Matt Damon Sweats From His Scalp While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Lost it when Sean throws the last wing to imitate Matt and you hear the squeaky toy sound instead of a growl

👍︎︎ 155 👤︎︎ u/Salvatio 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wish Sean asked more about the writing work, but that was a lot of fun! Man these in person interviews are just such a relief. I kind of hope they bring back some of the best quarantine guests for that in person interaction.

👍︎︎ 126 👤︎︎ u/SandwicheDynasty 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Such a great episode.

I love when newer artists are on, don't get me wrong, but when you have an A-list guest with 30 years of movies to talk about that we all know (or think we know) it just takes the show to another level. ScarJo, Paul Rudd, McConaughey, Undertaker, etc. are other good examples.

Loved his stories about Robin Williams, Spielberg, Coppola, Limon, and Affleck- hope he comes through and gets Ben on like he says he will at the end.

👍︎︎ 97 👤︎︎ u/TheBoyisBackinTown 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Haha I love that Boca Juniors story. Those games can 100% become dangerous.

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/_Wussell_Restbrook_ 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a gentleman. You can tell that he's humble and grateful for his success. I enjoyed hearing about the movie business concerning the DVD sales. Definitely gives you a glimpse behind the curtain.

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Mushu_Pork 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well that was super entertaining. Never seen anyone drink so much water though. Ate most of every wing, too. Great job Matt!

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/Ralph-Hinkley 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Matt did great! Even took two bites on the Bomb. Did the show justice and good responses even though he was feeling the heat

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/NotSorryForPartying 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

The fastest way to me enjoying an episode is to mention watching previous guests. Kinda shows they know what it takes to do a good episode.

I don't know why but I fucking love hearing that they watch the show too. When he mentioned both Billie Eilish and Bill Burr I was just thinking "One of us! One of us!"

