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glad you came out for sunday school let's take our bibles and go to second corinthians and chapter number seven second corinthians and chapter seven is where we'll draw our text from this morning so good to see you out glad that you're here for sunday school praise the lord uh everybody take a good deep breath it'll all be all right the dogs won last night so nobody nobody nobody's going to hell everybody's going to heaven this morning unless you're a clemson fan and then i ain't for sure maybe you go to purgatory if they such a place but uh so everybody's good everybody's good all well in the world this morning huh getting nothing from the alabama fans just smiling that's how we get all right second corinthians chapter 7 this morning we closed out chapter six last week and diving off into chapter number seven we will find that the first three verses of this chapter paul really kind of does uh a very quick short summary and review of the three points of chapter six the first three verses of chapter seven paul is almost kind of taking us back and just given a summary of the work of the ministry the wounds of the ministry and warnings for the minister that we looked at in chapter six uh our outline in chapter seven uh will be a four-part outline and it will be uh number one we'll find the summary of chapter six in verses one through three the sacrifices paul made for the church verses four through six then we'll find the sorrow of the corinthians that they sorrowed unto repentance in verses 7 through 12 and then paul will show us spiritual comfort after they've sorrowed under repentance spiritual comfort in the last four verses verses 13 through 16. let's look at point number one of chapter seven which is the summary of chapter six he's summing up uh things that he had just dealt with in chapter six he says this in chapter seven and verse number one saying corinthians having therefore uh they say anytime you see that word therefore you should look up in the verses preceding that and find out what that word is there for he he's continuing his thought he's piggybacking on what he had just said in these last five verses of chapter number six about being on an equally yoked with unbelievers uh come out and be your separate set the lord not touching the unclean thing so he says in verse 1 having therefore these promises peter calls them exceeding great and precious promises in second peter chapter 1 verse 4 having therefore these promises are dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god uh i don't know how many of y'all listen to an old preacher uh i got some of his commentaries over there and he used to come on the radio station uh where i used to live at some of y'all might have heard of him before jay vernon mcgee j vernon mcgee this little statement that paul makes here was one of his favorite statements he said in verse one dearly beloved jeremy he was always saying narrowly beloved barely beloved those of us hurt jeremy is you know as i talk that's where he got it from was from paul's writing so the first thing we find here is he fix and start making a summary of chapter six in these first three verses and right off the bat we find that he says let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit i like how paul said this he said let us cleanse ourselves you realize there are some things that we are to do ourselves i think we get to a place sometime in our christian life we just expect god to do everything and there is a lot of stuff we got to lean on the lord to do but you realize there's some things god expects out of your life that he wants you to do there's some things god gives you personal accountability and personal responsibility he said cleanse ourselves now i realize i can't clean sin we come to god to clean sin but that's not what he's talking about he's not talking about for being able to forgive sins or wash away sins he's talking about get some things out of your life cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit in other words he's saying there's some things you need to do some personal housekeeping on so i was preaching i think last sunday about sanctification god's god's not gonna uh god's not gonna change the radio station for you god's not gonna change the tv station for you god's not gonna not say that word that you shouldn't say for you god's not going to not look at what you should be looking at for you god's not going to not put that to your lips or in your body what you should be doing there are some things god gives you the command and then expects you to do with the help of the holy ghost he says cleanse ourselves there's a lot of things in the scripture the bible tells us to do ourselves matter of fact let's look at him real fast go with me to the book of third john go go all the way to the back of the new testament to third john there's there's several things here all about preaching a message on these things uh at some point in the future but look at look at third john or i'm sorry second john second john and verse number seven second john seven in second john verse number seven john said for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that jesus christ has come in the flesh this is a deceiver and an antichrist now watch what he says here here's something you do look to yourselves that we lose not those things which we have wrought but that we receive a full reward you know whose job it is to make sure that you receive all the reward that you could get when you get to heaven god wants you to get all the rewards you get he wants to get every crown that's available for a christian to win incorruptible crown crowd of rejoicing crown alive he wants you to get all five of them crowns you give he wants you to rule and reign with him i mean if you're saved you're going to heaven anyways but rewards are different than redemption rewards are something totally different something you earn after salvation you know whose job it is to make sure you get all the reward you should