Meth Lab Was Hidden In This Abandoned Mine

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this mine is a decline as you can see there's the uh the rail down there and i can see it runs down there's a platform or something right there it looks like some stuff taken off from there so i'm gonna drop in past this and i will join you down at that platform i just dropped in from up there and i'm now down at this level here and i can't tell it keeps going past me or not there's as you can see a bunch of workings over here and work bench here and some stuff over there uh i'm assuming i don't know i just stopped right there i thought that kept dropping now it doesn't and over here looks like there's a stuff dropping down there i'm not sure yet i'm gonna have to dig around and figure this one out i think i'm standing on a false floor actually um it just runs back over there i'll i'll figure this stuff out in front of me in a minute in the meantime i want to take a closer look at the stuff over here i heard a rumor that there was a meth lab down here at one time let me explain some of the stuff we're seeing barrel right there coors light see a lot of coors light and bud light in mind that's a straight of course that's not quartz light um [Applause] kind of meth laby right uh let's see looks like the remains of some box springs here newspaper uh see dates or anything on it here we go 1986. not too old um yeah okay i'm still on top of this platform looks like it just levels out right there i'm not sure what the deal is with that and we've got stuff running off i don't fall down that way and a bunch of stuff dumped down here this is a difficult one to video these weird angles and everything uh after i finish this initial little survey i'll get some better angles for you guys um looking up this way looks like there's a little okay that might be drifting off that way it's just a little chamber up there and that connects that stuff over there so uh yeah let me let me size things up here and then i'll uh turn the camera back on and explain things okay back on that platform where i started of course i came in from up there and i asked about this one and was advised it just goes down there is another level down there there's a there's a small one it's just a light bulb down there and nothing else of interest so we'll pass that one up in favor of the uh more interesting workings that are behind me back that way a couple things i noticed speaking of budweiser and such spuds mackenzie and there is a bud light can right there so what i said holds true and another thing i noticed is that on this beam here they've got padding there and also on the other side over here which makes you wonder how many times someone whacked their head on that put those in but i'm sure that must have happened a lot so as i was saying the uh the workings are down there we need to wrap our way down there so i'm going to turn the camera off and start heading down just real quickly i was filming from there just a second ago and uh that's the platform i was standing on of course and uh pretty interesting timber working here you see it's holding up a lot of stuff a lot of rock up there and uh remember we looked through there earlier and now as i said it's a question of uh twisting and winding our way down through this stuff i know it looks uh impossible but you can actually slide under that and uh keep heading our way down nothing right there so as i said um i'm gonna need both hands for this so i'm gonna turn the camera off and i'll rejoin you when it gets interesting all right we just wrapped our way down from up there kind of pain in the ass uh slipping and sliding down these rocks there's a little chamber there that uh just goes back and stops and then down here it levels out a little bit and there's a little chamber [Applause] here uh a bunch of piled in it and uh it keeps going but i'll do that in a minute i'm gonna see what's on the other side so there's that one there and then over here doing some black light action yeah we need the right type of light well i was like try it on this piece on the wall because it's it's covered up in dust there and it might not be showing up there just here hold this oh i'd say right here would be there oh yeah that's fluorescing i think let's go in yellow yeah it looks pretty cool almost what is it is that long wave oh it's not i thought this just went back a little way i didn't expect it to uh to run back that far so um that drift i came down or that i don't know what you call that that hole i circled down uh also stuff run off that way that's the direction my friends went um oh it sounds like gobby right there that's pretty cool um but i'm curious about where this goes so i'm gonna head down this one and catch up to them in a minute a little bit crumbly down here the uh the rock here so i'm not too surprised to see all this ground fall but it looks like it clears out once we get into this drift here i just came from over there and uh scrambled over this stuff here's that ore shoot we were seeing from the side very plugged as you can see all the way up and drift keeps running this way the rail here looks like another or shoot here that's kind of neat seeing that uh the extra little shoot piece at the end there's the full shoot circle this must be one of those uh pockets or stokes i circled around on the way in good stuff continuing see that tank right there pick up a little bit of an echo which makes sense because there's not a bunch of ground fall here so the echo makes sense a bunch of twisted up rubble and i think i see daylight yeah like i said that runs up to there turn the light off yeah i'll get both lights off so you believe me so that runs up to the surface obviously so i will uh go back and uh catch up to the others all right i just came from back there and uh you see this ground it's not easy to work through it's very narrow that's only a couple feet so it's a pain to maneuver around here so i'm breathing hard it's in a little chamber here and something interesting here is there's a calcite all over the place see that a big chunk of calcite right there that's pretty cool huh and there's also a big chunk here but it's got dust on someone just showed you better i thought this was interesting there's a respirator here msa respirator which i thought i was seen any respirator boxes underground before so that's kind of cool and then also of interest is i've been standing on a false floor the whole time right here and that drops down there and uh don't know if we can reach that or not but there's nothing there's no ladder or anything going down there right now so uh for now we'll oh i just know something else see the uh they got a windlass here see the notches for where the uh get off this so you can see better you see the notches where the windlass would have been so they could crank stuff up obviously these boards would have been moved when they were hauling stuff up but uh that's pretty fun and then my friends are there so let's go see what they're up to okay i just came through there from over there and there's some pretty impressive gobbing back here as well as those old-school timbers where they just cut the tree down and shave the branches off and