Halle Berry Refuses to Lose to Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Did she even take a sip of water or milk?

She’s ageless, fucking gorgeous, kills in leopard print, and is basically just immune to fire.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1232 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/R2CX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She's 52 years old everyone... 52. Hotter than most people half her age. :o

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 413 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jedo89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn, when was the last time someone cleaned Da Bomb down to the bone and didn't even flinch o_O

Halle Berry going beast mode on those wings, and great interview too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 899 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dler32 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly I think this is the best performance with regards to the heat, has anyone done better than her while also clearing the wings?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 411 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KareasOxide πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She's so gosh darn likeable. Her appearance on the Razzis was the first time I realized you can't fuck with her.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 378 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stickswithsticks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 195 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/drinkduff77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Props for her for actually cleaning the wings instead of taking baby bites like the Jonas Brothers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 221 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/axelsoul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn. Sean was one step away from getting Keanu.

Dude is seriously growing in terms of guests.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 133 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stevenw84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She's definitely a pro at eating spicy. Her lips stay away from the sauce. She knows what she's doing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/purpleelpehant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] yeah thank God but I'm gonna do it hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Halle Berry she's one of the most successful actresses in Hollywood with a storied career in film that spans more than 25 years we can catch her starring alongside Keanu Reeves and John wick 3 which is currently in theaters and number one at the box office Halle Berry welcome to the show thank you really happy to be here how are you at spicy food do you crank it I normally do but now I'm a little scared but I normally do I'm always get the spiciest of the spicy wherever I am so well you came to the right place well I came here for dinner I was laying on I gotta eat I want to come here and I'm gonna have my dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay oh god this looks like a really hot one you trying to fool me lightwork oh yeah just like work we got those these are good so there's been a lot of press around the blood sweat and tears that went into making John wick three whether it's stories about broken ribs or these viral videos of you tactical training and Simi Valley can you give us one Hollywood trade secret when it comes to the art of the fight scene we really do it you know that's the way I think what's great about John wick world all right that's all right it happens on this show there's like um constant contact you know but you do it in a very controlled way but the contact is really real if you hit someone you're really hitting someone if you throw someone you're really throwing someone so it's as real as you can get without really hurting each other how does the physicality of this film compared to some of the action films that you've done in the past I know that for Die Another Day it you caught some grenade shrapnel me I I did but honestly the other ones felt like baby games compared to this really I tell you the truth yeah I never worked harder and this one you know I broke three ribs in my training process it was on another level of hard and challenging and taxing and I learned so many new things martial arts and weaponry and dog training I mean it was amazing [Music] so I want to stay on the topic of John because I know that in addition to the martial arts training and the weapons training that you also had to commit so much time to these hyper-intelligent Belgian Malinois hounds yeah well to take any of that dog training home to the labradoodles I did actually I learned through this experience any dog can be trained I mean if you have a little you know chihuahua okay maybe they're not going to hurt anybody but they can't be taught to attack you know what I mean so I've just recently taught my dogs to sit by the front door and you know sit I had attention waiting for me to come in them and if I say take it they will take whoever's coming through the door they're on guard he'll attack them hot ones creator Christian Berger he has this dog who is very very sweet he's a mix Irish setter golden retriever but he is semi poorly behaved so on the topic of dog training can I show you just a few pics of him doing Ruggles things and if you