Casino Dealers, What's Biggest Loss You've Witnessed?

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serious casino dealers over indeed what's the most money you've seen someone lose and how was the aftermath i'm an analyst in a tribal owned casino in a not very wealthy area so we don't see people losing in the millions but we've got a few patrons that have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars to this over the years most of them are local business owners all were owners that have now sold their company for big profits so spending that much money here and presumably the same or more at our local competitors doesn't seem to be a problem one of our biggest players for about a year was a little old lady whose husband died and she didn't have anything else to spend the life insurance on so she put a few hundred thousand into this over the year once she finished off that amount she basically stopped playing altogether she was just in it for the fun she's spent enough though and is a nice old lady so most of the hosts comp her a free meal every once in a while just to bring her in and check in on her if she never spends another center she's still one of our biggest players ever word of advice though those folks you know who won a huge jackpot and have made so much money gambling and are big winners well there's a really good chance that they're net negative when it comes to their spending here we've had folks win 100 k jackpots and still be 150 000 in the hole that's how this works you might have some big wins on occasion but every game is advantageous to the house currently a dealer at a large casino in the us not vegas i tap onto my blackjack game and this guy i'm dealing to tells me he is already down around 100k he's a white guy mid-50s or so wearing a tacky plaid suit he was betting 501k hand two hands every time over about four hours the guy floats between my table and the one next to me buying in 10k at a time i gave him one good shoe the whole night so i was busting his head essentially the whole time a couple times it took longer for me to count his buying than for me to put it in my rack crap there were so many 100 bills in my money box it was getting tough to put the paddle in it my floor tells me after he leaves that he lost 209k after it was all said and done he treated it like how i would treat losing one grand maybe he wasn't happy but he seemed like he could shrug it off my floor was like yay i could pay off my entire mortgage with what he just lost i died a little inside that day but it's not my money after all ex croupier here i used to deal almost exclusively in vip areas and private gaming rooms to international high rollers or top-tier level locals the regulars that come at least every week don't tend to play that big between three hundred dollars to ten dollars keep a hand and there's a lot of spectating and walking around and socializing however it's a different story with the internationals the casino allows them to have a much higher maximum bet up to 600 k and they get given their own private gaming room with only one or two tables that only they have access to most of the private rooms only contain baccarat tables as that is what most of the high rollers prefer to play but the most i have ever seen anyone lose was this malaysian guy i was dealing to in one of our private rooms that was actually connected to his penthouse suite in our five-star hotel he came to the table straight out of bed still in his pajamas he gulps down a cup of ginseng tea and slams 500 k on the table loses another bet this time 600 k loses a gain three more hands continued the same way until he reduced his bet to 300 k and he finally wins one hand he is furious that he lost all his big bets and his only win was his small bet because of this i got kicked out from the room and another dealer waiting outside for this exact reason comes to the table and replaces me the player ended that day with a total loss of 9 million he was staying at our casino for one week and the next day i heard he lost another 10 million dollars the next few days he was up and down but he did not come anywhere close to chasing back his losses since that trip from what i have heard he hasn't been back to our casino i dealt a party gow game like poker but players play against the house instead of each other typically you bet the minimum and the bonus it's stupid not to the bonus increases your odds to almost 50 stroke 50 without bonus the odds were closer to 40 strokes 60 bet 100 and you'd expect to get about 90 back for instance the game is very up and down you win some and lose them and often don't go anywhere at all a lady walks in refuses to get the bonus and proceeds to lose ten thousand dollars cash faster than seems possible she arrives at her last two chips with stunning speed displaying the absolutely shittiest streak of bad luck i've ever seen against the rules i suggest she bet the option with her last chip she hits a straight flush begins crying and walks away with 20 k didn't tip what a bee worked as a croupier and in vip private suites for four years baccarat is the money game blackjack rule let you get people losing 100 200k betting up to 25k or so a lot for me to lose of course but nothing compared to what you see in the carrot generally the max would be 500 k per hand but that's negotiable depending on the player someone losing 20 million wasn't uncommon someone losing a million you wouldn't even be phased the reactions of the players varied greatly people acted aggressive for losing ten dollars on a low limit roulette but would laugh if they lost 100 k in the private suites the players were allowed to abuse the dealers a lot more than what would be ever allowed on the public gaming floor so you take some crap and learn deal with