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kings in chapter number four tonight y'all pray for me i hope i can read my writing the plane ride was a little bit turbulent and in that two and a half hour plane ride a few times i'd be trying to write something down on my notes here and we'd hit a big air pocket and and it'd get looking like charity wrote something down here praise god and uh but anyways i'm always amazed uh i was telling brother sean this a minute ago every time that um go somewhere like we just went to texas which i have been doing for years never never cease to be amazed that you'd be in houston texas at 2 30 2 40 this afternoon and then in charlotte north carolina at 7 30 if that don't bear out the bible i don't know what does say where does that bear the bible out at well in daniel the bible said in the last days men shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase and man you talk about being able to be a thousand miles away and you know three or four hours later being a whole you know several states that's just man it's just blows my mind lets me know we're getting close man the lord's coming and be able to have things right with god tonight all right second kings chapter four tonight i'm gonna bring to you maybe what might be considered by some to be a unusual message it is not unusual in the truth that will be contained in this message but simply unusual because many preachers may not deal in this realm tonight but i was coming through my bible again the other day and coming through these passages and some things jumped out at my heart that i had previously wrote down in my study bible and looked at and been something that was in my heart and the lord put it in my heart again and i want to give it to you tonight second kings in chapter four and verse number eight if you there say amen the bible said and it fell on a day that elisha now this is uh the protege of elijah that that great man of god who went to heaven in a whirlwind and a chair of fire dropped this mantle down on this young preacher this is that elisha it felt on a day that elisha passed to shoot him and i want you to notice what the next part of the verse said where was not just a woman she was a great woman and she constrained him to eat bread and so it was that as oft as he passed by he turned in vither to eat bread she said unto her husband behold now i perceive that this is an holy man of god which passeth by us continually let us make a little chamber i pray thee on the wall let us set for him there a bed and a table and a stool and a candlestick and it shall be when he cometh to us that he shall turn in thither and it fell on a day that he came thither and he turned into the chamber and lay there and he said to gehazi his servant call this shunammite and when he had called her she stood before him and he said unto him say now unto her behold thou hast been careful for us with all this care what is to be done for thee what is thou be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the host and she answered i dwell among my own people and he said what then is to be done for her and gehazi answered verily she hath no child and her husband is old and he said caller and when he called her she stood in the door and he said about this season according to the time of life thou shalt embrace the son and she said name my lord thou man of god do not lie unto thine handmaid and the woman conceived and bear son at that season that elisha had said unto her according to the time of life i'm interested in where the bible says about this woman in verse number eight that she was a great woman they all kinds of great women in the scripture tonight you realize that don't you i mean there's some really really remarkable great women in the bible tonight i mean brother i read where there was a woman named jail j-a-e-l this woman was in judges and she dwelt in tents and the bible said one day israel had war with the syrians and cicero was captain of the host and uh when old sister got put to flight by the host of israel he turned into jail's tent and lay down there an old jail come to him with a a nail in one hand and a hammer in the other hand and pop that old dude right between the eyes and killed him graveyard dead you say that's great well according to god it was great god thought her taking that dude out was pretty remarkable tonight i mean look here hold jail hit sister in the head with a nail and send him to hell amen tonight sound like the beginnings of a rap song right there maybe i'll take that up sometime anyways we find mary uh the mother of the lord jesus the one that brings in the lord in the world she's a great woman the bible says about her that she had found favor in the eyes of the lord i mean she's a great woman i find where uh old timothy timothy is paul's protege and the bible said he had two women that were very instrumental in his life lois uh his grandmother and his mother eunice they were very instrumental in his life you read the bible just all kind of great women all through the bible i know a lot of times you hear us preachers preach and you think the only good people in the bible are men but that just says so tonight god uses a whole lot of women in the bible to do mighty things great things for the glory of god but what's interesting to me is this out of all these women that i would term great the bible don't call them great there's only one