Ed Sheeran Tries to Avoid Failure While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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This was enjoyable. Also /r/hotsauce will be pleased hear to of yet another Englishman who has his own hot sauce cabinet! I knew he was going to start turning as red as his hair.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/hpfan2342 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Actually a fan of his music, but the interview was really nice. Seemed like two chilled out friends bullshitting over some wings and just having a good time.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Karnbracken 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/Gules 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not the biggest fan of his music, but I enjoyed the interview a lot. He had a great rapport with Sean, ate every bit of each wing, cursed like a sailor, and had some good anecdotes.

"Only one person said they were going to pee in my pool, and it was this cunt."

Another solid episode.

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/TheBoyisBackinTown 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

The jacuzzi piss story had me rolling.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/friendandfriends2 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

They seem like close irl friends in this interview, its pretty nice. Ed is clearly a fun guy to have around, seems like he does a lot of funny as fuck shit

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/asiamexploding 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Superstar brits are always decent people on this

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone who's only listened to Ed's top "hits" on the radio and thinks that his music isn't for them should check out his album No. 6 Collaborations. Awesome episode, he crushed those wings and had a good time

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Bellinghamster 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

"If you're gonna get done for nicking a horse.. you might as well fuck it.."

Going to be using that line a lot

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Nosaj_the_Sausage 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
i feel like a failure man you want to slow it down a little bit no no [Laughter] [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by ed sheeran he's a four-time grammy award-winning singer-songwriter who sold more concert tickets and albums than just about any other musician over the last decade or really any decade for that matter and good news for ed sheeran fans as we have a new single album and tour on the way let's celebrate with a flight of extremely spicy chicken wings shall we ed sheeran welcome to the show thanks for having me i know that you have a passion for ketchup how are you around the hot sauce i'm all right actually i'm alright but i think in england like the spice is it's just so different to america like in america i feel like you get like two chilies and breed them to make this like super chilly that will [ __ ] you up whereas in england it's kind of just like just i guess like normal children we do have carolina reapers and uh yeah i think like the curry situation over there can get quite intense and my go-to curry is like one below the really intense one so i hope i hope i'm all right [Music] okay so this is just regular buffalo it's still got something though isn't it it's not like totally mild [Music] that's great so as we mentioned up top you are as you put it coming out of hibernation with a forthcoming album and i'm really curious how an artist decides to pick the first single like when you're looking at an album and seeing that track list what is your internal math when deciding which one to introduce to fans first especially after a hiatus yeah i think for me it's every time i've released a first single the way that it works best is to do something to like ground that i've never covered before because i feel like as an as a fan of musicians like any time that anyone's like not reinvented themselves but come out with something that you're like oh my god i didn't expect them to do that i think that's usually the way i picked the first single and it's kind of like a catch-22 because you put something out and your core fan base goes he's changed he's going in this new direction and then suddenly the album comes out and they're like oh actually in the in the grand scheme of things i mean it happened my second album i did a song called sing and then the third album i did a song called shape of you and both times everyone was like this is this is too different and both times both songs worked and led into the album quite well so this this time i had a first single pick kind of like lo-fi depressing sad and i'd made this like really upbeat dance tune and then boris johnson announced that england was opening up on the 21st of june and my single was going to come out on the 25th of june so i sort of switched them around because i was like what what what do i want to hear on the radio when the world opens up or if clubs are going do i want to hear like a really depressed li-fi acoustic gene yeah [Music] they're good they're really tasty so there are a lot of stories about pop stars breaking through by uploading covers to youtube but your breakthrough on the platform is really unique with their first viral hit being a performance on sbtv yeah thinking back how did the uk hip-hop scene and grime artist what impact or effect do you think it had on the trajectory of your career especially early on well i think you know i moved to london sort of like turning 17 and i joined the like acoustic singer-songwriter set so like went to do the shows and then i would meet other singer songwriters and then you just get part of this circuit i was like 17 18 most of them were like 25 26 and much better than me so i would do a show and just kind of be forgotten about and i was doing the same shows with the same people at the same venues with the same songs and just nothing was happening a friend of mine who was a poet um lived in los angeles and she said look i can get you a gig in um los angeles if you can sort the ticket and i'd been selling cds