it obviously nothing physical generally the higher limit players wear and too bad a lot of death stares and abuse in their language drunk idiots or grumpy elderly were worse oddest thing was the requests young male asian female white female blonde brunette no chinese from chinese players no bald men no facial hair i remember once they literally ran out of croupiers because they had gone through them all as well were the dealing requests turn the cards this way or that only use that hand don't speak don't look at me got some really odd requests and you just did it superstition's becoming a joke after you see the ridiculousness of people people ask this question a lot when they find out i'm a dealer money is money but what people don't get is that the people who play the crazy amounts of money 99 of the time they have that money to burn if the really sad ones the ones that stick with you are the ones who come every day and spend 500 or less and you know as the person standing there taking their money that they can't afford it they start off all happy go lucky maybe they win their first couple of times out nice people usually then they keep coming out you see them three or four times a week then they are still sitting where you left them when you finished your last shift the day before still wearing the same clothes it's a weekday and they work at a bank you know this because you talked to them for eight freaking hours several times before they didn't go to work they lost too much money and had to get it back but then the atm stopped giving so they had to wait until morning so it would give again they turn more and more sour they get more and more hunched as they play they get up to walk around after you take all the money they have on the table and you think they might leave then they head in the direction of the atm then once in a while someone just stops showing up i work 2 a.m to 10 a.m so most of the people i see are these people you don't know why or what happened maybe they quit cold turkey or maybe not maybe they found something else to do with their time and money then you hear that some dude shot himself in a casino parking lot somewhere nearby and you hope it wasn't that person you saw every day i guess this isn't the most i've ever seen but it's the worst casino dealers are notorious deegans usually they just gamble drink or drug their entire paychecks then borrow money to float the bills and rinse and repeat until they win big which floats their habit for a few weeks or months or hit bottom anyways i was day shift and it was about to change to evening shift one of the dealers for evening sat at my table a few minutes before he had to start his shift and bought in 10 k he bet table max on a carnival game across the table and lost it all in five minutes without ever winning a hand he did this twice more then left in a hurry i got off my shift and went out front to leave and he was pacing around smoking he told me he lost his entire life savings and he didn't know how to tell his wife he asked if i wanted to buy his car or anyone that might want to buy it the most i ever saw someone lose was a few hundred thousand by a big name poker player on dyson like three rolls i am not a dealer but i was sitting by a guy who was playing blackjack at his own reserved table he had stacks and stacks of 500 chips and was betting a few thousand per hand and losing almost all of them within 20 minutes i watched him lose over 10k and just pull out his wallet and grab a huge stack of 100 bills and throw them in the dealer's face it was crazy because if anyone else did that they would get kicked out but they didn't do anything to him because he was losing so much money it was the craziest thing i'd ever seen in a casino he eventually lost all the money and the floor manager calmed him a room and walked him off the floor meanwhile i'm at the next table over betting five dollars a hand getting p when i lose the most i've seen someone lose wasn't in the amount of money per se it was the gas money home that i saw that hit these people hardest if someone is gambling hundreds of thousands they probably have the means to at least eat and move around in a vehicle even if they lose it all at least they have some assets the poor folks that gambled for hope were by far the most shocking experiences i've ever had during the short time i spent dealing blackjack was in vegas a few years ago and had to steer some old ladies away from a screaming hair pulling fight in the street between some 20-ish chick and her stupid 20 ish boyfriend who had just gambled away the money they needed to get bus tickets back to l.a couldn't really blame the chick but on the other hand she was dumb enough to date him so not a dealer was in vegas staying at the aria walked down to the casino at 630 am heading out to go to red rock canyon in the early morning stopped by a roulette table where one asian guy was playing he looked like he hadn't slept in days hair all disheveled wearing a grey track suit he's surrounded by suits pit bosses managers etc he's throwing chips down on the table like they're going out of style stacks of four or five chips and 15 or 20 bets across the board conservatively 60 chips per bet then i notice the color the yellow chips one cage he just laid minimum 60k on the table i grabbed my wife and say holy crap we need to watch this guy for a minute they spun the wheel he missed on the number bit one on two sides on two corners on the collar and on the twelves now i don't know at this point if he was up or down on that individual bet the croupier raked the money paid him his winnings and then the guy did it again and again and again we watched him for five spins again conservatively he gambled 300k in 10 minutes we had to run but that was a heck of an experience