Tom Holland Calls for a Doctor While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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After watching enough episodes of Hot Ones I realized that hot sauce #8 Da Bomb Beyond Insanity, was responsible for absolutely destroying most guests. Bill Burr even said it himself that he thought it was the hottest out of all 10 sauces.

Well curiosity got the best of me and I ordered a bottle from Amazon, and let me tell you this stuff is brutal, hurts on the way down and on the way out. Apparently Da Bomb is the only sauce on the list that uses pepper extract which is why a) it tastes terrible b) has a hot effect unlike any of the other sauces on the list. Its a painful experience, no other way to put it

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1816 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Shenaniganz08 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Every episode just makes me more impressed by the iron will of Lorde laughing her way through every sauce.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 737 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Clintcar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The best part of this interview is when he mentions Paul Ruddโ€™s interview and does the โ€œLook at Us!โ€

Now Iโ€™m just imagining everyone on the set of Endgame just going โ€œLook at us, weโ€™re in the MCU, we did it.โ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 137 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SuperSaiyanBen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"At Nando's I'm a Medium, or Hot if I'm feeling adventurous. Extra Hot is too far gone for me."

Oh, buddy...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 205 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Before_Plastic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wait, Tom read for the part of Finn in The Force Awakens? When he's talking about the Star Wars job he didn't get, he mentions John Boyega. Man... Tom's a great, super likeable guy, but that would've been pretty terrible, tbh. He would've been a year younger than he was when he debuted as Spider-Man, and I would not have been able to buy him as a Stormtrooper at all.

Adds a bit of fun coincidence that he later starred in a different sci-fi movie where he falls in love with Daisy Ridley, though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 411 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mantis05 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Imagine all the famous asses that have sat on their toilet.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 196 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SanchitoBandito ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I like that he referenced Marty McFly and how that is what he was going for. When I saw him in Civil War, and Ant-Man grows into Giant-Man and Spider-Man yells "Holy Shit!" all I could hear in my head was Marty McFly saying it in Back to the future.

Also one of my favourite MCU moments. Paul Rudds laugh makes it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dobler21 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What a fucking champ. Went for 2nds on the last sauce.

Also you can tell he's very good friends with his MCU buddies.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 643 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DaftFunky ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