woman in the bible that the bible said was a great woman tonight and it's the woman i just read to you for some reason the holy ghost looked at this woman's life and when he recorded all this in the book for us he said that woman right there that's a great woman i want to preach to your heart tonight and i i preach a lot to the men i'll preach a lot to the young fellows and and i do that because i do believe that the church is to be led by male leadership and things of that nature i believe that's bible tonight so i preach a lot to men i preach a lot about being strong men and bold being a men of faith and leading a home and living for god but tonight ladies it's your night tonight uh tonight i'm just going to preach to the ladies tonight and and fellas especially you young fellas i wish you'd get a hold of this because i'd like for you to realize what kind of woman you need in your life a good woman can make a man and a bad woman can break a man tonight somebody said behind every good man a great man is a good woman i say amen right there except i'd probably flip-flop it and say behind every good man is a great woman this evening amen that's right someone preached to your hearts tonight ladies on how to be a great woman how to be a great woman i'll confess to you this tonight uh i've never been a woman i never will be a woman i don't want to be a woman i'm kind of thankful that i'm not one tonight but let me just say this to you ladies if i was a woman i'd want to be a great one i mean i'm not one i hope you can tell that uh you know i i i never have been there will be but if cody zorn was one tonight i tell you what i'd want to be i'd want to be a great woman for god look here i preach a lot of these guys and i read my bible and i read about a lot of great men in the bible that did great mighty acts for the lord you know what i do when i read their lives i say man lord put some of that in me god i'd like to be a preacher like john the baptist lord i'd like to note a bible like paul lord i'd like to be a mighty man like elijah like i read these men i pray that stuff and ladies when you read your bible you ought to be able to read about some great women and say lord put some of that in me god i'd like some of that kind of faith lord i'd like some of that kind of boldness would i like some of that kind of strength i'd like to have that kind of joy i'd like to have that kind of peace i believe it's possible even in the day which we live to be a great woman tonight if i was if i was going to be a woman i'll tell you what i would i wouldn't want to be i wouldn't want to be a woman like jezebel i wouldn't want to be a woman like herodias i wouldn't want to be a woman like dinah jacob's only daughter all of them got sorted in bad past if i was going to be one i'd want to be a great one tonight i think this is a good place to start at this evening now confess i'm preaching about something i don't know a whole lot about because i've never been one but i do got a bible tonight and i know what the bible says makes a great woman and let me stop right there and say this ladies do not buy into the garbage and the dribble that the world is giving out about what makes a great female or a great woman today as a matter of fact you just go ahead and chalk this down young ladies whatever 17 magazine says or whatever the latest girl magazine says you should be just go and mark it down that ain't what you should be tonight whatever way the mass majority of ladies are going or women are going in this generation mark it down that's the way you don't want to go whatever latest dress fad comes out of the world mark it down that ain't supposed to be your fad whatever the latest hollywood starlet or music star that gets held up for you to act like trust me that's not who you want to be like tonight if i was you i'd want to be a great woman this evening god blesses this great woman greatness in god's eyes is all totally different than what greatness in the eyes of the world is i mean look at what god considered about this woman she was great and because she was great look what god done for her god gave her a youngin ain't that backwards from what the world thinks today i mean brother the world's trying hard as they can to try and kill their babies today and get rid of them but obviously god thought it was a high honor and a privilege for a woman to be a mother and give life and to raise a child this evening let me just pause right there and say ladies there is no higher honor in this world than for you to be a mother of a child and point that child to jesus christ and get him to walk with god tonight i said no higher on her i'm talking about that's a higher honor than a career that's a higher honor than making a dollar that's the highest honor a woman can have this evening in the eyes of god i'm talking about how to be a great woman this evening not just not just a run-of-the-mill average normal woman like like what what what the world was trying to have you to be i'm going to give you some things out of the bible of this woman's life that i believe can make for our great woman this evening now i'll say this great women are not without storms they're not without struggles they're not without fights and storms and and suffering in life they're not without sorrows as a matter of fact we find later in this passage where this woman her own son ends up dying elisha has to revive him we'll