just watching someone like that we gambled 80 bucks my wife won 80 and i lost 40. that was it player here not a dealer i was at the craps table and had several bets paying me real nice and there was finally a crowd and lots of cheering and the dice kept rolling everyone was playing on the same side and rooting for each other then this guy walks up and very publicly announces that he is playing against the roller and places a 1 000 bet and immediately loses when the dice are thrown everyone else is happy of course the guy does this for several roles before he finally wins one groans all around as we lose our bets the next roller went on a crazy streak that won me several hundred but that one guy always bet against the players and lost about 20k on that streak then he says sadly that the money was his son's college fund you'd think the table would feel bad for him but it just made everyone hate him more he'd lost about 30k at this point but he was convinced that he could win it back with bigger bets he started placing 5k and 10k bets and i don't remember him winning anything he was down probably 100k before he left finally and looked like he was going to shoot himself dealer of seven years and floor supervisor pit boss for three a few years back i saw a big player lose 320 000.25 minutes he had just sat down with three full racks of 1 000 checks chips a rack holds five stacks of 20 checks so each of these racks held one hundred thousand dollars in checks i was on my way to a 20-minute break as he was just getting started as i returned to the floor i noticed that he now only had two rows of checks left forty thousand dollars five minutes later my friend who was in the section where this player was playing informed me that he had lost the last forty thousand dollars rebought for twenty thousand dollars and then lost that in a matter of minutes this is a player who gets whatever he wants we don't do bottle service tower tables at my casino but this player will have a bottle of wine sent to his game he obviously will have a reserved table waiting for him when he arrives and will get his choice and dealer as well he doesn't like to talk to the dealer or supervisor and no other guests are allowed to watch him play he will have multiple filet mignon meals waiting for him to go upon his departure he has his own parking space near the front doors like an actual spot with his initials that nobody else can use losing that amount of money didn't seem to faze him and i've seen him back many times since this is small potatoes but i don't gamble much in one of the few times i've been at the blackjack table in a non vegas casino i was sitting next to a guy who'd been there since 6 p.m the night before it was 3 30 p.m the next day floor boss employee confirmed it and knew him as a regular who does this often but considering i don't gamble much in 20 k to me is a down payment on a nice bus house i was flawed and he looked apart edgy wide looked like he had been up for days he went into his life story on how he gets his money which sounded shady likely was robbing his small business to pay for his gambling habit and overall was a sad experience i don't wish to repeat dealer in a large nevada casino i've seen people lose tens of thousands and continue to walk back from the atm all day long smile on their face friendly as ever i've also seen some people lose no more than 60 on the verge of tears and talk about killing themselves when they go home which we are required to report the other day i dealt to a guy that lost 3 000 and when he was down to his last three blacks he said he hated me and then got up to walk away then turned around and slammed the chips down in the betting circle and yelled oh just freaking take it from emmy i got a black jack he threw his drink and broke glass everywhere security escorted him out one of the training videos that they show us for nevada gaming commission includes a video of a woman hitting a slot jackpot for ten thousand dollars and when they came over with the big check she was crying so they asked her what was wrong and she told them how she had taken a second mortgage out on her home to gamble and the jackpot didn't even put a dent in it i have tons of stories but the majority of people are responsible gamers to be honest i used to play poker a lot too bad i have responsibilities now i thought it was crazy when someone would flip crap and start buying in for the max one thousand dollars in two dollars five no limit games and shove every hand blind that was always amusing to watch some dude would come in think he's the best poker player ever and lose a few hands it would always be the same i guess any two cards hey i might as well not even look at my hand and shove blind every freaking time no dude you just don't understand how to play your hand and it was always the guys with like 100 k in their wallets there were nights i'd leave with six eight times what i sat down with because these hot heads lost their freaking cool and since i was usually there for entertainment sometimes i just freak with them by playing bad hands hoping to put those types of people over the edge so much fun to watch i worked in a belgian casino for a while and there we had a big spender come over and play roulette i suspect he had a small printer in his inside pockets because the 500 euro bills just kept on coming and he was there several hours playing every spin freaked me out i want ed that printer he had a weird system for playing as well but i guess a lot of systems are flawed to say the least same number over and over and when he finally got it put all his winnings on and around the same number maximum bets and plane a cheval carray if he got the number a second spin he'd do the same so all his winnings back on that same number he had