First time I've ever heard Holland swear.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 230 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheNextChampion_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
oh mate that is that's the worst thing i've ever put in my mouth hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we close out season 16 with tom holland he began his career at 12 years old in the west end production of billy elliot now he's one of hollywood's biggest box office draws from award-winning performances in the impossible to the marvel cinematic universe and on the topic of the latter he stars in what's sure to be one of the year's biggest films spider-man no way home which is set to release in theaters on december 17th tom holland welcome to the show hello mate thank you thank you for having me and before we begin one last time for season 16 how are you with spicy food what's going through your head as we prepare to dig in i'm okay with spicy food i mean at nando's i'm a medium or a hot if i'm feeling adventurous extra hot is too far gone for me so i think today is gonna be rather brutal and i think everyone will get to see a side to me that no one has ever seen before maybe i haven't even seen this side to me that's about to come out but i'm very excited i'm a huge fan of the show it was actually my mate twain a couple of years ago was like you should do this show called hot ones i was like what's hot ones he's like a show where you eat spicy chicken wings and you talk about stuff i was like it sounds so stupid and then i watched the first episode i watched idris elba immediately was obsessed with your show and have since then been a huge fan [Music] the classic hot sauce okay [Music] oh yeah other side other side other side you just saved me down i went for the worst one the first wings can you imagine can i say a huge thank you because that would have been we would have cut this well short okay so we're going over here yep all right oh yeah that's nice [Music] wow i am getting a bit of a kick now though so spiderman no way home features the return of alfred molina as doctor octopus a role that he had more than 15 years ago which i imagine is a unique situation for an actor can you recall an instance of his mind being blown by the technology and innovation that goes into making spider-man movies today that's got a delayed reaction the old classic hot sauce there um obviously when he was making the film i think it was 2002 maybe his arms his sort of robotic arms were puppets they were like real tangible things and they'd have a guy on each one and they would puppeteer them while he was performing so he had to work in tandem with the other four guys on this film obviously technology is advanced cgi has become so you know prevalent in these films so it was amazing seeing him have a bit more freedom on set with the way he could move without having to rely on other people we had this thing called a toothpick rig which is like a long bar like almost like a crane with a platform on one end and weights on the other and they put him on that crane so they can move him around so that it looks like the arms are carrying him and he loved it like he absolutely loved it but the funny thing is is that you'd be talking to him and he'd be attached to the rig and because he has no control over where he goes he'd be talking to you and he'd be like yeah so tom i'm from south london and then he would just suddenly like disappear and he'd like our [ย __ย ] helmet i'll see you later so it was a it was a pleasant a pr a plevage sorry the spices joy is i've got still chicken in my teeth right oh and it comes i know that i know that all too well there's lots of times i'm putting up a front like it's not bothering me but every episode every episode but it was a pro it was a privilege to get to work with them with alfred he was a good guy i really liked working with him [Music] it's very sweet that was really nice i actually really liked that one it was quite sweet i didn't really get any vinegar but it was nice i liked it the next one looks nasty it's very red chicken's not supposed to be red like that okay so i was interested to read that spider-man no way home director john watts actually assigned a john hughes movie marathon which you hosted at your atlanta home yes and i'm curious if you think there's any common dna between the spider-man franchise that you star in and then these classic coming-of-age teen movies from the 1980s there definitely is jon definitely took uh inspiration from those movies there are aspects of the way characters are dressed or the way they look that is definitely um inspired by it by those movies um and i think that is what sets our franchise apart from the rest of the kind of superhero genre is that they have this kind of really happy-go-lucky teenage coming-of-age high school movie vibe which i've never really seen before in a superhero film ferris bueller's day off for me was the one that had the most inspiration for spider-man this kid who's kind of breaking the rules but he kind of is doing it for the right reasons but the biggest inspiration for me and my biggest goal in playing spider-man was i really wanted to be this generation's marty mcfly yeah i love that that's up for everyone else's opinion but for me i'm really proud of what we did and especially my relationship between me and downey to me there's a lot of similarities between marty and doc and i know that they have deep faked us and made that happen which actually was a huge honor for me i loved seeing it uh but um but yeah so that for me would have been the biggest inspiration [Music] i'm feeling good i'm feeling good you look good thank you mate that's nice kind of like a barbecue sauce like a little kick to it yeah that feels that's good i like that one so your career it's taking you around the world and i've read that you like to visit golf courses in each new city that you visit i played baseball my whole life but i think the muscle memory of swinging a bat has ruined any potential i'll ever have of being good at golf do you have any general swing tips for just hopeless duffers like myself [Music] uh i mean short on your backswing is what i'd say because the golf clubs now the technology is so advanced that you don't have to hit it that hard for the ball to go that far a distance so shorten your backswing and don't try and hit it too hard well i'm taking notes they're down okay climb to the course next time i go are you ready to move on here to the next wing los calientes verde and you're doing great los calientes verde okay this one looks like it's going to surprise me it's got a bit of a green hue in there it does it's got a green heel oh it's immediately spicy this one [ย __ย ] i'm gonna go for a second hit though but you're going back in because it's really nice salute okay wow wow this is such a good idea for an interview because my brain my brain is all over the place we've got anything we've got him and i would be so honest so you had an interesting line on the nerdist podcast where you talked about how playing a superhero kind of takes away your biggest super power as an actor since you're also covering your face what do you see is the limitations or maybe even the opportunities for an actor when you do spend half a movie in behind a costume i mean it comes with its own set of challenges for sure [ย __ย ] me wow i want to try and do this and not have any milk okay we'll see how i don't think that's