Gold Mine Hidden Away In Forest Paradise

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we're hiking up to the mine now and i've come across this tree that came down over the winter pretty beefy trees you can see up there but the most interesting thing about this for us is you can see it's impaled itself on the ground here and uh shoved up all this dirt and what was a very solid road which is i can't even imagine the force we've taken to smash into the ground like that you can see it spilled down the hillside here a bit which is interesting but uh yeah oh yeah the scale there we go there's somebody next to it it goes up a ways it does i just it is a tall tree the force that we've taken to do this is just insane to me it's a hard pack road exactly it's hard packed right those are words i was looking for hard pack gravel impressive you start seeing stuff like that you know you're near a mine and uh sure enough here we are arriving at the mine i see an at it on the left there already and some buildings up here old school lawn mower right there it's kind of cool uh anyway there's an added there some kind of tank there i'll take a closer look uh building an equipment here i see track running out this way and dropping off the edge here moderately sized wastewater pile just looking at the stuff on the ground here usually you guys are better at spotting this kind of stuff than i am because i'm just kind of trying to pay attention to everything else going on and you guys are able to focus more on what's actually here so all too often you guys spot a bunch of stuff i just completely overlooked my buddy went ahead that's him up there a bunch of ventilation pipes right here old equipment this good stuff factors plate on that curtis st louis curtis compressor old-school compressor right here i thought that looked like a compressor but i didn't want to look stupid and say it was if it that wasn't a bunch of stuff on down the hill down there too converting wood stove i believe ah see it looks like there's a generator over there go check that out it's nice to have all this equipment here don't worry we'll go in the edit i just wanted to get this stuff outside before i shoot up on the waders and everything yeah hercules mr hercules powder not hercules power i got a blower right here see the uh airlines going out ventilation here's a view of the blower this uh this is newer here cement mixer mines always seem to have that for some reason and tank right there riveted first look inside looks like chicago pneumatic tool company there's a lot going on here a bunch of stuff inside just trying to make sure i don't miss stuff but i'm sure i am missing stuff oil gauge there's the chicago pneumatic tool company stamp we've got a bunch of parts on the ground over here like car parts and all kinds of stuff this stuff's been here a while windows are smashed out unfortunately this building was just checked out i noticed there was a bunch of uh metal and such piled up out here [Applause] i already found a few cool things yeah an older style of drill or you have to crank it not the pneumatic ones that i've run into in most mines that's pretty cool yeah yeah that is a huge impeller of sorts i have no idea what it goes to but it's i mean that is huge a little scale yeah well used i can't imagine what that's for if you just stare into this pile you'll start to recognize equipment or these pieces of equipment that's some drill drill drill bit bent bit looks like it's snapped bent and snapped and it'll be a hard piece of work pretty impressed with this drill you don't see this very often at all this is nice this is very very rusted um it's one of the oldest looking pieces of metal here very interesting transmission over here yeah that's what you mean like the more i look at it more i see stuff there's a rail back there yeah this is a concrete platform kind of hard to tell but it jets out there's an edge right oh okay i missed that yeah and it drops down maybe 30 feet but you're gonna have to shoot me down this hill to see it huh but uh it's worth seeing bunch of stuff here too looks like a either a water pressure tank for the shower on the opposite side of the wall or maybe a water heater yeah that's the building where we were just uh poking around and that pile all that metal is up there and uh come down here there's a lot of stuff down here that makes us believe this is a former mill building i mean there's this huge concrete foundation here you've got those footings right there which is way more you'd need for that little shack and then also if you look down here you can see that uh the concrete foundations extend down the hill here and then there's a another landing down there so my guess would be that this is a quite an old mill site my buddy just noticed a uh powder box in the brush he's hauled out looks like it's a newer powder box it doesn't have the dovetails it's got round nails holding it together yeah and the wire i'm thinking is factory original just to give it some strength 45 strength usually i see 30 percent hercules hercules powder 50 pounds there's that nice logo pretty good shape you're sitting outside on the ground yeah seriously especially in this kind of environment yeah that's pretty cool this is weird yeah i noticed that i was curious about that i wonder if this was a repurposed or it was repurposed yeah you know what this could have originally been a dovetail they