look at that later on i mean she goes through some ballets not only did she have the heartache of not having a child now she's got the heartache of having a child and losing a child this woman has been through some stuff just because you may be a great woman tonight doesn't mean you're not going to go through some pain and some herd but being a great woman puts something in your life that helps you get through the pain and through the hurt and keep living for the lord tonight friend how to be a great woman i want to show you just several things real fast out of this woman's life i'm going to give them to you and we're going to go number one what's the first thing that makes a great woman well what made her great firstly was she was a selfless woman she was a selfless woman say what do you mean she was a selfless woman look at verse number eight of chapter four the bible said that when he came by this woman this great woman of shooting them watch what said she constrained him to eat bread and so it was that as oft as he passed by he turned in thither to eat bread look at verse number 10. she said let us make a little chamber i pray thee on the wall let us set for him there a bed a table a stew and a candlestick and it shall be when he cometh to us that he shall turn in thither do you see the first attribute that the holy ghost really highlights about this woman's life he highlights the attribute that she is a selfless woman tonight the first attribute that we find about this woman right after the holy ghost has called her a great woman is that she is more interested in helping somebody else than she is herself tonight not thinking about her own good not thinking about her own well-being but thinking how can i invest in somebody else's life how can i be a blessing in somebody else's life so that they might receive help and god might get the glory now i want to stop right here at the onset of the message and say this i thank the lord that bible missionary baptist church has some of the most selfless women that i've ever met in my life god's been good to us here i look around this auditorium front to back left to right and we have some selfless women in here you say how do you know that because i watch when tragedy strikes other people's lives and i watch the empathy that gets poured out i watch food getting poured out i watch prayers getting poured out i watch time being given out you know what that is that's selfless tonight i believe one of the most disgusting things one of the most revolting things that i've ever seen in my life is a woman who is selfish you say what about men i'm preaching at y'all tonight but the fact is all you ladies just go ahead and y'all already and readily understand except the fact that most of us men are just a bunch of selfish goobers anyways come on now y'all can say amen right there ladies i'm preaching to y'all that's right i mean i like what miss neat put on facebook this week i had to give a hearty amen in my heart to that miss neat said any how'd that thing go any woman who has three children and a husband actually is raising four children somebody say amen right there i mean ain't that right that's the truth i tell people all the time i have four children and my wife has five children and that's the truth everybody just automatically understands uh us big old doofus oaths we most of us men are real selfish tonight we're selfish with our time we're several which is that but i'm gonna tell you something there's something godly and there's something holy about a lady that has a selfless attitude and putting other people first i'm telling that's a crown of glory right there you want to know something ladies you'll know something you say well my husband ain't selfless my husband this and my kids know this yeah but if you'll stay selfless you know what you might do you might teach them how to be just a little bit selfless i'll be honest with you i ain't arrived and i ain't got to nowheres yet but i will say this if there's any little bit of selflessness or thoughtfulness or kindness in my life you know where most of that come from it comes from living with a woman that was a selfless woman for 18 years my mama and now living with one of the most selfless women i ever met for about 16 years and that's my wife you know what it's taught me it's taught me to be a little bit compassionate and to be a little bit selfless i'll tell you what to avoid boys avoid one of these girls that's bought into this new age mentality of it's all about me you got to make it all about me and it's all about you fawning over me and doing for me and making something run as fast as you can from that broad brother she will make your life a living hell you find you a woman that puts god first others second and herself last and you'll find a jewel in life tonight i don't think there's anything so revolting as a mother that is so selfish that she puts her own needs ahead of the needs of her children you ever seen women like that before i've seen women like that before i've seen women that brother their kids that go without their kids look but draggled and dragged from pillar to post and stem to stern but mama ain't gonna be that way i mean mama's gonna make sure she got what she needs and she's doing this and she's doing that even if it means the kids go without tonight there's something wrong with that right there man hey something bad wrong i tell you a great