting i'm finishing this one [Music] now i'm going back into [Music] you know what i am a dog adopting you whoa as a mexican even if you're not [Laughter] you are a honorary mexican from today on you can really handle your chilis such a compliment coming from you salma hayek and you know what at long last we've conquered the wings of death and just one more annoyingly drawn out question before we roll credits you know your origin story of leaving soap operas in mexico to take a chance in hollywood it's well known but one thing that i found interesting was a revelation that you had when you said my passion was not acting it was movies can you unpackage what you meant by that while your brain and tongue slow roast in hot sauce because you know if you ask me who did you want to be like like what was your favorite actor that you wanted to be like who was your icon i didn't have one i just want to be part of the films i just wanted to be in the films and uh when they asked me what was the movie that made you want to be an actress i would say willy wonka and the chocolate factory because when i was a little girl i was watching it and i thought it was amazing i said wait a minute wow there is a universe where everything is possible and you can live in another era in the past or in the future and you know you can have a river made out of chocolate everything is possible and that's films everything is possible to talking about uh realities and string theory back to that and so i just want to be a part of that and it's been so much fun beautifully said glamorously crushing the wings of death today and look at you salma hayek coming into hot ones taking down the wings of death living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet i wish my husband was here so i could kiss him and then he's he'll be he's be on fire wouldn't even know why but in the meantime somehow this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life i have a movie coming out called eternals with a bunch of amazing people and the best director in the world i'm very proud to be part of this project you have to come and see it and then i have a small part but really fun in another movie later on this year with lady gaga called house of gucci so i was going to be a good ridley scott directing so very very excited i got to work with such good directors come and check them out [Applause] you did it great job i had a lovely time but also the questions were very smart oh thank you i appreciate that how many do you do believe it or not we've done that i think i've done this like 230 times this is the you're in the 16th season but you do it once a week yeah so we do like um like 36 episodes a year so like uh 12 episode seasons no because the amount of research is uh a lot of work yeah yeah but you know what uh i love it i i love doing that i i love watching your movies and kind of like diving into your life no you can't tell that you like movies a lot you're but sometimes it's not just movies that you have to yeah but that's i like the variation though like i kind of like walking around somebody else's shoes kind of like seeing what it's like experiencing their art listening their music reading their books watching their movies whatever and then sitting down with them and then just seeing if you can execute against that but that's my favorite part of my job and who's the worst one you've ever interviewed after the camera hey what's going on hot ones fans this is sean evans checking in with a very exciting announcement hungry for more a brand new documentary series from first we feast is now live on the channel you know this black box it's great for grilling celebrities over scorching hot chicken wings from week to week but outside of these walls is a whole new vanguard of chefs restaurant tours and do-it-yourself food hustlers who are taking comfort food to their communities and beyond from a mom and pop taco shop that my boy jj reddick calls the best in the country to a bronx native taking the iconic new york chop cheese sandwich to the streets without further ado you know the drill colin roll the tape when i had my first chopped cheese i thought this is amazing it's a sandwich that you gotta be from new york to be familiar with we chose to go the plant-based route when we were going to open this space no one understood what we were trying to build my identity has always been a rule follower and now with edith i feel like we're breaking every rule if we're gonna make it like we have to be adaptable food for me has always been sort of like a pursuit announcement as a young player my way to explore a city was to explore the restaurant you want to make it in the world you got to start from your corner i'm just happy to showcase my food to more people you know identify all the beauty that's within the neighborhood and bring it out to the world [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 8,447,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, the eternals, salma hayek, the eternals salma hayek
Id: 9Lhbm87KmOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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