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i'm glad i get to go this morning friend i'm glad heaven is not behind the sky fairy tale emotionalism for the mentally infirmed or disturbed i'm glad heaven is reality for those that have put their faith and trust in the shed blood of jesus christ been washed in it and born again by the spirit i'm glad i'm one of those i hope you are this morning may i say you don't get to heaven by good works you don't get to heaven by being a good person your good works aren't good enough to get you to heaven they never been a person good enough to make it to heaven on their own i'm glad one day i trusted the only man that ever was good enough to get there and that's the lord jesus i want you to take your bibles this morning and you can just turn anywhere you want to because it's all real good stuff praise god i mean genesis to revelation or as the old preacher said generations to resolutions it's all real good go ahead sis you're doing all right give him god glory i just i get to go in because of my lord that's right i'm not going to deny it my children are not going to deny glory yep [Music] [Applause] [Applause] lord of god [Music] yeah he's the best thing ever happened to this crowd friend or to be in hell with our back bro but jesus come by praise god best thing that ever happened to any of us this morning got nothing good to claim about cody zorn i got a whole lot good to claim about jesus yes sir i want you to do me a favor take your bibles and we're going to go to the book of daniel in chapter five that will be our main text this morning daniel and chapter number five will be our main text somebody said the book of daniel is the book of the revelation of the old testament and the book of the revelation is the daniel of the new testament i would be inclined to agree with that i believe to understand revelation you got to get daniel and to understand daniel you got to get revelation this morning and thank god for these books um i normally uh from time to time have you grab a verse of scripture in the new testament so that we may make application to a verse of scripture in the old testament and this morning i'd like for you to do that as well so i hope you got your place there in daniel chapter five hold it if you will and go to the new testament to second corinthians and chapter number four second corinthians chapter four now we're going to read just a few verses of scripture and i know baptists think reading the bible will hurt them that's why they don't do it but i'm going to prove to you this morning reading a little bit of bible absolutely will not hurt you as a matter of fact it will help you this morning all right so we're going to read just a couple of verses of scripture here and some of you may be behind on your bible reading anyway so we're going to help you catch up before the end of the year all right ii corinthians chapter number four and verse number six if you found your place with me say amen second corinthians 4 6 the bible said for god who commanded the light to shine out of darkness had shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ now watch verse 7 very carefully with me but we have this treasure what is the treasure it is jesus christ from verse six he is the treasurer the treasure is not gold the treasure is not silver the treasure is not gaining things of life the greatest treasure any man woman boy or girl can possess is jesus he's heaven's treasure we have this treasure and watch where it's at watch what paul calls your body and my body those of us that are saved we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of god and not of us would you come to the right just a couple of books to the book of first thessalonians you'll find galatians ephesians philippians colossians 1 thessalonians and chapter four first thessalonians chapter 4 just to the right a few books from ii corinthians paul once again is going to make the same analogy that you are a vessel this morning first thessalonians chapter 4 and verse number three first thessalonians 4 3 for this is the will of god even your sanctification god's will is for every child of god to live a sanctified life now i realize we don't always live up to that but that's still god's will for every child of god to be sanctified this is the will of god even your sanctification that you should abstain from fornication let me pause right there and say i've talked with people before in evangelism and pastor and things like that and they'll come to me and say well preacher i want to know the will of god for my life i want to know the will of god for my life well i'll tell you the first thing the will of god would get you in is to start living clean some people come to me and ask what god's will is and they ain't living clean at all the first thing god would have you to do before he'll ever show you anything else is get right with him this morning this is the will of god your sanitation you should stay in fornication now watch verse 4 that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel your body is a vessel that you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification uh and honor not in the lust of concupiscence even as the gentiles which know not god now we've just read for you a couple of verses and we can read some more to you that the new testament clearly tells us that we are nothing but pots i know that's a blow to the ego this morning but the truth is you ain't nothing but an old clay dirt pot that's all you are one of these days you're gonna die and ashes to ashes and dust to dust the bible said god formed a man out of the dust clay of the ground this morning somebody said this somebody said if you were to weigh an average man's body weight you know 180 190 200 pounds if you was to weigh that as it relates to dirt how much would you be worth because dirt is valuable it has minerals in it and