woman is a woman who is selfless tonight some of the greatest lessons i ever learned about being selfless selfless i i learned from watching ladies i did i didn't learn them from watching men it's the most selfish individuals you're a man in your some of the greatest acts of selflessness i've ever seen was watching ladies live for god and serve god in spite of the hardships they had in life see i want to be a great woman all right first of all you've got to be a selfless woman that's what she was secondly not only was she a selfless woman she was a spiritual woman oh yeah she was a spiritual woman tonight look at verse number nine verse number nine like i say i told you this is going to be a little bit of an odd message not because the subject or the content is odd but because most preachers realize you can preach it to men and you can preach it to kids but leave the women alone but my job is not just leave everybody alone i'm called to preach the bible tonight ladies i want i want to try and give you something that's going to help you too right where are you at tonight isn't only a selfless woman she's a spiritual woman look at verse nine what she says this is a spiritual woman man she said unto her husband behold now i perceive that this is an holy man of god which passeth by us continually y'all see what i see she's got spiritual perception see you say what's that she's in tune with the lord i'll say this about this woman uh i i've read this story over and over and over and over again many times and and preached around it and not necessarily this very thought right here and and i never find where her husband helps her live for god as a matter of fact it doesn't seem like he's got much interest in the man of god he doesn't have much interest in doing anything for god his name is not there and the bible doesn't say anything really about him but this woman is spiritual even when she doesn't have any help to be spiritual tonight you say how did she get this perception this is the holy man of god she'd been walking with the lord she'd been talking to the lord she'd been reading something about the lord do you realize people will remember you for something tonight ladies people will remember you for something they're going to remember you for being something so if they're going to remember you for something make sure this is what they remember that was a spiritual woman if they're going to remember your life for something and they will everybody's life's going to get remembered for something if i was you i'd want to be remembered for being a woman that had some spirituality about her you say you say well i'm just preaching on uh to the middle age or old ladies tonight or just ladies that are married oh no young ladies if i was you i'd want to be known as a spiritual teenage young lady i mean a young lady that had some virtue that was different than everybody at my school that was different than everybody at my job that was different than anybody in my family somebody that had some spirituality about some discernment of this is right and this is wrong and this is holy and this is not and somebody that takes a stand for what's right tonight this woman was a spiritual woman she wasn't no fake she wasn't no phony she had a genuine serious personal walk with the lord and by the time it was all said and done the holy ghost said hey when y'all write down that second king's book i want y'all to say that was a great woman that's a spiritual woman right there some of the most spiritual people i've ever met in my life some of the spiritual people i ever met in my life weren't men at all weren't preachers at all some of those spiritual people ever met in my life were ladies yeah that's right that's exactly right i don't understand all the stuff about this somebody said something about one time i read the other day i thought this was really profound they said you read in the bible all the time where where all god's always meeting with men on the mountaintops you ever noticed that god's meeting with elijah on a mountain over here god's meeting with moses on a mountain over there god's meeting with paul in the mountain of arabia over here god meet with jesus and moses and elijah over there on the mountain and i mean it's always mountaintops mountaintops and god takes abraham up to a mountain to sacrifice isaac y'all ever notice that stuff it's always god's taking a man here or there yawning up there but you don't ever find where he does that with ladies you know where he meets the ladies at you'll find where he meets with sampson's mama while she's doing the chores you'll find god ends up saving that girl over there in acts 16 that gets the corinthian or the philippian church started he they met her that seller of purple that lydia out there where the ladies was washing clothes the bible said in acts 16. you finally just meets the ladies right where they are and somebody said something real profound you know what that was is because the men had all a bunch of extra time to run off to the mountains and go do that stuff but somebody had to stay home and dunk diapers and somebody had to stay home and cook supper and somebody had to stay home and teach the kids and you know something about god god said i don't have to take them somewhere to meet with them i can go meet with them right where they are if they want to meet with me and ladies tonight you may feel like well i can't do