get yours that's what he said there look to yourselves that we lose not those things which we have brought but that will receive a full reward check yourself out the bible says this here's another one i didn't even have this one down examine yourself see whether you be in the faith you know whose job it is to do personal examination yours you know whose job it is to keep yourself clean yours you know whose job it is to look to yourselves you get the right kind of reward yours it goes it gets worse or better whichever way you want to look at it look at jude come to the right two more books go to the right through third john and then jude look at what jude said in verse number 20. jude 20. jude and verse 20 said but ye beloved building up your cells on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost do you know whose job it is to keep yourself built up yours god has given you all the tools to keep yourself filled up matter of fact paul said i believe it's in acts chapter 20 if i'm not mistaken when he was leaving uh those believers in ephesus or one of those churches he said now i commend you to god and the word of his grace the word of his grace which is able to build you up you know how to keep yourself built up if you're a child of god take in a lot of that build up yourself on your most holy faith how do we get faith well romans chapter 10 faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god uh like d.l moody said the old man who said i used to pray god give me faith god give me faith he said one day i come across romans 10 17. so then faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of god he said i stop praying for faith and i open my bible and i watch my faith grow do you want to be able to build yourself up i i'll tell you you're doing a real good start to building yourself up right now we're fixing to go out into that world monday through saturday and so you know the best way to stay built up one stay at the house of god every time you can to get teaching and preaching from the scripture and fellowship from the people of god but that's not enough every day you need some sort of intake from the scripture read it for yourself don't don't expect the pastor to do all the spoon feeding for you or or the cooking for you go home chew on it yourself cut i like what brother gilliam said the difference between milk and meat milk comes from the cow meat is the cow milk is something somebody gives you meat is something you cut off and get for yourself so so do do your own studying your own searching your own seeking uh along with what we get here it but look at the very next verse that was june 20 june 20 said building up yourselves watch verse 21 watch dude 21. here's another thing you do keep yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ under eternal life now i don't believe jude was speaking there about you got to keep yourself saved the bible said in romans 8 it's real clear who shall separate us from the love of christ tribulation or distress or peril or famine or nakedness nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord he's not talking about you got to keep yourself sane but brother if you want to keep yourself in the things that god loves what's god love god loves righteousness god loves holiness god loves purity god loves his word god loves his people brother keep yourself in that kind of stuff if my children want to please me you know what they do they keep themselves around and in and doing things that i love brother i want to stay in what god loves not just what cody zorn loves keep yourself in the love of god so so back to our text paul says in our original text there in second corinthians 7 let us cleanse ourselves we have come to a day and brother i'm telling you i know this firsthand from personal experience dealing with a lot of these people uh in these uh super contemporary mindsets that that they have come to a place where it's just it's all about god as far as it is all about god but they said it's all about him doing it just leave it on him no there's something god expects you to do stop shifting the responsibility on some things in your personal christian walk that god is expecting of you we're living in a day where nobody wants to take personal accountability or responsibility for anything but it's all somebody else's fault some things we just got to point the finger at ourselves so he said this in our text he said uh haven't therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves fr and i like what he says here watch what he says from all filthiness of the flesh that's outward and spirit that's inward god is not just concerned about your outside he's also concerned about your inside he's not just concerned about the inside he's also concerned about the outside he said we need to cleanse ourself from filthiness of the flesh that's outward flesh that's the outside then he said cleanse the spirit that's the inside we're supposed to keep both matched up not just one or the other and then i like the last part man verse one it's a lot to unpack in verse one he says this perfecting holiness in the fear of god perfecting that's uh that's practical that's practical you realize i've talked to you before about the difference between positional in christ and practical uh still in this flesh the difference uh in our standing in christ and our state in the world in christ i'm already perfect but in this flesh i'm still perfecting holiness look what your bible said in hebrews 10 watch hebrews 10. as far as god is concerned when i got born again he made me perfect in christ the bible talks about in first john there's a seed that cannot sin that's the seed god put in me he saved me sealed me and in christ i'm already perfect look at hebrews 10 14 hebrews 10 14. now this is my standing in christ this is my position in christ in christ i'm not being perfected as far as i'm not gaining perfection in christ i'm not perfecting anything it's already done i'm perfect in him hebrews 10 14 for by one offering he talking about jesus christ hath perfected forever them that are sanctified so see that's positional positionally i'm already perfected i'm already sanctified positionally but practically practically i'm i'm still living in this body of flesh and so practically according to second corinthians 7 1 i am to keep perfecting holiness in the fear of god i ain't perfect yet paul said i'm not attained i've not arrived i'm i'm not what i'm going to be thank god i'm not what it was but i'm not what i'm going to be one of these days so what am i supposed to do i'm supposed to do like that little song said that we used to sing in children's church he's still working on me to make me what i ought to be uh yeah in christ i'm perfect but in this flesh i'm still trying to get a hold of this thing man they talk about people that are either in sports or or uh you know or doing a job or something like that they say they say that person is continually perfecting his craft it's perfecting his crap whatever his position is uh whatever his job is he's getting better and better at he's perfecting it and that doesn't mean he doesn't still make mistakes at his craft what it does mean is if you keep practicing at your craft you get better and better at it and make less mistakes at it see child of god if you'll keep on living and working and serving the lord and practicing at it i don't believe in being sinless but i do believe you can sin less is that not the goal as far as a child of god look until we get to heaven i know i'm not going to be sinless one day i'll be like him i don't have to worry about thinking the wrong thoughts i don't have to worry about saying the wrong words i won't have to worry about filth in my heart or in my life i want to worry about that but until then my job is to start getting to a place to where the things that offend god offends me and get to the place to where those things that i used to do i won't do them anymore start getting to a place to where you perfect holiness you're working on your craft as a christian become a more acceptable christian to the lord those things are bible so so here we find in verse one he gives the summary of those last five verses of chapter six he just summed up those last five verses of chapter six in a nutshell he summed it up right there in verse one but now in verse two look at second corinthians 7 2 what he's about to do here is sum up what he said about that work of the ministry remember how we talked about earlier in chapter six how he said this is how this is uh the proof of a ministry and he said through stripes and imprisonments and through this and through that he's fixing to sum all that up in verse two he says this receive us we have wronged no man we have corrupted no man we have defrauded no man that's a great testimony for a preacher or for any minister of jesus to have that's a great testimony a testimony that you can honestly look at people and say i'll tell you what i haven't wronged anyone i haven't corrupted anyone i haven't defrauded anyone that's a great testimony to have when you get down to the end of your ministry being able to look at something being a look at people and say hey i didn't wrong you i didn't corrupt you i didn't try and steal or teach you as in defrauding i didn't i i tried to do what was right by you that's why the bible said in first timothy chapter three if a man desires the office of a bishop he desires a good thing and then he goes down through there and he starts listing all these different things and one of the one of those things he says is blameless in other words where people can't just point the finger and blame you as some blaring blight in your life paul said we haven't wronged you we haven't corrupted you we haven't defrauded you that was a summary of verses 4 through 10. now he backs all the way up and deals in verse 3 uh with that summary of what he said about having those wounds in the ministry talking about how they're in his heart again these first three verses he just sums up everything we dealt with in chapter six watch what he said in verse three he said i speak not this to condemn you for i have said before that ye are in our hearts to die and live with you he said man i'm telling you what you you're in our hearts you're on our heart you're in our heart a true minister of jesus christ whether he's a minister in a pulpit as a pastor or whether he or she is just a minister trying to help people as a as a child of god trying to minister to people you want to know what a true minister of jesus christ does he keeps people or she keeps people on their heart he said you're in our hearts you can't minister effectively unless you have a burden for people on your heart i don't understand some christians that are able to run through their christian life and they're never under a burden for anybody or for anything that's not bible christianity if you're going to be a real minister man you've got to have a burden for the people you're trying to minister to they ought to burden your heart man i hate they're going to hail or i hate they're out of church or man i'm burdened that they're sick or i'm burdening their kids or you know going australia you're gonna have them on your heart as a matter of fact the bible says that now you and i in the new testament we are now priests in the new testament according to first or second peter there he talks about we're a royal priesthood so we are a picture and a type of what they were in the old testament we're a type of that they're that's a little different but we're still a type of and watch what your bible said about that old testament priesthood go with me to exodus and chapter 28 and watch what the old testament priests had on their heart watch what they had over and on their heart every minister should be like this right here every minister should have this kind of thing on their heart i know me personally as a man of god as a pastor a preacher of the gospel these things are constantly on my heart these things are constantly on my heart uh exodus 28 moses is getting the command from