Kevin Bacon Needs Six Degrees of Separation From Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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it's a dramatic scene wow that is psycho [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by kevin bacon he's a gold globe award-winning actor with countless timeless titles over the course of his 40-plus year-long hollywood career including apollo 13 a few good men footloose mystic river and many more these days though you can catch them starring in the acclaimed crime drama city on a hill which begins its third season on showtime sunday july 10th kevin bacon welcome to the show thanks for having me how are you around hot sauce i know that you like to hit your morning mango with a little bit of chili powder yeah i like hot sauce i don't know there's this thing what they say if you if you use it too much then your taste buds get burned out and then you need to use more it's a it's a gateway drug or something i don't know i i but i like it i'm living proof you know what the taste buds they don't burn away i can still taste as good as that okay good i'm glad nine years ago so we can just dive in here good i'm glad to hear at the handle [Music] hmm good you got me a little bit of a little lime in there maybe yeah i like it so in the gritty boston-based crime drama city on a hill you play the often cd always swaggering fbi agent jackie rohr and i've heard you describe the show as being like shakespeare with a lot of [ __ ] can you unpackage that i love it as a tagline well you know when i first read the script um what i really found interesting about the character was was obviously a man of the street at the same time he's like incredibly well-read and incredibly verbose you know sometimes i do parts where uh i i like to kind of lean into saying a lot with a very little and then every once in a while something comes along where the guy can't just can't shut the [ __ ] up and and it's just really fun to just kind of lean into that and they always write me good stuff to say [Music] mm-hmm yup delicious and your wings are very good too i might add them thank you thank you so much thank you dom quick shot over there so i want to stay on the topic of television because it marks a distinct shift for you saying in a 2017 interview with the guardian before my managers knew never to mention a tv series because they knew how furious that would make me what do you see as the forces at play that have driven so many actors away from film and towards television over the last decade or so um well i think what happened was writers on films a lot of people aren't really aware of this are strangely kind of the low men on the totem pole they're low people on the totem pole um on a on a film set on a movie set once the writer has delivered the script the director and the actors and the producers just kind of traditionally have pushed them aside and said well now this is our movie and we're going to um make it ours you know even in the editing process scenes that were incredibly important to a writer get lifted and taken out and at one point i think they all went you know what [ __ ] that you know i'm gonna go where i can be the show runner so when the great writers started to see that that was an opportunity they went to television and then that sort of golden age of sopranos and six feet under the wire and all these tv shows that i was sitting home and watching and just looking at and going [ __ ] i want to do that and then it's interesting to me that in the beginning of your career you know box office was everything and then that gives way to blockbuster and rentals which gives way to dvds which gives way to streaming and then now coming out of this pandemic it's kind of these like dual theatrical releases along with on-demand what do you see as like the biggest existential threat to the movie-making industry having lived through so many tectonic shifts in your career well you know you you make a good point i lift through so many shifts and i never really thought they were shifts people would say hey you know the movie business has changed the way you know when i first started out we didn't even have cameras everything was live um you know we live in a world of increasingly haves and have-nots and that seems to have reflected its way into the movie business where you can you put 200 million dollar movies in in the theaters but the movies that i'm going to be in you know are going to have a harder time finding a theatrical kind of release but i'm gonna hold on to the dream that people will never stop wanting to you know buy some shitty popcorn and and sit there and and uh and experience that with strangers [Music] okay oaxacan that's gotten spicy [Music] that's only the third one [ __ ] okay yeah that's getting there hey so do you put this this you put it on before the chicken wings are cooked or afterwards this is too technical no no no i i love to love getting into the mechanics of it all so um it's after so the wings come in bare okay naked however you want to put it and then a little double bowl toss action okay with the sauces so you get that full coverage so you can't escape kevin you can't escape that's good wow all right is it true that while preparing for your role in footloose that you actually attended a real life actual high school as a transfer student under the assumed identity run mccormick yeah this is the world's dumbest ride-along you know i mean i wanted to see what the experience would be of an urban kid as a kid wasn't footloose moving into a rural environment very very different culturally it was so much like the movie i can't tell you it was like some of the bad some of the badass kids were like hey who you who are you punk yum you know they were like whatever and you know fronting with me in the bathroom and stuff and then there was like this big kind of dude corn-fed dude who was you know took me under his wings like hey y'all back off i got it i got it he's okay um and the girls when i walked down the hall were giggling and like i had thought if the character walked into the school on the first day that he would be you know come on bring it and it was the complete opposite when i walked into that school i was like oh [ __ ] so it actually did inform the in in in in a in a way that was pretty specific you know um and then when this crew showed up i was like thank god you guys are here let's go to the bar air lift me