coming clean

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she loved zombies that's the day I'm finally gonna wash my brushes I've washed them since I moved but I've done makeup like four times since I've moved here cuz sick and then sick and then I filmed once and then sick I've been cleaning them alright as I need them not all at once and I think I need to just do them all at once spring cleaning if you missed it when I declutter 80% of my makeup collection Peter said that I should do a video where I come clean about questions that you guys have for me while I clean my massive brush collection but joke's on him this is now my entire brush collection pretty awesome right it's a small you're a minimalist if you did not see that video where I go throw my makeup this is what my brush crap correction this is what my blood blush no this is what my brush collection used to look like that's what we're doing today it's a little low-key if you follow me on instagram at my Jeep it smelled funny my kie you would know that this was not the video plan for this week however you have taken a u-turn because my uterus decided to act up today I'm in immense pain I have my heat pack here as we speak to help me I have my brush cleaning supplies which includes brushes a towel alcohol Katie's favorite accessory those trips getting old and the little cup very scientific it's got measurements that we're not gonna need now if you want some other cues aid then you can go watch my other Q&A I have two others except this time I will be answering questions quickly I told myself I will not let myself ramble in this one despite how rambley this intro has already been when it comes time to the questions sorry I keep getting out of the frame I'm ready to slap I framed it knowing I was gonna swatch all the way down here later so if I'm popping out my back and no clue where I was before that I'm gonna answer them really yeah thank you I'm gonna oh I keep screaming oh god I keep clipping the audio I'm sorry cancel the whole thing my apologies for everything that's coming before at this exact moment in time let's just start over shall we hello zombies please totally would answer them quickly I'm giving myself 30 seconds tops to answer everything zero minutes left on the card great let's get started we need to start them nice softball question they're all little juicy ooh first juicy question did you get made fun of for being a ginger when you were a kid coming from a fella ginger as a fellow ginge I would expect you to know that I just don't think it's possible to grow up as a ginger and not get bullied true/false can any ginger confirm they have never been bullied what would people say my brain went immediately to some adult bullying and/or sexual harassment oh I literally got a guy kicked out of the casino the first weekend that I worked there because he asked me if the carpets match the drapes oh yeah all right to answer your question I just don't think it's possible now that we've got that out of the way do you believe in any conspiracy theories or is that Ripley shaking their blue I don't need an earthquake right now wait really time to check Twitter latest that one happened in Russia mm hmm hmm it's to be determinant that we felt an earthquake or not I'm not sure do I believe in any conspiracy theories yes I believe that the government covered up an alien crash landing in Roswell New Mexico do you but I do believe that the Chuckie Cheese conspiracy in theory is plausible although they review slices it looks pretty sus you know my question is if they're not reusing parts of other people's pizzas to put them together and make a new pizza why does it look like it defies Pizza physics I don't understand I'm gonna save this one for later in the video cuz it's too much even for me do you you you could say that you'll know why later what is some advice you could give a person who is going through their first heartbreak and let me so much empathy to I would say two things the first being I had this all planned out when I was peeing earlier reading these questions and name I can't remember the first thing is you will eventually learn and come to peace with the fact that you're not gonna want to be with anyone who doesn't really want to be with you to end up being comforting in the end to know if it's not mutual and the second thing is that every single heartbreak you will ever face even the ones that aren't really heartbreaks but that you're glad to be out of you grow so much from every single relationship if you're paying attention and you're listening and you're being honest with yourself so it's kind of always a good thing to go through stuff like that regular heartbreak nothing like traumatic you know different Tori I've cleaned three brushes doing great I've answered three questions though I think also know great by the way nikkietutorials taught me this trick you don't need to buy expensive brush cleaner I never knew that you can just use rubbing alcohol dip them in and put them on the towel I know amazing I've been wasting money and so far it has not dried out my bristles what made you stop doing intricate tutorials nothing wrong about stopping by the way thank you I appreciate that little caveat basically I started out my channel doing things that were completely not sustainable for a week-to-week upload schedule I left no time not only for like a work-life balance but not even like a work basic personal care balance and I think part of that is that I competed in the next face Awards so early on in my journey on youtube so I was competing and putting my all into this competition because you know you get one shot at that and I was going above and beyond and not sleeping and not eating and not showering a whole lot because I wanted to win I think that both my audience that I built everything on and I came to expect needing to top that or at least match that level and I tried to do that for a couple years until it absolutely destroyed me and then eventually I just decided that I wanted to have fun with it and also try to find a little bit better work-life balance is still not very good but it's better I also felt like I've taught every technique I knew how to teach at that point also to monetization that's been better too luckily where do you see yourself in five