Getting RICH from MASSIVE insect invasion! (Technobots #3)

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so at the end of the last episode we got raided by a group of androids and this dude jason is a tier 4 android we use our psychic pacifier on him which instantly converted him to join our faction and though it'd give him a little brain damage he was able to make it out much like how i feel after playing a game on league of legends shortly after that whole thing we got a hunting pack of dinotheriums and the cool thing about killing these guys is not only do they drop a bunch of meat each of them drops two dinotherium tusks which sell for 466 a pop to this exotic good trader we also did get 4 500 meat 2500 of it sold for almost 4k silver and then another 1800 meter for 2600 silver we're gonna use all that money to try to make jason our new melee bot a beast and i'm wondering if we should have him use a shield with a one-hander or a two-hander the shield gives 95 sharp protection to the neck torso arms and hands not much blunt and heat there are some blunt melee weapons but most the damage we're going to be taking is sharp it just does lower melee dodge chance slightly but yeah i think we should grab this crypto shield it's not something we can really get from raiders then we bought some more steel from these guys the rest of it though is gonna go towards buying exotic goods traders and we're going to hope that one of these guys is going to have a really good implant and okay we called in a few more exotic goods traders and i'm not finding anything super amazing like we got this advanced coolant pump that increased the efficiency of a coolant pump but i don't know how useful that is and the thing is each time we call in these exotic goods traders it costs 500 silver so i think we're going to divert our plans for the moment and we're going to start buying a bunch of advanced components from these guys and components and we're also going to need some gold with those advanced components the gold and we're actually running low on uranium that's gonna be our next project actually is it's gonna be to go out and find some uranium but yeah with i guess it takes 10 advanced components 100 plus steel 70 uranium and 40 gold we're able to make a tier 3 android just like fully and yeah tier 3 androids are basically like normal colonists they do for the most part have the same stats they are quicker though as far as i know just slightly quicker wings's base speed is 4.6 bullies is 5. and they do also have built-in armor of 40 so whatever comes out of this robotics casket is gonna be definitely better than a normal colonist for fighting even if they can't really fight that well but yeah i do want to turn jason into a killing machine and that's gonna be our goal for this episode but we don't have enough money right now to call in more exotic good traders i feel like it would have been just a waste to not buy all those advanced components which speaking of those advanced components i think we're just going to use the rest of our silver to bottom out because i don't believe we can make them right now i think you need a specific tech to be able to make advanced components and yeah we dumped most of our silver on advanced components we only have 600 left which we're going to use to call in another trader eventually to get uranium and other various materials so we can make more tier 3 bots we built this ground penetrating scanner and if we look on our map the green areas are where we can mine for uranium for example like 300s over here that's a lot 300 plastic over here we got some steel steel plasteel steel steel and in here actually we're mining for plasteel we got a drill in our kitchen and then down here actually there's a bit of gold 300 gold okay that's quite a bit we can't really push out right now because there is a bunch of insects everywhere and actually if we can get over to this hive that'd be amazing because this trader guy who came in and wanted to trade us off all this ammo this dude met an unfortunate end thinking that this was our base when in reality this is our old base oh yeah take him out i don't know why he's frozen this guy came to trade us some goods and he's frozen right now i swear the frozen thing has not happened that much like let's see if there's any bugs okay there's bugs a lot of bugs but yeah it would be nice to make a push for all this insect jelly and then we also need to push out in order to mine stuff on the map in order to help us do that we're going to do this quest aristocrats in the crosshairs it's going to send us a raid of two times our normal raid strength yeah it's gonna be pretty massive these guys don't seem too terrifying like they're just low tier troops but they could be casters and certain casters could be pretty devastating to deal with they will send us what looks like seven people though and some of them could be casters so that could help and they're gonna stay with us for 23 days we're gonna do this and we're gonna hope that all these raiders actually just go for the insects we don't even have to deal with them that'd be ideal and we get quite a bit of honor for doing it 12 honor for wings who actually does have