Stuffed Onion Bombs | Bacon-Wrapped Onion Bombs on Pit Boss Pellet Grill

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I’m on board but his onion might be more caramelized if it wasn’t wrapped in bacon, but it might not have held together as well either. Not sure, thoughts?

Also a little concerned about the 1/4 of an onion he discarded, I probably would have minced some and mixed it into the burger.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Syvaeren 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Didn't watch the video. Hollow out some big onions. SAVE THE HOLLOWED OUT PART. Fill with cream cheese, shredded cheese, any kind of thing you like. Cover the bottom and sides with foil. Put on grill. It's a awesome side dish.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/ericdavis1990 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wowee what a fantastic idea

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/loyalAlchemist 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

the way he cums when trying it made me laugh hard

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bananomen 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
what are we gonna make a day you might call it a stuffed onion I call it the best onion bombs you'll ever have now this whole onion bomb thing's been around forever right but I think you'll see that what I'm going to do today is just a little bit different [Music] down here is uh is it called the root in whatever way it grows down you just want to kind of cut that off flat okay we want these onions to sit up like that on this moment all right so let me get that out way and then we're gonna come in here it just make a similar cut across the top okay get the peeling off go all right get this out of the way I got this little Korver all right what I like to do is just come in and do a circle around the guy pour it out then I'll come in with the spoon behind it and scoop it out right now it probably goes without saying you don't want to go too deep you don't want to poke a hole through this onion right so you know just be careful it's better to kind of go slow and not so deep until you you know get a feel for it all right now we've got a regular old tablespoon here just come in here and I start you can take your knife you want to make it just a little bit bigger around up here on the top again just be careful don't want to cut yourself or you don't want to go too deep in the engine [Music] what's my dog in the background and again you had the right tools for this it would go just a little bit faster but you can see here I've already done three you can get it done this way awesome [Music] now you can see we're starting to make some pretty good progress right now hope that comes out okay we've got a nice little hole there alright now you just mean you can use this on you for something else if you got something else you want to cook this is 80/20 ground chuck we got two-thirds to three-quarters of a cup of chopped up mushrooms here I've got one big Alpena [Music] twice for my Rob today you can see that slaps BBQ you guys know slaps it's a pretty famous Kansas City barbecue joint they got like over three thousand google reviews positive reviews that is okay so I'm probably putting two tablespoons all right now you just want to get this mixed in like I say because we got those onions the bottoms are in the onions you don't need egg or panko crumbs whatever you don't need any kind of binders or fillers which I personally don't care for that much okay and I think I'll be good enough so now we're just going to get one of those onions here he lit up with our burger by the way right now if you wanted to stuff it with cheese and be a perfect time to stuff it we're gonna use some cheese but I'm gonna do it a little bit different today okay give these bad boys stuff I'm working on my second one here and I am trying to stuff it down pretty good okay you can see at one point two pounds of burger and this you know he's sticking up a little bit but I didn't want to waste it and I didn't want to go we clean out another onion so we're gonna go with it okay yeah let me get this blob off get it in here now I'm gonna come back in with a little bit of my rub this right on top now you don't have to but I like to have that extra rub yeah Mon take each one of these guys wrapped it in bacon I don't I don't you know why they can makes everything better we're gonna need about two pieces for huntin [Music] if you want you can secure this and I got another there and half of the third piece here I'll probably go in here and just let me get him wrapped her up like that did my belly and I'll get some toothpicks just to kind of help hold it all in place did you get the gist it's gonna be on these big onions it's going to be 2 to 3 pieces of bacon her onion and I like to let this bake and sit out about a half hour it makes it more reliable flexible whatever you want to call it you can stretch it better how about that okay we just come in here gonna finish wrapping this one grab these other two we've got these guys all wrapped up I'm just gonna come in here put a toothpick in where the bacon ends on it just to kind of help hold it in place you want them to right where though you see how the regular tough piece of bacon stops that's where it ran out just go put in there I've got this pin offset on 300 degrees it usually runs around 280 okay I'm gonna put them down here on the ride in I think I've shown you before my heat sources down here you can see I did go ahead and put some of that Brooke yeah outside of that bacon also okay we're just gonna get them bad boys on here I'm using hickory wood today always gonna take them an hour or more we'll check on one out I shouldn't say hickory wood here creep pellets he spent one hour you can see that we're just by looking we're nowhere even close for these guys being done we'll check back and look here you can see on this one where I didn't overlap the bacon enough and we've got a little gap there with the onion anyway it'll still taste fine we'll check back another 30 to 45 minutes it's been an hour of 40 minutes these are about up to 155 we're going to use that same slaps slaps barbecue sauce we use the slaps rub and then this is totally optional but I'm gonna come in here I love this this is this hot sauce whiskey smoked ghost pepper sauce okay so I'm just going to come in here first thing I'm gonna do is just sprinkle just a little bit this is not a really hot sauce by the way but it tastes incredible I like eating it on sandwiches with my lunch meat and then what we're gonna do is come in with that barbecue sauce okay you want to get the sides of this bacon all over the top I don't know if you can see that in the video but you could just see the juice coming out of that burger [Music] okay I just want to get these guys all barbecue sauce up we're gonna get the lid down and I'm guessing they're gonna be done in twenty to thirty more minutes [Music] okay we got our sauce all on here now we're gonna come in here that's right I told you before you could stuff these with cheese I'm gonna top it with cheese you know you just know how awesome this is gonna be this is just mild cheddar okay [Music] yeah [Music] let's get the lid down I can't wait for 20 more minutes you can see we're at 166 almost 167 okay we're gonna get these off here look do they not look gorgeous look just look at the collar on let me get these off [Music] they've been resting ten minutes I feel like a kid in a candy store they look so awesome I just wanted to try it out okay all right here's what we're gonna do I'm just gonna cut one right down the middle there we go and just open it up for you so you can see it hope I didn't cut it all the way I should have done that short knife there we go here's what she looks like in the middle oh you can see I didn't get that toothpick out we got it now all right and same we got that nice thick wall of onion there can you see that yeah you even got us Oh oh my gosh okay so what I'm gonna do here just get a little bacon get that ground beef with the mushroom and the jalapeno a little bit of that onion with the cheese right Oh didn't get any cheese sorry it's taking me so long but there's a lot of stuff here to cut let's give it a try oh my gosh okay so first of all Timmy's not here so I can say this out loud these are better than her onion bombs why couple reasons one a thicker onion you get more onion flavor and it's sweet it's almost like we put sugar in it that's how sweet it is absolutely fantastic I could eat just the onion that's how good it is that is how good mmm that slaps sauce is a sweet Kansas city-style sauce that bacon is cooked to perfection I hope you guys give this a try it's worth every bit of the prep effort it's incredible thanks so much for watching [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Armadillo Pepper BBQ
Views: 1,335,599
Rating: 4.8836341 out of 5
Keywords: bacon wrapped onion bombs, bacon wrapped onion bombs on grill, bacon wrapped onion bombs recipe, onion bombs, onion bombs camping, onion bombs on the grill, onion bombs recipe, onion bombs wrapped in bacon, meatball onion bombs, stuffed onion bombs, stuffed onion bombs recipe, stuffed onions, stuffed onion bacon bombs, armadillo pepper, slap's bbq, slap's bbq sauce
Id: P6nQKj7Kh4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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