A 10/10 Mine On The Abandoned Mine Scale

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all right we're at the portal here and you can see we're starting out right off the bat with a cool doorway here this is an old one you can probably tell by the uh construction style and uh getting into it already this of course punches to the outside right there and another arch doorway right there [Applause] is there anything that's one off on the left or uh no it just goes back away okay gotcha so yeah that's just dead end apparently you're looking back somewhat dramatic setting here oh it looks like people have been picking around in here huh yeah it just drops down to nowhere there and then i don't think that goes anywhere oh let's go a little ways back just a little way to there but it still goes back a little way and then oh yeah already getting into the good stuff huh yeah it starts pretty early on right here man i it's as i said before this is the first time i'm seeing intact square sets so that is there's a treat wow just dropping down there away move over you can see better so it's just like in the square set down there and having a glance at this post over here and saw this writing on it which is really interesting because you can see the date on there december 19 1903 on pencil there's 07 down there that's really amazing and then below they made a pegboard out of this you see the pegs you know the hole from the candle holders but if you look there you go one two three four all the way down and on the other side the uh you know 10 20 30 that's really interesting now something i don't understand about this though is if you look down at the base here they carved out a huge amount of this why would they have taken so much of that out i don't know because it's really thin actually if you look at that look at how thick that timber is down there but they chopped out a big amount there which is strange okay we climbed up above those square sets the uh at it runs along there and there's a really good angle up here actually our perspective uh my friend right there it gives you a sense of the whole square set experience there's a notch cut right there so it looks like they might have run up at one time or at least been planning to that section there there's also the uh notch right there there was gonna be a post there good uh sense of scale looking down here too let's see how far down they went we don't wanna go tumbling down there really cool good to see his perspective okay we are just looking at those and uh down there and there's a look back and up at uh what's behind these and uh some of the native timbers right there that extend back here you can see it's bowing out right there that's uh the process of failing there looks like some stuff runs back there too uh but for now we'll stick with this uh this main drift right here our main edit right here and keep heading back there's a lot going on that's mine my board shove back there and just keep going past cool the size of these timbers is just absolutely immense it's cool seeing all this rock stacked up here too that holds back a lot of rock a lot of rock that is a good view of it looking back this is a really old mine in case you guys hadn't picked up on that so it's really neat to see these uh older methods of mining on display here a little something running down there i'm just gonna stick with the main at it for now oh yeah that's my wrestling how much rock that was that's how much rock that's holding back that's just stuff to the top of the rock all along there that is awesome and okay just a interesting looking rock that might have been something right there but just a rock okay we're just looking right there and i'm continuing down at it here looks like i got some more square set here yeah man the size of these is unreal like i got some old uh strap rail right there that's really cool oh there's my buddy right there oh no this isn't square set this is just a normal cap calvin post with some lagging in but the size of these is incredible man that is impressive i see some stuff come down here and it keeps going that way and there's also something dropping down there all right we're just looking down there uh like i said we'll do the top level here first i'll go down and check this other stuff later um i want to look down this uh little side drift here first it doesn't like it goes too far i used another section where the rock has punched through whereas the careful rock wall they made there failed but that's a good example of what's behind it say they just back fill it with the smaller stuff usually and then they put the bigger rocks in front to hold it in and then you can see uh things have failed right there of course and are in the process of doing so all through here and then view that strap rail can see the uh of course the board the metal strips on top right there usually a sign of an older mine although a few mines still use it these days okay uh okay yeah that just ends right there uh recaved this is sort of like some half timber set stuff right here we've got some dynamite and fuse cord on the ground here there's a view of the dynamite right there giant forty percent and it's inert that wasn't a dumb thing to do it's a nerd here's the label that came with it you see it says giant right there and this is cool i've not seen this before we've got dreadnought safety fuse 100 feet keep cool and dry [Music] there's another view of that dreadnought logo i'm trying to see if a different light makes a difference that's really cool um either caved in right there never went anywhere and oh yeah this is square set drops down it's really cool see the attack square set okay that did keep going but obviously that's uh not accessible now so that's cave to the top but yeah things are starting to come apart here uh as you can see that's holding back some pretty nasty ground right there no good yeah that's uh i wouldn't want to go swing that sledgehammer into these posts that's for sure that won't invite trouble like that just trying to make sure i'm not missing anything in here because there's a lot going on that dynamite's right there and uh i noticed this rock back here is pretty colorful interesting i thought some of the geology people might be interested in this one and then it drops down and pinches out down there all right there's that dynamite again and uh heading back out this way i didn't