Police Officers, What's The Worst Crime Scene You've Seen? (Cop Stories r/AskReddit)

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police offered it what is the absolute worst crime scene you've come across been to a few calls of dead bodies turning up at the water treatment facility you think normal dead body smell is bad try a guy who has spent a week soaking in wastewater dumped out onto a conveyer belt also went to a call of a guy a vet with PTSD who shot himself in the head in front of his wife when she demanded he'd go to a wedding but the rest of the family was in the other room and by rest I mean about 15 other people apparently the last thing the wife said was were going to the wedding pack your bags and threw a suitcase at him well his Glock was in it and he simply pulled it out and shot himself right in the temple dude really didn't like weddings I guess my dad is currently sitting right by me he has 20 years active patrol duty and then seven of Sheriff well one time we got a call from guy saying his girlfriend broke his dong obviously we were skeptical so we go along with ambulance and fire to their house and walk into his girlfriend sobbing and shaking in the corner we walk into the bedroom and let me tell you dongs might not be able to break that this was a very broken dong turns out they had gotten drunk and she wanted to hop on his dong by jumping from the top of their head board onto him yep didn't work she bent his dong in half by the time we got there it had turned black and the bottom part was swelled but the top part was just flopping I felt bad for that guy the other one was the call we got from this woman saying missus is is 90 years old and we haven't seen her in seven weeks can you preform a wellness check this was in the middle of August after a couple streets of 100 degree weather seven weeks is a long time sir me and rich his partner go over and lo and behold no visible AC unit in this 100-year old house so we load up our noses with vixen opened the door yep the Vics didn't help that house was well over 90 degrees Fahrenheit this lady had basically melted into a sludgy mess with some human features still visible on her couch the vapor her body was giving off was on the windows like condensation rich and I both threw up and called the coroner who basically had to remove this lady with her couch cushions it was bad my dad was a cop and the worst case he ever had was while he was a detective they caught a local teacher with something eight full CD s off CP the most awful thing about it that you have to go through it all to see if you can identify any adults in the pictures to try and get em busted freakin sake an officer who volunteers at my work from time to time told me that his worst experience was during his first year on the job apparently there was the car accident where the driver was wedged halfway out of the overturned car unfortunately since the car was on fire they couldn't help the man out and had to stand there and watch him burn to death while he screamed for them to help him and another a call goes out for reported screaming atma January important later my father and another office respond to find unknown deranged individual very long rap sheet and has been in and out of psychiatric care for years sitting on the front porch holding a double-sided wood splitting axe steam is coming up off the the grass and there are chunks lying all over the lawn upon interviewing the suspect he admits that he and a friend were playing poker the suspect was losing nearly every hand and came to the conclusion that his friend was a rage ain't southern for ghost and was cheating him the suspect grabbed the axe and chased his friend outside and hacked him into dozens of pieces thus causing the warm blood to create steam on the grass my dad tells the suspect that he needs to get in the police car because it's age ain't proof he said the suspect dropped the axe and sprinted to get into the backseat while thanking them for helping him my friend and his dad are volunteer firefighters I was staying the night and they got a call at 1:00 a.m. they knew it would be a long call based off of info from their radios so I went with them according to a witness a motorcyclist going about 120 miles per hour was going around a wet corner at midnight past a semi truck he leaned too much into the corner slid across the road still on his bike hit a tree he disengaged from his bike when he hit the tree and skidded in front of the semi where the semies made him like spreading peanut butter on toast I stayed in the truck with the windows down but could see everything due to all the flashing lights semi driver was a wreck crying and sobbing saying that it happened so fast that he couldn't do anything I got to watch my friend and his dad scrape a guy off the road drive safe guys especially motorcyclists a friend of Mines dad is a cop he told the story of one time he was called to investigate a fire that was lit in an alleyway this was midday he'd yet to eat lunch and had skipped breakfast and upon arriving to the scene noticed a particularly appetizing aroma coming from the fire his mouth was involuntarily watering turns out the fire was an ignited carpet rolled up with a dead person inside of it saw a little kid standing on a busy street corner in the dead of winter around two or three years old went up to him to talk to him and found out he had been standing out there for an hour also while a Good Samaritan kept eyes on him from across the streets in his nice and warm house eventually led the investigation back to a battered woman's shelter nearby the manager recognized the kid and said his mom was upstairs in another room went up there and found out she died from a rage overdose a few days prior broke my heart to think that kid had been in that room with his dead mother for days with little food or water probably crying that his mother wouldn't wake up or talk to him dunno whatever happened to him after that lost kids are common in my city but this one wasn't just the forgetful tourist who didn't keep track of their kid while they snapped photographs everywhere was intense for a while as we pulled resources from neighboring counties to put out the alerts for a priority lost child journalist not police but I was often at the same sorts of scenes one partial decapitation in a car accident a drunk kid hit a small car at high speed toward the top completely off drivers body was still heaving and convulsing