slap it in that one narrows down right there the tree uh was growing up that's pretty amazing same thing here you just scrape the branches off in some of the bark and also you can see this gobbing here runs up and then also back there um there's stuff running over here see the carnation milk box there's stuff running over that direction and also just there's a little pocket down there it's been backfilled there's also stuff uh up here see more of that gobbing that's uh that's impressive gobby and then this uh okay that's the area we're just looking at a minute ago that's just that carnation milk box was backed on the right there that connects in there and then more gobbing here and all through here and up to there you see more so we'll head up there and check that stuff out and uh see what awaits us up there there's just some more calcite here yeah right there if that sparkle is coming across on the camera or not okay just came from down there and as you can see there's a drift running off into here i'll go check that into a second there's also a drift running ahead here down that way where my friends have gone that's pretty impressive look at that look at those huge slabs being held up by those little timbers wow and just a little pocket right here where they uh dump some waste rock behind the gobbing here so before we go any farther though i want to check out this little side drift here see how far this goes that is burned burning things is not a good idea in a mine huh there's a little uh little stop action right there in this chamber and i feel like there's a bunch of stuff here i want to miss anything a little knee-high gobbing along the edge there and let's see this looks like the wrapping for explosives [Music] oh wow look at that a very well preserved uh carbide container or the lid to a carbide container that is really awesome you almost always seem all rusted out and no good it's amazing to even be able to read this lid great stuff i'm impressed uh okay just some uh yes the wrapping for explosives just goes back and stops there more calcite back there that's really brilliant calcite there actually and it just stops right here has this board right here holding back the mountain so i will uh head back and cut down that main drift okay just look down there and i'm back in this main drift heading down this way still mightily impressed by the work these little skinny timbers are doing look at that let's do a branch up there and that's holding all that rock back the old timers were good at what they did here's a look that drift runs up there and mounts to the left probably see that better looking oh yeah i can see a better view of that so that's what i was talking about we just threw a couple trees up there and holding back an extraordinary amount of rock very cool and it almost seems like a fault but it's not smooth enough on the right [Applause] so wrapping our way back here more gobbing all around me and uh that's unusual almost looks like float stone huh it's unusual rock that stands out here and we keep going this way more gobbing [Applause] a little stoke chamber here that goes up there more crumbly rock of course is that an interesting mineral you're checking out here yeah there's little crystals in this pocket here that's cool those crystals are right there and then just looking back the way we came get your bearings also give you a sense of the size of this chamber here actually gobbing there uh looking ahead that's very unique actually look at that goblin stacked up that high i have not seen that before where they actually have a die high off the ground huh that's that takes some skill actually to stack that up without that caving there's a pillar right there that looks pretty filled in the rubble but it looks like it might connect to something back around that way i'll check uh timber here that's daylight right there i believe a tank down here cool tank uh this is a pretty unique horseshoe they just cut a couple barrels up and uh looks like they weld them together to make the ore shoot clever there's a bat right there this little guy i don't want to bother him though so i'm going to get out of here uh yeah i always say that is daylight what do we have here a bunch of cans and stuff here this is bottom up shaft that is looking up the shaft to the surface huh i'm not gonna be able to climb out that one that is for sure i still have this side [Applause] more of that elevated gobbing very interesting uh big big box in here huge rocks more rocks uh a little still there and this is impressive look at that [Applause] that runs up to the surface very interesting look at that pretty big chamber and it ran it up to the surface there's some huge boulders right there uh this runs back behind me through here stops there a little ladder here i see daylight there um i don't think there's anything up there let's go up there real quickly and check i'm going to climb up the ladder and uh you can see some impressive gobbing here runs up there and then uh runs back there and stops and then uh that just runs up to the surface there as well all right back in that chamber where it first came into this area we just finished exploring that section up there and remember that carnation milk box there and there's this stuff going off here i hadn't checked out yet and turns into a rocky mess that keeps dropping down and down and down huh i guess that leads to uh that winds down there huh actually i bet this does too got that running off down that way uh behind me here okay there's a stop right there just stops there uh so it appears we're gonna head toward that winds uh and it's hard to walk on this stuff let's roll around underneath my boots ah man tough going okay uh looks like a dead end uh i'll check that more closely in a second uh had a drift going this way i'll check that in a second too too many things to check uh that just backfills right there and uh doesn't go anywhere this uh that must connect to the surface like all the trash down here uh i turn my light off yeah that connects to the surface that explains all the trash here so that is that and still have that one behind me to examine it leads off this way [Music] and backfill keeps going that way oh i finally stand up wrapping our way around and around [Applause] backfill and still going okay all right it looks like maybe a shaft right there i think i see daylight try the camera off and check i have a light off i mean uh no i do not see daylight at all never mind let me uh let's take the camera back there and see what i see okay just a uh a little stoked out chamber here that is it so i'd say we're done with this mine you
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 35,555
Rating: 4.8725343 out of 5
Keywords: Meth Lab Was Hidden In This Abandoned Mine, Breaking Bad, Hidden Meth Lab, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Mine Explorers, Abandoned Mine, Underground Meth Lab, Underground Mine Explorers, Mine Shaft, Minecraft, Stope, Gobbing, Calcite, Black Light, Winze, Adit, Mine Tunnel, Mining History, Geology, chloro-bromides, Acanthite, Hemimorphite, Chlorargyrite
Id: m8u03T4HyHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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