his acolyte ceremony quest that we can do well we can't do it right now because there's enemies in our map but if he gets 12 more honor that might be level three scilink i think for winx and we also have this quest julian's bugs that's going to expire in 0.3 hours actually and it's going to give us a small vanometric power cell i don't know how much power this produces but we might as well just do it it's going to give us an infestation of 18 hives but i mean we already have an infestation of i want to say 18 hives so the more the merrier you know what no no no no no no no no no no no and here they come julian is their cycaster guy that we have to protect i think we actually have to protect all these guys but yeah he does have a level five styling on here comes the infestation it's in the same place as the other one so yeah we're about to have quite a few bugs over here which i mean that's gonna be more insect jelly that we can harvest if we can clear them out but yeah so julian's silence aren't gonna be all that useful for us i think he's got berserk which is only a single target ability there's one that does aoe berserk he is also a druid but he doesn't have any druid abilities i guess he's going to level up over time and we'll give him i guess regenerate which can regenerate wounds justinian is actually a necromancer and he has rey's undead botro is not a caster but he does have this plasma sniper which unfortunately is bio coded to him so though we could have him get like knocked out or something and he could drop it it's not going to matter because no one can use it it's unfortunate that they don't really have any good gear for the most part aside from beautiful it's not really expecting to be coming in civilian gear so let's think about what to do with these empire people they're kind of useless for the most part and they're not gonna be useful in combat because they don't have any weapons or armor this remdeed mod will actually buy them like i don't think we want to sell julian their lord but like they'll buy justinian for 2k because she's a caster a necromancer which like the necromancer would be useful actually but then like we can sell this guy alexios for 2400 and like ao data we could sell for 900 we would want to keep beautrow because he's got that plasma sniper rifle but then onto gonos this guy really sucks he's greedy so he's actually almost about to have a mental breakdown already actually he should be fine once we make him a bed we're in the process of doing that but yeah this can be a test i did a save before this and we're going to see if we can sell these people off and if we fail the quest or not so we're not failing the quest at all and we do still have julian and boatro here i do kind of regret selling off the necromancer that was pretty dumb with that extra silver and we actually have some elephant leather from those dinotheriums i forgot to sell that off and we have all this human leather as well unfortunately these guys don't have any uranium but they do have steel they'll sell us we actually need all the steel we can get right now and instead of trying to buy jason some implants i think it's actually better if we give them some gear so we're going to call in some combat suppliers accurate transit company you would think they have some really nice range weapons yeah i do like this shock trooper armor helmet which lowers mental break threshold by 25 percent being that he's a tier 4 android jason's mental break threshold is actually pretty high these guys also have a good crypto hatchet that is usable with shields we're gonna pick this up for jason they also have an archotec mass knife architect mass weapons aren't necessarily balanced although then again void is not balanced as well so maybe we should have this on hand just to combat void now we're not going to buy it i've banned architect mass weapons they're just 20p for the value if we can't beat void fair and square then yeah we lose speaking of crypto weapons these guys also have a crypto rifle and a crypto pistol it'd be actually kind of cool to outfit all of our mechs with crypto weapons so we could freeze raiders they'll get knocked out really easy and we can take them prisoner yeah let's do it that's gonna be a good chunk of our silver but we do have a bunch of silver coming in from a deal we just did with the bolt good trader we have 3 500 silver left and we called in another combat supplier they have an excellent jackhammer which yeah this is not a weapon we'd want they have a bunch of krypto weapons the crypto sword and the spear not usable with shields though we don't really have anyone that's exceptional at melee anymore the main thing i'm looking for is some armor oh and very nice we got this dust carbine that has a market value of 356 so that's one thing i don't understand about chickenplucker's mindset is why he has the market value for all his weapons so low like he makes such amazing mods codes them really well adds all this backstory to them does great art i don't know if he actually makes the art for his mods but then for some reason he just has a complete and utter breakdown when it comes to market value there's got to be a reason for it like maybe market