years celebrating the five year anniversary of you asking me this question it's Mitch Hedberg I can't take credit that is Google and he's great he was good don't do drugs kids son but the ask do you wish you would have pursued FX makeup professionally instead of doing YouTube no I'm so glad it pivoted pivoted I took a pivot I'm so glad I ended up on YouTube instead of doing makeup professionally because I think I've already said this at some point makeup was never my like end goal career-wise so I think that eventually I would have been searching for something else anyway but I feel like I love being some form of an entertainer I love connecting with an audience that feels like where I was meant to be so no regrets do you feel like doing this who are you interviewing me yeah oh my god do you want to spend a day with me Wow tell Anthony to get me on his show or else it'll happen do you feel like doing YouTube stuff has opened up more possibilities for you then you would have had if you did special-effects makeup professionally oh yeah oh my god times infinity I feel like if I put in the work and I was good obviously I could do anything I want from here really I don't think I could say that with makeup maybe I couldn't be an astronaut because of YouTube but other things what's the best way to get a flat stomach cut out sugar consistently eat healthy and sleep more that's it that's the trick outside of like genetics and things you can't control in conditions and stuff like that I could literally make an entire video on dress that probably several actually and I will start doing Fitness related videos and topics because I know you guys have been asking me about that it's all over my Q&A list I just don't know when to talk your faces off you know like I don't know when I should sprinkle in the makeup and then when I stalk the face off today I chose talking your face off what age did you get your first piercing and what was it do you know the answer to this question well your years technically yes but I was like not a conscious potato yet you know oh yeah yeah I think I was like negative 3 years old when I got my ears pierced I think the first one that was your navel piercing yes correct sorry about the mic god I think it was two or three of your friends in your dance class oh my god I know I shouldn't be like super excited that my partner listens to me so well cuz it should be standard but like I can't believe my partner listens to me so well I've never had someone that did that like that be able to remember something hold it those are details buddy oh yeah I got my belly button person I was 14 I begged my parents and they really didn't want me to get it but I thought I was super old at 14 I was like why can't I have my belly button pierced I got straight A's I'm a good student and all I ask for is to just shove this needle through my stomach at the time in 2004 you know like Britney Spears was all into like the belly like I'm sure that as a parent it looked really like over sexualized for a fourteen-year-old to get but to me I was just like I just want my belly to be sparkly that's all that was going through my head still got it nothing that must be it we formed yet my belly button wasn't fully formed yet I was like Kyle XY oh my gosh that dog [ __ ] I never did I'm surprised I just pulled that out of my head speaking of pulling things out of my ass I'm gonna go back to that question that I was avoiding earlier it's not actually that bad but it's still pretty bad listen in my last Q&A that also reminds me someone asked me what was my most embarrassing moment it's still asking a zombie if she was pregnant if you don't know that story still mortified you can go watch my last Q&A I'll be linked in the description yes okay so that thing I've been avoiding I can't believe I'm gonna tell this story I thought long and hard about this one like do I really want to go there the Internet is forever if it doesn't end up in the final edit then here's an ad joke's on you I put an ad there either way this is not gonna be a 30-second story I need to do it justice there's got to be a disclaimer in here somewhere warning it's gross it's just you know kid [ __ ] ah no pun intended literally no one knows this story no one no one you don't know this story it has never seen the light of day if stories could see daylight cuz I'm mortified and I just don't get mortified easy and unless I'm asking someone if they're pregnant when I was the age between a kid and a teenager so a toddler wait no between you know one of those awful years I was a devil for Halloween and unfortunately for whatever reason I got real sick that night oh my god was it before we went trick-or-treating I hope it wasn't I hope my memories wrong here you know what I'm just gonna say it was after was when the night was winding down freaking hope I may or may not have ran to the bathroom and you know what I'm talking about like that kind of bathroom like running to the bathroom please don't judge me oh are you still gonna love me I mean it's completely natural I mean we don't know who's heavyset here plus I was like a lemon or something I don't know what it is another judge anyway I ran to the bathroom I pulled down my costume i sat down immediately and I and things just started right I neglected to remember that I had a devil tail on that I sat on I'm not gonna connect the dots for you I realized as soon as things had begun luckily that everything had gone terribly wrong I stood up and I wiped off my tail as best I could I guess you could say I walked out of that bathroom with my tail between my legs I think I went trick-or-treating whoa well I needed a tail yo tweens are pros listen Halloween comes once a year sir I'm not ruining that because [ __ ] happens Anthony how do people know I was a devil otherwise just cuz I'm a ginger you think people are gonna know did you just call it a shitty little tail Peter doesn't know that story who will be editing the rough cut of this hi Peter yeah Peter add some text on screen let us know how you feel about that goodbye brand deals forever okay so that's the one question that I guess I'm gonna go over the 30-second mark for which thank goodness if anyone's just skipping around in the video the chance that they're gonna land on that story or the highest