Leslie Mann Gets Revenge While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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come here chris have a little of dabong yeah here chris let's go i deserve this yes you do [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by leslie mann she's an actress whose credits include some of the biggest comedy films of the last 25 years from knocked up to the 40 year old virgin funny people blockers and many more her latest project though is the meta comedy the bubble which is set to hit netflix on april 1st leslie mann welcome to the show thank you how are you around spicy food before we get started here um so i've had um tabasco sauce like just a little tiny bit which is very spicy for me and cholula sauce which i like on scrambled eggs um which i can handle but that's like pretty lightweight stuff right but you never know maybe i'll i'll be able to handle it off that's what we see secret talent here all along [Music] [Music] so this first one's the classic and we'll start at the handle over here okay okay um that's what everyone says [Music] that's good like a little tangy i like it that's a good one where's the camera plastic hot sauce leslie we should get some of this good house um very good okay so your latest comedy of the bubble is a wry story about a group of actors trying to complete a blockbuster film called cliff b6 in the middle of a global pandemic in what ways did the challenges of making cliff b6 mirror the reality of making the bubble like were there any jokes or observations that you found to be especially on the nose in terms of being self-referential well at the time we were all in quarantine when judd was writing the movie and so we were talking to um actors who were working on movies and tv shows and um they were telling us stories about things that were going on like being miserable because they had to go into a tiny hotel room and quarantine for two weeks so there were disguises and escapes and so we kind of like pulled from those stories are your eyes watering no not yet it might just be that might have been too spicy for you whoa let's go let's go number two dropping the hamburger already this next one is the dawson cedar smoked garlic hopefully i can handle it your eyes were watering it has a bite what's good though so when we had paul rudd on the show he talked about how the movies that he finds funniest are often categorized as dramas and that some of the most dramatic moments in film oftentimes happen in comedies what do you personally think of the phrase dramatic comedy which is often used to describe some of your most beloved films i like to be able to feel something deeply and also be able to laugh about it i've always thought of myself as like a dramatic actress i don't think of myself as a comedy actress and on the topic of paul rudd fact or fiction he improvised passing gas and that don't fart in the bed scene and this is 40. hmm i don't know if he likes to talk about that one time i talked about it and um during an interview and he he got mad at me so now he's going to get mad at me again sorry but uh but i think it's because the person interviewing us was like he's married to the most beautiful woman but it happened to be like this really beautiful woman and i think i embarrassed him talking about farts yeah but yes he did improvise that yes and it was not cool he hot pocketed me that was not cool [Music] i like the garlic and the sun-dried tomato that i just sounded like aina garten to myself didn't i i love the cedar smoked garlic and the hot sauce and the chilies and the sun-dried tomato mmm and then she eats it she's so excited do you watch that show no yeah aina is a is a legend this is she's a legend this is a food show and uh you can't have a food show in the space now and not pay respect to the legend so shout out to aina absolutely did you see the episode where she talks about um making brownies for jeffrey no tell me about making brownies for jeffrey so she's like when jeffrey and i met i made him brownies and that was the key to his heart and then and then she's like it's our you know whatever 40th anniversary and i made jeffrey's his favorite chicken and some his favorite brownies and then and then she like presents the food to jeffrey and he's all excited and he says he has a surprise for her and he like pitched a tent because that's what they did when they were first dating and so she goes into the tent and he follows and she peeps her head out and she says if the tents are rocking don't come and knock it and then sit down i can't get that out of my head well i think about it a lot that is why she's the legend okay this is good so far you're crushing two three four five six seven to go yep are you ready to move on to the fourth one yes whoa gotta cut job [Music] oh okay what's on my lips [Music] [Laughter] i'm glad that one's okay yeah that cooked it up there we go what's outside oh it has uh some cantaloupe melon in this one little sweetness with the heat but the heat comes through yeah it does so you have an amazing quote about rude casting director saying in a 2009 backstage interview when people are being [ __ ] you might as well not waste your time because chances are they're going to make a piece of [ __ ] anyway what immediately comes to mind when you think of the unpleasant or dismissive