Escaping with...HALF THE PRISONER CAMP! Kenshi s3e1

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so I did a straw poll whether or not I should finish the kenji series I was working on and an overwhelming majority you guys said yes finish the series looking back on it the main issue I had was I didn't document how many save loads I was doing and so the series felt kind of deceptive and so moving forward I want to document every save load that I do and the goal really is to play the game with minimal save loading all right so I do have some mods installed a reactive world adds more events into the world and it makes it feel more alive especially in places where there's not a whole lot going on dark UI just makes the UI look cleaner let's talk allows random dialogue to repeat in the vanilla kenchi people will only say stuff once and a lot of times you'll miss it attacks lots times three does impact gameplay a bit in vanilla cancer you can only attack one on one but with this you can three on one someone so there is an advantage to having a three on one which makes sense like there should be an advantage to having three people attacking one we won't really talk about quiet clothes just know that it doesn't impact gameplay too much sensible spy ranch's balances blood spiders apparently they have a ridiculous range and this just serves as a bit of a hotfix and 2:56 recruitment limit it just allows you to recruit more companions versus a vanilla can she limit of 30 the purpose me streaming is so that every time I do a save load I will be documenting it on stream this will be a way for you guys to know that I'm not doing any kind of shady stuff now before when I would stream I would pay a lot of tension to chat I'm not gonna do that this time I will be allowing people to donate messages and stuff and I'll respond to them and occasionally I'll look at chat but ninety percent of my folk is gonna be on the game itself new game so we're gonna be starting as a slave wall to slaves and we'll be doing regular everything so we start with two characters and a fan-favorite of my kenji series was cabo he was always the thief we will be playing as cabo again but we were playing as the unevolved version of cabo which is Kabu and then we'll also be playing as the evolved form of cabo which is cob bro they're both hive princes and they have extra lock-picking dexterity athletics thievery stealth all of which are gonna be helpless on the slave start as ously we start out in the middle of this big wide-open slave camp and we're gonna be directly going for these cages otherwise we will get a beating and we don't want that and we're literally just gonna be sitting here spamming log picking and escaping and then getting back in and there's a lot of random events that can happen where like sometimes they will let you out and then let's start beating you right away it's very rare that it happens but mainly our loose condition where we're gonna have to revert saves as if our left or a right leg gets busted up to the point where we can't escape our goal is gonna be to escape on night 2 by night 2 we should want to have really good block picking skill I think like around 30 with my last playthrough I did which I was gonna post but then I just wasn't happy with it I got to like lock-picking 37 or 38 on one of my guys and then one of them was like 30 it's kind of hard because what's gonna happen is they're gonna be getting split up I just some random time and it's hard to micro both of them and another thing we can do is we can sneak but it raises a chance that we get beat down I think it's just sketchy but I think we can level up our stealth skills we just sneak in this cage we're at zero right now we just leveled it up actually we're not even sneaking at all properly like he's just crouching and people can see him it's actually a force sneak skill right now we'll have Kabu sneak - I've just noticed that there's some times we're like what will happen is they will D aggro because we're stinking and then once we stop sneaking they will aggro onto a skin and they'll just start beating us and risking me doing this for a full day there's other stuff we can do but it's just really risky and it improves our chances of having to do a reverted save which the entire purpose of this playthrough is I want to do possibly zero revert ASAE's if I can it's not gonna happen like I'm gonna be reverting but every time I do revert it save it's like a penalty basically I don't want to be having any penalties that's the whole idea this is the first time I've actually been really paying attention to how good it is to just be sneaking here he's at ten I think it's because there's so many people nearby that it's just raising our sneak skills so much he's actually at 13 now it's two minus eleven because of our equipment and stuff that level / self yeah I actually did moving with stealth actually levels it up he's got 20 now 21 22 we don't need stealth for when we break out it's not very important at all hope call this getting beat down was a bad right arm that's completely okay don't know why I was getting be down but that's fine I wasn't microing him like I was micro in Cabo so his weird that Cobra was getting beat down Cairo get kind of far this could be bad okay well he swing dude that swing was actually scary it's just so random if they swing or not is just one strategy I was doing before is I would have one guy just level up his laboring skill but you'll see in a bit why it's really gonna be important to have multiple people lock-picking oh okay he got hit Cobb was dead he just literally died just like that well there's a safe I kind of knew something bad would happen when I saw all of them just standing around the cage like that but I just didn't think they'd just be waiting to hit me they just didn't click with me so yeah that's the first autosave and just like that you can lose a dude and before so I was recording like last two days before I would just reloaded the entire thing and like that's so much recording and just energy to excite like talking over it and it's just good it's funny how that went from 100 to zero real quick just like his HP bar right there I mean I saw the five dudes around me I shouldn't have tried to escape from the thing like I knew something bad could happen like even right now cuz the only time they really end up hating you is that they're staying right next to your cage or there's some kind of weird thing that happens sometimes where they will just run over from like this guy will just run over here and just whack us like just I don't know it happens sometimes and there is obviously