have any pro tips for how we can turn around this behavior we'd really get this for example so here's Ruggles Oh Ruggles is his name tearing up the mail Runkles is a hot damn mess oh no Ruggles see Ruggles couldn't live in my house do you have any advice Brad to turn around a dog that expresses his separation anxiety this way well you need some bitter apple bitter first thing that's what you use to stop them from chewing and barking and it looks like Ruggles here likes to chew up [Β __Β ] like you just he's a chewer noted here he is longing for a cake with his own face on do you have any advice for how to keep a dog from begging for table scraps I'm still struggling with the eating because some dogs just have this trigger one of my dogs is like that and he just he eats it up yeah alright well we'll figure this one out together finally here's Ruggles chewing on a do not cross which is just general anti-establishment gonna make jail he's gonna go to jail I know he's going right to the pound if he keeps this up what I learned from Andrew Simpson was that all dog training has to be done with love so it should all be done gently and with love reinforcement yes yes that's what I know Shaquanda oh my girl Shaquanda mm-hmm yep this is like some neighborhood sauce yeah so you've worked consistently in the movie business and superior and Spike Lee's jungle fever in 1991 which is impressive in its own right but I'm curious how you think the moviemaking process has changed over that time and specifically do you feel like the way that movies are made is changing now that more and more people aren't consuming them that traditional theatre experience I've seen it changed dramatically and I've had to you know evolve with the evolution of moviemaking and find a way to sort of fit into this new frontier because that's really I think what it is but at the end of the day I'm all for people being able to watch it how they want to how they want to watch it I think what the goal is is to get people to actually watch the art that we create and if we make it easier for them to consume it in ways that are more comfortable for them I think that should be that should be the goal well we have to evolve this seems relevant to ask while you're eating scorching out chicken wings on YouTube but how did appearing on a talk show in 1999 how is that different than in 2019 I think what's different is now we and like you know when I was the other day I had to eat turkey balls right your honor all your guts failure yeah back then nobody was eating turkey balls at least not out in the open but we've evolved into people I think that are more voyeuristic we want to see what's real we want to see our celebrities or our idols or our actors or our athletes or we want to see them do real [Β __Β ] real stuff you know we want to be closer to them and I'm not actually like that that's where we're going it's more of a connection [Music] this one's kind of sweet mm-hmm so far I'm doing okay you're doing really good okay nothing's got me yet but these down here look super red yeah there's something ominous about all that I think it's gonna get bad down there this is just the warmup mm-hmm so whenever we get a chance we love to ask our celebrity guests what it's like to be name-checked and rap lyrics and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Halle Berry is probably the most referenced actress in the history of hip-hop everyone from biggie to Missy Elliott to Drake do you have a favorite Halle Berry reference no you know why I think of these references like my children in a way there's no way I could pick one I love all these artists I'm always flattered when any one of them include me and that they still remember me know who I am so to pick one would be like picking like my daughter over myself you know I love them all this one on paper is amazing I don't know what it means but maybe you do it's from nas off it's mine silk shirts on my chest show what a flirt Halle Berry blew a kiss at the Barbra Streisand concert did you ever go to a Barbra Streisand concert and see NAS I don't think I've ever been lucky enough to go to one it was an impostor if he was there it was a Halle Berry boy it was a doppelganger yeah one more for you from Kanye West off the new workout plan have you heard this one what's scary to me is honey make girls look like Halle Berry to me see that's the great thing about rap sometimes you don't know what the hell they're saying you know you don't really understand it right I guess he's saying yeah honey makes I know people get drunk and they think they look like Halle Berry right that's exactly all right Kanye well I'm gonna take that I'm gonna accept that [Music] Oh No there's no scallion this is going to be muy muy delicioso [Music] and I thought you said you do everything I do I'm right with you right with you all right with you check my math I mean I don't want to look like a pig on the show no people will respect this you're cleaning the wings like a champion right now let's see if you can keep it going but right now these red ones look a little scary all right Halle Berry a recurring segment on our show called explain that grand where we do a deep dive and I guess Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context and with Halle Berry we have a theme we've gone deep into the Getty archives to pull some classic Halle Berry throw backs so I'll just show you the picture okay oh don't you worry do you remember how you celebrated your Oscar win no I was