Paul Rudd Does a Historic Dab While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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I don't know why but imagining Paul Rudd and his Big Green Egg is killing me. Fantastic episode.

👍︎︎ 819 👤︎︎ u/blankwall 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Recently it seems like people are almost lining up to be on Hot Ones. By now people clearly know what this show is about and where this pitfalls are (with the Bomb). It's kinda cool to see especially since this is a great interview format in general.

And Paul nails it. Sean is a good interviewer.

👍︎︎ 3059 👤︎︎ u/dudemeister5000 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

THE FUCKING PHOTOS LMAO that is THE best thing i've learned all year, not even kidding.

👍︎︎ 4993 👤︎︎ u/asiamexploding 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't think I've ever seen a Hot Ones interview that felt more like two buddies just hanging out having a fun conversation. This is honestly one of the best interviews to date, Paul Rudd seems like such a down to earth dude.

👍︎︎ 2032 👤︎︎ u/ReasonableEggplant6 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Folk are worried about deepfakes and Paul's here ruining lives with his bare hands

👍︎︎ 466 👤︎︎ u/SealCubClubbingClub 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

"My pinky at the right angle makes a great scrotum"

Well ok then

👍︎︎ 623 👤︎︎ u/BurrDurrMurrDurr 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is actually the best hot ones so far. Paul is just so likeable it seemed like they were friends by the end

👍︎︎ 3833 👤︎︎ u/Frothar 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man, that was a ballsy fucking move at the end there. A last 10 dabs of the sauces. Also, what a great episode. It's just joyous and fun video all around.

👍︎︎ 331 👤︎︎ u/pvt_aru 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Such a good episode. I have a feeling Paul Rudd is gonna be in future First We Feast content just because he likes Sean so much.

This is the first mainstream internet show that never lets me down. Sean is too good.

