Saying GoodBye! Moving On To The Next Chapter In LIFE!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh oh yeah baby is here excuse me I am still in my pajamas because this is kind of my day off but we're here at the door cuz I just heard a knock on the door and we are waiting for a very special package from our friends at Universal yums is a company that basically takes snacks from all over the freaking world and they put them in one cool little box and they ship them to you so this is one of the coolest ways that you can try different foods because one of the favorite things me and Gina like to do on date night is we like to try different cuisines different kinds of foods from all over the world I had no idea Universal yumm existed so hey why am I talking it's like on the doorstep let's get it hey you stay back mourn people ah yeah baby YUM Universal gums look at that oh yes cow you want a universal YUM all right guys hey check it out before we crack this box open in this video we have errands to run by one of those answers is that Jacob and Katie and Diego have all moved into the same under the same roof that should be interesting because they work together they live together I don't know what else to do together hopefully none weird and they go to church together but hey check it out before we open this maybe we'll take this along our journey today and we'll crack it open in the truck and we'll just have people try weird snacks all day how about that and so just sitting around a boring table let's go out and see what people think about Universal yawns all right guys so hey we got our Universal yums box and we are hopping in the truck first off is we are going to stop by Jacob and Katie's new house like I said they all live together so we're gonna give you a little tour of their place and see what kind of weird stuff they have the house and then we're heading somewhere super duper duper duper special right after that so stay tuned I was looking for just for me alright guys so we are here in Rowlett Texas got our young box we're gonna go in here and try a treat with them and then we are gonna head over and check out possibly the new building I have an appointment at 3 o'clock about thirty minutes with the guys so we got to make it quick all right guys we have a knife we are here kids here so I'm gonna stay in this room right because you're not supposed to put kids on YouTube all right so check it out we have a knife we have the young box so check out this one these are different so you basically what you do is you sign up monthly guys these are as low as 14 bucks make sure you just subscribe to it and they send you one every week so this one right here says a land of Minnie Harry's and then you flip it over it's got Harry Potter I think that's Prince Harry or former Prince Harry huh anyways alright or and I think that got to be Harry Connick jr. or the mike maybe I don't know let's practice done yeah I know but I don't know yeah yeah he doesn't definitely doesn't sound like it's promoters hey let's crack this thing open do surgery alright this is how we're gonna do this so we're gonna take this box around all day I have not opened it I didn't flip it I cut it turn it around what you're gonna do is you're gonna reach over the box take a snack and pull it out what if it's peanut butter I don't care if it's a score so we're gonna pay for our scissors for a surprise sorry toppings blackjack grandma a wild University um next time send me like some African bugs Craig it's something like Chinese hey we know dog though don't put any dog and cat treats like literal dog and cat tree look it's the young bag Johnny pickled onion ring so what do we got it was let's pour it out so this is like it looks like just so what I guess this is European hard hard candies it would not interrupt why all right friggin would you finish it maybe oh I love toffee I need sugar for the little piece in my hand huh [Music] oh man that's been well why'd you put this over this is this how they do it overseas best before all right so I guess this is how they put their there are nutritional facts on there yeah it is 25 25 pence y'all yeah me too ooh Welsh something from Welsh Wells so we'll do this last one here Jackson take some pickles what are you thinking thumbs up or thumbs down it's okay okay it tastes like pickles I wanna try one I love pickles that little toffee cake y'all really really I had milk and a cup of coffee that thing would be the bomb yeah I know I like that least it's like a funny name again mm-hmm it's like a pickled onion they're really strong yeah if you want pickles and onions it is crying out with flavor I'll get you that hey check it out guys we have to go right now because we have an appointment to go see our possible new building here in Garland Texas so we've got to get over there and meet the guy because y'all know these anyway so I'm sure if I'm like 30 seconds late he's gonna leave so let's head there all right that car just drove off so hope that wasn't him cuz we are what do you mean it's late nope that bet that's him right there yeah all right here we go guys we're gonna go check out the building so let's go inside first there's a dry erase board it comes