Nothing worse than a guest nibbling wings who have no idea what we want to see. Great episode.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/drewst18 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fantastic episode. Great questions, as per usual, and Damon coming back with interesting answers, and just being a personable, easygoing dude.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/gunnerxp 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
two saucers are good did i just drool oh my god what's happening to my body [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by matt damon he's an academy award-winning actor he's been in some of the most iconic films over the last 25 years from goodwill hunting to saving private ryan the bourne film series and many more his latest though is the tom mccarthy directed crime drama stillwater which is set to release on july 30th matt damon welcome to the show thanks sean appreciate it i know that you're a big cholula guy what's going through your brain right now as you prepare for the wing gauntlet today i made the mistake of watching probably too many of uh my colleagues do this and so i think i went from being pretty bullish about it to being i'm pretty i'm i'm there's a humble man sitting before you uh my kids really wanted me to do this too which i know is a theme a lot of a lot of people say that but it was true in my case too so they want to see they want to see the flop sweat so let's put on a show all right [Music] it's terrific so there's a store in williamsburg that sells all these right yep shout out all right well the classic hot sauce is fantastic so far so good [Music] so your latest film stillwater recently premiered to a five minute long standing ovation at khan and in it you play an oil rough neck from oklahoma how did taking a road trip to the sooner state eating at places like rey's barbecue and then befriending real life oil man kenny baker how did that help you and tom mccarthy to shape the story wow you knew about ray's barbecue my place was fantastic um that was really the key to everything was going down there and i love this script and i just i read it and loved the dynamics between all the characters and totally believed it but the specificity of what a rough neck is and what a rough neck does was absolutely key to creating this character so i and i didn't know that whole world we actually named the character bill baker as kind of an homage to kenny because his last name is baker kenny took us around and went to these oil rigs the way he walks the way he stands the goatee and the wrap around glasses all those specific details came from our time down there and i think you know they kind of met us the roughnecks kind of met us with like some understandable wariness like hollywood yeah yeah what are you doing like what are your intentions you know what i mean are you here to poke fun at us like what are you really doing but once they realized you know that the script had all this compassion and empathy for this character it was about this guy and um and that we were just trying to get it right they they were awesome just gave us unbelievable access and the movie is what it is and that performance is what it is and i'm really proud of it but it's because it comes from those guys [Music] oh that's delicious i would have both of those in my house without a doubt that's great so i'm from illinois and my mom actually worked for the u.s government's anti-trust division and i actually remember her working on the mark whitaker case where i filmed the informant out of my own personal curiosity what drew you to that story in that project well steven soderbergh asked me and and incidentally asked me to do it at a time in my career when it looked like i was going that way the porn identity hadn't come out um i had a bunch of bombs steven called me and i remember he told me about it and i didn't realize he was offering me to star in it i because nobody had offered me a job in a while and i said do you mean do you want me to write this because i'm a writer also no no i want you to scott burns is going to write it i want you to star on it like i couldn't believe it anyway we sat on it for a number of years until the timing worked out and we shot it in 2008 and it's one of my favorite things i've done and that case was just incredible so i'm proud of the movie we did chomasa spicy habanero and man and manzano and manzano chili hot sauce intensely spicy just one drop hot sauce well and this one's had a bath it has okay that's fantastic [Music] that's delicious big pepper but really good i'm sorry i got to eat i got to kind of eat all the wings because i saw bill bird do that um boston thing boston strong yeah he he did really well so project green light offers a fascinating insight into the chaos that goes into making a movie at what stage in the filmmaking process are the stakes the highest like is having a solid script the most essential component to making a good movie or does the sink or swim moment happen further down the line well it can be both ways you can have a solid script and you can be adjusting it as you go along and um i mean the most hectic and high pressure is in in production because that's like when you're lighting money on fire um you know you've got everybody out there you're on location somewhere it's just really expensive pre-production you can kind of hit pump the brakes a little bit you can slow down there you can you can work kind of regular person work hours that's got a little more than i thought how would you in layman's terms explain the internal calculus that goes on with a studio when they're deciding whether or not to finance a film like whether or not it's worth the gamble yeah well that's the key word is gamble because it's always a gamble right there's you're always it's always a risk they try to mitigate the risk by putting somebody who they think is bankable quote unquote bankable in the kind of inside baseball of it is they have a list from what i understand i don't know that it's like they meet like the heads of the five families and the godfather and talk about it um or there's some secret list but it does seem like you don't know if you're on the list or not you just know kind of based on how many offers you're getting