value has an impact on what size of raids you get i'm not really sure but yeah this dust carbine is looking like it's extremely overpowered it does 70 damage with 40 range for some reason only takes industrial ammo should probably be taking spacer ammo but has a market value of 360. i just don't quite get it but yeah i don't think you're supposed to be able to buy void weapons and they also have a void helmet i don't think you're supposed to be able to buy i mean the market value for this seems okay like it's 1500 for a really good amount of armor and it lowers toxic and psychic sensitivity down to basically zero dsp could really use this for those toxic trolls so different right it's such a different a different place to be a different world to be in as a content creator today where everything is toxic and negative and back then everyone was just happy everyone was just happy when you would put out a piece of stinky dog a new video they'd be like ecstatic there's a new video to watch from this content creator today i don't care what it is i'm gonna watch it this is fun today it's like let's how how hard can i unleash my bowels onto the internet when a new video comes out from someone but i don't think we'll buy any void weapons or armor these guys do have mechanized pants which increase movement speed and they give a good amount of armor to the legs for just basic underpants so yeah we'll buy those and they also have an excellent shield belt which jason could really make good use of has 154 percent max energy which is quite a bit and i actually didn't even notice these guys have this crypto pistol let's buy that as well and yeah i think we're just going to save the rest of our silver so we've not gotten the raid yet we do have this quest damage transporter which could be disastrous we did get another one of these transporter quests earlier and was kind of funny i'm just gonna roll a clip of it we got a quest that made it so we had a so uh whoa that guy's a doomsday rocket launcher too let's see if we can knock him out and knock him out well this guy oh and yeah that was a pretty free quest i believe we got honor as a reward and this one's actually gonna give us even more since i guess we're later on in the game we get six honor for this one we're gonna accept it with wings now this one could be very disastrous depending on where it lands it's looking like it's gonna land in a good spot though up here to the north is very protectable and all right so the raid's coming first of all i forgot to talk about our new tier three android that fully crafted i did rename them to merbel shout out to patreon and the dude's gonna be pretty good at combat he's got a burning passion for shooting he is also brave which lowers his mental break threshold which is pretty nice because tier three androids actually have a relatively high mental break threshold for a robot like here's foley's but yeah so you can't really have mental breakdowns so we don't mind giving him tainted gear and he also is a martial artist which means that maybe we should make him into a melee beastly guy later on because he can disarm opponents in melee combat he's also got this master traitor trait which is not going to really help us that much because he really hates social but yeah so here is the raid to the north west and this ordinarily would not be a scary raid but with the rim world of magic it might be a little bit scary depending on what kind of casters they have so we got beautrow in the back over here with the sniper and okay it looks like they did already fire their rocket launcher maybe that wasn't that smart and beautiful has gotten a couple shots off oh yeah we got our crypto weapons going too foley has a crypto pistol which does not have much range let's have him get a little bit of cover back here and the m7 is beasting i don't know what these guys are doing by the way are they running looks like they're running oh they polymorph some of these guys that's not good that's actually the worst ability to deal with i think because yeah this dude his stomach got destroyed and only has 13 hp because it's a fox stomach i'm not sure polymorph works on androids but yeah we're gonna hope that they don't get killed here and like this dude's a freaking guinea pig which is not good let's actually get in here with jason and let's mail these guys down okay there which macaulay got destroyed that person's knocked out but that's fine they don't need their ship let's get jason here in the back line and yeah that's pretty much it for these guys this person's gonna bleed out in 14 hours this person lights goes also bleeding but they're not actually bleeding that bad and i think overall we did pass the quest and yeah these guys bandage up their wounds i like how they just left this person chilling on the ground they're not gonna help her out her shuttle is here though we can carry her to her shuttle and boom we failed a quest oh we failed the acolyte ceremony quest which doesn't matter because now we can do the night ceremony so we got some androids kind of banged up and the best thing we can do here i think is just repair fully with the techno bits and we were able to repair his injuries for just 15 mana for