Colorful Miner Shows Off Working Underground Placer Gold Mine

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ChewyUbleck 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jollyreaper444 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IamAMiningEngineer 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
the floor is sitting out there on the end i was in here i had to come in and dig it out and then i brought the loader in with no ventilation i pulled it out there and drug it out with the loader see this is my spare engine this one's been rebuilt this is my old one this is a turbo charger nice stuff i just turned them over two days ago you have to use this and you turn them over like this if you don't they'll freeze up now there's a definition of a slusher right there that is an animal this is the one i had outside this is a raised climber here this heroin you have to you have to wind one and unwind the other it's off an alamac raised climber kevin's used them little tires here i start drifting out there and looking at it everybody always thought that the channel went out here actually a channel came in and mixed with the one in here and went south can you see yeah it's not overnight these are all them wedges i told you kevin got me a whole power you never have too many this is where i've got a lot of my uh engine equipment stored under there and the rats i love how roomy it is i got all the parts the loader that's out there i got the chain drives everything let me show you this right here real quick aaron come here see this is a pothole right here see how i mark this this is lava in a pothole holes are on outside turns where the water's running the fastest so it causes it to boil or create the knitting water goes fast around the outside of a turn come up here everybody i want to show you something see this bedrock see how it goes up high right there yeah and then it goes back down low over there yeah the channel going to the south is right here going out that way see how water worn and smooth this is yeah and the seat i did some sampling over here all right let's see there's a river grill right in there i'd see where i marked it i took a little bit of small gravel out of there i had a little gold in it this is where i keep my drills and steels wow these are all the toyo drills and students give her a man she come up here and these mice up for you yeah the see all this rock here yeah well i had some of this fell on my stuff here about three years ago i had to kind of muck it out and crush that stuff and this is where good um this is the old this bedroom is the old soft start out of the dutch tunnel i went i took the door off of it drug it out from 1500 feet in there in the bypass and then all the way out i had a thing where the conduits went over my shoulders like an indian and i dragged the box i took the panel apart took the door off took them guts off put it in a bag come to find out 600 bolts and i can't convert it to 480 oh anyway you can see the when i straightened this corner out to pour it around some nugget right here so you have a low spot right here yeah it almost looks like an ash layer right there that's in there this is all a lot of cement it's all andesite sand float if you never saw mount st helens when it blew and that lava went down the canyon yeah hot lava apart the trees where you see burnt wood in all of this up here anyway this is what they call a lahar they came down the canyon like 60 to 80 mile an hour everything that was in their way it wiped out so there's very little gravel showing in here in the low spots so if there's gravel showing the gold's still under it because the gold is all in the bottom two feet i don't give a about the top there's nothing in it since i don't have my rubber boots on i gotta go around when i first came into here i was on a mucking machine and the floor level was up this lot this high and it came right here and i started getting gold right here so i went straight and kind of petered out so i came back and put a side swipe in and then you've got a hotter chip going this way wow i mean i got first i got an ounce four ounces you see uh see how white mark on the yeah on the wall right there i took over 60 ounces from here to that white mark okay i mean this is awesome this is my man way and utility is dripping this is where i bring in the power lines air lines power cord i'm gonna go get my bright flashlight so all right what's that little record yeah just wait right there this was one of the richest places right here that crevice came across here you see there's the end of it right there with some gravel on it so the bedrock was about this high coming across here only about that much gravel but just richer and snot nice you didn't actually blast it up first foot in half two feet three feet bedrock until we get the crevice out fully yeah you can see it here oh yeah yeah here's the plasma trailer right there for those of you at home and uh it's bedrock beneath it yeah that's the sweet spot i keep saying how about this ground compared to the other oh man what a difference and the size of it spacious you can breathe it's roomy yeah stand fully there's a lot better yes the scale this is uh impressive you know whatsoever hearty yeah history pockets could hook your butt and stuff's there yeah it's really odd for me to be inside of a stable plaster of mine actually stable underground plaster man see how it got high yeah gold got finer and finer but over here was closer to you know we blew that one piece up right here cancer's with me it was a five ounce chunk blew it up in three pieces we come in and he was always wanting to get on the muck pile with a hose and worship pick gold out we picked about three ounces out but that was over a pound round and that that was only 22 four cards right here see this right here is the most gravel showing in the whole mine right there oh wow see where the water is dripping that's because uh we're in the gut now it's it's kind of like when cement flows down a chute the sides stop moving and the center keeps moving a little bit so it slumps in the middle so overhead another lava layer up there it's collecting water in that low spot so you can follow the water besides the gold this is all muck i took out of that many way so this is some good gravel in place right here here too see the size of that yeah well it was richard