Pleasant Exterior Hides Ancient Catastrophe

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i sure do love it when there's still buildings and stuff like this on the surface at these old mines somehow these have escaped the forest service and fires and harsh winters and they are still standing barely but still standing how cool are these and look at the old shake roof on that one siding these are fantastic i am so glad we came across these yeah not too much longer i'm afraid something's been gnawing on the support right there let's go look inside i wait for my friends to catch up cook stove there yeah so that tree that came down ripped off the front of the building there unfortunately got [Music] calendar here from 1996. there's more right in here 1991 hunting dates bear season october 12th 1991 december 29th 1990 one i think you guys can read the deer stuff and human beings no season still in the bunk house looking around and i took another look at this 1996 calendar here and is able to read it and it says honor mother nature and father time preserve heritage and respect today you are a special human being and over there it says god bless you i think it says with peace or may god bless you with peace i think that's peace it looks kind of like place but it doesn't really make sense may god bless you with a place so i think it's peace and then it says happy 1996 on the left and behind here says please leave at the mine please love gail so there you go the mystery has been deciphered i don't know if i focus on the little can opener right there that's kind of cool as well let's go check out that building over there we just finished checking out that building now this building here which looks like it might be even older it's got just these large timbers driven in for a foundation i'm somewhat amazed it's still standing i don't see anything modern about this just for example you just have the shake siding and roof on this one whereas that one has sheet metal so this may be the oldest building here looks like we're working with a workshop here although there are the remains of some bed frames and box springs right there looks like a windlass in front of me right there see that looks like an old windlass so presumably yeah look see the you turn it with there presumably this all came out of the mine or was intended to be used in the mine we're gonna go check out got some modern pvc pipe up there so that kind of solidifies my idea so i got some nine wire hanging over there and mine looking stuff you would use no mine all around me looks like the remains of a single jacking drill bit right there anyway kind of supports the idea this being the workshop i guess the lesson of this is to get out in the mountains and the deserts and see these places before they're gone forever like i said if this looks like that after 25-ish years and when it was habitable it's not coming around for much longer so get out and see these treasures while they're still here all right i just kind of looks like there's something running down that way kind of so i think that's kind of the direction the mine's in anyway so i'm gonna start heading down there once we get to the mine i'll get out the good camera and we can get underground and check things out in the meantime i'm still waiting for my friends i'll see if there's anything else down there we have crawled into a very low underground plaster mine uh this is the placer layer above us you see all the courts mixed in which is pretty interesting and i'm actually sitting on well there's bedrock just beneath me i'm sitting on gravel and stuff has come down but there's bedrock beneath me i think this is there's bedrock right there just to prove my point that's the bedrock this is the plaster layer up about excuse me yes possibly above bedrock below still a long day guys so tired but you see they're carving out the sweet spot through here and if you look over here there is a drift carrying off this way so let's go see where that goes it's very uh misty in here as you can see i have just worked out all through the bedrock there's all these passageways running around it's really interesting there's a passageway running back through there you've got all this gobbing here which is stacked up on top of the bedrock right and there drift keeps running out this is fascinating okay the bedrock is running up so now i have bedrock above me not plaster material so we're actually a little low for the plasma material it looks like they've been carving things out all over the place on the side so it probably dips down all over the place through here [Music] there's a little passage running back through there i can't believe how misty it is back here okay there's another passage our passage is just running off all over the place through here that keeps going straight ahead this was all cleaned out uh and the underground plaster mines when they crawl on their bellies and get back in kind of those spaces that's called breasting sometimes it's bigger than them just being on their bellies but the process is called breast all right uh man these passengers running all over the place that one like that one looks like it was filled in or maybe not now it goes around to the right back that way got the rail here love seeing the rail that's a good sign that passage run off that way i can hear my friends up ahead hear what they have to say all right my friends had not hit the end they said it got a lot bigger so they came back to get more gear i know some myers graffiti here here kind of hard to read that one there's some more up here but i can't make out that one at all a little pocket up there that's a lot of good graffiti here looks like it's all from the 50s a little carved out area there and up there bedrock on my left 37. and tons of gobbing on my right and that keeps running ahead that misty effect is gone looks like it opens up here ahead classic underground plaster line look through here you can see the plasma material all through here we've got um i think that's 36. we've got something going off the left just go to the right i'll get right handed the rail is gone from here and it's very spacious in here as you can see that's a good 15 feet or so overhead single insulators oh okay obviously stop up there i'll check all this stuff later i'm just kind of scouting this out now all right and clearly stop up there like i said i'll check these things later for now i'm just trying to get a sense of the size of this mine so i'm gonna head back go down that drift that was on the uh left job being all along there oh yeah i missed that on the way in cool my graffiti okay love the rail you see the bedrock here right there that's bedrock you