Absolutely Loaded Abandoned Gold Mine

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all right we're back with a fan favorite and we're checking out an awesome mill that was unfortunately destroyed in one of the recent wildfires in california uh see an awesome tank down there huge tank and actually the remains of the structure over there we're just checking out the smelter right here and of course the fire destroyed the mill but it didn't burn through the area were going to hike so it was hard to get here and get around but of course what we want to see the most is burns so that's life huh look at the inside amazing how much is still here it would have been awesome to see this site uh keep using that word too much but this is a great site um i would say it would have been awesome to see this before the fire of course all right we were just up there and uh come down to the next level down and you can see all the charcoal here uh i give you a sense of how much wood was here that burned a better view of that uh skimmer tank right there and uh yeah looking at this really gives you a sense of how much was lost sell the concrete foundation here all through there and uh if you can tell or not but that's all waste rock right there huge huge huge wastewater pile and of course uh there was a of course a big grill operation up there um that was impacted by the fire but you know because i had the attractive ingredients for somebody who wanted a big grow operation flat and level there's plenty of water around and yet before the fire a little well camouflaged by all the trees uh silly it's like old carbide cans down there really sorry i wouldn't get to see this before the fire it would have been something special see the uh rock wall right up there it's a high quality rock wall all right down to the next level and uh about the guys are there to get some perspective you see these uh cable rings here here those have been holding together wooden tanks and so there obviously was one there there down there and then uh where chuck is uh you can see that one was obviously filled with a bunch of um well tailings or other such material because you see the formation of where it was sitting inside the tank for the wooden tank burned away and speaking of tanks another view the skimmer tank right there see the barrels go up the side and then the the ladder right there so the mills down there except skimming tank there and uh that grow operation i was talking about extends from way over there all through here and uh back that way this is why you kind of want to pay attention to the season in which you are out looking for minds you know it's obviously not active now but you know we come over here in september october we're gonna have a very different story all right we just dropped into this mine and i'm already overwhelmed by how much stuff is here it's absolutely wild we found where the drift keeps going that way my friends are recalling that right now i'm into filming things so i take more time right here in front of me there's a remains of a changing room back there and then i've been looking at this and i think this was actually a blacksmith operation over there you can see how much stuff is in here i thought i would do this sequentially starting with a changing room over here making my way over there wow see i've got a hallway here we'll go back there a minute here is that's changing room there i didn't look back here yet let me look back here okay that just runs into the uh collapse there so starting with the changing room it's all lined with concrete as you can see ventilation and all the hoses and stuff here benches are still here they even have some miners gloves there i don't think i've ever seen an underground changing room before those i've seen before have always been on the surface toilet back there this mine has everything from the looks of it so i got the plumbing intact that is extraordinary this is where we were looking down the hallway we were looking from over there that's skilled off there it doesn't go anywhere i mean they had everything here look at that even an oven it's hard taking everything in don't know what these rooms were yet but they're all stripped out from the look of it this is so weird to be doing this underground rather than on the surface i'm exploring buildings underground they all have this little slot right here i'm not sure it just goes to the rock right there so i'm not sure what that's about this is obviously a closet empty closet of course but a closet nevertheless so the fixtures in place ah there's a bathtub even wow that one another toilet never thought i'd be excited about a toilet before but in this location this is pretty amazing for underground guys wow what a place wow very very very cool and uh makes me excited about what else might be this mine my friends aren't back yet so obviously it keeps going so i'm not gonna promise you or any good stuff but i've got a very strong suspicion that we're getting to some good stuff so i'm gonna backtrack and i will pick up at what i think was a blacksmith's operation all right we just looked back there and i'm back next to what i believe was the blacksmith's operation this right in front of me is i think just tools and equipment there's bits of metal all over the place so i'm actually standing on a pile of drill steel right now there's a bunch mixed in with all this rock has come down and then look at all that right there is that rock just hanging right there pretty safe huh anyway um i don't think there's much to see over here because so much wood has fallen down on this stuff but you get the idea i'm really curious about what else is in this mine too so i don't want to spend too much time here so let's look over my shoulder at the blacksmith there's that workbench right there and i'm looking over the blacksmith's operation now you can see the stack right there that runs up and out there and i can see blacksmithing tools and things like that so that is what this was right here i think this is the first underground