The Kenshi Iceberg Explained

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hey people today we're gonna take a look at kenshi iceberg i found it on reddit just like all my good ideas it was made by a guy called blackbox650 okay i'm not gonna explain what are can she and iceberg because i think you know what it is because you wouldn't be on this video so let's just get into the review finally something good at beginning let's start from the beep so who's beep you may ask beep is a hive i've drawn to be more exact you can find him at mongrel and take him as a recruit he has one of the lowest stats in a game that is one one one one so you have to spend time training him he has one of the most unique dialogues in a game so i think you should check him out if you don't know him but i think you know if you played this game for at least 10 minutes narco is awkward backwards okay i don't i don't think i have to check this one hivers use vomit to build that actually wouldn't be far from the truth because insects and hives irl just build you know their nests from their inners so that actually might be possible i think i give it like eight on ten i can't really be sure about this but i think it's true but some instincts also use like uh fauna to build their nests so you know feel about it how you want actually skeletons can't dress it or lose their skills oh boy that's a that's a fun one i think this should be a bit lower on a scale but okay to see this more clearly when i have to split the skeletons and the older ones and the new ones new ones are those that had a memory wipe that is reset the older ones that didn't the older ones have more skills that is they can beat you up easily and the new ones don't have much of them maybe they are weaker but at least they are stable so you can talk to them like to normal being while the older ones are clearly obsessed and or have a hatred towards humans or something so maybe the skeletons really don't want to remember their past because they can go insane so i think the stats and resetting is actually real something interesting oh yeah that's gonna be a quick one first and second empire okay i will not explain it because it's too long to explain history of kenshi oh i would just say that first empire was a powerhouse they were technologically advanced they've fallen because of natural disasters and skeleton rebellion but we clearly don't know what happened first empire was founded by katlon and his followers they tried to rebuild the first empire and study its technology second empire quickly fallen because of humans and betrayals from inside and now you can find them only in ashland's mongrel founded by escaped okra knights no okay okay maybe it is close to the holy nation and it's hard to get into but i don't think just escaped people who have no training can build a city there many of the guards and people there aren't human they are shack skeleton and hives so that would be another thing it is actually not that simple so i give it like 50 50 chance atlan and tin fist yeah what about him but seriously i think this is relating to the to the fact that catlon and ten fists were friends uh or should i say great team but they broke up somehow and nobody knows what happened tin fist is a guy who fights for the humans and as anti-slaver while catalon is anti-human and is the guy who made second empire letter from freedom fighter and suicide now so freedom fighters may appear in the holy nation especially the women a player can learn from this letter that women who walk at night without escort and holy nation cities are punished with death this is an epic sharia law moment now i will show you on the screen what the letter says and not read it because i'm lazy okay now it's time for the suicide note letter was written by a holy sentinel about putting a woman to the flame that is probably just beheading her the crimes written about in this letter are very similar to those referenced in a letter from a freedom fighter so they are probably and are related we are closing with skin bandits oh that's gonna be a good one so they are skeletons that were insane they think they are human they will skin you alive if they will find you and wear your skin as their own also they have 100 plus relation with skeleton legion and skeleton bandits also fun fact their leader is not skeleton he's a human to be more precise he's a scorchlander male he's completely insane his name is savant and it's he's an interesting character on his own i i recommend you checking out him by yourself checks are bioengineered humans made by skeletons so i think it's true because some skeletons that survived chaos age will not call them shacks but enforcers which is probably because they were police force in the past genetically made for just you know keeping people in the line plus if you take the armor i mean their plates and these spikes from them they look pretty much human so i think that's another thing so yeah i think it's plausible harmado's board song the song is real their character is a woman and she was a slave in a rebirth she managed to escape by killing the guards including the high paladin you can also find her in hang or trader's edge she hates males she likes women more and also hates skeletons for some reason and you may trigger combat with her if you are skeleton and try to speak with her trapped cage beast the beast is actually real you can add it to kenshi right now from martin to your game you can also play it on forgotten construction set so yeah have fun scrapped boats mechanic i think it was never implemented but we have a concept art so they probably were real the world of kenshi is a tidal locked moon and it's true it's a fact look at this thing it's a screenshot you see this that's a big planet and there is a smaller one and where we are yeah we are kind of small also the map of kenshi is kinda small you can get to another side of the map in one day so yeah i think we are moon armor king first of all he's my favorite character and second of all he's one of the oldest skeletons in the kenshi plus he's a blacksmith he has as he sphinx best armor in the world prices in his shop aren't really good for a poor polish worker but you can always steal from him if you can but most interesting thing is his location he's settled over here in the middle of river in this building yeah i think that's why it's here it's it's kinda hard to find i actually find him as my first unique character in game because i just wanted to travel more easier through the land without getting beaten up so yeah that's how i found them screamer the real recruit i think it's a meme i think it's a joke about scrimmer the false because i can't find anything about screamer the real uh recruit so yeah i'm just gonna leave it here hivers are made by skeletons okay let's move to the next one stove is ochrin