this at least two times when i was spinning but every time everything went back on the board at the end of the day he had lost over 35 0 000 euros and he barely even blinked i didn't even enjoy playing or he didn't show it for that matter his wife mistress was bored out of her mind and they both just sat there playing and drinking not excessively so i'm not a dealer but i've been working in a casino for about eight years i worked in security marketing and currently in the information technology department i have an interesting story about a guy who i escorted out of the casino one morning while working in security i received a call from security dispatch to escort a man from the cage to valley who won a large jackpot this was slightly typical but not necessarily the norm i arrive at the cage and watch this guy get paid out 85k cash all large bills definitely the most money i have even seen in my life at one time i'm thinking dang that's awesome this guy just came up in life right however i noticed the guy isn't even cracking a smile he even looks kind of somber and worn out this guy was prob mid-forties normal looking guy there at the casino at three am alone he double counts the stacks of bills he gives me a nod and we head for the door on the way out 23 year old me says something along the lines of wow 85k congrats the guy looked at me paused for a moment then said i had 145k in the machine i learned right then and their casinos are not built on winners i used to deal at a small casino in australia there was a small game called caribbean stud a poker variant where you are dealt five cards no swaps and get paid out on the value of the hand assuming you beat the dealer there is a one dollar bonus entry as well where you get access to a percentage of the bonus pool for hands higher than a full house fh 500 4k 10 sf 25 percent rf 100 the pool is made up of a percentage i think it was 80 or 90 of money put on the bonus bet but the house also kick-starts the pool with 10 k when the bonus is won by rf now the game is usually very innocuous we would deal 140 stints and usually you would be seeing two four folds of a table of seven a couple of pairs and or high cards and maybe a two pair occasionally when the hand is over dealers starting on their left start turning over the players cards one player at a time paying them out and clearing their cards as they do so the bonus this night was up around 500 k seemingly dull hand clear a couple of pairs then turn over a royal flush guy does his massive celebrations pit boss and floor manager come over to oversee the payout chip runner brings over some 100 k chips it was a five dollar table with about five dollars k chips in it bonus resets guys happy gets down and leaves clear another couple of pairs and on the far right is another guy with his head and his hands not looking at anyone or anything hadn't noticed him not look up for ages he looks up fairly tear stained face i turn his cards to reveal a royal flush same process except this guy only gets 10 k he was happy but essentially he lost 490 k by someone winning the jackpot a few seconds earlier odds of that happening are ridiculous i'd never seen a straight flush before and only a handful of full house and four other kinds tl dr two guys win the caribbean stud jackpots in one hand the first gets 500 k the second 10 k because of how the jackpot is structured so i am kind of friends with the high roller who i saw lose 600k let me explain i know a guy who knows a high roller sometimes i get to crash their trips with my girlfriends which means we get a camped room at some swanky vegas hotel corner suite money to gamble with normally like 400 a day food and drink credit all we have to do is get there anyways we've done this on this guy's name multiple times and he's met us each and every time and couldn't pick us out of a lineup if he tried sometimes he likes to hang with the plebs so we're hanging at our slots and i look over and he's at a roulette table and i'm like hey friend look it's the guy bankrolling this and she's like let's go see what he's doing he lost around 600k on one roll goes straight to the bank and takes out close to a million chips and goes back to roulette later that day ran into him at a blackjack table and decided to sit down and play a couple hands next to him i guess the table got hot when we sat down he looks over at us and is like i've been having the shittiest luck all day you girls must be my lucky charms nice to meet you bro this was the fifth time we've been out here on your name lol probably 20 years ago i sat down at blackjack i think it was at the palace only other person at the table was this ridiculously attractive asian broad with three guys in suit standing behind her we played for about an hour and i could tell she didn't want any conversation and i was doing really crappy probably down 3500 or so anyways she got up eventually bowed to the dealer and tipped him five thousand dollars then she came over and gave me a hug while i felt something heavy fall into my coat pocket sure enough it was a roll of money around four thousand dollars the dealer told me she was some kind of superstar from japan and she must really like me because she usually hates the type of americans that gamble at her limit i've always told myself that she was on her way out on a jet and didn't know what good 40 100.00 bills would be in tokyo or was just too lazy to give a crap if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check 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Channel: On Tap Studios
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Id: 3ltQ8ImN5g0
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Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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