blacksmithing operation i've ever seen as well pretty incredible i'm sorry so much stuff has come down i'd love to get a closer look at some of this but even this is pretty amazing i'll uh try to squeeze down there and get a different perspective for you and then we'll head up and over that way i just crawled under that i was shooting from over there a moment ago and here's a different perspective on this part of the operation see some of the equipment down there pretty cool stuff guys pretty cool stuff all right i am very curious about what else is in this mine so i'm going to turn the camera off and climb up to this mess and head deeper down the attic i just dropped down through there and the reason we had to go through that way is because that's what the portal looks like so obviously that is not a green light for us to go through there it's impossible so fortunately you go up and around through that chamber but as you saw i am now in the main at it and this is absolutely incredible see the rails right there there's just stuff everywhere in this mine unreal everywhere i look i'm seeing stuff wow there's so much here looks like uh car right here a huge one man look at the size of this this compressor is just absolutely gigantic and the fact is underground i mean i'm blown away by this mine wow we'll get more of that in just a sec just want to show you what's over here you see all the metal piled up here tons of drill steel and pipes and such crazy but yeah this this is an industrial work of art it's this flat car here it's like a locomotive or trammer and then it looks like a whole string of ore cars just running back there there's a compressor man look at this thing i actually wish i'd explored this mine first before doing video because i'm just sort of awestruck on the video i'm not being very articulate really man everywhere you look and then that runs out there and then overhead and off somewhere in the distance i was just shooting over there let's see what's over here back this way there's all kinds of stuff back here too as you can see we're looking in there just a moment ago wow like i said everywhere i look there's stuff to see obviously they're storing parts for the compressor here and the light bulbs are still intact even big barrel right here empty of course i shouldn't say of course on this mine because this mine seems like has everything here's a view of the back side of that compressor crazy i'm on the other side of that compressor now the cp that you were seeing stands for chicago pneumatic this dates from probably the 20s or 30s a compressor of the size would have put out probably about 300 horsepower and with that airline it would probably power about 15 drills so this is a beefy indeed i just look at this for a minute trying to figure out what it was and it's actually pretty innovative this thing right here moves and what i would do is it would scrape grease off and dump it down in the sump and then as the wheel went through it would pick it up again so it would be getting a constant and consistent grease delivery if you will which i think that's pretty innovative those voices are my friends talking so much stuff back here it's just overwhelming to try and take all this in obviously somebody's coming and stripped out all the copper but there's still just a staggering amount of stuff here so i'm in no way disappointed believe me wow all right well i've been geeking out on this for a while you guys are probably getting impatient i'll slide past that locomotive and see what else is down there all right one last view of the compressor and don't forget this is underground you guys that is what makes it so much more incredible to me it's already an incredible compressor but the fact that it's underground to me that makes it even more amazing quite a place quite a place any of these things by themselves would be super impressive but those are my friends up there have all this stuff in the same mind it's just mind-blowing so yeah there's that line from the compressor running down you see all the cables and such they've got there there's a look at the complexity of the connections to look at the locomotive very amazing because i just you know how much stuff is in here so this building that was off to the side let's look inside here that looks like another workshop see all the the metally bits the floor is covered with metally bits and so are the shelves we'll look all over this in just a second just trying to show you everything on the floor first this is so hard to take all this in okay let's look at the shelves someone that's a machinist probably knows what each one of these individual bits does so much stuff is still here those of you that have watched a number of my videos know how rare it is to find a mind that still has this much stuff you know that it's unprecedented to see this much stuff and the compressor we were checking out is on the other side of that good old westinghouse okay let's continue doesn't have a roof on it it's realized um let's continue because there's a lot more here these ore cars are gigantic the side of the ore car there that goes up to my chin and i'm uh just under six feet so that tells you how high that is got it looks like a continuation of this workshop here wow look at all these shelves man oh man those are almost all full of stuff still i could do an entire video just on each one of the things we've seen so far like i could do a whole video of that compressor i could do a whole video on these workshops looks like somebody's little desk right here see this see that shelf or a pull-out drawer would have fit right in there so just imagine how much work was done on that desk so much stuff in here just a bunch of nails and stuff there i can still see the right see it's just clamps clamps different size clamps this is one of those mines where it's kind of awkward because i know some of you want me to linger on a lot of this stuff for longer but other of you are probably impatient and want to know what else is in this mind so i'm trying to be