with the car it comes with the car right that's what I thought lighting it's good ok so here's just a little entry doors probably Katie's office in here actually probably secure that well no because the windows will do that in the back I was gonna say the safe room so this could be the entry will put the desk right here or the displace yeah I know that just came out it's beautiful ok so pretty simple right but that's all we're looking for a simple fans this is the first warehouse I've seen with fans ok so electricity is not a word have you got your fire stop baby are holding jeans got a flashlight ears - okay guys sorry for the darkness like this okay so this what this could be shipping since we're going home shipping again so do sorting over there shipping over here we can probably enforce one of these for a safe for the safe room look we're not trying to scale up to 14,000 square feet again actually with YouTube YouTube is chase everything for me my perspective on everything we have promotions come out on YouTube we have YouTube coming in and so I work as hard so we're gonna scale it down a little bit but I think we're gonna actually make way more profits so anyway our goal this year is a million dollars all right guys we are pulling away and check it out I think we made a deal I told him what I was looking for he told me what he was I told my do a 13 month lease I'm like a knob you know I was gonna do that trying to go she ate a little somebody's like he just preferred he owns all of these buildings they were passing all of these and I actually knew the guy I went to he owned storage facilities too and I've been to one of his auctions before cuz when I got rugs like I know you from somewhere but anyway so I think we just made a deal he asked us to email him as soon as we got back he's gonna send over the paperwork to be honest he seems like just a good old boy kind of good old boy guy he said none of his people are all leases basically they're on once a month and I was like all right you know I just want to protect you protect me but hey if he's he wants to do that I'm not going nowhere so anyway I think Grimes finds has a new walks in house I am such a freaking ding-dong so check it out this is actually really fun I actually have written written read read I'm I've written in a truck all right so check it out look this is actually fun this tells you like all the details about all the different freaking snacks that are in the box I'm gonna show you the rest of the snacks when we get back to the house but we really are in a rush today but look it's got games in here there's actually snacks in here that didn't make the list and they want you to go right here look Angus beef-flavored freakin potato chips that's nasty retro corn lemon-lime sherbert popcorn maybe I'm not gonna lie I would like to try the Angus beet chips that was my husband beat you guys so check it out all these yummy yummy yummy things they really are guys this is I actually started calling it my fun box and that probably could get me in trouble at some point but I'm calling three months basically they travel somewhere different and they're gonna send you one like maybe next time it could be Africa it could be a Middle Eastern heck it could be Texas I don't know but basically did you sign up for a subscription and they send you a box every month full of treats that you probably have never tasted for or and never will you're back at the house the box is right here with the rest of the stuff in it Jeana actually went to get a pen because I was dog stood us our address on there so anyway check it out look I'm actually gonna fill this out and look you fill out like what was your favorite what was your worship weirdest jump so I'm actually going to fill this out and send it in because me and Gina are totally in on this guys this is like it's brutal it's just like family fun look guys I get asked by probably 20 people week to do stuff like this for them and I look at it and I tell them no thank you well I don't just do this if this is something I really enjoy or can use and can say with confidence that you're gonna enjoy it too then I'll do this so anyway Gina's back we are gonna finish going through here see and then look so what you do is you find the orange cream thing and then you write orange cream thing there and you put the tasters name and then you raid it so this is pretty cool guys let me just show you through this now we're not in the car but look let's see what that was cuz look it tells you all the facts oh here it is right here Bristow's Bucks Fizz choose fizzy orange and champagne shoes that's what I got so enough of that but check it out they send this to you in each box that are specifically for custom like made - what's in these boxes this is super cool so so very cheap I think that I went on there it was like 15 bucks is like you can get a box so 15 bucks you can order one and like to me this would be like a fun kind of like family thing to do like the kids would have fun with this we just sat around and try this out that's actually what we're gonna do so maybe next month we'll do another one of these with the kids and let's just show them real quick the rest of what Scotland honey