what the preacher does and i can't do it brother so and so does no but i'm telling you there's a god in heaven that wants a relationship with you just as much he does any man in this church and he'll meet with you right where you are if you want to meet with him tonight spiritual she was a spiritual woman i tell you what if i was you i'd want to be remembered for a woman that was spiritual ladies don't you want your children to look back and say my mama love god i'll never forget long as i live i read a story one time about billy sunday i've told some of you this before some of you may remember it so he may not billy sunday early in his ministry way back had went into a town and he was evangelizing in that town and they said uh he got wind that there was a young boy i mean late teens early 20s i think somewhere 20 21 22 years old that young boy had killed a man in a drunken brawl in a bar room over a card game just a trivial card game and killed a man over some cards and he was drunk they were going to hang that young fella they said billy sunday being the evangelist and wanting to get people saved as he was he walked up into that jail cell and started talking to that boy about his soul and he said son you know you need the lord jesus they're going to hang you here in just two or three days you need the lord and said it was just like the gospel was like hitting that pulpit and bouncing off it just didn't go anywhere that boy's fixing to die hang by the neck and it's like he didn't care and billy said i walked out there and i was a little bit disappointed and discouraged because that boy just didn't seem like he cared about the gospel and the next day or later on that day somebody came to billy and said billy we just got a telegram down here at the telegram office from that boy's mama and billy got that telegram said let me take it to him that's how i'm going to get to him i'm going to take this telegram and he'll get read from his mama and what boy wouldn't get softened from a note from his mama and he took that note in there and he walked in he said son i got a note from your mother would you like for me to read it he said yeah go ahead and read it preacher and she you know in her notes said how she was sorry for how she didn't do this or that in his upbringing how she was a bad example here or there and whatever and asked him to forgive her and such as that and at the end she said i love you son all this and billy got done and looked up and that boy was just emotionless i mean no tears no no just absolutely emotionless and he said son what would you like for me to tell your mama back she broken-hearted do you have a message for me to tell to your mother and that boy looked at billy's son and he said yeah preacher you can tell my mama to blankety blank blank i mean he just let us string cuss words out this long and said something real vile to his mama and billy was just shocked and he said son you're fixing to get hung how in the world can you say something as vile as that to your mother that sent you a letter and that boy looked at billy sunday and this is what he said he said preacher every bad habit i've learned in my life i learned from watching my mama he said i learned to cuss listening to my mama i learned to smoke and to drink liquor watching my mama i learned to play cards sitting on my mama's lap he said preacher every bad habit and vice that i've got that wound me up where i am today came because i watched my mama and if it wasn't for that woman i wouldn't be here today ladies you going to be remembered for something hey whether your kids turn out right or not look at here some of that ain't up to you i'm gonna try and raise my kids right for god but at the end they're free moral agents they may go nuts tomorrow but i'll tell you what i would like for them to remember there's a praying mama at the house that loves them and took them the house of god and there's a preaching daddy down there that loves them and believes the bible and when they decide to get right they come home again spiritual woman the story was told one time the story was told one time about this boy who'd got into some mischief and he was sentenced to 15 20 years in hard labor in a prison and uh and the judge had got a letter one day just as they were fitting to send that boy off the judge got a letter and it was a letter from a broken-hearted mother and that mother-son she went in that letter and said how she had raised that boy right and tried to teach him the ways of god how she was a god-feared woman and prayed for him every day and son that mama just poured out her heart on paper i mean you could almost just feel the tears and the heartbreak on that paper to that judge a true story and they said at the end of that thing that mama said i'm begging you on the means of mercy from a brokenhearted mother to please stay the sentence of my son suspend his sentence and let him go free they said that judge was so incredibly moved by the letter that he received from that woman he wrote her back and he said on the basis of the mercy and the love of a mother i will suspend your son's sentence and deliver him in your care they said that judge let him go and the boy ended up making something of his life never went back to crime or anything you say what are you talking about preacher i say on one side ladies you can be remembered for your poor conduct or on the other side you can be known and