in the front seat reins and tongues splattered over groceries in the backseat two hugely obese drug dealer goes into his attic to retrieve his stash this is in Georgia in the summer collapses from the heat and dies takes neighbors a few days to notice the smell takes a few more before they figure out where exactly it's coming from the police had to cut a hole in the roof of the house to pull his bloated corpse out he fell apart into goo as they were doing it the smell was insane even a quarter mile down the road once the roof was opened up three woman who had been killed by a serial killer unofficially the cops on the scene said they had seen this sort of thing a number of times so they thought it was a serial killing was never proven she was a prostitute and he had beaten her to death and then tightly packed all of her orifices with dirt before dumping her for train vs. car a mom tried to beat a train with her kids in the car train was too fast when I got to the scene there was a child's head just sitting on the ground completely normal except for the fact that his was detached and the body was nowhere in sight I'm no cop but my stepfather wanted me to tell his story here goes my father got a call about a car crash usually they're pretty bad but this one was the worst he'd ever seen the car had two parents and four kids inside the parents were pulled out immediately and neither had serious injuries they were both understandably scared about their children so he put on some rubber gloves and went into the flipped car all of them were dead and none were clean deaths the youngest spine was protruding from his back and the eldest was missing most of his head another had his face mangled by debris and the last one was cut in the abdomen by his cest belt and there were a fair amount of organs hanging out he had no clue what to do he didn't want those parents to see that so he wrapped them up inside of the car when the mother saw the smallest one come out in a bloodied blanket she fell to the ground and just screamed the father walked up to grab the child and my stepfather just said sir I don't think you want to see this and the father just started to wail unlike anything my stepdad had ever heard I'm so sorry he choked out and after they'd taken the bodies he was there to clean up and investigate while he was searching he found a small bloody sock sitting on the ground he told me it was the only time he'd ever cried on the job in his words I've seen grown men roll their brains out I've seen people beat their spouse until their face was mush heck I even had to reach into someone's chest cavity wants to resuscitate them but I'll never forget those kids I'm not in law enforcement but ended up working very closely with them on one case that presented to my er a newborn infant had been microwaved by her mother's boyfriend because she wouldn't stop crying after he sexually violated her when changing her diaper the baby's uncle found the baby and got enough neighbors gathered to set the boyfriend on fire the police came in first with the baby they gave me a heads-up that the boyfriend might follow but they decided to wait for ambulance to show up in transport him probation officer for violent sex offenders here I've got a few I could add to this but this one sticks with me as the worst a doctor in the children's department at a very popular Hospital was our ping the preteen terminally ill girls during the night shift this went on a couple times a month fears before he was finally caught one of the girls lived longer than the doctors expected and complained off pains during an inspection they discovered the are pay and posted cameras which eventually caught him he ended up getting probation because he a could afford great lawyers who got him in front of a sympathetic judge and be most of his victims were dead he'd upped the pain meds before the act so that there would be less resistance the court never knew the extent of his deviance but after I finally got his polygraphs back we learned the full story he eventually died in custody after we got him on a violation I'm not a cop but a good friend of minors and he recently told me a story a few weeks ago he got a call to a homicide a 25 year old male had killed a 63 year old male the victim was a father to a 17 year old high school girl the girl had recently began dating a known thug drug dealer the girl's parents had tried to tell her she couldn't date him but she did it anyways as an act of rebellion long story short the guy stabbed the father about 30 times with a chef's knife found in the owner's kitchen after an argument ensued the argument was over him not dating his daughter looks like dad was right when my buddy the cop showed up he said the whole kitchen was literally covered in the man's blood he said the courts looked like a sliced cow carcass both the girl and her mother was sitting in their dad husbands blood crying hysterically cop here not the worst crime scene but an interesting one I was dispatched to a call where the wife found her husband unresponsive in his office they show up the room is dark and I find the man in his chair in front of his computer screen the screen is off that I can hear that the fan on the PC is still running anyhow the guy is elderly and is obviously dead his right hand has seized up into a jackin off position and his fly's down with the Vienna sausage limp and exposed obviously this dude had a medical episode while whacking the weasel at this point the wife is completely unaware of the circumstances surrounding her husband's death due to the room being dark his close proximity to the desk and her reluctance to approach the body some time passes the Emmy shows up with body removal and the guy's wheeled away as I am wrapping up the scene and the wife is in another room with family my curiosity gets the better of me I know for a fact that at his age the guy needed some visual stimulus at a minimum to prime the pump and remembering that the computer was on if the screen had shut off I reached for the mouse when I moved the mouse the screen turned on - holy dear God awful that is horrible on the Internet let's get one thing straight as a male I have seen my fair share of what is out there in the naked world but what popped up on that screen was about 20 open tabs of the darkest pee the darkest parts of the web has to offer what struck me most was the amount of painful looking gay torture pee this guy had open not going to lie