take a good look at the stuff over here on the right yet uh oh it doesn't look like there's much then just uh caving timbers so let's head back down and pick up on that one still going straight we were just looking down there and uh here's a good example of the kind of rock that's above us you can see it's pretty crumbly here and then where this contact zone here where it's meeting this other type of rock is wherever the stuff's flaking off of or delaminating if you want to get technical but yeah you can see really clearly that contact contact's on there there's this rough stuff there and uh everything's peeling off of that all right so uh heading back down this way see one of my friends lights nice cap and post timbers right there and wow there's not a lot holding this one up did you see this one here the airflow in here is nuts oh yeah that makes sense there's a looks like that goes to the surface possibly look at the air just ripping through here there's that interestingly supported timber right there and uh a view up here you see those native timbers right there and uh some cool stoles right there too and of course the uh that it keeps coming back that way my friend right there and we've got this section to check out it's gonna be slow going through that but you gotta do it you know all through that first section there so now we can get a better look at what is up here it runs up there for away and back there a couple of big supports up there those are uh that's probably 15 feet high that one put things in perspective this keeps going ahead of us as well it looks like it stops right there come through down there and i'm actually up at a good vantage point right now because we can see uh all the way through all those stools over there the uh big chamber above us is right here i actually believe that's a natural cave all right we're in a somewhat natural cave i say natural cave because you can see this feature here and that's something you see inside caves but obviously the miner says i'm working here as well so what do you call that hybrid natural cave i don't know i don't really care it's cool either way looking ahead of us i'm stumbling around the rocks uh it stops there as i said actually i shore that up right there and then there it's just a wall of rock right there that's impressive how much that's holding back looking ahead see that timber is just down there big slab came down right there see that big slab that's a big boy and it just uh drops a bit down there but then that pinches out there take another look at that section right there check out those slabs above they look as if they could all come down at any second that's some pretty fractured ground right there to be sure we were just looking back there now we are continuing our way down the main attic here just noticed some interesting rock right here nice and clean in this section oh look at those colors you can see what attracted the early miners to this mine huh okay this is interesting keeps going straight ahead goes to the right goes to the left goes up there and here even goes straight up although that's the end right there they ran a raise we're starting to run a raise up here i wonder if they found something good here and they're looking for more of it or if they lost the veins they're looking off in every direction for it because there's even something going back there that's impressive how much is going on in here well start with the rate [Applause] i thought that closed out but it does not oops uh running back there and stops back there i'll go back just to make sure okay i went back and it does just stop right there but as i was coming out i noticed that this uh pile of muck right here this miner is called waste rock is a result that section there caving in all right we just went to the right there's a muck pile is on now let's go to the left all right the left is going to be easy because that ends there and this ends here dressing rock we are just checking that out give you a better look up here that just goes there and stops my buddy went up there while we were shooting and it goes up there and hits a little drift and just stops so no artifacts or anything like that up there so there's a view of that let's continue down this main at it here [Applause] strong airflow here so one of those must connect to the surface that definitely doesn't but yeah again you can see how much rock is being held back by this uh lagging timbers here cause they didn't drop timber and this goes all the way to the top right there and all along i mean these were very professional guys they just stored weight rock on the side [Music] my body's light up ahead of course another strap rail very cool got stuff going off all over here okay inside that junction there's stuff going off to the right there is a street and there's a little stop right here that that stuff is spilling out of cool thing here i think it's the blue look at all this blue right here loving that and then of course that is the way that we came my friends have gone off to the right that way so i think i will uh go straight but first i'm going to make sure that we're not missing anything up the stove now on my stomach now so i i can't film too easily back here but go ahead straight you see it just uh stops right there and then here you can see it stops there and there's some other stuff that uh runs up that way and then uh stops up there so let's go ahead down straight down the attic taking the center option here i see the strap from the strap rail along there i go straight for away so that rail in here but it's been scooped out or you can just rotted away see how much the rock change all of a sudden looks like this was picked out by hand actually see all the pick marks here huh i'm doing that for the geology people the geology people always complaining that i don't spend enough time looking at the rocks all right that keeps going straight for a long way that goes right of course it goes right because it's point to the right and then there's off the left here as well but this just stops right here that's a pretty old bottle yeah too bad let's start doing the right hand rule since this is getting interesting oh this fault right here see how flat and straight that is and you've got this trail up here there's a lot going on that's mine that's for sure including this raise right here it just goes up there and stops there's uh