over a couple of months the ticket was like 800 quid i bought the ticket i flew over to la the thing i played was a poetry gig and it was in uh inglewood it was called fly poet i arrived there and i was british the only white guy in the room with a guitar with like crazy hair and i was like [ __ ] i don't think today's going to go well i stood up on stage and i played the songs and it was the best reaction i'd ever got from any show i think because it was all poetry and rap and suddenly like someone sits up and sings a song about you know a homeless girl in in london people kind of connected to it so from there when i got back to england i was like i'm not going to do any more acoustic nights i'm going to do comedy nights i'm going to do rap nights i'm going to do jazz nights and i basically did that circuit met jamal who ran sp tv and like within a year it kicked off so for me the uk i guess it's not an underground scene anymore because it is the the forefront of of culture but at the time the uk underground scene was the sort of catalyst for me having success here [Music] it's all right so this is where khaled tapped out right right you got it in you to keep going dude if i stopped now i would never hear the end of it never i'm making it i'm making it to the last one there's a bit of an aftertaste to that one it does it kind of builds in you if i go for water is that like a failure no no no no no you know if you hit the water or the uh the milk i'm only having this because i'm thirsty so there's a scene in your documentary songwriter we can see that you're visibly frustrated by changes that were made to your song shape of you and you say i promise you it'll sound better this way in a manner that made me really feel the self-will of your creative conviction is there another example of a song that you think was made better by doing what you wanted to do despite the feedback and wishes of those around you yeah i guess i mean i i've i've been wrong in a lot of cases and i've been writing a lot of cases and i think the key to it is having people that you listen to and not being like i know everything so with shape of you didn't want to put that on my album i thought it doesn't sonically fit i don't i've made this album it's perfect in my mind i don't want to put this on and everyone will say if you put this on it would be the biggest hit of your career and i was like no it's just i kind of felt it was like cheating because it i basically had done a paint by numbers pop tune and i sort of felt like i was cheating with that and um it was it was the biggest hit of my career and i love playing it live i love seeing the reaction it has to people and i hear it everywhere so i was wrong there but there's also like i know the people involved will deny this to the hilt but there is no way that i would have given this song away if no one liked it or if people liked it but when i wrote justin bieber's love yourself i remember playing that to people and then being like and so i gave it away and now it's like why did you give it away you know you never played this to us i had an email actually the other day from a song that i'd gone round this bloke's house and i'd played him this song three times and played it on acoustic guitar and then i came to america i played it to a couple of people they emailed him and then he emailed me being he got the song he's like what the [ __ ] this is the best song we have on the album this is the thing and i was like dude i literally played this to you three times a week ago and you you weren't feeling it then it's yeah it's very much like they say how many uh how many music industry people does it take to change a light bulb 1 and 99 to ask each other what they think of it that's basically it so is this like is this one you sell in shops yeah yeah we actually make this one that's really tasty we'll take that everyone buy that okay we actually have a very special surprise for you on this wing we reached out to a mutual friend who's brought us burning questions that he has for you ed sheeran can you guess who it is i can see who it is it's benny blanco that's right it's five-time bmi songwriter of the year benny blanco also the host of eat out america he's got some questions for you he's gonna say he can really i know he's gonna say something [ __ ] up well let's see the first one what's your favorite song we've ever worked on together why is he saying normal questions i was expecting him to say something green um i would say castle and hill castle on the hill for me was the um it was the first tune that i finished for the divide and it was like the the sort of like benchmark that all the other songs went went around and we wrote it here in new york i think we worked in a jessie ware song and i went in to do some like backing vocals or something on that and we just did it on the side and then it ended up being like the kind of thing that made the album happen well there you go all right it's starting to spiral it gets more benny as we work good good good name one artist that you're so [ __ ] jealous of like you look at their stats all the time you wish your [ __ ] was as good as theirs you just you you can't put out records without even thinking about them i wouldn't say i'm actually like jealous of of anyone because i feel like i love what i do and i couldn't do what what other people do but i think every artist when they release finds out whether drake taylor or adele are releasing and they go what like what what what day they going and like should we can we put out i think every artist does that but i wouldn't say i'm jealous of any of them but all of them make me strive to work harder well all right one more for you it's a big mystery all right for everyone who doesn't know me and ed real good friends we went to a festival stayed up all night came back got in a jacuzzi together and he pissed it and someone peed in the jacuzzi it was fun it was me ed ryan tedder i'll tell you why maybe one other person ed has been convinced that i pissed in the jacuzzi it's not any wait i'll tell you offices just for everyone around the world i i do piss in pools exactly but i don't piss in jacuzzis i would never piss in a body of water that small ed i need to know do you believe me or not so he's been going