Miners' Underground Library In Unique Mine

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all right we hiked up from the valley down there and have come to the mine interesting setup here uh trestle there with the rocks and given how finely ground that stuff is i'd say those are tailings here we have an ore shoot a fairly unique one the bin right there of course the orb come down here and when i ready to dump it out it would lower that uh there's no ore in the chute at the present so let's go up and check out the mine all right there's the audit right there that's our stuff on the ground there and you can see the rail coming out here a little junction right here see there's rail running off this way i'm guessing uh waste rock since uh not something else over here [Applause] there's some working over there too that's just surface stuff and then of course the uh other set of track right there goes to the bin there that we saw from below and uh this is defunct so again those do look like tailings but that's so old who knows obviously hasn't been used in a while so doesn't even have track going on anymore i'm just curious about the ore that might be in the bin or to tell much from that all right let's head on in all right just inside the portal here and uh looks good let's go see where this goes i love seeing the rail that's always a plus for me a big rail fan this is the strap rail too it's not the uh it's all hardcore rail what they would do is they put the uh the metal strips there on top of the wood rather than using full duty rail sometimes did it because it was cheaper sometimes they did it to save a hassle of pulling heavy railing for a long distance because obviously that doesn't last as long as a regular full duty rail uh a little raise here going up looks like it terminates there and that keeps going this way yeah a bunch of block and tackle right there some rope uh that's backfield i'll go check that later i'll just hear this main uh attic goes here first that looks like an oar cart that is an ore cart but that's a very odd looking oar cart i guess it fits the uh at it though tall and skinny i guess that's the requirement inside here there's a turntable right here that is pretty awesome and there's stuff going on in all different directions here there's uh something there something there something there something there and something here um look at this ore car first it doesn't look has even been used no it hasn't this hasn't even been used huh oh huh that is odd well that's pretty cool didn't roll very easily either well i'm gonna start the left here and uh work my way around get some uh timbering right here see the rocks peeking through obviously this is necessary um you see some stuff's been taken out down there and looking up there was an overshoot here at one time as you can see but it's obviously plugged actually that there's an horseshoe on this side too you see it part of the man way way up there too to service this so there must be some pretty good stops on either side that's old though that's the uh i thought those aren't like milled logs those are just boards from outside huh that is totally heavily loaded too i just fully loaded above us so i'm not gonna make a lot of loud noise here because i don't want to bring this down on top of me um okay take some background here um okay there's something running back there okay i just dead ends right there there's some boards and stuff tossed back there that's it excuse me looking over here this is just back filled there and then there's a little stop above us there and then this is either caved or backfilled here so let's go back down the next branch all right i've got the ore car there and we just went down that one to the right so now we're gonna head up and see what the deal is here looks like this is a stop or maybe a raise i see a ladder going on i just climbed up the ladder there and i have to say it's a lot more extensive than i expected uh you have a stop here it runs up there and it runs way over my head here as you can see and then back up there check that in a minute see the angle going up there uh yeah what am i trying to say it's fairly steep getting up there but i think i can do it perhaps most interesting to me though is this archway right here as all rock not being held up by much and there's a shoot going up at beyond uh it just terminates a short distance beyond that but i thought that was really cool looking right there all right i was shooting down there a minute ago and i climbed up here as you look across the way and uh anybody recognize this stuff this is why there's some bad ground in here not really what i want to see directly overhead all this stuff crumbling um looking straight ahead that's where those ore shoots are dropping down right there they looked up on the uh the first side just we went down right there at least one of them anyway so don't really like the ground here so i'm gonna get out and uh head down the next drift coming back down again and i've got that stone arch directly overhead right there and that's that that raise going up past it that's really cool i really think that's neat okay the ore car is there i'm heading down the next drift you can see there's a little barrel there some of that strap rail right there and yeah it is our excuse me the drift is going this way little pocket cleared out right there interesting minerals here and continues this way interesting i see the contact zone right there this is obviously a very just just very distinct from that interesting that's very distinct huh look somebody gouged out a sample