Tora's 10,000 Bounty! Kenshi (The Sims + Mount & Blade) s2e3

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so a lot of you guys didn't really like the longer videos but I do want to upload daily so I'm gonna try to keep a balance of making the video as long as I can while also maintaining a daily upload schedule so now we got seven fully geared out fighters thanks to these cannibal hunters and we're gonna try to make it back to World's End there's not many enemies through this path from what I remember the only issues if we do run into some hostile units we're not very good with these weapons and the meantime Cobo jr. is up to no good at World's End we're gonna try to lockpick into this a weapons vendor notice there's a lot of guards around here though and I'm assuming there's gonna be one rep at the door this could be bad there's a lot of looting here is there any guards not seeing any guards 70% chance to lockpick this weapon cabinet not sure how much time we have left though there's three guards sleeping upstairs if we do pick into this and steal nice weapon we might be able to outrun oh no no no no no no no we got caught we got copper sure now we need to just turn off sneak and run run run run run okay I think the best course of action is we just like cobble get killed because as our party heads in here I'll try to help him out the shop guard is picked us up and he just drops us because I don't think there's anywhere for us to go like there's no prison here so the only risk for getting caught stealing is a massive beatdown which is quite all right I mean Cobo did improve his toughness update is that for now there's a little cannibal hot on the map but it looks like they are all dead something wiped them out and we can try to loot it and see if there's any gear there first off I'm seeing a cooking pit corpse disposal and there is some building material and I see some steel bars over there what I'm gonna Cabo jr. oh no he was committing a crime I'm pretty sure he was asleep Pablo now has a 1,500 bounty wanted for burglary and assault one thing's for sure he's definitely taking after his daddy and the farmers group made up the world's end we had some flesh cleavers and stuff on them and also some raw iron from mining earlier scavengers backpacks only costs 250 well that's actually a really good deal I'm assuming they aren't very big but we'll pick up a couple of those well they're actually huge bigger than the traitors backpack with the traitors backpack you can stack goods though so there's that I really want to find an animal of some sort they are super strong for transporting goods alright so we made it back with everyone and I moved cobs into the combat group he has decent weapon proficiencies I'll give them this ring saber it's pretty nice because it adds four defense bonus and we're just gonna dump off everything we picked up we're gonna get a lot of money we pretty much bought this guy out and we do have a couple more things to sell but now rich warning Kay Soapy's is still here I believe she was 6k yeah she knows her way around this sword so she should be a good combat companion she's got five and all weapons skill and five and melee attack and defense and at the camping supplies vendor there's a map of united city's central territories we're gonna get that there's also another tech hunter library map I think that should show a new one on our map it does there's one down here and the map of the united cities oh there we go so yeah there is a bunch of united's it ease towns over here and we'll also dump off this skeleton repair kit we only get 2300 for it because it's stolen but that's right we have really no use for it I know anyways and with that rope to 20k before we head out though we're gonna talk to this guy Tesla and we're gonna try to hire some bodyguards this time there's only three of them and we don't have the option to pick them up I believe that's because they're not wounded so we need to get these guys into some combat before we go out though we're gonna hire more of them two days from Ortez and we'll hire Swift as well and his companions for two days all right we've got quite the group of mercenaries behind us they were cheaper than cannibal hunters so I'm assuming their gears not as good but the goal will be to get them wooded so we can pick them up and Jack their gear oh okay we're actually in combat broken skeleton you start picking these guys up yeah we can see where the broken skeleton have a fragment ax 23 K value and a skeleton repair kit for 4.3 K and this isn't even stolen so we can actually sell it off for a full price why does this thing cost so much it's got 1.8 blunt damage and 0.35 cutting damage that's insane to put things into perspective this katana has point eight one cutting damage and no blunt damage so this fragment axe is doing almost triple the damage of this katana I wonder who we should give that to I think we'll give that to peyto he's got ten in all of his proficiencies let's see how many murders can we pick up one two three eleven we can pick up all of them I think we picked him up take all their gear head back to World's End sell it and there's a cannibal hunter party near the fishing village that we can hire and those guys are better so let's do that it is a bit cheesy but I'm sure we'll get patched up eventually just know that I do plan on doing another playthrough like I think being able to pick up bodyguards that you hire is arguably a bit exploitive but hey I'm bad at the game we all know