👍︎︎ 160 👤︎︎ u/twirstn 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's like a tip it's a weather map I got a storms coming in category seven hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Paul Rudd he's an actor writer and producer has been in some of the most beloved films and TV shows over the last 25 years from Judd Apatow comedies to the Marvel Universe and you can catch him on the new Netflix comedy living with yourself which is set to release on October 18th Paul Rudd welcome to the show thank you very much Sean I'm excited to be here how are you feeling going into this are you a spicy food dude I like spicy food you know you know I don't shy away from it I'm not so crazy about plutonium and I know that's where some of this is headed so I guess we'll see [Music] [Music] of cauliflower going shout out to the veggies get you efficient out here all right [Music] as we mentioned in your intro you have this Netflix comedy living with yourself where you played two versions of the same character what were the challenges and shooting scenes with yourself and then did you gain any sympathy for the co-stars that you've had over the years the challenges with playing two parts in the way that we did it there's many different ways you can do it I would record the lines for both characters and then I had a thing in my ear and I would act as one character and then the response was a guy off the side you know hitting a button for the reply and then I would flip around and remember where I was standing where I was looking and and then just act opposite to the sound I read a quote of yours recently that I thought was really interesting where you said that a lot of the movies you find funniest are categorized as dramas and then that some of the most dramatic things happen in comedies mm-hmm I mean I think it's a pretty wide spectrum but I really I mean some of my favorite movies one of the funniest movies uh for me of all time is this movie with nail at I British movie and from 80s which is essentially a very sad film but whenever I see somebody that's experiencing something heartbreaking or it's some kind of struggle or some kind of emotional something rather and the way they deal with it is through humor there are many levels I fight and then I find that really funny but I also find it relatable and I think that that's when something can be funny but then incredibly moving and heartbreaking at the same time Alan Partridge or the office I thought you know that that kind of comedy or is is funny but it's actually also kind of sad can I ask you some questions whatever you want because I think that you are the most fascinating character within this setup how many of these have you done I think you're number 166 okay that's really impressive thank you do you feel differently now than you did when you first started does it affect you physically yeah you know I think what happens when I first started it was like a physical adjustment to do this right and then I think I had a nice couple seasons there where I was just cruising I was just on cruise control I find lately now I'm once again climbing up the hill like I'm once again challenged by the sauces you know I think maybe the maybe the wheels are coming off the wagon or something you're an athlete you're pro athlete that's true hey this is a short window right I'm impressed with your stick-to-itiveness I put a lot of city miles on it you know I don't want to see what's going on underneath that skin so Chris Schoenberger who you met when you came in here he has a relationship with Britishness that mirrors yours almost exactly so when he was growing up he does it family in London you would get copies of the Beano from his cousins he would raid tuckshops and try to get crunchy bars yeah even did a three-month stint at Oxford right on wow that's crazy growing up with tea and crumpets and Sunday roast and Yorkshire pudding and all of that it's all my favorite stuff and it's all very comforting to me because it's I've just always grown up with that and it and I and I knew that like my next-door neighbours weren't having Yorkshire pudding I knew that I was like this is weird I didn't know it was different right that a lot of people I guess in Kansas City not making Yorkshire pudding this happen I'm gonna hit you with five please biscuits Oh hockey with five British biscuits you rank them from best to worst okay mam custard cream mm-hmm McVitie's chocolate digestive jammie Dodgers Cadbury fingers and jaffa cakes oh man of those my favorite would be the McVitie's the child I just yeah and it's probably a toss-up between that in the Cadbury fingers as a kid the Cadbury fingers are perfect right they're great bourbon creams what was the first one that used to consecrate yeah those are great too I really like those many people have jack jaffa cakes me not as much I don't want fruit in my biscuit okay so that's in the physical jelly yeah yeah there's because the one no the other one which was the we have the jammie Dodgers jammie Dodgers I never he did jammie Dodgers I am I'm not even so sure I know what jammie Dodgers are and there be probably people that are British saying well you just lost your passport [Music] pineapple heart beat don't feel the pressure to eat all of them and I'm worried that way I was all set to go with the I know we're gonna do the wings gonna scared eaten because I wouldn't be eating all this I wouldn't go full bill burr so when will ferrell was on the bill simmons podcast he said that the original script for anchorman was actually a survival story where a Plane full of newsmen Clips another plane that's just full of monkeys and Chinese throwing stars and then basically you guys had to survive on this mountain yeah well orangutangs take you guys out one by one that's right news men versus apes I was gonna ask do you know anything about that I thought he