just could have cut it and i can't actually it might be a little smaller than a standard interesting yeah it is it's kind of healthier brush but that's that that shack we checked out before i'm at the next lower level down and you can see the foundation just extends down the hill here there's a bunch of sheet metal and stuff here and then that just extends all the way down the hill there's a sheet metal and scraps of equipment and such running all the way down there so somebody could have a field day here if you wanted to i noticed the uh old canteen here which i thought was kind of cool and uh maybe a carbide can there and this is all waste rock right there from that at it and speaking of addis let's go check that out it out we have the workshop to my right and all of the equipment and of course we have it's nice looking at it which is dry at least from what i can see here which i really appreciate old tank there let's go check out let's dry at it of course fact is dry may mean that it's not that big but i'm going to be an optimist see the rail stacked up there on the left it's a good sign because we never rail like this didn't go back very far it does go back when i see a big jumble of wood ventilation pipe on the right big jumble of wood i think i can get through that a bunch of good mineralization here you see these moths gathered there cool looking i don't know my mobs that well to tell you what kind that is but i'll bet somebody in the audience does cap and post timbering except the caps have disappeared they haven't disappeared they're rotted on the ground but that's what that is just stepped in a big pile of mud there's a fair amount of timber in here i can see why because this is busted down fairly ugly looking actually this is very ugly looking with that slab right there about to drop just to give one example and all this on the left about to go as well it's mildly concerning i wouldn't want to camp out there you can see the lagging on the right is the same setup with all the waste rock and such pile behind it actually a lot of this is stuff that just caved off or sloughed off the ribs yeah some of that's waste a lot of that stuff that's left off trying to get through just keep going but still looks bad so this is what a deteriorating mine looks like see how rotten all the boards are gonna move on through this section some cool formations there and there's some quartz to the vein extends along here oh this is not looking fun at all that's all caved right there looks like there's a winds on the left a ton of stuff has come down here i hope i can make it through that i don't know if i can get through that or not i'll check that's i don't know what that was oh i guess that must have been a hoist or something mounted there or at least a windlass for this winds on the left giving how muddy the water is i have no way of telling how deep that is a lot okay i guess i can get through that a lot of material let's come down here though keeps going back that way you see all the stuff that's smashed down on top of this and this whole slab is broken off right here can you see that can you see that fracture point right there that's that's off the rib that's not waiting to fall that did fall and it's just kind of resting on the ground same with this one that's already broken off oh man i was just under this look at what i climbed under that's crazy this runs down to the winds i'm really curious what that winds but i'm not going down that even if you had a submersible that wouldn't do any good because the water's so murky these crazy formations here i did i thought this might have been a stop at first but i don't think this is a stoke i think this all caved and i'm walking on the cave material here what i'm trying to say of course i'm walking the cave material what i meant to say is i'm walking on what used to be the top of the edit looks bad up there too there's some more quartz here see a little bit right there this isn't really a fat vein or anything though that's pretty deep there let's just check and see if there might be winds there but i don't think so see this is all i thought they might have picked that out but i think that just caved back there see it had some pretty large timbers set up here and they jammed all those uh that's called the lagging they jammed all those boards in there to try and hold back the sides or the ribs of the attitude oh man is that the face let me get over there check out the size of these timbers these are really large these are at least 12 to 14 inches across very large you know what guys that's the face that's not a cave in that is the face remember i told you the quartzine didn't look that impressive i think the miners agreed there's a little bit right there but it must not have acid out very well and you see how much stuff has crumbled down they probably didn't like working on this one i don't really like being on this one either this one's pretty sketch or sporty as i say admiring the cap and post timbering here pretty good job with that and it's interesting to me see they don't have a post on the right here they just balanced it off of the the rock there look at those slabs look at the size of those slabs have come down that's why i just came through those are huge each one of those is the size of a couch so they are definitely needed and they probably had a set like this running through there that failed you see the remains