it and these katanas are really good they're by value is 14k and these assassin rags are also really good as well they give bonus to crossbows stealth effect combat speed effect they just don't give nearly as much damage mitigation as these armored rags and we were moving extremely slowly and I found out why Hobbes is down a ninety-two hunger and that reduces his strength by a lot and when his lower strength that ends up raising his encumbrance percentage which makes him move a lot slower Jurgen was having the same issue so we just picked both them up and we're moving a bit quicker right so he made back to World's End in one piece seeing as the medics so we're gonna give him this long coat which doesn't hinder his crossbow ability these armor drags give him a point eight crossbows effect I'm giving him a range weapon because he is the field medic and I'd rather have him stay pretty far back away from the action little also really has no outstanding combat abilities as well so I gave him these assassin rags which actually helped his crossbow skill in this old world bow mkl which is a really decent crossbow I also finished gearing up Peas I gave her some armored rags and a nice change shirt and we're pretty much gonna sell the rest of this stuff we should get a huge profit I we bought the first barkeep out fairly quickly we're at 22 K now we're running low on food and these meat wraps seem to be pretty good value I know the dust witches were super good value but 50 nutrition for five sending ones pretty good and we ate most of those up pretty quickly we bought the second barkeep out we're up to 30 K onward to the next and we fully bought the scout as well we still have a couple more heavy hitting items like this katana 42.9 and with that we're up to 51 K at the camping supplies vendor I found another map map of Vayne so the tech hunter library is way down here tech hunter map is way down here and juniors map is way out here in the water in the map of Vayne is way down here these are just high villages I'm not sure what exactly is there but I'm guessing this is just kind of like a hive area after selling everything we're gonna head back towards the fishing village and I believe there's a cannibal hunting mercenary company somewhere around here and I found one there's nine of them here we're gonna hire them for two days and I picked up all the cannibal hunters from this Campbell hunting village and we now have an army of mercenaries with us I think with all these guys we're just gonna head back down the way we were going and we're gonna make it down to this town for sure this time time is kind of the essence though because we only have them for two days so we'll see how far we can make it in two days also some people were saying not to sell these skeleton repair kits because you can use them to recruit robots and skeletons to your party or something like that unfortunately we sold the other one for 2k because it was stolen and we had to fence it off but we did keep this one so we'll try it out on a fallen skeleton or a robot and see if it works out and speaking of which there's an iron spider over here we're gonna take that thing out this thing cleaves so it actually does a lot of damage to them but it's getting just outnumbered - crap Patos got the repair kit let's repair it he's only got one robotics killed oh so it's taking forever unfortunately no one in the party is any robotics kill half the mercenaries are following slim so we're gonna have them repair it and with the rest of the company we're gonna keep them moving this half of the company is a lot slower and a lot of them are really highly encumbered like for example paedos at 48% mainly due this fragment axe it wastes 36 kg I didn't even notice that whose chest piece is also really heavy 15 kg compared to like his pants which is only 2 kg but yeah this half of the party is really slow and oh no slim got one shot it can you walk ok that's not good well I did not work out as planned and slim is now knocked out we're just gonna Jack these electrical components and we'll pick up slim hopefully these mercenaries will follow us yeah they will mole has got 59 Athletics he is super to quick even with carrying slim these guys are barely able to keep up with us and those things limbs get a walk we can just put him down I think all right now we're running super quick and we should be able to catch up with the main party pretty soon with 59 Athletics they're moving at 22 miles per hour and these guys are keeping up pretty well and it looks like we finally caught up to the main party escaped servant holy nation outlaws I wonder if these guys will attack us it looks like they won't attack us unprovoked let's provoke them do you have any good gear not really one of them actually a crossbow with some heavy bolts and here's a much stronger holy nation patrol there's a high paladin in the front who has 61 attack was 65 defense or regular paladin's which have 43 attack and 49 defense and the holy servants all have 13 attack they're pretty weak I wonder if our mercenary company could take them out I think it's definitely worth a try we're just gonna keep running and hopefully they D agro off of us we got one dude on us right now all my knees Cleavon hard slim got knocked out by the cleave maybe we are definitely winning this we just outnumber them too hard how dihn's cross it's a pretty good weapon only sells for 740 though this one's actually a bit higher quality it sells for 1k the high paladins gears a bit