remembered for your compassion and the love of god and the mercy of god in your life and your children can see something in you that they want down the road somewhere you don't have to be old to be spiritual not be young to be spiritual just be spiritual if you say by the grace of god just be spiritual she's a spiritual woman she was a selfless woman she was a satisfied woman she's a satisfied woman man i'll tell you this woman's amazing look at verse 13 verse 13 and he said unto him say now unto her behold thou hast been careful for us with all this care what is to be done for thee would it thou be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the host and she answered watch what she said i dwell among mine own people i mean elijah just says look i'll talk to the king for you i'll put a good word in for the to the captain for you you just name it honey name it claim it i'll make sure it happens for you what you want you want a new car in a garage you want a new house to get built you want a new set of duds you want what what do you want baby you name it i give it to you and she says yeah i dwell among my own people i'm perfectly satisfied right where i am say what is that she ain't chasing the latest and the greatest she's not chasing everything this world's throwing out she just says i am a content satisfied woman she's not listening to all the world's garbage telling her you've got to have this to feel important and you've got to have this to feel like you're something or somebody no no she says i'm just satisfied with a cottage below a little silver and a little gold i'm going to a city i've got jesus how could i want more i'm just satisfied tonight let me say this to all y'all i'm gonna move on to my last point and be done it's eight o'clock so i'm thinking to shut her down let me say this to every lady in the building and this goes for all the men too i hope men's grabbing something out of this stuff too listen what i'm fixing to tell you tonight ladies please for goodness sake don't get so wrapped up in this social media garbage today of watching people on instagram snapchat twitter facebook you know what a lot of that stuff is it's fake there's people on there if you get constantly caught up in that stuff you know what you're gonna start believing that everybody else you watch on them things has the perfect life and you don't i mean you can put a filter on anything brother there's some stuff i see sometimes on social media i'm not talking necessarily from the church i'm about people that i know in other places and even in other states and i know what really is going on behind closed doors i know the people and when they post on social media though you'd think man they are ken and barbie living in a dream house somewhere and they don't ever have a problem and if you young girls and you ladies start looking at that you'll start thinking what's wrong with me and how come i don't have that and how come my husband don't do that and how come my children ain't like that and how come i and i feel like a failure and i feel like i'm not the perfect mom because i haven't been able to stop stop getting involved in all that if you're doing the best you can and serving god and living for the lord and being the mother and the wife and the child of god you should be don't worry what nobody else thinks give it to god and live for jesus tonight and be satisfied about it stop trying to reach out and grab these elusive butterflies hey hey if there's one thing i found out uh from abigail where did she go messing around with some of this photography stuff and all this i didn't know nothing about that photography stuff now she borrowed my computer to put light stream or light beams or whatever on there and doing photography you know what i found out you can do filters and make anything look better than what it really is she can make me look good that tells you what kind of awesome filters they got on that stuff yeah i mean you make anything look like a million dollars but it ain't real be careful on that stuff y'all listen to me i'm pre i preach all over the country all the time you all know my manner of conversation conduct and where i go and what i do and more and more and more i talk to pastors and see people and i see stuff all the time that this social media stuff has either wrecked some husband directs some wife because they just got a normal life like everybody else does but they start looking at this trash on facebook or or social media and they start thinking well the grass is greener on the other side of the hill no it's not if the grass is greener on the other side it might be because there's a septic tank underneath the grass tonight [Applause] it ain't always matter over there ladies i know i know i know you look at some of that stuff and you look and you say well man look what her husband did look what this did look at him yeah yeah yeah i promise you he's just an old nasty dirty man too that's smelly and ungrateful and unthankful and throws his dirty drawers right in the middle of the floor just like yours does and don't say thank you when he gets up from the dinner table he's just like yours he is tonight get your eyes off all that stuff get the place where you can say i abide satisfied i'm happy with jesus oh i'm happy living for the lord i'm happy with what god's given me i'm not going to stress myself out worrying over what the world says i need or