the lord about the the garments that the priest were to wear uh and this breastplate that that the priest was to wear when they uh offered sacrifice before the lord look at verse 28 of exodus 28 exodus 28 28 it says this and they shall bind the breastplate by the rings thereof unto the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue then it may be above the curious girdle of the ephod and that the breastplate be not loosed from the ephod now watch it watch verse 29 and aaron shall bear the names of the children of israel in the breastplate of judgment watch where it is watch the next three words upon his heart when he goeth in unto the holy place man when he's going into communion before god he's got people's names on his heart he goes into the holy place for a memorial before the lord continually keep reading verse 30 and thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment this thing that's on his heart watch what they put in the breastplate of judgment the euro and the thumb and they shall be upon aaron's heart when he goeth there before the lord and aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of israel upon his heart before the lord continually do you see what should be on the minister's heart three things that should be on the minister's heart right here the people of god should be on the minister's heart and just said it right there their names said they would bear do you bear anyone's name to the throne of grace i'm just curious when you that's what these priests were doing they would go into that holy place and commune with god about the people and they'd walk in bearing those names burdened about those names and those different tribes on their heart they had all 12 tribes do you realize what the bible said now it says now that you are a priest unto god and god broke down the middle wall of partition and that veil that held us out of the holy place the bible says now we have access to the holy place the one in heaven we're a picture of those priests we come right to the throne of god and when you come the only thing you come to god with is me lord me it's all about me when you go to god do you ever have any names on your heart or that person right there needs some help lord i'm god i'm learning about that individual over there lord god please help so and so bearing their names on your heart he not only bears the people of god on his heart but i'll tell you what else was on his heart the plan the purpose and the path of god the plan or the path of god you say where do you find that any of these verses it said that the urum and the thumb was supposed to go in that breastplate you say what is that that was the thing you'll find even later on in like samuel and kings that anytime they would inquire of the lord they would say bring the euromen to the thule it was the thing that went inside the breastplate it was what they would use when they would pray that they would try and get the mind of the lord you know it should be on your heart when you go before the lord lord tell me your plan not my will thine be done lord what's your plan for my life what's your path for my life god make it clear so that i might understand i don't want to lean to my own understanding god i'm not trying to do my own thing lord you tell me what you want out of my life because what you want is what i want lord make your will my will change my will into your will so he not only has the people of god the plan of god but also the pronouncement of god is on his heart the pronouncement did you see what it calls this uh look down at the end of verse 30 the end of verse 30 said aaron shall bear the judgment bear the judgment of the children of israel upon his heart before the lord continuing the judgment that's the pronouncement god's judgment you know what he also does when he comes before god he's bearing the heavy weight of knowing that god's judgment god god's righteous wrath and god's righteous judgment is going to land on somebody so he's interceding to god on their behalf and it's on his heart you ever went to god before and said lord god i lord please don't give them what they deserve give them what they need god give them mercy don't give them justice lord don't don't don't crack the whip on them god lord i pray father that you'd have mercy on my kids or on my loved ones man that's what's on a real minister's heart a real minister's heart bears the people of god the plan of god and the pronouncement of god always on the heart always on the heart this idea of living this carefree attitude in life brother has a real minister there ought to be always something in your heart on your heart for someone else for someone else all right back to our text here he said i've speaking all this to condemn you for i've said before that ye are in our hearts to die and live with you so we've seen in the first three verses he gives basically a summary of chapter six that's what he just did he summed up chapter six and everything he had said before but now after we've seen the summary of chapter six now we find uh paul's sacrifice for the church paul's sacrifice paul made a lot of sacrifices for the churches to try and get them going to try and keep them going i mean this is early days of the church and paul's having to do a lot of sacrifice and a lot of suffering a lot of struggles coming in to try and making these churches what they ought to be so look at verse 4 of chapter 7 and now look at these sacrifices or these suffering or these struggles that paul goes with for the church he says in verse 4 of chapter 7 great is my boldness of speech toward you great is my glory of you if you go back and read the previous chapters you'll find that paul basically tells them that they they think that paul doesn't love him paul keeps trying to confirm his love towards them because he had to deal with the sin and the church and because he had to deal with the sin of the church in chapter one they thought well he don't love us he's trying to let them know what you don't know is everywhere i go he said right