better he's got this chainmail which weighs a whopping 10 kg for a shirt there chest plates weighed in 19 kg and the problem is if we pick this stuff up it makes us super encumbered and after doing that we sustain quite a lot of injuries horses right leg is pretty injured so we had to pick him up Singh's left leg is also injured so we had to pick him up as well and [ __ ] shoes left leg is completely busted Parks's as well and slim is just completely knocked out so we're caring pretty much half the party now surprisingly that didn't slow us down that much we're still moving at 10 miles per hour before we were moving out 11 for the first time in this entire playthrough I found a nomad animal trader a pack piece for 3k seems to be a really good deal it's only 13 so it's really young but these things can carry a lot and they're pretty quick we'll also pick up a bone dog it's really cheap because it's really young I'm gonna name the bone dog Agra maggin he's a pig beast from wow from the RFK instance and his pack beast is gonna be named thumb it was named of the pack beast from my last series and it's just kind of fat in pink it looks like a thumb I guess and now we have two new members to the party we're just gonna put them in the farmers group but they're not gonna be too much fighting for now especially because they're so young and thumb actually has a garu backpack autumn already that's insane considering we bought him for like what three K so we only paid one K for him and ran into this town stack unfortunately is a holy nation town so I don't feel comfortable going in there we're just gonna keep pressing on and move down towards Quinn hopefully this high village has some food as well because a lot of our dudes are pretty hungry we were into another animal trader and they have another pack base for 3k I think we're gonna pick it up I think having to pack piece isn't bad and if it does come with a Gardo backpack then it's really only costing 1k they have another really young bone dog we'll pick that up they're pretty good in combat when they get older and they've to really young goats for two K each I think these things are good in combat so we'll pick two these guys up this pack B's a little bit more timid we're gonna call them weenie we're gonna call this bone dog bones pretty clever name and I really have nothing for the goats I'm just gonna take names from the viewers in the comment section this one's name is gonna be toasty and this one's name is gonna be Chun one of them is a girl and one of them as a boy it doesn't tell me which but I think both the names could be interchangeable we're approaching hi village I'm not sure if they're gonna be hostile to us but we really need food so hopefully they got some one thing I'm noticing they do have is a ton of copper resources and they're all really high-quality there's one two three four that I can see right now all right we're in the high village and see if we can get in here oh okay there's a lot of people in here didn't seem like they're going to attack us so I wonder if we can just kill them no they're pretty strong they have good attack and stuff and there's food laying around but I don't think we should try to steal it there's too many hive around here oh this one I think is a trader Hut okay let's go here and get some food you are hive boss one hive loose get out oh no human welcome human what so he's racist toward hive but he likes humans I am so confused he's got 25k we can dump off a lot of stuff here Amelio Lee's paladin's crosses I do not like these weapons they're too heavy holy chest plate twos got to go it's too heavy and we're selling the skeleton repair kit as well I got trolled on my comment section on that one well one thing I'm kind of not sure about is how much longer these mercenaries gonna be with us we've been traveling for quite a while so I'm gonna drag this group of mercenaries just over here somewhere and I picked the rest these guys up and since we don't know how much longer they're gonna be with us we're just gonna jack all their gear unfortunately we're also gonna kill the cannibal hunter mountain dog we need the meat to survive and the hybrid fish are a bit expensive as well I mean after selling all this gear we definitely could have afforded it but screw it and we nee actually came with a backpack as well so we have a lot of space and I believe we looted all of them this is what we got a crapload of gear these black and change shirts are actually really good we're probably gonna keep them so my guys were seeing the comments that it's kind of cheap to Jack the mercenaries here and I completely agree but this point we've already done it and I don't plan on continue to do it I'm just gonna use it as a means to be able to hire companions in the next towns that we get into and we'll find other ways of making money that being said since I'd know about it if I were to do another playthrough I would definitely not be abusing this and we bought out this shop keep we have 53 K now we're gonna have to spend quite a lot of food though these dried fish cost 379 per and pretty much everyone's hungry so we're have to get like least ten of them but all that's gonna be instantly when I unpause well most of it okay there's a grill oh that's gonna fight us oh man not some ketone voice Haggar magan's tanking oh no the poor little sheepies not wienie the mercenary companies are really helping I don't blame them though all right we took that thing out at what cost though Patos freaking down