auditioning experiences that inspired that quote i wonder who i was mad at you must have been fresh off of something right oh my gosh but it's true just like treating actors like dog [ __ ] like we don't have feelings and we're not human beings i wonder what happened that day though me too something must have happened um you know just like rude people when you're trying to put yourself out there and be open and and do your job it's nice to have supportive people around you and not rude people like it with anything [Music] i think i'm gonna be fine i'm halfway through and i'm like it's okay you're doing good mm-hmm you're doing good we'll see how things go in the back half there's i think that's way worse that's the show okay but before we get there lastly we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that gram we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context okay so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story looking back what's the tv or movie set that made you laugh the most when the camera is cut probably this one the other woman yeah i had so much fun with cameron she's one of my best friends just honestly being with the girls being with kate upton and cameron diaz and we just had so much fun together we would go out and and have wine after work and and it was shot during the summer and it was warm in new york city it was just like a dream like a dream job yeah is this where it gets crazy back half you look scared well i love how you just dive dive right in okay i i like that shoot first ask questions later you're struggling more than me well there we go this one queen majesty coco ghost [Music] hmm what if i'm just fine with hot sauce did i speak to you [Music] should i be the host of this show you might be maybe we can trade off like i'll do some people and you can do some people i feel like i could yeah maybe i could do a movie or two and you know you can do youtube talk show yeah yeah i like that okay this one got spicy was this queen majesty queen majesty coco ghost i don't taste anything the cocoa part or the just the spice yeah the ghost comes through that's the ghost all ghost okay what makes the 1971 hal ash be directed classic herald and mod a quintessential comedy for you i love that movie um well it seems like um maybe yeah i feel this one now oh so we had a vcr player you probably don't know what that is no i remember vcr players i'm a child of the 90s over here and we had that movie harold and mod my mom gave it to us for christmas one year and then we also had the workout video by the guy from the richard gere movie lou gossett jr so for some reason we had his workout video and just herald and mud and so my mother and father um that was one of their first dates going to see harold and mod at a move in a drive-in theater oh almost as romantic as the tent and the brownies exactly but yeah so it has like history and then also it was all i had but also i really loved watching it and i would cry and feel so be so moved you know by it's such a great story and and the music is so beautiful and the acting is so beautiful and i just i like i really loved it it kind of like shaped me in a weird way thank god she gave me a good movie what if she gave me a different movie and that was the thing that shaped me and then i was like just off for the rest of my life or didn't want to pursue acting at all yeah yeah right yeah what's the big deal with this why would i ever want to do that well shout out to harold and maude yeah are you ready to move on here to the next wing yeah this is jekyll and hyde 13 angry scorpions here in the seven spot oh this is a scary looking bottle [Music] it says freakishly hot [Music] this one's not that this one's pretty spicy yeah it it grows it grows did you have any harrowing encounters with wildlife on the set of george of the jungle like what are the mechanics i'm shooting that lion rescue scene with bongo and caesar it's with bongo and caesar wait is that the the lions yeah they're famous lions so yes they put me in with i don't know which one it was bongo or caesar so i was in a little tiny space he's probably like where you are from me um and so this one's really spicy yeah and it gets so much spicier and so i remember i think about this a lot because i think you know when you hear about animals attacking um i think i i don't know why he didn't attack me and i i mean there's really nothing you can do when they're that close if he just jumps at me i'm dead i just bet that's all right right and and they didn't have anyone in between us just like a man like where that sign is away like what's he gonna be able to do right and so and i went along with it so i always tell my daughters do not listen to anyone telling you like if you feel instinctually feel like something isn't safe trust your instincts walk away and like ask someone smart or you know call me or [Laughter] but don't just listen to the movie people tell you it's safe don't just go along with it right because you don't want to like cause a problem like i shouldn't have done that well you know what speaking of staring the lion right in the eyes this next one is the bomb beyond insanity oh no this one's crazy my god yeah oh my god she's gonna look right over what i know i know [Music] who eats that i don't see a use for it personally [Music] i'm about to fall apart whoa