Heat Elite Hot Wings Ep. 12 | Hot Ones Season 20 Lineup

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yes this might be our largest um this is this is insane Joey where did you get these songs show the ingredients card to the to the front of the camera what was it that well I think it was what is that I believe that is the Hollywood those are two rats oh and a chicken and a dead chicken oh it's dead it's dead but it's somehow yeah yeah that's what happens when you eat hot sauce your eyes we got the classic chewy Maple to start at yeah oh it's just a light one that's good season 20 hot ones eh there it guys have fun let's enjoy this this is my Mutant Wing it's like a little bit of both I think it's just a normal one but Colorado oh that's tiny what one is this the first one classic hot sauce replied twice maybe this next one came with broke it was broke it might be uh it's Chicanos it may have been Bond G Ranch that's what it has no legs I mean if we get 70 yesterday if you're doing this properly there's like a 30 second afterburn after each Wing okay none of you listened the instructions say that you need to have milk I'm not drinking milk yeah milk we have our own protocol we don't drink nothing drink anything I'm not gonna rape a cow just eat These Wings okay wait what kind of what he said oh yeah you don't want goat milk that's good though it's good milk yeah thousands thousands sorry we're still waiting for Brandon to finish this first one yeah he's not finished chewing his cartilage you gotta get right through it apparently that's the Branded way Brandon's like if you can't just see bone and Only Bone you did not eat your wing so I I think this next one is supposed to come the way it came it looks kind of clunky chunky no it's it's ranchy looking it's very ranchable we'll just do it very Rancho okay we get sick they're unsure if it's safe to eat because it was broken I don't know if that's not supposed to smell yeah look at the color of it it's like it's white so yeah this is a this is Wing privilege is that what it's called really okay I don't have any heat from that it's very interesting it does taste very much 200 School league units you need to speak loud and clear that was Chicago's Benji 6200 skull heat units nice nice how hot do you guys think it was a two oh Frank that's gross two maybe more this it sounds good too no it really doesn't sounds like he's grinding his teeth you know why because you were eating bones it's good for your skin and your hair chicken and Lambs the next one go ahead and finishes oh yeah I'm sorry I will eat the bone I'm gonna start calling you dog because you're a dog with a bone family it's got that coolest label ever what is that a tape here I know it's like a dog in a deer mixed together it's a really good flavor and what kind of flavor is that that's good that's good I don't know if it's because it's Pro seating the weight and privilege but habanero garlic and black pepper mmm everything habanero tastes good habanero as a pepper has like a sweet hot it's beautiful sometimes well that one's real good black pepper tastes good the Verde green peppers taste good too you don't hear me okay that's how American yeah it's gross that's where all the mirror was stomach splinters yeah yeah number four is the hot ones lost Calientes Verde it's 36 thousands you guys haven't done this I've tried the Pringles they're good but not the hot sauce we have the red one I like the red one okay last Caliente oh man that's what I was expecting bombs so good that's a kind of sauce are we excited about that one no that was very good I would buy containers of that you can't wait yes you can it's 12.50 no that's my hot sauce yeah that sauce is 23 something chili chilies that was super tasty yeah it was delicious probably my favorite so far I didn't get on anything next one's Brooklyn Valley ghost peppers 39 000 ghost pepper hot sauce hey look out I'm walking in that was a Pity laugh Chris gave you a Pity laugh no he's not because it's a reference to a show all right that's something you get in Brooklyn I was almost dying due to a rose bone there hmm a bit more heat and say this is the first one I can really which is wild because it's only three thousand more schools over than the previous one okay so if you guys could fill that one maybe like just stop and let the burn sit for a second before you move on to the next one because maybe this is where it actually starts to get hot well we got we got five left so don't help I was noticeably hotter than the previous one though for sure don't know that was number five too man halfway through okay your 30 seconds doesn't start till Brandon stops very happy definitely this was the yes ghost that one oh yeah it was good it has a very like Indian kind of taste all the mushroom Mayhem is nice oh this is the mushroom we have a mushroom lover right here who loves mushrooms loves them so much send all your mushrooms and sauce look I tried to like them I don't know what it is I will consume them on Facebook or the Bell arms but I don't know you guys are past the 30 seconds the next one is torch bear mushroom Mayhem episode 8 units okay that is mushroomy is it it's disgusting I'm sure people enjoy it but I did not Brandon put your hands down you're blocking Chris's face don't don't eat on your elbows did your mom will teach you that you're eating on your elbows I'm eating on my elbows yes you had your elbows on the table oh yeah okay we're gonna get next after this