Strange Nevada Gold Mine In Incredible Setting

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look at the center top right 112 degrees fahrenheit it was a long hot drive across the nevada desert to reach this abandoned mine but look at those views if you're going to be working at a mine out the middle of nowhere you at least want a great setting like this this is primarily a gold and silver mine and i saw a historical reference to this mine dating back to the early 1900s however the records indicate that the overwhelming majority of work took place in the 1920s when a mill was constructed of the site as well here's a view of what's left outside of the mine i'll show you more at the end of the video but let's get underground first just inside the portal now and this looks like it runs forever straight ahead i can see several hundred feet straight back and it's just long straight and featureless the whole way so i'm not sure what to expect with this one the waste rock pile outside is big so that's suggestive of good things just looks like it goes forever so i'm just going to start walking back because i don't want to bore you guys anything i'll turn the camera on if i hit something interesting but if i don't i'm just going to keep hiking back because this is just a long long flat expanse of nothingness [Music] the side drift a little side drift there and main drift keeps going and the stabilizer is killing me main drift keeps going that way she's main attack keeps going that way let's just see this it's just a face yeah this white is great for the light yes it is is a face they were not lying all right let's see where the main attic keeps around to you i saw it look like something in the distance so i will keep the camera on for now yeah there's a barrel or something up there looks like some kind of feature change too okay here we go we got a 1937 three-way junction three-way junction there's another 37 up there 27 over there 27 yeah where do you see that there oh cool 65. i just started walking back here because look at the dates might as well go here 27 white out 27 32 all right i like it i like it you said that was a three-way junction yeah yeah so yeah there's one going back that way it bends around a bit and then there is stuff up ahead as you can see well i'm curious about this one i'm gonna go down this one this one looks fairly substantial in relation to the others trying to figure out what that one what year that was i can't figure that one out 19. assuming that was 1919 but it could have been less people with was more contemporary people with the carbides it would have been 2019 but we know for sure the uh 27s are legitimate because you can see it was kind of faded okay we got more options now powder that's cool so that means okay that's what i try to figure out what that said it says powder two it just keeps going but i am curious it's modern i'm curious to see what here is here real quickly not much at all all right we're just checking out the powder magazine there this drift keeps running back here wow still bending around still going wow that old old old insulator up there see that that's pretty cool okay a little drift right there i just tossed a bunch of wood junk in another of those old insulators and this drift keeps going [Applause] still keeps going i thought for a second i was gonna face out there but it's still going see again i thought it faced out and kept going feel some airflow actually there's something up ahead there okay we have come upon a can on the ground i can definitely feel airflow there's a big ore sheet right here as you can see i cut a bunch of logs down outside just stuck them in there man way running up there all right there's looking up the man way that goes up quite a way got the oar shoot here in front of me we came in from there where my friends are coming from i miss this riding on the way in going a long way turn back i don't think that's true actually see it says out this way as well there's that ore sheet right there it says danger right here i can't make out the rest of that wells fargo wells fargo indeed let's see what it's like 52. don't think how much that is now i can't see what this is either but let's see what's around here that's kind of funny another little side drift right there or cross cut they just tossed a bunch of wood in there's another horseshoe up here it's pretty beefy uh horseshoe there's looking up that one yeah we can't actually climb up that we may do so on the way out there's some beefy logs in there let's cut some trees down outside and put them in there they didn't mill that or process that at all there's a nice vain let's just point it out to me there's interesting vein running through right here which makes it less than a surprise that they chose to run up there got that ore sheet right there and then look at this over our heads how cool is this that's some old school timbering right there chopped them down with axes you can see on the ends here yeah yeah still got these litters on it that's kind of funny so our two worlds meeting there you know older world and more modern man these are incredible that's a big tree right there that one yeah that's huge it's kind of weird have all this stuff hanging down keeps going a whole bunch of worksheets back here it's another pretty solid one no man way on this one around straight up to there this one's yeah that stop came down locking up on that one there's a view from this side yeah there's a lot of weight on the let's see the rocks jammed in between them and the drift opens up a bit right there but then pinches down again here right over the doorway yeah right there just following it they definitely were following that okay this looks interesting here's the next section and i had my buddy stand there just so you could see how enormous that timber is that is incredibly incredibly massive for a timber we've got a bunch of uh wood stash right there let's get this section yeah it looks kind of interesting actually isn't it yeah whoa wow so looking down the winds right there and a little archway here and then it drops down again keeps going looks like that's an ore shoot in the back right there yeah maybe a plug behind it yeah and then there's something off on the left right there all right i just crossed over the board right there and i've come over to this section and the reason it's all opened up like this is because it collapsed