on about this for a while so i think okay so it it might be tedder it might be but the thing is benny said to me as he arrived at my house i'm going to pee in your pool and i was like you're not going in my [ __ ] pool benny if you're going to pee pick me he's like i'm going to pee in your pool so just never let him in the pool we went to a festival latitude festival we came back to my house and we're sitting in the jacuzzi and then like a couple of weeks later i go to use it [ __ ] stinks and i get someone to check out the cruise people come check it out and they said it had so much urine in it that it had over overflown the system that like cleans the urine so it is either benny or tedder but only one person told me that they would pee in my pool and it was this company we were in there for hours soaking in someone's earring [Music] this is a really pleasant morning so far so far that one's the best one so far we'll take that we'll take that commission on that yeah i got a little rupture on it all right we actually have a recurring segment on our show called explain that graham we're doing a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull up the picture over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story where does doing a song with 50 cent and eminem your song remember the name where does that fall on your list of career accomplishments i think probably top three because when i was in school i i mean look at me if you would if you were to f like i looked like that in school but younger smaller skinnier and geekier and if you were to go into my school and go at the height of shady records and the height of aftermath and go which one of these kids is going to do a song with m m and 50 cent no one would no one would have guessed me and like i've done a song with um for his album and then i was like i'm putting together collaborations project i sort of said to him could you could you do it i'd love to get 50 on it and he was like yeah no problem i'll get 50 on it and i remember walking into this dressing 50 will probably disagree with this but i remember walking into the wembley dressing room to me and we were being presented to play and i don't think 50 had a [ __ ] clue who i was he was i think afterwards he was like oh the shape of you guy but like i was kind of like hey and you could see in his eyes he was like i'm not and i at this point we'd actually done the song together but um he'll probably disagree with that though [Music] mild oh well this one does kind of creep yep i know this one's [ __ ] up i know that one's [ __ ] up you've had that one before i've got that in my cupboard yeah whoa yeah i have a whole cupboard my wife's made me actually move them all because they were in the normal cupboard and i kept buying hot sauces so she's made me have my own cupboard for the hot sauces that fill them up and now you have some more to add to it so these are all mine you get to take them [ __ ] yeah thank you can i get a couple of the last dabs i promised my driver geo i'd give them yeah yeah we'll hook it up we'll hook it up so there are these amazing stories about your dedication from acquiring james blunt's diary so that you could set a benchmark for how hard you need to work just doing over 300 it does it does creep to doing over 300 gigs in 2009 alone is doing stage shows still the best way for a singer-songwriter to build experience and get discovered or is that path to success more or less given way to the internet yeah i think i think in music everything's a muscle that you have to keep exercising whether it's songwriting whether it's singing i like i've never really done vocal warm-ups and um since getting back to work now i'm starting to lose my voice again and i'm kind of like do i do vocal warm-ups why didn't i do them before and i think it's because i sung every day whether it's stage whether it's songwriting or singing or performing in general you just have to do it all the time i've noticed you've not touched your water or your milk you know it's not as any sort of like a show-off thing it's just i've been so uh i've been so captivated do you actually distract the same wings that i get yeah i would i don't just get all mild no no no no you can see see you can see the coloration and differences go ahead go ahead just making sure i i i'm open to it i'm open to it all right are you ready to move on here to the next wing this is love burns here in the seventh spot i feel like i feel like saying that that was miles like it heard that and came back to bite me it's gonna get weird here okay it's like a dry heat i think this one's gonna be a creeper in it and it builds yeah from all fronts [Music] righto florida [Music] say no no no they don't play so once i post a retro martin guitar from 1907 of all the instruments in your collection which is the oldest and what's its backstory probably that probably that i'd say the coolest one was um um so actually the guy that told me to do this show i got sorry i'll i'll explain story i basically my hero is eric clapton he's the reason i started playing guitar and um i uh saw him on tv when i was 11. i picked up guitar i learnt later and kind of went from there i got to know him in like 2015 and we've been friends since and i went to his house and we had like noodles or something then afterwards he just took his guitar off the wall and just gave it to me signed the back and said keep my guitar and i was like [ __ ] cool kept it in my studio at home it was my the only guitar in my studio at home i was on tour the person that lives in my house rolled me off and was like [ __ ] music studios on fire it's burning to the ground we've got the fiber grade here i was like i was like [ __ ] the guitar's in that studio anyway the guitar comes out it's ruined it's black it's like burnt to a crisp um and the guy that i was working with who have done the record with joe hi joe i know you're [ __ ] watching he says give me the guitar let me see what i can do with it and so he took it and about a year later he brought it back and it'd been totally restored and it smells it smells like a burnt house it's like but this really really burnt wood smell but it plays amazing looks amazing actually smells amazing and still has eric's signature on on the back so that's like