it's not over here i didn't go any wider i sideswiped a little bit but i've been over with the detector that ain't much there left but you'll see why i didn't take more of that because this this is a pillar my main drift's right on the other side don't drop a pillar yeah see how thin this pillar is come stand over here yeah you're not going going anymore on that you don't want to take any more there you jeopardize your whole main drift now you see the level right here bedrock was clear up there to that that level so when i came in on the mucking machine i came to here that's why the ceiling's so high over there and then since i pulled three feet of floor i stepped down you want to run about seven wide and eight or nine feet high there's some pipes you help me hold on here column yeah i had a time coming up that ramp back there without a loader that's a steep ramp look at all the i hauled in here a whole shop the ground stored it in here oh we'll go look at this so great stuff look at that slusher bucket right here yeah it's awesome that's a big sound we had it over saw woods it's too heavy that's for a scram drift where you got a hundred horse slusher pulling it i had to use a two to one block on pulling over that saw woods i finally ended up using this one this is the one i had outside that i pulled out of my ore bin with this one and the electric uh slusher that's out there where the engines are see now the generator was running this is tunnel lights this one and see the see the red light yeah and i've got those uh to where if i'm running the loader in and out of here i can see the red lights to know the generator is still running i've got one out in the cave too when it's running also if your mine light fails which you know the old ones even if the battery was good it could sometimes it would burn the connector off of the battery i felt my way out before on the airbag but those those lights so i think there's five or six of them there's space to where you could walk out and see from light to light it feels so good in here 44 in here you're around 44. this water really slows down here this is where i had a slusher sitting up there and kent's and i've been in here i started doing a decline down there see the gravel right there yeah pretty hot gravel right here so we started going down there and it hit water got watered out i had a sinking bucket in there because we were coming in too high on a bench that's what eventually i surveyed it went outside and got rid of the muffin machine and the rails and got the first loader used to be railing more water yeah i saw that's crazy so what this is here is an air curtain so that when i was running in and out in the main drift i would close this because you get you get the air dilute so if you close this then the exhaust would go out the other drift ideally that ideally that 40 horse blower that i showed you by my magazine out there that it would go eventually in here past the wash plant and it would suck clean air all the way into the 40 horse and then blow it out through the bag that's the way you're supposed to do it that way you're not passing your exhaust when you're driving in this is my old generator frame i built this machine here it worked pretty good what it was that set on there and it was a jigsaws what i was going to do is size everything down to two and a half minus and then i jig it and the oversize would go out here and the jigsaws had a trap in the bottom so when you bounce it up and down you could throw some three-quarter inch nuts in there and they'd still be in there so it's uh the opposite was a regular season this was my old friend this serpentine contact right here oh yeah i forgot to show you that there's a bunch of ass postures right there toward what my glory is outside that platform down there i had uh pump sitting on it and i tested by a shaker screen out there that's how i found out the elevations of that main sump something here is actually lower than the portal because it's going downstream from here it don't go uphill to get it out okay yeah it feels great you get the coil you get on that ladder out there hot air comes in along the ceiling and the cold air goes off the bottom so if you uh blast you can shut the ventilator off and the fumes will come out about this deep and go out and go down the hill that's why i had to put that wall a little higher not re-circulating so you're not thick and then the next day see the water line look at the look at the water line there that's where this was in the spring when i came in here because it's a low spot this was richard's snot over there i put in there that i don't want to have to take there's also a valve right there on the discharge you want to back flush your screen you can close this and the pressure of the diner blow backwards yeah this was pretty rich right through here good this used to be sitting out at the portal i love it you can have as much hex fit yeah i had this outside once then i rebuilt it see i put the rail skids it used to be on that other skid i saw it there yeah i put a new motor on this just three years ago yeah oh yeah this thing will move 25 yards an hour this was the feed chute i was going to use a 24-inch goes to an 18-inch airbag right there see i bought that adapter yeah but it's in the ceiling it's not on bedrock so there's no golden but i was cutting coming through here and all of a sudden it started getting getting paid and old over here you're running all your material when you're coming out of here right you have to yeah you can't you can't select it what you do is you take this much bedrock and enough of the lab overhead that you have room for your ventilation and your utilities see this is this was already i hauled it back because i was going to do some more blasting out here grab a little ground pole on this corner this is another filler takes a little weight that's back where that uh stump was back there oh you see this right here here what i was going to do is have it over there dump on to it what came out of the bottom this was the room i was going to put the plant okay let's go around here hey echo in here huh now you see how i was going to use this for a tailings i was going to build a dam right here and pump the trailing back in here this is stuff that i've mined out there the last two years this has gotten golden that muck in there i want to bring it all