you see how the uh support beams right there are just hanging off in space they obviously had something here but it's all boarded up up there so i don't know what this was maybe it was a shaft at one time i just can't tell at some point bill wrote his name right there which is pretty impressive considering what's beneath it now another massive support timber there some insulators more some massive support timbers that is indeed an ore sheet right there it looks like i might have kept going but it's a bunch of materials come down i would go back and check it out but if you look at that right there that's maybe an inch thick layer on top of a rotted timber and a deep pit underneath so i am not going to go down that because i don't want to fall down there and get impaled on what's down there you see all kinds of debris and such as falling down there hopefully i was holding that out far enough to see you can see the edges where i've collapsed right here there was a support timber right there that snapped and broke and uh also right there i think i was calling an arch it's just a section that didn't cave but everything caved all around it as you can see did you see the bottom over there uh yeah i can't tell if it's just plugged um if i hold the camera out yeah i just threw a bunch of dust you made that thing start rocking behind me there's nothing it's just a little space right here they probably had a hoist here that's kind of cool shelf right there they probably had a hoist here for um winds presumably this was a winds but uh yeah but that was a win see how uh skip could have run up there say i was all greased and everything that would be my guess maybe a bell signal system right there or the remains of one this is an unusual section definitely highlight some of the dangers and abandon mines because you know i suppose you could have gone walking across that not knowing you know before this cave somebody could have gone walking across that had the whole thing go off from underneath him there's just nothing holding that up right there that's all it's hard to tell on the camera that's just like a void right there see how that part blows lit up there's just nothing holding that little section up and that runs back away as there's just a paper thin layer of dirt making it look like that's a solid surface that's that sketchy section i just checked out i'm back at this man way here next to this big horseshoe i'm gonna go up a little way and just see uh how things look up there okay there's looking up the ladder a bit and you can see it's a series of platforms up there it's getting really sketchy up there though so i don't think i'm gonna keep going a couple interesting things here the timber at the side here as well i think we got a better light on that the timber the side there as well which i thought was really interesting and uh that looks like it runs up a long way a long series of ladders and platforms is going straight up here but this is really rickety and sketchy so i'm gonna call it on this point over here this is looking inside the ore chute there's the side of the ore chute you can see they used trees they cut down outside to line the side of the ore sheet and here's looking down that's when we toss the beer bottle in there this ore sheet was plugged you will call us the top of the plug i'm leaning out inside the ore sheet that's looking straight up you see there's another platform right there it gives you a good sense of huh how they just stuck the trees from outside inside the or line the side of this ore sheet of the trees from outside pretty interesting looks primitive but i'm sure it worked well we just came from checking out that sketchy drift there back at this junction uh the worksheet where the airflow is right here and this is the one where we came in from the right here back that way and so we've got a section behind me here see it's interesting that's why you've got support timbers this another gallery of horseshoes it looks like obviously there was an ore shoot or something here at one time over my head see where it dumps down right there so this is fairly unique uh i'm looking up that ore sheet right now and you can see it would have run out down here and essentially see how this uh rib of the ad is all scoured smooth we hit here and run into an ore cart that would have been parked here this is pretty unique and what's also unique and interesting is all the natural wood running up the side there that's crazy i can't imagine them building this that's a wild we're just checking out that unusual ore sheet which is dumping down right there looking ahead this keeps going with this uh gallery of wood brought in from outside we'll always bring him from outside i meant trees brought him from outside this is kind of cool they jammed these two trees together here it's been a long day raise see another war shoot here that one's plugged no man way or anything here so they must have accessed that from one of the others you see the dots right there and uh i just can't get over this natural wood hanging down or i keep saying things that don't make sense not natural wood but this raw wood it's raw trees that's what i'm trying to say okay uh really opened up here looks like raised d right there we keep running ahead another or shoot there let's look up ray's d there's looking up ray's d hey uh i don't think we'll be climbing up there let's see how we could even our lives depended on it it looks pretty sketchy up there must be some huge stops overhead there is looking at the man way which is exactly about 12 inches from where i was looking up there so i wonder if that was a tool skip or something on the right that would make sense pretty rough looking up there again all those trees from outside jammed in there and we keep going we'll keep running ahead that way i just wanted to show you some of the axe work or the hatchet work that did here because it's really amazing you know as my buddy was just saying normally you see saw work and more refined work but this is uh this is pretty primitive it's pretty but they i mean it works that's what matters it works the tapered ends right there i've never seen anything like this where they had this extensive of a network of trees brought him from outside unmilled or anything just slapped into place it's pretty incredible real narrow point in the drift here would have been tight loading this uh horseshoe uh there's