just 45 steel and 4 silver we can make these intermediate nano kits which are used to repair bots but it looks like just two of our bots are actually needed repair mainly merble i'm not sure if doing medical on these robots is based off of crafting skill or medical although we did get a 100 10 there so i'm guessing it's based on medical that one was also 100 very nice i would ignore the power outages i am in the process of building some advanced batteries which are way more efficient than these large batteries they do cost two advanced components so i wasn't sure if i want to do that but we don't really have a great way to generate power right now like we just have a bunch of solar generators out here but any point they can get dropped on and we could lose a bunch of them and actually this is just what i was talking about so six hours later we got this smoke spewer which is reducing sunlight in our region so i believe our solar panels are not gonna be getting as much power so it's good we have those advanced batteries that are more efficient this thing also does have a couple power cells so it'd be really nice to be able to take it out without making these things blow up which is going to be pretty hard i think because like this mini turret could blow up which would then blow this one up but then this one over here is actually pretty protected i think we could definitely get at least one power cell out of this pretty much for free there is a low shield which is intercepting ground projectiles then i see this shield over here oh here's the high shield it's behind a rock and that's going to intercept aerial projectiles which looks like we're not going to be able to fire mortars onto this thing to wake it up maybe we could fire a mortar like right here next to this auto charge turret and foley is actually really accurate so we're gonna attempt to hit a shell like right here i think foley can do it and here we go comes number two though here we go lucky number four there we go we woke it up and it looks like they're pretty aggro which is a good sign i guess these insects are close enough to draw their attention and yeah it looks like we're gonna have a night mech versus insectoid battle so i think the reason why they're so aggressive actually is because we did destroy that mechanoid turret and once you destroy one of their buildings i think they just get really pissed off and they just start charging like into whatever they can the mechs look like they're being fairly successful at taking on these insects but little do they know what lies to the south east or more east and south is this massive infestation so a few of the mechs in their infinite wisdom decided to launch a full-on assault towards the insect colony they didn't last long and it appears that the insects are now pissed they're heading towards anything they really can get their little paws on or pincers on okay looks like they just gave up so we got quite a few of them sleeping okay nevermind they woke up i no idea why they woke up i was about to fire a mortar at them maybe one of the mech turrets shot at them i'm not really sure but either way they are probably going to wipe out this mech base i would assume there's only a few turrets here what i hope though is they do not destroy these power cells and wow a lot of insects dead there it looks like they are ignoring the non-combat buildings and they're just going straight for the turrets which is good big explosion there they're gonna make this turret blow up that's the question it did not blow up so the power sounds fine and okay it looks like they're charging our base so we're gonna launch a mortar like right it was on hold fire we're gonna launch it like right here i think would be good it's a little bit late but still hit quite a few of them not bad the insects are not happy and it looks like they're gonna do a full-on assault on our base unfortunately we have walled off our bases entrance so it looks like they're gonna have to destroy some walls then i've opened up some doors over here so there is a way into the base we also got foley out here with the doomsday rocket launcher and i'm wondering if this would be a good time to use it or maybe we should wait for them to clump up a bit more okay it looks like they're actually giving up and okay randomly for seemingly no reason these insects are coming back and i'm wondering if we can have fully yeah we can have them fire through two embrasures and like it would be nice to let these guys clump up more but i just don't feel like we're gonna get a better shot maybe we say the doomsday rocket launcher for like some seizures or something we do have two of them so like i wasn't really thinking that it's one of those things where we should conserve but we might need them later i know these things de-aggroed again but i don't trust it we're gonna have m7 come out here and piss them off for good okay shooter you just hit the m7 which i don't blame you this thing is massive i don't know how you would not hit the m7 in that situation lost this thing and yeah here they come at least they're going through our maze that's the main thing let's get our other shooters over here we don't have unlimited ammo by