right there it looks like mud almost huh wow the millerization here that's pretty impressive and we're still going i didn't think much of this one but still running back still running back and what do we have up here looks like we've got some gobbing back filling that section there a little side pocket here and that is the end right there and i was just checking to see if there's like a winds or anything but that is it all right we just went down that drift we're back at that main junction now there's the ore cart for your point of reference uh i was looking at this right here in front of me and this is a flat car you can see where the wheels go in there that's what i think that is now the rail keeps going this way so i'm curious what's down here um there's also a rail there and you see they punch through the side of the attic here and that mineralization wow no surprise they're interested in this site huh um and then this is where that barrel is through there so let's keep going okay that looks like that connects that what is this here okay this does connect to that drift we just look down there's or cart there so we'll get this later now we need to be consistent that's cool old pick sitting there good stuff uh or shoot here as you can see it's got a bunch of stuff in it oh that is a loaded loaded ore sheet so i'm not gonna stand here too long uh you see it running up there very heavily loaded here there's some bad ground a few places in this mine ah okay that runs ahead for a way i'll climb over this will pick up over there all right climbed over that cave section back there and we're continuing along here kind of featureless and boring so i waited to turn the camera on there is a cross cut running off there though just dead ends right there this is an older mine you can tell by the size it's getting smaller pretty dusty back here oh man it's getting really small still going grab our way through if they're falling in vain or what they were doing here i don't see much sign of that but they're squirming all over the place like a snake or something all right rock just changed that's inside that mud looking rock again and they're very low in here oh man there is a tumbleweed right there which means there must be something above us okay tumbleweed there i i feel airflow that must run up to the outside right there and it's dark now outside so we wouldn't see the sunlight but that's that's where that's going to go i'll uh turn the camera off to crawl through there and then i'll uh i'll pick up again i just crawled over that and uh picking up the drift again here still hunched over you can tell a lot of material is washed down from above uh it's very low in here okay this is kind of weird there's a weird little room here got a drift one there a little shelf right there something going back there and then uh just squared off this room is that kind of weird i'm not used to seeing something like this huh um but i won't spend too long admiring the contours of the room i see some magazines down here but they've been in the mud jar or something right there uh let's see something about the lutheran church these magazines are toast census report uh there we go a lot of stuff by the lutheran church here but how about that date look at that 1938 that was a long time ago well this uh there's a devout miner here or maybe somebody wanted the miner to be devout and just abandon the magazines here either way that's pretty neat um got the remains of uh some work table or workbench and dead ends right there looks like the uh rodents have made use of the magazines and let's see there's more down here these are too too worked over to uh so much about i can tell her old though you see stuff like that nowadays i keep finding more saturday evening post that's old as well no dates left i'm afraid uh that looks like lassie right there let's see the razor 69 cents certainly oh look at this a schlitz beer ad that's really cool i'll chew to hell but there are some interesting things in these magazines here um let me turn the camera off and see if i can open these up at all if anything interesting okay so this dates to december 1933 and it says chew tempters which i'm guessing is gum since i've got spearmint flavor right there uh let's talk about let's talk of shoe feature in america selfies ge lamps i call it okay i call them as edison mazda which you know of course edison was involved in the founding of general electric we got pawns powder here mother and daughter two ages with the same complexion wow this is really cool paralyzed pores wow sounds like a big problem okay i opened up the american magazine and this dates from august 1938 check out some of these advertisements new mexico school of mines is very timely now college for women if anyone if any of you want to read this stuff you can just pause the video horse and buggy days by john kieran a few doctors die of diabetes hmm dog's life in hollywood well i could spend a long time here looking at that stuff but we still have a mine needs to be explored and let's see looks like i might have a raise overhead here nope just a little stop here and see the minerals right there through here oh that bat freaked me out um a little stop right here runs up there that bat's wing touched my ear when it flew by that's what startled me all i'll right under this man it keeps going this uh this mine is bigger than i expected keeps going there and let's see this goes back and stops there a little pocket cleared out here huh it's kind of where there is rails here i wonder if that's saying like don't go ahead or something keeps