out and run never have time now come over here see this big boulder right here yeah it's a big andesite boulder well there was good pay where you're standing nothing big out here though it was up to pennyweight to two pennyweight pieces but the reason i pull out of here is i like to run a seven foot ceiling see how it would break and clear up for that layer yeah i was getting instead of a 26 scoop round for six feet i was getting 40 and it was wearing the loader out and wearing me out so i pulled out of here and went around i'm i've got drifts around ahead of this we'll go there next take a look at the gravel over here in this pillar oh yeah oh man and this right here it's only 30 feet through to there the main drift over there so i could uh shoot over from the main drift and extract some of this this has got good play in it it seemed high play right there a white truck yeah there's see we're too low on elevation to have any pipe clear five clears at a at a primary elevation which is 135 feet higher than this this is a neo-scene channel here this is 20 million years old now that when the uh what do you call the comet hit off at yucatan 65 million years ago kill all the dinosaurs put that ash down i know this whole dinosaur is still kicking anyway after it killed off all the dinosaurs and everything that ash kept raining down from that meteor strike and that's what made the pipe clay it built up it plugged all the rivers that's why he says uh 65 years ago the primary that's called eocene that's the old one back on certain chain right here no this is this is tore up uh there's some serpentine mixed in it's tore up from the lahar coming down through the canyon when this bahar came down through the canyon you could look up here and see the striations in the lava oh yeah see these grooves that shows you which way it came from did this how it's a you got a belly on it uh-huh there's a depression house dripping right in the middle this this is another flow the river cut down the river was still running no matter what lava flows or whatever river was still running so it cut down through this this is the bottom of the river right here it didn't cut all the way down the bedrock if it did there wouldn't be any gold on it right here i had both i just picked them out now but uh see this bit of gravel right here yeah and there and here this was pretty rich right here i was picking nuggets out of this nice and when those canadians had an option on this credit the ones from toronto they came in here and they would go gaga all over that taking pictures out and everything well i picked it up so nobody else would and the the slate of her excuse me the slate gap right there is running vertically too so it creates more processing now here's the gun this is anyway i had electric panel here and i tried that 25 horse blower in here too much voltage drop to get here took forever to get the thing up to speed you need a soft start which is about two thousand dollars so i i pulled it out of here i have this all served this is the gut right see the here right here yeah now there were bits of charcoal and in this and driftwood now whenever you see driftwood and charcoal it's uh the outside turn of the gut here's the actual gut right here 5183 that's actual elevation i'd like to continue going out this way it's a going with the grain and the slate though you get bootlegs now around the corner here was the water course on the in that area right there see there's a lot of fine gold if you get into tracks i tell them what the you doing checking my gold out i don't get your wallet out picture it so this was uh the gut coming through here used to have a nice little patch of gravel right there he come in here and i had a little two or three pennyweight nugget sticking out of the gravel there that took a good minute i agree with you see this watercourse right here yeah this is a post channel fall see the crack goes across you guys are blind sorry see this crack right here this came after the channel foot run it's called post channel fault that's why it's making too much water in there john as in normal practice when you're running your drift in here you take three feet of bedrock two to three feet always because if you get gold in a crevice and it goes below floor level you gotta bail it out with the tin can get the water out and get the gold out so always take enough uh depth of the bedrock you take out any crevices that you go over out there where the shakers sit i had a 10 ounce round right right past that shaker by that so i had gold so i got one there was a three ounce two and a half three ounce piece but it was going below the water level out there and i was bailing it picking gold out of it right here there was a big boulder here i've blew it away what i need to do is move over the gut's going right through there now right under this survey marker in the bedrock was about this high there was a pothole right here with up to gravel like this okay and it's running that way oh yeah and i came in here later and i blasted this side side swiped it and it was pick and go all along here see this is a courtsy vein here oh yeah next in it now come up here and check this little pothole right here feel how smooth that is right there oh wow this is all water worn see yeah for sure river did that so what i need to do if i continue here move over half a drift and continue going out there i'll take you around i've got a cross cut out ahead of this 100 feet of header oh nice so i know the gold here and the gold out there so i've plotted the pastry going through here great now you see aaron come look at this bedrock right here all right smooth see how this is smooth yep let's check this out up here where this course is very small look at this oh you got a stringer in here oh this is all uh that's quartz of course uh quartzite stuff right there i mean that's the hardness of it that's quartz but it's not a vein it keeps going it just comes there's a gravel coming up again right here yeah that actually looks like it's mixed in with quartz it's a vein right there that's kind of decomposing well there is a vein seal the gravel back in here anytime you see some gravel like that you blast it and take it out wash it that's basically what it figures out to be for every dollar i put in here i got three to four dollars back that's a good ratio that's a good return on