Charlize Theron Takes a Rorschach Test While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Wow, she's incredibly charming and down to earth.

👍︎︎ 1009 👤︎︎ u/gerwen 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hot Ones is like a legit talk show now damn

👍︎︎ 4048 👤︎︎ u/occasional_posting 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like the turn that Hot Ones are taking. They grow bigger and bigger for each episode. Compared to other talk shows I really like that Sean Evans and the Hot Ones team does their homework and prepares a lot before a interview. I really like that they try not to have the shallow conversations that they have on tv talk shows.

👍︎︎ 1368 👤︎︎ u/AllBaconBelongToMe 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

What the heck is a Rorschach Test? I looked it up on Google Images but all I saw were pictures of my parents fighting.

👍︎︎ 5777 👤︎︎ u/dustball 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's funny that Charlize has the filthiest mouth of any of the guests they've ever had.

👍︎︎ 1561 👤︎︎ u/boodabomb 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 939 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Damn! Girl hardly even flinched!

👍︎︎ 746 👤︎︎ u/myk26 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Didn't seem like The Last Dab affected her one bit

👍︎︎ 396 👤︎︎ u/elfelipe94 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

How do they keep on getting bigger and bigger stars?

👍︎︎ 1085 👤︎︎ u/has14952 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
it's like that's a dick move right there yeah yeah I hate my tongue right now I could pull it out I would hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today I'm joined by Charlize Theron she's an Academy award-winning actress you know her from iconic roles and films like monster atomic blonde bad max very road and many more and catching her latest movie gringo set to theatres March 9th Shelly's welcome to the show thank you for having me and then I know that your son Jax is nicknamed you mama spicy should I read anything into that before we dive into the hot sauce soup here yeah I am mama spicy that's one of my nicknames but I don't think it's the connection to it doesn't trip I see no I think it's more you know mom's pointing her finger and being sassy how are you with hot food I don't know how to answer that question being on your show cuz I just feel like this will be the ultimate test but I enjoy spicy food I definitely love spice [Music] mmm that's delicious I like that I might take that so I recently learned Danish from a Scandinavian pepper eating legend named chili Klaus yeah since it was such a success I'm hoping I can get a two-minute lesson in Afrikaans from you on wing one can you give me a South African phrase that I can use in my everyday life when I was a kid I was the way they teach you to put your hand in front of your mouth when you yawn it's through this little song and it's like said Johan Budi I won't say D Hoonah fat he won't say the OP Verde scarf I say slop icy slop and that's one of my favorites so it's not really a saying but it's a saying like don't yawn with your mouth open cover it can you give me a swear word or some slang that I should know oh nasty do you want me to get get nasty really mm-hmm yo masa pues yo masa puss yo mas suppose yo masa puss yes that mean it's like your mother's private bits okay okay but not that nice I might say this later on we'll see where it goes that's really nice too oh I got first one more sorry no right here so it wouldn't be a first we feast production unless we got really into the weeds about your food proclivities so with that in mind I want to cite a Vanity Fair profile from 2011 where your friend producer bath kono said and I quote the woman can cook a ten-course meal for 25 people I'm like are you mrs. Doubtfire the Charlize Theron dinner party what am i eating what am i drinking what's gonna get me kicked out I need to know everything both it's just a lot it's a very South African to the idea of socializing around food and drink and that's kind of how I was raised and once I kind of settled here and a home and I had a good group of friends that got to me was like the best Friday or Saturday night that I could imagine and I do enjoy cooking but I think it's more just a social aspect of everybody in the kitchen and opening a couple of bottles of wine what is the difference between a brian south africa and the backyard cookout that you'd haven't there's some staples that you have to have for a bride we do these incredible things called toasties where you just make like a toasted sandwich on the grill with tomato onion and cheese then you burn it almost black on the outside and it gets like super crunchy and the melted cheese and the onion kind of pulls out and it's like so delicious that we then let it SOG overnight and the tomato juice and the next morning we eat it for breakfast and it's so delicious yes really delicious [Music] it's really yummy that's this one mm-hmm so far were three for three okay all right yeah so you have such an extensive acting resume I could probably talk to you all day about your projects and still not give the people everything they want to know but I'll try i'm the green sauce did some career highlights what was the bigger accomplishment