Mines Like This Aren't Supposed To Be In California

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all right just inside the portal now and uh here's a nice timber set here in front of me got some uh track here and the uh at it runs back as far as i can see without any uh obstructions or anything just a little bit of ground fall right here but that's no big deal pretty uh solid timber set here yeah there he goes nice the tracks go i lost the track but uh still i'm optimistic about this mine looks like it goes up and bends to the right i got the track back already that's good now this is one of those where they uh they they take the straight rail out to use elsewhere but the curved stuff wouldn't really fit anywhere else so they uh they just leave that behind and my friends way up there tell them to go ahead because i'm gonna go more slowly uh an ore shoot here very very plugged ore sheet as you can see and okay add it keep running that way you can see the rail and looks like there's a winds here okay little uh decline wins it's not vertical not sure if anything good down there or not uh i'm gonna do this level first though and then uh looking over here there's some stuff taken off the left there's a back side of that war sheet it's pretty uh it's pretty built up that's more than i i realized more extensive huh and then like i'm saying there's uh some stuff back here some gobbing right there and some hoses and stuff tossed back here and that's it just uh stops here so i'll keep heading down that uh main edit we're just looking back there and i'm back on the main attic and uh i'm getting a bigger appreciation for the size of this uh platform an ore chute here you can see the uh area there clearing out up there but uh this is took a lot of wood building that one that's for sure and then there's a little pocket right here doesn't go anywhere and there's a big tank right here that's pretty cool riveted so it's an older one see it's still in the foundation there you see the lines coming off it and the rest of them have been removed good stuff so let's keep going see what else is in here a spool right there got a junction right here and there is their tank right there and stuff going off to the left uh looks like the drift keeps going like a decent stop in here good stuff um let's see that was that keeps it going i might go straight and come back and hit this one um okay there's also stuff going off the right too that doesn't look like it really keeps going i may go down that one and check of course the main rail keeps going straight see a light way down there my friends are like an idea how far down that goes um i think i'll duck in here real quick i don't think this one goes back very far looks like another stove back here um yeah there's some pillars here too that's kind of cool pillar there uh i would imagine that's the order right there and then there's another pillar right there that's a small pillar for uh the size of this stop and a bunch of rocks stacked up here gobbing off to the side there and then uh this may be bigger than i thought it was another pillar there as you can see and then the stop uh runs up through there and all through here look up there before see the lines running up that way obviously quite a way there's some of what they are digging in here for i would imagine let's see how extensive this is all right uh punches back all through there and also keeps going ahead another pillar right here okay this is a lot more expensive than i expected uh let's see there's some stuff dropping down here little pocket right there this looks back filled down there see some timber in there going ahead i see another ore shoot right here in front of me runs up that way and stoping just keeps going up that's really cool see the color of the rock right there gives you an idea what they're after you can also see it on the pillar there and uh that's just full of pillars this is really cool see how far these stops run up how cool is that and we're not done it just keeps going believe interest in these colors in here and you've got timber set here or not timber excuse me support right there and it's like maybe another winds dropping down possibly yeah looks like there's another level down there it might not go anywhere though that might just uh stop right there let's stick with this level for now though uh pillar there yeah i think this might be the end yeah so that's the face or it's the face of this drift right here so i'll back and um there's a little newspaper here i wonder if there are any dates let's look i see strange adventures of a girl which i'm sure would be an interesting read but i don't see a date um advertising for varicose veins um what else do we have yeah i'm not seeing any dates it's too degraded that's too bad all right we'll uh head back to the main out and keep heading down i spoke too soon found more about the girl she shared their clothes their lives their adventures this girl hobo who reveals here her startling adventures on the road good stuff all right now i'm head out to that main at it and keep heading down back in the main edit we just finished looking down there um we're gonna go that way and i intend to come back to this one i'm curious about this one but it looks like it may be somewhat extensive and so i want to try and get a feel for what else is in here before i uh head back and get too distracted by stuff off to the side there's something there uh just go back there and stops might be no i thought it might be overpass i just stopped right there uh what is this huh obviously there was something mounted here i'm guessing but uh hard to say at this point what that might have been big timbers here though and [Applause] that just keeps running back this way okay another thing going on to the right here junction here that's cool still see the valves uh that runs off that way as far as we can see um a little pocket that cleared out right there i don't think that goes anywhere nah just stops right there and uh that's the way we came in old spot right there i'm gonna i'm gonna try