things like that and they said if you weighed about 180 pounds of dirt then you'd be worth about 15 or 16 sin do you realize this morning y'all the clothes you put on your body is worth more than you are yeah that's right the maybelline you put on your face honey is worth more than what you put it on this morning certainly it's hard to just deflate your ego but you ain't worth much to think that god would die for dirt is beyond me this morning what a blessing man and we are nothing but vessels that god has graciously placed his son into this morning when you got saved god put his spirit the spirit of his son the holy ghost he put christ in you the hope of glory this morning if you're saying your vessel is carrying the most precious cargo that this world has ever known your body is carrying the lord of heaven this morning now with that in mind about these vessels go all the way to daniel chapter five where we're gonna look at this morning and i want you to notice these vessels in daniel chapter five and looking in verse number one daniel chapter five verse number one here we find the son of nebuchadnezzar that nebuchadnezzar that threw the three hebrew men in the flames that nebuchadnezzar that ended up getting right with god before he died under the ministry of daniel watch what the bible says in daniel chapter five verse number one this is the son of nebuchadnezzar chapter five verse one belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords and drank wine before the thousand belshazzar while he tasted the wine commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in jerusalem that the king and his princes and his wives his concubines might drink therein then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of god which was at jerusalem and the king and his princes his wives his concubines drank in them they drank wine and praised the gods of gold and of silver of brass of iron of wood and of stone in the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand and rode over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote we'll deal with this more in just a minute with all of those verses i just read to you in mind we find here in the text that there are golden vessels that have been taken from the temple of solomon in jerusalem these vessels were made for worship these vessels were made to bring god honor and to bring god glory but do you notice where they are they are not in jerusalem the place where they should be they are in pagan babylon and they are being used for what they were never meant to be used for this morning i'll tell you this is what they are and this is what i'm preaching on this morning i'm preaching on misplaced vessels misplaced vessels this morning these vessels were made to bring glory to god these vessels were made to bring honor to the lord but that is not the job they are doing in daniel chapter five as a matter of fact they are just the opposite they're not bringing glory to god they are in fact living and doing the work of a pagan king in a lascivious backslid way this morning say what are you getting that preacher i believe that many a christian winds up in the same shape as these vessels in daniel chapter five there are many christians that they got saved they got born again god formed them for his glory god has fitted them for his honor and they should be used to hold something of value that can be poured out on this world and given to lost sinners but they are not doing what god has designed them to do instead they are living in babylon instead they are being used and abused by the world the flesh and the devil instead of housing the treasure of god and giving it to others instead they are just as backslid as hell instead they are walking according to the course of this world they have walked back to the graveyard that god saved them out of and they are not living for what god has saved them to go this morning you realize the bible said what know you not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which you have of god and ye are not your old for ye are bought with a prize therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god's this morning now realize i realized this morning everybody would wish this morning that i'd get up and just preach on jesus and how jesus loved us and how jesus died for us and how jesus saved us come back tonight that'll be part nine of jesus in genesis but you realize that ain't where the christian life starts that's just where the christian life begins and if your christian life got started in calvary and ended at calvary and you haven't made progressive steps of sanctification and you haven't made progressive steps to keep yourself and the love of god walk with the lord serve the lord then you are a misplaced vessel you are not doing what god saves you to do you are backslidden you have yoked up with a crowd god never intended you to this morning and it's high time that we get our vessels clean get our life clean and get back where god would get the glory of our life again amen misplaced vessels you know the sad fact that i see as i travel this country is so many so many christians have a misplaced life they never get settled on just living a clean christian life to the glory of god wasting their talents wasting their abilities on the world this morning you realize i know some people this morning i know people this morning brother travis that they are amazing musicians they learned it at the house of god they learned it from being at church they can play piano they can play guitar they can play instruments they can sing like birds and this morning i'm talking about people i know in my mind right now and this morning they are in the world yeah they're saved yeah they're going to heaven but they are not using their gift that god's given them for anything but their self it's just all gone the ways i know some people they have an amazing gift