the world says i should be if i'm going to stress and worry about something i'm going to stress and worry about what god said i'm going to try and live what god said because at the end of the day his opinion is the only one that matters he's not going to call up the big tech giants on judgment day and say twitter what did you think about their profile facebook what did you think about their profile instagram i mean how would you think about their story latest the only thing that's going to matter is what did god think about your life are you satisfied with him maybe more important question is is he's satisfied with you she's a satisfied woman she's a spiritual woman she's a selfless woman i'll tell you lastly what makes her a great woman i like this and just as good as anything else about her she's a settled woman she's a settled woman say what do you mean she's a settled woman i'm i'll not read the the whole rest of the chapter you do that for yourself you'll find out this little boy that she has tragic tragic story this little boy she has he walks out to the field one day when he's just a little old little old boy and he's he tells his daddy he says my head my head and he falls over and his daddy says take it take the boy to his mother and the bible says they get to the mother and and he dies on her knees he dies in her lap and she goes running after the preacher she goes running after the man of god she goes run after this this fellow elisha and i want you to notice what the bible said down in verse number 26 i tell you she's a settled woman i love this verse 26 run now i pray thee to meet her this is well let's start in verse 25 to give you the context here verse 25 said so she went and came unto the man of god to mount carmel and it came to pass when the man of god saw her afar off that he said to gehazi his servant behold yonder is that shunammite run now i pray thee to meet her and say unto her is it well with thee is it well with our husband is it well with the child watch the settled answer and she answered it yes well he plainly says is it well with you no it is not well with her is it well with the child obviously not but when she speaks she says it's well with my soul tragedy has struck this woman's life heartache has taken such a toll on her that elisha even says in a minute that that that that she has broken-hearted and something's wrong with her everything has come crashing down in this woman's life but yet she looks at the man of god and she said it's well it's well it obviously is not well simply in the world because she's got problems so what's it well we it's well deep down in her soul she's saying yeah there's trouble raging all around my life and yeah there's problems all around my life but i'm telling you there's a there's a deep settled peace down in my soul that the world didn't give and the world can't take away and i'm not going to throw my hands up in defeat or surrender i'm going to throw my hands up in praise and say god it is well with me tonight this is exactly where this is exactly where uh the man who wrote our hymn uh it is well horatio spafford wrote it as well with my soul this is where he gets it from when peace like a river attendeth my way when sorrows like sea builders row whatever my lot thou has taught me to say it's well it's well with my soul it's not well in the fact of i don't have issues i don't have troubles no no no no no she is trusting that there's a god in heaven that can make it well this evening i love the fact i love the fact i'm done here esther helped me on the piano if you would no i'll close you close here i love the fact that when she has issues y'all don't miss this this is this settled business in her life she settled on this i love the fact that when she's got an issue she does not run from the lord she ran to the lord you say no she didn't she ran to elisha yeah but elisha in the text is god's representative that's what those old testament prophets was it's different now we have an indwelling holy ghost we have the temple on the inside they didn't then and so she runs to the place where she knows god's at she doesn't run from it she runs to it you say preacher tonight i'd really like to be a a great woman [Music] well there's just one of them in the bible at least denoted by words that says this one is a great woman a remarkable one exceptional stands out from the rest and she's like that because she's selfless and she's like that because she's spiritual and she's like that because she's satisfied and she's like that because she is absolutely 100 settled on the fact that it is well with her soul i'm i wonder tonight ladies do you want to be a great woman we got great women in our church we do i'm preaching to the choir tonight but this is what was on my heart so i'll give it to you if i was a lady i'd want to be a great one tonight i'd want my children to look back and say mama loved god mama served god mama lived for god young fellas look for that in a wife that bible said this that bible said beauty is deceitful and favor is vain but a woman that feareth the lord she shall be praised look for a woman that loves god [Music] well just look for what's on the outside you better go hunting something on the inside she won't always have that outer beauty but if she's got some inner beauty guys that's something that'll just carry on and get better and better and better as long as she walks with the lord