like i don't think i'm on the list right now and i think you kind of you know it's like the premier league you get relegated and you get promoted and you kind of go back and forth but it does seem like if you're on the list in one place you're on the list in all five [Music] and do you do this by a taste profile or an actual heat profile i guess you have the habanero measure on the side yeah so it's going up it's all going to keep going up but that's a good question because we do try to mix up the sauces because physiologically you'll react differently to different peppers so it's like delicious maybe you'll have like a a pepper that like lights your lips on fire like scratches your throat or makes you sweat in the back of your neck a little bit so we try to mix those up so that it's like a full just the walls are closing in on you the enjoyment yeah that you got there's three totally different things that these wings can do to you this is great so i've heard you say that you take every job based on the director and it would seem that guiding philosophy has served you well having worked with nine different filmmakers over the course of your career who've all won an oscar for best picture clint eastwood is notorious for always going with the first take what was that experience like as an actor on the set of invictus well it was a little terrifying because i was playing with south african and that's a really hard accent to do if you think about what our tongue does in an american accent it's like the polar opposite in a south african accident so it's like if you say i'll be right back and think about what your tongue does they say i'll bit off bake and it's like what the [ __ ] just happened right it was very hard to it's something that just required a lot of practice and i've treated it like a like a job and i i tested that theory on day day one of shooting we did the first take it went pretty well but clint says cut print check the gate which means you know we're done here we're going to move on and i said hey boss you know maybe you think we get one more and he just turned and he goes why you want to waste everybody's time all right okay we're done all right good let's let's move on so uh so i'm glad i put all that work in because i really don't think i got more than one take ever and then you had the distinction of working with francis ford coppola in the movie the rainmaker what are some of the unique things that you saw him do to elevate a scene different tactics i read something interesting about him putting rocks in your shoes yeah yeah that was a scene in which i was supposed to be uncomfortable i was walking into a a meeting and then the kind of the setup is it's a long conference table and there's like 15 really high-powered lawyers led by jon voight on the other side you know these formidable people with this incredibly formidable guy in the middle of them right and i'm little rudy baylor with you know by myself on the other side of the conference table and sort of walk into the room francis uh put rocks in my shoes and then just told me to walk normally you just want to be uncomfortable and try to act as comfortable as you can because you don't want them to see how uncomfortable you are so things like that all right matt are you ready to move on halfway mark you're doing great thank you this one's the ginger goat here in the five spot the ginger goat [Music] the original glow the tom brady of hot chocolate that's interesting i like it it's got a little uh little pineapple in it sometimes they'll like kind of a little fruit that's nice all right matt we have recrained segment on our show called explain that gram we'll do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context of course you don't have an instagram you might be surprised to learn this you still have plenty of pictures on the internet so what we'll do is we'll put the picture on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story and an all sports theme i love when we can do that we have an all sports theme for matt damon so let's pull up the first picture do you have a lasting memory from sitting courtside at staples center for game five of the 08 finals between the celtics and lakers absolutely i have a [ __ ] great memory of that game these seats are next to the laker bench so literally we sat down and and you know the guys who work for the lakers are looking to go you got to be kidding me like they they gave them to you guys like they were so like this is like this is you know i'm gonna talk to patrick they were they were they were ripping about it but this game we were down like 21 points it was something incredible and sure enough these guys they come back all the way and it gets capped with paul pierce the truth driving down the lane like laying the ball in and it hits the glass and by the time it hits the glass it hasn't even gone through the hoop phil jackson's up calling a timeout to try to stop the bleeding and wahlberg and i are like going absolutely crazy we jump up and we're like 15 feet from phil jackson and phil jackson turns and points at us and he goes shut down and shut the [ __ ] up and i was like and were like like like we made it into the celtics lakers rivalry just as like bit players but and also phil you know he's known for being so zen yeah yeah not in that moment no i mean it was like probably one of the worst moments of his professional career it was like oh it was like god not this again but uh but yeah man it was it was like you know it was it was funny it was a moment in stillwater you attend a game at the velodrome and i've seen you at formula one events i've seen you at rugby matches what to you is the most memorable sporting event that you've ever seen internationally a great question the way that people cheer in europe for soccer is is awesome it's where like to any american who's traveling abroad and has the chance to like just get tickets and get into a stadium it's really really fun it's worth seeing the craziest thing i've ever seen without a doubt though is a soccer game in argentina my wife's from argentina we went to spend christmas there about 11 12 years ago her family's team boca juniors which is a very popular team in buenos aires is is in the this final and i say to my uncle well to her uncle you