my favorite couture i told you same wings yeah they're [ __ ] up man and this one as you know it's [ __ ] up [Music] crush on a bike that's just the beginning as well right just growing from here yep don't worry this one is where does your day go from here me i've actually come to kind of look forward to and enjoy the post hot ones experience because it's a time that i can tell everybody to kind of leave me alone you know no phone calls no emails crank the air conditioning in my apartment have a little ice cream and chill [ __ ] help man so speaking of crazy eating i know that you've switched up your diet habits quite a bit since the early carefree tour days but i love hearing these stories about you taking like butter masala and mixing them with vindaloo sauce or ordering three different kinds of puddings and turning them into one uber dessert is there an off menu ed sheeran frankenstein restaurant request that you're most proud of [ __ ] help i think my local kebab shop do like oh my god can we just eat the rest of it just eat these [ __ ] man that's bad that's bad that's bad i know that you went to that michelin-starred sushi joint giro in tokyo was that the religious restaurant experience that everybody says that it is no it was good it was good but there's a sushi place in london called iraqi it's kind of the same thing it's like i think eight eight seats on my cassette bloke just handing it to you and that i preferred that experience more than jira i think yeah jiro is like that ten seats 18 minutes no talking thing yeah and and they charge you a thousand dollars at the end of it all right heather you're ready to move on more almond milk there but i feel like i'm i feel like i've i feel like a failure man you want to slow it down a little bit no no at this point i think you see the finish line you're going through has anyone done it with a straight face there have been some times where people seem totally unaffected [Music] after the bomb i think it's like a little bit easier the bombers do i think joe actually gave me that one the bomb yeah shout out to joe shout out to joe he watches every single one actually he was like gung-ho for having you having gordon ramsay on him i remember the day you had gordon on he was like i think we were in studio and he stopped it and was like we're watching this oh not as bad as the bum still [ __ ] up so you have a knack for surprising fans whether it's taking taylor swift to your local pub and family on or hopping on stage in a random mall for a fan that's singing thinking out loud on stage do you have an all-time favorite sort of ed in the wild experience it's an interesting question all right actually my village i live in there's like 400 people and they don't really [Music] oh they don't really have like i'm kind of like the only guy that lives there that people would know or like seeing on tv and like when i bring people down it's quite random i remember i had courtney cox to come and stay and she thought that tesco which is a supermarket like walmart or whatever it was like a farmer's market and someone had said we're going to tesco and she was like i'll go to i love farmers markets i'll go and so it's like the supermarket with just local people who like went to my high school or whatever and they suddenly see monica from friends like looking at dolmio pastors or whatever and i quite like stuff like that it's so far from london that it's not normal that you would see people it's like totally out of the ordinary all right ed i feel like there's like some questions i don't even remember answering [Music] this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around you extra [ __ ] hell i'm the last one you don't have to if you don't like me i'm not i have a northern irish friend that says if you're going to get done for knicking a horse you might as well [ __ ] it don't try that i hope you guys might take the tagline oh is that enough that's enough that's funny that's funny that's funny all right guys i have to say man i'm not saying this because it's your show but those were the two tastiest ones by far you enjoyed the last ad yeah i did even after going through that that is the worst by far by far i'm right with you on that i was like i was good good good good good good good no these two all right that one no [Music] well thankfully ed we're at the conclusion of our spicy chicken wing adventure and we're hoping that we can close things out with a bang back in 2012 you told complex i'm not the world's best or worst beat boxer what is the first beat that materializes within you when you think about conquering the wings of death today that's the beat an ed sheeran exclusive taking on the hot ones gauntlet and living to tell the tale crushing the almond milk and slaying the wings now ed sheeran there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um not a lot not a lot bad habits new single out now tour next year album in the autumn check them out thank you [Applause] it's an amazing concept of a show dude i've like doing promo it's kind of you get into the rhythm of just doing interviews and doing questions and like every now and then someone will throw something and it's actually genuinely fun hey what's going on everybody this is sean evans and would you take a look at how we've set the table take a look at this this is the hot ones oxford pennant collab a classic american company buffalo new york in fact shout out to bill these right here they're perfect for the dorm room they're perfect for the hot ones party that you're throwing at your place perfect for the sports cave to get yours visit shop.firstviewfeast.com that's shop.firstbefeast.com to get your hands on the hot ones oxford pennant careful around the eyes you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,498,881
Rating: 4.9613018 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, sean evans, hot ones, hot ones sean evans, ed sheeran, hot ones ed sheeran, sean evans ed sheeran, hot sauce, spicy wings, hot seat, ed sheeran hot seat, shape of you, perfect, thinking out loud, eric clapton, 50 cent, eminem, Benny Blanco, bad habits, bad habits ed sheeran, ed sheeran 50 cent
Id: mKy5K-S4QpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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