something off to the right here i don't think this goes anywhere but check just in case no just stops right there you just look down there and we've got this drift continuing that way we have winds which looks more like an ore pass right here a little bit careful about this one definitely don't want to go down there that is vertical for a long way down got to be an overpass a nice drop rail right there that's higher than the stuff we saw before the boards are high so i meant there little is right here that's it [Applause] keep spinning through this is a complex mine so we've got stuff continuing on the left we've got those slabs right there man oh man talk about precarious geez anyway uh we've got this running off to the right here looks like it's been backfilled and i see my body's light so my body's dropping in right there oh fine hey guess it answers that question about that connecting that's when we're just going down and obviously that one that we passed on the right on the way in ends up there somehow so we'll check that out on the way out meanwhile this just keeps going the rock is completely changed again it's amazing how much it changes underground at the end i keep going i can take anything for granted of this mine okay that's the end and uh looks like af or rf was here so was bjb we just finished checking out that drift and now we are going to continue down center here on the way out i noticed this above us that runs up there we really gotta keep our eyes open this morning look in all directions because there is stuff going everywhere here another slab right there that's the edge of a fault i don't know if you can tell at home but that's completely flat right there you can even see the scrape marks and such on it so that's interesting normally uh you can get some really good mineralization on the fault so that's what the miners are doing here actually you can see they were following the fault up in that direction and that's also why they ran that drift this way remember we saw that uh that fault along there that's what they were doing all right continuing down the center looks like i can't tell that's the end of the header it's turned sharply find that on a second again changing the rock another junction oh okay not a uh extensive one there might have been some behind that at one point but it doesn't really look like it just looks back filled okay i saw that stuff on the ground i thought there might have been something here it went up there a little way but i obviously didn't like what we found naturally there's something going on to the left as well this is more extensive you know seeing this wood this is a dry mine bone dry and uh seeing how rotted this wood is even though it's bone dry in here helps give you an idea of how old this mine is my early early minds i don't know if it's ground fall brought this stuff down here or what but it's opened up above us there it doesn't really look like stupid circle just been a natural cavity there really matter i guess so this continues a lot of wood back here actually i thought that ended but it does not pretty big slab right here about to break off see the friction fracture right there okay man serious slab action on here look at these but also again following the faults so smooth that is i can't make out that yeah i thought that one just gonna go back a little way and then stop i thought we did see the end where it made that sharp bend but it doesn't that keeps going although it looks like there's something up here it could be an obstacle i wish these guys put the dates where fab i don't know i can't make that one out some other stuff scratched on the side here but it's hard to make it out mid huh that looks wet but it's bone dry in here i wonder if there's a tiny bit of water just skipping into that from that crack up there or something there's a date asking he shall receive you all right uh that looks like it just drops there and stops i don't have a way over this obviously that used to be the way looks like it stops but i think it actually keeps going a bit to the right oh that's a shame we actually have the ropes for this but i don't see anything to anchor to you and even hmm i uh i'm looking for a way across this one i'm not seeing anything i'm sure as hell not gonna anchor off one of those slabs back there that's about to come down that's about the only anchor point i see oh well you can't get them all can you can i get them all let's go and finish going down center and maybe it loops back around we just finished looking down this drift here we now have the center one remaining it looks like there's not a lot to it [Applause] these meyers need to work on their graffiti to make it more readable they also need to put some dates in we finish exploring the main attitude right here down the center i am back in the blue room as you can see and as you'll recall i bypassed this drift on the right on the way in and my friends still have not come back from that one so that must be quite the extensive uh drift to check out down here there's a uh chamber running up here i'm sliding back up there [Applause] and we're going to continue here this must be a big one you guys are back here for a while i've passed my friends so they're gonna go down the center and we're gonna check out this section looks like uh or pass most likely i see a little bit of timber down there don't worry we'll get to those lower levels i just want to finish this top level up first okay another raise right here no real way up to that though because that's yours helmet can support any weight that's all rotted edge of a full right here yeah i mean it's no surprise we're following those faults through this mine rock changed again more crumbly back here looks like they're punching out in different directions obviously they were a bit taken with a rock as well that is a brilliant orange okay that doesn't go anywhere this uh goes vertical up that way i can't get in to see any more of it but it doesn't look like it goes anywhere another fault right there see that flat surface area and then actually all through here this is obviously a very geologically active zone so it's no surprise that very bunch of minerals here and then therefore no surprise the miners were active here something did run back there but they have completely backfilled it and spilled down into the drift here [Applause] uh something did drop down there one time