that's the only kind of story like that you're ever gonna hear from me in my entire life so I hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments if that's worse than the pregnant story from the last Q&A or this what were your teenage years like better than that last story my masterpiece okay Picasso let's just pretend that never happened and keep going what is Anthony's pet name for you you don't have a pet name for me give me a pet name is that how it works you just demand one Ripley does stop deflecting what's my pet name [Music] that's actually a question I'm not just gonna get to everybody wants to know what you call me you know what let's just rip off the band-aid since I don't have a pet name I do not have a pet name if you got a penny for me I got a question that asks what Spencer and the crew and everyone calls me is it my first name or is it Mikey if you don't know my first name you can go watch my last Q&A cuz I tell you in that one nice yeah yeah Peter calls me by my first name unless he thinks that we're around someone who only knows me by Mikey then he calls me Mikey Katy calls me a nickname that is neither my first name nor Mikey I would tell you what it is but it's a variation of my first name and that would give it away so you'll have to just watch the last Q&A and then also watch all of the videos with Katie and I because I think in one of them she calls me by that nickname so have fun with that they're a joy I don't know why you wouldn't go back and watch them anyway Spencer calls me Mikey all the time I'm not even sure if he knows my first name and then Anthony calls me both by my first name and by Mikey I kind of change it for the record I said it in the last Q&A but I will say it again I don't want to be called by my first name that feels exclusive to close friends and family I would like to be called Mikey otherwise so don't think you're all cute you learn what it is and you start the Ross and Rachel were they on a break yeah they were on a break what is your biggest SFX regret be it a look someone else's dislike or even a product choice when I first read this I thought I don't know I mean nothing that's not true there is one I genuinely kind of regret doing the reviewing the worst rated horror movie on IMDB video because I was not trying to tempt you guys when I said I really don't think you should watch the movie wholly problematic holy bad but of course people are naturally very curious honestly if I were watching that video I would probably have watched it because I was curious I get so many and DMS and emails and messages that say that they watched that movie that shall not be named because of my video I just shut her at the thought that the director or whoever was in charge of producing that saw the influx and views even a little bit and thought that maybe it was a good idea to make more films like that if I do that again and it's that kind of a movie like that problematic in that bad I'm just not gonna say what the title of the film is I'll review it without giving it any promo since y'all can't be trusted to not behind to everyone who has not watched it honestly thank you do not encourage the people who made that film I'm gonna transfer all of the remaining that dirty brushes into one then I'm gonna move all my clean brushes to their progress beautiful it's one stained green but don't judge me she is as clean as she's gonna get what made you decide to speak openly on your political views instead of staying quiet I won't talk too much about the sunnier long story short I actually was pretty vocal about my views in the last major election in 2016 and that is because Bernie got me excited about politics in a way that I never had before I did vote before but not enthusiastically I think this election is really important not just for the United States but for the world because what we do unfortunately does affect so many other countries and I also think that it's rare to see a politician who has been so consistent over the decades who has always been on the right side of history long before it was politically expedient to do so I think that he stands for compassion and unity and if I think that we could use that now more than ever I just think he's great no matter what happens in this election that is the direction that I hope we go because most other major countries have already gone that way it's not radical over there so have you and Anthony argued at all yet still no this quick one the most annoying thing about Anthony he's annoyingly perfect next question sue me no is there a video you've wish you made but never had like a cooking vid and I already have a cooking video on this channel it's very old you can check it out in the description believe me you don't want to see me actually anything I'm not a good cook I make a mean PB&J though can you confirm and confirm I know the right ratio I know how to make eggs in the shape of a skull speaking of which how do you like your eggs in the morning not fertilized if that's where you're going with that that's funny that really is right they're over medium if you really wanted a real answer none of that if you're comfortable more in depth about your toxic relationships and how to cope I had one really toxic relationship in particular and what I will say about it is if something doesn't seem right it's okay to trust your gut just know if that person tries to talk you out of that if they try to manipulate you if they try to tell you the gaslighting doesn't exist and that is also cast lating and just know that if they try to tell you that you're the one gaslighting them chances are they're gaslighting you so gas fires gas like each other that would be bad and honestly a good gas lighter makes you think that's what's happening whether or not it is to the point that you start to question your insanity it's really hard to deal with I want to say that I feel you if you're going through it if you've been through it I feel you that's too deep for this kind of video next how is working out at home going not great with the Kuroda buyers going around so all gyms in my entire city have been closed for a while including the tiny one that I went to which lasted a little bit longer than the rest I can be flexible with my meal plan I just have to hit certain numbers but even