a reason for it I'm just not smart enough to understand why they do it okay I think we'll try to actually do something cool here who's better stealth I think cobbler has better self he failed a 90% chance like three times in a row I'm pretty sure okay Kabu has 27 stealth hobro stealth is terrible actually nevermind okay this could be disasters or take these off and now we have 27 stealth skills so I think we should be able to get in here and oh man there's a lot of them sleeping miss check this I don't think it's a good idea well the food queue might be worth though steel enchants 31% because there's so many guys nearby that if it makes noise like immediately they're gonna wake up wait maybe if we get in the dark it's less chance no it's the same chance food cube though I caught stealing okay we're getting back in don't worry alright well I didn't right I mean 30% chance not the best chance is the world randomly generally no but there's the items in the tower are randomly generated it's good question that's my one shot interaction for the stream I hope you guys enjoyed it see you guys in the next stream jet it's like a red chat some guys like you wasted our one question it's seriously true though you wasted it how do you feel man what I want from now from chat is I want a scale of 1 through 10 on how boring this is right now watching me just constantly level up my lock-picking 10 being the most boring that you could possibly be one being this is freaking Liddy this is likely Jake Paul level content we got some ones we got some we got some Jake Pollard's in the chat all right let's go so I'm gonna me many more peanut Jake Paula it's just an old mean but whatever dude I'm ancient I can do old names some old like a grandpa me Murr there's actually grog in here somehow Abu got over here I wasn't really paying attention at all don't mind me just going to take that okay it's covered getting beat was he attacked something certain okay that's fine his stomachs hurt but I don't know why he was getting attacked in the first place like right now I could see him getting attacked because I'm like growing him but I wasn't microphone before there's bread over there we want that that's why I'm trying to not gonna take that but I don't mind me ate the bread my mouse is messing up and we're gonna go back in the kitchen oh it by the way another strategy people were saying is just do just let them get beat down like it'll raise their toughness like that's the thing I've heard in the YouTube comments and stuff the chance of you losing your leg or losing an arm isn't really that bad but losing one of your legs there's just so much bad stuff that can happen you just allow yourself to get beat out over and over you can easily lose a leg because you took the noodle spaghetti faction oh is that why so is it a higher chance that you can lose a leg or arm based on the HP of it it would make sense actually it's like if you choose this check maybe it's easier to just sustain heavy beat downs and not lose your legs and stuff by the way it's Cobb you're gonna die his stomach being a negative 18 could be an issue because we're about to be going into nighttime our stomachs at zero is that critical it's actually going down really fast death at 80 okay he's gonna banished up to full hopefully are we gonna be passed out this night recovery coma okay so it looks like we're not gonna get out day two is it worse do a save load I feel like it is I feel like it's worse to save load than losing days like we just lose maybe a day that's better than save loading I think okay let's see we got a food cube here which I don't know if we want to eat yet but okay well do anything bad usually have no chance this told Keo we're gonna try and see if it gives us some still skill cancel animation we got stealth skill we got one we're at nineteen Kara legs busted three good Stella's Gilda that was kind of a test to see if that would work it didn't work well I'd messed up the clicking like I clicked on the box or lately now 41 it's not that bad as long as I heal it and they're gonna heal it it should be healed by day three nighttime there's some bread upstairs might as well go for that because cabo did just eat and so he'll have that his inventory for the escape tonight I think it was more legitimate to say nicer day and we might get more done nothing about it like we could get out with it holy crap that cancels it attack innovation that was really really close okay I don't know why copperish got attacked whose head is busted but we're gonna make sure that they heal him I don't want to go outside because that means we can't level up lockpick anymore but it's great we'll definitely get healed I think all right strays might be an autosave we're gonna have to let them beat us down please don't hit anything they're really bad hitting stuff it looks like the heads done yeah we got a load he's healing us okay looks like we had to get in his cage then a cages that's near a guard maybe while they were walking by those just decide to heal us it was weird because we were cage before there was a guard that kept letting us out but he wouldn't ulis so I don't know gonna walk out the guys gonna take a second to aggro on this looks like good we made it out we're gonna get in this cage okay we made it downstairs that's key and the guys finally gonna bed at 2300 K what happened to Kabu we're loading I don't know what happened to him there's a lot okay we got to get in this tower over here there's a lot over there we don't have a whole lot of time though just one guy right there one guard there we're gonna go just this way with Kabu and then Cobb will go this way so Cobb Rose gonna go for a super stealth mission into this barracks over here there's like ten prisoners in there and meanwhile while he's doing that caboose gonna unlock all these guys shackles we're not gonna let them go yet though we're gonna try to get everyone released at the same exact time we have a really good lock picking like I've never had 47 lock picking yet yeah we have a 90% chance to pick the prisoner poles as well which is crazy good so this might be actually pretty smooth okay it's 2:00 a.m. this is gonna be is gonna be really sketched like I don't know if we're gonna be able get out at like 5:00 a.m. they start waking up I think it could be like 6:00 but we still have a long ways to go all right so Kabu is done with his job Cobbers needs to finish up his job yeah it's just one guy left what's about to happen is one of these guys will for sure run and we're gonna have to run out as he's a growing hopefully both the guards on to him we have to hope the guards do