to get people to come to church with them and get lost people to sit on a pew with them so that they can hear the gospel but somewhere along life's weary way they got misplaced they got their eyes off the main thing and they ended up getting out of the world and this morning they're not using their gift to see people save as a matter of fact they're wasting and squandering their gift on the things of this world this morning misplaced vessels friend i want to show you three things about these vessels and we're going to hurry and be done some of y'all saying amen already i can tell somebody needs to say amen or i'm going to anchor down we're going to preach a lot longer than what we're going to preach this morning maybe i'll tell you you blinking me like a cat looking at a new gate but i promise you're going to get a lot rougher look here ugly looks don't make me preach less it makes me preach more it doesn't make me back up it makes me go forward so if i feel like i'm running into a stump we'll just keep banging until we finally knock it up amen here we find misplaced vessels number one we find these vessels we're in bondage this morning these vessels were in bondage these vessels they don't belong in babylon brother skip that's not where they're supposed to be at they're in bondage these vessels don't belong in this place you know where these vessels belong at they belong at the house of god they belong around the worship of god that's not where they should be why are these vessels here i tell you why these vessels are misplaced they're misplaced for the same reason a lot of christians get misplaced this morning say why do they get misplaced because they hardened their neck and stiffened their ears to the word of god this morning the bible said this talking about these same vessels in second chronicles in chapter 36 the very last chapter of second chronicles says this in verse number verse number 15 it said that the lord god of their fathers sent to them by his messengers rising up be times or early and sending because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place but listen but they mocked the messengers of god and despised his words and misused his prophets until the wrath of the lord arose against his people till there was no remedy and then he says right after that in verse 18 and all the vessels of the house of god great and small and the treasures of the house of the lord all these the king brought to babylon do you see why these vessels are in bondage because they would not receive preaching this morning because god sent prophets god sent preachers god sent messengers and he said hey stop don't go that way there's bondage down there there's destruction down there don't walk that way but they said oh what's he know he's just a preacher i don't care what he says i'm gonna do my own thing i'm tired of living under the rules of god i'm tired of living under the rules of mom and daddy i'm gonna get free you know what people have always thought they've always thought that freedom is rebellion to the word of god they think if i rebel against god's word i can get out there away from all these rules and regulations of the church and to preach your mom and daddy and i'm gonna live free that's not freedom that's bondage this morning fred adam and eve adam and eve thought they was in bondage because god wouldn't let them eat one tree but you know what happened they really was free and when they ate that one tree that's when they got in bondage to see him and mess the whole thing up this morning you may sit here in this service child of god you may sit here in this worship service and you may sit there and stiffen your neck and harden your heart and folds your arms and not care what i've got to say and go your way but listen to what i'm going to tell you you'll have to do it over the voice of this preacher you have to do it over the prayers of this man of god do you know one reason god puts a preacher in a place he puts a preacher in a place to be an obstacle to put a warning sign in the path i'm not just called to be pastor i'm not just called to be your friend and your shepherd i'm also called to be an obstacle in the way that if you decide to walk against the will of god you'll have to walk over the preaching you have to walk past the word of god and say i don't care and this morning it's my job to sound the arm to give the word of warning and say don't go down that path there's bondage down there see the reason why they were misplaced it's because they've got in bondage that's a lot of christians the reason why they are misplaced the vessel is misplaced is they are in bondage to their sin this morning and they stop listening to preaching and they stop observing the word of god and they do their own thing we see they're in bondage can i say secondly not only are these misplaced vessels in bondage but they are also belittled they're belittled look look at your text look at how they're belittled look at how they're mocked and used in a in a mocking way to make fun chapter five verse two it said belshazzar while he tasted the wine commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which is father nebuchadnezzar take out the temple which was in jerusalem that the king and his princes his wives and his concubines might drink therein oh he's getting his his all of his illegitimate wives he's getting all of his sex slaves and all of his girlfriends and all of his fornicating buddies they gonna all just have a big time and drink out of these vessels that were dedicated for the house of god verse three then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of god which is at jerusalem and the king his princes his wives his concubines drank in them and watch what they did they drank wine these vessels were never meant to carry fermented liquor that's not what they were designed for go back and read exodus go back and read kings