conscientious of both well it's been too much time but same time this is incredibly special and unique and i don't want to miss a chance to document it because a site like this all too often we've seen these just disappear overnight thanks to the forest service or mother nature all kinds of entities i can it's realized because i was looking inside i missed seeing the uh the writing here sorted looks like charge bolts long a lot of them are on the ground that's why i was standing on a boot with my boot all right well i can't even imagine what else might be in this mine so let's go take a look because again i'm very curious where this keeps going and all those labels are lost to time i'm afraid all right so here's that string of ore cars see it runs that way i might actually have to climb through those to get over i cannot believe how much equipment is in here yeah it looks like i have to climb for the ore card you look inside see there's some ground fall inside those things are massive we'll uh get another look at those in a minute just look at this last room of the workshop first though there's looking back where we've come okay this is a smaller one it's like some ventilation pipe and actually that's about it obviously a work bench right here but not much equipment here see probably electrical system there and they've got the sides protected with that sheet metal but that looks like it's about it for this workshop so it is now time yes we definitely have to climb through those see that's blocked off right there now time for us to make our way deeper into the mine but first i'm going to show you a little bit about these ore cars these are much bigger than i'm used to seeing there's a look inside this one too whole string of them here see what you want a good workout try climbing through a train of uh or cars that's uh not easy as you can see i'm on the other side now see a wheel right there a bunch of other stuff back here this is war car related stuff not that of course but the stuff lower down was you see that giant airline running along there that we saw the amazing compressor for this mine just keeps getting better and better we've got another locomotive here looks like a bunch of connectors track connectors right here the locomotive right there and then there's uh a concrete conduit looks like running back there but this of material so i'm not sure what the purpose of that was how about this locomotive that was just cool this one's in better shape than the other one you can still see some of the controls here this thing would have put out a lot of power very very cool see how big it is well you don't have anything for scale but that's probably from where i'm standing it's probably 10 feet to the front of that just wild and the drift runs there to the sides of the track when i get over there i'll put my boot next to it so you can see how big the track is pretty wild just see if there's anything over here all right yeah i'll uh slide by this and pick up over there here's the front side of that locomotive and i'm standing on that track and i've got my boot here so you can see how big it is i'm holding it sideways this is size 12 and look how hard part that rail is there's big big rail big big mine so we've got another little workshop over here on the left the attic carries on that way we'll go in just a second you know normally we're just practically racing through these mines because they're stripped out but this one is obviously an exception because it's got so much stuff so we're only like 150 feet in not sure what that was take a quick peek in here this wheel has been tested hold on this wheel has been tested for use huh a speed not took a seed something amazed but that is still readable there's readable even a word did i just make that up just said legible that's a little bit more grammatically correct probably look at all this stuff in here it's insane um back in this one big roller right there a bunch of equipment tossed here it doesn't look like much that i want to climb all the way back there for the uh this big grease bucket here at my feet would not want to stick anything in that that i wanted to keep i missed the tank right here in front of me here too there's just so much stuff i'm sure i'm missing stuff too that you guys are seeing at home that i'm just kind of glossing over because i'm overwhelmed by how much stuff is here that's the side of the workshop we are just in looks like there's a junction up here possibly find out in just a second another little workshop looks like this one's got a bunch of belts inside of it as you can see pretty amazing pretty amazing all right i'm gonna have to swap in a new battery so i'll do that and we'll pick up right there i was just shooting from back there there's that locomotive in that little workshop i arrived at the junction next to the biggest underground timber i've ever seen in my life that's not an exaggeration that is a mature tree it's my hand on that i can't even pull back far enough to show you but look at the size of my hand in relation to that notch right there okay now let me pull back so you can see how big that is that's easily three feet thick i mean if you just drew a straight line across that be three unbelievable it was from side to side three feet no exaggeration that's unbelievable so i got this junction here you see the rail i'm standing on comes in like so and it connects to this right left rail here there's obviously a winds right here and a bunch of equipment associated with that and as you as you can see the uh drift runs off in that direction however i'm a right-hand rule kind of guy so i think i want to see what's down here first looks like i got the remains of a flat car right here with the wheels gone there's some gigantic timbers here looks like another flat car right there possibly um why is that i guess they were just really concerned about this section look how thickly timbered that is i mean to be fair it is buckling i knew what they were doing obviously it's a fair amount of airflow through here