was just goofing around no that's absolutely true I heard about it it was already nixed before it got greenlit at the studio because I think somewhere somewhere pretty early on they realized that's impossible I think the idea was all these newsmen were flying over to some news convention or something and they're all smoking some e-cigarettes that the whole cabin filled up with smoke and the plane crashed now of course the plane was also transporting Chinese throwing stars and lots of martial arts weapon and it crashes on an island inhabited by Apes and and then it just turns into a servile tell newsmen versus Apes which I want to see that when I was sick what could have been yeah is it true that when you were shooting what hot American summer that you guys actually stayed on the campsite and slept in the bunks yeah we it was it was this camp called Towanda and hones Dale Pennsylvania it was a functioning camp we actually had to shut down production for a week almost a week because in the middle of it some kid was coming to celebrate his bar mitzvah at the camp so you're on the clock yeah that's how that's how high-level our production was we had to stop in the middle to let the camp take a hit like this kid rented it out for his Bar Mitzvah what do you make of the ant man kills Thanos by crawling up his butt meme I consider it a lost opportunity [Music] are you from Chicago originally right that's restarted here thanks honey sorry are you a sports fan II like bears I do I love the Bears I'm a White Sox fan I like the Bulls yep I mean I grew up in the North suburbs but for whatever reason I became a Sox fan mm-hmm but that is a lovely segue I love when that happens cuz I want to take a wig to talk about the big slick weekend an annual event you co-founded to help raise money for the Cancer Center at Children's Mercy yeah in the ten years you guys have been doing the celebrity softball game what do you think is your crowning athletic achievement there is one time a couple years ago where I I think I scored all three outs in the inning Wow everything else outside of that is just a disaster I don't think that record will be broken do you do you know one time we did it I got to this we were taking batting practice and I got to Jeremy Guthrie who was a pitcher for the Royals until I said do you want to see what it's like to actually stand in the box with a major league pitcher I said yeah and he had pitched the night before but he was still throwing about 8590 miles per hour and it's impossible it is so hard and that's just a straight fastball if he starts mixing stuff in yeah that was just I knew is coming and it's it's imparting a bullet [Music] whoo beautiful cauliflower piece I was gonna say that looked like a softball that you just put in your mouth feels like that I don't almost harder the sauce or the whole thing this really is a turning point and then that was looks like a dinosaur egg that was like yeah you're not supposed to do that yours you didn't pieces there's no wrong way Paul you're doing great I'm pretty sure there's a wrong way and I think that was it I probably every Korean segment on our show called explain that Graham we do a deep dive and I guess Instagram which is impossible for you because you have no social media to speak of we have a workaround we're gonna pull some photos of you with famous musicians so I'll show you the picture and then you just tell me the backstory does that sound good yeah all right first up its you sitting courtside at MSG alongside 50 cent you guys get a chance to chat at all during the game yeah he was super nice really cool by the way Howard Stern sitting right next to 50 cent - yes yeah he was great he took a picture with my son he just happened to be sitting next to me he was really friendly and then actually months later I was on a flight and he was on the flight and and then we kind of said hey how's it going how are you and and then he gave me a pair of headphones Wow alone all right up next do you have a favorite behind-the-scenes memory from this music video sketch alongside Beyonce and Justin Timberlake I remember one of it when we taped it or we did it and and Timberlake walked on and how insane everybody went and I and I had those moments I've had this throughout my career where sometimes I just take I remind myself to step out of it and look at what's happening here I'm doing this with Beyonce and Justin Timberlake and the other two guys I knew so it was I and a huge fan of but I was like I've never met these two well you know what they say we got to do this with Paul Rudd no that's what this nobody says that so whenever I get asked questions about hot ones I always find myself delivering these parables over and over which I find when I do it perhaps some of the nuances lost and you're somebody who's been doing press around TV and film for 25 years do you ever think about how much your narrative is shaped by the need to package the details of your life into these instantly accessible anecdotes ice a great question oh really yeah after a while you get used to answering the same questions so you just kind of think of it differently to say the same answer and at a certain point I don't know whether or not that is the way it happened if that's really true or it's just I've answered that question so many times that it's now the truth or the way I feel about it many people have asked me about how to get started what was and I used to love those Steve Martin comedy records when I was a kid and nothing like would maybe I want to do this for a living because of those that was a kind of the first time I've said that so many times in interviews I think it's true it might not be true but I it's such a limited window you have a few minutes to talk about and then it's just that becomes the default answer and then late night it's its own beast because then there's this implicit