My "New" Favorite Beef Rib! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to Chinese barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made these beautiful delicious crunchy bark crispy rendered amazing hot and fast smoked beef ribs coming up about 10 years ago when I first moved down to Austin and discovered the local barbecue scene I would frequent a lot of the local barbecue places and one of my favorite spots to go is John Miller Meat Company one of John Miller is several food trucks back in the day and if you ever had his food he cooks a little differently than a lot of the spots do nowadays he tends to lean a little bit more towards the hot and fast as opposed to the low and slow and to this day one of my favorite bites and barbecue was the John Miller beef Rim they weren't nearly as tender and buttery soft as a lot of places are doing nowadays but they're still nice and tender they had an incredibly crunchy bark to it and the fat was just so well rendered it almost had a bacon quality to it you know when the fat renders down and then crisps up oh so good so seeing how we're in the middle of breaking in my brand new reverse flow smoker that seems to cook a little bit hotter and faster it seems like the perfect opportunity to try and recreate some hot and fast crispy beef ribs and we're going to do it two different ways we're gonna do one full rack three bone Dino ribs and then we're also gonna do some individually cut ones to see which Cooks hotter and faster and which is better so all that being said that's what we're going to do today and it is going to be delicious foreign these are some beef ribs patent dry what we got here is a beautiful rack of Dino ribs beautiful marbling on there nice thick fat cap as well as some of these individually cut ribs I got all these from my friends over at Porter Road more on them in a little bit and these are all looking great nothing to do to these fat is trimmed pretty nicely everything is nicely squared up as per usual with Porter Road Meats but with these guys I always leave this flap meat on top which we do not want because that cooks up really weird you can tell because I can pretty much just pull it off so we're gonna take that off save that for a little pit snack but other than that I'm really not going to do much I might take this fat cap down a little bit it's pretty heavy but you know we're cooking these hot and fast today so I definitely want to leave a good amount of fat on there help protect the meat a little bit but really that's all I'm gonna do you know it looks like the membrane is already removed on these I would have left that on but we'll see how it works out you know this kind of cook is all about being a little more rustic just trying to get some food on the table as opposed to trying to be too precise so really all we need to do at this point is get these things seasoned up so for these Dyno ribs I'm going to go ahead and throw a little must oh God just because that membrane can be a little hard for the rub to stick to and I'm going with my classic SPG that's two parts pepper one part salt one half part granulated garlic and just a nice even coating definitely don't have to season the underside but you know I think you might as well if you're here looks better at the end flip it over and you know what while I'm here we'll do a little mustard slather on top too and just a nice heavy coating folks and as always do not forget the sides especially on beef ribs rookie move and as for these little guys I think we're going to do the same thing probably gonna skip the mustard on these and just go for it mostly because there's much less fat cap on these bum over might want to go a little bit less rub on these little guys because there's less meat I assume these are from the Chuck section then there we go looking good just make sure we get all those sides and edges and there we go nicely seasoned up looking good to me I think it's time to fly up the pit all right and on the pit we go got this pit on its way upward of 300 325 and I think we're gonna shoot right down the middle today kind of away from where the smoke is turning up and still away from that direct heat to hopefully get a good amount of smoke and some nice crispy fatty rendering deliciousness and they'll take these guys we'll pop them all right up here try cooking on a different spot today beautiful so for this cook we're gonna be cooking hot and fast like I keep saying so we're gonna be rocking probably around 325 maybe 350 and because we got that baffle plate in there this thing is going to be cooking from all directions so we'll just see how this goes and if anything looks like it's burning we'll deal with it maybe get a spritz going or turn it down but you know what we're just gonna go with the flow today so we'll check back in on these in a little bit this video is brought to you by Porter Road you know my friends at Porter Road by now folks doing online butcher shop based out of Nashville Tennessee and my go-to for all different cuts of meat whether that's the classic barbecue Cuts like your pork butt