i don't know if you guys are picking that up on the microphone but there's a fair amount of airflow looks like false floor right there so i think i need to be a bit careful here there's something going off to the left there but i think i'm going to go around this section that way because i don't want to fall down and fall through it fall through a false floor well i ignored my better judgment because i was curious and i don't know if you can look down there or not but that is definitely a false floor down there and there is air blown out so not sure what that connects to looking ahead i can't tell there's more stuff up there or not um by here through to my left oh wow um huh this is interesting this room to my left plunges down to a void with a bunch of mist coming up and i can't even see the bottom that's nuts so be careful here there's stuff over there and there's a bunch of stuff piled up here uh you can see rail right there that's a flat car on the rail and then there's another room or a workshop back there see some large or car wheels but there's no way i'm going back there because that's completely undercut that's all rotten wood is undercut this is crazy so that void is right here and looking to my left it looks like a giant head frame for a winds that runs up i can't even show you really it runs up that way i might be able to i was saying i might be able to get over there to get a view of that but it's uh this is a bit spicy all these um false floors and such this is just an empty cabinet i'm gonna lean out over here as much as i can that's what's back there well i really did not expect this i thought this is just going to be another simple workshop that's the surprise drop room right there uh i notice there's a switch that i forgot to mention earlier next this uh skip car here which is pretty cool um i'm seeing that this goes around i'm thinking we can go around to the left and possibly get a better view of that uh head frame and winds back there meantime got another workshop here this one is in pretty rough shape pretty rusted out some of those gloves are there still ah this cold hair is making my nose run it's a curious little cabinet right here all right i think that's it for this room all right let's go oh yeah wow look at this even out of window i'd miss that that's crazy here's look at some of the rock we're in looks pretty quartzy isn't it window it's even still mostly intact crazy okay the uh surprise drop chamber is right there and then we're gonna go see what's over here we're just checking out that workshop right there drift keeps going there and there's all these sections where stuff is dropped away so you can see how much of this mine at least what we're walking on is based on backfill this is the way that we are going it's my friend's jacket right there uh see a big spool of cable right there or rope as miners call it empty spool right there the tracks keep running that way there's a collapse there i'll take a closer look at that in a minute uh looks like a flat car here and yeah that wraps around back to where we're looking earlier we'll go there in a bit there's a winds here a man way here dropping down except that ladder is is totally rotten unfortunately but yeah that drops down to who knows where there's air coming out so i've got that man way dropping down here as you can see there's a rotten ladder here's the front or back of that flat car depending on perspective i noticed that the label you never i guess you would call that a label painted on the side of this spool is still intact it says lesson and sons listening sounds saint louis and then it says wire rope there pretty freaking cool see all that uh i do have to be careful where i'm walking because there's a lot of holes here so yeah there's that collapse right there looks like i might be able to stick my head through there there's some stuff over here let's go check that out to finish out this section and then we'll head back and look at that stuff um looking overhead you can see how solidly they've got this timber those are just massive absolutely gigantic but right now let's stay focused on this huh how can i get in there is there a door over here all right it's just over there and i've come to this workshop still a little cubby holes right here and i was trying to make out the writing here but i was not able to do so oh it says bit grind bit grinding and something there's more up there but bit grinding i got and that i thought that looked like a big grinder i don't want to say things i don't want to be wrong and look stupid oh my god these are all drill bits i have never seen so many drill bits in my life this is unreal wow i got some core samples over here it's full of core samples there and then all through here got core samples all over the place there's some in front of me here and i don't know what was probably drill bits back there who knows that's a bunch of drill bits over here too i mean this is there's my boot my size 12 boot on this pile that extends all the way over there there are thousands of drill bits here i mean look how thick this pile is like how high that pile is that's insane how much work was being done here so yeah uh in case you didn't get it this is a machine for grinding the bits sharpened unreal how much stuff is in here i was just looking for a manufacturer's plate or something but no uh no look all right let's go check out the drift running that direction that's the death drop room that's the room with all the drill bits and core samples that's that man way passed over and now we're checking out this stuff let's see where this goes these pieces of wood are just enormous so here we are looking into the death drop room you can see it plunges down there i see my friend's light right there so he's looking and that's where he's standing where i was earlier is a much better view of the head frame running up that way and unfortunately i can't get any closer this is where that rotted floor is undercut and you can see it sagging and ready to cave right there but like i said