Chocolate Pecan Cobbler - Best Summer BBQ Dessert!

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hey I'm Matt with meat church tonight let's make chocolate pecan cobbler [Music] well you guys always ask for more sides more desserts and as my man Dawn says when you buy that expensive Grill and you want to justify it here's what you do you make a dessert on it for the wife and suddenly she's no longer upset at how much you spent but this recipe is very near and dear to my heart this was the very first recipe that I ever demonstrated when I started teaching outdoor cooking pretty funny story actually I was doing a demo at a Big Green Egg Fest in Austin and the promoter called me and said hey I know you'd cook everything outside is there any way you could switch from this meat dish I was doing to dessert and I was like yeah sure and I thought well I'm the meat Church guide I'm going to do dessert but I was following Aaron Franklin who showed up to the crowd cooking on an extra large Big Green Egg a double XL that had just come out throws Tomahawk ribeye right in the fire Cooks at caveman style wins the crowd over and then I'll roll up on stage to cook at the time my pecan cobbler and Aaron stuck around to watch the demo turned out pretty good the lady walked up to me and she said you know what would make this better and I was like what and she said chocolate so we've added chocolate to it this is way back in 2014. this is super easy to make it's awesome for the summer you can cook it on any type of cooker heck you can cook in your oven but how much fun is that none so we're going to cook it outside today on a Traeger because we're cooking at 350 and Pell Grill makes sense for that so let's jump into it very very easy I'm going to grab a big bowl here and a skillet you can cook this in a lot of things normally I cook it in a half disposable steam pan which is you know nice and easy but if you want it to present really pretty then you can do it in a skillet I'm going to do it in a number nine size Griswold cast iron skillet you guys know I like vintage Skillets one thing I'll tell you up front what you cook it in will vary your cook times depending on the depth of the cobbler so on this one we'll cook this for 55-0 minutes but if you use a different type of vessel to cook it in then it could very just a little bit so let's jump in go the store buy yourself two pie crusts you can make your own if you want but I'd rather just go buy this super easy get it out of the package you want to roll it out and you just want to line the bottom of whatever you're cooking it in and trim the excess off which I'll just use an inexpensive boning knife to do that so I don't worry about if I kind of dull it out a little bit the pan is buttered by the way just lay your pie crust down in the bottom and then I just take my knife and real quickly since I didn't put it in that super duper even just go along the outside corner here and just cut the excess off [Music] so we're cooking at night we just finished our hardcore barbecue series and as we mentioned in our last couple videos it was like flying again and the Beautiful Thing of cooking at night not only is it cooler and it looks really pretty with our lights but the Flies aren't here so that's that's how we ended up here sorry about not having a video last week if you don't know we're moving meat Church barbecue supply into a place twice as big due to our growth and so just been preoccupied with that and weren't able to shoot a video nice and easy so now let's make our mixture so what do we got here well two and a half cups of light brown sugar two and a half cups of light corn syrup but listen I'm going back to what I always say in here to help you lose weight this is freaking Delicious By the way so just trust me on this okay I've got a stick of butter melted one stick unsalted six large eggs that I whisked together here okay four and a half teaspoons of vanilla try to use the real stuff okay once that's all mixed up let's mix it all together here combine it really well use a whisk if you want and then we're gonna fold in two cups of chopped pecans which I'll do in just a second after I mix this up use the Whisk all right that looks good let me set that aside for a minute I'm going to bring in some pecans so my good buddy Jeff Warren who owns South Georgia pecan sent me we're going to work on a little project together involving pecans and one day I saw the UPS man struggling walking up to my door I was like what's he doing well he's carrying me like a 50 pound box of pecans so thanks Jeff these are these are definitely uh Farm to Table fresh as can be I'm just going to chop these up a little bit all right I don't know whose idea it was to do this on camera mine here we are all right two cups and now we're gonna fold those in appreciate the pecans Jeff just pretty dang good outdoor cook and he told me if I use his pecans it would help him get some credibility amongst his Georgia buddies so good luck Jeff also owns a pretty dang awesome