know hey can we go can we go to this game and he gets this very serious look on his face and he's like [Music] we can go we can go he says in spanish we can go he goes no women no children i was like what like i thought you know i was gonna take the kids and we were gonna go to go to the game yeah well i saw why when we went because we had to get through i think three police barricades there was temporary fencing with barbed wire put up i mean it was just absolute madness and police with riot gear outside and if this is the is the the field people were sitting here and people were sitting here kind of like as if in the two end zones what would be end zones of our football and there was nobody sitting in the best seats right because that was the distance that people could throw things and hit each other our team won the other team's fans are filing out and the trophy presentation finishes and i say to hector i'm like you know should we go and he goes no we still still and it was because they needed time to get out of the neighborhood where the stadium was and you had to give them like a 45 minute head start and then when they did let us out they actually held us in these temporary kind of cages i was like what are we waiting for now and they're like now they still need five more minutes to clear the neighborhood i mean it was absolutely crazy like definitely the craziest sporting event i've been to teacup masala all right oh oh it's the back of the throat a little bit huh it's it's starting it's starting here yeah all right well it's on now wow so i think a scenario lots of viewers can relate to is is sitting on the couch on a friday night going through the streaming services cycling through the movies and thinking to themselves they're not making movies for me anymore as somebody who's been intimately involved in movie making for 30 years what are the macro hollywood conditions behind that sentiment well so what happened was um the dvd was a huge part of our business of our revenue stream and technology has just made that uh obsolete and so the movies that that we used to make you could afford to not make all of your money when it played in the theater because you knew you had the dvd coming behind the release and six months later you'd get all you know a whole nother chunk it would be like reopening the movie almost and when that went away that changed the type of movies that we could make i did this movie behind the candelabra when i talked to a studio executive who explained it was a 25 million dollar movie i would have to put that much into printing advertising right to market it but we call pna so i'd have to put that in pna so now i'm in 50 million dollars i have to split everything i get with the exhibitor right the people who own the movie theaters so i would have to make a hundred million dollars before i got into profit and and the idea of making a hundred million dollars on a story about like this love affair between these two people yeah i love everyone in the movie but so that's a that's suddenly a massive gamble in a way that it wasn't in the 1990s when they were making all those kind of movies the kind of movies that i loved and and the kind of movies that were my bread and butter by the way these were all great these first six so i'm starting to not be able to feel my my mouth too much [Music] yeah all right [Music] wow i feel like i'm gonna drop about two pounds i'm gonna hit my catch weight [Music] that is [ __ ] hot man but having said that it's delicious that's actually really good there's some uh redeeming culinary qualities in that one i would buy all seven of these i really would that one's that one's hot yeah yeah so when we had david arbor on the show earlier this season he said i love that guy for drama to translate on camera that something real has to happen between the actors yes is it true that steven spielberg excluded you purposely from the military training instead of saving private ryan to create a real resentment between the rest of the cast and you that's totally true um i was such a young diligent actor i was ready to go to boot camp and he said absolutely not he goes you can train in any way you want but i'm separating you from the other guys they really did they were totally resentful every time they brought up boot camp because i think it rained the whole time i think they had a tough few days there's a there's an internet rumor on reddit that if you watch the famous idiosyncrasy scene in goodwill hunting that you can actually see a subtle wobbling up and down because the camera operator was laughing uncontrollably right along with you and robin williams confirm or deny on that [Music] i don't know we could check i wouldn't be surprised robin made everybody laugh i mean uncontrollably and when he would see people's energy flagging he would just launch into like 10 minutes of stand-up he was the biggest you know comedian in the world and actor in the world and that level of like i don't know leadership kind of like an attention and of love coming from him was just like well you know everybody was ready to like work for another 12 hours i mean he was just amazing fact or fiction you declined to participate in the bourne conspiracy video game because you wanted a game that was more like missed yeah yeah wow wow that's uh no i just didn't want to do a kind of a just like a first person shooter like it offered me a bunch of money but it was like if you could make it more i don't know a little more thought had to go into it or you know like missed i loved that game so i was like you know more like mist and uh they were like no and they just went and made it without me the bomb this is the one yeah this is [ __ ] me beyond insanity jesus [Music] why i don't have a good answer to that question oh [ __ ] why but going back in ah [ __ ] it i saw billy eilish go back down through the rotation i was like wow baller amazing she said high bar with that episode wow it's up into the nose that's that's that's incredible so my only real goal with this minor internet celebrity is to use it to infiltrate the inner inner sanctum of my favorite sports teams the teams that i rooted for growing up do you have an all-time most treasured 13 year old matt damon would freak out if you had this moment thinking about your