at this point I felt like a teen again afraid my mom was going to walk in at any moment I was at a crossroad do I break the news to his grieving wife and family a couple rooms over heck no I closed all those tabs and hope this guy was browsing on private - dead guy I hope that I was a bro for you even though I didn't know you and if anyone ever finds me in that same situation please do the same for me r.i.p dead guy not in the police but I just finished serving on a jury for a capital murder trial a couple of weeks ago basically a guy beat his two-year-old son to death and during sentencing it came out that he assaulted his four-year-old daughter as well as part of the trial we had to view all the forensic photos of this poor kid 84 bruises 15 broken ribs head contusions brain hemorrhage lacerated intestine and the list went on and on most of the jurors were shaking with rage when we returned to the jury room that day I wasn't on the call itself but was relieving units who needed a break they were dispatched to a home after the father came home to a grisly scene apparently him and his wife were having marital problems they had three kids not sure what the issue was but the next day after a huge argument the husband went to work while at work the wife said I'll show him she took his loaded shotgun and while the kids were napping shot them one by one first the toddler then the middle child the eldest woke up she consoled him until he felt back asleep and then shot him as well then she left a heartfelt note about how it was all his fault that she did this she then blew her head off in the foyer for him to find when he got home he came home to losing his entire life that one was one of the most disturbing and vile things I've ever experienced I've grown to feel numb to almost anything due to this job but that one still makes me sad I'm not sure what happened afterwards but I believe he killed himself months later we can blame him I'm a bit late to the party but here goes my stepfather worked traffic homicide for years and encountered any number of frankly gruesome things but the story I remember really sticking out in my mind involved a car hitting electric pole on a rainy night the car's occupant had in the course of the accident become decapitated had shared completely off the electric pole was severely damaged one of the lines breaking and falling down to rest in a puddle which now also contained the severed head the electrical charge was apparently causing the head to bounce and sizzle in a very disconcerting fashion to put it lightly not completely what Opie is looking for bid a horrible scene nonetheless my grandfather's friend was a truck driver for many years and on one night while he was driving a car swerved across the median and hit his truck head-on killed everyone inside the car and to make it worse they had just crossed into America legally so this small sedan had about six more people than it should have held stuffed into hollowed-out places so when he hit the car a red mist just exploded out he had people stuck up under the hood of his truck and it was a huge mess freaked him up for a while probably flicked up any responding officers to I once went to a scene where her ex-boyfriend show up with a house where the girl lived he knocked and then started firing a shotgun through the door hitting a toddler he then went in and shot the girl's mother I still remember chunks of flesh and underarm hair stuck to the wall sure the father and then left the girl was out for the evening he then left the gun and a suicide not at the top of a bridge he went on the run instead of killing himself and was captured shortly thereafter by the marshals fricked up scene several years ago I attended a student State Police Academy ages 15 17 one of the students asked our drill instructors what were their weirdest calls a few funny ones went by like a trooper stopping a box truck loaded from the bottom to top every square inch filled with dead goats and then having to figure out who to call to make sure this isn't a health core violation the final state trooper to respond to their weirdest cold story was probably one of the more tougher more serious and older drill instructors at the time he was a trainee assigned with a field training officer the pair of troopers respond to her neighbors complaint and were greeted at the residence by a heavily inebriated male individual completely nude besides a small tutu dress around his waist at this point this imagery produced a few Snickers in the group he went on to say that the individual had an erection with blood all over but no visible signs of the cut upon further inspection the troopers found stuffed under the kitchen table an unconscious three-year-old bleeding from the anus because the inebriated and vigil was her father who had just finished our ping her in his drunken state while that in it of itself is an image nobody should see I'll never forgot the troopers description of having two restraining his field training officer from blowing that guy's brains out the FTO drew his firearm and put it right to the guy's head and was probably going to blow this guy's brains out if the trainee had not tackled him that's some real emotion right there it's easy for us to sit in hindsight and say we wouldn't have shot this guy that's against the law it's in the heat of the moment would you have it goes to show you that under stress anybody anyone can do anything also we'll never forget people's mild laughing smiles going completely stone-cold serious when the story progressed literally like a bomb went off for me I was like time froze I don't remember anything but visualizing that story even though I know it was 100 degrees out and we were all just sitting in the grass getting bitten by bugs enjoying the moment up until then unfortunately for many in police fields that's the sad reality of it and if that doesn't send shivers up your spine I don't know what good god bless those that deal with these people sometimes you wonder why these cops look grumpy and all serious but after a story like that I've learned to look at these people and see in their faces they've seen heck if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 16,432
Rating: 4.8712873 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, police officers, cops share, reddit police, police stories
Id: kajaRcjh7So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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