tequila brand Dos Primos with his cousin that sings country music all right let me tell you something I ain't mad at it all right back to the pan here so the lady in Austin was right so I add this is a just a bag of milk chocolate chips on the bottom and I just spread them out completely even this is a nice touch I've also put bourbon in this before which is really good and I'm kind of shocked I'm not doing that tonight but I'm going with the OG recipe this was the second ever recipe on so once you've got the chips laid out across the chocolate chips laid out across the bottom you want to pour in half of the mixture so we're going to pour half this mixture in we're going to put another pie crust over it and we're going to do the first portion of the cook so just kind of eyeball this doesn't have to be exact it's a cobbler that's the beautiful thing about cobbler it's going to be messy in the end and that's perfectly fine that's probably about half maybe just a hair more that's good so we're going to set this aside we're gonna grab the other pie crust and we're going to cover this [Music] so while I'm doing this let's talk about cooking this is incredibly simple we are running a Traeger Ironwood 885 and I'm using pecan pellets you know I'm not trying to be cheeky with because we're cooking a pecan dish but the reason I chose pecan if you follow my barbecue videos you know when I cook traditional barbecue I like a heavier smoke wood uh Post Oak Hickory that sort of thing but with a dessert I want to go a little more subtle smoke so lower on the smoke scale would be pecan you could even do something like a fruit wood if you wanted even less Smoky flavor so I'm gonna do the same thing here where I'm just going to lightly trim away just kind of trim away the excess you don't have to do this this pie crust this excess pie crust a lot of people love to keep it because it tastes great I'm just kind of doing this for the look honestly just to keep it nice and even so this this step right here is optional okay there we go nice and easy the traeger's running so I'm gonna throw it in we're gonna cook it for 20 minutes which this is going to start to set after 20 minutes we're going to pour the rest of the topping on and put a layer of half pecans on it and go back in for 30 minutes so really really easy I'll see y'all in 20 minutes timer just went off it's been 20 minutes so let's pull it out smells amazing already all right so let me get my mixture a little mix here freshen it up we're gonna pour it over all that goodness out of there okay now the somewhat painstaking part got to make it look pretty so I'm going to completely cover this with pecans and my OCD is going to get the best of me so you don't have to do if you just want to throw pecans on here and throw it back in for half an hour you can but you know I got to do it for the gram if you're watching on YouTube it's got to look pretty so give me a few minutes I'm going to completely cover this up and we're going to put it back in for 30 minutes all right five hours later my ocd's happy and we're done going right back in still 350 I've already told you 30 minutes the important thing here you want this to sit so this feels really loose right now if you move it around so again what I said in the beginning depending on what you're cooking it in you made it a little more time a little less time but if you're using a comparable Skillet it's going to be about 30 minutes or 50 minutes total careful all right I'll see y'all in 30 minutes all right spin 30 more minutes let's see [Music] smoky whoo first off it's all toasted and smells Epic all right I'm gonna go get myself some vanilla ice cream let this cool off and then we're gonna dig in okay it's cooled off somewhat uh this is the most Atomic thing you'll ever cook so you definitely have to let it cool got my vanilla ice cream here and uh I'm going over here on the edge because I want some of the Crusty stuff oh my God that's what I'm talking about don't tell the doctor holy crap I wish y'all could smell this all right it's a cobbler it's going to be messy you got to get all the things including Jeff pecans where's that chocolate let me dig back down in here and get the chocolate here we go bam that damn lady in Austin was right I'll be back so freaking good this video won't get the clicks that a barbecue video gets but we all got to make this this is super super super good and super easy not too good for you anyway I'm gonna shut up because I'm gonna keep eating here so like And subscribe we'll see y'all next week [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 262,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chocolate pecan cobbler, pecan cobbler, pecan pie, cobbler, smoked desserts, traeger desserts, pecan pie recipe, dessert, pecan, how to make pecan pie, traeger dessert, pellet grill desserts, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show
Id: LZg4A8Nw4KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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