Anna Kendrick Gets the Giggles While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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ah but you're doing so good what's wrong with you I don't know I don't know [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Anna Kendrick chadamy Emmy and Tony Award nominated actress whose resume includes everything from acclaimed Broadway performances beloved indie films and record-shattering movie franchises her latest project though is the psychological Thriller Alice darling which is currently an exclusively an AMC Theaters Nationwide Anna Kendrick welcome to the show thank you so much for having me excellent mood right now and things are gonna go so bad I love I love the positivity already but you know I remember we had like a dinner thing last year a normal dinner normal dinner and you told me you go I will never ever do your show I did say that but here we are just a few months later you're in the seat I'm curious what changed and how are you with spicy food someone has a gun to my head just off camera that's the only reason I'm here I'm not sure exactly but I mean I think the show is wonderful I love watching the show and I have often thought ugh if they didn't have to eat all those wings I would love to go in that show but um not a person who's good with spice never have been so um I'm happy that anybody's watching this just because they want to see me get tortured I'm in a great mood about it [Music] foreign [Music] like the darkest one so I'm is that like a psychout thing yeah I would have assumed that this one would be the spiciest not an indication not an indication nobody's safe yeah right okay can't judge a wing by its cover as they say [Music] what's nice see enjoy this because I'm gonna have such a bad attitude later on oh my God [Music] so your latest project Alice darling tells the story of a woman nearing her psychological Breaking Point as her untenable and abusive relationship bubbles to the surface during a weekend getaway with her friends and I don't mean this to sound backhanded but I'm so used to seeing you in a movie and immediately falling in love with your character what did you see as the challenge or maybe even the opportunity and playing a character like Alice it was a little less sort of uh immediately endearing yeah immediately endearing yeah that's a that's a good way of putting it I'm gonna steal that I hope I don't mind um yeah I think um I am much more comfortable or I I guess I just usually get hired to play characters where um I'm supposed to try to be enduring charismatic Charming funny you know something there's something that you like about the character and the idea of playing a character who is kind of a bummer just not that fun to be around and see if it works as a performance and if people will stick around to end up rooting for Alice because I think it's important that the movie starts with you not really clear on who's the good guy and who's the bad guy because uh there were times in your life where you're not sure like am I the good guy am I the bad guy and that's sort of like the it's almost like a mystery film where you're unfolding like what's actually happening to this person oh that's nice so not to get too meta while you eat scorching hot chicken wings on a talk show but I really think of you as like a true patient zero in this new press era of celebrities who are asked to do a whole lot more than just answer questions what is on a degree of difficulty like the most challenging hoop you've been asked to jump through okay [Music] like um while I was promoting the first Pitch Perfect movie and I never did it and I because I knew that I wanted to save it in case Letterman wanted it because everyone is afraid of Letterman including how to save your best stories for him and you know because he's like intimidating right but the hardest thing I ever did was on a British radio show where I called I was with promoting trolls I was with Justin Timberlake and we had to call toy stores and every wait okay see even describing it um it was every sentence that I said had to start with the next letter of the alphabet because it's so hard but it seems so simple that you'll feel really stupid if you don't do it right so I was really stressed out about it um I I think I was hoping that uh Justin was gonna say no to it and then he did it and I was like you son of a [ __ ] now I'm gonna do it so yeah that was that like haunts my dreams that one [Music] okay here's what I will say so far although I suspect we're gonna get out of this soon I can actually still appreciate some flavor yeah um without just being like I do not like this feeling but I think we're you know heading in the wrong direction but like it tastes really good but you know you came in here kind of terrified I can see it kind of like look at you going in taking extra bites dropping the shoulders um yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to breathe slowly what's the most memorable show you either performed in or saw in South Portland's lyric Music Theater sir the Deep cuts are I mean I shouldn't be surprised but yeah so that is a theater where I started doing um Community Theater I think the this is embarrassing because I wish it was something cooler but the very first show I ever did the very first like music acting anything I ever did I was like six or something Annie was the first thing I was ever in and I was one of the little orphans but I had a lot of energy and I do remember um the uh the director telling all the girls to stop playing with the dog that played Sandy and he was like just go like play with Anna she has too much energy anyway just like I don't know like take her for a walk for God's sakes so she'll calm down how about uh the Victoria Mansion Tour overrated or underrated oh um this is crazy uh the Victoria Mansion Tour I think is pretty fun I mean I don't know if you're from somewhere that has cool [ __ ] maybe you're gonna be like it's just a house it's just like a nice old house my dad passed recently and he had a collection of Christmas ornaments that are from like a local jeweler they do every year like a Portland landmark and I know that me and my brother are gonna end up fighting over the Victoria Mansion one because that's kind of like uh the OG one the Victoria Mansion is the thing in our city that makes us feel classy [Music] okay number four oh God [Music] huh oh it is oh should I get something bad is it true that you asked for an additional take something that you rarely do on the set of get a job because you weren't satisfied with your bong rep oh wow that's really interesting I never put this together I did the same thing on Mike and Dave need wedding dates about a bong rip oh yeah yeah you got it I forgot yeah