when they designed these vessels they were not made to be a bartender's instrument they wasn't made to carry something that would cause your neighbor to strip his clothes off and strip him of his dignity and ruin his home and ruin his family and take his senses that's not what they were designed for say what were they designed for they were designed to carry the water of purification they were designed to carry water that would wash the feet and the hands of the priest you know what water in the bible is a picture of it's a picture of two things the holy spirit and the word of god that's what you were designed to carry you were designed to carry and be full of the holy ghost and be full of the word of god you are designed to be full of the garbage of this world this morning that's not what god designs you to be friends here we find these vessels are being belittled watch verse 4 they drink wine and while they're doing it they don't praise the god capital g and praise the little g gods of gold silver brass iron wood and stone these vessels have come a long way baby these vessels at one time they were carried into that precious temple they were filled with that precious water and a picture of the spirit and the word of god they were used to wash the hands and the feet of the priest they were used to get a cool drink of water out of to refresh the souls of those that were there they were used in a holy way in a worshipful way oh but now they're being used in a totally different way now they're in a place that's dark oh that temple of solomon's solomon's temple was lit up it was bright and the shining light of god was in that temple the place they're in now it's a club can you see what's going on they just having one big old party i mean brother they are partay hearty i mean brother they getting drunk they doing the bump and grind they doing the wheel and the dab and the name they and they just stoned at the everlasting head and they having a big old time and they think man look i'll tell you how we can have a better time let's get some of god's in here and let's make fun of that do you know what reprobate degenerate sinners have always done reprobate degenerate sinners when they get so far down the line it ain't good enough just to make fun and laugh at normal stuff it ain't good enough just to cuss and use normal curse words so you know what they start doing they start making fun of jesus christ and they tell dirty jokes that's got my savior in it and they tell filthy jokes and cuss that puts my savior's name in it you know why because they trying to get the highest thing they can and drag it down to the field of this world and these vessels were never meant to be there they are being humiliated they are giving god a bad name that is not where they're supposed to be and listen what i'm telling you child of god when you let the devil parade you through the sin and the darkness and the filth of this world it not only belittles you robs you of your testimony steals your purity but it gives the god that saves you a black eye a bad name and lets the enemies of god blasphame this morning you got no business being in certain places this morning you got no business being around certain people this morning we just stop right here let me just look at all y'all young people and all you adults right straight down let me tell y'all you have absolutely no business whatsoever being in a club [Applause] you ain't got no business many places like that sister you ain't got no business but if you're saved by the grace of god and you walk up into them nasty places of ill repute where they're drinking liquor getting drunk smoking dope and fornicating and playing music that make bro make people blush and you don't feel convicted of it i'd say you need to get saved you've got no business being in there that ain't a place a child of god or to be let me say this if you ever somewhere where you are ashamed and could not pull a gospel track out and tell somebody about jesus mark us down you don't need to be there brother since i've been saved i've been in one or two situations where i walked in and got somewhere and after i got there i realized brother keith i don't belong here i was grieved some inside of me quenched up i said god if you'll get me out of here i'll get out and i won't come back lord i'm grieved even just being around where i'm at you say what is that this vessel don't belong there no more this vessel was meant for this let me pause right here and say this too there's two kinds of vessels there's vessels that god's got but timothy said there's vessels that the devil's got there's vessels of honor and vessels to dishonor they some that are saved vessels and some lost vessels and i'd say this by the same token if you walk up into this this morning and you are as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs and this kind of singing makes you real nervous and this kind of preaching makes you real nervous and you sitting there saying wish to god he'd shut up this is bothering my nerves tear me up i want to get out of here i'd wonder if this wasn't the place where my vessel should be this morning maybe you're not a vessel from here but you can god retrofits vessels god takes vessels from that side cleans them out wash yourself puts the son of god in them and makes them comfortable in a different setting in arena this morning these vessels are belittled these vessels are in bondage y'all don't let the devil belittle you don't let the devil use you up don't let the don't let the devil just suck the best out of your life and when he uses you up he just throws you away don't be a receptacle and a vessel that the devil pumps garbage into hey paul's right there and say this we live in this social media world if you're not careful you'll get so wrapped up in that little device that you're looking at and tick tock and twitter and instagram and facebook