being named one of times hundred most influential people or being an honorary green flag waver the Daytona 500 and they're all pretty special and Daytona everybody was like how do you feel about this and I was like I just hope you guys didn't make a mistake and there's a part of my personality that's always like is that really did that really happen and and then the South African to me that's like wow I'm just gonna keep going with this nobody knows I'm not supposed to be here then I'm just gonna keep going with this time is probably like God we made such a mistake was doing that but suck it you did it now you got to stick with it and now I'm gonna own it how if at all do the months of fight training for movie like atomic blonde compared to the intensity of being a student at the Joffrey school for ballet it's pretty similar for that kind of coordination that I was used to for so many years through dance really helped me with fight training cuz it really is like like a dance yeah and the injuries weren't quite so I imagine that kind of wear and tear is it's a lot I always like love being in a corner with a fellow dancer and just complaining about how many times we had blood poisoning from blisters and our feet that never got to heal and things like that talking shop with the ballerinas you know just like that [Music] first we feast little shout-out to every bottle from here on so I understand that you initially had trouble finding a buyer for Monster you know a film for which you won an Academy Award almost went directly to video and I'm wondering for someone who has a spirit for independent filmmaking what your read is on this disruption going on in Hollywood where you have these big production houses failing you have streaming sites making movies with some of the biggest stars in the industry and then even you know real actual celebrities eating chicken wings on YouTube with a bald guy and I wonder from your perspective that's part of that whole story what the hell is going on here you know you even need an evolution to things and I think it's really up to us in this industry or any industry to really kind of pay attention to that people like watching things at home and this idea that really existed when I was starting out in the business twenty years ago when people like Tom Hanks said to me you know promise me you'll never do TV and like now he's like one of the best TV producers anybody will tell you who works in this industry you really want as many bums in the seat wherever that seat is it really doesn't matter and especially if you know this alternative is showing us that it's not in lack of quality why would we not embrace that I'm in full embrace of that very well said are you ready to move on I think the hot sauce is making me smart [Music] there's a chicken on it that says brah that's the shout-out to that bottle it's so open for feel it repeat I like that alright Charlie so every crane segment on our show called explain that Graham where you do a deep dive and guess Instagram cool interesting pictures that need more context you're a little too adult for a recurring segment but we have a workaround we found some great charlize theron Gettys that we just need to know more about so i'll show you the picture and you just tell me the bigger story does that sound good all right laptop please I don't know if there's gonna be a bigger maybe there's not but that's why you do the segment you're hoping but this first one actually is off the IG and I love it at Comic Con oh yeah and you have the whole auditorium full of blondes yeah they're all wearing the atomic blonde wigs it's one of the first times I ever took a selfie like that just because I had never seen an audience be that excited about a character or film and to go to that extent I mean they literally had to walk from their hotels with those blonde wigs big burly men plague were wearing the wigs and I was just super impressed by that and touched and I was like I've never done this before but I think I want to take a selfie with this crowd and they were really some of them even were like buy high boots like some of the men were like thigh hug I just thought it was a revolution yeah it's real tip of the cap to you too oh I don't think I well thank you oh you know what I'm gonna take that thank you it's all me this is a great throwback I'm playing golf with Will Smith is that Ashley Judd I don't think that's me but that is you can we just talk about my perplexing very focused stare like I know what a putt is will was like come do this this tournament and I was like I don't really know how to play like I really a terrible golfer and but I wanted my mom to be a part of it so much so I was trying really hard to look like a golfer but I am NOT a golfer will on the other hand fancies himself a great golfer easy though so there goes explain that Graham you can lose the laptop is that a chicken with fire coming out of its mouth yeah thank you for noticing that's that's impressive you're just being very consistent we've we've really screwed it down extreme karma visit this one on the top or this one it's doesn't yep okay don't want to [ __ ] it up [Music] it's good so I know that you're a mother to two beautiful children and you seem to have an affinity for the lifestyle explaining to Howard Stern I'm asleep by 8:45 and I [ __ ] love it yeah what are your kids favorite Charlize Theron movies that's a tough one because there's really nothing for them to see I did a movie years ago called mightyjoyoung they watched like five minutes and then they were just like out of the room like they could they was just like what like why where's CGI what's with the AC oddly it's a very pretty bottle with soft writing somewhat romantic and I think that's just to [ __ ] with me because it's gonna be really not romantic puts into a false sense of security Johnson's okay there's a lot of flavor I'm just got a lot of flavor mm-hmm so sweet Conte that's all I got I'm impressed with your tolerance Charlie's really you know why people I've been on this side of the table for a hundred guests at this point you know I'm very okay I know you're so well if you'll allow me to turn that spotlight back on you I would say that you are in the clouds you know like you're not a top percentile space even in the room with no air conditioning really I don't know what the move is for that I was gonna make a move but then I panicked I bailed last minute gonna like fly my chest but then I thought it was my boob and it's weird we should move on yeah that was it all along is that it okay all right so I heard that you watch reality TV to really we try that over it's not easy for me hot sauces you're making me feel a lot better about myself yes thank you fumble some more just for my sake don't worry it's gonna happen so I heard that you watch reality TV because you really love watching human behavior which sounds like a really good excuse to get into some trashy corners of deep cable yes what bizarre places is that let you like you ever see that my strange addiction with that guy who's deep in his car yeah the woman who married the the carnival ride oh she married a carnival ride named Bruce and literally she worked on the carnival ride 28 years before and she fell in love with Bruce and then she was separated from Bruce and the day that she left Bruce she got a necklace and cut it in half and she pulled it she poured it into one of the pipes of Bruce and then her whole life was empty and she was super sad and depressed and she found Bruce after 27 years or something and she found the necklace and she married Bruce what does that tell you about human behavior that we are just [ __ ] fantastic this is like we're an endless ride of anything can happen da bomb it's trying a little hard it looks like a poison bottle with some kind of a nuclear weapon on it right right the auction Martian okay beyond insanity is this one right no okay it comes in late doubling comes in late and harder super [ __ ] hard yeah that I'm not gonna hurt anybody's feelings right no okay that is the kind of spice that I'm not crazy about because it doesn't have flavor it's just like battery acid mm-hmm that's not I don't there's no flavor mm-hmm it's just I'm all [ __ ] with you that's what that sauce is oh it keeps growing too huh he's not stopping no no well gosh breathing hurts like when you breathe it activates it yeah so know that you're a huge UFC Fan I see you by the cage and you're not afraid to talk trash to some heavy weights every once in a while I love it can you pull back the curtain on what it's like to watch a pay-per-view event with Charlize Theron because I picture glasses flying and tables being flipped yeah I mean I'm not no I'm not like whenever I can reserve my energy I'm usually sitting on my couch this is so hard just being lazy [Applause] takes a lot for me to be animated can have some rice I gotta try the rice it's not like I like spice but that's just like that's like somebody being an [ __ ] right it's like that's a dick move right there yeah yeah I hate my tongue right now if I could pull it out I would imagine being me and you know it's [ __ ] up cuz I got part of it on one side of my lip but not on the other side of my lip real promove ordering the rice by the way do you think very smart very smart I don't know what this does anything okay it's just I just want to flip that bottle off like you just ruined this whole thing for me mad dog better if I couldn't bring some flavor this sauce will blow you away with number nine plutonium stage two spent a little longer stick let's take a breather ask me one other question all right calm some rice if you were in the UFC what would your walkout zombie hmm something by ABBA nice curveball Fernando okay okay just its what kind of be like this [ __ ] sauce like you know you like present something soft and romantic and then you [ __ ] them up I don't know I'm do like crazy right now this sauce made me crazy because I think blisters are forming on my tongue I just love that you're encouraging me through the hot sauce challenge this you know and said I thought that before it's a little bit interview it's a little bit lunch it's a little bit life coach over here I am grateful my friend okay that's this one it will have glitter on it that's kind of a [ __ ] yeah I did it how spicy can it be it has glitter on it I think my mouth is dead so I'm gonna be okay well da has more flavor off the bow mm-hmm physic elite kicker yeah just took my breath away mm-hmm bye kudos cuz the Ashley la has a little bit more flavor yeah like I don't want to flip that one off leave that one up you expected a little bit more from a