as well it's also been filled in they picked away the side there too okay options go straight that way we go to the left that one looks easier and then we have something going off to the right here i think i'll stick with the right-hand rule so i'll pick up in there just came through there and i really need to get some knee pads that hurt i can look through and see the uh drifter falling right there there's a little pocket dropping down there looking back this way of course you know because we saw our light keeps going straight little chamber cleared out up here seems to be the extent of it huge huge huge huge timber here we'll uh go down there in a minute but for now i will use this timber as a step just to make sure there's nothing up there okay looking up here this is it it uh just stops right there so we'll continue down the street just climb up that timber there and now we are continuing here there's a little pocket there this seems like a dead end's here yes it does got some strap rail on the ground there and that's it we just went to the side there here's that little peephole looking through we saw i'm gonna keep going straight for now so we'll hit this what was on our left on the way in later looking above this interesting stuff here let me uh get up so you can see better pretty uh impressive overhead so that looks natural then of course there's some work back there too you can see there we were just looking up there i'm now continuing straight it's getting a bit messy back here see how much stuff has come down including some absolutely gigantic slabs and as you can see above there is no shortage of sketchiness here to be sure oh man ugly ugly stuff overhead here let's see how much has come down uh this was timbered it looks like after all this collapsed and there was there there was some stuff here evidently before it caved because you can see that all this fell into something you can see some of it down there and also uh down there some of this is obviously a natural cave a natural cave i don't mean a cave in because you can see that distinctive natural cave look on this stuff here but a good section of this also caved in caved into the cave if you will and i can see why the miners wanted to have some protection on this stuff because that is bad news look how much has just come down on top of that timber good stuff huh just standing up there looking up now i intend to continue down here be careful not to snag my backpack on anything here man look at that slap the day of timbers in there hold that stuff up but uh they are clearly feeling the strain look how much that's bowing right there and then that's actually failed in the process of failing there and here i think i see an overshoot right there yeah let's see that's more shoot gotta be careful in this section old pipe right there oh man be careful there uh there's a little cavity running back there that's it here's the ore chute but you can see it's been pinched closed by the uh the stuff pushed in from the sides see what i mean pinched it closed uh some of the rock down there is kind of interesting that's sparkly if that's not coming across on the camera ah camera excuse me that pipe again keeps going this way opens up a little bit before it gets really ugly looking again there lots of bad ground back here look how fractured and crumbly that is that's bad news all that stuff you see the miners are doing their best to shore all this up but there's only so much you can do in ground like this you know what i'm saying now one of these ties into uh that section where we met my friend earlier and it looks like a crawl right there so it might be that section ditch the backpack to go forward i gotta be careful in this section uh given how much stuff has come down is in the process of coming down how much stuff is ready to come down any second okay i think this might be the end of the line uh that's cave of course as well i don't know if it's possible just squeeze through here no it looks like it is okay um [Applause] that's looking ahead and that's caved to the top i can't say i'm sorry not to go down there because uh if you look at this big boy hanging right here that's uh more than ready to come down anytime and has come down uh i should say ready to come down even more because that's failed and dumped all this rock here and those timbers have obviously all failed as well so i am not sorry as cable top let's go back and check out that one on the left i was just on my stomach up there and i'm back retrieving my backpack and i noticed on our left here this slab shifted and uh crushed these timbers here look how much weight on those timbers to do that to them that is insane yeah this is a pretty bad ground to do that we just finished looking down there we have this drift off to the left for last so let's get into it turn the camera off to scramble over that so now we are heading in little dip down right there this segment okay that runs to that section that we uh looked into before looking up pretty uh substantial raise right here and looking ahead that is where my friend crawled through and i am so glad that he did that because that means i don't have to do that we're back around the portal and that's where that dynamite touch was back there and now we are going to start dropping down to the lower levels through here it's my friend making his way down so definitely put the camera away for that one we'll pick up down there we're making our way down from there and i stopped here because i wanted to show you the impressive timberwork here that's uh also holding back all this gobbing the timberwork it's a square set runs back there where it uh caved and it's just this wall gobbing all along here and uh keeps dropping down in front of us we're gonna keep going down there but look at the size of these timbers look how they're all strung together really really impressive here and this will rock up her head as well and these gobbing piles in case you can't tell they don't stop right there they keep going up uh that's the whole gobby in there and also there uh the goblin continues up as you'll recall from where he left off last time so pretty pretty impressive i have to say i'll keep dropping down we've made our way down from there i've come to a level here that going this way just goes back and dead ends right there this over my head is pretty impressive because they have this boulder here that's