of the timbers down the water but that's what that was so there's the attic we just finished checking out and we're gonna head up the road now and uh see what else you might find it was pointed out to me i missed earlier that the uh the frame this little uh lean to or shed here all made out of rail it's all or cart rail which uh i thought was pretty cool so we'll head up now and uh see what else this site might have well i was right about there being more here because we've just come up a few more feet and you look up and that looks like a bunk house up there can't wait to go check that out all along here i've been pointing a little bit out but all along here's all kinds of metal and things like that down the hillside i mean it's just got to be a ton of stuff down there a bunch of water coming out here which makes me think there is yep there isn't at it that's a fair amount of water coming out of the attic so uh that might be a decent one there's the portal there that looks really cool there's a portal there and you've got that uh it looks like a bunkhouse but we'll see for sure in a bit um and then i just see this misty expanse right there that's really cool it looks open too i can't wait to get back to that one uh let me go ahead up and check that out first and then come back and hit this one which i'm looking forward to portal's right there and i'm following this trail up to what i think goes to the bunk house and uh we saw this old car sort of tossed down the hillside there so uh my buddy jason go check it out that looks pretty cool though hard to tell what vintage that might be but it's an oldie that's for sure if you find something cool uh i'll include that in the video in the meantime i'll go check out that house i'm really curious about that okay i'm heading up that trail to the uh bunk house or what i believe is a bunk house now i should just leave the camera on because there's so much stuff here keep seeing stuff see some nice uh quartz samples here big pile of wood there who knows what that's for and i'm sure there's more stuff up yeah wow look at this look at this oh wow that is an awesome old truck wow what a great old flatbed truck you see the bed wooden beds almost completely rotted away nice course sample right there actually so the mineralization there anyway this truck i'm excited about that is just awesome go around front get a better view of it it's not easy to back here but here's a view of the front of that truck with i just noticed an interesting hitch on it here in the front you see that extends out here interesting obviously yeah uh after market modification here's a look at the front of it this is really cool there's the engine that's when we put plastic over it i don't know much how difference that's going to make now but it's a nice thought chevrolet it's an old chevy and it might be an old military truck because it says usa right there and it looks like there's a serial number looks like an old i don't know if this is uh pre-world war ii even i'm not sure i'm not good with my chevy's maybe somebody in the audience will know i'm sure somebody will there's inside looks like the uh rat's been having a good time here there's the uh instrument panel the view down to the pedals i've a tough time here with a big steering wheel and the awkward position and such man this is this is really cool this is uh one of the neatest things i've seen so far here the view back not really excited about that uh that bunk house with this much cool stuff here that's kind of a cool shot see out to the front grill right there all right we made it up to the presumed bunk house here lost the road actually and got kind of had to be kind of a scramble to get up here but we did it obviously yeah even the glass windows are still intact see that right there looks like there must be an upper level there maybe for storage and again that lower at it is just there you can see there's not a lot between the foundation of this bunk house and going over the side see it's already sagging right there so this probably will not be here for too much longer i'm glad we are able to see this when we can i guess we'll just let ourselves inside got the kitchen here all kinds of bits and pieces of equipment on it sink and running water and electricity so that's uh you live pretty well here oh man awesome old stove right there wow i cannot imagine that i'm bringing that up here that is unreal i cannot make out the manufacturer maybe somebody at home can i can't make that out really cool finally [Applause] from a distance that looks like the radiation symbol okay there's the view of the upper level there and then you can see where it's starting to come down through and also here that's that door we saw the other side of a minute ago and then the floorboards obviously not in the best of shape cold covers the rats have made good use of the cupboards and drawers this is really cool all right some sort of living room here uh it's really rotted right there you can see that's caving in right there actually this is that section we saw from the outside that was collapsing right there so i'm not gonna walk over there oh he has a fireplace how cool is that this is a proper building not some flown together garbage full-on fireplace i do not see fireplaces very often like this at mines [Applause] that is cool see the rats have been busy uh more rooms here kind of hallway here i've got a little