the scene where me and Aubry Plaza and Mike and David wedding dates are sitting on the couch and and there was like just this joke where I'm supposed to like take a big rip off the bong and then say a line and I remember the director and I just couldn't like because it's not real weed it behaves weirdly and um and I couldn't get like the perfect pull and then blow and the line right like it wasn't really singing and he was like it's okay we've got a lot of coverage on this and I was like I know you're going to want to use this in the two shot I know you are and he was like I mean you're right I do want to use it in the two shot so that was the other time that I was like come on Coach give me one more give me one more foreign [Music] I'm doing that thing did all the guests do where they're like it's not that bad oh God right oh but going back in I'm trying cursing yourself in the experience love it love to see it oh yep don't freak out don't freak out don't freak out yeah Sean don't freak out John why are you freaking you're doing great you're doing great fact or fiction many of the actors who were fired on up in the air weren't actually actors but real life people who were recently laid off and then instructed to react as if they wish they would have yeah um that's exactly right there were a bunch of people and at first I remember that idea sounding like a little wonky and it turned out so well um although I did actually feel bad for Zach Galifianakis because it's like when people start singing in a musical the first time you're even if you like musicals it's like oh right now this is happening yeah yeah um and uh yeah I did like feel slightly bad for Zach Galifianakis for having to like kind of start the acting phase of the movie after all this really raw intense emotion [Music] I gotta keep up with you the going for the extra bite feels like now I gotta do this but then even just licking my thumb then I go why you didn't have to do that you know different types of guests come in here and react different ways like an athlete you can almost see their like just one more rep kind of thing in them but with actors sometimes like they actually eat more and I'm wonder and I think it's like to immerse themselves in like the experience more or something I wonder if it's because a lot of actors genuinely have a pet peeve about like scenes where no one really eats anything I there's a scene in The Bodyguard where um Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner are having a drink at like Barney's Beanery and he is holding this beer He he'll be about to take a sip of the beer and then her line comes and I'm like just drink the beer Kevin drink the beer Kevin so I wonder if there's like a I have to eat it otherwise it'll come across like really corny you're doing great you're doing better than I expected you to are you doing better than you honestly are you doing better than you expected I well I I mean I guess just based on the pure numbers although um uh Justin Timberlake did warn me oh yeah that um that he did the show and he was like by the end of it like you feel drunk and I'm just beginning to get a little bit of a like sort of hey Sean yeah what's going on with everybody sort of a weightlessness yeah neck it's nice and so far it's really Pleasant and I'm just gonna enjoy that because um I think it's gonna get unpleasant really soon well we're not gonna blow the high just yet you know I'm not gonna blow the high just yet I think we'll just enhance a little bit and what a sauce by the way to enhance on with this one right here dreams of calypso you know that's only gonna take us higher if you say so you son of a [ __ ] okay okay [Music] I really don't like that they taste good at first yeah like it's almost like manipulative you know right they put a little like pineapple in there a little mango so it's like a little bit that's really that's really really nice and then I can feel that it's about to start hurting me yeah you're a bad person this mermaid is a bad mermaid so I've heard you declare your love of films from the 30s and 40s which is a time period that even the most devoted Criterion Collection fan may not know a lot about off the top of your head and without thinking about it too much can you recommend a film or two as an on-ramp to that era of Hollywood filmmaking sure um well the women is my favorite um film of all time it's from 1939. um I love Arsenic and Old Lace like there's something um there's something so charming and endearing about Cary Grant discovering that his two spinster aunts are are murdering tenants but it's like a slapstick comedy but then it gets really dark like Peter Laurie shows up and it gets really [ __ ] up and then at one point he's like tied up and you're like oh he's so cute you know like sweet little sweet little um Cary Grant just being um okay Anna I was racing through that yeah it's just it's just it just it just came to a screeching halt and that's okay I'm not sure if it was Peter Laurie please um uh please cut that if it's not Peter Lurie in the in the film ah okay what are the perfect atmospheric conditions for a Lord of the Rings watch party [Music] yeah that's what happens that's what happens that's what I'm chasing laughs I can feel it okay this is really interesting okay because you can tell that I'm feeling stoned because I'm talking like in my headphones um because I feel like I okay I took a break from smoking weed for like a good couple years because it was starting to just make me paranoid and now that it's like legal and regulated I've been dipping my toe back in but there's still that like kind of paranoia that attempt the other direction um but obviously I did not know that this was available to me I don't care for the pain but this is fun the physiological yeah yeah this feels like similar to like getting high with my roommate when I was like 20 and like walking to Ralph's and having like Stoner obstacles yeah like an innocent giggly High uh-huh this is great [Music] okay it's a bomb Beyond Insanity okay it's gonna get me on me no you look great you're good and this is like where we might kind of blow the high [Music] no not at all yep yeah we got it happy place wait why the ears why the ears Sean ears I don't know about like are they like popping like an airplane kind of yep why that I don't that that's new that's new that's if people having their ears popped everybody comes back everybody comes back everybody comes back down to earth okay we make it we make it how about now this feels like that scene in Aladdin when he's like get on the Magic Carpet he's like can you trust me and I'm like no Sean I don't [ __ ] trust you anymore no I under I get that I did that okay okay all right this is so much fun yeah you're having a good time yeah