your Dino ribs briskets pork belly and of course they've got all your classic steaks your rib eyes strips Denver steaks are really good as well as pork chops everything you'd expect from an online butcher shop and they also carry a lot of the off Cuts things you're not going to find at your local grocery store like nicely trimmed beef cheeks Pig Wings hanger steaks baseball steaks and pretty much anything you'd be looking for I've been cooking meat from Porter Road for years now and the thing I love most about it is just the attention to detail and the quality of their product all their beef is whole carcass dry aged giving it a really nice beefy flavor the pork is so much better than anything you're going to get at the grocery store because it's treated right just like all the meat they use locally sourced and hand butchered in-house meaning that every cut comes pristine nice and perfectly trimmed packaged up really well you know there's never any scraggly bits hanging off or bone dust from the band saw or anything like that whether it's beef pork chicken or anything from their market like bone stock or their charcuterie they've got some really good beef sticks and salamis Porter Road only deals with high quality humanely raised animals and best of all they ship right to your door and if you go to their website there's a curated list of all my favorite Cuts so if you're in the market for some high quality meat shipped right to you go to using my link and save 15 off your order again that's I'll have a link in the description box of this video taking you to Puerto row but you can pick and choose from anything you want get some curated boxes and get some great meat shipped right to you thank you Porter Road all right folks we're about three hours into this hot and fast beef rib cook and let's see how these things are looking oh been cooking nice and toasty this whole time we've got some beautiful bark rendering going on definitely looking nice and crunchy oh yeah wow these little guys are looking kind of sad that one jumps right off the bone but looking pretty crispy which is what we're after wow nice and crunchy let's see how she's feeling oh yeah did you hear that just the sound of the bark yeah I'd say this one's oh yeah definitely feeling tender reading 200 degrees internal feels great looking nice and crispy these little guys are looking kind of sad yeah definitely feeling a little drier but still probing nice and tender I think I'm gonna wrap these little guys up in foil to try and soften them up I think these are a little too crusty but this guy that's looking real good yeah I don't think these guys had enough fat on them but we'll wrap them up maybe that'll help soften them up a little bit take that phone out of there they're looking pretty crunchy bone side up talking about bone pull back hopefully that'll help steam them up a little bit all right you let these go for another little bit although those guys will probably come off real soon we'll check back in in like 30 40 minutes I chose a terrible day to do a hot and fast cook it is so hot out here I'm not ready for it all right I've made it to the chud shop because I got some buddies in town join it as always by Evan Leroy Andrew Wilkins how's it going boys [Applause] what's up Cheers Cheers Evan Leroy Leroy and Lewis on YouTube and all the socials Drew Wilkins at swine and Bovine yes sir boys it's been a minute last time you were here we ate one ingredient sausage today it's all about some hot and fast beef ribs are you ready tastes as good as they smell the Murphree all right folks as you can see we've got a super crispy bark on these things I don't know if you can hear it but I think we achieved that bacony crispy crust we were going for and I think it's time let's see how they came out what do you think boys it's begging to be yeah see this right there that's what I was talking about with that crispy bacon style fat from the hot and fast beef rib that just is so Savory let's get one more that's too tender yeah definitely messed that one up a little bit but sometimes that's what happens when you're cooking hot and fast but still nice and tender nice and juicy and of course we got these guys which I'm feeling a little less confident in it's like a burn end on a stick we'll take a bite out of these in just a moment fellas would you like to dive into some hot and fast reverse flow crispy fat beef ribs yes please let's do it choose your favorite just be sure you pick one up craft thing juicy do that like Sandy crunchy bark on top unbelievable all right boys ready let's do it cheers cheers wow I literally feel like I was transported back in time I mean it his words was probably like a little bit overcooked like this too but it was perfectly imperfect the way that it's just a little bit crusty but just like easy enough that you can just like pull it off that's what I love about his ribs is like I took these up to a 210 plus you know I just waited until they probed tender cooking really hot and the thing is they get up to like 175 180 in like an hour and then you just gotta you