the way we have like 800 rounds of industrial ammo and we're pretty much all out of space for ammo m7s ammo of choice so yeah we're gonna have to try to conserve as best we can here come three mega spiders oh man we got butch over here with his charge sniper so he does have 27 rounds on him i think it's locked though and i'm not sure if there's actually a way to okay we got our melee set up here and we got jason in the middle the m7 is on the side and we got melee one bought up here who merely one bot is already taking quite a bit of damage actually that's all right i don't really care too much about melee one but we got julian out here who is enjoying the outside because he was cramped indoors and did not like that oh and foley is actually not on fire at will oopsies when we're actually missing the person that's carrying all of our ammo so they're coming over here with 700 rounds which is good because yeah shooter and technobot are out of ammo how is our hp holding up like jason is pretty wounded actually we're gonna have him back off a little bit and we're gonna m7 go to the center hold the middle line i'm not sure if it really matters who's in one position but yeah here's our ammo let's have bojo try yeah see bojo can't reload maybe if i get him close to the ammo take him out of combat put him back in combat he should grab the ammo oh here we go no he's he's trying to haul it no no that's not good he's trying to grab our industrial elbow too but yeah we're all out of spacer ammo so we're gonna have merbel actually grab this carbine over here he's using a crypto rifle but it only has 29 rounds and i don't think crypto weapons are all that good against these insects anyways we don't care about knocking them out we just want to kill them oh this crypto pistol actually is 93 rounds so old mobile come over here grab the carbine pick up the crypto pistol and then bring the ammo back to m7 because it's going to run out of ammo soon although it's not really shooting right now it's more just doing a lot of melee let's have them try to blast these mega spiders though those are our main targets i think yeah jason's getting pretty banged up actually let's bring this industrial demo a bit closer because i think they will automatically reload if the ammo is close enough not the stupid ai but i think our dudes yeah like melee 3 is going to reload i don't know why i named a melee 3 and he's got a shotgun by the way we got technobots reloading very nice melee 3 is actually rusted manipulation and movement lowered by temper set so at nearly three you can also get taken out here i don't really care too much i'm not playing this well at all merbel is doing nothing bully is not a good position we'll just have fully come over here let's grab your ammo yeah great i think with that though we are pretty much done with this insect invasion looks like that's all of them the technobot actually had two level ups and we put both them into repair protocol we're gonna have it heal up the m7 should definitely be able to with it's now 10 points and more efficient repairing m7 actually didn't take that much damage like melee won and jason took most of damage i think jason's armor is not that great too like yeah he's got flak vest some mechanized pants does he even have actual pants though to go on over the yeah we need to get that dude some good armor he would have taken way less damage there i think okay looks like technobot is out of mana and was not able to completely repair up the m7 but for the most part so in aftermath of that whole thing first thing we're gonna do is sell off boat show we cannot have him drop any of his equipment because it's all bio coated but yeah we will sell them off to rendez for 8 42. i do also kind of want to sell off julian as well who's going to get a pretty good price 1800 because he's a druid but he's the main guy for the quest so i think we saw him off we do fail we're now gonna have the m7 try to delicately disassemble this smoke spewer which the m7 doesn't really do anything delicately but we're gonna hope that it does not explode on this unstable power cell which i don't actually know if these things explode and we have successfully not made it explode which is great now we have to kill this mech assembler there's another one over here i'm not sure if this will actually explode either i don't think it does though and yeah if we destroy that mech assembler and this one up here we should be able to claim all these mechanoid structures okay we just one shot that and yeah it looks like we can actually claim their structures now the m7 cannot do construction but a little trick is if you say you want to reinstall something and then tell them to deliver to the blueprint even if they are incapable of construction and they'll never do it they still will try to oh we got marble piss off these insects over here there's still a few left and we're having merbel come over here to help the m7 with this next mission yeah we're gonna grab both these power cells and then there's a lot of stuff we can deconstruct from this rune so we'll just grab the mechanic components we'll just grab all the stuff for now and then we'll get the cleanup crew over here to disassemble