oh it grows a little bit it grows a little bit we'll kind of gas pedal to the finish line here oh my god what um how long does it last oh that's really bad it'll just suck who's i doing the show you might be in the room oh my god not your idea though no but you know what i ended up as ho you know like this guy he's just got the idea how much hot sauce does he have to eat nothing you know what i mean come here yeah chris show yourself come here get out here come here chris have a little of dabong yeah here chris let's go i deserve this yes you do for you leslie okay yeah about damn time [Laughter] wait stay there stay here wait wait wait wait just one second let's just watch you for wait you can freaking myself for one second we have to watch watch watch yeah watch chris melt but he won't he is stoic he is stoic there's one thing i know about the guy he's dying fine is it awful it's bad this is what you do to people [Laughter] [Music] you okay yeah here we go do you have any questions okay you can go for later thank you that's it for chris everybody that made me feel so much better yeah me too actually you know like that was long overdue you know i'm happy that you did that you know me too oh it just caught my throat i don't know it has it just like it lives in there yeah it does like living in the back of my throat yeah and when i i swallowed it it came back up again you relive it again yeah how are you doing back there yeah chris how you doing are you dying okay that's good he end up smoking hot i'd have to agree but i think after the last one the bomb almost a walk in the park this is right spicy too yeah mm-hmm but we're almost there there's a little dip bomb left in there yeah like kind of reactivates yeah it's reactivating the bomb what's the leslie man movie line that gets yelled at you most in the wild so many classics i'm very curious what's at the top of the list um um let's get some [ __ ] french toast i think it's that one after that movie came out a lot of girls come up to me and say oh my gosh that's so me and i'm like like what uh uh driving and being crazy or whatever that's so me i do that all the time i'm like oh no that's a bad idea don't do that oh god it just got a little bomb it's like in my throat on the side first there you go [Music] oh okay cheers leslie what a ride okay cheers [Music] that's a spicy one that's a spicy one but the good news is leslie man that we're at the end of the road conquered the hot ones gauntlet and just one more question before we roll credits we're gonna take it to your sweet spot which is playfully ribbing your husband and long time collaborator judd apatow to close things out how do you think he would fare against the wings of death can you paint the picture for us in as much detail as possible that one's like really burny [Music] [Laughter] oh that one's really really like that one i don't like these two are the worst let the record show um so we went to a spice restaurant and um when we were traveling um that one's really bad i don't like that one um and he uh had this whatever spicy food and um and then was having a margarita with it and he went out to the car and passed out he can't handle spice he would die he would not be able to handle this but you know who can handle it leslie mann taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um what do i have going on will you this yeah um i have the bubble coming out april 1st which is exciting um it's a really fun movie it's on netflix and um uh that's kind of it thank you good job oh my god so fun i was really nervous about it what mod mod and i um watched the car it's still burning um uh the gordon ramsay episode she's like mom you have to do it you have to do it um so that's why i'm here but then i was really scared and it's really burning still how long does it take it's a diminishing return situation so you'll be back okay that was so fun though you had a good time yes thank you yeah thank you so guys really nice to meet you tomorrow i said hi i will can you fight chris hey what's going on hot ones fans this is sean evans checking in with a very exciting announcement we've read the comments we've seen the emails and after six years more than 250 episodes we can now bring you the full hot ones experience and one convenient package i'm proud to introduce you to hot ones boneless chicken bites available exclusively at walmart and walmart.com each bag of hot ones boneless chicken bites is packed with approximately 35 breaded seasoned white meat chicken bites as well as individual packets of the classic los calientes and the last ab apollo for all your saucing and dabbing needs the full hot ones experience ready to heat and eat whenever you get the craving to spice things up at home hot ones boneless chicken bites it's a party in a bag and everyone's invited [Music] you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 2,785,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, Leslie Mann, Leslie Mann interview, Leslie Mann interview 2021, Leslie Mann interview 2022, leslie mann judd apatow, leslie mann yelling at kid, leslie mann jergens commercial, leslie mann funny, leslie mann euphoria, leslie mann funny moments, leslie mann knocked up, leslie mann the other woman
Id: jWp5cr_Zpt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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