one dreams of calypso well you don't even just get to start your 30 second afterburn until Brandon's done eating his bones [Music] I'm enjoying this just kill some time my mushroom is amazing in my opinion I'll put it in the same heat level as the the last one which was the Brooklyn Deli so that was the mushroom Mayhem now we're at the angry goat dreams of calypso uh suite number seven sauce pineapple mango bell peppers watch out seven pot Primo nice nice um apparently it's harder than the Caribbean Sun it is 101. all right we're into the hundreds no time oh there's some Caribbean in there absolutely it literally tasted like a Caribbean Sun yeah and I always I've had it before I've literally taken a bite of the Caribbean Sun I definitely oh I've tasted Caribbean sand before oh it's just a good sand what's the bad sand Brandon put your hand down I know the beaches the beaches that way I feel it let's let that let's ring up for a second yeah you got like did you just set your your Wing down yeah good yeah yeah so okay the lips are burning is it building no yeah it is yeah because it's stacking on each sauce we eat but as far as like where are you guys at for heat level right now I did like really coat them too I go to their cupboard they are well done yet I feel like he's next three will be hot we'll be good we're on we're on well we're going up another 35 000 to Da Bomb everybody's favorite hot sauce that was a lie it's no one's favorite food well is it this is the the evolution all natural sauce not the head the burn off this one was good the last one I'm curious I'm very curious about this device because you can smell the bomb all over it boys 135. computer doesn't taste great no it tastes better it tastes like a subdued version of yeah like the taste is matte but it's not like you're just eating oh it's getting worse the more I eat no more saturated they start to taste that awful I don't know why you know how to explain it battery acid yeah yeah I think you guys are being very hard on them and I think that they tried to make it taste better well I don't think you can it's the bomb like it's meant to be this awful sauce I think but it tastes like heartburn not good it's still bad I didn't mind it is it hot and it's building like how hot I'm up to a seven now seven and a half eight nine eight nine Sean is realized you didn't bring Megan I know she's in church disappointed yeah it should be I am I am also hurts yeah so huh that hurt as bad as as normal the bomb but it still hurts oh tip of the tongue is uh you say tip of the tongue how does that saying go tip the tongue you're supposed to say it really fast there's like a whole saying well I feel like this is yeah I think no it's not oh what's next the next sauce is from the butterfly bakery number nine Taco Vibes only we're jumping literally like over five times about five times is this hot sauce made in a bakery a Vermont Vermont all right so this hot sauce clearly is almost there Carolina Reapers ghost peppers let's go some lime juice give me coriander to make this taco sauce a killer with a slow building but intense heat oh a slow building perfect okay this one says have your milk candy have your meal candy oh right away does it taste good though no really it doesn't taste good oh it's actually got vibrant bottle eat your bones Brandon let me eat my bones a little fish might be better than the bomb which is really hot really it's got a slow burn really I found the bomb super hot well this is tastes nice like fun maybe still burn up in the bomb the bomb is ruined my palate my gums are like really hot yeah that was hot I mean I know it's gonna build but I don't mind that I'll give him a second chance they actually like took the burner off yeah a little bit oh boy never mind I don't know I think that's pretty hot that's the um especially up there it's gonna be a build it's got Reaper in it right oh it's coming my lips are uh they're tingling oh this is Extreme burn danger today [Applause] your eyes all right yeah that one um yeah Oh Carolina Reapers ghost pepper is combined with lime juice um so at least at least we know what the next one is we've done it before yeah we have done we've done a whole bottle the last one oh yeah it says TBA two announced announced I think it's over a million it's made with the Apollo pepper yeah which is a mix between I think the Carolina Reaper and yeah I think it's like officially been rated yeah it says to add a dab oh that's what we do yeah you've already covered it you did already coat the wings all right and now you're adding a dab that's what they do don't yeah yeah awesome it's hard I don't know if I care I was expecting more for the taco me too with a name like that you'll have to try it then see damn Joe we ought to step up now we should do this every day every day our toilet can't handle that kind of action especially toilet from Japan all right boys to the Moon boys to the Moon I don't know oh gross yeah that one that is not a feeling in any way shape or form I can't believe me oh actually tastes a lot like peppers yes sirs all right what this says it's made with oh smoking heads Apollo pepper some fresh powdered and pure chili distilled forms ah you're just always wording waiting on Brandon you know what I realized I'm not very good at talking but when I'm drunk I'm very good at talking to talking no I just mean like behind the camera yeah no like I mean like words are like the front of my brain and don't make it to my mouth