Patos dying actually oh we're still carrying the mercenaries that's why they weren't helping and the guerrilla had no meat but he had six animal skins I think we can stacked I was in the car backpack yep Instax six of them what the heck is that big thing oh no it's fighting like naked mercenaries half of them still have gear though so hopefully they can take it out oh yeah we still got a bunch them with gear I think they should be able to take it this place is dangerous man if I don't have these mercenaries with me I would be so dead like ten times over one of these big things I feel like could wipe us maybe not we do have armor now but those things are freaking fast like you can not I'll run them and the thing is you guys may be thinking 50k is a lot of money it's really not a lot of money once we buy a house that's like 28 K right there and some companions are like 6k so we can burn through 50k like it's nothing I'm thinking we won't sell the other Campbell hunters gear a because it's nice to have them around at least until they leave us with gear on them because they can help to thin the party Abbi I mean it is a cheap mechanic so I'm gonna try to do it as little as I can job's finished time to go I'm kind of tempted to pick some of them up and just Jack a couple hundred years good just one mo help me okay well that's it we're just gonna Jack's a couple of their gears the other company's about to leave us - really soon all right the other one just left us so we are now on our own and we're heading towards squid hopefully we can make it there looking back on it the high village did have a lot of really nice copper resources but they had a lot of beak things and those gorillas running around and they were just patrolling through the town that is not a place I would want a mine copper or some kind of mining town bug man disdained we not go through here understand why half the party will not go into this town no one wants to go in all right you know I feel bad I'm not gonna loot the mercenaries because I said I wouldn't and maybe we can head in Oh Patos busted I thought that might fix the bug and allow us to go in but the pathing for this town is just completely my so you can't go through that gate apparently all right we can head in this gate and there's a bar let's see if there's any companions in here Ruka looking at my horns outcasts what do you do if you're outnumbered on the battlefield by tactically hightail it fight till the end surrender or play dead I'm assuming number one you lost your horns but at least you're still allowed to fight again Lotus band together it would be an honor Hey that was definitely a dialog check I'm pretty sure she would not have join us if we picked the wrong dialog she's a Scheck so she's a good fighter hold up ten in all these proficiencies eleven and melee attack and she was free whoa fifty two cutting Imogen sixty blunt damage that's insane that's a really good weapon it's pretty heavy though 12 kg and I found nines he didn't have any dialogue he's 6 K I'm the weapons 16 million defense and we got another guy King much you charging 6 K what 17 through 22 weapon proficiencies 22 melee attack 18 melee defense he's good in like everything he can man turrets precision shooting he could swim he's an assassin he's a field medic as soon as like the James Bond of kenchi and he starts with a horse chopper okay almost could not have started with the worst weapon but that's completely alright I think we're just gonna load this guy up to the teeth well paedo is now demoted and King is the new berserker guy I guess tank I don't know where any of kangas fragment acts he's definitely be able to do work with it will give pay to all of Kesha's gear this dude's pretty bad anyways and just like that we're down at 37 K so we barely enough money to buy a house and here's another bar we can pick up some more companions if they caught him damn tram 6 K oh man this dude's got 5 weapons in combat this house is really large and it's only 19 K it's got an upstairs as well and actually both these houses are for sale do the same price and I think they're the same dimensions and stuff this busted longhouse is 7200 but you can only build like I'm guessing right here and there's another longhouse over here that's busted up I'm not sure where we want to make our main hub like do we want to stay at squid I'm thinking we move over to add meg and we just checked that out it might be a better place to buy property in the meantime it's been too long since Cobb was stole anything and there's a lot of stuff to sell here like in the ceramic bowls those are prophet steel bars to bag check on fall we actually just killed his guard I wonder if we had the whole party here we probably could this dudes trying to a bad check on us and just chasing us forever like I'm gonna pull the entire party back here and if he keeps chasing us we might be able to just mob him he's got a 60 attack in 48 defense but with a full party I think we can take him and he's probably got good gear will we be a war with the sheykh Kingdom though if we do that make me a check we're a smuggler humility I'll die at the sword then be stripped as a foreign smuggler I won't treat a warrior a cheater no I won't attack him yes it's kill him get him boys they're actually nailing him but he's taking like no damage you 8:26 damage from some 120 damage from someone good after bug man Opie just one shot at someone 67 damage well nines is just one shotted we're getting him though the crossbows are