you remember that bad attitude I was talking about oh it's coming I'm ready for it and I deserve it but you're doing so good what's wrong with you dudes I don't know I don't know do people do this without getting upset at you you know it's a it's a range it's always kind of like an emotional roller coaster you know like sometimes you get like there's like a little bit of like trauma bonding that happens sometimes it goes the opposite direction sometimes I make lifelong friends doing this show you know what I mean like it really is a range of emotions okay but I understand totally I'm literally trying to think of an experience in my life to compare this to and one is not kidney stones I guess the kidney stones where it feels like things are kind of coming in and out of the room yeah like things are disappearing and it's just you and me yeah and so far you haven't left yet right I'm still here but oh still connected nobody else is in the room nobody else it's just you and me and like a black abyss of pain it's like the end of the wood set you know it's like The Truman Show where who knows where it ends right right okay in a 2015 interview with stylist UK you talked about how eating macaroni and cheese is kind of a post-award show ritual for you yeah all in what would you say is the most extravagant or expensive Ensemble that you've ever worn while just like housing easy pack oh I mean I I think um probably the the Met Gala you feel like maybe I'm actually really fancy you know I was in a museum all night and then you go home you're just eating mac and cheese and yeah to have that in the experience of the the peak of masquerading as a kind of glossy facade of what you thought the Pinnacle of Hollywood was it's really beautiful and it's really eye-opening but not eye-opening the way that this is this makes me want to die [Music] sometimes when I'm shooting I am so cold and it's not cold like discomfort it's cold like I'm suffering yeah and then they call Action and I have to just be fine right okay so give me a little countdown and call Action okay but I'm really gonna try to take it seriously all right okay quiet on the set quite unset quiet on set I hate all of you foreign and action okay incredible it's pretty good incredible what role did the store yellow rat bastard play in shaping your personal style as a young actor oh Jesus it was a product of its time and okay it was a product of his time and um so you know style changes taste changes and you know so you can't just know like oh how would I feel about that as an adult but I can say that you know when I was like 12 in the late 90s I just thought it was the coolest [ __ ] store in history um but I remember like wearing them uh as a freshman in high school and just thinking I was so cool such a badass that I had like a t-shirt that said orgy on it or something I don't know the Baywatch tea the Baywatch tea yeah yeah and the fact that like it would be like oh I got it in New York you know I really felt um some type of way about that all right Kendrick what's happening what's happening Sean you don't have to yes I do oh okay then I won't stop you oh okay [Music] does that look that looks great textbook [Music] okay all right cheers see you in hell [Music] oh God hmm oh God I bit it too fast and I think some of it went in my face oh God we'll find out in a second but you know the good news is Anna Kendrick we have slayed the hot sauce dragon as Viola Davis would say and just one more hoop before we get you out of here don't worry not gonna bust out the clutch or play the Ante Up instrumental but what I want to do is take you back through this journey you know your love of Cinema starts with this this passion for movies from the 30s and 40s nominated for a Tony Award when you're 12 years old and then becoming one of the most prolific actors over the last two decades but to close it out my question is how has working in the business of Hollywood for so long how is it enhanced or detracted from the enjoyment that you get out of movies oh God I feel like first of all I don't know how you talk coherently during this so my hat's off um thank you but I think um wait one more lady like yep okay okay I think that when you start making movies there's a there's a period where they're kind of ruined for you because you're just thinking about like all the behind the the scenes and the how the sausage gets made of it all and now I feel like it's uh it's just sort of second nature that's like a running script in the back of my head and so when a movie is really bad it's so much worse because it's like I can see like why that choice and it would have been so easy to just do this or whatever and when it's good the running script is not just like I'm immersed in the movie and it's great there's a thing in the background of like oh my God like every department just nailed it and I kind of get this like bonus appreciation for all these people that came together and made this thing and I'm gonna pretend that I'm just really emotional about it and that's why I'm breathing really heavy and I'm sweating and [Music] maybe gonna pass out I just love movies so much it's all a character choice and look at you Anna Kendrick taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life [Music] I don't know I'm falling apart I'm finding myself I'm becoming a new woman you know God's working on all of us every day is a New Journey it's one step at a time I have a movie out but whatever man see it don't see it do what makes you happy and don't do this if you do this on the regular I don't know um my hat's off I love you all [Applause] I don't know what's happening right now ah okay okay I don't know I think it might have been I think I might have been around as bad as I thought it was gonna be uh okay be honest yeah did I have like Blair Witch snap bubbles throughout hot ones fans breaking news the three and one boneless bites challenge is back for a limited time you can put your taste buds to the test against some of our most iconic flavors the classic Los Calientes and the peak of heat Apollo but don't fret hot ones fans even when the three in one challenge leaves the freezer aisle you can still pick up your favorite flavor of hot ones boneless bites visit for more information on products and to find a store near you because it's time to bring the Heat home
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 5,843,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, alice darling, hot ones, anna kendrick, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, pitch perfect, the dating game, broadway, academy award, tony award, hot ones season 20, spicy, kendrick
Id: NzlTuDX7veY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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