the rest of this stuff but yes the reason why we bought merbel over here is because the m7 is not really good at solo taking on insects because he can't run and gun he actually just kind of sit still after shooting and there are still a few insects left in the hives they're kind of spread out though which is actually really good when do we kill that one oh nice looks like marble killed that one before it could do any damage and this might be it good timing too because the m7 is out of space or ammo never mind actually this crypto pistol had some ammo it's one thing that didn't really take into account when buying some of the crypto weapons is the crypto pistols i think just mow through space or ammo so we're gonna have to be really careful about when we decide to use them and we just research the ability to make advanced components that's really nice i think they're really expensive to make though i don't even know if it's worth it to actually craft them ourselves because it only cost 187 silver to buy them from traders speaking of silver we're gonna be freaking rich momentarily this is so much insect jelly there's also a couple hives that with the kill for this quest julian's bugs it says there's an infestation of 18 hives but if we select the hives it says there's only five that we need to kill for the quest so i'm not the m7 come over here with a merble and we're just going to melee down these five hives that we need to kill and that should be the last hive for the quest hopefully and the pods have arrived very nice we got the vandometric power cell and the fragments i wonder if we could actually sell off julian now i did a save and yeah we're gonna try to sell off julian i don't know if this is gonna piss the empire off though yeah it's looking like we're fine for now maybe it's one of those things where the empire's gonna be pissed off at us later i don't think so i think if they were gonna be upset about it they would have been already upset about it but yeah we're gonna have m7 grab all this insect jelly it's gonna be more than it looks like like right now we've already grabbed 400 but we haven't even begun to grab some of the larger stacks also down here there's a bunch of uranium so apparently these insects were tunneling into some uranium like there's still some more ore over here which as you guys know we are in desperate need of uranium but yeah we're up to 900 insect jelly and there's still more and if we leave these hives up they will just continually produce insect jelly and right now i think we're in a position where we can just farm them and make a spider just spawned because i'm going to grab this insect jelly some more respawn too oh maybe it's not going to charge us it's going to be nice to make a spider oh it's going to charge but we already got the insect jelly jokes on you immediately after that whole thing we got raided and it was by a pretty small raid what the hell was that the raiders did manage to absolutely obliterate shooter 2 though one of them was a chaos mage and this is the aftermath of shooter 2 fighting the chaos mage we're just going to put shooter two out of their misery because it was just a tier one bot yeah they did have eight shooting but since we just got a bunch of uranium we are about to start cranking out these tier three bots which are going to be way better in combat right now we are able to make only one it looks like we do have plenty of uranium but we need five more advanced components in order to make another one and we can now make advanced components they take one component 20 steel 10 steel and i think 30 gold so we are really low on steel i think this is our steel reserve right here and okay nice we just made our tier 3 bots they are green thumb with the good green thumb this is the op1 which gives 50 more plant work speed and 100 more harvest yields this person is going to be an amazing planter we actually have a planting skill trainer for them too i've been waiting to get a good planter now unfortunately this is not going to boost them up to 10 i don't believe or 12 we need for double strand we got them up to 9 actually and they're actually pretty close to 10. aaron only needs 3k more xp to get to 10. i actually didn't go over his other traits by the way he is a little bit slower minus 0.2 movement speed that's not that much there's less trade price improvement and train animal chance that's fine and then it gets more research speed which we don't care about so the main thing is he's going to be a good planter and he has a minor patch for shooting so we will be able to throw him into combat and learn pretty quickly i believe there is also a planting module that we can build for him yeah there's this agricultural implant which takes 20 steel 50 plaster and two advanced components but it gives 40 more plant harvest yield and 100 more plant work speed this is going to be insanely op with this guy yeah let's get that up and running asap we do have enough advanced components i believe so unfortunately with the implant there's a 10 chance that the android will die if we install into them and that's assuming the surgery does fail which it has a 80 success chance so we want to obviously increase the success