and mustard actually pop Scotland okay no that's Collin that's Ireland yeah I'm getting back here I'm doing that weird mukbang crap you don't talking about like who in the heck wants to watch someone eat like there can't be a big audience for that alright you're like not care about my Bangkok there's really cuz I love me some wasabi it says honey in the mustard there's no maybe that's what their mustard see is it on the ingredients hmm alright sorry I had to chew that up yes actually right when you eat it it tastes like wasabi and then it just tastes like a potato chip ever but they're potato chips are thicker do you notice that yeah no seriously look at that yo that's how that's how the Highlanders do it that's how they cut them taters and over there in Scotland man look at that that is hey man I'm William Wallace except we have Welsh Badu for real yeah like lamb meat lamb and mint well they have Angus hold on where was that it's oh look the head so that's not too far out there oh so Angus beef didn't make it but we're gonna eat some lamb meat yeah me too all right crank it open Hey look ad cheese calling us in ADT stop calling you our building burned down like friggin three months ago you weirdos very thick okay so the Welsh like their chips dick - thank you you know gamma yeah did you just smell it I did it really did okay no it smells like yeah it does wait let me smell that again well yeah but oh you can smell the lamb that's a meat smell smell that again tell me you'll smell me we smell what okay so really guys this chip smells like meat this is a meat chip that was my nickname in high school it's so weird man all right all right they liked it did you try it yeah all right I won't want it I don't know how do you get a lamb meat taste on a chip without it being some kind of powdered meat that's just weird powdered me is a weird thing would you eat it again it means not bad Oh excellent seriously give me some water all right we're back dude that straight-up tastes like a donkey's but seriously where's it at worst YUM right there number nine worst don't eat lamb the meat chips taste that one out okay I got lamb meat in my mouth do you don't nevermind cheese and onion British British Chris I'm acting like a ten year old boy were in here pay me no mind this is how she's made it almost eight years of being together you see how long I'm just back here clownin I'm in a good mood I wasn't feeling good earlier now I am but do you notice how she legitimately just like ignores it that she's got it down pat that's how it works but I can do it too dark okay I want that cuz I really do i want this lambs meat out of my mouth yeah yep yeah I'm serious dude that tastes so okay so look oh no it's still thick - do you taste women no no I taste some women may be weird onions Oh what is a roux daughter that's a movie it's in some famous movie something funny about a rhubarb never touch another man's rhubarb what is it oh yeah never touch another man's rhubarb that's right never rub another man's rhubarb I don't know don't like a rhubarb why did the Joker not want you to touch another man's burrito I don't know if I want to put a rhubarb in my mouth psyche was it good mm-hmm it is then you said you need to land meet again - so I don't know if I trust your judgment right now believe you saw that tail wag all right I'll try it all right guys hey don't listen to the Joker touch touch another man's rhubarb oh I like shortbread me too I really do like shortbread inspired UK standard on food they mean my leg it won't kill you but you can still eat it I don't know that looks pretty good they definitely don't put sugar in it I feel like ours here has a hint of sweet here in America that has no sleep whatsoever no is it really a crumpet I think crumpets are biscuits which are cookies man biscuit was Monday named high school - I'm not eating these below we have two more items whacked in unwrapped enjoyed whack whack then unwrapped enjoy X that sounds like inappropriate I don't even wanna aint get hit it I'm trying to make sense of this it says whack then I rap oh I get it nevermind you're whacking it break it [Music] so here look here's the last one premium artisan all right so hey check it out what do you say said thumbs up thumbs down I do too if I had two thumbs right now to show you I give it two thumbs up because why this was actually fun this was really fun in life this would be some maybe just to have over when you having a party to just be fun so anyway uh Universal yums if you suck I was actually gonna tell you on film that hey I'm not doing it again but I would hands down 120% do this again guys hey if you want to check it out I'm not telling you to go buy it if you want to though our link is in the description so just go down there and then you can sign up they have all levels of stuff guys this is just one level and they have small medium high all kinds of different things so just go check it out the link is down in the descriptions check it out and have fun guys just have fun eating me chips [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 43,364
Rating: 4.8799539 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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