as long as they're in there as long as they're in there they're there I know what I'm trying to say go ahead I forgot what I just did it's so gross that's all at home um I said timer I have a timer it's 18 13 14. okay 18 to the front this is Robin you're throwing we'll have to go and review all these sauces but Brandon never shows any pain in his face here we go Chris has got it it hurts his nose is sweating yeah it's sweating real bad that's probably because it was hatred for mushrooms part of it okay there we go okay yeah I forgot that one Birds as much as it does it's better than sloppy it's better it's good to clear out your sinuses right oh they're not getting they're getting worse yeah I just uh kind of rub my nose but I kind of rubbed it with the sauce that's gonna feel like stuff soon yeah yeah it's okay let's go over these number one Holland's classic chili Maple Edition that's this guy right here hot sauce chili meat will be in Canada Canada but that's what it is it is it from Canada no no okay I was like is that your invitation of this freaking Canadian right there okay on piano yeah so we do it here in Canada you know you know it's kind of like Midwestern basically what we're Canadians so this is what they sound like I guess we're just a bunch of more Geeks right so number one it was uh I'll give you a relapse here uh remember real maple syrup Tangy apple cider vinegar fresh no chilies it wasn't as hot as it was it wasn't as hot that's true that's very true it was the least hot yeah I don't even know if it was hot to be honest it wasn't it wasn't very hot um I it wasn't remarkable but I enjoyed it I'd give it like a yeah all right and what do you think about this one the guy's your favorite probably right the shaquandras Benji Ranch I didn't I didn't mind it it's okay I didn't mind it oh I wouldn't buy it as different I wouldn't yeah exactly I wouldn't buy it it was peppery I was it was neat kind of ranch it was like ranch with pepper yeah unfortunately it was 6 200 scovilles uh the dhoni gaggio I don't know if I'm saying that right that's good yeah it was I think that was right exactly okay so it's a supernatural Spirit dog of myth and it has buddy to match it's habanero garlic and black pepper do you guys remember that one it's the one with the cool label yeah no it was really good actually because it really yeah it was like what a difference between the range it was very good I liked it hot ones Caliente Verde 3600 Scoville that one was like my favorite yeah that was so good that's like a 9.9 maybe 9.99 you put that on literally everything I saw us literally literally everything all right so this is the Brooklyn Deli is the guys from New York New York uh we got Indian culinary Traditions uh they use the but hallucia the ghost pepper which is amazing one of my favorites oh and apparently native blue Tara Peppers side of season 20. it was good I liked it good pretty good number six torch Bearer mushroom Mayhem Chris's favorite 100 I think he actually had a hard time putting it down um but I really like that one it's very much and I like it I'm sorry my hatred for mushrooms prevented me from liking it it's nothing against torch bear their sauces are awesome especially their uh their art and their bottles like the best yeah uh next was number seven angry goat dreams of calypso uh it was sweet with pineapple mango bell peppers and seven pod Primo I do remember that one it was sweet but it did pick up some heat that was uh yep I like that oh a little mermaido and then we get to the the bomb yeah that's not a dope yeah do not buy anything with Devon stay away from that [ __ ] I wouldn't buy but I would eat it I actually I'd much rather eat that than the one that we've tried but like oh with the extract the extract is that's the sky it tastes like battery acid this is like battery acid that's edible you know yeah that's a battery acid that's been sitting in the sun a bit and it's kind of cooked a little you know right they cooked out the acid you're right the ass isn't already cooked enough it's like a Duracell because it's not like those cheap no-name batteries oh see I thought you went with the Energizer I was gonna say that keeps going and going it keeps going oh well yeah but Duracell like a firefighter right I think a jerusal I think of firefighters those commercials remember those they're great yeah I was just thinking of brand name batteries that's all I was thinking about you're well you're dirty so you can't hold the candle the radio back you guys are at your five minutes just so you know well four way I say we have 46 seconds but we're close I actually started late but whatever um so the number nine is the butterfly Bakery Taco Vibes only yeah I had not really ramped up to 638 scovilles so hotter than the bomb um I it didn't have any effect on me that one it might have been building it might be the heat I still feel right now but uh Taco Bunch only there's a library painfully joyous hot sauce I'm not gonna put on my tacos the last three are just out to hurt you basically but I don't know I mean yeah and then the Apollo last number 10 right it's hot um because it's terribly hot yeah I don't know we appreciate you guys tuning in as always and um the honors sometimes we like to say things like be the lead oh
Channel: Heat Elite
Views: 754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vh65qgdbC1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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