here great is my glory of you everywhere i'm going i'm bragging on you i'm making a lot of you i do love you the reason i love the reason i do preach on the sin in the church is because i do love you not because i don't love you he says this great is my glory of you now watch what he says here i am filled with comfort i am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation man what a thought that is exceeding joyful in all our tribulation wow that's a high plain to be on do you know where paul writes that classic verse uh in philippians chapter four and verse four philippians 4 4 says rejoice in the lord alway and again i say rejoice then we like your verse don't we you know where paul learned to have joy in the lord hallway and again i say rejoice you know where he learned that you ought to read the post script to the book of philippians you know what the post script of the book of philippians says down at the end the post script is paul wrote it from prison paul writes the book of philippians in rome as a prisoner locked up they say they say you do some studying they say that the place where paul was locked up at in rome brother it ain't hilton it ain't the five star the place is locked up in rome and they still have a place there today like a monument that you can go and see there was a it was down subsurface and i forget the name of it i got in the book over there i have to find that again anyways uh there was a prison below the surface that they would put prisoners down into and then they would go down below that and his plum pitch dark had to lower you down in there absolutely couldn't see your hand in front of your face they dropped food down and dropped water down and that's and and paul is in and out of a place like that he's in and out of a place like that and when he gets out at least to a place where he gets an opportunity to write he's saying i'll tell you what rejoice in the lord always get i say rejoice he said we're exceeding joyful in all our tribulation i'm just going to be honest with all y'all in here i'm not trying to put on no heirs for you and i'm going to try and act like a christian that i'm not i don't believe i live where paul lives there i ain't going to try to act like a christian i ain't y'all they lock me up put me in a hole down in the ground gonna be real tough for me to say hey hey hey i'm exceeding joy in all my tribulation that's high ground man that's that's where we ought to be shooting for that's what we ought to be going after man that's a high plane of christian living to live on right there that when you are getting it in the neck not for something you've done wrong get it in the neck for doing right and still say man i love the lord god's been good to me you know what else he said over there in philippians writing from jail he said over there in philippians writing from jail he said i've learned in whatsoever state i'm in there with be content i'm content with what i got he said i know how to abase and about it he is in the jail philippians 4 where he also says i can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me it is in that jail cell where he said philippians 4 19 but my god shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by christ jesus wow wow that's high plain christian living right there paul said right here he said i'm i'm exceeding joyful in all our tribulation you say how do i get to that place that's a good question i wish i could answer for you the only way i know how to get to a place like that where paul's at is you just keep perfecting holiness in the fear of god you just keep trying to live as close to jesus as you can keep building yourself up in the scripture keep praying keep walking with god keep telling us about jesus and if your time ever comes to walk through deep tribulation i believe that god will grant you the serenity and the joy and the peace to have it like paul did i honestly do believe that there are levels of grace that we have not encountered and we encounter these levels of grace when we get to the place where we need them does that make sense i believe that there are depths of the grace of god that where you sit maybe right now in your life you don't need it but when you get to the place where you need it god will have it on tap for you and you can tap into it i believe that you say why do you believe that because i've been to some places a few times in my life where before i ever got there i thought to myself man i don't know that i could ever make it through that or go through that and still you know have a song or have joy but then when i got there brother there was it's just what paul said there was a peace of god past all understanding like couldn't describe i don't understand it past my understanding i just know it was there i just know i experienced it i can give you example after example of that and i believe some of y'all could give me example after example but there have been some areas of your life where you just said man i got in this exceeding great tribulation but i was joyful somehow i still had joy now joy's sometimes different than happiness happiness is from happenings a lot of times but joy something comes from jesus you can have joy regardless of what's going on and paul's got it look what he says here he keeps talking he's going to talk about this tribulation a little bit and tell us where it happens at his sacrifice here for the church watch verse number five here he said for when we were come into macedonia our flesh had no rest but we were troubled on every side with outward fightings within were fears man the great apostle paul said man i i i had some fear i know god's not giving us the spirit of fear but man in my flesh i had no rest and in my flesh there were some times i was a little bit nervous about what was going to happen here he said for when we were coming to macedonia y'all know what he's talking about right he's talking about acts chapter 16. acts chapter 16 is that story matter of fact look at it let me show it to you acts 16 is that story when him