see the plasma material sitting right on top of it that's where the gold will be if there is gold in here and that depression right there would have been a natural pocket for the gold to collect when the ancient river was flowing through really uh opens up here kind of messy underground plaster mine look you see there's stuff running off this is so typical of underground plots of mine they would clear these areas out and they would just fill them full of backfill when they were done picking out what they wanted look at the river channel overhead that is cool and also this is the dangerous part of it look at these big slabs that came down those are big all right and there's 660. more slabs all right there's something running there i'm guessing that's the 660 drift run back that way and now we're getting wet this is i have a hold my waders this is up for my knees this is turning into the again classic underground classroom look except this one's a bit darker than some of them are more drifts up that way again check this out on the way out i say jerusalem at stokes yeah those are stops nice long gallery here as an echo even see how high that runs that's pretty cool so the plasma shears this is interesting plasma trailers right there you've got bedrock right here and this looks like a pyroclastic flow above it so the bedrock is squeezed in this little area here i mean it's not the bedrock i'm so tired of talking the plaster material is squeezed in this little narrow area right there that is really interesting and it pinches out completely over here drift up there that's probably original workings and they ran down there's a pit right here there's another stop yeah there's stop right here take a closer look at a minute yeah that actually looks like it runs back and faces out there and this keeps going so we will too there's some more modern equipment here somebody was actually panning out the plaster material they were digging out i wonder how they did i hope they did well but nobody's been here in many years so maybe they didn't do too well all those three material tossed to the left and it keeps running straight looks like there might be a pump up here possibly huh the whole workshop back here from the look of it underground workshop and yeah it looks like a pump hmm i don't normally do right hand rule but i wanna see what this is all about what is the deal here huh so we got a pretty sophisticated operation actually the electric lights okay so let me get down here the water's being pumped out of there there's a big pool of water there looks like a caved or backfilled drift there looking ahead it is a stop or breastfeeding or stoke that ends there and they rest it off down here as well that looks like it runs through and ties in over here on this side so let's go check that rather than fall on our stomach through that section yeah this is pretty uh pretty fancy this rise the claim runner hasn't come back from this stuff i said it's been years since anybody's been here another workstation here you can see he's just borrowing this stuff down by hand then panning it back for all those pans and stuff see just cleaning out pockets like that total total plaster mine stop breasting right here look at that all river channel overhead sorry not being more articulate guys it's just been a really really long day i should let the video footage do the talking see the um stratification right there old timber support here on the ground and it keeps going back you used to have all these chambers and pockets and side drifts running all over the place this is where we looked through a minute ago through that little slot right there cool pillar right there okay got some support timbers here which well time has moved past them they're no longer performing their service as intended look at all this river gravel here oh man the mine's making weird noises large breasted that area back there and over here that probably ties into those workings that we were looking down a minute ago but we haven't been down here either they look like frost this mineralization is built up on these these old river rocks looks just like frost on a cold winter morning really low now if you guys can tell but it's really well got bedrock pillar here side drift there bunch of river rock here i just never fail to be impressed by the look of these ancient river channels 950. again right where the plasma material meets the bedrock so the ceilings grooves and divots and the bedrock miners literally could have been picking the gold nuggets out of that there's gold in the ancient rivers we've gotten trapped there we are still going wow another pocket 1000 feet looks like a side drift there and this is continuing this direction on the left dead inside drift another side drift not seeing plaster material here so i wonder if they lost it and they were looking around for it here see they're kind of going off in all directions i wonder if that's because they're looking for the channel yeah the only side drift going on pockets ah this is really incredible all this stuff these are all old drifts and such multiple generations of miners working through here i think that's it that is definitely it as the face like 45 up there okay time to retrace our steps see what we might have missed a little pocket right there people are just i mean pretty much everywhere you scratch you've got the chance of uncovering something drift up there and by something i mean gold i mean it's just like in a modern stream check all the crevices and cracks and that's what the miners here were doing i think there was a there was something going on left here wasn't there yeah there was this one all right yeah that really does not go anywhere good echo all right i had to check i thought that might have been something running out but there's not so i'm gonna backtrack to the last place where i bypass something i'll pick up from there cool shot of the pillars right there huh which came from that direction we have a drifty looking thing here that didn't go down i think this is also a dead end pretty much they're poking around a little bit but i think they're looking for the channel here this is that section where i didn't see any sign of it so i was assuming i'd lost it there's a bunch of waste rock here but that's probably from elsewhere in the mine coming from that direction a little side drift here right back that way this one's really low looks like an old budweiser can there stuff running back all through there as always always stuff running off in all directions please into a chamber here hard to walk on this stuff and stops there i'm not a geologist but i think this is charcoaled wood from the pyroclastic flow look at that