inebriated remember any of it done very shortly after I got that statue I became inebriated to the point that I the whole night is awash do you remember anything about Elton John's party that I think I was there I must have been because look we're together I'm throwing out a first pitch at a Cubs game next month do you have any advice because I'm bizarrely nervous about it do some practicing you don't want to embarrass yourself totally and just get it near the plate because those bad first pitches I feel like they follow you forever do you you won't survive that you won't survive a bad first pitch Oh Detroit Hellfire now we're getting serious mm-hmm damaged product mm-hmm we're in the back half so you once made an interesting point to vote that you're more likely to get compliments from people on the street for BAPS than say even your Academy Award winning performance and monsters ball have you ever been surprised by the types of validation that are most important to you yeah yes yes and no you know I think when I when people run up and they love that I absolutely know why do I think that's one of my best performances maybe not but I know why for the community and for my culture like what that means to us as a people and as women and so I get why that sort of be loved by a certain group of people and that means a lot to me always what's the Halle Berry film project that people seem most interested in when they approach on the street believe it or not so how many people come up and they say I don't care what anybody says Halle Berry I love Catwoman okay well what did they say well they say it sucked but it really didn't suck really it didn't you were good I mean the movie might have sucked but you were good so we have this whole dialogue about the movie and then we always have a good laugh about it and then they say okay now do Catwoman too and I'm like no probably not in this life but you're asleep thank you this is the red one Oh where's this the bomb or not the next one is the bomb oh this is not the bomb this is Wilshire Chile firm okay I'm going right with ya just turn it up a notch yeah take off but I'm gonna do it so no profile back in 1999 you were described as an avid web surfer but I know the Internet has become a significantly more precarious place now especially for somebody who's super famous do you still have that web addiction or do you find yourself going down the rabbit holes fewer and fewer these days I do have this addiction and it's a problem and I think like everybody we have to find ways to not get into that addiction because I don't want to teach my kids that so it's very hard to say don't just spend mindless hours going down the rabbit hole and then my kids see me doing it so I have a really good reason to like battle it when you see USA this has like after kick yeah right we have reached a point in the show where we are just full speed ahead okay do this one okay cuz like there's after like all this Delilah is now there's a lingering cumulative it is right when you see USA Today online articles with actual headlines like Halle Berry looks like a late-night snack in a steamy braless picture does it make you want to delete Instagram forever is that just a sign that the social media strategy is working you know it's my footprint for life you know it never goes away once you put it out there so I try to be thoughtful I know we already went through the throwbacks but I do want to show you one more do you remember the sorts of IT questions that you are asking see I was a pioneer you were I was doing this before we were doing this exactly right exactly that's from the Hollywood yeah the original launch hmm why were you so into the internet early on what did you see I knew that says where we were going to evolve to I really knew and I knew that people like me would be able to use this forum and we'd be able to have our own voice handle our own PR and have a real one-on-one connection like I used to have contests wide fly fans out and I would take them on shopping sprees that we go to a spa together or whatever I just knew this was going to be the great connector between us and not only the world but to our you know to our fans for the people that provide us the right to do exactly what we love okay we're moving on we are moving on to da bomb oh okay let's go let's go for it [Music] yeah it's the work well and it's also the nasty oh yeah it's not even good though not a lot of positives with this not with this one it's just hot and bitter what I'm gonna do it okay then I'm doing it I will not be defeated oh [Β __Β ] top down yeah and you want to talk about the cumulative but yet look at you nasty though we are cleaning bones here do not get the bomb the bomb you do not want to get the bomb you don't go through all that it should at least be good so before your career in Hollywood I know that your first runner-up and Miss USA and this might come as a shock to you and everyone watching right now but my girlfriend was actually Miss California in 2016 and I have become obsessed with pageants over the last year yeah do you feel heat I think I singed my eyebrows with that that was a hot work we did did you ever have to use butt glue you know what [Β __Β ] butt glue no oh what is butt glue so [Β __Β ] glue Buckley it keeps you from having a wedgie so if you have that like butt glue it'll just keep everything straight for you I didn't have any butt glue no bug glue oh do you remember your interview question and what you did to prepare for it