looking up you can see where that ran and the scale of that is just unbelievable you can see his layer there he's a full-grown adult so look at his size compared to the scale there gives you an idea you see all the mist coming out of there too and then that flat car is about to fall down there any second somebody breathing that wrong i think it's in the cave it'll be exciting this actually keeps going too because we came in here and the rails join there's a junction there and then this junk this set of rails comes back this way just noticed all that there and of course there's more stuff back here so here's taking a look at all of the bits and pieces of machinery off of this siding just so much back here unreal giant spools of cable or rope use the miners terminology rollers wheels for every possible contraption you could imagine connectors giant chains axles ventilation pipe uh mountains of drill steel so so much just standing over there looking more stuff back here see pieces of drills i have no idea what those are they look like cannon balls i have no idea what those are used for but they're hooked to that giant chain so put some kind of anchor uh there's a scoop right there looks like the front of a mucker so much stuff those are all the pieces of drill steel stacked back there crazy crazy how much is back here wow tank right there amazing amazing stuff we were just looking in there i was standing over there and the drop room of death is right here and if you remember earlier i was standing there looking across and was curious about what was in the room over here well guess what we've got a back door let's get in there and see what's back here looks like more giant pieces of equipment are stacked back here more cable more wheels boxes and crates all over looks like somebody's shirt they didn't want anymore the rails run in and stop there i wonder if this was a workshop for or cars or locomotives or something you know bring them in here and work on them yeah for example that looks like the like part of a trammer see that's the uh the knob you use for the trammer so i think that's what this workshop was which will explain all the large boxes and crates and pieces of equipment here a bunch of belts and hoses over here and then all those spikes sticking on the wall to hang stuff on yeah sure piece of equipment came in this crate oh yeah look there's a big stack of wheels here which is exactly what i would expect if they were working on trammers and or cars and that kind of thing here is looking across [Applause] that's where i was standing earlier to look down the winds yeah look these are all uh work hard trammer pieces here i'm not stepping out there though that false floor was super sketchy as much as i love this mine so far i am not stepping out there it's my friend over there sure some good stuff over there but you couldn't pay me enough to go out there so much stuff unbelievable the uh mold on this or whatever that is it's pretty interesting again you got all those wheels right there and then this room i heard you say it's all been emptied out but obviously all part of this workshop almost looks like a gun rack right there but i don't think it was looks like they had a fire extinguisher there or racks incredible incredible we were just looking in the room on this side there notice there's a pump right there back in this work car trammer workshop you know i guess it was just heavy equipment in general you know pump right there and i think that is it for this end pretty amazing stuff pretty amazing i'm gonna take some still images and then we'll catch up back where we left off over there i'm back in this main drift um the attic we came in on top of the left there and the room of dropping death is there and i've done everything here except i haven't looked through that collapse yet i want to finish out the stuff here because we haven't been down that way yet i want to finish all the stuff here before going through that so let's head down here and check out this stuff before back and do that it is backtracking i normally hate backtracking but i want shadows in here that's where the uh the winds is right there you see all the steam or mist blasting out of there so i'll climb over all this stuff and pick up over there all right that's the section we've already explored except for the caved section see all the mist back there the attic we came in on runs off that way i'm back at that winds where i went right not the winds that's in the room down there oh no this is another winds that drops down here this one has caved or at least the timber supports have all caved and so it's plugged now that's not a rope going out in front of me that's a rusted cable don't get too close to the edge because the collar is all rotten here but that's a good view down there i think i don't know if this is the hoist for this wins or not um i guess it is because see the cable or rope these are miners terminology runs up to there and then that's the one that's running down in front of me so i guess this doesn't make sense though normally i mean especially because you've got this frame leading up no i guess not i guess this one's smaller than the other one i guess this is all just support timbers like there's a little balcony up there i don't know what's up there i could even get up there because that ladder looks pretty rotten i'll take a look at it if it's possible i will having to talk with locomotive here yet but i will anyway so this hoist here is obviously it was being used down there so i guess you had hoist stuff up and then just dump it into an ore car that would have been sitting here and then i didn't know what that was in the way in i still don't know what it is a lot of stuff has collapsed down the winds though so it's not always possible to tell that's that gigantic timber i said was the biggest i've ever seen underground i still stand by that just showing you how that fits in it's all this other stuff over here see it's all timbered up very solidly there's a i know there's a cabinet at one time