and you see oh yeah that's definitely charcoaled wood that's crazy yeah we're looking at the remains of ancient forest or jungle or whatever but there was definitely a lot of vegetation plant vegetation swept up from this section that's really interesting wow that's probably the remains of a full-sized tree over my head huh that's uh one of the better examples i've seen there's more here all through yeah see the bits of wood still right there really interesting it's a layer of it right there probably leaves and oh man it runs all through it look that looks like the uh the indentations right there looks like that's from the bark wow that's crazy i should see the pattern in the bark still wow it looks like it uh just stops right there that's the attitude i came in on find out why these side drifts pretty big chamber see there's stuff running off over there and this one terminates up there just check down here real quickly huh got rail here looks like this was a decent sized drift at one time i wonder if that ran through and connected to some of the others we were checking out there's more of that charcoal wood that's really interesting with this millions of years old there's no question that's what that is yeah interesting i see the pick marks there too interesting looking back behind me i don't think that went anywhere no just a little stopy area here okay that ties into where we looked before and this just bends around to there cool we were looking down there there's the making out down there come up in this section that's where we came in there is a little mini drifter on there there's a pit here and they stopped these areas here out a little bit as you can see take a closer look at this section here okay ah i think that runs back and i mean at it that tall skinny section runs back there and stops at the end there that's interesting piece of wood maybe this just doesn't go anywhere this again i suspect this wraps around a little plaster niche right there that's a that was a piece of wood right there that was a tree see that that's amazing you see remains of the tree still right there huh ash that face it out right there i thought that would tie back and they had it i mean at it but face it out we've been coming from that direction i'm back in slab city where all these big slabs had caved here's a closer look at one of them see it's like concrete a couple old old shovels here in front of me and a decent sized drift running back that way so let's go check it man it is hard getting around some of these plaster knives looks like they had rail in here at one time which is promising i'm standing up all right in the placer got my head in the blaster gobbing from floor to ceiling or floor to back as the miners call it interesting mineralization here that's a piece of wood actually that's not normalization that is an old tree the remains of an old tree see the pieces of bark i think there's more old uh vegetation in this mine and by old i mean many many millions of years old and neither mine i've been at that keeps running there big uncomfortable looking slab right here i think oh i thought i thought i think we might have run it i think that we might have seen that chamber back there from the other side all right i'll find out a little bit meanwhile we've got this one to contend with definitely railing here this guardian is pretty awesome too what's not so awesome is how low this is [Music] so you know expect to see that there okay stand up straight for a second chamber here that's all slabs down as you can see i've crawled through very lengthy sections of that stuff before and it sucks to do that that pillar right there all right let's backtrack and tie in to those stoopy things that i passed in the way and i think are what i was seeing looking through that slot there that's where we've been looking that is the way out and you'll recall that there were those chambers or stops back here that i didn't thought going up the time but that i said that i would check out later so that's where i'm headed now like i said i think we looked through to these from that drift where we just were to find out very shortly so there's this one right up there and this one here i just climbed up from down there and you can see this looks more exploratory in nature i don't see that they were taking out a lot of material here it's more like they were looking for the channel again like you said the channel comes and goes as violent geological activity takes place it can get folded back on itself or shoved hundreds of feet out of alignment with the rest of the channel i mean all kinds of crazy things happen over millions of years of geology so you never know what you're going to find and the miners would explore around trying to find other patches of it look at that one that was on the left or right on the way in just looked up that one now i don't know if i'm gonna bother climbing this one i'm gonna look up it from here and see oh yeah again they didn't take a bunch of material out they were running up like they were looking for the channel but they didn't make that very big that's with all that stuff in there now that's maybe a foot so if i want to i wouldn't have an easy time getting up that but yeah it's all filled in now coming from that direction one last little section to check out i'll climb up there and pick up from there i came from down there and then this cool gobbing drift for lack of a better description but i think that fits from what we can see stops there and comes back here and it's all slabbed out back here this is all the pyroclastic mud flow here this has these massive slabs this is those are all that's a size of a bus right there the size of a car in front of me these are all car sized little bit smaller but these are all car sized this is all that fractured pyroclastic mud crazy i love it it's gobbing all the way through on the right awesome stuff awesome stuff we just looked up there along the gobbing drift there's a little gobbing crawl space right here that meanders back there and ties in with the the workings we saw from the main head there so they definitely worked this area
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 29,468
Rating: 4.9573259 out of 5
Keywords: Volcanic Disaster, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Geological Catastrophe, Ghost Town, Lahar, Abandoned Mine, Pyroclastic Flow, Mine Exploring, Underground Placer Gold Mine, Placer Gold, Gold Mining, Ancient River Channel, Volcanic Activity, Volcanic Geology, TVR, Underground, Stope, Adit, Winze, Ore, Pleasant Exterior Hides Ancient Catastrophe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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