investment well yeah but the thing is see i wasn't paying no wages or insurance to anybody it was me that's a 100 we'll see if you make it to 73 that's all i am yeah see this water one right here oh yeah this is right in the gut here well years ago i was in here and i i went from here to that next turn up there doing anywhere from two two and a half ounces per round i was making a thousand a day going through here nice that's great i saw stockpile yeah i did this when i was telling about 10 years ago see the bedrock down right to floor level oh yeah well if you get up step up for a little bit look that goes out there did you see back in there yeah oh there's like a way up there and look into the back that goes out there 60 70 feet wow you got a lot of storage right here yeah well out there at the end if you went out the right corner you would come into where all that white plaque was stacked ah okay so it's coming through to here gotcha and when i was running those samples last fall i was bringing grounded well when you do a round in here it figures out if you put in a six foot round it figures out the four and a third cubic yards per foot in a six six by eight drift and you can figure this see how this uh lava up there is all wet and coming down here yeah it goes in that line right there see that line yeah that's a low spot that's where the low spot is around there where i just came out of it so i came out here i tried to try to go out and hit the veins because i knew the veins were out here well i hit line out there at the end it's about 18 inches so the first van i have it right the old geologist's reports said he was under the gravel and the ground was burnt that's because when the lava came through for the basalt flow it was molten lava just like in hawaii basalt molten basalt so it's hotter than causes the gravel to fall and break apart no it burns it i'm going to show you burnt gravel out here now i came out here this i'm right near the fault see that line over there yeah this was a little hard to do but uh i started getting now interpreting see the serpentine right here that's in the ceiling which tells me it's coming downhill from higher in place serpentine because it doesn't last long if it runs down a river see this is gravel in place right there okay yeah you got a little sprinkle so when i came in and hit this this is a vein right here all the way across here very gracious pulling up big cubes and fiber cubes out of this come over here you'll be able to see the saltwatch this is a gouge right here this is what the vein slips on that gouge is also where the lahar came through and wiped it see this right here right here that's really appreciated suppression this is all vein material right here but look at the sulfides in it wow yeah i see him look at this damn see the pyrite cubes no gold here i had some acid and see this water comes in here it's barely formed in here you can see just a little trickle going down in here but there's a fault right there and that fault's drinking the water it's coming out down to my house because i'm about four miles straight south of here and these these folks see the different layers in here for sure yeah this is your hot flow right here this is the hawk of salt float down the river now see right here see how hot basalt got right down to the bedrock here's your burnt material under if you look up on top of the ridge you'll see that basalt dike runs all the way up this ridge that's the malona's fault and the ground opened up and this stuff came out that's the last flow that came out was the saw oh let's see the different layers right here cash flow what it is the river cut down through and then another lahar volcanic activity would come fill it up again and then the river would cut back down through it that's why you got all these different layers and then right here this little spot i blasted out of here i took some nice nice gold right here there was a couple pieces over to pennyweight and that's coming from that i showed you back there 100 feet the other side this is 100 feet ahead of it right okay now what it's doing it's going down over here and going back into the into the gut now here's gut level i was able to figure grade from that back there was gut level and cost came and helped me we surveyed it with a laser it came around here and that's the difference right there gut level so that's your 5180 but in 100 feet it rises two feet that's a two percent grade of the old neoc channel flat but it was the same river was running the whole country was covered with lava so what happened was it would meander and make narrow cuts through that flat ground it would when it was narrow it would cut down through it then it would move over well this went on for thousands of years right here yeah you got two different layers of bedrock here this is a piss this is a piece of shirt right here you see right over here this bedrock got real hard and high look at this pothole here nice hard drilling right here sparks flying so what i need to do is back up over here i got pretty decent crevice right here too one time yeah it came through from there it came from this direction right towards me this runs about uh 35 degrees east of north is where it came out of which is the crate channel and then back there about 900 feet into the mountain right here i love how spacious it is we came out a different way that's the way we came out this time which uh took us right back into this workshop here where we started pretty cool looking all those timbers right there and back outside this is what the gravel looks like on the ground when i'm when i'm in pay nice cobble there yeah see this is uh that's lava you know what that is it looks like some kind of undecided or something feel the weight yeah high grade chrome says this one
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 68,889
Rating: 4.9061584 out of 5
Keywords: Colorful Miner Shows Off Working Underground Placer Gold Mine, Placer Gold Mining, Placer, Underground Placer Gold Mine, Working Mine, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mines, Underground Mine Exploring, Gold Mining, Working Gold Mine, Melones Fault, Adit, Gold Mine Tour, Slusher, Modern Mining, Ancient River Channel, Ghost Towns, Mining History
Id: BQcfX7IwpQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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