so for people that don't know what is stope stop is a gigantic robot in a stobe's garden he's dead hopefully and this theory is saying that a robot is god for the people who hates robots i don't think it's real let's move to the next one king crimper for people that don't know what crimper is it's a gigantic robot that will try to kill you and eat you oh yeah it's based also one of them is very special his name is king he leads the sovereign hive if you kidnap the queen of the sovereign hive he will join the siege on your base so yeah that's fun cross is a skeleton for people that don't know cross is a legendary smith that weapons can be found all over the place i mean all over all over the main people in kenshi i have no idea if it was he she skeleton human hive or whatever we just don't know who that smith was we probably think it was a woman so yeah it's gonna stay as mystery kenshi ii and second empire this is referring to that we will play in kenshi 2 in the era of second empire and that's really it about it it's kind of interesting that we'll play in that era i think it's it's great pirate version corroded iron plates i can tell from my perspective because i had pirated version i had no corroded iron plates so i think that one is fake fishmen are the real native intelligent species they have a king they are definitely intelligent also how the [ __ ] we know name of that guy how can we even pronounce a name from a fish how how is it possible they hatch from eggs like most of beings in kenshi which i think this is one of the things that makes them native by the way they are more crab-like than fish but okay i think they are native to the island actually so yeah you can leave this here the bug monster is immortal well i must say that on my playthroughs i killed him few times so i think he is mortal also one fan fact he's preparing an invasion on the ashland so yeah that's a madman right there western and eastern hive queens are skeletons i know what you makes think that they are robots and that's a good good really theory but they just have metallic parts in them they are not really robots because somebody has to breed those goddamn hive man dried crystal flops this is the food that was cut out out of game because something only know them because i have a mod that brings them back so yeah [Music] ancient nutritions yep they are real even is that they still taste good after thousands of years laying in a bunker but yeah there's nothing more to say about them green fruits are not fruits yeah we all know that but why is this here why is it i'm actually going insane why there's so many food in this iceberg what the hell flop house clubhouse was cut from beta because somebody didn't like it i guess the main creator we can still find it in a game files and place it in on the editor mode i know about this house from a modding because i was making a city in a kenshi and i found it and this thing in a game file so yeah the building was kinda tavern when you can like rest and buy some food so yeah it's not really that interesting fogmen are infected by toxic gas from obedience i actually think it's real you may ask why and here's why because everybody wears a mask and they got them obedient also the hive men look like dead so they probably just got resurrected that's dead i don't know so yeah i give it like eight on ten kathleen isn't insane i think he is insane but he has a bit of right and that humans are monstrous so yeah it's 50 50. all right i see one meme already can she free so i'm gonna go for [ __ ] ghouls so i couldn't find anything about him except modern workshop about messed ghouls and also i found the story and holy nation about missed ghouls running loose in the holy plains oh yeah it's probably just a prank or a scary story a gigantic skeleton in stobe's garden isn't stobe i think it is stobe because i think people nearby would see a huge skeleton just walking past them you know i think the stove is dead f for my boy stobe the whistler scrapped model so that thing is in uh game files we can find it we have no idea what is purpose of that thing but it's missing half of it face and it's dead so yeah hob's tails are real i don't really think they are real by the way wiki tells us that jobs is old crazy man so yeah so what are those stories so he tells you about sunken cave south of the dunes where some beast is waiting for you it's a lot of cash there so to check it out but i don't think that beast is real because when you leave the you know town with him and you ask him about the beast he will be like beast what are you talking about so yeah he's just bluffing not make you sad i'm gonna tell you another story from hobbes he's speaking about wailing phantom that is deep deep into the forest what forest you may ask i don't know he tells you that it is possible to kill the beast because someone did it before with the other one so yeah desertification will kill all life on the planet what a joyful subject eh well can she is kind of dry land it's looking like mexico so with only few places when where you can make food it is really plausible so yeah maybe not desertification but starvation and natural disasters crop failures will kill their population on kenshi especially because how big is the sun and close to the uh our moon so yeah agnew is in constant pain yeah me tell me too i feel you man seriously agno is a unique record that can be found imprisoned by thrall masters on top floor of the tower of abuse so yeah the the biggest thing is that he can't feel pain he's a [ __ ] robot also he makes noises of screaming so yeah it's it's not really that easy to tell game takes place in proxima centauri maybe it takes place there we don't know we actually don't know there is more continents it's actually complicated because there is called the map called old map and it's a map of some fictional continent but also hundreds of years ago kenshi should i say parts of it especially the swamp and few more areas so yeah maybe our character thinks that the old kenshi is something else so we are left only with two there one is a joke obviously and the other one is space debris stops everyone from leaving the planet and i must say it's probably not real because the sky is super clear so we can see everything and space debris if it was to stop the spaceships from leaving it would be massive so we wouldn't even like see much of the sky but we are able to see many stars so i think it's it's just fake yeah that's it we are done here there is no more to the iceberg i kinda want to play kenshi now yeah that is a good idea so see you later maybe in another video you
Channel: RiceDealer
Views: 64,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iceberg, Kenshi, Explained, theories
Id: 5bmR6Rc-Mmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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