brushes with the red sox and patriots over the years oh i've had so many of those moments i went um in 1999 the all-star game was at fenway park um they let us out on the field um it's really [ __ ] hot um [Music] wow to have batting practice and i hit the green monster off my dad wow i think that like i'd never need therapy in my life john this is terrible the other thing is that it doesn't feel good in my stomach either right spinning a little bit do you want to do you want a gas pedal to the next wing you want to slow it down no no no whatever you you lead the way man you're driving okay okay so this next one is the scorpion disco that sounds fun oh god [ __ ] man nope gronk spike on that wing no it's terrible just say shadow this fall you reunite with your lifelong friend and longtime collaborator ben affleck for the historical drama the last duel do you have an all-time favorite scene in a movie that you've shot with ben there's a scene in goodwill hunting where uh he tells me to get out of town and that was really cool because we worked on that for four or five years up to that point and it was a big scene for him and when he did it did one take and the first take and gus van sant the director went that was great um i think i have it and ben was so shocked because we've been imagining this day for so long well he looked at me and i was like because he's right i think we got it he kind of insisted on doing it again so he did it only three times and i can't i don't know what take gus used he could have used any of them because they were all great but the look of bewilderment on his face that this thing you'd been waiting so long to do was like over in 20 minutes um that was probably my favorite scene all right matt damon last dab [Music] oh i have a great spice store you want to hear a funny spicy i'd love to hear a spicy so doug lyman who directed uh the born identity um he's a really funny guy and he um he loves spice you should have him on your show actually he's a great director he'd be a very fun interview we're shooting a commercial here in new york doug calls this indian place uh he goes i tell people i want more spice on my food and they never put enough and i know you have great spice there i know you have the hardcore stuff and i want the hardcore stuff so you give me everything you have he goes i'm telling you i guarantee you i will not come back and complain the guy says okay doug goes gets his lunch oh god that's gonna be too much yeah okay and uh he gets his food he goes to his trailer he takes a uh one bite he goes to take another bite and projectile violence it's like that sometimes like it can be like that just too much bites the guy was like if you want the good [ __ ] here you go okay so well [ __ ] man all right cheers cheers man thank you this was fun what a ride growth i might throw up i mean i won't do it on camera but like the last three is really yeah tough it's like they've done something in the lining of my stomach yeah my kids are gonna be so happy but thankfully matt damon we've reached the end of the gauntlet and just one more cumbersome task before we roll credits we've been very generous in talking about your career in film enlightening entertaining and we're hoping to put a little bow on that here as we close things out what would be your answer to a cenophile who asked you to name four matt damon movies on this particular day under these bizarre circumstances with your brain on fire that best define your career in acting there's sweat coming down my neck in like actual drops it's unbelievable four so like my four favorite performances i'd say still stillwater is one of them i'm really happy with it goodwill hunting definitely i love the informant well one really early on called courage under fire which was a supporting role but that kind of did a lot for me i don't know maybe wow that is unbelievably hot sean look at ripley it crashly i am i hit the catch weight like two sauces did i just drool oh my god what's happening to my body uh look at you matt damon making it to the finish line all before puking taking on the wings of death sweat smoking wet but just working through the wings bill burr would be proud your kids are going to be i did i listen i brought i brought the boston like bill did i'm i'm i'm proud of that he's i love that community he's on my mount rushmore of comedians so i i had to [ __ ] stand up and right along right along bill burr on the mount rushmore of hot ones chisel in matt damon's face taking on the wings of death listen to the tail and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life nothing i'm gonna try to recover from that i'm gonna i feel like i need a shower i mean i'm literally if you knew what was happening on my scalp right now that's that's a new experience i mean i feel like if someone just put a garden hose over my head this is incredible but thank you man sean this was totally worth it mike my kids are going to be thrilled honestly we we love the show i can't feel my tongue it feels like my tongue's getting thicker thank you guys 15 minutes to 45. yeah yeah yeah 45 check back in you're gonna be good to go that was a baller move man you didn't drink any water yeah you know i just uh that's [ __ ] amazing that's really that's [ __ ] amazing i cleared a whole picture and then they went back and filled don put more in that might be a record well i better get bender do it yeah pass the word to ben hey what's going on hot ones fans this is shawn evans checking in with a quick reminder of the hot ones season 15 sauces are currently available at that's right to get your hands on the season 15 hot sauces i know you're sitting there you're wondering at home like oh it can't be that hot i think they're overdoing it they're exaggerating i've had spicy before i can do it we'll put it to the test now available to get your hands on the season 15 hot sauces be careful around the eyes
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 6,935,156
Rating: 4.945683 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, matt damon, matt daymon, shawn evans, sean evans, saving pricate ryan, goodwill hunting, matt damon amazon, matt damon new movie
Id: yaXma6K9mzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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