and silas pray at midnight in the prison god busts the doors open gets them out it's the beginning of the philippian church philippi is in the region of macedonia and this this church that i was just about a minute ago the philippians where he writes that he writes that book to them this is where that church got started at watch what your bible said in verse number chapter 16 verse 6 uh acts 16 and verse 6 said now when they had gone throughout fergia and the region of galatia and were forbidden of the holy ghost to preach the word in asia now watch how god's going to put them where he wants them out they were forbidden of the holy ghost to preach the word in asia verse seven after they were come to mission they assayed that means they they strove they tried that was their plan they assayed to go into bithynia but the spirit suffered them not so now the holy ghost has stopped them from preaching in asia the holy ghost the spirit of god has stopped them from going to bethennia verse 8. and they passing by mission came down to troas watch verse 9 and a vision appeared to paul in the night there stood a man of macedonia and prayed him saying come over into macedonia and help us verse 10 and after he had seen the vision immediately we endeavored to go into macedonia assuredly gathering that the lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them so here paul is stopped from going to asia by the lord he is restricted and hindered from going to bethelia by the lord and let me pause right here and say this you need to have enough of a walk with god and be in tune enough with the holy ghost that when the holy ghost throws a stop sign out in your life and says don't do that paul was into the holy ghost didn't speak to it as far as audibly it was that still small voice on the inside there was something that the holy ghost threw a red flag out and paul could feel it and so oh okay maybe through reading his bible through prayer something like that there was an uneasiness in his spirit where the holy ghost said don't go that way okay which way am i supposed to go lord well let's go to bithynia now all of a sudden another red flag comes up no don't go that way either well lord what do you want well just wait on it he'll give you an answer and then god speaks through him through this vision and says come over here to macedonia and it's the lord and do you know what what happens when they get to macedonia please don't miss this please don't miss this when they get to macedonia where the lord told them to go the lord told them to go to macedonia and when they get there people did not throw roses at them people did not shake their hands saying god bless you when they got down there they had a demonically possessed woman following follow them around hollering and screaming things that she already that's sure not not through the spirit of god with our own flesh they cast the devil out of her and when they done that the magistrates locked him up beat them and threw them in prison they know sometimes the lord's going to lead you not to places of comfort but places of confrontation trouble it's been real easy for paul to get in that prison at midnight and get the muddy grubs and say now lord you told me to come down here god look what you've done to me see we've talked about before and i've talked with some of y'all before and it's the truth sometimes the closer you get to the lord and walking in line with the lord it don't always get easier sometimes it gets harder and the devil will do everything he can and knock you off of the purpose that god's got just if god's told you and called you to a place just stay where god puts you at you know why because watch what god does in acts 16. god saves a woman named lydia a seller of purple she's out washing her clothes one day read that back to 16. she's out washing clothes and paul goes down there witness to her and the bible says the lord opened her heart she gets born again and then because of that philippian jail experience you know the story while paul and silas was in the jail they sung at midnight the prisoners heard them the place was shaken the chains fell off the doors popped open that philippian jailer fell down before him said sirs what must i do to be saved acts 16 uh it wasn't 31 said believe oh the lord jesus christ thou shalt be saved thy house that old boy gets saved they go to his house his house gets saved he baptizes all of them and the start of the philippian church happened through lydia that demon-possessed woman they got a devil cast out over and got right with god and the philippian jailer's household so yes there was trouble but also yes there was triumph you know what i found out sometimes out of my deepest level of trouble comes my greatest level of triumph now that's just the truth there there there'll be no victories without valleys how how in the world are you supposed to shout the shout of a warrior if you ain't fought a battle right how in the world are you supposed to stand on the mountaintop hold your sword up and say yeah thank god he brought us through if you didn't go through something and the level of your valleys determines the height of your victory man one of my favorite old movies i remember want to come out and watch i love that history stuff especially that true story history stuff is that movie about that fella in the 12th or 1300s that scotsman named william wallace you know william wallace is based on a true story how he defied england and the rule of england over uh scotland and all that and they wanted to be free and that first major big battle that they had man it's it's medieval it's like bible stuff army on this side army on that side and they all come running to each other down in the middle i mean brother ain't got no bombs ain't no pushing buttons they come running at each other and pam run into each other and it's just we're gonna hack you up y'all gonna hack us up hand-to-hand combat up close and whoever kills the most people gonna walk out of here alive and they just start marching through each