expectation to perform yeah is someone with stage experience are you more comfortable in a setting like that than say like a film junket no they're all those those things are always nerve-wracking and and there I think I learned at an early age that is all artificial you know as a kid I would watch Letterman and me like my godness is amazing I mean it was amazing and he is amazing and I but I think like so cool like friends coming over and sitting on the couch it was later on I realized oh they're promoting something like they're selling this is all there's a machine going on and and and some of that commercialism I was like as I started to do that and knowing that part of the job has become selling things and and there are some things that are really fun to do like I was very excited to do this and I excited to have you and thank you and I and there are shows that I like and I also have a thing where I just can't answer anything serious it which is perfect in this setting yeah absolutely and then on the topic of Dave I know that you joined to fan clubs in your life Scottish music duo The Proclaimers and David Letterman do you remember how you became one of Dave's disciples and what do you think is his strongest quality as a entertainer I think the David Letterman is a single hand like responsible for the sensibility and sense of humor of this country in a way it doesn't quite even get the credit he has credit and respect and everything but I think he's such an important figure especially in early honest and alasa but this says he didn't want to really be there yeah you know I always think about that you know there was a time where I think that he was like competing with Leno and then like there was a time or maybe he like left his took his foot off the gas but to me he was funnier then yeah and the thing that he has that I find really appealing is he's got such a massive intellect that his disdain for all of the showbiz and all of the just nonsense that comes along with it he is so in its right place that I just and just don't think there's anybody better this is a big this is a big big you and me both right here they're like [Music] good lord our canoes Pro the bravado Spice Company we're just one land on the Scoville meter around 100k on this one okay does it taste that way yeah make sure when Larry King asked judd apatow to talk about something about paul rudd that no one else knows he says that you do this thing when you take pictures of celebrities you do this thing with your hand where you make it look like there's a butt hovering over them yeah how do you if I gave you my phone can you show me how you do that sure like just the open up the camera yeah so if I do this and I get you in hand and I get my hand going here [Music] so that looks like you study behind a guy or a girl that's totally naked there are things you can do where'd you learn this skill no no but I'm glad I did [Music] now yeah okay so that one's that one's definitely a guy whoa you got a bull sack yeah after a while you start you can yeah great expanding growing I learned uh my pinky at the right angle this makes a great scrotum wait a minute you got more oh do I have them work this is when you're probably gonna be able to show on the show we'll give it a shot you know what you can always we'll run it by Randy yeah you can always open this picture up when you're on the subway that's a little a little blurry but you know you can - you gonna she's OOP Jim in on the ya know that was gross I have thousands of those pictures of people that you would not expect to see in those photos that are pretty good [Music] lips are really tingling well if you think they're tingling now this is the bomb and I should tell you it comes from Kansas City I'm not sure if that's a point of pride necessarily mm-hmm I'll let you be the judge of that Kansas City huh mm-hmm Holman they make de bomb they make dabomb dabomb is the one [Music] I don't touch this button I've noticed yeah [Music] shoutout Kansas City shoutout Kansas City Wow yeah we also have Patrick mahomes don't judge us Justin [Music] so I'm the topic of Kansas City I know that you're a barbecue loving Kansas City boy what makes the z-man sandwich from Joe's KC the best sandwich in the world oh my god it's just there's something there's something about it that is it's perfect it's a perfect sandwich the right levels of meat I'm actually not a vegetarian but I'm trying to become better at should point that out because there is meat in this sandwich but its own it's the right ratio of brisket they put provolone cheese on it it's good cheese with onion rings and original Joe's sauce it's incredible and just the combination that with the seasoned fries maybe a tank seven on the side and you got yourself oh that's a perfect meal as someone who ranked in state on his competitive forensics team in high school what's your refutation to those who say that Texas barbecue is better than Kansas City barbecue there's a real rivalry and then there will be some in Tennessee that say hey but come on but come on why you guys argue about your nonsense we're the ones so I don't claim but I know Kansas City barbecue it's the best I would also like to find another NFL stadium that smells so good tailgating United nicest smelling parking lot in the NFL that's what they say that's right now some of the people that are there at the game I'm not I wouldn't I wouldn't put my money down no I'll call Camaro head for nothing have you mastered the art of cooking on your boating re an egg and that big green egg yet no I know I haven't mastered it I love it is it just collecting dust in the backyard no I really tried this summer I really tried to really get it my my kids would make fun of me because I was watching YouTube videos of like people making stuff on a green egg I had I bought all of it accessories they're called accessories