and you will let it just pump garbage into you all day long it'll just pump trash into you if you ain't careful that one-eyed idiot box you sit there and stare at it'll just pump trash in you all day long hey it's already brother kevin it's a big enough fight living in this world we live in this world where we're fighting the world to flesh it up it's a big enough fight we're just much less trying to help the devil out don't give him extra ammunition you say what should i be putting in my vessel oh wash it out with the water of the word of god wash it out regularly with getting filled with the spirit of god come to the house of god let the water the word of god wash through you and clean you out and keep your heart right don't be a misplaced vessel this morning i wonder are you misplaced are you in the wrong spot this morning we see these vessels i'm through i want to get to this last part i really like this last part these vessels were in bondage these misplaced vessels were belittled but lastly these so i about shouted and run around the office this morning these misplaced vessels were brought back oh yeah these misplaced vessels brother glenn they was brought back this morning would you do me a favor and look at one more section of scripture with me let's leave daniel go to the book of ezra to the book of ezra you say where in the world is ezra we'll find psalms and come to the left and when you leave psalms going left you'll find job nehemiah or job esther nehemiah and then ezra come back four books to the left from the book of the psalms and look what it says here with me while you're finding your place let me tell you something about ezra ezra is the man that god puts it in his heart to bring god's people back from the land of babylon they've been in bondage down there they've been in servitude now they're coming back oh they're coming back to the place where they should be they're coming back to the place where god wants them to be this morning now watch what your bible said in the book of ezra in chapter number five oh i love this ezra chapter 5 and verse number 13 ezra 5 13 not only are these vessels in bondage and these misplaced vessels were belittled but thank god the misplaced vessels can be brought back this morning look at verse number 13 of ezra chapter 5. but in the first year of cyrus the king of babylon the same king cyrus made a decree to build this house of god watch verse 14 and the vessels also of gold and silver of the house of god which nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple that was in jerusalem and brought them into the temple of babylon those did cyrus the king take out of the temple of babylon and they were delivered unto one whose name was shesh bazar whom he had made governor watch what he says in verse 15 and he said unto him take these vessels oh take them back where they go go carry them into the temple that is in jerusalem and let the house of god be builded in his place come to chapter six go down one more chapter look at one more verse with me chapter six verse five chapter six verse five i like the wordings used here chapter six verse five and also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of god which nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at jerusalem and brought unto babylon notice the next two words be restored and brought again unto the temple which is at jerusalem everyone to his place and place them in the house of god aren't you glad this morning the misplaced vessels didn't they didn't stay in this place this morning yeah they went off into bondage yeah they got belittled but thank god i serve a good gracious i serve a god this morning he's in the business of restoration he's in the business of grabbing those things that's gotten messed up aren't you glad we serve a god that he don't throw the clay away just because it's been marred just because it's been messed up there's a god in heaven that he can recover he can revive he can repress he can restore those things that the devil has stolen those vessels that the devil has stolen and messed them up there's a god that grabs them and brings them back to their place and he uses them again they're trophies of grace again can you imagine those priests looking at those vessels and telling some young person hey you see them vessels right there them vessels used to be down in babylon they got stolen they was taken off into a far country why they even danced in their wicked parties and used them vessels to mock our god but god has brought them back now they're back where they belong now they're filled back up with the good water of the word of god now they're doing what they've been set apart to do you might have walked in here this morning and you're a misplaced child of god you're a misplaced vessel you've got some areas and places in your life that the devil's got you in bondage and the devil is belittling you in i'm telling you there's hope for you friend it's not the end you don't have to quit you don't have to hold your head down there's a god of restoration that'll take your life bring you back from the land of the enemy and puts you back where you should be this morning empty and broken i came back to him a vessel so unworthy and so scarred with sin but he did not despair he started over again [Applause] and i bless the day [Applause] he didn't throw the clay away calls over and over god molds me and makes me into his likeness he fashions this clay and it's all because jesus he didn't throw the clay away hey ain't that a great thought that god didn't leave them vessels down there he could brother carl he could have said this morning he could have said i'll make new vessels i'll get different vessels i'll just scrap those vessels but thank god he didn't he said i still love them vessels i still want them vessels they're still my vessels and i'm gonna bring them back this morning he is the