just gotta wait but that extra heat and that extra time just makes that bark like well translucent just so crunchy the flavor that you get from the top of it I mean it had crunchy brisket I had all it's but this is this is different I mean it's definitely tender but it's not that buttery you know craft barbecue slice it with a fork kind of thing no no this is in your face I will eat this whole thing please do I don't think I've ever eaten the whole beef rib in my entire life I don't know it's a fantastic bite but it's the richest thing you'll ever eat in your entire life and my God I'm already halfway through the sun I think that's a benefit to this hot and fast method is that because it everything renders out and goes crispy instead of being just melt in your mouth yeah that is it's a textural difference where I was after it mixes up every bite so you notice your belt doesn't get tired that just looks like the perfect slop you know what I mean it reminds me of the first bite I had at Jay Miller it feels very old when I moved here yeah where it's tender it's Smoky but it's kind of rustic a little rough around the edges look at that though the bark just peels off into this little sheet well it's funny this is the same you know rack of beef ribs same seasoning I would normally use but I would cook it for nine hours yeah plus this is a three or four hour cook and even though everything is the same except for that time period it's a completely different eating experience you guys want to try one of these little baby guys they're not going to compare I can tell just by poking at them but the fat doesn't stay in it right like there's a whole rack this is the juicy thing I've ever eaten these are a little grind yeah also these didn't have as much of a fat cap okay and I think these are from the Chuck okay so they're a little yeah they're completely different it's an unfair comparison yeah but even with the same rub did they come off quicker yeah or not have enough time to mellow out I think they just cooked too quickly where the meat was cooked but the fat didn't have the same time to render there was less fat you know I feel like the bone plays less of a part because every side is exposed as opposed to these where this at the three acted like uh insulation on the bottom which especially on the reverse flow is a necessary thing I'll tell you what if I ever opened my own barbecue joint this is how I would do it because a nice three four hour beef rib cook everyone's always complaining about pit space this is it's so nostalgic for me too dude it's just it's it hits it just I feel like I'm a kid again eating at like the Salt Lick or something it's obviously they didn't have this kind of quality but this takes me back to what you think about when you have a memory about barbecue well that's funny because that's the whole reason I made this is when I used to go to Joe Miller's place like it's only 10 years ago yeah but still that was the beginning of my barbecue journey and I've been chasing this crispy beef rib Dragon forever growing up at Arkansas we were pork steak so I never had anything like this to go off of we had brisket it was served on a sandwich as an afterthought and to come down to Texas and have my first bite of barbecue and then sing and learning a little bit about the tradition of the crunchy bark and beef rib like this or brisket like this it's incredibly good well boys thank you for joining me for beef rib Wednesday what day is it Thursday it's beef fruit yeah we're gonna just devour the rest of this off camera all right John that is it that is how to make some absolutely fantastic crispy Smoky old school style hot and fast beef ribs whether you get the full rack or the individual really cut they are both really great the individually cut were a little bit drier but they had a lot more seasoning and smoke on so it's kind of like a burnt end on a stick but the full rack with the full fat cap really was the start of the show it may not be as pretty and sliceable as the new school style of barbecue but I highly recommend it especially for a four hour cook I mean you saw how these guys were reacting to it you know these guys have been cooking beef ribs for years now and this was something new that they weren't expecting and it's truly one of my favorite things to eat highly recommended but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe but let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what you all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chut and allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside please
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 78,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John mueller, bbq, barbecue, texas, texas bbq, old school bbq, hot and fast beef rib, beef rib, dino ribs, beef short rib, easy bbq, fast bbq, brisket, ribs, sausage, chuds, reverse flow, smoker, pit build, fall off the bone, brisket bark, welding, fabrication, tender beef
Id: -xReNdDjgTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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