actually doing work on him I think that's the only thing that's really hitting him he's heads low someone hit him the head okay is anyone dead somehow Coble got knocked out and nines now how's the bounty for 500 wanted for assault but everyone else is cool wait paedo does too okay a lot of people have bounties now think like seven of us now have bounties on her head dude's got some armored rags they look sick but they only value at 1100 say my league place as well 900 value in the plank though that's a good weapon 0.78 cutting Imogen 1.15 blood damage that thing's insane insanely heavy though 223 kg alright well my shredders gonna impact our dealings with this shet Kingdom but I get paid oh the plank he's the one that has ten weapon skill and pretty good melee combat skill and I'm not sure of stealing that guards gear was worth it we'll find out though once we enter another Shack town I'm not sure if ad mag is a shack town but we are gonna head over there anyways worst comes to worst we can just leave the Companions like paedo who has a bounty on his head outside of the town and we can head in there with the companions that don't have bounties so he said in case you and he picked up two companions for 3k each they were his basic companions one and everything and no gear rain the giant pure Scheck we're 7,500 oh-kay this guy's a savage 26 melee attack 20 melee defense and most his weapon skills are about 20 but that brings us down to 14 K well it looks like we're not getting housed here but that's right I think we're just gonna load up on food and get out of here so we're here to add Meg I think we head down toward this town of shark it's in a swampy area I believe and I'm not sure who it belongs to but we're just gonna scout it out moving everyone together might not be the best play though we are super slow so maybe with the main group we could scout out like this roads or just look for some action and we could send off like maybe one of the farmers like Moeller Slim whose are pretty fast and we could have them go scout out shark I think it's what we'll do we'll send cabo all the way down here we'll send mold to shark and we'll send slim over two drifters last Cabos getting ambushed hablas freaking quick down man he's moving at 21 miles per hour he's plebeians are moving at 18 actually if Cabo was a bit less athletic he'd be done for he's gonna tax slim oh man he's getting chased by a freaking beat thing they run at 33 miles per hour I think he's dunzo weight he actually just outran that thing he's only moving at 23 hmm well this stuff actually makes him move slower okay there's more big things it's actually moving at 30 oh God this might be the end of slim right here as we know it can't get in front of them and it's gonna attack oh my god and slim actually outran those beat things okay I guess it is possible to outrun the beat things and we're pretty close to this band of Bones camp there's tor the fearless who has a bounty of 10k but there's a lot of these other units around here and there's a ton more over here sleeping and the party is just not looking too strong right now like we're carrying a lot of people I think instead of checking the exile camp we're gonna check this weigh station see if they have any food the weigh station sounds like it would have food oh yeah they have a bar here they definitely got to have food we're just gonna head everyone in here we are in desperate need of just a some food and be a lot of people are wounded and since they have a bar here we can sleep on their beds and thankfully they do have quite a bit of food here we're probably gonna spend most of this 6k on food I don't get how the meat wrap is the same price as the bread when the meat wrap gives 50 nutrition and the bread only gives 30 like the breads 20 cheaper and we sold a bunch of stuff now we're back up to 8k they do have marks here that we could just knock out and sell their gear but I think we're done with that life Cabo made to clown steady and it's nighttime and there's a general shop over here we're gonna walk pick into it they got some chainmail sheets three armor plating these things actually stack in the inventory too which is really and unfortunately our fighter group is still hungry after eating all that food so we're just gonna buy them a bunch of food cubes that's gonna be really expensive and some bread too I hate buying the bread mainly just because the nutritional value is not worth the money but we need as much food as we can get iPhone isn't me need someone to sponsor my research I think she's 2,500 yeah she's a medic but I think she's also a scientist as well we're gonna pick her up that's like all of our money gone though she was 24 science so she researches stuff pretty quickly and I don't think we had a scientist before and now we were painfully low on money we're gonna head back over this exiled camp and we're gonna try to take it out leave wait this guy aggro'd really far okay we're gonna stay back if we can to stagger them like one at a time that'd be pretty ideal are we hitting ourselves with the crossbows or something like what is hitting us okay yeah we're definitely hitting ourselves with the crossbows I separated everyone that has bows into a separate group and okay we're just gonna try to aggro warning time and bow them down get him all right now these guys charging I'll put these guys on passive as well just so that they're not auto firing crossbow bolts into people like this guy's got a big agro radius always getting pounded as