potter and i am the clay molded in his image that's how he wants me to stay but when i stumble and i fall and my vessel breaks he just picks up all the pieces he doesn't throw the clay away over and over god molds me and makes me into his likeness he fashions this clay of the soul of honor i am today and it's all because jesus he doesn't throw the clay away you sit here this morning you say preacher i am a misplaced vessel i am not doing what god designed me to do well this morning he will restore you if you let he'll reach out grab you bring you where you ought to be and make you a vessel unto honor sanctified meet for the master's use and prepared unto every good work second timothy chapter two he'll do it if you let him won't you come to him this morning child of god this is being your message don't be a misplaced vessel this morning don't live your life spent using it up in babylon when god wants you back in the city of praise in jerusalem in the place of blessing at the house of god where he can use your life to the fullest misplaced vessels help me hear that i wish you would let's all stand this morning heads about eyes are closed let's have a word of prayer if you need to come this morning maybe you're a misplaced vessel maybe the scripture spoke to your heart maybe you've got some areas of your life that's in bondage that you need to get fixed i wish you'd come this morning don't stay misplaced don't stay in bondage don't let the devil have the victory god will bring you back if you want him to father i pray you bless this simple little message take our few scattered feeble thoughts magnify them to help god's people so we might bring jesus glory god this morning the christian life is much more much much more than just getting saved it is then growing in grace and in the knowledge of our lord jesus christ help us this morning to possess our vessels and sanctification not so we look good but so you look good so we bring you the maximum honor glory and praise that you so rightfully deserve help us this morning not to be a misplaced vessel but to get in the right place with the right people in jesus name if you need to come you come some have already made their way this way how about you friend second sis you've been on a long and troubled road at times you felt cheated to have to bear this love while others who would barely even try but spread their wings like eagles [Music] it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what you've done jesus is softly calling but because of who he is and because of where he's been because of what he's done you can start all over again this guilty burden you have had to bear has made your life so weary the others aren't aware of the mountains of mistakes you try to hide and with a smile upon your face and a broken heart inside it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what you've done jesus is softly calling but because of who he is and because of where he's been because of what he's done you can start all over again because of who he is and because of where he's been because of what he's done you can't start all over again i love that word in that text that we looked at in ezra when they brought the vessels back the word restore the word restore means to put something back like it was i'm glad to serve a god this morning that he can put things back like they were it doesn't matter how bad you messed it up no matter how messed up you think you are my god is a god of restoration however far you've got out he can get you back in i'm glad the lord has pity and mercy and grace and care for misplaced vessels we have we have all kind of people in here this morning that their testimony their testimony is they got saved at an early age that many people here testify this this morning they got saved at an early age you know 9 10 11 12 13 years old and when they got their car and they got old enough to get out on their own they got sucked up into a world that absolutely destroyed their walk with god they were the misplaced vessels taking off to babylon getting abused by belshazzar getting filled up with stuff that god didn't want them filled up with but now here they set this morning somewhere along the line they got right with god family got right with god back to the house of god back in the word of god back in fellowship with the son of god now they're living their life once again doing what god saved them to do i'm so glad god uses and will restore misplaced vessels he doesn't just throw them away and say well i'm done with you we'll go get some more christians no no no he recycles those that's been messed up and brings them back all right i'm glad you're here this morning please come back tonight six o'clock for another installment of finding jesus in genesis we'll begin looking at the greatest type of jesus in all the old testament his name is joseph no greater type of christ in the bible than the man joseph greatest picture of jesus christ in the bible it'll take us several weeks to finish the study out because his life is so expansive when it comes to the lord so you'll be here tonight at six o'clock as we start looking at that and i hope pray will be a blessing to you men that have signed up for security detail please meet me and brother joe directly here after the service in the prayer room back here give me just a couple minutes shake a couple of hands and then i'll meet you in the prayer room all right so meet us in the prayer room and we'll have just a little brief meeting all right come back tonight at six let's close the word prayer brother brandon kim and ask the lord this message and his blessings that is us in the right direction not available
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,089
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: iS3fTOq_bno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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