out of here let me out of here yeah hmm got good hot sauces here man so far i guess right yeah has anyone ever tried to switch them i don't know why you'd want to do that so there's a couple times where it's almost like accidentally happened oh you know like tom holland comes in like hi nice to meet you and then goes and reaches for like number 10 right away i've heard that about him yeah you know dom has to fly in here and fall in the grenade and then we had one guest eddie wong way way back in the day that actually did it in reverse seemingly on purpose would not recommend after seeing the way that that played out in real time so i know that you left home at age 17 with broadway dreams starting out at the legendary circle in the square theater where the likes of pacino hoffman and street have gone through can you recall an instance ever a time in which your formal acting training brushed up awkwardly with the realities of being on a hollywood set well that's a really interesting question um when i did the movie diner i learned a great lesson from barry levinson being young and also really coming from the stage i tended to be kind of bigger you know and tended to want to put it out into the back row whatever it was that i i was feeling and he was like you know don't don't play it someone yeah you know you can just uh you know you know the lesson it's you know and and so i did less and i did less and he would have me do less again and that was a great sort of lesson to me um also you can't necessarily judge a part based on the amount of lines that you have if you listen to people and you have a good sense of who your guy is you can make an impact you can make your your presence known without just a bunch of this [Music] hmm seven people yeah um yeah i see why that's a little guy on a horse looking like he's about to smack you in the head okay what to you is the most interesting or fascinating thing about working on the simulators that the us space and rocket center in the lead up to apollo 13. that was an incredible experience i mean we were doing touch and goes in airplanes i mean all this kind of thing this is one of the great things about this gig that i have i mean the experiences that i have and the things that i get to be able to do or just i i never take them for granted i really don't in that case there was a plane called the kc-135 they fly out over the gulf of mexico you climb straight up and then you dive and these are called parabolas for 24 seconds i think it is you float i did it i got through it i was like great we all jumped off the plane we kissed the tarmac it was terrifying um but kind of cool oh had that experience so ron has a conversation a conversation with steven spielberg and spielberg says you know why don't you shoot some of the movie up in that plane and you have to keep in mind that at this point making people float was a really hard thing to accomplish uh in terms of special effects and you know uh ryan comes back guys guys guys guys got a great idea it's talking to stephen what we're gonna do i was like are you [ __ ] kidding me we're gonna be up in this thing for like weeks now myself tom and bill at ron we did this like 600 times wow but what was really cool was that not all three of us would be on in the scene at once maybe it was just me or maybe it was just tom or bill or whatever and then the whole rest of the plane was like a big uh uh padded cell and so we would just have fun just play football fly around fly like literally you could you could start at this wall and push off picture just flying all the way to this wall i mean just like this you know you can see there's goofy uh footage of it so again what an experience [Music] going in so interesting almost forget how it kind of raises your uh your uh heart rate right yeah yeah it's a little trippy too like sometimes trying to actually get like kind of like a head high off yeah a little bit yeah yeah yeah [Music] wow man i love you man i love you right so besides movies i know that music is a major passion of yours starting a band with your brother michael 25 years ago the bacon brothers and releasing close to a dozen studio albums and the time since as someone with a with a foot in both worlds is there a movie a project of yours that you think has the best or most underrated original soundtrack ah of mine probably i i it's been a while since i've gone back and listened to it but probably telling lies in america and of course i i think of that because i wrote a couple songs for it but that's not that's not really the reason i wrote i wrote a song called medium rare that they actually sang in the movie and it was cool to try to write in a specific kind of style of an error and stuff like that you know what else has probably i'm guessing although i don't honestly go back and look at the movies but i'm guessing that has a good soundtrack would be uh she's having a baby because john hughes was a huge huge people forget he was a huge music fan it was also really super super influential in things that were gonna you know be on the radio and you know really i'm sure there's a lot of cool music in that tissue time tissue time tissue time are you ready to move on to just an anticipation my nose started to run yeah this is the uh hollow key here okay in the seventh spot [Music] that doesn't even [Music] what's amazing is that they haven't even they haven't highlighted all of those peppers that they've only highlighted four out of five i think that's uh false advertisement because that shit's hot very hot yeah very hot one seven spot awesome i'm really enjoying this you're having a good time i am i am did you have a biggest customer pet peeve when you were going by vooner and waiting tables at the uh dlc cafe my biggest customer pet peeve man your research is deep bro lunar that is i got some friends that are gonna [ __ ] when they hear that that you figured that out um my biggest pet peeve would be um splitting dishes it was an interesting restaurant that i worked at it's on 72nd street up here because service was not really the deal i mean i was i was by far the most uh agreeable person that worked there the bartenders the waitresses it was not none of this what can i get you sir no it was nothing like that uh so you know it was it was not you know uh lesarc [Music] the bomb sorry about that okay oh my god i'm embarrassed to show you how small a bite i took with this to move it well all you need is