that would be a great woman let's all stand tonight heads are bound eyes are closed father i pray you bless this simple and low message from the word of god lord god all week that's what was on my heart from monday tuesday wednesday i really did try and get away from it i would have liked to preach something else but lord you didn't let me so i just come tonight to try and help our ladies i appreciate the ladies of our church i thank you for the burdens they've borne and the loads that they've carried the lives that they live and they just stay faithful thank you for them bless them god i'm i'm honored and privileged to be married to one of what i consider to be the greatest women that's ever worse you love that i thank you for god i thank you for allowing me to be raised by one of the godliest women that i've ever met in my life my mother and god i realized there's some ladies in here that didn't have that benefit god i pray that they would begin tonight to be that woman for the future generation of their families and homes they can start tonight being that great woman in their life in jesus name we pray amen sing a little bit of that [Music] amen i wish that i could roll the curtain back again rewind the hands a further time there's so much more that i would do and i would say but all i really have is today so here i am use me lord give me words to sing and say let me love let me live let me give myself away [Music] use my hands use my feet all i have is yours complete let my life be a reflection of your grace i can't go back but i can live for you today amen fellas i'm gonna say this to the men before i turn you loose tonight i preach the message more tailored to the ladies but the truth is us fellas can learn a whole lot from the women oh i know i know he-man i know rambo we think i learned yeah thank thank god for godly lady i just read something the other day that i had made a note on my bible that helped me on some of that right there uh oh that's what it was first samuel second samuel first sam abigail she married to a wacko nabal his name means fool anyways and the bible said that old david was going to come wipe that nut out and on his way down abigail meat seemed to stop him and abigail gives a good word from god and david said thank the lord for you honey you stopped me from doing something real dumb something that would have made me look bad it would have sullied my testimony i'm glad the lord sent you by and i got a little note written top of my bible right there that sometimes the gentle kind compassionate advice from a good woman can stop you from some really dumb things that you would normally do in your life fellows and i'll tell you something i thank god you say who's the greatest counselor in your life the greatest counselor in my life that i go to before i go to anybody else is my wife i do and i found out more often than not because she prays and reads her bible and walks with god a lot of times she got a word from the lord for me i have no problem telling you all that that doesn't make me an inferior man i think that's wonderful fellas you are the spiritual head of your home and you should be tonight but don't underestimate the fact that if your wife prays and walks with god and lives for the lord seek that good counsel out that'll help you because i find a lot of times they look at things different than we do and when god speaks to him they hear it a little different than we do that's just because we're male and they're female so we get we get things different when we hear things so don't don't discard that it'll help you it'll help you all right we'll be dismissed right there thank you so much for praying for us this week god was good to us let me preach tuesday night and wednesday night at the meeting where we was at this past week and and got home this afternoon so sorry that i was late i do hate that i don't like being tardy and so um but i appreciate you being uh patient with me on that thank you for coming tonight real good crowd on thursday night uh those of you that can maybe you'd like to stop by tomorrow if you can 11 o'clock for the funeral for sister april gobble's mother if you can't send prayers this way the lord would help them the lord help me to preach to him and so if i don't see you before god willing and the church don't rise i will see you on sunday morning 10 o'clock sunday school 11 o'clock for church so we'll see you then all right let's close in a good word yes sir oh yes okay they're going to go ahead and clean up now okay brother joel and trish are going to go ahead and clean up tonight for funeral tomorrow so if you don't mind maybe fellowship out yonder don't linger in here a lot they're going to go ahead and start cleaning stuff up is my wife in here she going oh um we need some help setting up we got to feed them tomorrow the family we're going to feed them afterwards did they already set tables and chairs up down their sister oh it's already done okay never mind then we don't need any help doing that all right we'll close in prayer brother clay how about ask the lord to dismiss us in his blessings and i'd appreciate it you'll be dismissed after that lord thank you lord [Music]
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 962
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Id: FkriIqTC6lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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