a man way running up there and it just goes up to the same stuff as before same stuff as before looks like some of this is starting to come down a bit here it's almost like walking through the woods now huh got some old graffiti here but it's pretty faded 27 again [Music] that's that section we just walked through and you can see it's ready to fail at any time you've got some drill steel jammed in there but look at all the rocks sitting on that wow i could literally go at any second that's wild i was just shooting back there a second ago we've got a ladder here my buddies going up to see how things look here's a view from atop the ladder looking back at what we just uh walked under there are literally tons of rocks sitting there and we just walked under it that's the side of an ore sheet right there and that's uh was over our heads we're walking by there's some old graffiti right there uh it looks like 33 little stop right here and then looking back this way you see it just stops right there just climb with that ladder right there we've got the rest of this drift to check out don't think those were the miners it's pretty cool though not sure those well i guess those were miners weren't they saying that wasn't sure it was the miners but they were miners and i can't make out this graffiti coming back here looks like we've got the face right here 1968 it looks like yeah that's a face right there kind of a cool vein running right there looks like 45 february 16th i think that's 45 more back here 51 is pretty cool all right well we still have drifts to check out plus the main at it so let's go do it heading back to maine at it and saw this graffiti i missed on the way in because i was facing the wrong way i thought it was kind of interesting it says if you are lost sit down and get set for a long wait you probably would consider where we are out of the middle of nowhere it would be a long wait we're headed back to the main attic which is this way quite a ways back in the main haulage at it we came in from way way back there this is the pretty extensive drift we just checked out on the left there and we're back i have this drift on the right and then the main haulage at it of course keeps running that way we'll go check that out last we gotta see where this one goes interesting looking rock in here what do we have here ah but that stopped but it it doesn't going just coming from there a little stop over my head and i think everything just got dumped down to what i'm standing on actually i'm gonna take any of this out and the drift continues here just came from there see that there's more graffiti back here [Music] behind me just faces out got some survey markers old survey markers comes off to the left here and again faces out older names there 1955. that's pretty cool all right august 20th 1955. elaine came here elaine is probably not even on this earth anymore so even though i don't think she was a minor i think the maya's already abandoned that it's pretty cool to see that making our way back to the uh main halls at it now and saw the top of the edit or the back of that as i might miners call it just completely delaminating here and that extends quite a ways down over there so when we hire our helmets and mines at least i do all right back in the main haulage at it we just finished checking out that drift to the right there and we have the rest of the hauls at it starts not out of us here something in the attic ahead of me here looks like a little work bench or something got some metally bits on it and around it yeah it looks like i stored some equipment there that's a newer camel pack of cigarettes looking ahead keeps going [Music] that's newer graffiti interesting somebody had a carbide lantern in here rather than led lights or something looks like i might have faced out already i did that is the face right there and a bat sorry bat well that was a big mine interesting mine somebody stuck beer bottles back here i wonder if this was shiny the gm beer bottles and uh drill holes it's kind of funny all right well that's my friend's light so that's not even the portal i can't even see the light from the portal is way way off in the distance a long walk out hope you found this mind interesting obviously back outside the mine as promised i'll show you what those workings below led up to here's the first example could be exploratory in nature sliding over and then up let's see the next example this one appears to be a bit deeper it's coming to view the center of the screen sort of up right now i'll be zooming in you can see that distinctive white rock that we saw in the ground everywhere see what i mean about that one looking deeper these other access points are why we're getting such good airflow underground these highest workings are the oldest and they were probably started when some prospectors saw a vein outcropping onto the surface later the miners drove in the attic that we went into because it's easier to drop things down than to lift them up and it also allowed them to access the deeper ore deposits and lastly it's on the same level where the mill was built here we're looking down the open stop that was created just next to the open stop is this shaft you see you coming into view and all these workings tie in together underground i'm dropping back down to the haulage out that we went into from where the upper workings were so you get a sense of how far away they are also gives you a sense of the size of the waste rock pile with our vehicle parked on it down there and below the waste arc pile you can see where the mill was and where the tailings from the mill washed into that ravine there a couple of views from the ground on what's left of the mill building there used to be a lot of buildings here actually bunk houses workshops that sort of thing but this is essentially all that's left now unfortunately
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 55,008
Rating: 4.9467802 out of 5
Keywords: Strange Nevada Gold Mine In Incredible Setting, TVR Exploring, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploration, Ghost Town, Nevada Gold Mining, Nevada Mining History, Geology, Ore Chute, Adit, Winze, Mine Shaft, Minecraft, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Underground, Underground Mine Exploring, Underground Gold Mining
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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