Constructing the ULTIMATE WATER BASE in Kenshi

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if you guys are new to my kenji series or you kind of forgot what happened in the last episodes oh you guys all cut up first of all install the Matt mods so it shows what the zones are and so that's why my map looks all weird currently we're here near the fishing village up at the northern coast but essentially we started as a slave made our way towards World's End stole a bunch of crap hired people then we started hiring people from all these towns down here most of our companions now our sheykh and a lot of them are super crap we have trouble taking down like ten cannibals we did a relatively good armor like Kang is just beasting with this samurai gear and he's got a nice plank but gear and kenchi doesn't really matter that much our stats are absolutely horrible for the most part like we do have some companions with good stats but a lot of our companions their attack is just absolutely god-awful and their defensive stats as well wait these guys are actually not bad what happened out when did I get good I'm looking through their attack and defense and like it's actually not that bad like 17 defense toughness is actually going up to where at like 12 toughness okay well it's not as bad as I thought but we're still somehow having trouble with basic cannibals so the first goal this episode is we're gonna start training or combat stats up a lot secondly last episode we found out that if you close this gate and enemies want to come in they will just bust the gate down that being said I have a very interesting base design that I want to try out that is actually really original I have not seen anybody in the comments suggest this base design idea to me or I haven't really seen it anywhere I don't watch other people's kenchi videos mainly because I don't want to steal ideas accidentally and so this base design idea is gonna be a hundred percent original and so first things first we're gonna demolish this gate it really does not do a whole lot to hold enemies in and next we're gonna try to completely wall ourselves in there we go can she walk up here yeah and yep okay cool so next we're gonna demolish this defensive wall and it's really annoying to build in the water because they swim really slowly which is why we're actually building in the water because swim speed in this game is so slow and some of you guys might be catching on to what I'm about to do and so since swimming speed is so slow in this game we are going to build out as far as we possibly can we can actually build out really far it looks like we can even go deep in the ocean but we don't need to go that far we'll just go like here and I don't know if you guys have ever played tower defense a lot of you older viewers definitely have played tower defense but I don't know man I'm getting old so I always have to be aware that they are people out there that might not have played warcraft three and it's kind of weird to think about but the idea here is we want to create a funnel point so that they have to swim around this main funnel point and I actually don't know if this is even gonna work because we're really deep in the water over here and so the idea here is if they want to attack from this side they have to go all the way around here and they have to go through this gauntlet thing and then they have to swim all the way in here to get inside rather than just breaking down a gate over here also while they're doing that it appears that Mew has harvested this farm we got 16 wheat straw plus 34 wheat straw in the storage house 50 wheat straw from that and we can actually use that to build another farm a large wheat farm costs 40 wheat straw so let's build that right over here we're gonna have 10 excess wheat straw and I built this extremely cute little house which is gonna be a cooking house and we're gonna pop a bread oven in here unfortunately everyone is horrible cooking so we'll just have me the farmer and do all the cooking she actually has a racial bonus of 1.2 to cooking as well looks like to make bread we need straw flour and this is wheat straw so we need to do something to the wheat straw in order to turn it into straw flour a grain silo will grind a wheat straw into flour for cooking with well plop that right next to this cute little house takes iron plates though I think we're out of iron plates unfortunately which we need for a lot more stuff like constructing turrets so we can defend the base and at worlds end.the trader has a lot of them so we'll just buy as many as we can looks like they all go into the wooden backpack 29 of them and they have steel bars as well we need this first something else so we'll of cob rail hollows back to our encampment in the meantime we are getting a bit low on funds we're at about 5k and some of you guys were wondering how we made the majority of our money I didn't end up showing much of it because making money at World's End is extremely easy with thievery and lock-picking at 9:10 we have Kabu equip his stealth legs and we left his thieves backpack back at the encampment but someone's currently delivering it to him for now we'll just use a small backpack it reduces stealth skill by 15% and so even with his backpack that hinders our stealth skill a bit we still have 66 stealth skill and so we can just go in here and start picking this and this is a weapons trader this is where we get most of the money 90% chance the lockpick failed come on dude you can do better than that and so if we head in here we hover to this weapons cabinet there's a bunch of good weapons here and they restock every night only was 74% chance to steal though oh I see what is so low because the weapon trader is sleeping downstairs tonight so he's really close and we can make noise while we're taking the weapons out of the weapon cabinet if he's not there usually there's a hundred percent chance to steal and there's gonna be no problems the next thing we do to make this easier is we put Bart in here so we can have vision of this Shack and actually there's a lot of weapons still in this Shack that lien is so off but now we can do is just pause the game and we just start jacking these weapons and you can do it while you're paused it's really cheap not each fan of the pause function in this game and I think if I do another playthrough I'm gonna not have any pausing at all it's just so easy like he catches us but we're paused and he can't do anything and caboose cover is blown this guy sees us we don't need to be having new stealth legs on anymore I use these legs to start because they don't hinder stealth skill at all but we're now gonna be running as fast as we can to get out of here so we're gonna be using these Scout legs I have too high quality ones and a both you have 24% bonus to athletics and it's not that they give bonus