gonna yeah there's no way we're not even we're only four in it's definitely difficult i mean as an actor you use expression with your face to convey emotion and when you take that away you have to figure out how to do it with your physicality so if you took off the spider-man suit and i behaved the way i would while in the suit you'd think i was a crazy person and acting way way too much and too big but cover up your face all of a sudden those bigger reactions feel normal my secret weapon is that i will always pretend like my arms are dead so that when i move my arms kind of swing around so peter parker's hands are always doing the most crazy stuff and for me that has been a really good way of like making him feel youthful while also in moments of peril and and stuff like that um but it's also sometimes a great thing like if i've gone out the night before and had a little bit too much to drink if i've got a mask on no one knows so it's fine [Music] i'm supposed to be going to a lakers game tonight i'm gonna have to go and [ย __ย ] after every quarter let's do this revolutionary this one's a little [Music] one's good that is revolutionary yeah [ย __ย ] how as advertised wow wow all right tom we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that graham where we do a deep dive on our guest instagram podcast interesting pictures that need more context so we'll show you the picture over here on the map a fellow season 16 hot ones alum right there right i love him so much he's one of the greatest guys i've ever met i remember doing a scene with him i told this story yesterday actually and i said to him sometimes as an actor if you're doing a scene that requires like real stress i find it quite helpful if someone kind of roughs me up a little bit and i said to john i was like listen before the scene could you just rough me up a bit and uh you know just just scare me a little bit please and he was like nah man i don't want to do that like you're my little brother i love you man i don't want to do that okay i appreciate that if you don't want to do that that's fine and they went right rolling and they went action and he went and i was like oh my god and it was great and it worked so well for the scene but he just he just didn't want me to know it was coming but he probably cracked me one i look back on that as a very fond experience and meeting him was you know one of the highlights we haven't had the chance to work together since but i would love to oh my god it just came back yeah they can they can sometimes when you least expect it but like from deep within god this looks really nice i can't wait to try it okay i'm just gonna eat it ready ready oh no oh no at first at first oh come on yeah yeah it starts to grow on you a little bit so interesting how it hits you like wow that's amazing [Music] sometimes i really try to figure out how to make my voice sound cooler if i'm doing scenes i just need to eat [ย __ย ] spicy we figured out a technique here today wow okay i'm gonna go for a second hit because i want to okay then i'm going back see how that okay i feel like i'm really seeing the actor's side of you you know like really immersing yourself in the experience i really want to see what this is about that's way worse the second time wow well [Music] it's in my nose now [Music] so i know that while you're weary of overly laddish behavior that the pub culture the old school pub culture it still has a special place in your heart and then pub food to me it's an endless topic of fascination whenever we visit london right can you explain what a carvery is for the uninitiated oh a cavalry right a cavalry is firstly amazing it is a portion of food that normally revolves around a piece of meat it can be any meat i don't know if this is an actual rule but i know that my local pub used to do it when we were kids but if you're 16 so two years under the legal drinking age if you have a cavalry they are allowed to serve you a pint of beer i guess the idea is is that the amount of food cancels out the beer obviously as kids we would abuse that rule and go and not eat the food and just drink a beer but a carvery's like a portion of meat with food like a roast dinner what does it mean if a dish's mingi ming means it's disgusting like that last wing was ming hin well if you thought that was me we'll see what you think about the next one the milk looks so good wow oh yeah that's it that's not that bad wow that one's not bad i like that one yeah it's tasty it's the second hit it's the yes i think it's when you go back in listen i didn't come in to play i can come here to eat these chicken wings so there's a lot of lore surrounding that 10 minute long tsunami scene that opens up the impossible your feature film debut yeah is it true that you guys only had one shot of doing that because to rebuild the set and shoot it again would have blown the budget yes oh my gosh essentially what they did is they built [Music] they built um like a oh man my lips are oh they built a set that was a third of the size of the actual hotel in which it happened the the they had something like three million litres of water in a huge tank with these breakaway doors and essentially the director had this big red button i think they were using something like 14 cameras at the same time all set in specific locations there was obviously no one on set while this was happening because it was very dangerous oh my god then they hit the button and the water came out and destroyed the set and it was incredibly impressive to witness it looks great in the film and then obviously what they do is they upscale it so the third size model then looks full size and then they put us in they compass in and it was amazing it was really incredible and um and that's that's the end of my story and [ย __ย ] me that is so spicy is it true that you blew a star wars audition because you couldn't contain your laughter reading lines opposite someone pretending to be a droid yeah yeah that's that's very true i don't think that's the reason why i didn't get the role i think john boyega was just better for the role of me um but i just remember thinking there's no way this lady is going to read the robot's lines opposite me just because that would be ridiculous and i don't remember what my line was but it was let's get back to the falcon and then this lady bless her would sit there with full commitment and she just was like [Laughter] and i just remember thinking the first time she did it i went ah that's funny oh wow all right brilliant we'll do it again we'll do it again sorry did the line again i remember sort of saying like you're not actually going to do that right she was like well yeah the robot's part of the scene is the character it's r2d2 or c3p i don't know yeah i just got the giggles because you know when you realize you've got something so wrong yeah i just couldn't stop laughing i'm not going to try the lemon because i want to i want to do the whole experience i want to and then at the end when we cut the cameras i'm going to drink more chris so quickly we're going to bring in a whole other i'm gonna drink it so quickly [Music] let's do it the bomb all right ready yup let's do it oh i've gone for the bone oh wow oh yeah oh no i didn't even put it in my mouth whoa victoria just went like this oh no oh mate oh mate that is so bad uh-huh you and me same page there do you finger lick or do you at this stage i just survived oh my god at this stage i just survived oh my gosh yeah yeah