chance as much as we can and once we do research android upgrade station we can make this android upgrade station that increases the surgery success chance and upgrade cabinet will actually increase that even more and i'm not sure how the percentages work like if the upgrade station is say 130 which is the base value i'm not sure why it says 117 as a final value if that will increase the base chance above 80 to 100 maybe potentially but yeah i think we're going to want that android upgrade station before we do any crazy implants like this agricultural brain implant and for now we're just gonna fully make a chainsaw we have some chem fuel the 60 steel and seven components it requires for a chainsaw and that's gonna increase his planting speed by quite a bit which it's already really fast and yeah we're just trying to get him up to 10k xp so he can start planting double stranded it's actually pretty warm out too by the way it's 66 degrees out now because it is summertime so we will have a season maybe two maybe even three nope we're getting raided and all right so it's another tribal raid and they are going for the infestation some of the bugs did respawn but there's this crash ship part that did just spawn and crap we're gonna fire our mortar at this thing to unleash it on them as they were passing by but i did forget that it has a rearm time but yeah we're going to open up this ship and it's going to make all these insects pour out and they're going to surround these raiders from what i'm guessing i mean these insects might be able to take them out i'd rather the insects win here because i don't want these hives to get taken out this is precious juicy insect jelly and okay they were diagramming for a second but it looks like they are going to re-aggro onto these raiders which is great yeah these guys are destroying one of the hives but i think the insects win here and yeah it looks like they are now fleeing two of them did get knocked out after that raid we also got a royal tribute collector and what i'm hoping is that if we have wings administer a drug to this person okay they do have an opioid addiction now but the drug did take them out of pain shock since they can't walk though and they're not in pain shock anymore i believe the tribute collector will take them yeah they'll take both them three honor each for these guys so yeah that was actually really good timing all right so after that sequence of events we got 2300 insect jelly that these guys will buy for six bucks a pop 500 of it will give us 3k silver we can almost trade it one for one for plasteel actually we're gonna need as much plastic as we can get so we'll sell these guys actually half of it for the 357 plus deal we need plastiel a bit of gold too we'll buy these guys 133 gold and tons of steel i think we're just gonna dump the rest of it on steel from that we're up to 6500 silver we already bought 1500 steel we're just going to buy these guys 1100 steel they have and that should be enough steel for quite a while we also were getting pretty far down in the tech tree and we got kind of lucky with researching i think it's machine persuasion and yeah machine persuasion says that has something to do with the persona core isn't necessary to handle complex decisions of starflight because we now have this tech we can call a faction that we're above 40 relations with i think the union of rotabolo is the only one actually and we're gonna request the location of a persona core for 1500 silver and that persona core is way up here to the northwest we also have been scanning for uranium with our long-range mineral scanner we got a lump of uranium ore here one here and then one here and i think we're gonna go try to grab that in the next episode because i'm trying to get these out in a more timely manner with that persona core we can make a tier four android or we can build this arcotec research assistant and i think this is actually what we're gonna do not only will it help us research quicker it also unlocks the higher tiers of architect technology and we can actually start manufacturing some of the better stuff like psychic animal tamers psychic pacifiers and some of the really op stuff like psychic cornucopias which we're actually going to be using our psychic cornucopia in the next episode too with our new planter and i'll show you guys how op that thing is if you haven't already seen it but yeah that's going to be it for this episode with that i want to thank you all for watching and i will see you next one
Channel: trmplays
Views: 31,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld m7 Mech, rimworld android, trmplays, darksydephil, dsp, RimWorld Movie, RimWorld update, rimworld mod update, rimworld steam workshop, Rim War, Rimworld empire, Rimworld 1.2, Rimworld New Update, rimworld new expansion, RimWorld best mods, RimWorld mod, RimWorld Speedrun, rimworld update, AGDQ, GamesDoneQuick, games done quick, speedrun, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Let's Play, rimworld sseth, rimworld review, rts, sims 1, sims 3, sims 4, the sims, kenshi, mount & blade
Id: 78iFIWX2uaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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