he's trying to pick up his friend I like bandage him get him boys this guy's dunzo with his left arms done oh he's getting pounded he's unconscious actually that was really good describe - oh that's tore The Fearless that's the guy that had the bounty and I bet he's got good gear - all right we're gonna do all these guys they have combat cleavers and just some pretty standard gear and made it over to the town of shark and we can actually buy land here they have a really crappy Shack for 4k 1 / 6 K and they have plenty of shops here they just don't have anywhere to take prisoners if we want to sell Tora off we'd be better off going back to likes Quinn but as it turned out was Quinn wasn't too far from the exiled camp so we just headed up there and I think they have a police station here if I'm not mistaken oh man we're gonna attacked what are these things hungry bandits oh I think we can take him almost like we're actually getting help from this 100 Guardian - why is this hundred Guardian naked well I think that was the guard that I looted from earlier and must have been right he's now helping us what a guy smuggling checks open up your bags dude's naked yeah that's right you better let us go but he get some people knocked out and we took some injuries but overall I was okay any kind of combat trains about proficiencies and nines made it inside with Torah for the 10k bounty and we got it 10k what they're gonna Jack my gear there's no way they just jacked our gear I'm from the companions that was sitting on the ground like fall was on the ground and I'm pretty sure these holy ancient servants just came by and started stealing gear just gonna head a crossbow it wasn't ours though this guy had a crossbow - I was kind of weird they didn't actually jack our gear I don't know what they were doing when they were committing the crime I'm trying to figure out which companion I should spend the 6 K on and mole is that a bar Green has 65 and crossbows skill and there's a skeleton here who has nine attack I didn't actually notice you can see their stats and this is another dialog check she's free the way I know this is because I was talking to this companion and if you mess up his dialogue he'll attack you but I think he's really good in combat so I don't want to mess that up welcome to the swamps land of the something-something she's angry basically I'm an ex-slave ex farmer before that we got attacked by spiders and her companion was killed that's terrible I'm sorry whoa hey real pretty eyes anyone ever told you that I mean most eyes are a lot bigger he's kind of covering them up though with this band-aid I'm not sure how she can see drinking this place ain't good for you and only with you sorted sure he could be entertained to have around at least whoo so long swamp suckers and this girl has 60 in farming and 30 in labouring she actually has got Eden still to 6000 for this guy I'm not sure how these machine skeleton things work if we want to heal him up I think we have to buy repair kit which would be really expensive so I don't even think we want that guy right now dream though he has really good crossbows I've got a little wager a you and me I shoot a green fruit off a guy's head from half a mile away and you pay off my bar tab half a mile that's pretty good twenty-three hundred for this guy if he's got 65 crossbows holy crap he does any 78 turrets I think that guy was a little underpriced I'm not complaining and Stubbs mimosa cost 6k before we leave here we should try to farm that up and I don't want to pick up wiki too but that's gonna be another six K so I think we'll go for Stubbs and then we'll just get out of here and that's gonna be it for the episode it has been two and a half days since my last upload and I don't like that I want to do daily uploads but it's gonna be impossible to do daily uploads of 26-minute kenchi videos so I think in between I'm gonna do other type of video it's not gonna be a Kenji video it's gonna be something else and expect a next Kenji video in two or three days if you guys like to drop a like this is kind of my first real playthrough of Kenji but I do plan on doing another one which I will be streaming live at twitch TV slash the Rain Man which I will never do any auto-saves and I plan on doing that after I'm done with this in this playthrough I plan on going through a lot of the game and learning it inside out so will be quite a while before I do that and the purpose of me streaming it is because I will not be doing any autosave loads and if I stream it all you guys will know that I'm not loading any auto-saves and yeah I think that will kind of be like a cool thing but yeah for now I'm just gonna be working on this series off stream like I said expect the next episode in about two or three days I will see you guys then peace out
Channel: trmplays
Views: 111,246
Rating: 4.9345126 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, games done quick, agdq, sgdq, speedrun, gaming commentary, Mount & Blade, Warband, Mount & Blade Warband, Mount And Blade, Mount And Blade Warband, new update, kenshi 1.0, kenshi update, The Sims, The Sims 4, The Sims 3, The Sims 2, trmplays, the rain man, gamesdonequick, sims, bannerlord, kenshi review, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi 2018, Kenshi lets play, kenshi steam, kenshi tutorial, kenshi part 1, kenshi episode 1, Kenshi Slave, Kenshi The Slaves
Id: tsnQysgyGa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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