that has been really really hard to hit because there's no predictability of what I'm gonna be able to find in stores since the shelves have been mostly empty where we are so I'm just trying to make good decisions overall and I'm not counting things strictly because I just can't right now I can do like bodyweight workouts and throw together some form of weight to do at home stuff but I'm going to have to postpone the date that I picked to do the bikini competition unfortunately because you need to look like heavy weights consistently and I'm gonna need to do my macro counting very consistently to a tee for at least 12 weeks ideally 16 and that's nearly impossible to do right now with what's going on it's a bummer but it'll be okay I want it done right what happened to me answer questions in 30 seconds you're not holding me accountable over there dawn do you find it tedious to pick your wording so carefully because people will freak out otherwise yes next question does Katy still live with you although it appears like she does not she does but Katy had the corona virus like confirmed case so she's been quarantine her ass far away from me in Las Vegas but yes we still live together thankfully hey miss her she's okay if you're wondering she's okay - what's already wrong okay yeah we can't help that just kidding see I do have to be careful with my words someone's gonna think I mean that Katy's great guys can you do any accents specifically a Midwestern accent I think my only reference of Midwestern is like Sarah Palin's I can see Russia from a window well Minnesota's kind of wake up in Canadia a Canadian Valley can do some accents that I can't speak good I don't know anything about you ah graphy it's only because of that show back with the X on Netflix if you haven't watched it it's amazing not sponsored love that show better than love is blind fight me but back with the X is like a real social commentary on what makes people Netflix season 2 chop chop anyway I know how to say a couple words in Australian accent because of that Meg Jeremy's just saying like no Jeremy so mean it's better well I guess I can do kind of like a coffee talk accent like a sweet old lady in New York not my best I haven't been doing it in the wild Eva I can do southern well but it's not great I'll brush up on my accents Oh see not good and then okay I like this question have you tried a diva cup day one two three are the worst for me but the cup has been a godsend for crimps okay cups are way better so all my ladies and non ladies the deal with Shark Week get the cup what are you waiting for it's a huge pain in the ass to learn but once you learn there's no going back it did not help with my cramps ugh mine are just horrible someone asked me if I got a test to be diagnosed with endometriosis and but I probably should get it done because it's really bad really bad what is different about how you act off screen versus on aside from censored content I would say I'm just more sarcastic because I'm not afraid that the people around me are going to misunderstand what I'm saying they know when I'm joking I'd say that you have a more dry humor - I do have a more dry humor you you'll say really really good joke without smiling at all and just walk away well I'll walk away for two seconds and then I'll be like cannot get this brush clean for the life of me you see that is just back here you know what this is gonna be the one brush we just walk away from sometimes you just gotta take the hell move on with your life where do you see yourself in ten years celebrating the 10 year anniversary of you asking me this question I'm a joke stealer I'm stealing the jokes that's apparently all the questions I had saved do you have any questions for me Anthony I noticed you didn't answer my Instagram poll is you what you got what is one positive takeaway that you have from this warranty I mean I love spending all this time with you I love that I wouldn't want to be stuck with anybody else uh hmm it's hard to find a positive in all this my brain goes to humor because of how I deal with stress I feel like I've seen a massive influx of new creative and funny things online because everyone stuck at home with the chance to create I love seeing that I feel like a lot of people that are probably not normally able to be creative are finding out how creative they are I guess I like that I feel like people have been a little more community oriented lately too which is always a nice thing it's a shame it takes something like this to remind people that like we are all we have and then the last question is somebody asked me what my favorite episode of your sit-down series is do you know what it is you like I do my favorite episode is his next episode so keep an eye out for that but second to that it's his episode on dat that's the best one go watch that if you haven't seen it no spoilers but I just blinked as many times as James Charles does in your next video what I still cannot get this last brush good like it used to be this color I can't get it out of you all right you know what there my one dirty brush all my clean brushes I'd say I was successful look at my little white paw prints all over did you remember the name of the foundation shade I told you I was wearing today hey just called pale it looks ghost with you Randy I'm fine once I like the porcelain skin it made an appearance today it's been a while but I have exhausted the amount of time for which I can sit before I need to start nursing myself back to life again the battery's about to die see just in time to say bye you know I don't feel like doing a big outro today like this video if you want to and if not whatever see you next week bye yeah oh man hey Xena boy these are the way you say - babe Oh Michael you're cute um this is for the thumbnail so don't mess it up okay you're messing it up honey my girl some people asked me which dog was my favorite yeah make me talk
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,641,202
Rating: 4.9464035 out of 5
Keywords: Coming clean, mykie, glam and gore, q&a, q and a, cleaning brushes, brush collection, makeup brushes, clean makeup brushes, nyx face awards, regret, fitness, 2020
Id: 6q9lqFC2RYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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