not aggro onto us that's why I didn't want to do it the prisoner tower but there's so many in here so there's one two three four five six seven ten prisoners in here so we're probably not that low to save there's actually no guards patrolling around here right now so let's just go for it okay this guy's running fine okay we still think out that's good sometimes guys just aren't leaving the pole like I think they do clear sometimes where you have to pick them twice off the pole but we don't time to worry about it really have two hours I'm not seeing any guards this is weird this is way weird like usually there's like three along these paths and it's really hard to deal with we could maybe just make a break for it let's see done stairs what we got going on here got one guy fighting a guard we can walk past this I think we should be able to run past this guard I don't even get to sneak gonna run past him we go we're gonna follow this guy I think he's going for the wrong one there's are a certain level of RNG here where if he could he's going to the wrong one I think do not go for this bridge please do not go for the bridge no he's going for the bridge okay we're not gonna even try the bridge and I'll explain why in a sec are there any people that want to run for us any runners voice the bridge is horrible because there's cars right here and there's guards over here so there's two gates with a run through it's the only one that would has two gates it's just completely bad luck because he can run through that gate this gate or there's another gate so there's three good gates and there's one bad gate and he chose a bad one because he's just a [ __ ] it's five am almost I think we have those six six is like pushing it but I think we do that till 6:00 a.m. you got another person following us but we've got no runners so yeah I think that might be it Cobb row give Kabu everything and then Cobb row is gonna take one for the team so there's guards here Cobb row is going to be tanking the guards fortunately and he'll try to get out another night they've escaped I think they're Agron on them actually if they act on one of these guys that's fine I'll let her get away so he's a gird on one person that's really bad though it's just one guy a ger on one person Cobb row you were going to just take over the team and tank these guys and bust through wait they're not even a girl on him aggro on Kabu we don't want the dagger on Cobb ooh okay wait we were making it out this is just um best though with this guy meaning the turret oh god no we're just gonna dump the grog for now we'll come back and get it miss Ike hopefully when these guys stop chasing us I think they will eventually these guys I think gonna get close enough to them so that they'll join us some of them are joining us though good okay not bad you guys not bad considering I didn't do any like extra saving there that was not a bad outcome and we got out with the two main dudes too there's no limit though to how many people can join you it's just complete RNG if they do join you so like we could save load and get an extra companion and the thing about these guys is they're not normal companions these guys are God Tyr this guy's not as much 25 melee defense is really good but sometimes they have like really good weapons 27 toughness really good gar has 25 milli defence 22 toughness he's a tanky guy but his weapon skills aren't all that good see Singh really bad melee attack and defense for being a prisoner like usually they're like 20 and then saying melee attack and defense aren't great so take my complaining with a bit of grain of salt yes we could have got out better companions but these guys are still God to you and for being a playthrough where I'm not save loading the min/max I would say luck wasn't bad here we got out that's the main thing and yeah like I could save load but the whole point of save loading is avoiding like crisis scenarios it's not just to get like mid maxing stuff so yeah we're gonna go back to that grog though it's still there okay can we not do that can we just leave please please Kate come on dude they've already have enough punishment maybe that's how their toughness is getting so high his leaves them throws him off the cliff I think they might come back for him that someone worried about oh yes he's coming back for him he's being weird dude he's not letting us get this grog man carrying slaves aimless disguise glitch okay maybe we can just walk by I'm just gonna try this if it fails then um we might be a save load we're still run by let's try fish bread we need the bread to like it's kind of good to have I think the guys glitch man I think that guard is glitched out perfect I think what might have happened is we were too far away from Bataille when we hit the trigger point where they will join us so I think that's why he didn't join our company I think the best place to go correct me if I'm wrong I want to get you guys opinion on this I think we'd go up here towards the fishing village after we go to the lone Shack some dried fish cob row and Cabo do not need to tried fish and stuff we're gonna give that all to the shacks these guys are Hungry Hungry Hippos six food holy Cowboys as was something we got a first aid kit that's a nice find we would really like to eat a weapon too we got a lock pick this that's actually a good sign because I've been here before where you don't have to lock pick the weapon cabinet and I think that means there's nothing in there to weapons there could be three it could maybe be more I don't know but I've seen three in there before and we're gonna end the episode right there we'll be heading up to the fishing village as well as I'll do a rundown of everything we found in the abandoned Shack in my next video if you can't wait till then I will be live-streaming the next part today at 3 p.m. PST at slash the Raymond I will see you guys there or I will see you guys in my next video thanks for watching peace out
Channel: trmplays
Views: 198,938
Rating: 4.8509316 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, games done quick, agdq, sgdq, speedrun, gaming commentary, Mount & Blade, Warband, Mount & Blade Warband, Mount And Blade, Mount And Blade Warband, new update, kenshi 1.0, kenshi update, The Sims, The Sims 4, The Sims 3, The Sims 2, trmplays, the rain man, gamesdonequick, sims, bannerlord, kenshi review, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi 2018, Kenshi lets play, kenshi steam, kenshi tutorial, Kenshi Slave, Kenshi The Slaves, Kenshi new update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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