broken off i just pinned into place with uh these timbers here and then down here as well all just to support that boulder there which they obviously don't want to come in crashing down uh that's just a little pocket up there it doesn't go anywhere now interesting stuff is behind me here holding that boulder up too see like popping down here this is uh the sea of goblin that's a cool image right there actually and this gobbing keeps going down here as you can see man there's a lot of it and of course look what's over our head look through the cracks i'm not talking about the timbers i'm saying look through the cracks that's a lot above us i'd almost missed this off to the right just gobbing and gobbing and more coughing this is insane axe tuned timbers you gotta love it oh here's okay here's what's over our heads that thing we're looking up into is this look how much weight is sitting on this man that is unreal that is unreal how much weight is that i cannot even imagine how much i must weigh a staggering number of tons that's a really interesting perspective on that and yes all holding the old timers did a tremendous job with this one that is incredible there's so much rock down here and they just so carefully wedge these all in that's holding that's amazing of course it continues around here i don't know if this is just all backfill like this is or if uh this knot doesn't look like it goes anywhere but you gotta check yeah you always have to check oh it does it does actually look like he's going a little bit more gobbing here and then look what they did here this is fascinating see how they strung all these together this is some serious serious mining craftsmanship at work here i have to say wow not the best ground back here either but that is amazing so yeah it's just gobbing running all the way back there and uh get up here and take a look okay that's looking back that way and uh yeah you can see it's all just filled in backfill and then this is coming down from uh one of those sections we saw above so i'll keep heading down the drift i started on when i noticed this one i was just looking up there and back in the uh drift we were heading down before and there is some more of that uh section of the post here we got the uh holes poked in it from the candle holders and also again you can see the wax here that drip down it that's really amazing then the sea of gobbing continues all along here there's a little uh well i'm not sure what that maybe a wind or something one time it's all filled in now but you can see it's completely filled with uh it's all gobbing along the side there and of course they put the smaller stuff behind that pretty amazing gobbing on both sides of it like this and then as if that wasn't good enough square set city man i love it this is awesome okay we just came in from there and i'm now in the heart of the square set here you can see it drops down below me here running down there and then if that wasn't enough over on this side it keeps going down as you can see also over there but that wasn't enough also runs up overhead as well all the way up there and over here as well careful about to fall down this here's looking up this side i have uh always wanted to see intact square set underground this is a big thing on my wish list we've seen uh little sections of it and pieces of it but never intact square set like this this is awesome you can see where they were falling oh yeah through there for sure yeah he was just talking about that section right there you see they were full in the veins you know as old as this is this is rock solid i cannot believe how strong this is so you've got the main post right there and these others are keep tying into that on each section you know the post they all support each other so it's incredibly strong this is amazing being again [Applause] yeah it's kind of hard to film and also uh get around this is what looks behind us some lagging right there that runs all the way up there and i can't tell what's back there what this is in front of me here this box looking thing here see it's nailed this isn't a timber these are boards that are all nailed together this is a part of a shoot i think you're right because it must have uh maybe they built it when they were filling the stuff in down below that would make sense what an amazing site i was standing over there before and uh came over here to give a different perspective there's that shoot we were talking about it's kind of hard to tell from where i was standing looking uh up the side here somewhere that's that section i can't quite tell what it is up there looking down my friend has gone down there how's it look oh it goes to uh winds oh really yeah oh what about that thing right there is that just uh i'm gonna poke down okay yeah it's a short winds it's not very deep but it probably goes to the level there huh any air flow a little bit oh there's the rest of the shoot oh you're sitting in the chute right now yeah i would imagine it must i was standing over there before i just wanted to give a different perspective on the square set timber in here drops down there these cubes as you saw run all the way up through there and up and up and up really cool really really cool hard to photograph this we're struggling to photograph it but video actually is a bit easier i think with this yeah any idea what that might have been that is insurance i have no idea it's a weird shape yeah looks like something would have run through it or something maybe maybe like the saw blade room yes if you go in that way wins not very long i dropped a rocket fell pretty quick like maybe they must just hollow this section of the line out yeah all right one last perspective looking up this section here all the way up there oh that square set that is so cool
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 126,765
Rating: 4.9110289 out of 5
Keywords: A 10/10 Mine On The Abandoned Mine Scale, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Square Set Timbering, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mines, Underground Mine Exploring, Historic Abandoned Mine, Gobbing, Silver Mining, Gold, Talented Miners, Expert Miners, Master Craftsmen, Stope, Adit, Winze, Mine Shaft, Minecraft, Mines of the West, Sulfide, Geology, TVR Exploring
Id: UetxneKz6oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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