is there anything that screams middle aged like this yeah I need a sec tiny you need I see why people take a second and walk around well feel free to you can always take a lab no we're locked in locked in vain touching that people always used to say in the 50s and 60s like all we smoked his cigarettes we didn't know they were bad for us and as a kid I would say like come on like how could you how could you not know I feel the same way about the bomb you try that and right away you know you know that's not good for you yeah yeah you wanna see what's happening at Gotti what so heads guys cats get this whole sides turning pink yellow it's like a tip is it's a weather map because storms coming in category seven how about let you down because I haven't gone for that no if anything you're setting a really high bar whatever reason you know people are people get really hyped when someone makes it through with no water no milk great it was rarefied air alright you and like Tali Barry and Guy Fieri say it again it is Viet II do you think it's Fieri well probably not I think if you were talking to him and you said Fieri he'd correct you and safe Yeti oh [ __ ] that guy then it's quite an intro you got fee Eddie right Dave them all the time again did they get it wrong every time you knocked it out of the park man which was a more memorable experience joining an all Cantonese cast for Gen X cops to or appearing in that apocalyptic Super Nintendo commercial in the early 90s alright was it was a question well they were both memorable because they both you know changed the world as we know it shooting with an all Cantonese cast in Hong Kong and this Jackie Chan produced sequel to Gen X cops was spectacularly weird I'm playing the head of the FBI they want to bleach my hair blonde and I have to go after a robot nothing about this screamed quality in any way yeah oh absolutely no I want to go to Hong Kong for two months that's a nice second I want to go to Hong Kong for two months and see what this is all about and it was great they were great city was this is great alright this is yours what if we put a little of every single one yeah let's try this is is this gonna put me in the hospital what are you gonna do you just show you right now I know what you're doing this the smart way yeah you're torn I'll make it a little hot sauce puddle look at us Hey look at this look at us huh who would have thought not me maybe these are props okay got that one de bomb for Kansas City from Kansas City [Music] can i brothers/sisters I do have a younger brother named Gavin what does Gavin do he actually works on the show he does yeah and then um here we are now 166 episodes later doing in all 10 sauces dab on the cauliflower wings I'd like to point out yours as much neater than mine that's falling off the board I like it looks like an abstract painting well you want to see an abstract painting uh but Jackson Pollock oh yeah when we're done shooting this segment hey I must say though it's a great idea it's a great construct for an interview thank you but I think you're an excellent interview oh thank you didn't even need the hot sauce I appreciate that but you know if you got it you got it you got it and you got hey are you so I'm running if you run it through like a that's that's a lot that's a lot that's a that's a fully coated nice all right there dump this is very stupid but I would point out it was your idea Paul so so to be in sick the rest of the day all right [Music] breathe in through your mouth so yeah it's like reading in dry yes exactly can you make you cry yeah well yeah I'll probably I'm just I'm shedding I'm watering up quite a bit actually do the scene right now oh god I didn't make the seventh grade basketball team okay so Brett made it Pat made it am I not good enough you're killing me breaking my heart it's not the hot sauce it's you you are good enough you should have made that team you know what I'm gonna practice harder I'm gonna work on my jumper I'm gonna work on my ball handling and you know what what next year I'm gonna be on that roster yeah you are yeah you know why you are good enough you are talented enough you're strong enough and Zi ball rod yeah what is it look at you ten cauliflower vegan wings up ten cauliflower vegan wings down this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life I got nothing going on careful around your eyes yeah that was another mistake the finger might have not been the smartest you know what it was good for the scene yeah oh yeah we don't need again the artificiality of the car I'm not gonna sell anything I'm here to celebrate this is a celebration commercial hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans checking in and do you smell that fall it's in the air no I'm not talking about pumpkin spice I'm not talking about candy corn I am talking about the last dab xxx because the pepper axe harvest it's in baby this is the hottest hot sauce that we've ever made with three kinds of pepper axe I'm talking chocolate X I'm talking mustard X I'm talking peach X the last dab xxx it's available now at Heaton Escom Heat miss calm to order the hottest hot sauce that we've ever made wha-wha why is he shaking that bottle [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 18,879,656
Rating: 4.9637184 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, kitchen, cocktail, bartender, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, hot ones, spicy wings, paul rudd, sean evans paul rudd, paul rudd hot ones, paul rudd hot sauce, paul rudd spicy wings, paul rudd 2019, paul rudd interview, the last dab hot sauce, hot sauce, hot ones hot sauce, paul rudd living with yourself, paul rudd anchorman, paul rudd hot wings, paul rudd look at us, paul rudd look at us meme
Id: gWVHses2GCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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