storage nook right here looks like and i'm not sure what that is right here but it's sagging so i'm not going to walk out there and this is a really cool screened in little porch right here that would be real nice after a long day sit out here protect it from the mosquitoes have a cold beer after a hard day in the mine that would be nice got okay here's the bathroom obviously so yeah definitely had to run your water didn't really expect that to be full but i thought i'd check okay leaving the bathroom i don't know those old suitcase look at that huh that's pretty cool i'm not sure what this room was entirely mystery box here nothing in it huh and a closet obviously a little storage space there man what a really cool bunk house or cab in our house whatever you want to call it this place is really cool man newspaper lining the walls ah porcupines have uh exposed oh i missed that round trip to los angeles 18 bucks on a boat really oh that is what a thank you for the porcupines man that's cool look at that looking at the newspapers and let me know the mine over the scene looking like 30s early 30s yeah i haven't seen a date yet but just judging from the prices and the look of things huh that is really cool if any more sections finding more sections where it's uh talking about here's a date ah it says january 23rd or 20th 28th no year though some more over here exposed a picture of a baby this is also january the height of the year for me yeah me too [Music] there's a newspaper we're just checking out right there and uh there's a fair amount exposed over here but of course not the date has a huge fly right there wow um of course not the date exposed and over there i'm glad they used the newspaper as insulation it's interesting to us decades later we have the house right there of course and it's time to go check out this at it beneath the got a house right in front which i like to see got some water back there we have the waders on so it's not a concern unless i have leaks in them but these are new waders so hopefully they don't already out of the water i like to see that just looking around for a vein or anything i've not seen anything yet so oh there's some quartz already yeah this is an older mine and uh usually they would see something on the surface and just run it back didn't have all the modern drilling equipment such that we do now got some flowstone maybe up a here bit of ground fall right there this is sort of a dry flow still see it's got that marbled look to it sit on santa just after winter you know when the spring is really warming up and there's ton of water percolating through but there's a good amount of water flowing down through there but it's just barely seeping out right now so i mean you can see it glistening because there's a little bit of water on it but i guarantee you in the spring there's a good amount of water dripping down there see like i said a little bit of ground fall here i came out of the side there rib of the at it as the miners call it and you can see it's this flaky crumbly kind of slate rock i always see this stuff sloughing off or caving and like i said there's more of it there still the rail here underneath my feet you can see the nature of the rock has changed quite a bit i've got some orange mineralization and all this slabbed off from there the attic keeps running back and around the bend there you can see a timber support right there and interestingly i just looked over and saw this obviously that a stole or excuse me timber support jammed in there as well so that's where that see the wood fragments right there that's where that would have been jamming on the other side obviously they needed it here based on what's in front of me get by this i just climbed over that mess you see more timber supports above me obviously i needed them here based on what we're seeing on the ground in front of me there's a much better echo actually i don't know if that's coming across in the camera but that's a sign of more solid ground slabs starting to come off right there see what i mean but there's definitely a better echo in here okay i'm done straight back away there's something going off the right maybe now we got some water here okay yes there is something off to the right but that's it that is as far as that goes so enough that was exploratory or they're headed back there and realized they were on the wrong heading for whatever reason they carried on down this direction big mineralized slab right there peace out right there you see the rail here in front of me very clearly it's getting very drippy back here really hoping i'm getting a water dripping on the microphone that just messes up the video like you wouldn't believe oh wow that's definitely a mess there there's something directly to my right oh this might have been an ore shoot or something but it's just timber support obviously stuff was cracking down from the back of the attic there oh this is ugly this is all stuff that broke off cave down there's a little bit of quartz up there see the vein right there it's interesting everything seems to have broken off of that section and the vein dips down behind me into the floor of the edit there but this wasn't a stop this all just broke off as you can see in front of me here and it continues straight ahead you see the quartz vein running all along the right there i'll climb over this and pick up right there i just climbed over that