culinary perspective mhm there's tones playing on my palate that's not one-dimensional that's exactly the one side of my mouth is numb I know you're not shy about your criticisms the media or tabloid clickbait but I'm curious from your perspective what's one thing that people who cover the entertainment industry focus on too much and what's one thing that they don't focus on enough that's a really good question this is gonna sound so pretentious so I'm just let it fly I'm gonna blame it on the hot sauce there is such an obsession about celebrity versus actually just the work and people are also I think interested in more than just people talking about whatever Hollywood boringness you can talk about for so many years am i crying I feel like I'm crying am I cry you've got a glow I have a glow but I wouldn't which means I'm really [ __ ] sweaty that's what that means did we turn the AC on just out of interest we did we did I don't know what are you doing I thought it was on there already so it's funny that you say that this is called the last dab we call it the last step because it's a tradition around here to put a little extra I'm the last wing you don't have to if you don't want to don't have to if you don't want to smell it oh that has a [ __ ] that is a [ __ ] Wow garlicky it says I guess in fans alike and just stuttering fire-breathing lunatics okay good copy Chris it says but there's pleasure in the pain so I'm gonna go for it Wow I don't want to like be crazy but I'll go for that that's good that's good textbook there you'd be honest with me cuz you were good about the other one is yours and I'll always be real with you okay tell me I don't want to lead the witness at all but yeah we actually made this one okay you made this song yeah now you're really bragging yeah I wasn't gonna bring it up I was gonna drive enjoyment but here's what we did here's what I think because there's a real culinary challenge to me and something that's hot and tasty anyone can make something hot you can just take an extract and just put that right yeah but how do you do it with just natural things that grow out of the ground you know that's a real challenge it's a real balancing act it's not it's not easy to do yeah so we made this one with that in mind is that the challenge is that as the goal so to me in my opinion not to leave the witness this is the tastiest extreme hot sauce ever made sold okay that's tasty am i dead am I still alive so I can I feel anything aha my nose just home I like Dom that I really like that's not this [ __ ] sauce that one destroyed the whole experience for me that is actually really good I'm taking this would you thank you we got you a bag we ready yeah that's really good I like that yeah I like it when it has flavor Thank You Charlize I was really good the highest of compliments I appreciate that job all right Charlize Theron's here we are in our journey's end you've spoken in the past about how you have a penchant for saying awkward or uncomfortable things when you're under extreme pressure yeah and I'm the exact same way but that's not gonna stop us from crane on that vulnerability now that you have 10 scorching hot chicken wings in yes so what I have here is a good old-fashioned wing 10 Rorschach test I'm just gonna hit you with the picture and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind does that sound good got it all right penis a mountain my breakfast Wow an [ __ ] can't argue with you there and look at you Charlize Theron running the board bringing out the rice getting on top of the hot sauces so impressive from this side of the table and I'm not just saying that and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you Charlize Theron this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life well let me start by saying no I have gringo coming out March 9th and it is really [ __ ] funny it's got great action and the cast is okay but I'm in it so and also I blue is not my favorite color anymore I like yellow now no I love it it's really you guys are actually being creative which is so much fun that one is really good and this is like I mean it's just a mild burr but it's really flavor we put this her thank you but that is so garlicky and good look in his bag show them we travel with hot sauce everywhere we go and we we we went to Daytona and he had these like little bottles cuz I love I love hot sauce and they literally stopped him and okay what's going on hot ones fans it's Sean Evans and you know what I'm not going to beg for your subscription if you're not subscribed turn off the video it's over I want just my subscribers come here come here if you're subscribed to first we feast I just want to say thank you and then I appreciate you that I love you and I hope that you have a great day
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 10,499,382
Rating: 4.938436 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, charlize theron, charlise theron, rorschach test, inkblot test, inkblot interpretation, hot ones, sean evans, hot sauce, spicy wings, hot wing challenge, food challenge, hot ones hot sauce, the last dab, gringo, ghost in a shell, interview charlize theron, monster charlize theron, mad max charlize theron
Id: ZgQMW4eVrzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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