not to get distracted i'm gonna keep hitting down i keep going straight i believe oh don't worry i'll hit all this stuff on the way out but i want to get a sense of what we're working with here another uh drift going off to the right here this is pretty extensive a lot of stuff piled up here and then yeah it goes back to more stuff there i'll avoid temptation i'm liking the fact we've got the rail all the time now there was another uh junction or something here cool little stop here see the pipe pile up here explosive box although somewhat more modern one and a box of uh empty of course but a box of blasting caps this ladder here that doesn't go very far um oh man there's so many drips here another drift going there and here's that stove chamber i was talking about you got another ladder right there that might have something there there's nothing there um that's an enormous carbide barrel because i'm assuming this carbide it's got the shape and pattern just identify what it was but uh from my experience that's the shape of the uh the ribbed stuff on the side is what the carbide cans uh come in our excuse me look like good echo in here okay now we're going straight for a while good echo [Applause] the ladder right there it's kind of featureless so i will uh turn the camera off and pick up when i get to something interesting all right i've been walking for a while and uh looks like i'm coming up on some stuff a bunch of wood piled over here not sure what that is hmm anybody out there have any ideas on that i'd be curious to know uh some pipe back here it's kind of airline and another junction going off to the right here that's where the line or at least one of the lines is running there we're also going straight and there's a little pocket here they cleared out but nothing back there i'm going to stick with going straight even though i'm very curious about all these side drifts but i'm going to be consistent at least relatively consistent and keep going straight all right but there might be something here but just a little space they opened up so i uh it looks like maybe something i'll get the camera on for now some wood here it looks like i might be coming up on something i am coming up on a caved section but i think i can get over the top of that maybe a little bit of work uh if it goes anywhere i might not go anywhere uh dead end here stopped out above me good look at that ore thereafter and dead end here as well august 31st 1959 that's pretty cool i do like i love it when they put the dates any miners watching this if you're new to graffiti please put dates now this thing just stops there i'll uh squeeze up just a little bit more sure oh there's something out here i'm glad i checked ah so that stops in front of us but there's something running up i don't know if that goes anywhere but let me get up there and check i just climbed up from there and uh like just maybe a exploratory raise or something because it uh stops there so i'm gonna head back and uh let's start hitting those some of those side drifts we passed huh all right i am back at the first side drift we just came from looking down there we originally came in from this direction and we've got this one going off to the right that we bypassed on the way in so let's see what's waiting for us got some nice rail and airlines heading back here so this might be uh somewhat extensive just saw that out of the corner of my eye usgs 1971. continuing on good look at the rock in here bending around now i like it when it bends around yeah i figured these might be fairly extensive huh uh what the hell's going on here that runs back i don't know if this is caved or i don't know what happened here see the rail there it doesn't really look like this cave almost goes jammed in there or something huh i don't know about that one um might be a natural fissure actually considering what we have over here see those crystals there hopefully that's coming across on the camera because they look kind of cool looks like dirty ice from my perspective at least and uh yeah that runs up through there yeah i see that was i guess that was just natural um i think i was wondering about there looks weird though big change in the rock right here huh all right and we are still headed this way although we've lost the rail just notice that sticking out of the rib of the attic there a piece of drill steel i guess i got it stuck in there or something okay there was something there i would guess that there was a hoist there except that there's nothing here in other words if you have a hoist you're gonna have a winds and uh there's no winds here so i really don't know what this was about unless they had a piece of machinery like a compressor or something mounted there see the there's like a foundation block right there this stuff looks kind of whaley so i don't know decent sized chamber oh that's like a hook on the ceiling right there or the top of the excuse me the back of the attic as miners call it i don't know about this one kind of puzzled by this of course it keeps going looks like i took a core sample from there that's a big hole a little solitary timber there and beefy piece of wood and it looks like with the face okay it just faces out right there so uh anything interesting back here i don't even know what that stuff was got an old glove here actually more than one but that would appear to be it so let's uh head back and go down the next drift that we bypassed on the way in all right next drift back i'm back in that chamber where there's the barrel and uh fairly opened up here and got that explosives box right there and there's a drift here that we have not checked out yet again on the right most of the drifts went off to the right i see rail so and look at the size of those rails those are uh i would say that a train rail size a railroad size i'm not sure what those are doing back here because those definitely don't match up to the little rail you see here so maybe using them to support or something somebody was curious what was down there obviously um the remains of an explosives box