or what but they've got doors with hinges all along here too so front locomotive here and i just noticed all the stuff sitting up there crazy crazy crazy over here this falls away below looks like it's all stopped out down there of course this is all false floor running back there's more stuff back there i do not want to go over this the rotten timbers so i'm gonna go see if i can find way around the other side just seeing something over here out here the controls for the hoist there here presumably the cage is still on there or the ore bucket whatever they're using because that rope is or i see i was using rope the minus terminology that rope is taut so it's got weight on the end of it so still down there somewhere going around that side of the locomotive you can see it's still all false floor through here which obviously super thick boards and such it wouldn't have been a concern in the miners day but given how long it's been since this is operational it's all rotted slightly more concerning now something you want to pay attention to just want to show you all the stuff here not sure what that was back there that i think looked like a balcony just opened up into that so don't know what that was about you can see the massive timber supports they have here which is incredible how huge these are i mean look at the size of the locomotive it's a huge locomotive that's probably four and a half feet wide right there and then compare that to the size of the timbering it's pretty incredible here's a look the controls for the locomotive or the trammer that's where the operator rests at right there this this is kind of tricky um i actually don't know what that was for right there that piston oh i think okay i think my friend said who's a mining engineer said that this piston here and that in other words they would pull or car the trammer or locomotive would pull the ore cars here and then that would push would rise up and push the ore car up and tip it violently into here so these screens would have been moved and basically standing over a big ore bin right now see what i'm saying they got them screened off for safety but these would have been open and receiving ore that's what that is that now it all makes sense yeah so i couldn't figure out why i was a giant piston right there and i remembered he'd mentioned that so that would just lift up and hook on the or car and flip it up apparently the ore here was very sticky and so it had to be shaken out rather violently i don't think there's anything to see down here no it's just ties into that orbin got a big hose right there and looks like there's another uh war sheet right here see how that comes down there so it must be up stops and stuff above dropped ore down here as well so definitely a large ore collection point below me all right i'm glad i made sense of that there's another room over here there's somebody's slickers in the water it is drippy and wet back here there's a little room here lots of clothing in here look at those jeans huh and it looks like this was insulated with cardboard this room it is cold back here it's really cold back here and that's mine got the gloves there if there are practicing julian there or what more clothes no your guess is as good as mine dear viewers don't know what this was all about more gloves down there lots and lots of stuff all right so there's that locomotive right there and looks like there's another locomotive there it appears we have stopes dropping down looks like the remains of a ladder right there dropping down into the darkness there's a platform right there and then there's another layer down there another platform there this is hard to film sorry another platform there looks like it's caved over there but yeah i think this whole mountain has hauled out pretty much another locomotive here this one's uh smaller i think my friend don't quote me on this because i'm not sure about that i think my friend said this was uh an acetylene driven by acetylene but i may be mistaken or i should say powered by acetylene this is the most colorful so far that other one near the beginning had one of these sticking off at two i don't know what that was for it looks like a rudder on a ship to be honest with you i've not seen that before so i don't know what that was used for i'm sure something the audience does so let us know how that fit into things and how it was used look at the controls like i said this one's a bit smaller than the others there's a chamber over here it's all sealed off looks pretty uh secure looks like maybe a sawhorse right here i've seen some uh heavy use or a rack for holding the heavy stuff looks like this would have been a transformer electrical transformer sorry it's really cold in here so my nose is running yeah be my guess this mine would have taken a lot of electricity given how large it is and how much equipment is here this thing must have been putting out quite a human if you ever heard those there's some dates joe tadashi october 16 1947 52 19 50. leave this mine shut down and right around 1950 early 50s so that makes sense all right looking ahead i think this might be the end on this direction because i think that's a huge collapse right there and unfortunately the overwhelming majority of this mine is collapsed what i mean by that is all the upper levels lower levels are all collapsed so unfortunately this is what we get but this is pretty impressive so you can only imagine what might be on the other levels you got more stuff dropping down down there but it's all plugged up looks like they just tossed a bunch of stuff back here got a few timber supports back here stole right there another spool or what would have held a spool of cable or rope yeah that's done i'm afraid you can see timbers here smash down and that's that i'm afraid too bad but what an incredible mind so i guess that's the remains of a flat car right there huh all right my friends are down there i promise you i go take a look at that collapse section on this end and so i will go do that all right we finished checking