other and whoever can stab to most people lives i mean it sounds like a rough way to make a living but that's the way they did it and finally at the end of that battle they that them scotsman outnumbered and outgunned come through that battle they've been hacked up and cut up and people are out there laid out on this field dying and and william wallace he got blood all over him and cuts all over him and he he turns around he looks at all of his men and they see a dead bodies out there and him and this little handful made it through the battle and they're standing there he's breathing hard he's and he finally just throws his sword up and just hollers that's all they you know what he just throws the sword you know what some of this said you know what some of our worship is some of y'all they figured this out you know what some of this worship is some of the time when god gets to move in like it did thursday night and if you miss thursday night services you miss some of the best services we have during the week too many thursday nights are the best service the sweetest and the holy ghost we have during the it's like thursday night when they got to singing about uh god being good and all this kind of stuff and all of a sudden somebody some lady just goes wow several of those fellas just jump up you know what that is we've been fighting battling struggling against principalities and powers rules and darkness of this world we've been fighting the devil you know what this is it's victory it's just glory it's a release man it's a release uh so paul says back in our text he said i'll tell you what happened god led us to this place yeah god led us there yet we had trouble but the lord provided while we was there and i like how he says this in verse five we'll close right here but watch what he said in verse five back to our text ii corinthians 7 5. he said for when we were coming to macedonia our flesh had no rest but we were troubled on every side without were fightings within were fears did you notice that alliterated three-point outline that you won't find in greek manuscripts and you won't find in any other version of the bible only in the king james bible flesh finds fears you you want to know one reason why i preach in a literated outline form because it's bible form i can take you right now i've got denoted in my back index i got like a alphabetical index in the back of this cambridge bible and under i illiterated scripture outlines i have over 25 of those right there did you notice in the text flesh fighting fears that's a three-point outline right there flesh fighting spears all begin with f you say what is that it's easy for you to remember it sticks with you it's easy to remember that's why i preach in the fourth i can take you to 25 of those throughout the scripture that they're alliterated and they're all in one little passage 25 of them that i've found personally in my bible reading i'm sure there's more that i ain't picked up on culture you know what that tells me that's the method of the holy ghost for teaching you bible it sticks with you i'll tell you what my outlines are my outlines that i give you they are not they are not the meal you know what my outline is it's the pot i put the meal in to give it to you now i've heard preachers preach without outlines before and it can be done sometimes it's a blessing and a lot of times there's a blessing but i'll say this i'll say i'll tell you the reason why i like to outline stuff i'm just giving you this and we're done the reason why i like to outline and alliterate it it sticks with you more here's here's like this my wife when she goes to cook in the kitchen over there my wife could take the groceries and just throw them on the stove with no pot but it's going to get junk everywhere and my wife when she gets ready to feed me my food she could just throw it all on the table but she doesn't she puts it in individual containers to keep it separated and then puts it on my plate you know what that does it keeps my meal cohesive it's not just all and i don't know what i had to grab a little over here and grab a little no it's all cohesive so when i preach messages so you know what i'm doing i'm trying to take the groceries and put it in a cohesive pot where you leave and say okay i understood what he's talking about without some sort of outline a lot of times what happens is you just scatter groceries all over the wall and when you leave people just kind of had well i got a little bit over here and i got a little bit over there but you've got no one cohesive thought there is a method behind the madness if you will and it's not just a preference it's bible and i just showed you one of them i could show you 25 more so we've looked at uh the summary of chapter six and we just started on the sacrifices for the church we'll move on a little bit deeper next week all right let's pray father thank you so much for your word thank you for the sunday school hour father i pray that you to help your people with the scripture god it does build us up lord it does help us lord sometimes whether we think it's helping us or not it does lord just like meals that we eat there are many times i've ate meals that i couldn't tell you what i want in the world i ate last week or just a few days ago but lord it helped me because here i am lord had strengthened me and gave me nourishment because i'm not hungry and so lord i know the word of god does just that it feeds us even we don't even realize we're getting nourishment we thank you for the word we thank you for the preaching and the teaching of your word god i pray that you help us to grab a hold of it now this morning and help us in 11 o'clock hour it acquires that saying and everything that's done we'll be careful to give you the glory for it in jesus name we pray amen all right
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 189
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: KSlaWoTxdGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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