looks like somebody's trying to take some samples there uh yeah i guess i can see why moderately interesting the looking minerals piece of drill steel jam to the side there and this was not as extensive as i thought it might have been by any means so you know what that means is we're gonna keep heading down at it till we get to the next drift okay there's the uh chamber we were just in you still see the barrel back there and the drift we just checked out off to the right there and i'm already at the next one and i can hear my friends uh around the bend there i just saw some miners review there i didn't notice before and this has got some good rail head back lots of ventilation pipes and i'm guessing this one's going to be a bit better in terms of extensiveness than the last one so oh i like this already cool pit right here that's maybe 40 feet down and uh well they ran up to look at that they went up as well as down stop action up there i wonder how they got the ore out of there because they drop it down here unless this ties into one of the lenses i bet it does or it did at one time where it filled in goes back there as well but i can't tell it just stops off from the right and yeah i bet that dropped down to one of the winds they would have picked ore up down there and then hold it up on a skip uh more of my graffiti i like that cool horseshoe right there some gob well remains of goblin and i think there's some good stuff here you can see lots of woodwork and that kind of thing ahead i like it all right i just came in uh through there and as expected there is some pretty cool stuff back here uh obviously there's a winds here dropping down down down down the roller right there the well used roller and then this uh drops down there and it looks like it gets vertical that could be interesting going down that uh i think there's some good stuff down there because look at all these dots and for those of you who don't know the miners are keeping track of or cart loads by marking those dots and so that's a pretty good sign um so other cool stuff here is they've got this uh interesting bell system here which uh i'm not sure even what that oh okay not really a bell originally but hey miners are innovative and they've got this uh piece of metal right here so you can uh you know indicate what's going on communicate regarding the uh skip coming up and down from uh down there uh also back here again there's that cool bell system there's a nice tank this is a big big tank see the rivets on it that is pretty awesome and then we also have the drift continuing that way there's a little chamber here that just goes and faces out there uh that ends there i just see a bunch of cans and stuff um somebody left their pants down here which that raises all kinds of questions i don't know how old those are and then we also have a drift running off this way that goes back in the direction i mean at it and so i'd be willing to bet that's one of the side drifts i bypassed on the way in again just to remind you i came in that way um we've got to go down this winds there's no question about that uh given how cool that looks first though why don't i finish out this level here when i see what's down there um actually as i was saying that i noticed this cool myers-free here 1963 it looks like and we had an artist in the mine good stuff all right let's see where this goes couldn't figure out that was a doorway or a timber set like it was an air door a little stop i'm in right now uh doesn't really run up too much and that just runs back and hits a face right there and we keep going this way another little stoke chamber doesn't go anywhere kept up to there there's let's see keeps running that way and there's a bunch of gobbing here in front of me as you can see and then there's a stop right there it doesn't seem to go anywhere but i'm gonna have to climb up and check because that would uh it doesn't look normal the way it's stacked in there uh okay well i guess i had like a little uh trestle or something here to convey the war off from down there or if it's me from up there and then yeah that just drops down to there that's it so i'll continue my journey down the main drift here [Applause] all right another little uh stop here that doesn't go anywhere a lot of stop action here so that makes me think that given how aggressive they were here there's probably some good stuff down below see a junction here um stopper right there and then this section ends here there's a little pocket here with the interesting mineralization and some galena down there there's a little pocket right there look at all those uh drill holes at one time they were planning to keep going that way a little uh stop up there and the drift track keeps going this way ah okay that ore sheet right there obviously connects to that one we just looked up which is through there uh what else do we have up here oh wow this is a big stop chamber wow that is enormous wow and okay look at the ore chute actually not plugged and that's the end there but what's going on here gotta i wouldn't even call this a false floor or sort of a platform but what is it over ah there's a pit here dropping down i don't see anything of significance down there though and i am very curious about that winds so just look over the edge here it seems pretty solid yeah something down there all right i'm too curious about that winds uh head back and let's drop down that winds dropping down the winds now and check out what's down there
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 100,641
Rating: 4.9398026 out of 5
Keywords: Mines Like This Aren't Supposed To Be In California, Mine Exploring, Mine Explorers, Ghost Town, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Mine, Underground Mine Exploring, Mine Shaft, Minecraft, Galena, Hemimorphite, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Geology, Stopes, Adit, Winze, Mine Tunnel, Adventure, Exploring, Abandoned, UrbEx, Mining History
Id: cLTXrx_ZeG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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