out that side of the mine as promised back at this collapse here i'm gonna crawl through my friend already went through and crawl through and uh see how we can do with this one okay we just climbed through there and on the other side of this collapse here what'd you say these were called they're rings for the bit grinder ring is for the brick grinder which makes sense given that we're right next to where that room was and look how many there are and there's a hoist right there looks like it has a square piston it's a tugger where right there oh kind of buried yeah the square pistons are weird they kind of go up and down and side to side they're strange and then that over there looks like that's another drill sharpener right there oh buried back there yeah huh so much stuff here is unreal this i think is one of those pistons for dumping the cars oh yeah that we saw the triple place looks just like it doesn't because there's that that notch on the top right and it's it's so it has these rings right here sorry not the rings it has the uh bits and thingies right there so it can pivot as it dumps yeah that perfectly makes sense lots of stuff down back here as you can see we need to climb over that and get over there so i'll pick up over there just climb through there the next little chamber here created by the collapses see the big airlines and such running up here and this is going to be a really tight squeeze getting through that i don't think there's anything over here now if there was it's all buried now but i definitely have to put the gear away to get up that one that's gonna be rough okay well believe it or not we climbed up through that tiny hole down there so tiny you can't even see it had to crawl in the stomach for that one and we've come into gigantic stoke chamber here that's uh you know 150 200 feet up there hear the echo runs over there a bunch of material is sloughed off here from there and it's very precariously balanced here and so we're a little concerned about climbing up there because we don't want anything to come down especially that big boulder there and plug out our tiny tiny exit opportunity [Applause] behind me you see the stop drops down as well it has some stuff over there that's all caved runs up overhead as well it's just a gigantic stove and my friend was gonna try and climb up over there but that's a no-go [Music] nothing to hold on to so well i think we've seen the stove so this just gives you an idea of what this mine has inside of it though you know unfortunately so much of its caves but when i said the mountain was hollow this is pretty much what i meant because i think the whole thing is like this in many ways all right way out down there he looks like he's getting ready to do that you'd literally have to crawl on your stomach because it's not easy at all okay we just finished checking out that section and this is i mean they were following the vein and this is the kind of material they were after now i realized that i was coming out and look at this from a different perspective just to refresh your memory those are those giant spools and flat car right there and we came to the mine from this direction so i saw this thing down and hanging down here earlier and it was so big i didn't realize what it was but this is a gigantic ore shoot here see all the ore up there and this is part of the gate see they stopped it but you can see the ramp right there coming down they put these these here to hold it but this is far and away the biggest horseshoe i've ever seen that's five and a half six feet across right there i've seen some that are four but this is five and a half six i'm trying to be conservative that's insane i wish i could show you more of it but you have an awkward position here's a view looking from the side the stops up there must be equivalent to the size that we were just checking out just wild the mill is just over there and come to the side and this represents without a doubt the greatest concentration of union carbide cans that i've ever seen at this mill site they're a huge number here but there were a ton of them back where we were too my buddy there and they extend all past him through here up some more and around and again don't forget there are plenty back where we were earlier too it says union carbide company that is impressive i'm sure there are more stretching up the hill too that's crazy the military we're checking out is uh farther up the hill there and you can see all these mounds down here and then this moonscape that i'm in right now is all tailings from that mill ever washed down here unreal the birds seem to like it but it's not doing them anything good extends over here as well i haven't looked down the side yet but uh there's just a ton of material here my buddy says how big this is curious just over the side here how far down it goes oh man this is a gigantic pile that we're on look how far down that goes that is insane i didn't realize it was this did big see how far down this drops yeah that's insane [Applause] this is the leading edge of those tailings that washed down we up there earlier and you can see the remains of a retaining wall they built here which uh looks like it was consumed in the fire a piece over there um so i thought that was interesting also that was really interesting to see how the uh italians have stratified here it's almost like like uh cliffs of dover or something like that you know it's really interesting
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 272,957
Rating: 4.8193235 out of 5
Keywords: Absolutely Loaded Abandoned Gold Mine, Historic Mining Equipment, Antique Mining Equipment, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Mine, Mining Equipment, Mine Exploring, Mine Shaft, Minecraft, Ghost Town, Underground Mine Exploring, Mining History, Gold Mining Equipment, Mining Gear, Mining Machinery, Chicago Pneumatic, Mine Locomotive, Adit, Winze, Stope, Ore Car
Id: HgLS1pPu9YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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