to athletic skill but they give a percentage bonus to the max speed which is way better like for example the flotsam ninjas have around 90 200 athletics and they're only moving it like twenty nine miles per hour but with these Scout legs we're moving at 38 miles per hour I have not seen anything run at 38 miles per hour in this game the display case is usually loaded though with not a ton of weapons but really high quality ones like this falling Sun MK 3 quality the best you can find valued at 33 K sells for 8 K they also three other MK 2 weapons and then we got the weapon trader and this shop guard chasing us the shop guard is moving at 16 miles per hour the weapon traders moving at 19 that's a bit better but we're unfortunately for them moving at 39 which is more than double their movement speed so we can literally just dip so hard and no one can even have a chance of stopping us so while that was going on I found a pre interesting base design flaw when they get into the inner ring the water is too deep and then they can just pop up so right about here is when it gets too deep and the water starts going over the wall I'm still about over here we just built in a water too deep so we're going to semental all this and this and we're gonna build closer to land is the idea now is we want to keep these walls closer to the shore so they don't get too deep into the water so we'll have an inner layer like this and that should be all in the water and the wall off this side in order to increase the amount of time we have to shoot at them I think we want to build a wall out this direction more and we'll build this one out this way as well oh my god oh no I got some holy sentinels multiple paladin's and the holy chosen Czar still decent like they got around 16 attack 21 defense this could be really bad we do some bowmen but they have the wrong types of bolts like we're just not ready for this at all we could do for now just wall off the base because I think we lose this oh man they're swimming quick what's her swing skill they're 40 yeah oh god it looks like Sogo might have to be sacrificed here oh good okay we're walling this off I'm sorry Circle Oh God circles done form in what's gonna happen to him pretty go in for him they're gonna walk by him you're walking by him Oh God build build a quicker are they hitting that wall oh they are okay John do much damage to it though like we're repairing it and repairing it faster they can hit it I think they're giving up they're actually running away alright so we did manage to survive they did bust up our walls a bit though wait some turrets over here from earlier so we dismantled them and we had another turret over here that we also dismantled as well as we had a bunch of trained amines on top of this building which we don't really need right now so we just mantle all of them and we constructed two harpoon turrets with all those iron plates this turret actually might be getting blocked a bit by this wall I think we will dismantle it and we get back four out of the seven iron plates from doing that unfortunately we can't build a turret here which seems like a really prime location for it turret I think it's cuz its wall intersects we could try to fix that we brought you where's no heights let's see what they got I'm hoping they have iron plates a lot of wheat straw six iron plates actually gave some food to a lot of cactus we actually need cactus it's only 14 as well if we buy all that wheat straw we can turn it into more farm so I think we will and they have 22 hemp we can actually turn that into hemp farms alright well I was Danny but we got to figure out how to finish up this wall okay I couldn't find a way to connect this to here with there being a way for them to walk up to this area like they always get stopped because the level difference like there's too much of a level difference here but what we can do is connect this wall around here like so and then this will connect right here this way we can build a turret like out here potentially I don't know if that's the best location because it's not really in the best funnel point another test can Blin walk over this wall yeah he can it looks like he's not gonna have any problems with walking over the rest of this and we'll go right here yep okay cool I'm taking the majority of our tour it's gonna be like right along this wall section here so we would like to funnel the invaders back towards the turrets because I think they can shoot in a 360 degree angle so we go like so then this will force whoever's invading us to go past the turrets a second time and so let's try to plop like two more over here because we have green who has 78 turrets sir Gul has 48 turrets and Stone is 40 turrets the rest of our companions are pretty bad with turrets string actually has 29 turrets and Kang is 22 FAC has 20 as well those were the guys we got from the prisoner camp they come with just random stats so we would like to eventually get more turrets up but we just don't have the iron plates and I don't think we don't have steel bars as well they do have 32 more iron plates though back at World's End we'll grab all of those and they have three more steel bars we need all those as well we made a cooking stove and we can make dust switches which gives 70 nutrition versus bread only gives like 30 nutrition to make these dust switches we need bread x 1 and cactus x 8 or with a cactus we can also make chew sticks which give 20 nutrition they require 1/4 of a water and 8 cactuses either way cactuses are gonna provide us a lot of food the only issue is that the crop yield is 46% so we're not gonna be getting a whole lot out of these well we're gonna build a couple and see how they go we still have 40 cactuses left over so we'll build another Excel cactus farm over here Campbell rate moving towards your outpost okay and we're gonna end the episode there I'm trying to make these videos a length where I can do daily uploads again it takes a long time to edit these verses like a league video so if you guys think it's worth it then drop a like I will see you guys the next one hopefully I'll get it out tomorrow where we will be getting rated by the cannibals and testing out this new bases signe thank you for watching and peace out
Channel: trmplays
Views: 302,835
Rating: 4.8939476 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, games done quick, agdq, sgdq, speedrun, gaming commentary, Mount & Blade, Warband, Mount & Blade Warband, Mount And Blade, Mount And Blade Warband, new update, kenshi 1.0, kenshi update, The Sims, The Sims 4, The Sims 3, The Sims 2, trmplays, the rain man, gamesdonequick, sims, bannerlord, kenshi review, Kenshi lets play, kenshi tutorial, Kenshi Slave, Kenshi The Slaves, Kenshi new update
Id: S09Oli_S1og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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