and i wanted to show you a little closer look at the vein before i continue nice looking quartz and this section you can see the iron staining in it gold is very common where you see quartz and iron together as you see here they say gold rather than iron horse see a little slow stone starting to develop along the edge there it's got kind of a popcorn look obviously this section is concerning to the miners because you see they've got this lagging all along here looks like we're getting into a more quartzy section up here which is cool interesting formation there yes there is a lot more quartz in here it's hard to tell but underneath the flow stone there there's a fair amount of quartz and you can especially see it here and along there you see how this interesting see ceiling timbers were those wedges were jammed in behind the timbers to put even more make it even more tight less space for the rock to give okay looks like we have a stove to the right running up there i'll take a closer look in a second i just want to show you the quartz fan into my right here that's all quartz and you can see where pieces of it have broken off and landed at my feet here the attic continues to the right around that way now looking up this still continues quite away you see that that's 40 feet or more up and what's interesting he's got this big slab right here and they carved out maybe a foot and a half underneath it let me get a better look at that so the slab is about a foot and a half there it narrows down to maybe four or five inches right there and yet somehow they extended it up gosh four or five feet i don't know if they were just barring that down or what that's all quartz i don't know how they got that out that's crazy i mean the only thing i would fit in there would be a bar that's pretty wild directly overhead you see the quartz and the iron which again like i said is a good indicator for gold so i'm not surprised they stoked out this section pretty well considering the size of this massive slab here it extends all the way over those [Music] timbers and of course up through that tiny crack as well it's amazing that that timber is supporting all of that okay i'm very curious what else might be back here more quartz vein action there and on the top nice fat blob of quartz on the rib here this is starting to go those timbers are failing and dumped all this quartz material here better look at it just dumping all that down uh oh think this may be it that's an ugly collapse i'm not surprised all this other stuff is failing okay better look in a minute i just want to see what's here i'm going to climb up a bit okay see how this is all fragmented and starting to slab off that's what's bringing down these timbers these slabs are fracturing and smashing the timbers here they tried to support this one but you can see it failed whereas in the process of failing i should say behind me again this is all ridden with quartz so the temptation is there i'm sure for the miners to go after this here's a good look a slab breaking off of course i came in on a section there this is what was over my head big slab breaking off here i just climbed up on that pile of debris and was looking at that upper section from that vantage point this is where i came in got a big chain on this post right here not sure that we've been used for this is a section i was i said didn't look so hot and i think my assessment was correct down my knee now and that is cave to the top you see this cable wrapped around the rock right here it almost looks as if they were trying to pull that out the cable bends and loops around here and i'm wondering if they were attempting to clear this blockage unsuccessfully from the looks of it see the timbers are all saturated that's actually not as bad as if they're just damp when they're damp they rot the most quickly when they're pretty saturated like this they tend to last a bit longer but obviously not as long as the dry is in the dry desert mines nevada there's some good quartz back there that's for sure makes me wonder what else is there but unfortunately we won't be finding out today we have the house on the hill of course and if you'll recall we have the at it just below and the road we came in on and call me crazy but i think this may have been a blacksmith shop here that hood right there is what i would expect from blacksmith shop see the stack running up and the metally bits that are around here are blacksmith-esque from what i've seen another abandoned mines i just noticed the other pipe right there see that the end sticking on the ground and something running up up in the trees to nowhere apparently anyway back to the brazilian blacksmith shop you can see it has this concrete foundation running back to those barrels there so again call me crazy but i suspect that's what that was and an operation like this would undoubtedly have had at least some blacksmithing capability
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 78,907
Rating: 4.9356985 out of 5
Keywords: Gold Mine Hidden Away In Forest Paradise, Gold Mining, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Mine, Mine Exploring, Underground Gold Mining, Hidden Gold Mine, UrbEx, Hidden Home, Ghost Town, Minecraft, Mine Shaft, Adit, Quartz Gold Vein, Quartz, Stope, Winze, Forest Utopia
Id: AWxflQxPBis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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