i think it's dry time to try this lemon trick if this is a joke and this is gonna make it worse we're not setting you up not setting you up i don't know if it'll help that much that doesn't help i don't think i don't think anything will i don't think anything will oh man i have to walk this off for a second yeah yeah take a lap take a lap we've seen some laughs on this show huh taught a magnum yeah we'd love a magnum you don't have any magnum oh mate that is that's the worst thing i've ever put in my mouth wow i feel so sick you okay i'm fantastic man i'm having the time of my life i feel like i just got like botoxed but had no anesthesia or something not that i've ever had botox i know it feels like that's where the whole world's like he's had botox [Laughter] can i please have some more milk yeah we're on it we're on it we're on it coming through so much i can give you a hug oh i see you we got a secret dom is always here okay thank you i appreciate it so tell me paul rudd's episode yeah yeah our favorite episode oh that's uh yeah look at us look at us look at us who would have thought who would have thought [ย __ย ] me this one is up to 12 meaning that you should be 12 and above or 12. i think on a scale from 1 to 10 [Music] [Laughter] oh mate i'm so stupid if it was for underrated it would have said not advice for people under the age of 12. [Applause] okay wow i feel cold and on fire at the same time like my insides feel like they're burning but my outsides feel like it's really cold oh i don't want to do this all right we ready i'm ready let's go [Music] i've got a lot of that on my lip there oh yeah i'm a second dip there because i don't think i got it are you sure yeah i'm a second dip because that are you sure yeah we're going all right [Music] oh yeah spicy man oh wow oh yeah wow okay so i'm always amused when i hear you say that people confuse you from one of those british actors with classic training remarking you want to only two percent of drama school classes what do you think an actor learns just going directly into the industry talking to directors being on set that maybe they wouldn't pick up if they went to a prestigious drama school like rada i think that sometimes a benefit of not going to drama school is going in fresh and allowing your teachers to be [Music] the director you know and this is a piece of advice i got from robert downey actually to let my body do the work rather than thinking about everything so for me i tend to learn my lines the morning of so that the moment i'm saying them they're as fresh as possible and uh is that doctor here cause for the [ย __ย ] wow i'm not joking no i'm joking okay he's a good actor he's a good actor this might be the best milk right i've ever had like an oasis like you've been walking through the desert that's exactly what it feels like right the last one on the list apollo [Music] the last dab with the apollo pepper [Music] okay all right let's do this last app but i have to say you know whoa that's too much is it listen i've committed now it's there it's very that looks like maybe maybe hit that with a little no i've done it okay i feel like i'm about to jump off a cliff or something that's a lot as well i put weight you've got a tiny bit on there you're showing your experience i know but you know what i gotta join the party this is the season 16. yours wow this is the season 16 finale wow the season 16 finale and tom you've been so brave coming into this not sure how it was going to go and look at you drenching sauces going in for double hits all right let's do this it's been a pleasure mate i've really enjoyed this pleasure is all mine [Music] i got oh no [Music] i hate my job [Laughter] oh mate i know but tom the good thing is you've slayed the spicy sauce beast we have put the nail in the coffin of season 16 and if we've learned anything through this interview it's that you love movies and that you love making movies and i've heard that you have a propensity to maybe take a souvenir or two from set and so to close things out i just want to ask you of all of those souvenirs that you've taken from movie sets over the years what is your holy grail the one that has the most sentimental value [Music] [Music] next time i do a crying scene i'm calling you and you've got to send me this hot sauce i will show up on set i'll show up on set my favorite souvenir was actually given to me that wasn't given to me it's given to my little brother patty when black panther was coming out robert downey jr was making look to do little in london and he was staying down the road from where i live and he invited us to a screening of black panther at his house and paddy comes running into the room and he's holding the original iron man helmet and downey had given it to him as a gift that's a really special one for me because i was lucky enough to join the mcu but i joined it very late and that souvenir you know that's from the original film that's the birthplace of this incredible world that kevin feige and marvel have created you know and downey and favreau kick-started so to have something from that film is a huge honor a holy grail and look at you tom holland putting a bow on season 16 taking on the wings of death and living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you tom holland this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life spiderman home is coming out december 17th it's the best part of my movie that's ever been made it's so fun and exciting it's emotional it's heartfelt i've been it's such an honour for me to play spiderman for all this time and for it to come to this point honestly he means well to me i'm gonna be sick so i'm gonna sign off it's been a pleasure thank you so much [Applause] please feel free to roll on this yeah it's the bomb wow god jack you took a big old bite there me are you good with spicy food don't mind it that's hot you're the coolest person i've ever met jack's just gone that's hot though yeah you just have the glass i love the jug i'm getting on you are there bro how you feeling water makes it worse as well you don't want you need that milk where's the knot oh i think i'm gonna [ย __ย ] my pants hey what's going on hot ones fans this is shawn evans and there are many reasons to be a monthly hot one subscription box subscriber but if you ask me at the top of that list is the fact that you get to try things first before anybody and that's what's happening in december because in the december subscription box for the first time ever hot sauce for kids that's right hot sauce for kids i'd like to introduce you to hot ones junior the green this sauce is a super tasty flavor clash of green apples sweet banana warm jalapeno lets kids sort of experience the hot ones tradition but at the foothills of mount scoville it's perfect for french fries chicken nuggets the things that kids love get your hands on hot ones junior be the first to try it in the december subscription box to get your hands on the green hot ones junior before anyone else it's super tasty and it's a hot sauce for kids you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 25,647,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, tom holland, tom holland hot ones, tom holland interview, hot ones, hot ones challenge, spicy wings, spicy wings challenge, tom holland and zendaya, hot wings challenge, hot wings recipe, zendaya, spider man
Id: qxGmGGmvFD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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