a small bite wow that's hot wow it's insane it's beyond insane beyond insanity you'd have to put it on with like a pin wow oh my gosh that's hot very hot very hot wow awesome good delicious love it besides the time that you did your screen test with 104 degree fever for diner what immediately comes to mind when you think of harrowing audition experiences um so when i wasn't at the tappet keg i would sometimes go to studio 54. i would go alone because i love to dance i learned pretty quickly that it wasn't a place to pick up girls because i didn't have enough money or enough coke and there's a guy named mark who had blonde here was mark and steve rubell and and he was in turn uh in charge of picking who was going to be able to come through the red road oh he was like yeah in charge of the velvet over there right he was the guy and everyone's screaming mark mark two mark two mark three mark and and it was complete insanity and i noticed him going like this and looking over and then going and i thought to myself he's looking at their shoes and so i started to look at the shoes that people would wear and then i went out and got a pair of those shoes and i got it so then the the 70s end and they decided to do a show called got to go disco which is a broadway show there was a song called i love the nightlife i love the nightlife i like the boogie on the so i come in uh with the sheet music and i handed the piano player he starts to play it it never occurred to me that the sheet music might not be in the key of the record it was a disaster it was way out of my range and the weirdest thing was i'd never had i don't ever had a musical audition before there's a room full of probably i don't know 20 people 30 people all investors and and sitting right in the middle was this guy mark and all i could think was mark one mark one uh he was one of the producers and uh to say that i didn't get that part would be the understatement i just completely [ __ ] the bed well it sounded good when you just sang it just now and then you did it under the pressure of eight hot sauces yeah so i don't think these hot sauces are really great for the old vocal cords so impressive under the circumstances are you ready to move on here to number nine interesting title for number nine the psycho sauce yeah mm-hmm starting to see why you might put that at the end there [Music] oh man wow okay what does that mean 15 out of 10 right it doesn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense at all you know like they're coming but i mean it does make sense right now this is like when my mouth is going you're right [ __ ] that's 15 out of 10. oh my god wow that is psycho how would you describe your ideal day at macedonia state park hot ones creator chris schoenberger he takes his dog ruggles running there every single day well my favorite time to go to macedonia state park is after a big snow there's a two mile uh gradual uphill trail for a cross-country skiing and it's it's perfect because you're you're going uphill on the way and then you get nice and warm and then you just kind of it's it's a little easier on that it's very hard to answer these questions [Music] you're kidding you want me to put oh man you don't have to if you don't want to listen you're too nice good you need to have more rules i mean you need to ah be careful be careful all right do you find that [Music] men and women react differently of course they react differently but isn't is is there a sort of a an element that comes up with guys are like oh no it's like a we've never had a woman tap out on the show ever that's amazing [Music] [Music] i know it's funny how i know oh [ __ ] me it's funny how it just kind of builds you know yeah there's a cumulative effect i think of like putting all these 10 and layering them on top but the good news is you're all done with the wings we've taken a journey through your acting career and it's clear that you're someone who loves movies ever since you snuck into that dollar theater when you were 12 years old to see midnight cowboy on the topic of the movies that shaped you what makes spinal tap a perfect film oh it's got rock and roll it's got transformational performances from people who don't look or act anything like the characters that they played [Music] it's got humor and then a unexpected uh touch of pathos and it goes up to 11. some would say maybe even goes up to 15. some would say and look at you kevin bacon taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life i'm gonna [Laughter] i'm gonna try to get out of this and walk downstairs and go home i don't know maybe take a nap got city on the hill coming out i got some new bacon brothers music coming out wow it's hard to do under these circumstances the walls are closing [Applause] thank you thank you everybody good job good job that's the hot ones experience that was amazing i honestly i don't know where you get these uh questions from but they are well i know because i've seen the show that they are very surprising and incredibly well researched oh thank you so much yeah i mean it's it's nice to it's not just the wings it's also nice to have a you know have some [ __ ] to talk about that's not you know the usual oh my god hey what's going on hot ones fans this is shawn evans checking in with a very exciting announcement we've read the comments we've seen the emails and after six years more than 250 episodes we can now bring you the full hot ones experience in one convenient package i'm proud to introduce you to hot ones boneless chicken bites available exclusively at walmart and each bag of hot ones boneless chicken bites is packed with approximately 35 breaded seasoned white meat chicken bites as well as individual packets of the classic los calientes and the last ave apollo for all your saucing and dabbing needs the full hot ones experience ready to heat and eat whenever you get the craving to spice things up at home hot ones boneless chicken bites it's a party in a bag and everyone's invited [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,123,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, hot ones, spicy wings, sean evans interview, Kevin Bacon, kevin bacon interview, spicy wings show, kevin bacon jimmy kimmel, kevin bacon argentina, kevin bacon movies, kevin bacon burger, kevin bacon commercial, kevin bacon hot ones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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