I don't remember the enemy a question and you just got a hope that you can you know that your mind is working and you can actually construct and answer that what's good training for what I do now that's like sitting here with you right now with my mouth fire trying to talk looking back on your beauty pageant career what's the most savage thing you've ever seen someone do to try to get a competitive edge oh I saw and this is real story it's just in the Miss World pageant a girl cut the heel off another girl shoe so and she stuck it back on but not really glued so the girl put the shoes on and went walking and got about four steps and her heels broke off it's a call he's real scared they can't pick it I don't know how they are now but back in my day it was vicious no I know he's got to lock up that garment bag with a with a padlock cause it just might be gone exactly okay let's go what is this we are here at does that say chocolate chocolate player play leg okay can't read it can't see [Music] this is me this is me I'm here so you're telling me there's no you unfair okay you're going I'm going or ello died and is wing'd right now before I lose and we might we might and we might we're on our way [Music] so you've accomplished so much in the last 25 years that it would be impossible to touch every base here just over ten chicken wings but we'll try to tie up a few loose ends here on the chocolate plague between x-men James Bond and John wick which franchise has the most intense fans of what oh my god the fans are different they're all different but if that way the Bond fans I think are nothing like that the x-men fans and the John wick fans are just like they're thrill-seekers they are gentle and drunky ease they're like another kind of fan I think they all have really solid really solid important fan bases were you aware that the lawsuit were you aware that the Los Angeles Rams have a play called Halle Berry your lives on fire whoa okay was a question did you know that the Los Angeles Rams have a play called Halle Berry I learned that this year yeah talked about that I just wanted to know what that was was that a good thing is that like let's do that really cool play or is that let's do that like well it's cool cuz like when I watched the game Jared Goff the quarterback sometimes they'll just be he'll be looking at the defense then I'll just be like Halle Berry Halle Berry you know and then everybody runs around and goes into a different position and then they run a play and they went to the Super Bowl so you know they have a good place so I'm gonna take it as a good play what do you think was your greatest haircut of all time the greatest haircut is that for what's about to happen [Music] you can put extra sauce on this one mm-hmm this is the last dab we call it the last stab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing you don't have to if you don't want to all you did so yeah I know I knew I could see that coming Oh guys well you know what you're competitive I'm compelled to go with a Halle Berry Deb you know that's will call from here on out it was so stupid why are we doing this like I have sweat dripping from my boob [Music] [Music] okay Halle Berry here we are at our spicy wing finish line and I know that you have a trophy case that's packed from your Oscar to your Emmy to your Golden Globe and a couple of SAG Awards but I think that you're gonna have to make some room on that mantle because we would like to present you with the hot ones trophy of excellence it is the highest honor that we have ever bestowed to a guest on the show and it's for you coming in here clean and wings go and bite for bite whether it takes us out or not is there anyone that you would like to think I must make my damn self on this one because I did it nobody helped me so much I'm tired me either my damn stuff sometimes you just have to put the world on your shoulders and look at you Halle Berry ten chicken wings up ten chicken wings down and I think that we're both better people for it and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you my friend this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life [Music] I got nothing okay John wick right now [Music] thank you how was dinner it was really good we've got en fuego hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans as a reminder that Father's Day is just around the corner so with that in mind I want to tell you a story about the first time that I ever ate something spicy so I was a little kid watching the Bears game with my dad when I took it tortilla chip dipped into the salsa took a bite and was immediately set on fire I looked at my dad and a panic and I said do we have mild and he looked at me and he said not in my house there a seed was planted and eventually I became a fully grown adult with a hot wing talk show dad's to the best so think about dad this Father's Day and think about picking them up a hot one subscription box heat nest calm heat nest calm to order the hot one subscription box it's the gift that keeps on giving literally because it just comes every single month one of those is good right
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 9,317,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, halle berry, halle berry hot ones, hot ones, hot ones show, hot ones halle berry, sean evans hot ones, spicy wings, hot wings challenge, the last dab
Id: VwHwq5W18uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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