going that way huh or maybe somebody just bent them up because they're bored i see let's see like battles 1933 abe moss in 1886 and then take allen looks like coc 1958 yeah this is an old mine huh okay still goes ahead here little raise right here stops up there uh just initials still going okay that's just bent up rails that's not indicative of anything obviously uh okay little pocket right there that was a bat just flew across the front and that's the end right there and they obviously backfilled that rather than haul that stuff out which is understandable since it stops there well i'm pretty impressed with this mine so far um i have to say you know what's interesting is you see that strap rail here obviously it ran all the way through but the stuff that washed down that raised neck connected to the surface covered it up also some backfill and stuff here too so i'm gonna head back and we'll pick up with that last drift so i'm coming back past that raise it goes to the outside i guess you could say that was a shaft too uh since it goes to the surface but who knows i'm using it as an overpass or something anyway uh i guess there was a mummified kangaroo rat here so now you can say you've seen a mummified kangaroo rat your day will be complete i'm guessing the fall killed him since he uh didn't go far from the bottom here all right we're back at that or cart and we've got the last drift to explore here that's where we looked through before that's where we actually walked through before remember that rail right there little nowhere pocket right there there is a ladder here runs up to a raise right there let's see if this is good okay looks like it uh runs up there let me check all right it runs up to there and you can see that's caved unfortunately um i can tell there's a raise come up there as well uh it's too bad those caves all right i just climbed with the ladder there and for now continuing down this drift little pocket right there they cleared out what is up here [Music] okay um that stops right there there's two winds right here okay just stops right there that is the bottom there obviously exploratory nature or sand plain or something and then falling through here that's the end right there all right this is that one we bypassed on the way in i said check it out later fortunately my buddy checked it out said it just goes back there and bends around and that's it so i see the bat just flew out um so we're not missing anything at all there all right just inside the portal and we are off to a very good start because i already see an ore car there's one advantage to hiking a long way to get to a mine you get to see cool stuff like this okay the ore car is just back there i had to climb over that to uh get back here so i turned the camera off and put it away because it was quite a crawl and got to an interesting uh false floor situation here which uh extends back that way a little stop overhead here and that just runs up to there it doesn't go very far um i will give this false floor a shot and we'll see what is back here i'll even leave the camera on so if i fall you can laugh at me okay that first one was the worst um looking straight down see the block and tackle right there and that looks like the bottom right there actually i think they're just hauling stuff up from down there huh hard to hold the camera steady and the light steady at the same time continuing on let's say we're on a fault because i don't see the flat smooth surface on my left that's what that normally indicates see some stalls right there a little back filled section right here that's gobbing [Applause] uh it just goes back there and stops carrying on a ladder here that uh drops down there they've always been taking some stuff out of the bottom of the attic or the floor of the attic right there that carries on across and it stops right there i have to go across and check all right i just climbed across from over there um i'm making way up the other side there's a little uh i don't know i'm too tired to even think about what you would call this uh a little area dropping down here they cleared out it's mostly full of backfill now uh start to climb up a little bit to get out of this but you can see the timbers here are pretty cool especially the unmilled wood right here i think that's particularly cool good stuff all right uh see you guys duck under this get up there okay not great just uh it stops here a lot of work for nothing um this goes back and stops there these tumors are holding the significant amount of weight these are quite old as well you see those are just hacked out by hand uh there's a little stop up there see some gobbing down here there's a rail there and shipped over and that goes up there and stops huh okay well not too big but these stops must have paid well those old old timbers i love it well obviously an old old mine but this had some more recent work done on that as well so good stuff look at those unmilled timbers really cool all right i'm tired very tired i'm a very long hike getting in here uh it's been dark for too much longer we had a long hike back down the mountain so i'll wrap this one up here
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 26,849
Rating: 4.9604564 out of 5
Keywords: Miners' Underground Library In Unique Mine, Underground Library, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine, Minecraft, Ghost Town, Mine Shaft, Nevada Silver Mine, Silver Mining, Silver, Stope, Adit, Winze, Geology
Id: _f8dyZC9nO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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